HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-2023 NRB AgendaCITY OF SE, HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 4T", 2023 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM March 141h, 2023 Meeting Minutes V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS VII. PUBLIC INPUT VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A. Earth Day Planning i. Planning Review; IX. NEW BUSINESS X. ADJOURNMENT Board Members to Report Progress Updates ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. IV. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present: Dr. Carrier Ms. Callaghan Mr. Stadelman Mr. Bradley (a) Not Present: Dr. Mosblech -- Excused Also Present: Ms. Ware Mr. Carrano Ms. Billman Ms. Haggerty (a) (Zoom) Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Approval of Minutes -- February 7, 2023 All members stating they had had a chance to review the Minutes from February 7, 2023, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of February 7, 2023, as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. FWC Workshop summary Ms. Gordian gave a summary of the FWC workshop which she attended on February 14. It was a workshop held for local governments in Port St. Lucie, and they talked about the relationship between local governments and the conservation efforts towards helping the gopher tortoises. They shared some potential partnership opportunities, which she has NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 PAGE 2 included in the agenda packets. They also shared what you can do if you come across a gopher tortoise and a burrow. You can report it to the GT sighting web app, which is APP.mvfwc.com/hsc/gophertortoise. It will be posted on the website as well. Ms. Gordian also spoke about a free residential paper -shredding event that is being hosted at the Southeast Secure Shredding in Vero Beach on April 15t' from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. All the specifications of what they are willing to take is listed. She asked the Board members to spread the word. Mr. Stadelman gave the address: 3910 US1, Vero Beach. Mr. Stadelman announced that the Sebastian Rotary Club is having River Days (which was formerly Shrimp Fest) coming up this weekend. It starts Friday at 3:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed on Thursday for set-up at 9:00 a.m. at Riverview Park. He encouraged everyone to stay as long as they can. Mr. Stadelman read aloud a letter from the White House. It was signed "Joe Biden," and addressed the environment. VI. Aqenda Modifications -- None VII. Public Input -- None VIII. Unfinished Business A. Earth Day Planning 1. Planning Review: Board Members to Report Progress Updates Ms. Gordian reviewed the outline of the Earth Day Plans which she attached to the agenda. Retail/Food Vendors -- She stated that right now there are a total of 43 vendors already approved. She encouraged Board members to let her know if they know of anyone whom she can invite. She has been getting additional applications, but she does not know if the numbers will add up to what the numbers were last year. The mapping for where the vendors need to go was discussed. Mr. Stadelman said that he and Dr. Carrier will go out early in the morning of opening day to place flags delineating where each vendor will be situated. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 PAGE 3 Oraanizations -- Ms. Gordian encouraged the Board members to advise her of any organizations they know of who might come. Ms. Billman asked if there is a list of who has already applied. Ms. Gordian said she would provide that. Ms. Callaghan suggested getting the advertising out as soon as possible. Chalk Art Contest -- Dr. Mosblech is not present this evening, so Ms. Gordian said they will move on and have that discussion at another time. K.I.R.B. -- Ms. Gordian stated that Ms. Billman has tried several times to get in touch with K.I.R.B. but had no luck in reaching them. Ms. Billman asked for suggestions for any organization that can help host a clean-up. Mr. Stadelman said he would attempt to reach K.I.R.B. Art Club -- Ms. Frazier asked about the situation with distribution of the posters and flyers. Ms. Ware said that she will be happy to distribute them when Ms. Gordian has them printed. Ms. Ware said that the poster contest will be held again. The Fine Art and Music Committee has agreed to provide all the prizes for the poster contest. The face painting has also been taken care of. Seed Packets -- Ms. Ware said volunteers for putting the seed packs together will be able to use the Art Club room for that. Ms. Gordian has looked into where the seeds can be purchased and the costs. After discussion, it was the consensus that the seeds should be ordered from American Meadows, and Ms. Gordian will look into having more envelopes ordered.. She suggested having a stamp made with the Sustainable Sebastian logo rather than using stickers. Ms. Gordian said she will notify the Board members when she has received all the supplies for the seed packets, and then a date can be set for assembling the packets. Ms. Ware said the Art Club facility can be used anytime after 3:00 p.m. on Monday thru Thursday. Beer -- Ms. Gordian said that City Council has approved having beer at the event. The Rotary Club is taking care of the liquor license. The biodegradable cups with the logo have been ordered. J. J. Taylor is donating the beer. She estimated that the beer will cost $5.00 a cup, and if there is any craft beer it will go for about $6.00 a cup. Mr. Stadelman would like for J. J. Taylor to set up a booth so they can talk about how it is crafted, its history, etc. He would like for the story of beer and its history to be told and how that relates to Earth Day. Entertainment -- There was discussion of the proposed entertainment schedule. Ms. Gordian displayed the schedule on the monitor for everyone to see, and she discussed NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 each performer's scheduled time for set-up. MOC -- Mr. Stadelman will contact Mayor Jones regarding the proclamation. He will forward the information regarding the proclamation to Ms. Gordian. It was discussed regarding reading the proclamation at a City Council meeting, and it was decided to go forward with that. Raffle -- Mr. Bradley composed a sign regarding the raffle, and there was discussion regarding the sign, and there were some edits proposed. There was also discussion regarding how the prizes are listed and awarded. Be a Gopher Tortoise -- Ms. Gordian confirmed that Dr. Carrier will be manning that booth, and other volunteers will be helping throughout the day. Mr. Bradley stated that he may have a scheduling conflict on that day. He will know whether he will be attending the Earth Day event at the NRB meeting next month. Scavenqer Hunt -- Ms. Gordian asked whether sponsorship for the prizes has been confirmed from Sebastian Daily. Mr. Stadelman confirmed that Sebastian Daily will be providing the grand prize of a river cruise. Ms. Gordian emphasized that all the Board members should have a listing of the answers to refer to. Ms. Callaghan said that in the past there was an answer key available, and an answer key would be helpful at this year's event. Ms. Gordian will take care of that. Livinq Docks -- Ms. Gordian said that she and Dr. Carrier have discussed meeting up to review the floating reefs that could potentially be attached to the twin piers. Ms. Frazier reviewed the history of the floating reefs being hung behind Crabby Bill's and how they were dislodged by the hurricanes. She asked if Dr. Carrier and/or others could look at the one that was recovered and see if it can be utilized again. She also suggested there might be grant money available regarding living docks. There was general discussion regarding how to recover an oyster mat in order to display it to the public during the Earth Day event. Ms. Billman asked if there could be a smaller version to show to people. Ms. Gordian said she would find out where the oyster mats were obtained in the past. Dr. Carrier said he would be glad to pick them up when Ms. Gordian finds out who supplied them in the past. Volunteers -- Ms. Gordian asked for input from the Board members as to how many volunteers from the public will be needed. Ms. Callaghan reviewed how the volunteers will be utilized during the day. Ms. Ware suggested that the volunteers be asked to come NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 PAGE 5 during different times during the day so that they don't all come at the same time. Ms. Callaghan said she will try to propose a schedule for the volunteers. Ms. Gordian said that Ron Paul has created a spreadsheet of vendor activities that the volunteers can help with, and she will make sure that the Board members get a copy of that. NRB Booth -- Ms. Callaghan said that there is printing and copying that needs to be done so that flyers can be handed out from the NRB booth during the event. Ms. Frazier suggested handing out a card with the QR codes on it. Ms. Gordian said she will make sure that flyers are also available at the NRB booth. Mr. Carrano asked if the NRB booth can be moved further away from the music, as it is difficult to talk with people when the music is being played. It was decided to move the booth down two or three spaces away from the stage. Stormwater/FEMA Booth -- Ms. Gordian said everything is set, and she will coordinate with Eric and Josh and Michelle and Karen. Advertisinq -- Ms. Gordian reiterated that Andy Hodges reached out to her, and she will send him all the information as to times, what is going on during the event, etc. Sebastian Daily will publish a press release. They will also provide the banner that will be used on the stage. Mr. Stadelman suggested providing press releases to the local radio stations as well as TC Palm and the Florida Today newspapers. Ms. Gordian asked Ms. Haggerty to speak about the advertising/costs, etc. Ms. Haggerty said she has put everything that she has into a spreadsheet. She also inquired as to what exactly should be advertised, i.e. a quarter page, etc. Ms. Gordian reviewed what was advertised in previous years. There was discussion regarding the cost of advertising in Sebastian Daily and Hometown News vs. advertising in just the calendars, which is free. It was the consensus to advertise in the calendars. Items from the Citv of Sebastian -- Ms. Gordian asked if there is anything missing on the list to please let her know. Ms. Ware asked for one more table for the face painting, and she suggested an 8-foot table. Ms. Gordian will see to that. Total Event Budqet — FY2023 -- As set forth on the attachment to the agenda. Mr. Stadelman thanked everyone for their input and help. He added that City Council considers the Earth Day event as one of the most important projects representing the City as well as the living docks. IX. New Business -- None NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 X. Adiournment PAGE 6 There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. in j9 Date: Friday, March 281h, 2023 11:32 AM 2023 Sebastian NRB Earth Day Celebration Plans Where- Riverview Park Sebastian, Florida When- April 22, 2023 Time- 9:00am-4:00pm Set up- 7:00am-8:30am Email- nrbearthday@gmail.com Important Reminders • Please remember that dogs are not allowed in Riverview Park. Retail / Food Vendors • and "oav e the date" notir•es to all nre„i,,,,� .,enders/ partiGinants (Nikki, Felicia) • Add online appliGatienrs t« ��o e,anTsit . (Felicia) rrcr v eb • Conn Vender Invitation Emails ( • Confirmation emails to be sent to all complete applications (Ron) • Total Vendors as of March 28th = 67 0 4 Food Vendors 0 43 Retail Vendors 0 20 Non-Profits/Organizations • Create vendor site maps (Ron, Felicia, Ross Kelley), include in vendor packet • Booth Spacing Prior to event (Charles & Jeff) — morning of? Day before? • Vendor Packets (Locations, rules, maps) will be emailed out to each vendor, and posted on the event website by April 10th. (Ron, Felicia) • Vendors must check in with NRB/Felicia during set up time • Members help reach out to organizations they would like to see participate (ALL) Environmental Omanizations •Create/update spreadsheet of or qani,l�i9Ral GentaGt • Find neWGentaatfor any "undeliverable" emails • Members help reach out to organizations they would like to see participate (ALL) Waste Manaqement (Felicia, Brian Benton) Debbie Perez 772-413-9997 • Debbie hhaS`+o�rted the date for this year. Household /E wasto -� l3crber Street Sports Complex and Shredding in RiyewiepR,.,9 st Parking. 9arn - iprrn • TFUGks arri�,ing around Pram, mcy begin shredding areURdd EAF/ M • \NSA Flyers will he distributed with WM hills the month before •Flybe posted on �e iab�e TV Cannel and Cli Page Submit werk orrder (Felicia) Flyers Y" �� �� ��T 9 • Paper Shredding & Elentrenin Disposing troffin to he rdireGterd by Git., • NRB member to check on Barber Street Sports Complex during event — need to assign task ART CLUB (Donna) • Confirmed: The Art Club will be holding its annual Lagoon Art Show and Sale during event. o Poster contest ■ 2PM poster contest winner announced on stage (Charles) ■ Confirmed: Prizes are being donated by the Fine Arts Festival o Face painting Chalk Art Contest Nikki will reach out to Alexis Peralta at IRC Stormwater Dept. to see if she can run the contest Page 1 of 5 Friday, March 281", 2023 11:32 AM (Josh Simpson, Charles, & Rotary Club) • Confirm that Rotary has the permits for beer vending • QbtaiR Gity GGWRGil Approval APPROVAL RECEIVED 2/22/2023 • NRB chose Biodegradable cups with logos I.R.C. Fire Unit Standby Request Form (Felicia) • Non-exclusive Rescue Standby from 0830-1600 (8:30am-4:00pm) COS Event Perry. (Ron, Felicia) • The second page of all vendor applications must be submitted with our permit, along with the event layout, and locations of all cooking devices. • The application and $60.00 journal entry is due to the City by o Submit application & the following pieces: ■ Final Vendor Spreadsheets ■ Final Event Maps State Food Vendor Notice (Ron, Felicia) • Previous Vendor Licenses Expires on April 1st (occurs annually) • State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants need to be notified by for Food Vendors to participate. Dhr.info(a�mvfloridalicense.com must receive a list of food vendors, along with their license numbers and a map of their locations (Felicia) Entertainmen, (Sarah, Brian O'Neil) • Proclamation - 9am Tai Chi Demo Confirmed: (approx. 9:15-10:OOAM) See Event Schedule for Line Up NRB WeasaL (Felicia, MIS) • Continue to keep site updated Raff' (Ruth, Nikki, Volunteers) • Most prizes to be donated by willing vendors, request for prizes is on the vendor application. o Need to Print out address labels with Vendor Name & Booth # for Prizes & Donation log (Felica) • Ron will list all vendors who checked on their application that they will be donating and print spreadsheet for us. • Vendor prizes will be collected as the vendors arrive and registered on a form. • Participant will receive text notification & must be present to win. • Use CDD Tablet for Raffle entries • Have Sign at NRB booth explaining Raffle (Charles) • Charles to announce the bands, ask environmental trivia, host vendor spotlight, and give out raffle prizes. 2PM: poster contest winner to be announced on stage • Arbor Day Proclamation will be made at April 12t" CC meeting and 9am on Earth Day Be a Gopher Tortoi (Jeff, Marcus?, Volunteers) • Structure and materials need to be picked up before event, and brought to park • Booth usually run day of by volunteers. Scavenqer Hunt • Traditional style hunt (All Members Review Answers) Page 2 of 5 Friday, March 281h, 2023 11:32 AM o Edit and reuse scavenger hunt from last year (Felicia) • Grand prize sponsored by [Andy from] Sebastian Daily (Charles) • Create Answer Key for NRB Reference (NRB & Felicia) • Sign at NRB Booth Advertising the Scavenger Hunt (Felicia) • Volunteers handing out clip boards to participants Vendor Activities (Various Participating Organizations) • There is a request for participants to sponsor environmental themed activities. • Ron to create list from vendor applications (details provided on applications) • Use Last year's Activity Directory as a template for this year • Add Activities to event map (Ross Kelley) Living Docks (Thomas, Jeff, volunteers) • Event from 12pm-2pm (Volunteer PD will be stationed at crosswalk during this time) • Volunteers to help create wraps near Twin Piers • Assess the success of last year's wraps at Twin Piers Volunteers (Ruth, Sherida) • Volunteers to assist with activities • Potential Volunteers: Boys and Girls Club — need to wear shirt from the organization • Notify prospective organizations that we will have a volunteer sign -in sheet at the NRB booth and will gladly submit individual volunteer hours to their respective organizations. • Any Board Member can sign off on Volunteer Hours • Leader/Representative of org that brings volunteers must sign Hold Harmless; Individuals not associated with an organization must also sign the Hold Harmless • Need Tasks lists to help with coordination & assign tasks to volunteer groups NRB Booth (All) • Still have basic supplies (Tablecloths, banners, and banner stands, etc.) from last year • Main Messages: Sustainable Sebastian, Reduce single -use Plastic, Plant more natives • Need volunteers to fold brochures • Seed Packet Workday: • Obtain flyers from Community Center/Kathy Falzone to display (Felicia) • Jeff to take pictures during the event for record keeping (including locations & set ups) Stormwater/FEMA Booth (Eric Brierton, Josh Simpson, Ross Kelley) • Eric Brierton has confirmed presence at this year's event o Josh Simpson to be present as well o Obtain Info from Michelle for Stormwater Fee Credit program & FEMA • NPDES/NOI info/booth (Ross) o Include info about Tulip Pond Project (solicit for volunteers for future planting events?) Advertisinq (Donna). • PDF and PNG versions emailed to Board Members to disperse. • Main Event Flyer Posted to IRC Schools Virtual Backpack • Compile information to submit to Online Calendars (Felicia) • Edit press release to disperse & submit to Sebastian Daily (Felicia) • Donna & Art Club to distribute Flyers Page 3 of 5 Friday, March 281h, 2023 11:32 AM Items from the Citv of Sebastian (Bub and Co.) • 6 Walkie-Talkies for FG, Staff, & NRB • Wagons for unloading and loading vendor supplies • Two booths (NRB and City Stormwater): sides and backs needed for tents in case of wind & rain 2- Pop up tents for NRB 2- Pop up tent for SW/FEMA Total: 4 3- 6 foot tables for NRB 2- 6 foot tables for SW/ FEMA 1- 6 foot table for GT Burrow Activity 2- 6 foot tables for Activities (leave on cement pad) Total: 8 1- 8 foot table for NRB 2- 8 foot tables for Activities (leave on cement pad) Total: 3 6- Chairs for Activities (leave on cement pad) 2- Chairs for GT Burrow Activity 6- Chairs NRB Booth 2- Chairs for SW/FEMA Total: 16 • Street Banner- Sebastian Blvd to be hung by April 17th, before the event Felicia to get banner to Ron • Stage & 2 Bleachers • Barricades o Waste Management Recycling Event at Cavcorp & Barber Street Park o Barricades & Cones for Sebastian Blvd. Food Truck Zone o Harrison St. Vendor Loading Zone • Volunteer Police to direct traffic across IRD (Last years' time: 12pm- 3pm) ■ Need to check the park's compactors before the event to make sure they are empty (Bub). ■ An assessment will need to be conducted at the end of the event to see how full they are. (NRB Member) Page 4 of 5 Friday, March 281", 2023 11:32 AM TOTAL EVENT BUDGET - FY2023 American Meadow Seeds $ 79.44 Flags/Labels/Seed Envelopes $ 61.80 Payment for Entertainers $ 600.00 Payment for Thunder House Sound $ 200.00 City Permit $ 60.00 Sustainable Sebastian Stamp $ 58.62 Lunch for NRB $ 75.00 Amount Spent = $ 1,134.86 Total Budget = $ 2,000.00 Remaining Balance = $ 865.14 PREVIOUS TOTAL EVENT BUDGET - FY2022: $ 1769.00 (2/23/22) Expenditures: $ 60.00 I.R.C. Fire Rescue Permit $700.00 Entertainment $ 50.00 Board Member Lunch (Sandwich Shack) $810.00 ($959.00 remaining) Red = needs a lot of help Oranqe= workinq on but not completely event readv Green= Planned and on track Page 5 of 5 CM OF SEBAS-TIM Earth Day 2023 -- - - at Riverview Park, City of Sebastian, Florida HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND INDIAN RIVER DR INDIAN RIVER DR ._ R ! AW `-J=�--INDIAN RIVER DR .p� I Veterans Memorial W 9/11 Memorial 1 I Pavi Ilan v E Volleyball \/ T I Court Vehicle Access I 81 1Playground so , .79 78 .77.. 76 `V§_ 56` 71 .._ ---- 55 �66. fit 59 ' 70 r 54 581 63 r: S3 57 64 69 ' '✓ � , fi5 68 ! l[I3 _ 25. 66 67 I �-� � 48 � 49 # 5U 51 . � 3 m 24 ro 26 27 ~ c 2g 52 a 23 # 1i 70 I 29 FT5 J 22 3D Q 21 47 43 I Ln i I CO 2D 4fi _ Bleachers FN liean Bleachers Stage 18 F unti j u F7 A - Bleachers 17 145 -Bleachers 1 Vendor, 32 Loading Fla , Zone w� 2 1fi 44 33 15 43 3 42 4 L j ..-.a w. _ f t 41 { 13 4D 34 5 r !a� i 1 39 `35 � 1D 9 8 ice... r Legend f Restrooms Parking Areas Event Structures in Earth Day Traffic Main Area Control` Event Reserved Parking Picnic Areas 0 Bleachers Handicap Parking # Volunteer Officer Riverview Park Paths Stage Power Outlets Vendor Booth n� �� �V n 7C Park Structures � � � Paper Shredding Traffic f J Vendor Loading Zane Flow V Trees Along Pathways Grassy Areas Indian Rivet Food Truck Barricade US Feet Benches 6-1 ATGHWAYFI41iEW- 4 '' �.Hi�>1vv►�t 1 CU OF SEA' BAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND c Ln x b i R Restrooms Picnic Areas Power Outlets Trees Along Pathways Benches Legend Riverview Park Complex Earth Day 2023 overview - City of Sebastian R � r � z COOLIDGE ST -C7' I t I � 40 s r SEEASTIAN 6LVDr u Volleyball Court q � x W Panting Areas Event Reserved Parking Handicap Parking Riverview Park Paths Paris Structures Grassy Areas ST Earth Day Traffic Control UVolunteer Officer Paper Shredding Traffic Flaw Barricade C Krogel Sty Playground -n Pavillion f ]11M 'morial Vehi.ele Access Veterans - Memorial Splash Pad.71 ,L-_ ( k Twin Piers Overflow Parking Cement Pad Living @ iTWir 8 AA 0 50 100 150 200 tt US Feet Tentative Schedule of Assignments Time Charles 6am 7am NRB Booth/Event Set Up Earn 9am MC on Stage for Proclamation&Transition to Tai Chi Demo loam MC on Stage -Transition llam MC on Stage -Transition 12pm MC on Stage -Transition 1pm 2pm MC on Stage -Transition& Poster Contest An noun cement 3pm MC on Stage -Transition 4pm MC on Stage- Closing Announcements Spm 6pm NEED TO ASSIGN Who is going to check on Barber St WM event? Nikki Sherida NRB Booth/Event Set Up NRB Booth/Event Set Up NRB Booth NRB Booth Be a Gopher Tortoise Be a Gopher Tortoise Time I Jeff 6am lam Vendor Loading Zone on Harrison St Sam - gam Be a Gopher Tortoise 10am - 11am - 12pm Living Docks @ Twin Piers 1pm - 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm Ruth Donna N R B Booth/Event Set Up N R B Booth/Event Set Up ►Pl. : :6• a MITI-1-TO• i Time 6am Thomas lam Food Truck Zone on Sebastian Blvd Sam - gam Be a Gopher Tortoise 10am - 11am - 12pm Living Docks @ Twin Piers 1pm - 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm Sarah NRB Booth/Event Set Up Concrete Pad -Transition Stage - Transition Stage - Transition Concrete Pad -Transition Stage - Transition Stage - Transition Marcus Activity Event Set Up (Meet & Greet Vendors, Guide them to check in & respective locations) Vendor Activities Checking up on Vendors Be A Gopher Tortoise Game Scavenger Hunt Living Docks Event Guiding Entertainers for performance set up & tear down Time Frame? 7am-9am Throughout Day 2 or 3 times throughout day Throughout Day Throughout Day 12pm-2pm Throughout Day a th Day 0 qa zat o L st BOOTH # ORGANIZATION NAME I CONTACT NAME 1 2 Environmental Learning Nancy Puglio Center SWDD Indian River County Jill H Brown 3 Melbourne Avain Rescue Carroll David Colston Sanctuary (MARS) 4 Puzzle Piece Farm Animal Jeanie Colberg Rescue non profit 5 (Sebastian Elks Lodge #2714 Pauline Talbott 6 I (Pelican Island Audubon Donna Halleran Society EMAIL I RAFFLE I ELECTRICITY I HOST NancV@DiscoverELC.org Yes No Yes JHBrown@ircgov.com No No Yes redlegs@redlegs.org No No No Igrc3kds@aol.com Yes No No elkscarshow@gmail.com Yes No Yes dmaewriRht@att.net No No Yes DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 FIRE SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION IGUISHER Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower all people to be active stewards of the environment Yes and their own well-being. We will bring a nature activity and ELC information Recycling in the county. (Solid Waste Disposal District) Will provide education and literature to No residents on how to Recycle Right. Also games for the kids to play and learn about recycling! Yes I let people hold a parrot and also have a small amount of feather product available for donations. Yes Cowboy Candy We will be promoting the many programs Yes supported by the Florida State Elks Association such as Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Drug Awareness, We are the local Audubon Chapter and we will have a bird ring toss game, information about conservation efforts in Indian River County. We will also have free trees to give away.We have native Yes plants and t shirts for sale N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Organization Spreadsheet 2023Master List a th Day 0 eta Zat 0 L St DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 RAFFLE ELECTRICITY HOST FIRE BOOTH # ORGANIZATION NAME CONTACT NAME EMAIL SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION PRIZE NEEDED ACTIVITY EXTINGUISHER The Club raises funds to support non -profits in the Community. Our Arts & Culture Subcommittee GFWC Treasure Coast wishes to have a booth where we will sell arts and 7 Nancy McCurry nmccurrYl@gmall.com Yes No Yes Yes Women's Club craft items made by out club members. These crafts will feature recycled, upcycled, and natural Friends of St. Sebastian materials such as sea shells, plants, etc. Information displays and handouts, sales of t-shirts, 8 Tim Glover iLnfo@fssr.org Yes No No Yes River ball caps, finger puppets, coloring/activity booklets We are a local thrift store that supports the 9 Humane Society Thrift Store Sue Gordian sgordian@hsvb.org Yes Yes Yes Yes Humane Society of VB animal shelter. The Indian River Lagoon is part of a national 10 Indian River Lagoon Heather Stapleton p stapleton@irlcouncil.org � � Yes Yes Yes No network of twenty-eight estuar programs NEP Y p g � ) National Estuary Program established under the Clean Water Act. We will be promoting the 16th Annual Treasure Marine Industries Coast Waterway Cleanup, along with safe and 11 Association of the Treasure April Price apriceassoc@aol.com Yes No Yes Yes responsible boating. We will have a fun photo Coast booth with our cleanup theme and will provide a door prize to the event. N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Organization Spreadsheet 2023Master List a th Day 0 qa zat o L st BOOTH # ORGANIZATION NAME CONTACT NAME EMAIL RAFFLE I ELECTRICITY HOST PRIZE NEEDED ACTIVII 12 Florida Forest Service Miguel Nevarez MiRuel. Neva rez@fdacs.Rov Yes No No Pelican Island Conservation 13 Tim Glover info firstrefuge.org No Society Indian River Neighborhood 14 Buzz Herrmann DanLamson@I;mail.com No Assn 1s Humana Doreen Barnes dbanesl9@humana.com No 16 Bike Walk Indian River Tara Moore tara moore@rvder.com No County Treasure Coast Community 17 Dennis Bartholomew dbartholomew@tcchinc.org No Health No No No Yes M No Im fm No ►ne DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 FIRE SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION IGUISHER Yes We provide wildfire safety, wildfire mitigation, and wildfire prevention information to the public. information handouts about Pelican Island and its Yes history, coloring books, ball caps and t-shirt sales Yes Education on water and lagoon issues. Right to Clean Water Amendment Petitions Yes Medicare insurance information only, no sales, and promotional giveaways such as reusable bags We would like to setup an outreach table at this event to help educate the public on our organization. It would be great for us to be able recruit volunteers and promote our mission. This No will mainly align for our Bike Rehab Project which helps repurpose donated bicycles for those who need them, and be a great opportunity for us to source new donors to recycle their unused bicycles. Treasure Coast Community Health provides Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health, Vision care, Yes discount pharmaceuticals, and more. With 8 clinical locations TCCH has been serving the community for more than 30 years. N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Organization Spreadsheet 2023Master List a th Day 0 qa zat o L st BOOTH # ORGANIZATION NAME I CONTACT NAME 18 19 20 EMAIL DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 RAFFLE I ELECTRICITY HOST FIRE Coastal Connections, Inc Lisa Moreland iLsa@coastal-connections.org No Democrats of Indian River Caryl Zook ircdemcarvll@F-mail.com County LET'S BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR KATHERINE BOOTH mprademacher@msn.com TO THE LAGOON, INC No No EDED ACTIVITY EXTINGUISHER SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION Our table will be focused on reducing single -use plastics and the trash that it creates on the beaches. We will also be talking about the sea turtle nesting No Yes Yes season which begins March 1st. We will have hands- on activities for kids and adults related to sea turtle protection and cleaning the beach. Volunteers will be providing voter registration applications and voter information regarding new No Yes Yes polling places and new vote by mail laws. We will offer REUSEable Water Bottles, hats and t-shirts for sale. ENCOURAGE NATIVE PLANT LANDSCAPES TO DECREASE TOXINS IN THE INDIAN RIVER LAGOON AND PROMOTE No Yes Yes ORGANIC CARE OF NATIVE HARDWOODS AND PALMS SO THEY CAN ABSORB STORMWATER AND PREVENT RUNOFF INTO THE LAGOON N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Organization Spreadsheet 2023Master List a th Day Reta I Ve do L st DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 BUSINESS NAME Booth # I EMA I R PRIZE I AFFLE ELNEEDIED Y ACTIIV 1 HOST CONTACT NAME 1 1 D-Art Homemade Guitar Co. Dale Arthur daerarl2aa,msn.com Yes No No 2 CountrvWide Botanicals LLC Tina Stanfield countrvwidebotanicalsna,anail.com No No No 3 1Hotfinds LLC Jamrock Wood Creation Live Happy Healthy Colour Dancers Art Studio VIForiginals Sugar's Art Shop Loras Mystic Mushrooms Designs By Magdalene Wicked Fierce Designs LLC Natural Blessings Goat's Milk Soap Pamela Kurtz Byron Lawrence Shirley Reul Victoria Geller Victoria Fay Sarah Dutton Lora Jean Carch Magdalene Wong -Curry Miranda Green Brandi Dean Damelakhotfinds(a pmail.com lamrockwoodcreationavahoo.com sarnreu177(a email.corn colourdancersaa,aol.com VIForieinalsaa,vahoo.com suaarfairv1137(cr�,live.com IicarchC@email.com maRRiePmocs.com wfdesiensllc(&,,anail.com naturalblessinEssoao(cDRmail.com Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No 4 5 8 9 10 12 FIRE SUMMARY OF SERVICES Host Donate IGUISHERMM Yes Cigar box guitars and seashell art No Yes Organic and ethically sourced Herbal tea blends, Yes heating salves, natural,organic deodorant, lip balms, No No Elderberry Syrup, vanilla extracts, moisture creams, lotions, coffee scrubs Yes Tropical Decor, Haitian OilnDrum Art, Soaps, Air No Yes fresheners, rugs Yes Custom made wood sculptures: Fish Bird Alligator No Yes and Turtles. Made from river cvoress Crunchi is partnered with 40cean and 0% of their primary packaging is plastic. They love the planet and Yes animals and are also Leaping Bunny certified. All No Yes make up and skincare is toxin -free, gluten free, vegan, organic, and made in the USA. Painted Glass plate garden art from repurposed glass Yes dishes, planters from repurposed tile, driftwood fused No Yes glass fish fan pulls, and suncatchers. I make everything using beach sand with glass art and Yes resin for home decor and jewelry very unique pieces No Yes one of a kind Yes I make one of a kind art on canvas board No Yes Yes creation of small to medium "mushrooms" from reuse No Yes of glass items My creations are Truly Beautiful, Unique & One -Of - Yes A -Kind Designs that is all done free hand without No Yes drawing of drafting. I'm proud of my creations! I create a ton of stuff from shirts, keychains, tumblers, Yes cups, wood signs for the house, stickers and more! I No Yes also do custom work when requested. Yes We handmake natural goats milk soaps and other No Yes natural skincare utilizing milk from our own goats N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Retail Vendor Spreadsheet 2023Master List a th Day Reta I Ve do L st BUSINESS NAME Booth # CONTACT NAME 's JamN'Goodies Meredith Fuegel EMAI meremar72(a,2mail.com RAFFLE I ELECTRICITY I HOST Yes No Yes Vintage Island Designs Brenda O'Brien vintaeeislanddesiens@email.com Yes No No Art by Mindy Nancy Garrett nanearrett(a,icloud.com No No No The Captains Creations Wendy Grow werow@eocofirc.net Yes No No Kristina's Handmade Collection Kristina Borden kristinashandmadecollection(c email.com No No No Rainbow Designs Carmen C Correa carmeniulvl6@aol.com Yes No No 19 Hammered Handmade Tangee M Overly toverlv15150vahoo.com Yes No No 20 Native Butterfly Flowers Timothy Harrison nativebutterflvflowers@email.com Yes No Yes 21 Jimmys Custom Tiki Carving Jimmy Dean iimmytiki82(d,email.com No No No 22 Indian River Bee Company John Truckner indianriverbeecomnanv(cr mail.com Yes No No 23 Gentle Moon Artisan Gifts Elizabeth M Kukulka eentlemooncafe@vahoo.com Yes No No J&P Apiary Joshua Easterling ioaoiarv@icloud.com No No Yes DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 FIRE IGUISHER SUMMARY OF SERVICES I = L Host Donate I I make homemade jam jellies and baked goods. Using fresh ingredients with no preservatives. I stress and demonstrate the re -use of the glass jelly jars and Yes containers in which my baked goods are packaged. I Yes Yes would love to incorporate a game for children this year to show how to re -use my packaging, and have a prize box for them. Handmade and handpainted purses,bracelets and Yes accessory cases out of upcycled denim, art work, No Yes pillows, handpainted clothing Yes Acrylic Paintings on Canvas and some wood/shell No No Yes Upcycled use of wood pieces destined for the landfill No Yes repurposed into marine art sculptures Organic chemical free personal care products organic No soaps and body butters as well as all natural cbd No No products Yes Handmade and design jewlery, and home decor No Yes coastal wall art for homes. I use recycled aluminum cans to craft jewelry. Cans Yes are melted, wire is created then formed into shapes No Yes and hammered into jewelry. Yes Florida Native Wildflowers, Shrubs and Trees Yes Yes Yes I carve tikis from reclaimed palm trees No No Yes Raw honey, beeswax, bee pollen. Other local bee No Yes products, soap etc. Beaded/seashell windchimes, Upcycled items into Yes suncatchers, Hand-crafted Shell Ladders, Hand -crochet rag No Yes rugs (upcycle material), Hand-crafted Tree Spirits (upcycle dead wood) and Crystal & Mermaid wands I am a beekeeper in central Florida that focuses on honey production and pollination services. I am No passionate about bees and teaching others the Yes No important role pollinators play in promoting biodiversity and supporting a healthy ecosystem. N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Retail Vendor Spreadsheet 2023Master List a th Day Reta I Ve do L st DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 BUSINESS NAME Booth # CONTACT NAME 25 Kapu Tiki Co Kapu Tiki Co 26 Nikks Nik Naks Nicole Backer 27 IPottery from the Earth 28 (Paradise Swimwear Bouquets Carol Garrett or Sueann Garrett Lee Webber Marsha Brizzie EMAIL kaoutikico(cDamail.com nikkimch(@amail.com carol 102251(a)ao1.com varadiseswim05 (&,,aol. com candlebouauetsnn,hotmail.com RAFFLE ELECTRICITY HOST PRIZE I NEEDED ACTIVII Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No 30 Adori, LLC Recycled Tire Art 3CraftyChicks Pat Lee Designs Sigma Tactical Wellness Creation by Purple Rose Brighten Up Your Life & K Designs Doriann Martin Laura Bender Jodie Taylor Pat Lee Vince Pallozzi Judy Ford Katie Kaylene Wheeler doriaadorionline.com birdrun26aa,aol.com Craftvbch(cr�,aol.com itotsocks4uaaol.com vinceasitrnacoachine.com Dumlerosecreations2556nn email.com brightenuDvourlife(a),,vahoo.com kavlenewheelerl01(a mail.com Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 JH FIRE IGUISHER SUMMARY OF SERVICES Host Donate Our Hemp products are seed to store and made by Yes hand. Our hand carved Tiki's are helping to provide Yes Yes iobs and used materials that are sustainable. Yes I upcycle thrifted goods as much as possible No Yes Original stoneware pottery that is hand painted with Florida fauna and flora. Pottery is locally made by the Yes artist. The second artist creates floral bead trees No No mounted on small stones. Third artist creates needle felting animals. Crochet animals are created in ideal time, Beach and Ocean life related apparel ,Swimwear, Yes children's apparel ,Hawaii shirts, jewelry and No Yes bags/backpacks. Unique self -illuminating 99% paraffin oil candles. When you light your permanent, it lights up as if you Yes had turned on a light in a fish take. The inside of the No Yes candle either has dolphins, turtle, manatee, sea horse, just shells or a variety of other things Yes Handmade hand bags and beach bags (and No Yes occasionally ukulele bags) Yes I take old tires and make into bird planters. Yes Yes Hanging kitchen towels, bag sleeves to hold plastic Yes bags to reuse, fabric tote bags, stainless steel cups and No No tumblers Infant and children's clothing, Reusable kitchen item. Yes Dish clothes, scrubbier, Reusable tote bags. No No We provide advanced cardio and metabolic screening No to identify (and prevent) heart disease among our No No local, state, and federal law enforcement personnel, and fire personnel. Yes stuff toys and bags and capes No No Hi! I repurpose glass bottle ware and put fairy lights No in the bottles for a beautiful ambience. I promote eco No Yes friendly packaging that is made from recycled paper. Yes Bird houses, bat boxes, wood signs, mist wood and No No resin items N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Retail Vendor Spreadsheet 2023Master List a th Day Reta I Ve do L st BUSINESS NAME Booth # CONTACT NAME 38 Sand Art by Royce Patrick Wolff EpicBathBombs.com Patrick Wolff 39 40 Alles' Resurrection Collection Kit C Alles 41 Biskit's Doggy Snack Shack Miranda Julian 42 Sun Of A Witch, Ilc Ashley Reno 1 43 IArt Minded Renee Francis 1 44 1KNBLounge Custom Creations Linda Johnson DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 RAFFLE ELECTRICITY HOST FIRE EMAIL PRIZE I NEEDED ACTIVI sandartbvrovicenamail.com No No Yes eoicbathbombs@email.com No No No balles@cfl.rr.com Yes No No biskitsdoaaysnackshack@¢mail.com No No Yes sunofawitch@vahoo.com artmindedrenee@gmail.com Lnda@knblounge.com Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No SUMMARY OF SERVICES Host Donate IGUISHER Sand Art Table where kids and adults can come and make colored sand art. Cost is $5. Please put me Yes next two EpicBathBombs.com as we are both Yes No together. Thanks. Sell Bath Bombs & Shower Steamers. Some soaps & Yes lotions. No No Sculptures made from the remains of God's creatures Yes and mother nature. No Yes Dog treats. Peanut butter and cheddar and bacon Yes Yes No treats We are a local spiritual shop that empowers our community to live and love more naturally. We offer Yes hand made products by local artists, hand selected Yes Yes crystals and spiritual tools, and healing experiences for your spiritual growth. I am a resin artist. I make reusable tumblers by hand. My line is coastaly inspired. My resin pieces Yes resemble the ocean. I have enjoyed being a part of No Yes Earth Day for the past few years. Thank you for the invite. Yes Customized Tumblers No No N:\BOARDS\Natural Resources Board\2023\Earth Day Planning\Vendors\Retail Vendor Spreadsheet 20231VIaster List a th Day ood Ve do L st DATE LAST MODIFIED: 3/28/2023 Food FIRE FORM FIRE Booth # BUSINESS NAME Tent I Table I CONTACT NAME I EMAIL FOOD LICENSE # SUMMARY OF SERVICES Truck COMPLETE EXTINGUISHER 1 Kona Ice South Palm Bay/ IRC X Shannon Young rsvounRC@kona-ice.com Yes Yes 2023-R-2016664 Tropical shaved ice Electricity Needed/Offering Italian Ice, ice Cream, Uncle Louie G Italian Ices &Ice 2 X Jerry Sebastian UncleLouieGConcessions(@Rmail.com Yes Yes MFD4150107 Frozen Drinks, Sugar Free Italian Ice, Vegan Ice Cream Cteam Electricity Needed/ Offering Juices and 3 Florida Juice Company X Marci Malas floridaiuicecomoanvCcDemail.com Yes Yes 369230 Lemonades Cake pops, cheesecake cups, jerky, PorkCrack, 4 Tina's Tasty Treats LLC X Tina Vandermosten TvhumminbirdCcDRmail.com Yes Yes 412621 Chick'N Chips, drinks