HomeMy WebLinkAbout05161990 City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 A G E N D A SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1990 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL PROPOSED ORDINANCES AND INFORMATION ON ITEMS BELOW MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA. PURPOSE: Presentation of Williams, Hatfield & Stoner Revised Scope of Services - Airport Community Compatibility/ Master Plan Study 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. PUBLIC INPUT ON AGENDA ITEMS PRESENTATION - Williams, Hatfteld & Stoner - Revised Scope of Services - Airport Community Compatibility~Master Plan Study 6. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 n SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 [] FAX (407) 589-5570 SUBJECT: Airport Community Compatibility/ Master Plan Study Approved For Submittal By: city Manager Agenda Dept. Origin City Manager Date Submitted 5/11/90 For Agenda Of 5/16/90 Exhibits 5/9/90 memo from E. Gilcher EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: AMOUNT BUDGETED: APPROPRIATION REQUIRED: SUMMARY STATEMENT The City Council approved a special meeting for Wednesday, May 16th to discuss the revised Scope of Services for the Airport Community Compatibility/Master Plan Study. (Back-up materials were previously provided.) Attached you will find additional correspondence we have received on this matter. Carroll Sanders of Williams, Hatfield and Stoner will be present to review the Scope of Services and to respond to your question. RECOMMENDED ACTION Motion to direct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution executing a contract to retain Williams, Hatfield and Stoner. TO: Ms Jo Anne Townsend Assistant City Manager FROM: Ed Gilcher 589-4460 DATE: May 9, 1990 MEMO SUBJECT: Scope of Services Airport Compatibility Study - Revised (May 1990) This memo documents our discussion of this date on this subject. You will recall my previous memo of March 16, 1990 and my presentation to City Council on the Compatibility Study. bty point was the absolute necessity for a comprehensive noise analysis, including on-site measurements, as a basis for the following Study analyses and conclusions. With the study costs apparently out of hand, I can understand (but not concur with) the practical necessity to compromise noise measurements. The revised statement of services indicates the existing noise contour in the December 1988 Airport Master Plan will be used as a basis for the study. With this approach in mind, I made the following recommendation to you:- 1. That the basis for the Airport Master Plan noise contours be definitively determined. Although noise contours are depicted, the underlying assumptions determining them are not documented. If the basis for those curves are obtained and understood, then their applicability as they pertain to actual airport operations can be evaluated. If this is not done, the study could be based on unsubstantiated data. 2. That Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan who prepared the Master Pi. an be contacted for this information. Mr. Jimmy Golf was their project manager then -- however, as of May 1988 he was with Sverdrup in Orlando. I had phone conversations with Mr. Golf in the April - May 1988 time period and was advised the data was available should the City formally requested such. I proposed this action as a very low (or no) cost item since i't consists of obtaining and reviewing already existing information. At the most 4 or 5 engineering hours would be involved. You advised that you would explore the possibility of having Williams, Hatfield and Stoner include validation of the existing noise contours in their scope of services. As an aside, please be advised that the large noise contour chart with the plastic overlay in the council chambers is not the same as the noise con'tours in the Master Plan. They are based on quite different assumptions and were prepared at different times. Please advise if I may assist further with this subject. cc: Mr. McC]ary, City Manager Mr. Conyors, Mayor City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Mayor W. E. Conyers and City Council Members Robert S. McClary Jo Anne Townsen~}~ Revised Scope of Services Attached you will find a revised Scope of Services for the Airport Community Compatibility/Master Plan Study submitted by Williams Hatfield and Stoner. You will note the revised project cost is $222,220. Also attached is the grant application. To provide you and the staff sufficient time to review these materials, on your May 9th agenda, we are requesting you approve a special City Council meeting on Wednesday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m. Attachment cc:Charles Nash, Esq. John Van Antwerp Application for a Community Compatibility and Master Plan Study Grant for Sebastian Municipal Airport Will Conyers, Mayor Robert S. McClary, City Manager May 1990 ApPlICATION FOR FEC)ERAL ASSISTANCE City of Sebastian City of Sebastian City Hall P.O. Box 780127, Sebastian, FL 32978-0127 )L I On.,,,.,.,, 6 City of Sebastian Indian River County ~evard Countv Ci. ty Manage?' s Office. Robert S. McClflry, City Manager (407) 589-5330 Federal Aviation Administration Community Compatibility and Naster Plan Study Sebastian Municipal Airport ~J6_90-~- ~'~"~'-~mm'"'" C)~'Il . 6-91 m ~ llth ................... ~. m,,,,~m llth ~ ~1,,,, , 200,00922,222~,,, .... 222,222 ~oberr s. ~cC~ary PART II PROJECT APPROVAL INFORMATION SECTION A Item 1. Does this ass,istonce request require State, local, regional, or other priority rating? ~Yes ~ X No Nome of Governing Body Priority Rot,ng Item '2. Does this assistance request require State, or local adv,sor¥, educational or health clearances? X Nome of Agency or Board No (Attach Documentation) Item 3. Does this assistance request require cleormghouse review in accordance with OMB Circular A-957 __ Yes __ No (Attach Comments) Item 4. Does this assistance request require State, local, regional or other planning approval? ____Yes__ X No Nome of Approving Agency Date item .~. ts the proposed proiect covered by an approved comprehensive plan? Item 6. ~tI the assistance requested serve o Federal ~nstallahon? __ Yes Check one: State 'X Local -X Regional No Locat,on of plan Florida State Air~ort Systems Plan City. of Seb~s~i~ ~om~e~nsive Plan Nome of Federal Installation No Federal Populot,on benefiting from Prolect Item 7. ~',tl the assistance requested be on Federal land or installat,on? __ Yes X Nome of Federal Installahon Location of Federal Land No Percent of Prolec~ Item 8. V,,lt the assistance requested hove an impact or effect on the env,ronment? X __ Yes ~ No See ~nstruct,on for additional ~nformot~on to be provided. Item 9. ~',~11 the assistance requested cause the d~splocement of ,n~,,~duals families, businesses, Or forms~ __Yes X Number of' Ind,v,duo'~ s Famil,es B~Js~nesSe$ __ No Farms i,em 10. there other related Federal assistance on th~s See ~ns~ruct~ons for additional ~nformat,on to be p~olect prev,ous, pend,ng, or anticipated? provided. A separate grant was issued for the Sebastian X Airport Master Plan but will be closed prior to the __Yes __~¢ funding of this study. T~his study is not considered FAAForm $100.100 16-73, SUPI[~SEDES FAA ~Onld 5100. ,O PAC)F$ 1 ?~RU ? a continuation of the Master Page2 Plan grant DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PART II - SECTION B The property interest described in Part II - Section C and the develop- ment described on page 1, paragraph 7, of this application are more particularly described on the property map attached *{hereto as Exhibit "A") -*-(-a~ ~- -".A-t'- -t-e--F--e~..a-.1-.-A.pp.l-i.c.a..t-i..e~ ~..e~. ~-mm~m-i~~~AA~" ~h--ar-e-~-a--pm.-t-- ~Strike out ~he inappr'opria~6'clause. Page 3 "13 ITl --I / EXHIBIT A $®bestien lllunlci~ml Akl~rt ¢omm~n~ty ¢omlmtlblllty md llooto~ Ptm 8tmly , ~ Het#e4d & Stooor, IBL PA/tT 1! · SECTION C Thc ~po~,~ar hcrcby rcprc~c.f., ~nd ccrti/ic~ thc v~c~t~y u[ Lh~ a~purt: The purpose of ~he Sebastian Municipal Airport Co--unity Ca~ability and Master Plan "~tudy is to ensure that airport plans and reco~endations a~e supported by the co,unity. Land use compatibility analysis will be one aspect of the study necessary to achieve the study's objectives. ~. L)c/~ult~.~'rhc Suu.~ur Ld .u~ i. dc/~ult o. ~,ly ubllgatlun lu [llc U~=d SL~t~ uc~i.v ~l~=~Ky Of iJm Uoi&cd SL~P~ The Sponsor is not in default of any obligation noted above. A lawsuit has been f~led against the C~ty to ~orce ~he ~mplemen~atLon o~ the proposed charter ~endments. That lawsuit has not been officially w~hdra~ but Zs currently ~nac~ve pending the outcome o~ the co. unity compaELb~11t~ study. Z~ ~hat lawsuit becomes ac~ve and a decls~on is made that the charter amendments must be ~mplemented, the co.unity compat~b~l/ty study woul~ be te~inated as spea~f2ed ~n the srandst211 agreement, i 4. G,,d.~) Thc Spu,~r huld~ thc follu.i.~ property ifiLcrc~ i~l tim fulluwi.g arc~ of ~ud' vhlch ~e Lo ~. dcvcl.pcd The Sponsor owns, by Quit Claim Deed, all properties shown on Exhibit A and is not subject to any excepti?ns, encumbrances, or adverse interests. I:AA Form 5100-100 0EPARTMENT OF YRANSPORTATiON - FEDEIIM. A¥1AT~O~ 4OitINISTR~,TION OMit P&itT Ii · :~lgg'l'lOfl C (£u,ilitm.d) *Ih,* '~l,.,.,-,,r i'urih,.r r,'rtil'i,.~, that thc ahoy. h, i,~ll .. a title ~xa.ihtathm I,y ~ qualil*h.d attur.r)' ~r thS. compa.v ami thai ~uch .alt.r],,'~' ur tith' ,'..,pd.~ h.~ d~:trrmhi,~d tidal thc ~p-ti.~t Imld. tim ~lmvc prupcrty htterc~t~. ' Ii.. I'~.j,.,,t. ti,,. I'.ll,,~hig ijr,.:,..rty hitcre~i hi th. f. ih,wh,g urcu~ .~ I.ml' Earl wh~rJt ~ut*h vul~truct~l,il work &~ t. bt' pcri',Jc,.,~d. ~ill ut ~ I"ch arc.., df. hl,'.l~licd .,, thc ufurcmelitimmd property map d~jbqialed h Exldl, it "A": No construction work will be performed ~s part of this projec't. (,') 'l'lic ~p-ll.~,r viii arquir,? wlthi,i ~l rc-',~,,dlh.' thilr., ~.d if (ca~il,l,~ prim t- the ,'umph.thm u( ail ,'ml~iru,'thm w.rk th,. Pr,,j,.~;, th,' f,dh,-~,,g pr.l,,:rty hitcrc. I i. thc fulluwi.g a~,:u, u( lu.d' wili~ll art t- be alert, loped or prt,p,:rt)' muM ,l.~B,tated a~ F:~li~h~t No construction work will be performed as part of this project. There is no grant of exclusive rights for any activities at the airport as noted above. · FAA Fo~m5100-100 ~-~¢~ Pae., 3b SECTION ~ - ~ENERAL ~ C 1~ - i. F.d.,ol om..,~A~s,.m~, ~m ~ .... . ........ -. : 20 106 SECTION ~ JCALcuLATION OF FEDERAL GRAHT . L~ deve~m~l I. ReloCah~ E~cA~ I 12. E~ 14: ToIaI(Li~$ I lmou~h 13i .... J" : ' $222,222.00 I~. Ada: C~nh~c~es ,. Ig. TGI~I Pmlec~ ~. (EACI~nl R~h~lilamn Gi~s} $222,222. O0 ' i 21. G4~ s~e $22,222. O0 2~. Ol~ ~s - 0 - ~, lola p,uiccllL,m~IL ~&211 ~ I I FP&P. TMENT OF TRAHSPORTATION. FEDERAl. AVIATION ADMINIS?RATI~..N SECTION C - EXCLUSIONS Clel ~,;lic ei.ien $ (11 ¢2) SECTION D - PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON.FEDERAL SHARE '7. Grantee Share $ 22,222. O0 a. Securihes b. f,~or~gages c. A00roonat,ons (By Apolicant) 22,222.00 cl. Bonds e. Tax Levies f. Non Cash S* Other (F_xolam) h. TOTAL - Grantee share 'R. Other Shares a. State b. Other c. Total Other Shares 9. TOTAL $ 22,222.00 SECTION E - REMARKS PART IV PROGRAk4 NARRATIVE (Att,ac, h - Se..t.,,i,,nstructions) LA Farm $100.100 ~&-?3) SUPEeSED£S IrAA IrORM SlO0-$O PA(~Ir$ i TMIIIU ? IPAA AC Page 5 Part IV Program Narrative and Proposed Scope of Services Program Narrative Goals and Objectives In March 1989, the City of Sebastian proposed amendments to the city charter which, if passed and enacted by ordinance, would place restrictions on the operation and use of the Sebastian Municipal Airport resulting in violations of' the conditions of the surplus property conveyance (quit claim deed) transferring airport ownership from the Federal Aviation Administation (FAA) to the City. The attached "Agreement in Principle Between the City of Sebastian, Florida and the Federal Aviation Administration" (herein after referred to as the Standstill Agreement) was executed to postpone the final passage and enactment of the city ordinances necessary to implement the charter amendments and to postpone the FAA from commencing, supporting, or encouraging any legal action against the City of Sebastian in connection with the ordinances, charter amendments, or related airport matters. The purpose of the Sebastian Municipal Airport Community Compatibility and Master Plan Study, as required by the Standstill Agreement, is to serve as a foundation for negotiations between the City of Sebastian and the FAA in determining the future role of the Sebastian Municipal Airport. The goal of the study is to generate recommendations on the future role of the airport and how the airport should be modified or improved in order to fulfill that role in a manner compatible with: (a) the City's overall community planning objectives (b) federal statutory objectives and responsibilities to adequately meet the needs of civil aviation, and (c) the terms of the surplus property conveyance (quit claim deed) by which the City acquired the airport. -1 - 2340c/405P/050290 WILLIAMS, HATFIELD 8 STONEI~, INC. Consulling Engineers. Planners. Surveyors The primary objectives of the study will be as follows: To provide significant opportunities for public participation to include the FAA; airport users; and residents of Sebastian, Roseland, and neighboring communities; in sessions managed by a facilitator utilizing interactive problem-solving techniques. (~) To provide operation forecasts, noise impact analysis, environmental analysis, financial analysis and forecasts, and an engineering and design analysis for the selected airport alternatives. The process proposed through which the preparation of the products of this study will result is expected to improve community relations in the City of Sebastian by eliminating the current polarization over the use and operation of the Sebastian Municipal Airport. The products themselves will be used to guide decision makers in the City of Sebastian to determine the magnitude and type of aviation facilities and the operational and financial management requirements of the airport alternative chosen by the City, and ensure compatibility between the adopted airport alternative and the FAA's National Integrated Airport System Plan and the Statewide Airport System Plan. -2 - 2340c/405P/050290 ~ILLIAMS, HATFIELD 8 5TONEFL, INC. Consulliny Enyineers, Planners. Surveyors June 8, 1989 AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE BETWEEN THE cITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA AND THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 1) Following approval on first reading, the Sebastian City Council will postpone final passage and enactment of the ordinances implementing the March 1989 amendments to the city charter,, including those ordinances imposing a noise rule and user fees at the Sebastian Municipal Airport. The FA~, in turn, will refrain during such postponement from commencing, supporting or encouraging any legal action against the City of Sebastian in connection with the ordinances, charter amendments or related airport matters. 2) The FAA will entertain a grant application for a planning study funded under tile FAA Airport Improvement Program, that authorizes 90% fundi~]g for' planning studies, subject ~o a reduction of $27,908 of allowable costs paid under a previous FA3~ Master Planning grant. No further payment will be made on outstanding Master Planning Grant No. 01-86. The proposed study, when completed, will serve as a foundation for negotiations between the city of Sebastian and the FAA, with input from other interested parties, aimed at determining the future role of the Sebastian Municipal Airport. The planning grant study will focus on the collection of data relating to present and future activity levels, regional economic projections, demographic patterns and environmental and community considerations on the basis of which an appropriate role for the airport can be determined. 3) The sponsor of the study will be the City of Sebastian, operating through its chie£ administrative officer, the City Manager. 4) The City of Sebastian will retain, through selection procedures conforming to applicable local and FAA requirements, highly qualified, recognized consultants for the engineering and design, noise and other compcnents of the analysis. The FAA reserves the right to reject such selection for cause. 5) The FAA will make a good faith effort ~o provide adequate funding for the needed planning study using available FY 89 or FY 90 funds, and will support a study that can be completed within one year from date of grant. T!~e total federal share of the costs of the study will be based on a review and approval by the FAA of a proposed work scope, but in no event will exceed $200,000, subject to the reduction referred to in paragraph 2 above. The city of Sebastian will submit such proposed study work scope within 60 days. 6) The goal of the study will be to generate recommendations on the future role of the airport and how the airport should be modified or improved in order to fulfill that role in a manner compatible with a) the City's overall community planning objectives, b) federal statutory objectives and responsibilities to adequately meet the needs of civil aviation, and c) the terms of the surplus property conveyance by which the city acquired the airport. An essential premise of the study will be that the airport's role and use must be consistent with the overall goals and needs of the City of Sebastian in a proper balance with such appropriate federal objectives. Rather than fitting the City of Sebastian to the Sebastian Municipal Airport or vice versa, the study will attempt to identify ways to fit the two together. 7) The scope of work will include an operations survey and forecast, a noise study and analysis, an environmental analysis, an economic analysis and forecast, and an engineering and design analysis. 8) The study will provide for significant opportunity for input from the FAA, the airport users, the citizens of the City of Sebastian, and the citizens of the neighboring community of Roseland. 9) If at any point during the study, comment and post-study negotiation period the Council were to enact ordinances implementing the March 1989 amendments to the city charter, as a result of the order of a court in an action against and defended by the City, the FAA would be free to take any legal action it deems appropriate, and to stop further funding of any not completed portion of the study. The FAA would provide the normal progress payments authorized under the terms of an FAA planning grant for work completed at the time of any such court order, and the City of Sebastian would promptly make available to the FAA all work product performed under the planning grant available at the time of any court order. 10) If the Council were to unilaterally take any action to terminate the study or to enact ~uch implementing ordinances prior to completion of the study and in the absence of a court order, requiring such action, or were to seek issuance of such a court order all grant progress payments will be returned to the FAA and the grant voided. The FAA also reserves the right to terminate the study if in the opinion of ~he FAA, adequate progress is not being made or federal objectives are not being sufficiently considered. I;] tl:e latter event, progress payments would be authorized to the date of termination. 11) The City of Sebastian agrees that FAA funding of a planning study is being undertaken in the spirit of supporting a planning effort intended to result in at least an objective analysis of demand for aviation services at the Sebastian Airport and a comprehensive plan for satisfying that demand while considering legitimate community interests, and local, state and federal aviation interests. 12) During the study period, the City of Sebastian will not remove any airport lighting, will remedy any unsafe conditions at the airport, and will operate the airport in accordance with the conveyance agreement, and generally will not take any action that will alter the character of the airport. 3 STANDARD DOT TITLE VI ASSURA~$ TO ACCOMPANY THE APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTARCE DATED .(hereiea£~.er referred Co as the Sponsor) hereby agrees that as a condition to receiving Federal financial assistance the Dep~c~enc o~ Transporc~cio~ (~T), Lc viii comply vi~h Title VI of the Civil ~i~bcm Acc nE 196~ (a2 U.S.C. 2000d ~.) end all cequiremeucs imposed by ~9 ~R Par~ 21, Nomdisc~m~nacion in Federally Assisted nE ~he Depar~e,~ o~ Transportation -- gffec~ua~iom o~ Title VI o~ the Civ~ ~[~=s Ac= of 19~& (hereinafter referred =o as =he "ReEula=ious") color, or ua=intel or[~[n, be excluded fro~ ~ar=~c~pa=[ou ~n, be denied =he benefice o[, or be o~he~ise subjected ~o dlscrlmina~iou under any program or ac~v~y for which CBs app~[canc receives Federal f~nanc[al amd will ~mmed~acely Cake any measures necessary Co effectuate a~reemenK. ~[KhouK 1[m[c[n~ K~e above geaera~ assurance, ~he Sponsor agrees conceru[n~ ~[s ~ranc 1. Each "program" and "facility" (as defined in Sections 21.23(e) and 21.23(b)) vii1 be conducted or operated in compliance with all requirements of the Regulations. 2. lc will insert the clauses of Attachment I of chis assurance in every contract subject Co the Act and the Regulations. 3. Where Federal financial assi'sCance is received to construct a facility, or parc of a facility, the assurance shall az:end to the entire facility and facilities operated in connection therewith. 4. Where Federal financial assistance is in the form or for the acquisition of real property or an interest in real property, the assurance shall extend to rights Co space on, over, or under such property. 5. It viii include the appropriate clauses set forth in Attachment 2 of Chis assurance, as a covenant running rich the land, in any future deeds, leases, permits, licenses, and similar agreements entered into by the Sponsor with other parties: (a) for the subsequent transfer of real property acquired or improved with Federal financial assistance under this Project; and (b) for the construction or use of or access to space on, over, or under real property acquired or improved with Federal financial assistance under this Project. 6. This assurance obligates the Sponsor for the period durf~g which Federal financial assistance is exceeded to the program, except where the Federal financial assistance is Co provide, or is in the form of personal property or real property or interest therein or structures or improvements .thereon, in vhich case the assurance obligates the Sponsor or any transferee for the longer of the foltoving periods: (a) the period during vhich the property is used for a purpose for which Federal fknanc£al assistance is extended, o: for another purpose involving tl.~ provision of similar services or benefits; or (b) the period during vhlc~ the Sponsor retains ovnership o'r possession of the property. 7. It rill provide for such methods of administration for the program as are found by the Secretary of Transportation or the official to whom he delegates specific authority to siva reasonable guarantee that LC, other sponsors, subgrantees, contractors, subcontractors, transferees, successors in interest, and other participants of Federal f£nancial assistance under such program rill comply vith all requ£rements imposed or pursuant to :he Act, the Regulations, and this assurance. and this assurance. obtaining Federal financial assis:ance ~or this Pro~ect and is binding o~ contractors, the sponsors, subcontractors, transferaes, suc:essors [~ interest, and other partlcipan:s in the Project. The person or persons vhose signatures appear belov are authorized to si~u th£~ assurance on behalf o[ the Sponsor. DATED DATED (Sponsar~ By, (Signature of Authorized Official) TLtle (Sponsor) (Signature o[ Authorized Off£cial) Title Attachments I and 2 Co~trP~ACTOR CO ~rr P. aCTU~.AL ATTACHI~ NT 1 During ~he per~or~nc~ o~ ~h~ con~rac~, ~he Cou~rac~or, ~or ~sel~, a~s[~nees and ~uc=essors ~n ~n~eres~ (here~aa~ter referred "Con~rac~or") agrees as I. C~mpliance With Regulation.,. The Contractor shall comply with the Regulations relative to nond£scrimi~ation in Federally Assisted Programs of ~he Department of Transportation (here[nailer,Title 49, Code Federal Regulations, Par~ 21, a~ ~hey may be amended from ~ime ~o (hereinafter re[erre~ ~o aa ~he ~egula~[ona), which are herein ~ncorpora~e~ by re~erence and ~de a par~ of ~h[a con~rac~. 2. Noa~i~cr~mins~oa. The Con~rac~or, w[~h regard ~o ~he work per~orme~by i~ 4Ur[ng ~he coa~rac~, shall uo~ discriminate on ~he grouu~s of race, color, or national origin in ~he selection and re~en~[on o~ subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases equipment. The Con~racCor shall uo~ participate e~her directly or [=directly in ~he d~scr[m[na~[on prohibited by Section 2~.~ o[ ~he ~e~u[a~[oas, [nclud[n~ employmen~ PraCtices when ~he con~rac~ covers a p=o~=a~ se~ [or~h in Appendix B of ~he and E~uiDmen:. In all ~lici:a:ion either by ~ompe~:ive bidding or ~ n~s of.Materials egoc:a:ion mad~ by :he Con:tacCor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of ~:erials or leases of equipment, each Potential subcontractor or supplier ahall be notified by :he Con:ratter of the Con:rac:or's obligaCion under this con:rac: and :he Regula:ion~ re!a:ive ~ nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color nsc ional origin. , 4. lnfor=a:ion and Re:orr,. The Contractor shall provide all infor'.a?ion and :epor~'$ required~y the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto a~d shall permi~ access to i~a books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as ~y be de~ermined by ~he Sponsor or ~he Federal Aviation Administration (F~) to be pertinen~ ~o ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders, and instructions. Where any information required of a Contractor i~ in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish thi~ info~ation, the Contractor shall so certify ~o the Sponsor or ~he F,~, as appropriate, and ~hall se~ forth wha~ efforts it has ~de ~o obtain the info~ation. 5. Sanctions for .Nonco~plianc.~. In the event of ~he Contractor's noncompliance wi:h ~he nondiscrimin~ion provisions of ~his contract, ~he Sponsor shall i~pose such contract sanctions as i~ or ~he F~ may de,ermine ~o be appropriate, including, bu~ no~ limited ~o: (a) Withholding oE parents co ~he Con~rac~or under the concrac~ un[[[ ~he Con~rac~or complies, and/or whore or in parC. 6. Incorporation of P~ovi~sions. The Concrsccor shall include provisions o[ paraSraphs I chroush 5 in every subcontract, ~nclud~n$ procurements of materials and leaees of equipment, un,ess exempC by the ~egula~ons or d~rec~Eves ~seued pursuant ~her~co. The Contractor shall cake such ac~on v~h resp~cc Co any subconcrac~ o~ procure~nc Sponsor or the ~AA ~y d~recc aea means o~ en[orc~ul such ~ncludEn~ eaacC~on~ for uoucomp~anc~. Provided, however, event a Concrac~or beco~s ~nvoZved in, or is chreaceued e~ch, v~h a subcoacraccor or supplier as a reeul~ o~ luch dErec~on, the Con~rac~or ~y reques~ the Spou~or ~o enCer ~nco such litigation ~o pro~ec~ ~he ~nterescs o~ ~he Spoesor and, ~ add~[oe, ~he Contractor ~y reques~ the Un[ced States Co enter ~nco such l~ga~oa ~o pro~ecc the ~nCeres~s ~he Ua~Ced CLAUSES FOR DEEDS, LICENSES, LEASES PERM. ITS OR SIMlLAl~ INSTRUMENTS ATTACHMENT 2 The following clauses shall be included in deeds, licenses, leases, permits, or similar instruments entered into by the sponsor pursuant to the provisions of Assurance 5(a) and 5(b). 1. The (grantee, licensee, lessee, permittee, etc., as appropriate} for himself, his heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, doe~ hereby convenant and agree (in the case of deeds and leases add "as a convenant running with the land"} that in the even~ facili~ie~ are constructed, maintained, or otherwise operated on the said property described in thi~ (deed, license, lease, permit, e~c.) for a purpose for which a DOT program or activity is ex~ended or for another purpose involving the provision of ~imilar services or benefits, the (gran~ee, licensee, lessee, pe~ittee, e~c.)~hall maintain and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuan~ to 49 CFR, Par~ 21, Nondiscrimination im Federally Assisted Programs of ~he Depar~men~ of Transportation, and as said Regulation may be amended. 2. The (grantee, licensee, lessee, permittee, e:c., as appropriate) for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby convenant and agree (in the case of deeds and leases add "as a convenent running with the land"} that: (1) no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities, (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, over, or under such land and the furnishing of services ~hereon, no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination, (3) that the (grantee, licensee, lessee, permirtee, etc.) shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to 49 CFR, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Depar~men~ of Transportation, and as said Regulations may be amended. Attachment 3 Certification for Contracts,, Grants~ Loans, and Cooperative Agreements The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant loan or cooperative agreement. ' (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobby Activities," in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Signed Sponsor's Authorized Representative Dated DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTl rl ii '"''''c z, Complete ~is form ta d~s~Jose lobbying act~ties punuant ~ 31 U~e~C. 13~2 (See r~,eese for public burden disclosure.) Status of Federal Action: i-'i ".bi °"e' app '~' b. mltial award Type of FederaJ Acliom ra. contract b. ~rant c. cooperative asreement d, loan e. loan p:uarantee f. loan insurance Name and Acldres$ o( Reportin8 Entity:. D Prime D 5ubawardee Cong:essional Dislrict, if known: 6. Federal Deparlmenl/Agency: 8. Federal Action Number. ffk~own: c. post-award Tier ~. ~ known: r-'l a. initla] fllin$ ' l I b. mateHal change For MaterLd Change Only: year quarter ~ date of last repot~ If Reportinl( Enlity in No. 4 ia Subawardee, Enter Name and Address of Prime: Congresslonal District. if known: 7. Federal Prosram Name/Des.trip,ion: CFDA Number, if appficable: Award AmounL if known: $ z0. a. hame and Address of Lobbyin8 Entity I]f ~nd~,'idual. last naa'ne, fi~st name, b. Individuals Perfotmlnt Services finclud~ng address d~fferent from I%'o. lOa) (last name. first name, MI):. 11. 1-*. Amount o( Payment (check all that apply): $ C~ actual n planned Fo~m ol Payment ~check all L~at apply): I~ a. cash D b. in.kind; sped~: nature value 13, Type of Payment fcheck all :hat apply): C~ a. retainer L"I b. one-time fee c, commission d. continlent fee e. defened f. other; specify: 14. Brief Description of Services Performed ot to be Performed and Date(s) of Service, including officer(s), employee(sL or Member(s) contacted, for Payment Indicated in Item 11: 15, ~attac~ C~ie,,~rien S~eelfsl SF,~.L.A ifnecesleef~ ConHnuadon Sheet(s) SF.LLL.A attached: f'l Yes t'l No Signature: Print Name: Title: , , Telephone No,: Date: , , . INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF SF-LLL, DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES Thls. t. d~sdosure, farm shall be completed by tile reporting entity, whether subawardee or pr{me Federal recipient, at the m~t~at~on or receipt o! ~ covered Federal action, or a miler/al change to a previous illin& pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. The filin$ of i form is required for each payment or agreement to make payment to any'lobhyin$ entity for influenclnB or attemptin$ to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of ConBress~ in officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a covered Federal action. Use the SF-LLL-A Continuation Sheet for additional information if the space on the form is inadequate. Complete all items that apply for both the init/al fil{nB and mater{al change report. Refer to the implement/nB Buidznce published by thc Office of a. tanaBe~ent and Budget for additional information. 1. Identify the type of covered Federal action for which lobbying activity is an,4~or has been secured to influence the outcome of a covered Federal action. 2. Identify the status o! the covered Fedora/action. 3. Identify the appropriate class;fication of this report. If this is a followup report caused by a material change to the information previously reported, enter the year and quarter in which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last previously submitted report by this reportin8 entity for this covered Federal action. 4. Enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the reportin8 entity. Include Congressional District. if known. Check the appropriate classification of the reportinB entity that ciesiBnates if it is, or expects to be, a prime or suba~,'ard recipient. Identify the tier of the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of the prime is the 1st tier. Suba~,ards include but are not limited to subcontracts, subBrants and contract awards under stints. 5. If the organization filing the report in item 4 checks "Subawardee", then enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the prime Federal recipient. Include Congressional District, if known. 6. Enter the name of the Federal agent¥ making the award or loan commitment. Include at least one orBanlzational level below agency name, if known. For example, Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard. 7. Enter the Federal program name or description for the covered Federal action (item 1). If know~, enter the Catalo8 of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreements, loans, and loan c: =mi:meats. 8. Enter the most appropriate Federal identif)~n$ number aYailable for the Federal action identified in item I (e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number; Invitation for Bid (IF~) number, Brant announcement number, the contract, 8rant, or loan award number, the application/proposal control number asdBned by the Federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g., "R~P-D£-g0-001." g. For a covere~ Federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the Federal amour.t of the award/loan commitment for the prime entity identified in item 4 or 5. 10. (a)Ent.-r the full name. address, city, state and zip code of the lobbying entity ensaBed by the reportinB entity ide.',:ifle~ ir. item 4 to influence the covered Federal action. lb)Enter the full names of the individual(s) performin8 sen4ces0 and include full address if different fi.om 10 Enter Las: Name, First Name, and Middle Initial (MIL '~. Enter the amount of compensation paid or reasonably expected to be paid by the reportin8 entity (item 4) to the Iobby~n8 entity (item '10). Indicate whether the payment has been made (actual) or will be made (planned). Check all boxes that apply. If this is a mater/al char.Be repo~, enter the cumulative amount of payment made or planned to be made. Check the appropriate box(es). Check all boxes that apply. If payment is made through an in-k/nd contribution, specify the nature and value of the in-kind payment. Chec;¢ the 'appropriate box(es). Check all boxes that apply. If other, spedfy nature. Pro¥~de a specific and detailed descr;ption of the ser~ces that the lobbyist has performed, or will be expected to perform, and the date(s) of any services rendered. Include all preparatory :,nd related activity, not just time spent in actual contact w~th Federal offid~ls. Identify the Federal official(s) or employee(s) contacted or the officer(s), employee(s), or Member(s) of Congress that were contacted. Check whether or not a SF-LLL-A Continuation Sheet(s) is a~ached. The cer'dfyln$ official shall sign and date the form, print his/her name, title, and telephone number. 12. 't'~. 14. Public mpar~n8 bun:lea lot this collection of information is es~mated to averse 30 min~ ~r e~n~, including ~me fo~ ~n8 ~s~ons, ~achm~ ezis~n& da~ ~urces, ~a~he~n~ ~d m~n~nin~ ~e d~ n~, ~d comple~n~ ~d r~n~ ~e collec~on of ~fo~a~on. Send commenu r~ardin~ ~e burden ~mate or ~ o~et ~ of ~is colle~on of info~ation, includin8 suMes~ons for r~uci~ ~s bu~n. to ~e Or'ce of M~a~ement ~d Eu~eL Firework R~u~on P~ (03~), W~hin~on, D.C. 20503. : ,* . ..CONTINUATION SHEET ... Reportin8 Entity: Pa~e ,, A. General ASSURANCES Airport Sponsors 1. These assurances shall be complied with in the performance of grant agreements for airport development, airport planning, and noise compatibility program grants to airport sponsors. 2. These assurances are required to be submitted as part of the project application by sponsors requesting funds under the provisions of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, as amended by the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987, or the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979. As used herein~ t~ie term "public agency sponser', means a public agei~cy with c .... ~trcl of 5 public-use a.~rpc~-~; the term "~:-ivate s~onsor" me'~.~ a private owner of a pub~.ic-use airport; anf~ the term ,,sponsor,~ ir'..~ludes public agency spu. nsors and private sponsors. 2. Upon acceptance of the grant offer by the sponsor, these assurances are incorporated in and become part of the grant agreement. B. Duration and Applicability 1. Airport Development or Noise Compatibility Program Projects Undertaken by a Public Agency Sponsor. The terms, conditions and assurances of the grant agreement shall remain in full force and effect throughout the useful life of the facilities developed or equipment acquired for an airport development or noise compatibility program project, or throughoUt the useful life of the project items installed within a facility under a noise compatibility program project, but in any event not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date of acceptance of a grant offer of Federal funds for the project. However, there shall be no limit on the duration of the assurance against exclusive rights or the terms, conditions, and assurances with respect to real property acquired with Federal funds. Furthermore, the duration of the Civil Rights assurance shall be as specified in the assurance. 2. Airport Development or Noise Compatibility Program Projects Undertaken by a Private Sponsor. The preceding paragraph 1 also applies to a private sponsor except that the useful life of project items installed within a facility or the useful life of facilities developed or equipment acquired under an airport development or noise compatibility program project shall be no less than 10 years from the date of the acceptance of Federal aid for the project. 3. Airport Planning Undertaken by a Sponsor. Unless otherwise specified in the grant agreement, only Assurances 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13, 18, 30, 32, 33, 34, and 36 in Section C apply to planning projects. The terms, conditions, and ~ssurances of' 't~ gr~nt ' agreement shall remain in full force and effect during the life of the project. C. Sponsor Certification. The sponsor hereby assures and certifies, with respect to this grant that: 1. General Federal Requirements. It will comply with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, executive orders, policies, guidelines and requirements as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this project including but not limited to the following: Federal Legislation m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. Federal Aviation Act of 1958 - 49 U.$.C. 1301, et seq. Davis-Bacon Act - 40 U.S.C. 276(a), et seq. 1/ Federal Fair Labor Standards Act - 29 U.S.C. 201, et seq. Match Act - 5 U.S.C. 1501, et seq. 2/ Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 - 42 U S.C. 4601, et seq. 1/ 2/ · National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 - Section 106 - 16 U.S.C. 470(f). 1/ Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 - 16 U.S.C. 469 through 469c. 1/ Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 - Section 102(a) - 42 U.S.C. 4012a. 1/ Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - 29 U.S.C. 794. Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VI - 42 U.S.C. through d-4. 2000d Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979, 49 U.S.C. 2101, et seq. Age Discrimination Act of 1975 - 42 U.S.C. 6101, et seq. Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 - 42 U.S C. seq. 1/ · 4151, et Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, as amended 49 U.S.C. 2201, et seq. Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 - Section 403 - 2 U.S.C. 8373. 1/ Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - 40 U.S C 327, et seq. 1/ - . Copeland Antikickback Act - 18 U.S.C. 874. 1/ National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 - 42 U S C 4321, et seq. 1/ · · · Endangered Species Act - 16 U.S.C. 6~8(a), et seq. 1/ Single Audit Act of 1984 - 31 U.S.C. 7501, et seq. 2/ Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 - 41 U.S C. 702 through 706. · Executive Orders Executive Order 12372 - Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity .1/ Federal Regulations a. 49 CFR Part 18 - Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local b. Governments. 3/ 49 CFR Part 21 - Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation _ Effectuation of Title VI of the C' ' c. 49 CFR Part 23 - ~_: ..... lvll Rights Act P-~~a~lon Dy Minority Busine~ Enterprise in Department of Transportation Programs. d. 49 CFR Part 24 - Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Regulation for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs. 1/ 2/ e. 49 CFR Part ~7 - Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Handicap in rograms and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance. 1/ f. 49 CFR Part 29 - Debarments, Suspensions, and Voluntary Exclusions. g. 49 CFR Part 30 - Denial of Public Works Contracts to Suppliers of Goods and Services of Countries That Deny. Procurement Market Access to U.S. Contractors. h. 29 CFR Part 1 - Procedures for Predetermination of Wage Rates. 1/ i. 29 CFR Part 3 - Contractors or Subcontractors on Public Buildings or Public Works Financed in Whole or Part by Loans or Grants from U.S. 1/ J. 29 CFR Part 5 - Labor Standards Provisions ApPlicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted Construction. 1/ k. 41 CFR Part 60 - Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Federal and Federally-assisted Contracting Requirements) 1/ 1. ' 14 CFR Part 150 - Airport Noise Compatibility Planning. Office of Management and Budget Circulars a. A-87 - Cost Principles Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local Governments. 3/ b. A-128 - Audits of State and Local Governments. 2/ l/ These laws do not apply to airport planning sponsors. 2/ These laws do not apply to 3/ 49 CFR Part 18 and ...... P~ivate sponsors. u um~ circular A-87 contain requirements for State and local governments recei%ing Federal assistance. Any requirement levied upon State and local governments by this regulation a app}icable to -riva~ .... nd ?i~Cular shall a so be assistance und[r ~=t=-~p°ns0rs ~ecelvlng Federal 1 of 19'- ~u= azrpor= ana Airway Imnrov ~z, as amended. - = ement Act Specific assurances required to be included in grant agreements by any of the above laws, regulations or circulars are incorporated by reference in the grant agreement. 2. RespOnsibility and Authority of the Sponsor. a. Public Agency Sponsor: It has legal authority to apply for the grant, and to finance and carry out the proposed project; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant,s governing body authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. b. Private Sponsor: It has legal authority to apply for the grant and to finance and carry out the proposed project and comply with all terms, conditions, and assurances of this grant agreement. It shall designate an official representative and shall in writing direct and authorize that person to file this application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein; to act in connection with the application; and to provide such additional information as may be required. 3. Sponsor Fund Availability. It has sufficient funds available for that portion of the project costs which are not to be paid by the United States. It has sufficient funds available to assure operation and maintenance of items funded under the grant agreement which it will own or control. 4. Good Title. a. It holds good title, satisfactory to the Secretary, to the landing area of the airport or site thereof, or will give assurance satisfactory to the Secretary that good title will be acquired. b. For noise compatibility program projects to be carried out on the property of the sponsor, it holds good title satisfactory to the Secretary to that portion of the property upon which Federal funds will be expended or will give assurance to the Secretary that good title will be obtained. 5. Preserving Rights and Powers. a. It will not take or permit any action which would operate to deprive it of any of the rights and powers' necessary to perform any or all of the terms, conditions, and assurances in the grant agreement without the written approval of the Secretary, and will act promptly to acquire, extinguish or modify any outstanding rights or claims of right of others which would interfere with such performance by the sponsor. This shall be done in a manner acceptable to the Secretary. b. It will not sell, lease, encumber or otherwise transfer or dispose of any part of its title or other interests in the property shown on Exhibit A to this application or, for a noise compatibility program project, that portion of the property upon which Federal funds have been expended, for the duration of the terms, conditions, and assurances in the grant agreement without approval by the Secretary. If the transferee is found by the Secretary to be eligible under the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 to assume the obligations of the grant agreement and to have the power, authority, and financial resources to carry out all such obligations, the sponsor shall insert in the contract or document t~ansferring or disposing of the sponsor,s interest, and make binding upon the transferee, all of the terms, conditions and assurances contained in this grant agreement. c. For all noise compatibility program projects which are to be carried out by another unit of local government or are on property owned by a unit of local government other than the sponsor, it will enter into an agreement with that government. Except as otherwise specified by the Secretary, that agreement shall obligate that government to the same terms, conditions, and assurances that would be applicable to it if it applied directly to the FAA for a grant to undertake the noise compatibility program project. That agreement and changes thereto must be satisfactory to the Secretary. It will take steps to enforce this agreement against the local government if there is substantial non-compliance with the terms of the agreement. d. For noise compatibility program projects to be carried out on privately owned property, it will enter into an agreement with the owner of that property which includes provisions specified by the Secretary. It will take steps to enforce this agreement against the property owner whenever there is substantial non-compliance with the terms of the agreement. e. If the sponsor is a private sponsor, it will take steps satisfactory to the Secretary Jo ensure that the airport will continue to function as a public-uSe airport in accordance with these assurances for the duration of these assurances. f. If an arrangement is made for management and operation of the airport by any agency or person other than the sponsor or an employee of the sponsor, the sponsor will reserve sufficient rights and authority to insure that the airport will and maintained in accordance with t be operated Improvement Act of 19" .... he Airport and Airway oz, =ne regulations and the terms, conditions and assurances in the grant agreement and shall insure that such arrangement also requires compliance therewith. 6. Consistency with Local Plans. The project is reasonably consistent with plans (existing at the time of Submission of this 9pplication) of public agencies that are authorized by the State in which the project is located to plan for the development of the area surrounding the airport. For noise compatibility program projects, other than land acquisition, to be carried out on property not owned by the airport and over which property another public agency has land use control or authority, the sponsor shall obtain from each such agency a written declaration that such agency supports that project and the project is reasonably consistent with the agency,s plans regarding the property. 7. Consideration of Local Interest. It has given fair consideration to the interest of communities in or near which the project may be located. 8. Consultation with Users. In making a decision to undertake any airport development project under the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, it has undertaken reasonable consultations with affected parties using the airport at which project is proposed. 9. Public Hearings. In projects ipvolving the location of an airport, an airport runway, or a ma]or runway extension, it has afforded the opportunity for public hearings for the purpose of considering the economic, social, and environmental effects of the airport or runway location and its consistency with goals and objectives of such planning as has been carried out by the community. It shall, when requested by the Secretary, submit a copy of the transcript of such hearings to the Secretary. 10. Air and Water Quality Standards. In projects involving airport location, a major runway extension, or runway location it will provide for the Governor of the state in which the project is located to certify in writing to the Secretary that the project will be located, designed, constructed, and operated so as to comply with applicable air and water quality standards. In any case where such standards have not been approved and where applicable air and water quality standards have been promulgated by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, certification shall be obtained from such Administrator. Notice of certification or refusal to certify shall be provided within sixty days after the project application has been received by the Secretary. 11. Local Approval. In projects involving the construction extension of an~ runwa-- -~ .... . . or . ~ ~ ~u any general aviation airport located astride a line separating two counties within a single state, it has received approval for the project from the governing body of all villages incor~orated under the laws of that located entirely .J,~- ,: ....... state which are airport, z -~.~, ~¥e ml~es o~ t~e nearest boundary of the 12. Terminal Development Prerequisites. For projects which include terminal development at a public airport, it has, on the date of submittal of the project grant application, all the safety equipment required for certification of such airport under section 612 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and all the security equipment required by rule or regu%ation, and has provided for access to the passenger enplaning and deplaning area of Such airport to passengers enplaning or deplaning from aircraft other than air carrier aircraft. 13. Accounting System, Audit, and Recordkeeping Requirements. a. It shall keep all project accounts and records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of the proceeds of the grant, the total cost of the Project in connection with Which the grant is given or used, and the amount and nature of that Portion of the cost of the project supplied by other SOUrces, and Such other financial reCords pertinent to the project. The accounts and With an accounting system that will facilitate an effective audit records shall be kept in accordance in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. b. It Shall make available to the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, for the PUrpose of audit and examination, any books, doCUments, Papers, and records of the recipient that are pertinent to the grant. The Secretary may require that an appropriate audit be conducted by a recipient. In any case in Which an independent audit is made of the accounts of a Sponsor relating to the disposition of the proceeds of a grant or relating to the project in connection with Which the grant was given or used, it shall file a certified copy of Such audit with the Comptroller General of the United States not later than 6 months following the close of the fiscal year for Which the audit was made. 14. Minimum Wage Rates. It shall include, in all contracts in excess of $2,000 for Work on any Projects funded under the grant agreement Which involve labor, provisions establishing minimum rates of wages, to be predetermined by the Secretary of Labor, in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 276a--276a-5), Which contractors shall pay to skilled and unskilled labor, and Such minimum rates shall be stated in the invitation for bids and shall be included in proposals or bids for the work. 15. Veteran,s Preference It shall include, in a  ork on any projects fun~ed Under the grant a tee11 contracts for involve labor, Such rovl ' In_the emplo en .~P,_~ Slons as are ne g.. me~t Which and su _Y? t 't ~or e ._ cessary to in _ perviso _ ( xcept la ex _ . SUre that. 515 ~- ~nu ~lsab h 11 be iv ' (c)(1) and ~ ~ -- ~ . led Veterans a g_ e9 to veterans }982. However;2&h~ the Airport and Atrwa~ _defined In Section individual, ___ z~.preference sha]~ .... ¥ Improvement Act - ~e available and ~,a~:it ~PaY only where the of which the employment relates. ~ ~zrled to Perform the Work to 16. Conformity to Plans _. and Specification project subject to plans, specifications ~'_~xu ~lll. execute the by the Secretary. , anu SChedules approved Such Plans, specifications, and schedules shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to commencement of site preparation, construction, or other performance under this grant ~greement, and, upon approval by the Secretary, shall be · ncorporated into this grant agreement. Any modifications to the approved plans, specifications, and schedules shall also be subject to approval by the Secretary and incorporation into the grant agreement. 17. Construction Inspection and Approval. It will provide and maintain competent technical supervision at the construction site throughout the project to assure that the work conforms with the plans, specifications, and schedules approved by the Secretary for the project. It shall subject the construction work on any project contained in an approved project application to inspection and approval by the Secretary and such work shall be in accordance with regulations and procedures prescribed by the Secretary. Such regulations and procedures shall require such cost and progress reporting by the sponsor or sponsors of such project as the Secretary shall deem necessary. 18. Planning Projects. In carrying out planning projects: a. It will execute the project in accordance with the approved program narrative contained in the project application or with modifications similarly approved. b. It will furnish the Secretary with such periodic reports as required pertaining to the planning project and planning work activities. c. It will include in all published material prepared in connection with the planning project a notice that the material was prepared under a grant provided by the United States. d. It will make such material available for examination by the public, and agrees that no material prepared with funds under this project shall be subject to copyright in the United States or any other country. e. It will give the Secretary unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use any of the material prepared in connection with this grant. f. It will grant the Secretar the ' Sponsor's em~lo~--~ -~ ..... Y rlght to disapprove the subcont .... = ~.-~ ut ~peclzlc consultants and the' - the ri-f~¢~°r~-t° Go all or any part of this' ro ectir as gn= =o ulsa rove P j as well PP the proposed sco e an professional services. .P d cost of g. It will grant the Secretary the use of the sponsor,s employees to do all project. right to disapprove the-- or any part of the h. It understands and agrees that the Secretary,s approval of this project grant or the Secretary,s approval of any planning material developed as part of this grant does not constitute or imply any assurance or commitment on the part of the Secretary to approve any pending or future application for a Federal airport grant. 19. Operation and Maintenance. a. It will suitably operate and maintain the airport and all facilities thereon or connected therewith, with due regard to climatic and flood conditions. Any Proposal to temporarily close the airport for nonaeronautical purposes must first be approved by the Secretary. The airport and all facilities which are necessary to serve the aeronautical users of the airport, other than facilities owned or controlled by the United States, shall be operated at all times in a safe and se~-viceable condition and in accordance with the minimum standards as may be required or prescribed by applicable Federal, state and local agencies for maintenance and operation. It will not cause or permit any activity or action thereon which would interfere with its use for airport purposes. In furtherance of this assurance, the sponsor will have in effect at all times arrangements for-- (1) Operating the airport,s aeronautical facilities whenever required; (2) Promptly marking and lighting hazards resulting from airport conditions, including temporary conditions; and (3) Promptly notifying airmen of any condition affecting aeronautical use of the airport. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require that the airport be operated for aeronautical use during temporary periods when snow, flood or other climatic conditions interfere with such operation and maintenance. Further, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the maintenance, repair, restoration, or replacement of any structure or facility which is substantially damaged or destroyed due to an act of God or'other condition or circumstance beyond the control of the sponsor. b. It will suitable operate and maintain noise compatibility program items that it owns or controls upon which Federal funds have been expended. 20. Hazard Removal and Mitigation. It will take appropriate action to assure that such terminal airspace as is required to protect instrument and visual operations to the airport (including established minimum flight altitudes) will be adequately cleared and protected by removing, lowering, r~locating, marking, or lighting or otherwise mitigating existing airport hazards and by preventing the establishment or creation of future airport hazards. 21. Compatible Land Use. It will take appropriate action, including the adoption of zoning laws, to the extent reasonable, to restrict the use of land adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of the airport to activities and purposes compatible with normal airport operations, including landing and takeoff of aircraft. In addition, if the project is for noise compatibility program implementation, it will not cause or permit any change in 'land use, within its jurisdiction, that will reduce the compatibility, with respect to the airport, of the noise compatibility program measures upon which Federal funds have been expended. 22. Economic Nondiscrimination. a. It will ~ake its airport available as an airport for public use on fair and reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination, to all types kinds, and classes of aeronautical uses. ' b. In any agreement, contract~ lease or other arrangement under which a right or privilege at the airport is granted to any person, firm, or corporation to conduct or engage in any aeronautical activity for furnishing services to the public at the airport, the sponsor will insert and enforce provisions requiring the contractor to -- (1) furnish said services on a fair, equal, and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users thereof, and (2) charge fair, reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory prices for each unit or service, provided, that the contractor may be allowed to make reasonable and nondiscriminatory discounts, rebates, or other similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers. c. Each fixed-based operator at any airport owned by the sponsor shall be subject to the same rates, fees, other charges as are uniformly applicable to all rentals, and other fixed-based operators making the same or similar uses of such airport and utilizing the same or similar facilities. d. Each air carrier using such airport shall have the right to service itself or to use any fixed-based operator that is authorized or Permitted by the airport to sez-ve any air carrier at such airport. e. Each air carrier using such airport'(whether as a tenant, nontenant, or subtenant of another air carrier tenant) shall be subject to such nondiscriminatory and substantially comparable rules, regulations, conditions, rates, fees, rentals, and other charges with respect to facilities directly and substantially related to providing air transportation as are applicable to all such air carriers which make similar use of such airport and which utilize similar facilities, subject to reasonable classifications such as tenants or nontenants and signatory carriers and nonsignatory carriers. Classification or status as tenant or signatory shall not be unreasonably withheld by any airport provided an air carrier assumes obligations substantially similar to those already imposed on air carriers in such classifications or status. f. It will not exercise or grant any right or privilege which operates to prevent any person, firm, or corporation operating aircraft on the airport from performing any services on its own aircraft with its own employees (including, but not limited to maintenance, repair, and fueling) that it may choose to perform. g. In the event the sponsor itself exercises any of the rights and privileges referred to in this assurance, the services involved will be provided on the same conditions as would apply to the furnishing of such services by contractors or concessionaires of the sponsor under these provisions. h. The sponsor may establish such fair, equal, and not unjustly discriminatory conditions to be met by all users of the airport as may be necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the airport. i. The sponsor may prohibit or limit any given type, kind, or class of aeronautical use of the airport if such action is necessary for the safe operation of the airport or necessary to serve the civil aviation needs of the public. 23. Exclusive Rights. It will permit no exclusive right for the use of the airport by any persons providing, or intending to provide, aeronautical services to the public. For purposes of this paragraph, the providing of services at an airport by a single fixed-based operator shall not be construed as an exclusive right if both of the following apply: a. It would be unreasonably costly, burdensome, or impractical for more than one fixed-based operator to provide such services, and b. If allowing more than one fixed-based operator to provide such servicem would require the reduction of space leased pursuant to an existing agreement between such single fixed-based operator and such airport. It further agrees that it will not, either directly or indirectly, grant or permit any person, firm or corporation the exclusive right at the airport, or at any other airport now owned or controlled by it, to conduct any aeronautical activities, including, but not limited to charter flights, pilot training, aircraft rental and sightseeing, aerial photography, crop dusting, aerial advertising and surveying, air carrier operations, aircraft sales and services, sale of aviation petroleum products whether or not conducted in conjunction with other aeronautical activity, repair and maintenance of aircraft, sale of aircraft parts, and any other activities which because of their direct relationship to the operation of aircraft can be regarded as an aeronautical activity, and that it will terminate any exclusive right to conduct an aeronautical activity now existing at such an airport before the grant of any assistance under the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982. 24. Fee and Rental Structure. It will maintain a fee and rental structure consistent with Assurance 22 and 23, for the facilities and services being provided the airport users which will make the airport as self-sustaining as possible under the circumstances existing at the particular airport, taking into account such factors as the volume of traffic and economy of collection. No part of the Federal share of an airport development, airport planning or noise compatibility project for which a grant is made under the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, the Federal Airport Act or the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 shall be included in the rate base in establishing fees rates, and charges for users of that airport. ' 25. Airport Revenue. If the airport is under the control a local taxes on ....... ,,_ . fuel established after Dec~-~- ~ 1987, will be =~penae~ Dy It for the canital o ........ ' ....~ ~0, of the airport; local airport system; or other local the ~ ~ up~ra~lng costs facilities which are owned or operated by the owner or operator of the airport and directly and substantially related to the actual air transportation of passengers or property; or for noise mitigation purposes on or off the airport. Provided, however, that if covenants or assurances in debt obligations issued before September 3, 1982, by the owner or operator of the airport, or provisions enacted before September 3, 1982, in governing statutes controlling the owner or operator,s financing, provide for the use of the revenues from any of the airport owner or operator,s facilities, including the airport, to support not only the airport but also the airport owner or operator,s general debt obligations or other facilities, then this limitation on the use of all revenues generated by the airport (and, in the case of a public airport, local taxes on aviation fuel) shall not apply. 26. Reports and Inspections. it will submit to the Secretary such annual or special financial and operatiohs reports as the Secretary may reasonably request. For airport development projects, it will also make the airport and all airport records and documents affecting the airport, including deeds, leases, operation and use agreements, regulations and other instruments, available for inspection by any duly authorized agent of the Secretary upon reasonable request. For noise compatibility program projects, it will also make records and documents relating to the project and continued compliance with the terms, conditions, and assurances of the grant agreement including deeds, leases, agreements, regulations, and other instruments, available for inspection by any duly authorized agent of the Secretary upon reasonable request. 27. Use of Government Aircraft. It will make available all of the facilities of the airport developed with Federal financial assistance and all those usable for landing and takeoff of aircraft to the United States for use by Government aircraft in common with other aircraft at all times without charge, except, if the use by Governmeht aircraft is substantial, charge may be made for a reasonable share, Proportional to such use, for the cost of operating and maintaining the facilities used. Unless otherwise determined by the Secretary, or otherwise agreed to by the sponsor and the using agency, substantial use of an airport by Government aircraft will be considered to exist when operations of such aircraft are in excess of those which, in the opinion of the Secretary, would unduly interfere with use of the landing areas by other authorized aircraft or during any calendar month that -- , a. Five (5) or more Government aircraft are regularly based at the airport or on land adjacent thereto; or b. The total number of movements (counting movement) of Government aircraft i .... each landing as a ~ ~uu or more, or the gross accumulative weight.of Government aircraft using the airport (the total movements of Government aircraft multiplied by gross weights of such aircraft) is in excess of five million pounds. 28. Land for Federal Facilities. It will furnish without cost to the Federal Government for use in connection with any air traffic control or air navigation activities, or weather-reporting and communication activities related to air traffic control, any areas of land or water, or estate therein, or rights in buildings of the sponsor as the Secretary considers necessary or desirable for construction, operation, and maintenance at Federal expense of space or facilities for such purposes. Such areas or any portion thereof will be made available as provided herein within four months after receipt of a written request from the Secretary. 29. Airpor~ Layout Plan. a. It will keep up to date at all times an airport layout plan of the airport showing (1) boundaries of-the airport and al proposed additions thereto, together wit 1 offslte areas owned h the boundaries of all or controlled by the sponsor for airport purposes and Proposed additions thereto; (2) the location and nature of all existing and proposed airport facilities and structures (such as runways, taxiways, aprons, terminal buildings, hangars and roads), including and reductions of ex~-~ ......... ~}1 proposed extensions ~n~ a~rpor~ ~aclll=les; and (3) the location of all existing and proposed nonavi all existing imDroveme , .._ ation areas and of _ nts ~hereon. Such airport layout plan and each amendment, revision, or modification thereof, shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary which approval shall be evidenced by the signature of a duly authorized representative of the Secretary on the face of the airport layout plan. The sponsor will not make or permit any changes or alterations in the airport or in any of its facilities which are not in conformity with the airport layout plan as approved by the Secretary and which might, in the opinion of the Secretary, adversely affect the safety, utility, or efficiency of the airport. b. if a change or alteration in the airport or its facilities is made which the Secretary determines adversely affects the safety, utility, or efficiency of any federally owned, leased, or funded property on or off the airport and which is not in conformity with the airport layout plan as approved by the Secretary, the owner or operator will, if requested by the Secretary (1) eliminate such adverse effect in a manner approved by the Secretary; or (2) bear all costs of relocating such property (or replacement thereof) to a site acceptable to the Secretary and all costs of restoring such property (or replacement thereof) to the level of safety, utility, efficiency, and cost of operation existing before the unapproved change in the airport or its facilities. 30. Civil Rights. It will comply with such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap be excluded from participating in any activity conducted with or benefiting from funds received from this.grant: This assurance obligates the sponsor for the period during which Federal financial assistance is extended to the program, except where Federal financial assistance is to provide, or is in the form of personal property or real property or interest therein or structures or improvements thereon, in which case the assurance obligates the sponsor or any transferee for the longer of the following periods: (a) the period during which the property is used for a purpose for which Federal financial assistance is extended, or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits or (b) the period during which the sponsor retains ownership or possession of the property. 31. Disposal of Land. a. For land purchased under a grant before, on, or after December 30, 1987, for airport noise compatibility purposes, it will dispose of the land, when the land is no such purposes, at fai .... , ...... ~onger needed for ~ ~r~u va~ue a= the earliest practicable time. That portion of the proceeds of such disposition which is proportionate to the United States share of acquisition of such land will, at the discretion of the Secretary, 1) be paid to the Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund or 2) be reinvested in an approved noise compatibility project as prescribed by the Secretary. b. For land purchased for airport purposes (Other than noise compatibility) under a grant before, on, or after 1987, it Will, when the land is no longer needed December 30, for airport PUrposes, dispose of Such land at fair market value. That Portion of the proceeds of such.disposition, which is PrOportionate to the United States share of the cost of acquisition of such land will be paid to the Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund. c. Disposition of"such land Under a. and b. above Will be subject to the retention or reservation on any interest or right therein necessary to ensure that Such land Will only be Used for purposes which are compatible With noise levels associated with the Operation of the airport. 32. Engineering and Design Services. It Will award each contract, or sub-contract for program management, Construction management, planning Studies, feasibility studies, architectural services, Preliminary engineering, design, engineering, surveying, maDDing, or related services with respect to the project in the same manner as a contract for architectural and engineering services is negotiated under title IX of 'the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 or an equivalent qualifications.based requirement Prescribed for or by the Sponsor of the airport. 33. Foreign Market Restrictions. It Will not allow funds provided Under this grant to be used to fund any project which uses any product or service of a foreign Country during the period in which Such foreign Country is listed by the United States Trade Representative as denying fair and opportunities for Products and suppliers of the equitable market procurement and construction. United States in 34. PolicieS, Standards. and Specificatio . out the project in accor-' ' ns specifications ..... ~ance With nol~-~-_ . . It Will carry ~roved bu ~. ~___~-4~,_standards' and limited to the advisory circulars not = ~"= o-ure=ary including but Advisory · Circulars for A ...... listed in the ,, in this grant, an~ ~_ ~ ~ro]ects,,, date Current FAA standards ,_~ __~ ~" accordance wit~ .... ? .- and inc ' ,tion and eal - - ecr.tary. , ~r.~- e~.l. acqui~ing real ._~E~Y Acquisition. . ~ ~Ica~le und-- ~-~ - ~ertv. tn *~ .... (1) It will owners for .... ---- ~=&= z~ and wil~ .... ii~-~a=~on Policie. services descr~_~~=~on assistance ..... ~- ouDpart a. (2J relocation ._~"~ ~n Subpart C an~ ._~lu~r~m offering the ~ments an - ~ir and re required in S.-~ .... d assistance to ~--,- .asonable u~w~r=s D a u~=~xaced ers make available within nd E of 49 CFR Part 24. p °n~ta~lll ~placement comparabi: ~?nabie Period of ~rsons in accordance wii~ement dwellings to 36. Drug-Free Workplace. It will provide a drug-free workplace at the site of work specified in the grant application in accordance with 49 CFR Part 29 by (1) publishing a statement notifying its employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the sponsor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against its employees for violation of such prohibition; (2) establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform its employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace and any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employees assistance programs; (3) notifying the FAA within ten days after receiving notice of an employee criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace; and (4) making a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace. AGREEMENT between CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA and WILLIAMS, HATFIELD & STONER, INC. for SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AiRPORT COMMUNITY COMPATIBILITY AND MASTER PLAN STUDY 3810m/405P/041190 This is an Agreement made as of between City of Sebastian, Florida and Williams, Hatfield and Stoner, Inc. , 19 (0WN~--W7 (ENGINEER) OWNER employs ENGINEER to perform professional engineering services, to serve as OWNER's professional engineering representative and to provide professional engineering consultation and advice for a professional fee (as set forth below) in connection with Community Compatibility and Master Plan Study for Sebastian Municipal Airport (the "Assignment"). SECTION 1 - BASIC SERVICES OF ENGINEER 1.1 Prior to the FAA Grant, the ENGINEER will proceed on verbal authorization by OWNER to perform Article I of the Scope of Services as defined in paragraph 1 of Exhibit SR-A "Further Description of Basic Services, Duties of Owner, Method of Payment and Related Matters." 1.2 After written authorization to proceed, ENGINEER shall perform the services as described in Articles II through VII of the Scope of Services as defined in paragraph 1 of Exhibit SR-A "Further Description of Basic Services, Duties of Owner, Method of Payment and Related Matters." SECTION 2 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES 2.1 If authorized in writing by OWNER, Additional Servtces related to the Assignment will be performed by ENGINF~R for an additional professional fee. SECTION 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES OWNER shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the services of ENGINEER: 3.1 Provide all criteria and full information as to OWNER's requirements for the Assignment and designate in writing a person with authority to act on OWNER's behalf on all matters concerning the Assignment; 3.2 Furnish to ENGINEER all existing studtes, reports and other available data pertinent to the Assignment, and obtain or authorize ENGINEER to obtain or provide additional reports and data as required, and furnish to ENGINEER services of others required for the performance of ENGINEER's services hereunder, and ENGINEER shall be entttled to use and rely upon all such information and services provided by OWNER or others in performing ENGINEER's services under this Agreement; 3810m/405P/041190 -1- 3.3 Arrange for access to and make all provisions for ENGINEER to enter upon public and private property as required for ENGINEER to perform services hereunder; 3.4 Perform such other functions as are indicated in paragraph 2 of Exhibit SR-A "Further Description of Basic Services, Duties of Owner, Method of Payment and Related Matters"; and ~. 3.5 Bear all costs incident to compliance with the requirements of this Section 3. SECTION 4 - PERIOD OF SERVICE 4.1 ENGINEER's Basic Services will be performed and the Report submitted within the time period or by the date stipulated in paragraph 3 of Exhibit SR-A "Further Description of Basic Services, Duties of Owner, Method of Payment and Related Matters". 4.2 ENGINEER's Basic Services under this Agreement will be considered complete at the earlier of (1) the date when the Report is accepted by OWNER or (2) thirty days after the date when the Report ts submitted for final acceptance, plus in each case, if applicable, such additional time as may be considered reasonable for obtaining approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction to approve the Report. 4.3 ENGINEER's Additional Services will be performed and completed within the time period agreed to in writing by the parties at the time such services are authorized. 4.4 If any time period within or date by which any of ENGINEER's services are to be completed is exceeded through no fault of ENGINEER, all rates, measures and amounts of compensation and the time for completion of performance shall be subject to equitable adjustment. SECTION 5 - PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 5.1 Methods of Payment for Services of ENGINEER. 5.1.1 For Basic Services. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for ali Basic Services rendered under Section 1 (as amended and supplemented by Exhibit SR-A "Further Description of Basic Services, Duties of Owner, Method of Payment and Related Matters") as follows: On the basis of the Schedule of Hourly Rates and Other Charges (Schedule "E") with an amount not to exceed ~ . 5.1.2 For Additional Services. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for all Additional Services rendered under Section 2 on the basis agreed to in writing by the parties at the time such services are authorized. 3810m/405P/041190 -2- 5.1.3 Reimbursable Expenses. In addition to the payments provided for in paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, OWNER shall pay ENGINEER the costs of all Reimbursable Expenses incurred in connection with all Basic Services and Additional Services in accordance with the Schedule of Hourly Rates and Other Charges (Schedule E). 5.2 ENGINEER shall submit monthly statements for Basic and "Additional Services rendered and for Reimbursable Expenses incurred. OWNER shall make prompt monthly payments in response to the ENGINEER's monthly statements. 5.3 ENGINEER's above charges are on the basis of prompt payment of bills rendered and continuous progress of the work on the Assignment until submission of the Report. 5.4 If OWNER fails to make any payment due ENGINEER for services and expenses within thirty days after receipt of ENGINEER's statement therefor, the amount due ENGINEER will be increased at the rate of 1% per month from said thirtieth day, and in addition, ENGINEER may, after giving seven days' written notice to OWNER, suspend services under this Agreement until ENGINEER has been paid in full ali amounts due for services, expenses and charges. SECTION 6 - COST CONTROL 6.1 OWNER's budgetary requirements and considerations in respect of the Assignment are set forth in paragraph 5 of Exhibit SR-A "Further Description of Basic Services, Duties of Owner, Method of Payment and Related Matters". 6.2 Opinions of probable construction cost, financial evaluations, feasibility studies, economic analyses of alternate solutions and utilitarian considerations of operations and maintenance costs prepared by ENGINEER hereunder will be made on the basis of ENGINEER's experience and qualifications and represent ENGINEER's best judgment as an experienced and qualified design professional. It is recognized, however, that ENGINEER does not have control over the cost of labor, material, equipment or services furnished by others or over market conditions or contractors' method of determining their prices, and that any utilitarian evaluation of any facility to be constructed or work to be performed on the basis of the Report must of necessity be speculative until completion of its detailed design. Accordingly, ENGINEER does ~ not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual costs will not vary from opinions, evaluations or studies submitted by ENGINEER to OWNER hereunder. 3810m/405P/041190 -3- SECTION 7 - MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 A_li documents prepared or furnished by ENGINEER (and ENGINEER's independent professional associates and consultants) pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service and ENGINEER shall retain an ownership and property interest therein. OWNER may make and retain copies for information and reference; however, such documents are not imtended or represented to be suitable for reuse by OWNER or others. Any reuse without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER for the specific purpose intended will be at OWNER's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to ENGINEER, or to ENGINEER's independent professional associates or consultants, and OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless ENGINEER and ENGINEER's independent professional associates and consultants from all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Any such verification or adaptation will entitle ENGINEER to further compensation at rates to be agreed upon by OWNER and ENGINEER. 7.2 The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty days' written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms thereoi through no fault of the terminating party. In the event of any termination, ENGINEER will be paid for all services rendered and reimbursable expenses incurred to the date of termination and, in addition, all reimbursable expenses directly attributable to termination. OWNER may terminate this agreement without cause upon 30 days prior written notice. 7.3.i OWNER and ENGINEER each is hereby bound and the partners, successors, executors, administrators and legal representatives of OWNER and ENGINEER (and to the extent permitted by paragraph 7.3.2 the assigns of OWNER and ENGINEER) are hereby bound to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators and legal representatives (and said assigns) of such other party, in respect of ali covenants, agreements and obligations of this Agreement. 7.3.2 Neither OWNER nor ENGINEER shall assign, sublet or transfer any rights under or interest in (including, but without limitation, moneys that may become due or moneys that are due) this Agreement without the written consent of the other, except to the extent that any assignment, subletting ~r transfer is mandated by law or the effect of this limitation may be restricted by law. Unless specifically statea to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent ENGINEER from employing such independent professional associates and consultants as ENGINEER may deem appropriate to assist in the performance of services hereunder. 7.4 Insurance. 7.4.1 ENGINEER shall procure and maintain insurance for protection from claims under workers' compensation acts, claims for damages because of bodily injury including personal injury, sickness or disease or death of any and all employees or of any person other than such employees, and from claims or damages because of injury to or destruction of property including loss of use resulting therefrom. -4- 3810m/405P/04ilg0 7.4.2 Also ENGINEER shall procure and maintain professional liability · nsurance for protection from Claims arising out of performance of professional services caused by a negligent error, omission or act for which the insured is legally liable; such professional liability insurance will provide for coverage in such amounts, with such deductible provisions and for such period of time as set forth below, and certificates indicating that such insurance is in effect will be delivered to OWNER: '~ A~ount: Deductible: Effective Through:_. 7.4.3 ENGINEER will also cause professional associates and consultants retained by ENGINEER for the Project to procure and maintain comparable professional liability insurance coverage. 7.5 Limitation of Design Professional's Liability 7.5.i Design professional shall procure and maintain insurance policies with such coverages and in such amounts and for such period of time as required by and set forth in paragraph 7.3.2 of this Agreement. OWNER hereby agrees that to the fullest extent permitted by law design professional's total liability to OWNER for any and ail injuries, claims, losses, expenses, or damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the project or this Agreement from any cause or causes including but not limited to design professional's negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty (hereafter "OWNER's Claims") shall not exceed the total sum paid on behalf of or to design professional by design professional's insurers in settlement or satisfaction of OWNER's claims under the terms and conditions of the design professional's insurance policies applicable thereto (excludlng fees, costs, and expenses of investigation, claims adjustment, defense and appeal). If no such insurance coverage is provided with respect to OWNER's claims, then design professional's total liability to OWNER for any and all such uninsured OWNER's claims shall not exceed $ . 7.5.2 The OWNER acknowledges that the ENGINEER is a corporation and agrees that any claim made by the OWNER arising out of any act or omis{~on of any director, officer, or employee of the ENGINEER in the execution or performance of this Agreement, shall be made against the ENGINEER and not against such director, officer, or employee. 7.6 Nothing under this Agreement shall be construed to give any rights or benefits in this Agreement to anyone other than OWNER and ENGINEER, and all duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement will be for the sole and exclusive benefit of OWNER and ENGINEER and not for the benefit of any other party. 3810m/405P/0411M0 -5- 7.7 This Agreement (consisting of pages 1 to inclusive) together with Exhibit SR-A constitute the entire Agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER and supersede ail prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement and said Exhibit SR-A may only be amended, supplemented, modified or cancelled by a duly executed, written instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this. Agreement as of the day and year first above written. OWNER ENGINEER City oi Sebastian Carroll R. Sanders~ PE Vice-President Address for Giving Notices: Address for Giving Notices: 2312 Wilton Drive Fpr.~ Lauderdale~ Florida 33305 3810m/405P/041190 -6- EXHIBIT "SR-A" SEBASTIAN MUNICIPALAIRPORT COI~NITY COMPATIBLITYAND I~STER PLAN STUDY FURTHER DESCRIPTION OF BASIC SERVICES, DUTIES OF OWNER, METHOD OF PAYMENT AND RELATED MATTERS This is an exhibit attached to and made a part of the Agreement dated , 19 between City. of Sebastian (OWNER) and ~iii~ms, H.atf-'i~'i'~ & Stoner., Inc. (ENGINEER)~ for -stud~'~:"~n~ report professional services. 1. The Basic Services of ENGINEER as described in Section 1 of said Agreement are amended and supplemented as follows: Schedule "A" Scope of Services - Sebastian Airport Community Compatibility and Master Plan Study 2. The responsibility of OWNER as described in Section 3 of said Agreement are amended and supplemented as follows: None 3. The time period for the performance of ENGINEER's Basic Services is as follows: Schedule "C" Proposed Schedule 4. Terms used in describing the applicable method of payment for services rendered and Reimbursable Expenses incurred by ENGINEER shall have the meanings indicated below: None OWNER has established the following budget for the Assignment: 6. (Other) Schedule "B" Organizational Chart Schedule "D" Schedule of Fees Schedule "E" Schedule of Hourly Rates and Other Charges Schedule "F" Truth in Negotiation Certificate and No Contingent Fees Schedule "G" FAA Contractor Contractual Requirements Schedule "H" Public Entity Crimes Schedule "I" Standstill Agreement 3810m/405P/041190 -7- SCHEDULE "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT COMMUNITY COMPATIBILITY AND MASTER PLAN STUDY STUDY DESIGN AND GRANT ASSISTANCE A. Introduction In view of the unique nature of this study, the study design phase Is particularly important. The City and the FAA have agreed through the standstill agreement that this study will focus on the future role and use oi the airport and on balancing aviation needs with the community's goals and needs. It is anticipated that effective public participation and the development of an airport plan designed to accommodate aviation needs while enhancing the airport's positive contributions to and minimizing its negative impacts upon the surrounding community will be key elements of the work effort. This scope of services was developed with the input of the administration and elected officials of the City of Sebastian, the FAA, the aviation community and the local residents to satisfy the conditions of the standstill agreement. ,~ B. Public Information and Participation The City recognizes that public participation is an essential element oi this study. Moreover, the standstill agreement mandates that the study afford local citizens, airport users and the FAA ample opportunity for input. The foundation of this study, therefore, will be an on-going public information, education and participation program beginning with the study design phase. 373im/405P/050390 -1- Prior to preparation of this scope of services, a two day interview session was held in which individual members of the Sebastian and Roseland community and various organizations scheduled time with the consultants to discuss what the study should include. The session was advertised well in advance and those who were unable.to attend were invited to submit their comments in writing. The participants represented a cross-section of the community and provided valuable insight into the situation from both the aviation and non-aviation perspectives. This session provided a preliminary identification of specific issues, interested/affected parties and alternatives to be considered. As requested, most participants supplied a written summary of their comments. Many also provided reports and other useful background data. Included in this scope of services is the development of a comprehensive public information and participation program which will be closely integrated into each major phase of the project. The purpose of this program will be to facilitate public input and enhance public understanding. C. Scope, Schedule and Budget A scope of services, organization chart, target schedule and budget for the entire project will be prepared as follows: 1. Preparation of draft scope of services 2. Review of draft by City Manager, Assistant City Manager/Airport Director and City Planner; revision as necessary 3. Pre-application conference with FAA 4. Revision of draft scope of services 5. Review of revised draft by City staff and counsel 6. City Council workshop--review of scope 3731m/405P/050390 -2 - 7. Preparation of draft contract including target schedule and budget, organization chart and refined scope of services 8. Staff review of proposed contract and revisions as necessary 9. City Council hearing--consultant contract Grant Application Assistance Included in this task is assistance to the City as needed in effecting the closing out of the former master plan study grant. FAA study grant application preparation City Council approval of grant application (simultaneous with contract) Submittal of grant application to FAA Coordination with FAA and City through grant offer and acceptance II. DATA COLLECTION The consultant will collect available pertinent information regarding existing community and aviation conditions, regulations, policies and restrictions, trends and future plans, particularly for Sebastian and the Roseland community. Whenever possible and acceptable, existing studies and reports will be used as base data. The major categories of information which may be collected are described below: A. ~erational Considerations Airspace navigational obstructions, navigation aids, communication and meteorological data will be collected. aviation 3731m/4057/050390 -3- B. Aviation Activity Existing operations including fleet mix, based aircraft, flight tracks, accidents, utilization of runways, the role of the airport in the state and national system, national, state and regional forecasts will be collected from available sources. The recent Apogee Research activity survey will be a source of data concerning existing aircraft and type activity levels. Interviews with FBO's, based aircraft owners and flight training schools utilizing the airport will be conducted to ascertain their reasons for using the airport and identification of alternative runway use. C. Airfield, Facilities and Infrastructure The information provided in the previously prepared airport master plani will be verified as necessary regarding the general condition of existing runways, taxiways, aprons, hangars, navigational aids, automobile parking, access pads. D. Airport Finances Historical and current records of the airport's revenues, operating, maintenance and capital expenses will be obtained from the City. On-Airport and VlcinitzLand Use The information presented in the December 1988 Master Plan, the land use maps for Sebastian and Indian River County, and approved or proposed vicinity development and transportation plans will be reviewed and supplemented by field visits as necessary to determine existing land use patterns. 1 Sebastian Municipal Airport Master Plan, December 1988 prepared by Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, Inc. and subsequently withdrawn from FAA review by the City, hereinafter referred to as "December 1988 Master Plan". 3731m/405P/050390 -4- F. Environment Available noise contours and underlying assumptions for the a~rport, aerials, comprehensive plans and other available sources will be collected for use in identifying sensitive habitats and land uses in potentially affected areas and potential noise. G. Legal Framework Pertinent local, regional, state and federal codes, charters, ordinances, rules, regulations, restrictions, agreements, leases, deeds, and guidelines, particularly those which can or do affect aviation activity, use of airport property or airspace will be collected for review by legal counsel. The public information and participation program will be developed and initiated before the end of this phase. iii. DATA ANALYSIS The data collected in Phase II will be organized, reviewed and analyzed in conjunction with the public participation sessions. The analyses to be performed will be limited to that necessary to determine needs and feasibility parameters for alternatives being considered in the public participation sessions. No in-depth or extensive analyses a~e included in this phase. The maximum effort which could be provided is described for each category below. A. Operations and Forecasts The forecasts of annual aircraft activity prepared for the "high" scenario by Apogee Research will be used as a given and represented in the Master Plan Report. The "high" scenario presents the most conservative approach to planning the aviatlon-reiated requirements 3731m/405P/050390 -5- for the airport. It should be noted that future improvements to the airport are staged and implemented when activity levels are relatively assured to occur, and not linked to specific years of a forecast period. These forecasts will be compared.to those presented by the FAA in its Terminal Area Forecast~ and the FDOT in its Continuing Florida Aviation System Planning Process and s~gntficant variances noted. Operations and operational considerations will be analyzed based on pertinent meteorological and aeronautical data, airspace constraints, navigational obstructions and aviation communications. This will include an update of the airport's wind rose based on information collected by the National Climatic Center, U.S. Department of Commerce, Asheville, N.C.; and the review of the magnetic declination for runway markings based on actual survey data. Quit claim deed parameters and legal constraints on airport property use will be analyzed as pertinent. B. Facilities and infrastructure Current airport facilities, services and infrastructure, including type, general condition and capacity will be analyzed as pertinent. C. Noise The existing annual noise contour map presented in the December 1988 Master Plan will be used. A representative single event noise contour will be prepared for an appropriate aircraft using the FAA's Integrated Noise Model (INM 3.9). 3731m/405P/050390 -6 - A land use analysis of lands in the vicinity of the airport including noise sensitive areas, avigation easements or other airspace restrictions, status of proposed development, and characteristics of develoPed and undeveloped areas affected by the airport will be conducted as pertinent. .. D. On-Airport Land Use A demand-capacity analysis and determination of land needed for aviation use will be conducted. The base airport property map will be prepared from the December 1988 Master Plan with a graphic depiction of on-airport FB0 lease boundaries, golf course boundaries, as well as any sensitive lands or significant environmental resources, land needed for aviation use, ground transportation and utility access. E. Financial The lease activities on the airport will be summarized. A financial analysis of airport revenue sources, maintenance and operational expenses, and financial solvency will be conducted. IV. IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES ,t This phase is expected to be a key element in the public information and participation program. The primary alternatives anticipated for consideration in the public sessions are: Accommodation of "high" scenario forecast activity without facility enhancement other than rehabilitative maintenance to existing facilities 3731m/405P/050390 - 7 - 0 0 0 0 0 Re-opening and exclusive use of Runway 9-27 Restrictions on training flights at Sebastian Airport Exclusive use of Runway 4-22 Use of air traffic control mechanisms Relocation and extension of Runway 4-22 northeast," enforcing displaced thresholds and purchasing clear zone from the St. Sebastian P.U.D. with the utilization of Runway 13-31 as the crosswind runway Use of current 13-31 and 4-22 runways with enforceable flight paths, noise restrictions based on noise contours, hours of operations, and restrictions on training flights. The restrictions component of this alternative will take into consideration those imposed at other similar general aviation airports as examples of means by which to avoid infringement on federal laws, the covenants of the quit claim deed and aviation safety. Analysis by the consultant will be limited to modifications to the existing airport and/or use of its airspace. The evaluation of the alternatives will be effected through the public participation sessions. The basis for the evaluation will be the information developed in Phases II and III. Upon determination by the public participation process of the preferred alternative, the following analyses will be conducted on that alternative. O O Annual air traffic forecasts for the 5, 10, and 20-year horizons. 20th year 65, 70, and 75 Ldn aircraft noise contours and a, lcomparison with existing and planned land uses, respectively, to identify potentially impacted areas. Analysis of aviation airside and landside facility needs, establishment costs, financing opportunities, operating expenses and revenues to identify airport property needed for aviation uses and an assessment of the appropriateness of revenue-generating non-aviation uses for surplus airport property. Compatibility with the state and national aviation system plans. 3731m/405P/050390 -8- AIRPORT PLANS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations will be made, based on the results of the analyses in the preceding phase and FAA and public input. These recommendations will 'include: A. Recommended AIrport Layo~ A set of airport layout plans conforming to FAA safety and design standards will be prepared for the airport alternative recommended. These plans will include: Airport layout plan including the existing and ultimate airport layout, location map, vicinity map, basic data table, wind information, and on-airport land use Airport airspace drawing Runway protection zone drawing with runway profiles Airport property map (Exhibit A) including boundaries, lessees, and airport deed information. This property map will be based on existing available data Noise exposure maps: Annualized 20th year 65, 70, and 75 Ldn contours on appropriate base land use maps. Land Use Compatibil~j. Plan The noise exposure maps prepared in Phase IV for the preferred alternative will be used to establish a land use compatibility plan. It is anticipated that during the earlier planning work, especially in Phase IV, a balance between the a~rport mission and the objectives of the community concerning land use will have been achieved as reflected in the selected alternative. Therefore, this task will describe land use compatibility actions which may be needed to afford the required control. These may include the following: 373im/405P/050390 -9- preparation of model airport zoning ordinances review of building construction codes as they relate to noise reduction Additionally, actions required by the airport to maintain its compatibility with existing and planned land uses and the intent of the selected alternative will be identified. These may include: o o o noise abatement programs publication of NOTAMS regarding operating restrictions means to monitor and enforce noise abatement programs C. Financial Plan The selected alternative will be detailed as to its ~mplementation schedule and costs. The schedule will be based on a reasonable progression of project development and consider the availability of Federal and/or State funding assistance. Emphasis will be placed on the first five years of the schedule. Where appropriate, thresholds for intermediate and long term airport improvements will be provided. The recommended implementation program will be evaluated both with and without federal financial assistance to assist the City in prioritizing and scheduling future improvements. Establishment costs will be consistent with the schedule and be presented in current dollars. Estimates of airport operating revenues and expenses consistent with the intent of the selected alternative will be developed for the 20-year planning horizon. Revenues for airport land areas which may be designated as surplus to long-term aviation needs as identified in Phase IV will also be included in the analysis; however, this effort should not be construed as an economic feasibility assessment of the ±and resource. 3731m/405P/050390 - 10 - ~I. DOCUMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION A. RePOr~ preparation and Review Interim reports/working papers will be submitted during key~ phases of the project. These will include after preliminary data collection and analysis and during and after the identification and evaluation of alternatives phase. A draft airport compatibility and master plan report wiii be prepared at the completion of Phase V that presents the major findings of the study and presents the plans and program developed in the preceding phases. The consultant will provide the City with a reproducible Original of draft reports for reproduction, distribution and review. Any revisions or refinements to the draft final master plan report determined to be necessary as a result of the review will be made. The consultant will then provide the City with a clean reproducible copy of the final airport compatibility and master plan report for reproduction and formal review by the City Council and approval of its submittal to the FAA. The City w~ll be responsible for submitting the plan to the FAA for review. Upon FAA acceptance, the consultant will provide the City with a clean reproducible copy of the final approved report along with three print sets and one reproducible set of airport plans. ~ B. Meetings and Site Visits Included in this scope as Basic Services are the following meetings and visits to the Sebastian area. Additional trips would constitute Additional Services under the terms of the consultant contract. 373im/405P/050390 - 11 - Phase I Phase II Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Public Participation FAA (Orlando) City Staff City Council Site Visit Site Visit Public Sessions Site Visits Site Visits Site Visit City Council Preliminary Input Establish Program Public Sessions 1 trip 2 trips 1 trip 1 trip 2 trips 3 trips 2 trips 1 trip WHS WHS WHS, TCI WHS TCI WHS, TCI TCI WHS 1 trip TCI 1 trip WHS trip WHS trip WHS trips PB trips PB C. Organization An organizational chart depicting primary areas of responsibility for the study is attached as Schedule B. A tentative schedule for completion of the study as outlined in this scope of services is attached as Schedule C. Once the public participation program has been developed and approved, it will be added to the schedule. 3731m/405P/050390 - 12 - CJ CrJ SCHEDULE "D" Schedule of Fees Sebastian Municipal Airport Community Compatibility and Master Plan Study Il. Study Design and Grant Assistance Includes 1 Trip to FAA (Pre-app.) Data Collection III. IV. Data Analysis Identification and Evaluation of Alternatives (Includes 3 Public Participation Sessions) Airport Plans and Recommendations Documentation and Administration Includes: 4 Interim Reports 1 City Council Meeting Public Participation Program Initial 2-day Session and Follow-up Develop Program 6 Sessions and Preparation General Press/Public Coordination Reimbursable Expenses WHS TCI $171750 $6,200 $ 81360 $5~600 $18,880 ~ $24,080 $18,210 $3~280 $10,080 6,520 2,300 1,260 $51000 $8,300 Other ** $31,070 7,960 23,510 $8so Total $14,560 $46,760 $21,490 $41,150 6,520 10,260 23,110 1,260 $14~150 *Harris, Miller, Miller and Hanson (HMMH) **Dr. Patricia Bidol-Padva 3803m/405P/050390 SCHEDULE "D" Page i of 1 SCHEDULE "E" SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT COHHUNITY COMPATIBILITY AND MASTER PLAN STUDY SCHEDULE OF HOURLY RATESAND OTHER CHARGES (To be revised annually based on changes in Consumer Price Index, Ail Urban Consumers) A. HO URLYRATES FOR PERSONNEL PROFESSIONALS Engineers (ET, Land Surveyors (L), Planners (P), CPA (C) a. Grade 1 = 42.00/Hr. b. Grade 2 = 47.00/Hr. c. Grade 3 ~ 51.50/Hr. d. Grade 4 ~ 60.50/Hr. e. Grade 5 ~ 70.50/Hr. f. Grade 6 ~ 80.00/Hr. g. Grade 7 - 91.50/Hr. h. Grade 8 - 109.00/Hr. i. Grade 9 ~ 129.§0/Hr. ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS a. Grade 1 ~ 35.00/Hr. b. Grade 2 ~ 42.00/Hr. c. Grade 3 = 47.00/Hr. d. Grade 4 ~ 51.50/Hr. e. Grade 5 ~ 60.50/Hr. DRAFTSMEN a. Grade 1 ~ 27.50/Hr. b. Grade 2 = 36.50/Hr. c. Grade 3 ~ 44.50/Hr. d. Grade 4 ~ ~0.00/Hr. 4. RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVES a. Grade 1 ~ 34.00/Hr. b. Grade 2 = 42.00/Hr. c. Grade 3 ~ 48.00/Hr. d. Grade 4 ~ 59.00/Hr. e. Grade 5 ~ 67.00/Hr. FIELD SURVEY PARTIES a. 2-Man Party = 65.00/Hr. b. 3-Man Party ~ 80.00/Hr. c. 4-Man Party = 97.00/Hr. 3809m/405P/041190 SCHEDULE "E" Page I of 3 SCHEDULE OF HOURLY RATES AND OTHER CHARGES 6. WORD PROCESSING/COMPUTER PROGRAMMING a. Word Processing Operator - Grade 1 b. Word Processing Operator - Grade 2 - 27.50/Hr. 35.00/Hr. OTHER CHARGES i. EXPERT WITNESS SERVICES a. Pre-Trial Conferences b. Courtroom Testimony including "On-Call" Time at Courtroom TRAVEL OUTSIDE BROWARD OR PALM BEACH COUNTIES a. Consulting Fee b. Transportation, Lodging & Subsistence REPRODUCTIONS a. Blue Lin-'--~and Sepia Prints (In-House) b. Mylar Reproducibles (In-House) c. Vacuum Printer (Any Material) d. Photostats, Outside Printing, Maps & Documents e. Xerox (Standard) Copies f. Xerox (2080 Copier) Prints (i) White Bond Paper (2) Vellum *Based on 2 Foot Width Times Length of Stock Used RECORDING AND PERMIT FEES SERVICES OF OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS ~Electrical/~echani~ai Engineering, Environmental Consultants, Engineering Testing Laboratories, Photogrammetry, Title and Abstracting Services and Other Outside Consulting Services) SPECIAL FIELD SUPPLIES ELECTRONIC SURVEY EQUIPMENT a. Modular Survey System (Total Station) Standard Hourly Rates (Page 1 of 2) $ 200.O0/Hr. ($ 600.00 Min. Chg./Day for Courtroom Appearances) Standard Hourly Rates (Page 1 of 2) At Cost = $ 0.20/sq. Pt. - $ ~.oo/sq. Ft. = $ 2.00/Sq. Ft. = At Cost = $ 0.10/Sheet - $ 1.O0/Sq. Ft.* = $ 1.O0/Sq. Ft.* - At Cost = At Cos~ ~ At Cost - $30.00/Hr. 3809m/405P/041190 SCHEDULE "E" Page 2 of 3 ~.OMPUTERAIDED DESIGN/DRAFTING (CADD) a. Computer Design Systems = ~10.O0/Hr.** b. Computer Drafting Systems = $20.00/Hr.** ** Per hour of actual computer use. Charge includes in-house software library necessary for system operation but does not include operator. 9. DELIVERY AND COU1LIER SERVICES = At Cost Rates effective December 26, 1989. Next rate scheduled revision December 24, 1990. Schedule of Hourly Rates Thompson Consultants International Position Rate Senior Planner Planner Word Processor $i25/hour 65/hour 3§/hour Patricia Bidol-Pavda, Ph.D. Position Principal Rate $105/hour ,t 3809m/405P/041190 SCHEDULE "E" Page 3 of 3 SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT COMMUNITY COMPATIBILITY AND MASTER PLAN STUDY TRUTH IN NEGOTIATION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the wage rates and other factual unit costs supporting the compensation of this Agreement are accurate, complete, and current at the time of contracting. The original contract price and any additions thereto shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the OWNER determines the contract price was increased due to inaccurate, incomplete, or noncurrent wage rates and other factual unit costs. All such contract adjustments shall be made within one (1) year following the end of this Agreement. NO CONTINGENT FEES ENGINEER warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for ENGINEER to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for ENGINEER any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For the breach or violation of this provision, OWNER shall have the right to terminate the Agreement without liability at its discretion, to deduct from the contract price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift or consideration. Williams, Hatfield & Stoner, Inc. Carroll R. Sanders Vice President 3808m/405P/041190 SCHEDULE "F" Page 1 of 1 SCHEDULE "G" SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT COMMUNITY COMPATIBILITY AND MASTER PLAN STUDY APPENDIX 1--CONTRACTOR CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS TITLE VI ASSURANCES Dum$ the performance of LI~ cofltr~:t, the contractor, for IIMIf', iu mi~nees &ud succmors iA inferrer ChereL, tU'ter referred to u the "contractor") 8lrees u Follows: 1. Compliance -1th' Rq~Jadon~ 'rise contr~tor sA, II comply Wi~ the Rei~hrio~ relaUve to nonclis. cr'Lm~nfion in federiJly l,UisLed prolttm.t Of the D~enl Of. Tre. rupomtion (herem/'ter, 'DOT") Title 49, Code of Feder~J Refulatiot~, P~rt 2.1, -. they m~y be &mended from time to time, ~ereiniJ'ter referred to. the R, el~Lht~oru), which &re herein Lacorporfitod by ref.ere~.e ,md mode · piti of. tJM coutr~t, 2. Nondlscflmlssffou. The conu'~,:tor, with reltrd to dsc work performed by it d~Lrinl the th&U uot discrim.in.te on the rrouncLs of. ruce. color, or ,~rlonzl Oril~a La the s~lecfion &nd retention of' sub. con~-scto~ includinl ptoc~eme.ts of' m,teriaJs &nd le. ises of' eq~pment. The conu'~-tot ~ cot p&r~ci. pate either directly or indirectly m the discrimu~don prohibited by ~ct. ion 21. S of' the Rej~Js~iotu, includ. inS employment prscfices whea d~e coutract covers a prolr~n .t f'orth La Appendix B of. t.be Reiuil~ion.q, 3, SoUcltado. tot 5ukoett~ctl, locludlaI Proc~emeaU et Matedab sad F. qulpment. ~a ~ ~oli~ita. ,oas either by competitive biclclinIot ,ClOtiztio. made by the coeu'tctor for wotl, to be Performed under subcontract, includinl procu~emenu of' matedz/~ ot le~.s of' equipment, etch potendd subcontractor or supplier sl~il be uotifled by the contrnctor of' the concr~ctor'~ oblilttlotu under this coutrtct .-d ~e latiotu relAtiv~ to nondi~cd, m/nztion on the ~to~cls of. re~e, color, Or ~.cio,,-I · . l~oem-tloe ~1 RAim~t~ The contractor d~ll provide .11 L,~/'ormatlo~ ~d rel~OrtS ~ClUired by Relul~tio~ or directly. Luued pursu&nt thereto nad shaJl ix"trait ~ceu m iu book.t, records, .,-counts. other sources of' informntiort, And its f'~cilities u may be determined by the sportsor or the Federtl Av~Uon AdrrunistrAtion ('FAA) to be pertinent to ucem compliance with iuch Reluladons, orders, ~d instruc. t~o~. Where &ny information required of A contractor b ~ the esclusive poue~ion of' &nother who f~Lls refu~e~ to f'umish th~ inf'ormation, the contrt4:tor sbaJI K~ certif'y to the spotuor or t~e FAA. u ,nd sl~J ~et forth wba~ etToru it I~u made to obt&La the inf.orm~tion. I. $~mu foe Noeeoelpll~,ee. la dsc event of' the coett'~ctofl aoacompli&nce with the eoedbcnm. bution proviiions of' ~ coMtt~'t, the ,pon.tot ~ imlx:~e such coatrlct unceon~ u it or the FAA may detetmLae to Ix Appropri,ue, tacludinI, but eot LimJted (e wttbhoidinI of' peymenU to the eoau'&ctor uadet ~e coatrtct tmti] the coettzctot complies, G) eaacdJattoa, m'mL~tioa, or ~talXaSioa of' ~be coatmct, ia whole or in put ~. lzeorperttlee ef Pr~bJ~ The coeur tl~JI incl~e the prov~iotu of' p&rtl~Aplu I tbroulh in e'velT I~lx;ontre~t, iacludi.I proct~remeats of' ~JterLi~ ~nd lelsel of' equ.ipmet~L unJeu exempt by the R. el't,~ltJOml or diJ'ectivel islued punuazlt thereto, The c~mul=~r ~ t~e :ueb &ctiou with rupect to ,ny ~ubcootn~ or procu, rement ~ the spotuor or the FAA may cl~tec~ u I meta~ of' ea]'orc~l su~b provisions LacJudLqI ~ctJotu f'ot aoncompti&ece. Ptovlded, however, that Lq the eveot i coatrlctor becomes involved ia. otb tbruteaed with, UtilAdot~ With A subcoetrtctor or lupplier u I tesuJt o1' ~h directJo~ the contr~. mr may reqtze~t the ipo~uor to enter into such Litil~tioe to protect t~e iateresu of' the spo~uor &nd, in ~dch. tiou~ Lbe eonmtor may requm the Ua~ted Sales to cuter Jato such Ufi&atiou to protect ~e iateresu of' the United SCHEDULE "G" 1 Page 1 of 2 AC I$0/SI00-14B ' Apl:)endlz 1 11/21/1! MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE) ASSURANCES I. FoUc. j'. It Ls the policy or the Depe..'tmeat of Trtz~portzrioa ('DOT) that mLnor'ity bu.sLaei.$ enter. prises u defined Lq 49 CFR Put 23 sh~ll b~ve the tsz.t, bnum opportunity to pm"ticipate Ln I. he performznce of' conu"*,=ts t~.uce¢l i~ whole or La part with Federal funcl,s uJ~lC: thi.t agr~meat. Cousequendy, the requireme~u o( 49 CFR. Put Z3 apply to ~ m~r~eat. ,. L ~BI~ ObIi~IiC~OL '1~e ~aU'll~t~r S~'l'm m e~kl.l~ I~l atLnority b~m eaterpr'Ls~ u detined 49 CFR, Put 23 beys Lhe m~timu,,n opportu~t7 t:) pa.re:leapers in the performance Of conU"b:ts and su~os. Lre,'tS f'l. nanced La whole or [n put with-Federaj I'unds provided u-der t~ a~eeme'nt, la :his relLrd, contractors sh,,ll Like iii eecessu'y Lad reasonable scel~ i,n ~corc~ce with 49 CFR, Put 2.1 to ensure minomy bu.s~es.s ente~rises have the m~u~u.m opporruGiry to compete I'or and perform contracts. Con- tracto~ shaJ.I not di~ct-izaAnate,on the bui~ of raea, color, &,,io~.~l on~.m, or se~ i~ the ewud ~d ~Ce of DOT-~ted conU'~u. AUDIT REQUIREMENT 1. The O~ner, the Federal Avia:ion Admin£s:ration, the Comp:roller General of the United States, or any of the duly authorized represen~a:ives shall have access to any books, documencs, papers, and records of consulcan:s which are directly pertinent ~o a specific gran~ program, for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripLions, The En$ineer shall maintain ali required records for five years after the O~rner makes final paymen~ and all other pending ma~cers are closed. SCHEDULE "G" Page 2 of 2 SCHEDULE "H" SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT COMMUNITY COMPATIBILITY AND MASTER PLAN STUDY SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287,133(3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES (To be signed in the presence of a notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths,) STATE OF COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared , who, being by me first duly sworn, ma~e the folio[ring s{atement~ 1. The business address of [name of bidder or contractor] is 2. My relationship to [name of bidder or~°ntrac~or] : is ~ [relationship such as sole proprtetor, partner, president, vice president]. 3. I understand that a public entity crime as defined in Section 257.133 of the Florida Statutes includes a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity in Florida or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or such an agency or poli-.!ca! subdivision and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 4. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction'~ is defined by the statute to mean a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges'brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contenders, SCHEDULE "H" Page 1 of 2 5o ! understand that "affiliate" is deffned by the statute to mean (1) a predecessor or successor of a person or a t corporation convict, sd of a public en~b~ c~me, o~ (2) an enb~ unde~ ~he'con~ro~ o~ an7 na~u~a~ person ~ho ~s ac~ve ~n bhe management o~ bhe enb~b~ and ~ho has been convicted o~ a public en~ c~me, o~ (3) bhose o~ce~s, d~rec~o~s, ixec~vli~ partners, shareholders, employees, ~mbers, and agents who are active in the management o~ an a~l~ate, or (4) ' a person or corporation who knowingly entered into a join~ venture with ape. rson who has been cqnvicted o~ a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 mon~h~, 6. Neither the bidder or contractor nor any officer, director, executive, partner, shareholder, employee, member or agent who is active in the management of the bidder or contractor nor any affiliate of the bidder or contractor has been convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. [Draw a line through paragraph 6 if pa~..egraph ? below applies,] ?. There has been a conviction of a public entity crime by the bidder or contractor, or an officer, director, executive, partner, shareholder, employee, member or agent of the bidder or contractor who is active in the management of She bidder or contractor or an affiliate of the bidder or contractor, A determination 'has been made pursuant to Section 287,133(3) Dy order o! the Division o! Administrative Hearings that it is no~ ~n ~he public in~eres~ ~or ~he name o~ ~he convicted person or a~ll~a~e ~o appear on ~he convicted vendor l~s~', The name o~ ~he convicted person or a~[~l~a~e is . A copy o~ the ~6~'~er o~"~he Di~isi°~ of Administrative Hearings is attached to this statement. [Oraw a line. through paragraph ? if paragraph 6 a~ove appl£es .] Sworn to and subscribed before me in the state and county ~irst mentioned above on the ----... day of , 19 . (affix seal) My commission exp£re$ 7068 SCHEDULE "H" Page 2 of 2 SCHEDULE "I" --' SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT COMMUNITY COMPATIBILITY AND MASTER PLAN STUDY June 8, 1989 AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA AND THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 1) Following approval on first reading, the Sebastian City Council will postpone final passage and enactment of the ordinances implementing the March 1989 amendments to the city charter,, including those ordinances imposing a noise rule and user fees a= the Sebastian Municipal Airport. The FAA, in turn, will refrain during such postponement from commencing, supporting or encouraging any legal action against the City of Sebastian in connection with the ordinances, charter amendments or related airport matters. 2) The FAA will entertain a grant application for a planning study funded under tl%e FAA Airport Improvement Program, that authorizes 90% funding for planning studies, subject ~o a reduction of $27,908 of allowable costs paid under a previous FAA Master Planning grant. No further payment will be made on outstanding Master Planning Gran~ No. 01-86. The proposed study, when completed, will serve as a foundation for negotiations between the City of Sebastian and the FAA, with input from other interested parties, aimed at determining the future role of the Sebastian Municipal Airport. The planning grant study will focus on the collection of data relating to present and future activity levels, regional economic projections, demographic patterns and environmental and community considerations on the basis of which an appropriate role for the airport can bo determined. 3) The sponsor of the study will be the City of Sebastian, operating through its chief administrative officer, th~ City Manager, 4) The city of Sebastian will retain, through selection procedures conforming to applicable local and FAA requirements, highly qualified, recognized consultants for the enginoering and design, noise and other components of the analysis. The FAA reserves the right to reject such selection for cause. 5) The FAA will make a good faith effort ~o provide adequate funding for the needed planning study using available FY 89 or FY 90 funds, and will support a study that can be completed within one year from date of grant. TI%e total federal share of the costs of the study will be based on a review and approval by the FAA of a proposed work scope, but in no event will exceed $200,000, subject to the reduction re£erred to in paragraph 2 above. The City of Sebastian will submit such proposed study work scope within 60 days. SCHEDULE "i" Page I of 3 6) The goal of the stud7 will be to generate recommendations on the future role of the airport and how the airport should be modified or improved in order to fulfill that role in a manner compatible with a) the City's overall community planning objectives, b) federal statutory objectives and responsibilities to adequately meet the needs of civil aviation, and c) the terms of the surplus property conveyance by Qhioh the City acquired the airport. An essential premise of the study will be that the airport's role and use must be consistent with the overall goals and needs of the City of Sebastian in a proper balance with such appropriate federal objectives. Rather than fitting the City of SeDastian to the Sebastian Municipal Airport or vice versa, the study will attempt to identify ways to fit the two together. 7) The scope of work will include an operations murvey and forecast, a noise study and analysis, an environmental analysis, an economic analysis and forecast, and an engineering and design analysis. 8) The study will provide for significant opportunity for input from the FAA, the airport users, the citizens of the City of Sebastian, and the citizens of the neighboring community of Roseland. . 9) If at any point during the study, comment and post-study negotiation period the Council were to enact ordinances implementing the March 1989 amendments to the city charter, as a result of the order of a court in an action against and defended by the City, the FAA would be free to take any legal action it deems appropriate, and to stop further funding of any not completed portion of the study. The FAA would provide the normal progress payments authorized under the terms of an FAA planning grant for work completed at tl~e time of any such court order, and the City of Sebastian would promptly make available to the FAA all work product performed under the planning grant available at the time of any court order. 10) If t~e Council were to unilaterally take any action to terminate the study or to enac= such implementing ordinances prior to completion of the study and in the absence of a court order, requiring such action, or were to seek issuance of such a court order all grant progress payments will be returned to the FAA and the grant voided. The FAA also'reserves the right to terminate the study if in the opinion of the FAA, adequate progress is not being made or federal objectives are not being sufficiently considered. In the latter event, progress payments would be authorized to the date of termination. 11) The City of Sebastian agrees that FAA funding of a planning s~udy is being undertaken in the spirit of supporting a planning effort intended to result in at least an objective analysis of demand for aviation services at the Sebastian Airport and a SCHEDULE "I" Page 2 of 3 compreh~nsive plan for satisfying that demand while considering legitimate community interests, and local, state and federal aviation interests. 12) During the study period, the. City of Sebastian will not remove any airport lighting, will remedy any unsafe conditions at the airport, and will operate the airport in accordance with the conveyance agreement, and generally will not take any action that will al:mr ~he character of the airport. SCHEDULE "I" Page 3 of 3