HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-2022 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES MARCH 17. 2022 Call to Order -- Chairman Alvarez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.rr Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present: Mr. Lucier Mr. Simmons Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Carter Not Present: Ms. Battles -- Excused Mr. Christino (a) -- Excused Also Present: Ms. Jordan (a) Ms. Kinchen Mr. Alvarez Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Mr. Kelley Klepper, Kimley-Horn Ms. Domi Bosworth, Community Development Manager Mr. Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Dr. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. IV. Announcements and/orAaenda Modifications Mr. Alvarez announced that at the last City Council meeting, the Council appointed two new members to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the vacant spots. He introduced Mr. Stephen Lucier, who is present, and announced that Ms. Sara Battles is the other new member. She is excused from this evening's meeting as well as Mr. Christino, and Ms. Jordan will be voting in Ms. Battle's place. There were no agenda modifications. V. Aooroval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of March 3, 2022 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 2022 Mr. Alvarez asked if all the Commissioners have had a chance to review the Minutes of the March 3, 2022 meeting. All indicated they had. There being no comments or corrections, Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Simmons, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Alvarez closed the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and opened the Local Planning Agency Hearing VI. New Business A. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Ordinance 0-22-06 — Land Development Code Amendment -- Article V by Adding Transfer of Density and Density Incentive Program Regulations; Amending Article XI by Adding the Coastal High Hazard Area; and to Provide for Severability, Conflicts, Codification, Scrivener's Errors, and an Effective Date Mr. Anon read the item into the record. Mr. Alvarez called on staff to make their presentation. Ms. Frazier reviewed the purpose of this amendment. She stated that it is a new subject and a new regulation, and she emphasized that staff does not want this Commission to feel they have to come to a conclusion this evening. The Commission has the opportunity to table this item for another meeting, date certain, in order to discuss it further. Ms. Frazier introduced Mr. Kelley Klepper with Kimley-Horn and Associates and stated that he is going to help further explain the item. She pointed out the Land Use Elements that are spelled out in the staff Memorandum which is attached to this evening's Agenda (SEE ATTACHED). She reviewed and explained what is contained in the Memorandum beginning with the Transfer of Development Rights. Ms. Jordan asked for an in-depth explanation of the transfer of development rights, and Ms. Frazier explained in great detail what is meant by transfer of development rights. She explained the intent of transfer of development rights. Mr. Klepper also spoke on the density proposals. Ms. Frazier explained Table 54-2-5.16.1. Development Incentives under Sec. 54-2-5.17 were then addressed and explained by Ms. Frazier and Mr. Klepper. After lengthy discussion with questions and comments related to this agenda item, Ms. Frazier emphasized that staff wants to be sure that the Commissioners are in agreement with the public benefits that staff has outlined, i.e. the transportation element, stormwater, parks and open space, etc. These incentives are over and above what the City is required to do in accordance with the City's Code today. Ms. Frazier stated that, if the Commissioners choose to table this item for now, she stated that there will not be a meeting on April 7'^ and May 19'^, as the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 2022 City Attorney will not be available. Thus, if this item is tabled until a time certain, the next meeting would be April 21.1. A motion to make a recommendation to City Council approving the amendment to Ordinance 0-22-06, Land Development Code Amendment with the recommended changes as discussed, was made by Mr. Carter. There being no second, the motion died. A motion tabling the public hearing on Ordinance 0-22-06, Land Development Code Amendment until the meeting on April 21" was made by Mr. Simmons and seconded by Ms. Kautenburg. Roll Call Ms. Kinchen — Yes Mr. Simmons — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Lucier — Yes Ms. Jordan (a) — Yes Mr. Carter — No Vote was 6-1 in favor. Motion carries. Mr. Alvarez closed the Local Planning Agency hearing and reopened the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. VII. Unfinished Business — None VIII. Public Input — None IX. New Business X. Commissioners Matters Ms. Kautenburg stated she appreciates all of the hard work by staff and Mr. Klepper that went into this item. She also suggested that, if there is any information from other communities, that would help in clarifying some of the steps in this process. She is also disappointed that there is no public input. XI. City Attornev Matters -- None XII. Staff Matters PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF MARCH 17. 2022 Ms. Frazier thanked the Commissioners for the time and work they spend on these matters. XIII. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 02 jg Date: Cathy Testa From: Joseph Vergnaud Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:52 AM To: Cathy Testa Subject: Woods Lots Can you put a note in laserfische stating that Leanne Cerverizzo goes in with mom U4 8-17 L-15 And James W. Wood Jr goes in with dad U-4 B-17 L_16. Joseph Vergnaud Cemetery Supervisor 772-589-2545 Jverana udCdicitvofsebastian.ora Cathy Testa From: Joseph Vergnaud Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:52 AM To: Cathy Testa Subject: Woods Lots Can you put a note in laserfische stating that Leanne Cerverizzo goes in with mom U-4 13-17 L-15 And James W. Wood Jr goes in with dad U-4 B-17 L_16. Joseph Vergnaud Cemetery Supervisor 772-589-2545 Jveronaud dallofsehastian.oro