HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-2022 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 2022 N I. Call to Order — Chairman Alvarez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. It. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. C �I C.Q d III. Roll Call 'C to m Present: C An 0 j a; 1E 9�E Mr. Lucier Ms. Battles d E F; Ms. Kautenburg Ms. Kinchen C O� Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez Ms. Jordan (a) W Oy a m O tl1C >>� Not Present: -0 C ° ° m aaC: CL !ON ¢ CM am Mr. Simmons —Excused Also Present Ms. Dom Bosworth, Community Development Manager Mr. Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Recording Secretary IV. Announcements and Aaenda Modifications Mr. Alvarez announced that Mr. Simmons is excused from tonight's meeting, and Ms. Jordan will be voting in his place. Also, it is noted that Mr. Christino (a) and Ms. Jordan (a) have submitted their resignations from the Commission. Thus, this is Ms. Jordan's last meeting, and the Commissioners are grateful to both Mr. Christino and Ms. Jordan for their service and wish them well in their future endeavors. V. ADDroval of Minutes — Seotember 15. 2022 All indicated they had reviewed the Minutes of September 15, 2022. Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes from September 15, 2022 as presented was made by Ms. Battles, seconded by Mr. Lucier, and approved unanimously via voice vote. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6, 2022 VI. Plannina and Zonina (P&Z) Commission Quasi -Judicial Hearina Mr. Anon read the item into the record as follows: A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- Site Plan Modification — Taco Mobile Restaurant — Small Building Addition, Additional Parking and Outside Seating Areas -- 825 Sebastian Boulevard — Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 188, Sebastian Highlands Unit 6 -- C-512 (Commercial CR 512) Zoning District Mr. Alvarez called on the Commissioners to disclose any ex-parte communications relating to this property. All indicated they had none. All those wishing to speak regarding this item were sworn in. Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to present its representative to make his presentation. Todd Smith identified himself as the design engineer for the project. He reviewed that part of this project had been before this Commission a couple of years ago when the property owner, who owned Lots 1, 2, and 3, and the Commission approved a parking lot expansion. Since then, the property owner has purchased an additional lot, and so Lot 4 has been incorporated into the project. There are a few changes/additions to the plan, and he identified that they are now proposing a freezer to be put on the property. They are also proposing an outside open pergola for outdoor seating. The parking area has been designed to accommodate that seating as well as the number of seats in the restaurant. The project will also be connected to the County sewer system. The applicant has worked with City staff to meet the landscaping requirements as well as modifying the drainage system from what was proposed a couple of years ago. There are also some additional parking spaces. He called for questions/oomments from the Commissioners. There being none, Mr. Alvarez called on staff for their presentation. Ms. Bosworth stated that the staff report and the plan submitted were a part of the record. Mr. Smith went over some of the items that are on this site plan that is a little different from the 2019 plan that was before the Commissioners. After that was approved, the property owner did go ahead and applied for their land -clearing permit, which was approved. That plan, Phase 2, included a 141-SF kitchen addition. At that time building elevations and a floor plan were not presented. As a condition of this application, the Commissioners will see that those elevations of all four sides and a floor plan have been provided. It will match the color of the existing building. She explained that the existing building is on Lot 1, and since there is not a significant building addition with this application, landscaping for the existing portion will need to be in compliance with its 1996 site plan. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6, 2022 All of the additional parking areas and other areas have to meet the current codes for stormwater and landscaping. The original site plan required 8 spaces. The new site plan has 34 spaces. One of the things that needed to be in compliance was an outside seating area on the west side of the building that was not on the original site plan. Similar to all commercial site plans with outside seating, staff wanted them to come into compliance with parking. The outside seating on the west side of the building has been removed until this plan gets approved and constructed. They are also adding a rear area with a pergola - covered outside seating area with a rear entrance into the restaurant. Parking for those outside seating areas has been included. They are going to provide 34 spaces, whereas only 22 are required. She called attention to some items that have been highlighted in the staff report. Those items also became recommended conditions of approval. One of the items pertains to a split -rail fence that is shown partially around the stormwater pond. It is only a 2-foot type of stormwater pond. Staff wanted to make sure that none of the public used that area for parking, so staff is requiring that a split -rail fence completely surround that area. She stated that in the original 2019 plan there were some easements that needed to be abandoned. The applicant did do that through City Council, but now that this extra lot has been added, there are two more easements that need to be abandoned. That will also need to be completed before staff can issue a certificate of completion for this project. The site is adjacent to residential zoning on the back side of the alley. There is an existing fence on Lot 1, but the remaining Lots 2, 3, and 4 also are required to have an opaque buffer 5 to 6 feet in height, opaque at planting or at initialization. There are two options: the 6-foot wooden fence can be extended across the rest of the lot. As shown on the landscape plan, they did provide hedging of only 24 inches. They can raise those materials to 5 or 6 feet. That has been added as a condition of approval. Also, as shown on the other site plan, the alley that runs parallel to CR-512 behind those lots does not have a formal stormwater plan. As to the existing commercial sites along 512, usually their stormwater is in the rear, or they address the stormwater before it gets to the alley. Those stormwater areas need to be maintained properly. For this particular site, at the comer of the alley and Melrose there is a catch basin that collects water in that area. Based on the Stormwater and Engineering Departments' review of this, on the south side of the alley they would like some sort of swale, and that swale will take the water right into the catch basin, which then goes into the master stormwater drainage for the area. They are requesting that when they get to the construction, they would like stormwater staff to meet the contractor out there, and they can assess how deep or wide they need that swale on the south side. That note has been added onto the site plan. That is being recommended as a condition of approval. Staff feels that this site plan meets all of the requirements of the Land Development Code, the Comprehensive Plan, and the 512 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6, 2022 Overlay District. Staff is recommending approval with the six conditions that are listed on pages 7 and 8 of the Staff Report. She added that the site plan does show lighting. Staff did not have any information on the type of light poles and fixtures. Since it is in an overlay district, they are required to be decorative. Staff requests that before they are installed, they will bring staff a cut sheet on those light poles, and staff could approve them as long as they are not just concrete or wooden poles. Ms. Bosworth stated that, in summary, the engineer shall provide a copy of the 1012 exemption certificate and contact the City Engineer regarding the swale along the alley. The gopher tortoise information staff has is over 90 days; it is required to be less than 90 days for issuance of a new land -clearing permit, approval by City Council of the abandonment of easement, the split rail fence extended, the opaque buffer extended along lots 2, 3, and 4, and approval of the light fixtures before they are installed. Mr. Alvarez called on questions/comments from the Commissioners or the applicant or staff. Mr. Carter stated he is concerned that this restaurant does a lot of take-out food, and many times there is no place to park. He is aware that there will be additional parking, but he still has a concern regarding the parking. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff has worked with the engineer regarding the new parking area. Staff wanted to be certain that it will be easy enough to access into the restaurant without having to walk through the existing parking to the front entrance. Thus, there is going to be a door added in the outside seating area, and through that area people can go right into the restaurant to get their take-out orders so they will not have to walk around the building. There was general discussion among the Commissioners, staff, and the applicant regarding the parking situation in this area. There being no one from the public who wished to speak in favor of this project and no one who wished to speak in opposition to the project, and there being nothing further from staff or the applicant, Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion approving the site plan modification for the Taco Mobile Restaurant small building addition, additional parking and outside seating at 825 Sebastian Boulevard, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 188 Sebastian Highlands Unit 6 -- CR-512 (Commercial CR 512) Zoning District with the six staff recommendations as follows: 1. The project engineer shall submit a copy of the SJRWMD stormwater permit or the 10/2 Exemption Certification form before issuance of the land -clearing permit, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING PAGE 5 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6, 2022 and the contractor must contact the City Engineer to receive details regarding the alley swale before construction along that roadway begins 2. Receipt of a current gopher tortoise survey/inspection will be needed before the land -clearing permit can be issued 3. Approval by City Council for the abandonment of the two interior 6-foot side yard utility easements on Lots 3 and 4 before a Certificate of Completion can be issued for this project 4. The proposed split -rail fence shall be extended to include the entire northern and western perimeters of the retention area 5. The required rear opaque buffer shall be installed on Lots 2, 3, and 4 by either extending the existing wooden fence on Lot 1 or increasing the height of the proposed rear hedge materials to 5-6 feet 6. The proposed light poles and fixtures must be of a decorative type and be approved by staff before they are installed was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Ms. Kinchen. Roll Call: Ms. Kinchen — Yes Ms. Battles — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Lucier — Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion passes. VII. Unfinished Business — None Vill. New Business -- None IX. Adioum Mr. Alvarez — Yes Ms. Jordan (a) — Yes Mr. Carter — Yes There being no further business, Chairman Alvarez adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. By: Date: jg