HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-14-2023 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 I. Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. IL Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Dr. Carrier Ms. Ware Ms. Callaghan Mr. Carrano Mr. Stadelman Ms. Billman Mr. Bradley (a) Ms. Haggerty (a) (Zoom) Not Present Dr. Mosblech -- Excused Also Present Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. ADDroval of Minutes -- February 7, 2023 All members stating they had had a chance to review the Minutes from February 7, 2023, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of February 7, 2023, as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. FWC Workshop summary Ms. Gordian gave a summary of the FWC workshop which she attended on February 14. It was a workshop held for local governments in Port St. Lucie, and they talked about the relationship between local governments and the conservation efforts towards helping the gopher tortoises. They shared some potential partnership opportunities, which she has NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 included in the agenda packets. They also shared what you can do if you come across a gopher tortoise and a burrow. You can report it to the GT sighting web app, which is APP.mvfwc.com/hsc/000hertortoise. It will be posted on the website as well. Ms. Gordian also spoke about a free residential paper -shredding event that is being hosted at the Southeast Secure Shredding in Vero Beach on Apol 15' from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. All the specifications of what they are willing to take is listed. She asked the Board members to spread the word. Mr. Stadelman gave the address: 3910 US1, Vero Beach. Mr. Stadelman announced that the Sebastian Rotary Club is having River Days (which was formerly Shrimp Fast) coming up this weekend. It starts Friday at 3:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed on Thursday for set-up at 9:00 a.m. at Riverview Park. He encouraged everyone to stay as long as they can. Mr. Stadelman read aloud a letter from the White House. It was signed "Joe Biden," and addressed the environment. VI. Aaenda Modifications — None VII. Public Input -- None Vill. Unfinished Business A. Earth Day Planning Planning Review: Board Members to Report Progress Updates Ms. Gordian reviewed the outline of the Earth Day Plans which she attached to the agenda. Retail/Food Vendors -- She stated that right now there are a total of 43 vendors already approved. She encouraged Board members to let her know if they know of anyone whom she can invite. She has been getting additional applications, but she does not know if the numbers will add up to what the numbers were last year. The mapping for where the vendors need to go was discussed. Mr. Stadelman said that he and Dr. Carrier will go out early in the morning of opening day to place flags delineating where each vendor will be situated. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 Organizations — Ms. Gordian encouraged the Board members to advise her of any organizations they know of who might come. Ms. Billman asked if there is a list of who has already applied. Ms. Gordian said she would provide that. Ms. Callaghan suggested getting the advertising out as soon as possible. Chalk Art Contest — Dr. Mosblech is not present this evening, so Ms. Gordian said they will move on and have that discussion at another time. K.I.R.B. — Ms. Gordian stated that Ms. Billman has tried several times to get in touch with K.I.R.B. but had no luck in reaching them. Ms. Billman asked for suggestions for any organization that can help host a clean-up. Mr. Stadelman said he would attempt to reach K.I.R.B. Art Club — Ms. Frazier asked about the situation with distribution of the posters and flyers. Ms. Ware said that she will be happy to distribute them when Ms. Gordian has them printed. Ms. Ware said that the poster contest will be held again. The Fine Art and Music Committee has agreed to provide all the prizes for the poster contest. The face painting has also been taken care of. Seed Packets -- Ms. Ware said volunteers for putting the seed packs together will be able to use the Art Club room for that. Ms. Gordian has looked into where the seeds can be purchased and the costs. After discussion, it was the consensus that the seeds should be ordered from American Meadows, and Ms. Gordian will look into having more envelopes ordered.. She suggested having a stamp made with the Sustainable Sebastian logo rather than using stickers. Ms. Gordian said she will notify the Board members when she has received all the supplies for the seed packets, and then a date can be set for assembling the packets. Ms. Ware said the Art Club facility can be used anytime after 3:00 p.m. on Monday thru Thursday. Beer — Ms. Gordian said that City Council has approved having beer at the event. The Rotary Club is taking care of the liquor license. The biodegradable cups with the logo have been ordered. J. J. Taylor is donating the beer. She estimated that the beer will cost $5.00 a cup, and if there is any craft beer it will go for about $6.00 a cup. Mr. Stadelman would like for J. J. Taylor to set up a booth so they can talk about how it is crafted, its history, etc. He would like for the story of beer and its history to be told and how that relates to Earth Day. Entertainment — There was discussion of the proposed entertainment schedule. Ms. Gordian displayed the schedule on the monitor for everyone to see, and she discussed NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 each performer's scheduled time for set-up. MOC -- Mr. Stadelman will contact Mayor Jones regarding the proclamation. He will Forward the information regarding the proclamation to Ms. Gordian. It was discussed regarding reading the proclamation at a City Council meeting, and it was decided to go forward with that. Raffle — Mr. Bradley composed a sign regarding the raffle, and there was discussion regarding the sign, and there were some edits proposed. There was also discussion regarding how the prizes are listed and awarded. Be a Gooher Tortoise -- Ms. Gordian confirmed that Dr. Carrier will be manning that booth, and other volunteers will be helping throughout the day. Mr. Bradley stated that he may have a scheduling conflict on that day. He will know whether he will be attending the Earth Day event at the NRB meeting next month. Scavenger Hunt -- Ms. Gordian asked whether sponsorship for the prizes has been confirmed from Sebastian Daily. Mr. Stadelman confirmed that Sebastian Daily will be providing the grand prize of a river cruise. Ms. Gordian emphasized that all the Board members should have a listing of the answers to refer to. Ms. Callaghan said that in the past there was an answer key available, and an answer key would be helpful at this year's event. Ms. Gordian will take care of that. Livina Docks — Ms. Gordian said that she and Dr. Carrier have discussed meeting up to review the floating reefs that could potentially be attached to the twin piers. Ms. Frazier reviewed the history of the floating reefs being hung behind Crabby Bill's and how they were dislodged by the hurricanes. She asked if Dr. Carrier and/or others could look at the one that was recovered and see if it can be utilized again. She also suggested there might be grant money available regarding living docks. There was general discussion regarding how to recover an oyster mat in order to display it to the public during the Earth Day event. Ms. Billman asked if there could be a smaller version to show to people. Ms. Gordian said she would find out where the oyster mats were obtained in the past. Dr. Carrier said he would be glad to pick them up when Ms. Gordian finds out who supplied them in the past. Volunteers — Ms. Gordian asked for input from the Board members as to how many volunteers from the public will be needed. Ms. Callaghan reviewed how the volunteers will be utilized during the day. Ms. Ware suggested that the volunteers be asked to come NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 during different times during the day so that they don't all come at the same time. Ms. Callaghan said she will try to propose a schedule for the volunteers. Ms. Gordian said that Ron Paul has created a spreadsheet of vendor activities that the volunteers can help with, and she will make sure that the Board members get a copy of that. NRB Booth — Ms. Callaghan said that there is printing and copying that needs to be done so that flyers can be handed out from the NRB booth during the event. Ms. Frazier suggested handing out a card with the OR codes on it. Ms. Gordian said she will make sure that flyers are also available at the NRB booth. Mr. Carrano asked if the NRB booth can be moved further away from the music, as it is difficult to talk with people when the music is being played. It was decided to move the booth down two or three spaces away from the stage. Stormwater/FEMA Booth — Ms. Gordian said everything is set, and she will coordinate with Eric and Josh and Michelle and Karen. Advertising — Ms. Gordian reiterated that Andy Hodges reached out to her, and she will send him all the information as to times, what is going on during the event, etc. Sebastian Daily will publish a press release. They will also provide the banner that will be used on the stage. Mr. Stadelman suggested providing press releases to the local radio stations as well as TC Palm and the Florida Today newspapers. Ms. Gordian asked Ms. Haggerty to speak about the advertising/costs, etc. Ms. Haggerty said she has put everything that she has into a spreadsheet. She also inquired as to what exactly should be advertised, i.e. a quarter page, etc. Ms. Gordian reviewed what was advertised in previous years. There was discussion regarding the cost of advertising in Sebastian Daily and Hometown News vs. advertising in just the calendars, which is free. It was the consensus to advertise in the calendars. Items from the City of Sebastian — Ms. Gordian asked if there is anything missing on the list to please let her know. Ms. Ware asked for one more table for the face painting, and she suggested an 8-foot table. Ms. Gordian will see to that. Total Event Budoet — FY2023 — As set forth on the attachment to the agenda. Mr. Stadelman thanked everyone for their input and help. He added that City Council considers the Earth Day event as one of the most important projects representing the City as well as the living docks. IX. New Business -- None NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 2023 X. Adjournment PAGE 6 There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. By: Date: 's�"kAm4, jg