HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-2023 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 4 2023 I. Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. IL Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Billman Mr. Stadelman Mr. Carrano Ms. Callaghan Ms. Ware Dr. Cartier Mr. Bradley (a) Dr. Mosblech Not Present Ms. Haggerty (a) Also Present: Ms. Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. ADoroval of Minutes — March 14, 2023 All members stating they had had a chance to review the Minutes from March 14, 2023, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of March 14, 2023. as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements Mr. Stadelman announced that the Exchange Club has the Memory Field with white flags present in Riverview Park to call attention to child abuse. Ms. Gordian announced that the Tree City USA signs are now up In Riverview Park and George Street Park. Ms. Callaghan asked if Tree City USA signs can be placed in locations where they will be visible to more people. Ms. Gordian said she will look Into this. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 4, 2023 VI. Agenda Modificatinns — None VII. Public Input — None Vlll. Unfinished Business A. Earth Day Planning Planning Review; Board Members to Report Progress Updates Ms. Gordian reviewed the progress updates as follows: Ms. Gordian reminded everyone that dogs are not permitted to be in the Park. There was general discussion regarding this subject, and Ms. Gordian stated that there will be volunteer police stationed around the park as well as a lead person from the City to address problems during the event. Retail/Food Vendors — Ms. Gordian reviewed the number of vendors that are registered. She stated that contained in the vendor packet she will ask that the vendors promote the event as well. Ms. Billman stated how impressed she is with the outline that was included in the agenda packet. Ms. Gordian said Ron Paul deserves credit for the spreadsheets that he compiled. Environmental Organizations — Ms. Gordian stated that she has what she needs regarding environmental organizations. Waste Management -- Ms. Gordian asked that Board members and volunteers remind people that part of the Waste Management event is going to be at the Barber Street Sports Complex. Art Club — Ms. Ware addressed needing volunteers to help transport the artwork to and from the event. She stated that they are planning to have a "People's Choice Award" for the artwork. She also stated that she expects to have more entrants in the poster contest, and she would like to have the posters scanned so that they can be put up on the website. Chalk Art Contest — Dr. Mosblech stated that this is not going to work out for Alexis Peralta, and so it will not be held this year. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 4, 2023 Beer — Ms. Gordian stated that this is all set. I.R.0 Fire Unit Standby Request Form — Ms. Gordian stated the fire unit from the County is going to be on standby during the day. City of Sebastian Event Permit — Ms. Gordian will be handling that. State Food Vendor Notice — It will be submitted to the Slate and, Ms. Gordian will let them know who is going to be there. They will come to the event during the day to ensure that everything is displayed properly, and that the proper equipment is present. Entertainment — Ms. Gordian stated that the schedule is included in this agenda packet. She staled that everything is going according to plan. NRB Website — The site will continue to be updated. Raffle -- Ms. Gordian stated she will print a list of all the vendors whoaredonating prizes. Master of Ceremony — Mr. Stadelman said he will be Master of Ceremony again this year. Be a Gopher Tortoise -- Dr. Carrier stated he will transport the structure and materials to and from the event. Volunteers will be available to run the event. Dr. Cartier stated it would be nice to have one of the local zoos or rehab centers to actually bring a gopher tortoise to the event so that there can be an educational aspect to this event. There was also discussion as to where this event will be held in the Park. Scavenger Hunt — Suggested questions proposed by Dr. Mosblech were displayed on the projector. There was general discussion as to how the scavenger hunt will be run this year. Vendor Activities — Extended discussion was had regarding the placements of the vendor booths and the NRB booth. Living Docks — We are waiting to hear back from the County as to the availability of wraps that can be used during the Living Docks event. Dr. Carrier said that In the case that no wraps are available this year, decisions will be made the day of the event as to NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 4, 2023 what will happen at the docks. Dr. Carrier said he and Mr. Carrano will have to be creative as to what can be done. Volunteers — Ms. Callaghan stated she will continue to work closely with the Boys and Girls Clubs to define how many volunteers will be available, and she will attempt to make a schedule with assignments for the volunteers. She also noted that Ms. Ware will need volunteers to help with transport of the artwork —both at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day. Dr. Carrier said he will be taking photographs as he goes around the Park during the day, and his wife will photograph the activity at the living docks. It was decided that the Board will need to show up at approximately 7:00 a.m. to help the vendors set up. NRB Booth — Ms. Gordian stated that she and Ms. Frazier have discussed using a card with OR lodes that will cause less paper use and less waste. The OR codes will take people to all the information. There are also some brochures available to anyone who is not familiar with OR codes. Dr. Carder suggested keeping track of the requests that are made for something other than OR codes in order to determine what we do in the future. Regarding the seed packet project, it was decided to get together at the Art Club on April 11 s' at 3:00 p.m. to fill the seed packets. Ms. Billman volunteered to take the stamp and Ink pad and stamp all the packets. Ms. Gordian offered to give Ms. Billman the ink and the stamp pad after this meeting. Stormwater/FEMA Booth — Ms. Gordian said there will be three City employees to provide anything that is needed regarding stonnwater. Advertising — Ms. Ware suggested Board members try to lake some of the flyers and distribute them to businessestpeople so that they are spread around the Sebastian area. Ms. Gordian said she has sent the flyers out to a few local online calendars. Ms. Callaghan thanked "Sebastian Daily" for running one article so far. Ms. Ware suggested asking Andy Hodges if he would like to interview Ms. Gordian about the event prior to the event. Ms. Ware offered to help Ms. Gordian with press releases. Items from the City of Sebastian -- Ms. Gordian said everything that was provided last year will be provided again this year, plus a large table for Ms. Were. Mr. Stadelman thanked everyone on the Board for all their time and hard work in order to make the Earth Day event a success. IX. New Business NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 4, 2023 PAGE 5 Ms. Ware suggested the agenda for the May meeting include the presentation of the prizes for the poster contest. She also suggested that this item be listed under Announcements. Ms. Gordian said she will see to that. Dr. Mosblech suggested that when the Board meets in May the agenda should include prioritizing the Sustainable Sebastian initiative. Mr. Stadelman also suggested prioritizing the new landscaping rules. Ms. Ware suggested finding the spreadsheet that was created sometime ago setting forth the Sustainable Sebastian Initiative and the different projects contained in it. X. Adioumment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware and approved unanimously via voice vote. Date: N& a, V C jg