HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-2023 NRB AgendaCif' OF SEBAS-T,V HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 6TH, 2023 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM May 2"d, 2023 Meeting Minutes V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS VII. PUBLIC INPUT Vill. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Item A. Continue Sustainable Sebastian Prioritization i. Litter Quitter Status Update ii. Determine Top 5 Sustainable Sebastian Priorities —ACTION ITEM IX. NEW BUSINESS Item A. Board to Consider Tuesday, July 111" as the Alternative Date for July NRB Meeting — Original meeting set for Tuesday, July 4t" (Independence Day) & City Hall will be closed. —ACTION ITEM X. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. IV. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2023 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present: Dr. Mosblech Dr. Carrier Ms. Callaghan Mr. Stadelman Not Present Mr. Bradley (a) -- Excused Mr. Carrano -- Excused Also Present: Ms. Ware -- Late Arrival Ms. Billman Ms. Haggerty (a) Ms. Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Approval of Minutes -- April 4, 2023 All members stating they had had a chance to review the Minutes from April 4, 2023, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of April 4, 2023, as presented was made by Dr. Carrier, seconded by Ms. Callaghan, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Earth Day Poster Contest Awards Mr. Stadelman stated one Board member is not yet here, and he suggested that the Board move on to Item VI until Ms. Ware is present. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2023 VI. Agenda Modifications -- None VII. Public Input -- None VIII. Unfinished Business A. Earth Day Debrief Ms. Gordian thanked all the Board members for their hard work in putting on this event. She stated that she heard many positive comments about the event, and she reviewed in depth the various things that went on and how successful they were and how some things might be improved upon going forward. She reviewed the amount that was spent on the event, which was $1,137.79. There were approximately 73 vendors. There was a lengthy discussion among all the Board members and Ms. Gordian describing the activities they helped with and how the volunteers were directed. At this point, Ms. Ware having arrived, Mr. Stadelman called for addressing Item V, the Earth Day Poster Contest Awards. Ms. Ware presented each winner with his/her award (SEE ATTACHED LIST) and thanked everyone for their participation. She also thanked the school and the teachers for their help and emphasized that the artwork is posted on the City's NRB website. At this time, Mr. Stadelman went back to Item VIII, Unfinished Business. There was lengthy discussion among the Board members and Ms. Gordian as to all the happenings during this year's Earth Day and suggestions for changes/additions for next year. IX. New Business A. Sustainable Sebastian Project Prioritization Ms. Gordian called everyone's attention to the attachments to the Agenda and explained how those documents were developed. She described goals that she and Ms. Frazier listed in order to make City Hall itself and City operations generally more sustainable. One of the goals is to improve native landscaping throughout the parks, improving tree protection and landscaping ordinances. Another goal was to focus on green infrastructure and LID, which ties into the native landscaping idea. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2023 PAGE 3 Ms. Callaghan began open dialog and reviewed that these attachments are based on all the initiatives that this Board came up with. She asked if Ms. Gordian and Ms. Frazier are open to stating what this Board wants focus on to make the plan for 2024. Ms. Gordian she opines that there be a compromise between what staff wants and what the Board wants. She wants to have a meeting of the minds in addressing this item. Ms. Callaghan described that she has heard from City Council members questions about when is the Litter Quitter program going to go forward. She feels that, since KIRB is not responding, this Board should come up with a new plan and not wait on KIRB since this is something that Sebastian wants to do, and she feels that this is an item that we should move forward with. She appreciates the work and ideas that City staff has put into the plan, and this Board has been waiting and, due to staff changes, etc. for the Sustainable Sebastian program, the Board has been wanting to take action and wants to be involved. She suggested that additional time be set aside in order to get moving forward on the Sustainable Sebastian initiative. Ms. Gordian stated she senses that this Board has been waiting for permission to go forward, and she wants to be able to take them to that place where things are being done by building on what the prior City staff and this Board have set up. Ms. Callaghan asked if this plan takes us through 2024. She added that on the first slide it shows that is the idea and we are done, but we are not done. She understands that COVID came along, and that put a stop to almost everything. She added that her frustration is with the delay and wanting to do more. It is not directed towards any individual. Mr. Stadelman stated Ms. Callaghan's sense of urgency is well appreciated. Ms. Callaghan stated she marked some items up on the plan and wanted to talk through that and not necessarily staff's list. Ms. Billman said she would like some clarification as to the five-year plan. Some of the topics are very broad based and are not specific to what we as a Board are going to be doing to accomplish these goals. One of the reasons why she wanted to be on this Board is because there are things that she feels passionate about, and she does not know how they fit into the five-year plan, or if other Board members have things that they would like to direct their energy into getting things done and how those things related to the five- year plan. She does not think it is clear regarding the things that she wants to do for the community and how they feed into the five-year plan. Ms. Gordian stated that is something she has looked into in order to understand the whole process. She had no knowledge about the plan before she started working with the staff. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2023 PAGE 4 Ms. Billman asked if everything on the spreadsheet has been okayed by City Council. Ms. Gordian said not all the sub -sections. The six major goals are the goals that City Council is aware of, but they are not familiar with all the various details on the spreadsheet. Ms. Billman asked for specific items that this Board can "sink their teeth into." Ms. Gordian said she understands. She added that some things will change as time passes. Ms. Callaghan stated that what is shown as the six goals that went into the resolution are what the Board at the time thought were the goals that could be met. She acknowledged that some new members were added to the Board since 2019. Dr. Mosblech stated that, looking at the six goals to the left of this document, she thinks being broad as opposed to being specific is helpful in terms of being able to achieve goals. She opined that what staff is attempting to do would fit into one or more of those goals. Ms. Billman added that City staff as well as members of this Board could establish a list of goals that could be implemented on what everyone wants to accomplish. Mr. Stadelman interjected that this Board is representative of City Council and will make recommendations to Council on what is understood that City Council wants to see done. He added that a Board member could be the point person on each of the six goals so that things move along. Ms. Billman asked what the protocol is for presenting ideas to City Council. Mr. Stadelman described the process as, once a Board member has something he or she wants to present to City Council, that they present it as an agenda item for one of the NRB meetings. He said that she could go directly to Council, but it is easier to put it on the NRB agenda, and then the Board can move forward as a group in presenting the idea to City Council. There was general discussion regarding the six Sustainable Sebastian goals. Ms. Callaghan suggested updating the five-year plan on the NRB website. In regards to Litter Quitter, she stated this Board does not have materials that are specific to Sebastian and are specific to what is going to be offered. She suggested that prices are very different in 2023 from what they were when this plan was implemented, and with COVID the whole economy has changed. That needs to be updated. She opined that Goal No. 1 is a goal that this Board should work through. She would like to see that on a future agenda reworking this and how we are going to move forward with creating our own materials. We can do our own training NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2023 PAGE 5 if KIRB is not around. She went through KIRB's training, and it is not difficult to go through the training. She will be the point person for Goal No. 1. Ms. Ware suggested that all the Board members need a general refresh so that the newer members can get an idea of what pieces there are to this and whether they want to be involved in going out to businesses and organizations, which is basically what the Board has to do to get this to happen in the City. She suggested that that be the starting point for everyone at the next meeting or the meeting after that. Ms. Callaghan said that, if it is put on the agenda for the next meeting, she is willing to go through it and do the training. Mr. Stadelman said he would be willing to be the spokesperson for this item. Ms. Haggerty asked who decides what is and is not sustainable as far as what products they are using. She asked if that is part of the training. Ms. Callaghan said that the training will go through what materials we were handed which now need modifications to make it Sebastian specific. We need an update to be done to decide what are the materials today and what their costs are so that when you go to a restaurant you have that information. She said that list can be gone over to rework this whole thing and implement a plan for it. She is willing to kick it off next meeting if it is put on the agenda. Dr. Carrier stated he wonders if the Board is at the point that they cannot do this within the confines of a regular meeting. He suggested that the Board should be talking about a workshop. He senses that the Board is almost overwhelmed with the magnitude of this and how to parse this out. That is something that is better worked out in a session where the Board members can sit down and really work on this rather than try to banter back and forth about it. Dr. Mosblech said it may be worthwhile having a workshop where business owners would be invited -- people who are open to this idea, people who are willing to have that conversation. She does not know if the collaboration with KIRB has been effective. She does not even know if they are a partner that is responsive. She thinks it is important for them to be here with their goals, and they set the parameters, such as bronze for not offering plastic straws, silver was that they have netting along the water, and they did not offer plastic bags to go, etc. She does not know if the Sebastian groups involved such as the businesses that are in our City should define our priorities. She suggested that having the businesses aware and open to the possibilities of alternatives needs to happen. Ms. Callaghan stated she thinks the Board needs to meet first before bringing in the businesses. She is in favor of a workshop and suggested at the next meeting NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2023 PAGE 6 having the conversation. It will refresh all the various components of the program and what it is about as well as what we are missing or lacking. She knows that when we invite businesses in they will have immediate questions. So the Board needs to be prepared for those questions in advance of the workshop. There were several suggestions about workshops and how they would be held. Mr. Stadelman suggested that at the next meeting Ms. Callaghan do some training, and at that point we can decide how to move forward. Ms. Gordian stated she will look into how that should be handled as far as the meeting goes. She added that she has done some research on Litter Quitter and Surfrider since they are listed in the resolution and suggested that the Board push them forward at the same time in order to make the businesses in the City more aware of these options. Mr. Stadelman reviewed that back when this program was just being implemented this Board had talked about doing their own Litter Quitter group, but COVID and some other incidents came along and interrupted a lot of plans. Ms. Gordian added that part of Subgoal No. 2 of the first overarching goal is promoting environmentally friendly projects at City Hall. That is an important item —shifting how we do things here. There was additional general discussion on how to approach breaking down the aspects of Goal No. I. Ms. Gordian added that, with the Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup, we do partner with the Marine Industries Association, and they are having regular committee meetings once a month to discuss the cleanup that is scheduled for July 22"d. She suggested having members of this Board who are willing to do it again be there to help, and she will be there hosting it. The NRB's location will be at the Main Street Boat Ramp location. This falls under the umbrella of waste reduction and is part of our ongoing effort. She will update everyone on what is planned. Ms. Gordian also reviewed that Dr. Carrier had created a spreadsheet of all the costs, etc. of different sustainable options. She asked that an updated document be created. Ms. Haggerty made some suggestions as to looking into different distributors, and if she could see the spreadsheet that Dr. Carrier created, she would attempt to put some more information together. Dr. Carrier emphasized that the costs of today are substantially different from what were initially put forth. Mr. Stadelman announced that he had a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, and they are ready, willing and able to work on the community outreach program. Ms. Gordian stated that she will send to Ms. Callaghan the information she can find on the Litter Quitter, and asked if Ms. Callaghan would make contact with KIRB and possibly get in touch with KBB to see if they have any input on how to guide us forward. Ms. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 27 2023 PAGE 7 Gordian asked Dr. Mosblech if she would reach out to Surfrider to see if there is a way that this Board can work with them and to bring them to a workshop to get our local involved. Dr. Mosblech said she would. Ms. Callaghan as well as Ms. Ware also suggested that Ms. Gordian get with Ms. Frazier on some of these items. Dr. Carrier also added that some of the items in Goal No. III are also listed under Community Development, which is Ms. Frazier's purview. There being no further discussion on Goal No. I, Mr. Stadelman moved on to discussion of Goal No. II on the spreadsheet. Discussion was held regarding Goal No. Il. Mr. Stadelman asked for opinions on whether during the next meeting, or the one after, the Board should put on the agenda discussion on landscaping ordinances as they are presently in effect. Ms. Ware suggested this Board needs to prioritize. She does not think the Board can do all of the six goals at once. She suggested going through the goals and deciding which one the Board wants to work on first and get it done, then work on the second and so on. Mr. Stadelman stated he would like a champion on this so that the program is kept in the forefront. He asked Dr. Mosblech if she would be willing to be the champion for Goal No. Il. She stated she would do that. Ms. Callaghan asked if the homeowners' welcome packets are still being provided. Ms. Gordian said she has not been using the homeowners' packets. She questioned the feasibility of that as there is not always someone such as the homeowner present to give a packet to. Mr. Stadelman reviewed how Kim Haigler did the inspections and provided homeowners' packets. Ms. Callaghan stated that Ms. Haigler presented these packets at the final inspection, and the homeowners commented on how useful the information in the packets was. Mr. Stadelman emphasized that the members of City Council have the Sustainable Sebastian program high on their agenda. Dr. Mosblech asked if it is possible at the next NRB meeting to have a definite answer on the process and the timeline for what the City is intending for the landscaping ordinance. Ms. Gordian said she would find that out. Dr. Mosblech suggested that at the next meeting we focus on how we can make some progress there and feel comfortable with it. Ms. Ware agreed. She also stated that the Board should not have to go through all six of the goals tonight. She suggested beginning to work on the first two goals, then the next two, and the next two, as there will be a great deal of time needed to work on each of the goals, and they cannot all be addressed in one meeting. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 2023 PAGE 8 Dr. Carrier had a point of clarification. He stated that the Board is talking about landscape ordinances. Yet, if we look at no. 9 under the third goal at the bottom of the page, that has everything to do with revision of the landscape ordinances. So there is some overlap here that we need to be aware of. Dr. Mosblech agreed. Mr. Stadelman reviewed Goals Nos. III, IV, V and VI just as a refresher. There were some questions regarding some of the subsections of each goal. He thanked Ms. Callaghan and Dr. Mosblech for agreeing to be point person on Goals I and II of the Sustainable Sebastian initiative. Mr. Stadelman announced that the Rotary Club would like to participate in in our community oyster garden. James Williams is the lagoon project coordinator. They already have grant money, and they have manpower and logistics and experience. Ms. Callaghan addressed Ms. Gordian in stating that she likes the way Ms. Gordian arranges the agendas and the items that are included. X. Adiournment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Callaghan, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. By: Date: SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5UST $EB �r INITIATIVES SUMMARY Task 1A Arrange meeting with Chamber of Commerce to discuss business outreach partnership Task 113 Create information packets for businesses, including Surfrider OFR info X Task 1C Estimate annual costs of restaurant promotional materials and submit for X budget approval Task 1D Work with KBB and KIRB to register current volunteers into the certification system Task I Recruit volunteers and hold more training events, work with KBB to provide online volunteer certification Task 1 F Develop education and outreach program for local schools COLLABORATING ENTITY UPDATE Chamber of Commerce KBB, Surfrider Foundation X Community Development materials to include: coasters, table tents, window Dept stickers. KIRB to redesign logo with their name X Keep Brevard Beautiful KIRB championing Program locally as of 3/12/20, (KBB) website created First training held on 8/6/19, 10 local volunteers X KBB, Comm Dev Dept certified. NRB LQ Website created & training materials posted online 6/20/20 X KBB, IRC School Board NRB HYPERLINKS Champion -1:Sg0R,,,C4 x� Sebastian Chamber Surfrider Space Coast Chapter KIRB LQ Page NRB LQ Page Task 2A Create a comparison sheet of commonly used restaurant products as part Edward Donn, KBB Comparison sheet completed on 4/10/21, posted on NRB LQ Paee of the LQ info packet NRB LQ Page Create a comparison sheet of all products used in City Hall breakrooms Community Development Items ordered by Maintenance Dept annually, due to Task 2B and at City Staff events and present estimated annual cost for budget X COVID precautions, the City remains overstocked, Eapproval Dept changes to be proposed FY2023 Task 2C Incorporate info about all products and costs into event vendor packets Leisure Services Dept Incorporate the reduction of single -use plastics at events into Parks Leisure Services Dept Bottle refill fountains installed at Riverview Park 4/20/21, Task 2D Master Plan many other installations completed through 7/15/21 Task 3A Coordinate with the Aquatic Preserves Program staff to discuss how the NRB can assist in promoting LINT Ethics Task 313 Discuss methods for boater outreach to keep our spoil islands trash -free through the Aquatic Preserves Program's Spoil Island Project FDEP addressed NRB Board at 2/8/22 Meeting Community Development FDEP Local Brought LNT Outreach materials for local distribution by Dept Preserve Site NRB & Outreach planned for Earth Day Event, 4/23/22 X Marine Industries Participated in TC Waterway cleanup in 2021 & 2022 TC Cleanup Event Association Next Cleanup: TCWC July 2023 Website FG 5/31/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5UST SEB , A 0P •�e<F COLLABORATING NRB INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion Task 4A Recruit Board Members and volunteers to nominate themselves and/or their neighbors Task 413 Estimate the annual cost of lawn signage for budget approval X Task 4C Create "We Noticed" door hanger as an anonymous way to encourage X residents to enroll in program Summary of program with link to KIRB's LFL website NRB Landscaoine X posted on NRB's Landscaping Website 10/18/21 page ongoing City's Sign Shop/ KIRB Yard signs are in violation of City sign ordinance, revision is req'd ••A Big L 0 • • Utilize NRB website to provide links to IFAS information and details on Collaborated with IFAS to add LFL principles and IFAS NRB Landscaoine Task SA area workshops being held website links to NRB Landscaping website on 11/13/20 Website Enhance the demonstration gardens anually with new plantings, weeding, Leisure Services City Hall garden enhanced with plantings on 5/5/20, Task 5113 mulch and added signage X X Department native wildflower seeds added 3/22/22 Task 5C Determine cost of demonstration garden improvements for budget X Leisure Services Consider adding signage, native understory trees, and approval Department mulch Utilize the OF IFA5 Extension Office outreach folders to create more stuffed 250 tote bags with folders for Earth Day Event Task 5D "Homeowner Welcome Packets" and determine methods for getting 4/24/21, 156 additional folders were left at new homes IRC OF IFAS packets out to more residents during final insp. Website Audubon Society, City Hall demo garden installed on 5/15/19 Task SE Coordinate with local organizations to create native demonstration X X Sebastian Garden Club, Native Garden installed at Garden Club Park on 6/28/20 gardens at City Parks Sebastian River Junior • •I Women's Club (SRJWC) OF IFAS to install test plots at parks in fall 2022 rees Tor I i e •' City submitted LOS for grant on 11/14/19. Free trees Task 6A Participate in the Pelican Island Audubon Society's Trees for Life program X Audubon Society handed out at 4/24/21 Earth Day Celebration, program NRB Landscaoine by planting more trees on City parks and properties Website link added to NRB Website Incorporated into both City IPM Plans Over 100 Elliots Lovegrplanted around Riverview Park Task 6B Encourage native landscaping and mulched areas, decreasing sodded X X Leisure Services Dept, SW oon n 9/11/20 areas, where applicable Dept Applied for SW Grant to add shoreline planting to Tulip Pond 4/12/22 FG 5/31/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5UST SEB , A n •�e<F COLLABORATING NRB INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion Task 7A Host a public workshop during the NRB Meeting to discuss the draft of the Conservation and Coastal Mangement Element Task 713 Staff to compile all workshop notes and submit to consultants for inclusion into the final plan Task 7C Staff to keep NRB informed of all workshops, Comp Plan related and documents throughout the process Task 8A At least three Board Members volunteer to serve on both IPM Sub- committees Task 81B IPM Sub -Committee presents final plans to NRB for approval before bringing to City Council Task 8C Annual Reports are brought to the NRB for discussion before to City Council Task 9A I Board Members to volunteer to serve on Sub -Committee Task 9B I Updates and discussion provided at each NRB Meeting Task 9C Final revised ordinances brought to the NRB for approval before being presented to City Council Workshop held at 3/3/20 meeting Further review at 10/6/20 meeting Workshop notes submitted to consultant on 4/20/20 Review notes submitted to consultant on 10/15/20 Comp Plan process kicked off on 2/20/20 Citv Como Plan Final CC adoption on 6/23/21 2040 Parks: 2/4/20 NRB Meeting SW: 10/6/20 NRB Meeting Leisure Services Dept, Parks: 8/4/20 NRB Meeting Stormwater Dept SW: 8/3/21 NRB meeting also to include city staff, local scientists, and industry professionals SW IPM Website Parks IPM Website FG 5/31/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5UST SEB , A 0P •�e<F COLLABORATING NRB INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion Task 10, I Add water bottle refill stations to City parks and fountains Task 11A I Increase availability of bike racks around the City Task 12A Work with Waste Management to host regular household waste/ shred -it recycle events Task 12B Add information on what is and is not recycleable to NRB Website and COS TV Channel X I X X I X Task 12C Define cost and discuss funding assistance for waterfront businesses in X acquiring recycling services Task 13A Focus on energy efficient choices for planned major City purchases (i.e. lighting, windows, CIP items) Task 13B Ensure that every office and copier has a recycle can Task 13C Educational outreach of simple ways to reduce reuse and recycle communicated through emails and signage in gathering areas. Task 13D I Create self -audit criteria for City office operations "'"-'--- "- 16 purchased total- installations 4/18-7/15/21 @ 12 Dept, Leisure Services parks and properties, including City Hall and Police Dept. 16 Dept, LeisurServices green recyc e p astic i e rac s purc ase , e Dept assembled and installed across City by 7/15/21 Waste Management I contracted with WM to be held once annually Sue Flak presentation at 8/4/20 NRB Meeting PPT slides provided continually run on COS TV since NRB Recycle IRC Solid Waste District 10/19/20 & slides and link to IRCSWD website added to Website NRB Website on 9/21/21 Community Development X also to consider netting for waterfront businesses Dept 12/10/21 First Hybrid and Electric vehicles ordered for Procurement Dept Police Dept. & City Fleet, FPL grant for Charge Station at City compound, City Hall Individual Departments Human Resources 30 ways to green office FG 5/31/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5UST $EB �r INITIATIVES FG 5/31/2023 SUMMARY Task 14A Board Members to discuss ideas or programs that can support their implementation, especially those under public participation and outreach Task 14B Assist residents and businessowners to understand BMP's and LID's in relation to the Stormwater Fee Credit Program COLLABORATING NRB ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion SW BMP's incorporated into the SW IPM Plan . City SW Dept Stormwater Outreach booth at annual Earth Day Event. Website SW Website updated 1/12/22 Program Info added to NRB GI/LID Website on 3/4/22 Community Development Brochures created & mailed to qualifying property NRB GI/LID Dept owners on 3/7/22. Stormwater fee credit requests due Website annually ASSIST IN PLANNING COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS AT NRB GOAL15 MEETINGS AND/OR OYSTER GARDEN SITE FROM GUEST SPEAKERS AND CITY STAFF ON WATER QUALITY ISSUES OYSTER GARDEN SITE (FISHERMAN'S LANDING) CLOSED FOR REPAIR WORK AS OF NOVEMBER 2021 Task 15A Identify topics that are relevant to current water quality concerns in our area and list possible speakers for each topic Task 15B Members to volunteer to arrange individual presentations Task 16A Compile summaries and data on the most applicable practices for our City into toolkits that help to assess & improve stormwater management Task 16B Review the applicable Ordinances and determine if changes are needed to support and encourage these practices Review GI Map of the City and determine where there maybe an Task 16C opportunity to enhance existing hubs and cooridors, connect green spaces, and improve stormwater storage and treatment areas Task 17A Coordinate with Leisure Services and Stormwater on outreach opportunities LID Community Workshop 12/7/21, Pelican Isl. Audubon Society on 1/4/22, FDEP Aquatic Preserves 2/8/22 Speaker slots available at each NRB Meeting, 1st Tuesday of the month. Comm Dev. Dept staff attended local LID conference Stormwater Dept 10/28/21. LID & GI Community Workshop held 12/7/21 rvne Quuu Created NRB GI/LID Website on 3/4/22 Website Community Development Review and reccommendation process began April, 2022 Dept Provided for protection of corridors from map in 2040 Community Development Comp Plan. 11/7/21 NRB Meeting: PPT intro to GI Map, X Dept also discussed at 12/7/21 Community Workshop. Ciri's GI Map Incorporating into 2023 SW Master Plan. Leisure Services, Incorporating need into SW and Parks Master Plans Stormwater, Sign Shop Research what pre -made signage is available and what what grant Leisure Services, SW Applied for grant with SW for planting/signage/fountain Task 17B X X Tulio Pond Info assistance maybe available Department, Sign Shop improvements at Tulip Pond on 4/12/22. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN INITIATIVES SUMMARY r,OLLABORATING NRB ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion •COANS • • • SIDEWALKS• BIKE LANES 49 • Conduct walking/ biking audit tours to determine any gaps and Leisure Services Dept, Create updated map with sidewalks, trails, and bike AARP Walkin¢ Audit Info opportunities Public Works Dept paths Determine if there are areas which may pose challenges to foot and bike Leisure Services Dept, Where are connections needed? Expansion needs? traffic and why SEEK OPPORTUNITIES TO CROSS Public Works Dept PARKS AND GREEN SPACES M,11111�1011 Work with the Chamber of Commerce to learn how the City's natural Chamber of Commerce Indian River Lagoon, St. Sebastian River, etc. Sebastian assets are currently being marketed Chamber Identify unique features of the City's spaces and identify specific nature- protected species and/or habitats, special services eBird trackine based markets Parks & Rec Board provided website Research to identify what certifications/designations are attainable Leisure Services Dept examples: Great Florida Birding Trail FL Nature Tracker UTILIZE GPS • • TOOLS, Website APPS TO INCREASE VISITATIONTO THESE AREAS Eventzee Scavenger Hunt at Earth Day 4/24/21 Geocac Munzee scavenger hunt bringing participants to natural and Florida Munzee Hunters 3 permanent markers placed around Riverview Pk On How to Munzee_ 4/26/2021 points historic ponts of interest i 4/26/21 FG 5/31/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD Peview of A000rrplisrrrents& Goal Identification/ Prioritization Accomplishments: INITIATIVE I. - 1212ort overall reduction in the use of single -use plastics Litter Quitter Promotional page created on COSWebsite with Initiative IV. :-Supported the Leave No Trace Ethics Program :Hosted Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup in 2021 & 2022 SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN INITIATIVE 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Resolution No. R-19-30 • 6 Primary Initiatives I. Support overall reduction in the use of single -use plastics by the City of Sebastian and its business community ... II. Support landscaping practices that promote a healthy, native ecosystem ... III. Provide recommendations for Oty polidesand Codes related to Natural R--souroes. IV. F,-dudng the C ity's operational carbon footprint ... V. Protect and restore the water quality of all our Oty's water bodies ... VI. Promotethe C ity's overall livability ... Accomplishments: INITIATIVE II. Support landscaping practices that promote a healthy, native ecosystem ... Rorida Landscaping page added to COSWebsite Native R anti nqs added to some COS Properties Incorporated Native Landscaping into COSactions: 2 IPM plans and the Tulip Fbnd Grant Accomplishments: INITIATIVE III. Provide recommendations for Oty_polides and Codes related to Natural Fbsources. Provided Input through the Comp Plan Review Process Assisted in the creation of 2 Integrated Pest Management Plans �onoa .°PM I PREAION INT,3, E%E IEs Accomplishments: INITIATIVE V. Protect and restore the water quality of all our City's water bodies ... Contributed to gormwater IPM Plan & outreach Hosted related workshops & speakers at NRB meeti ngs Increased awareness of COSs gormwater Fee Credit City received Grant Assistance from IRLCforTulip Project Accomplishments: INITIATIVE IV. Reducing the Oty's operational carbon footprint ... :Bottle Refill Stations were installed at COS Facilities; recall ke Racks have been i nstal led across the city :Annual Waste Management Recyd ing Event during Earth Day Event :-The 1st Hybrid & BecdricVehides Ordered for PD & City Peet ccomplishments: INITIATIVE VI. Promote the Oty's overall livability ... Munzee Geocaching at Rverview Park Photofrom Indian Rver Cou'Ay Property Appraia�rsMap Now, what's next? Proposed Goals through 2024 Native Landscaping ❖ II. by asis:ing and prormting Keep Indian Rver Beadiftfs Lagoon Friendly Lawns and Uriverdty of Horida IFAS Florida- Riendly Landscape programs ❖Educate residents on the benefits of implementing Native Landscaping Principles into their properties. ❖Set the example for sustainable landscapes on City properties. PROPOSED GOALS THROUGH 2O24— ❖ I. a use of single -use plastics and itsbisne smrnnrity by as sting and promoting Keep Indian River BeartifJl Keep Brevard BealtlfJ'sUtter QJtter and Slrfrider'sOcean Rierdly Riestarrarts Progransard lhroug h O• I V._ by prorroting sgainable energy remLroesttroughthe implenertationof sgainable tecMologieg where practical. ❖ Create polities to increase and encourage the use of environmentally -friendly products at City Hall, as well as at city sponsored events and all community events oocurring on City property. ❖ Fbduoe pollution on our Spoil Islands Tree Protection & Landscape Ordinances ❖ III. NRB to Assist City in revision of Tree Protection and Landscape Ordinances I Green Infrastructure & LID ❖ IV. itonal carbon footprint... V. per alit of all our Ot 's ty's stormwater emphasizing best t desi-qn, and green O•v I. ,though the promotion of adive transportation, _ and promoting natue-based touisn Questions Green Infrastructure Ran nts?Concerns? r ,�� 5/31/2023 SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN RESOLUTION NO.R-19-30 Task 1: Support overall reduction in the use of single -use plastics by the City of S3bastio and its business community by assisting and promoting Keep Indian River Beautiful/Keep Brevard Beautiful's Litter Quitter and Surfrider's Ocean Friendly Restaurants Programs and through the identification of alternative products STATUS OF PROGRAMS Keep Brevard Beautiful (KBB): Due to budgetary constrants, the Board has decided to drop support for the Litter Quitter program. Brevard Zoo: No longer has Litter Quitter program but has low waste and no waste events Keep Indian River Beautiful (KIRB): Lost its primary funding and pad personnel; comprised of volunteers that focus on waterway deanups in\/ero Beach. Surfrider: The "local" chapter is the Treasure Coast chapter; the lead in Stuart. There are no Ocean Friendly Restaurants listed in Surfrider.org in Indian Favor County. TASK 1 GOAL 1 Goa 1: Create Community/BusinessAwaeness of Litter Quitter Program and Certify Local Businesses 1A Arrange meeting with Chamber of Commerce to discuss business outreach partnership I Create information packets for businesses, including Surfider OFR info I Estimate annual costs of restaurant promotional materials and submit for budget approval I Work with KBB and KIRBto register current volunteers into the certification system 1 E Recruit volunteers and hold more traning events, work with KBB to provide online volunteer certification 1 F Develop education and outreach progran for loci schools KBB= Keep Brevard Beautiful OFR= Ocean Friendly Restaurants KIRB= Keep Indian favor County Beautiful WHAT DO WE WANT TO DO? My thoughts: 1. Review the components of the KBB Litter Quitter Program 2. Review the components of the Surfrider Ocean Friendly Restaurants 3. Determine what goals the S3bastian Natural Resources Board should move forward with for Task 1, Goal 1 of the Sustainable Sebastian 5-year plan Following are slides that cover components of the 2 programs 1 5/31/2023 WHEN WAS LITTER QUITTER ESTABLISHED? • Litter Quitter was originally created by Keep Brevard Beautiful in the year of 2016. • 2017 began a new era for Litter Quitter when KBB and Brevard Zoo partnered and began updating it. • This year, in July we will be releasing the new look of Litter Quitter and the new criteria we will implement for businesses! WHAT IS LITTER QUITTER? Litter Quitter is a Keep Brevard Beautiful and Brevard Zoo program that aims at reducing single - use plastics and other marine debris by approaching local businesses, educating them, and providing resources for more sustainable alternatives in Brevard County The goals of Litter Quitter are as follows: 1. Eliminate or reduce single -use plastics 2. Encourage reusable items 3. Sustainable food sourcing 4. County -wide composting in WHY DOES LITTER QUITTER MATTER? The Litter Quitter program is reducing/eliminating single -use plastics and other marine debris which means the prevention of injured marine life and a cleaner, healthier environment. Here are a few reasons why Litter Quitter should matter to you: 1. Brevard County receives a lot of tourism, especially to our beautiful beaches, we must keep them clean and healthy 2. 400 million straws are used every single day in our country, the majority of which end up either in landfills or in our waterways, thus effecting marine life and their habitat. 3. Styrofoam takes 500 years to fully decompose in landfills, taking up so much room in the majority of landfills in our country. 4. It is a well-known issue all around the globe, and we here at KBB and Brevard Zoo are doing something about it! ■ 5/31/2023 MEMBER BENEFITS Each business will receive these benefits when they join the program' • ALitter Quitter window sticker notifying potential customers ofyour sustatnabtlily comaritment • Promotional listings on the websites of program partners and social media spotlights • Mentions of your company in press releases to local media outlets and promotion of your company at public outreach events — • Group pricing discounts on sustainable product lines from major supply distributors — Aardvark Eco-Products, and Edward Don & Co • Networking and education opportunities via local sustatnabtlity sumnrits- - Done annually, it is a great way to bring support to your business! • An annually organised "day of support" driving new customers to your business • Litter Quitter members can include their certificationas a practicein the Indian River Lagoon Green Business pledge WHAT IS THE CRITERIA FOR THE PROGRAM? -BRONZE **The business is only required to meet one of these" • Ask -first straw policy: The waiter/waitress should be trained to only hand out straws if a person asks for one. This is useful because it reduces straw use but does not eliminate it for those that still need straws such as the elderly or small children. • Switch to a sustainable straw option such as paper, metal, or reusable plastic: We usually encourage businesses to maintain their ask -first straw policy while also switching to paper straws. This still cuts down the number of straws being used but when someone needs a straw, they are receiving a more environmentally friendly option. • Encourage customers to bring their own reusable straw: Personal straws are now all the rage! We want businesses to encourage their customers to bring their own straws. HOW DOES LITTER QUITTER WORK? The Litter Quitter program has a few different components that help it function and make an impact on our local environment: 1. Proeram Partners: Carries out the background work; processes applications, reaches out to businesses, creates marketing materials, promotes on social media, and much more. 2. Vendors: Provides sustainable alternatives to businesses and gives them pricing deals to help fit their unique needs. 3. Businesses: Participates in doing the right thing for the environment! 4. Volunteers: Carries out tasks in the neighborhood; acts as a "secret shopper" to businesses, recruits businesses in the program, and much more. Volunteers are our forefront! WHAT IS THE CRITERIA FOR THE PROGRAM? -SILVER **The business is only required to meet one of these and one bronze** • Switch plastic bags to paper bags: Usually used for to -go orders, why not make the switch? • Encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags: When coming to get take-out orders, they can bring their own paper or cloth bag! • Switch plastic utensils to a sustainable option such as bamboo, corn -based, reusable, etc.: These are more environmentally friendly! 5/31/2023 WHAT IS THE CRITERIA FOR THE PROGRAM? -GOLD "The business is only required to meet one of these, one silver, and one bronze** • Switch Styrofoam cups to a sustainable option such as com-based, paper, reusable, etc.: Styrofoam takes forever to decompose, let's make the switch! • Switch to -go containers to a sustainable option such as com-based, recycled plastic, paper, etc. • Encourage customers to bring their own reusable to -go containers: These are all the rage as well, everyone can carry one in their car or can bring one when picking up! • Deck netting for waterside businesses: This is used to catch any blowing litter from reaching the water, neat! WHO ARE THE PROGRAM PARTNERS? _;x K91 B7l EVARD ZOO be Q1 I o„ P tA­�R�IF D HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND RESTAURANT VS BUSINESS CYroase as Least , � Restaurant M oPslon • PSNstlrst stra sabc pl • Swlich w a sustainable straw option lmm, metal, hard reusable plaab .& Ivi! . Er+couragecuslomers to Mieg their owe tee albeso-aw •bwitch.ii- bagsirrpaperhagel • Encourag customers to hrirg their own sable hags. or • Switch plastic utensils taasustairahleoption Icermbased, paper, reusable. etcl • swa=n styratpp,,—ta le, etainahleaPtivn Swt,h aseq paper, reusable, etc,l, yr • Swikhto-go centairters tea wstainable option teem -based, stu—pl b,n tWr.etel er • Encourage mstomers to bring[helrgvn toge everaieers • Deds netting/or waterirontbusirwues E:11n fRi • $wRchtuelect recelptr,a • Use rerycled paperm, , or • Switcn plasbn bagsto reusabe/paper bags. or . Replace suawsrstirrers wirha sastainable aptNn • ReplxrPEastrc honfes arsd StYra<cuPswi[h usabEe cvps,or • Ilse biodegratlaWeclearu•rs, er • ImPlememis—wlingprogram switch irscandesrent ggntbmb� m ten er fluoresxent or Sw+tch frpm paper lowekta electrichaM dryers tewels er Add sustainable landscaping to business or arganixatian property,or gecydeeEeRronia arstl InN carMtlges WHO ARE THE CURRENT VENDORS? ho9mastER® � ' ' S��a_co At [he heart of PRODUCTS ` food and service Hoffmasterprovides sustainablepaper straws to Eco-Products gives Edward Don.& Company Sysco gives sustainable bat sustainable options for gives sustainable options for options for cups, bowls, P p' am raves en to degradeprogran" that are proven to degrade in cups, bowls, plates, cups, bowls, plates, utensils, Plates, utensils, and so hours. Each sale gives back a utensilsand so much , and so much more. LQ much more. percentage to ourprogram more. LQ businesses are given a discount when businesses are given a discount when buying in and to the Br-ard Zoo's buying in bulk! bulk! Turtle Healing Center! 4 5/31/2023 I'` :A°P�a WHO CURRENTLY — <<w.E• ARTICIPATES IN THE ® — I naoHs* PROGRAM? �41BLACH HOLE A .r ICI K 0IHI 0 •"n e..aa aendY tmach su n e NO NAMEean. SPORTS BAR : _LeNc 1 UFIME,'... :� •q� .�jwaCO GA .m,.+' WHAT DO WE DO? You'll have two tasks as a volunteer of the Litter Quitter program; 1. Recruit new businesses into the program 2. "Secret shop" at current businesses to make sure they still follow program criteria WHO ARE THE CURRENT VOLUNTEERS? Youl WHAT MATERIALS WILL WE BE GIVEN? You will be given a few different items including; • A rack card • A coaster • A table tent (optional) • A poster (optional) • A window sticker • Business cards 5/31/2023 THE RACK CARD The Litter Quitter rack card will be primarily used when recruiting a new business into the program. The card includes our goals, member benefits, our website & contact information, and all of the criteria for each level. THE TABLE TENT WE CARE ABOUT OUR OCEANS! SO WE ADOPTED A NEW STRAW POLICY! f you would I ke a s[raw,!us[ ask 5 ogle use plas[ c straws are oken consumetl by sea turtles. tlolph ns pel cans and other mar ne I fe Thanks/or he/ping keep our oceans {ree otplastic! �� I7J�P�7 The table cards are optional for businesses but provide information to their customers. One of the issues arising from an ask -first straw policy is that customers don't know it's in place, so when they don't receive a straw they believe it is bad customer service, which is not the case at all! These cards sit on the tables and inform customers that the business has switched their straw policy! THE COASTER The Litter Quitter coasters we optional for businesses, it is a small advertisement of the great effort that business is participating in. WE CARE ABOUT OUR OCEANS! So we edoptN a new strew poncyi llf rT—i�7 y�. SWITCH SAVE YOUR A SEA STRAW TURTLE 1 A. Al THE POSTER ..w You may notice we've changed a tow thmga amana Hen:, [Hera nepaaao . WE ARE A LITTER QUITTER The poster is the same thing as the table card, but in poster form! We know some businesses may not want more stuff put on their tables so this is an alternative for them. This is also optional for businesses. y 5/31/2023 THE WINDOW STICKER 4 MM40, Q U I T T E R A � � b f88F8 AGASNg� The Litter Quitter window sticker shows potential customers that this business is environmentally friendly and is proud of it! The sticker is placed on the businesses' window and shows commitment to our program. SURFRIDER OCEAN FRIENDLY RESTAURANTS Surfrider founded in 1984 by a group of surfersfrom Malibu California Has 80 Chapters across the USA and 96 student clubs 2016 Launched the Ocean Friendly Restaurants program with goal to reduce plastic pollution in oceans VOLUNTEER TASKS FORM There are 3 pages to the Volunteer Task form: KAMAMMWJ You can access it here: .v mot- _ The first page requires password, it is weRLQ E R �i RESOURCES Page two will have a list of businesses that need to be recruited. You can ` choose which businesses you want to recruit and a **Please make sure you fill this form out at date you plan on doing least one day PRIOR to visiting any a so. business** RESTAURANT PROGRAM CRITERIA? • Mandatory Criteria (All 7 Required): • Only reusable foodwaeisused for onstedining' • FAper strays are provided only upon request. — No expaxled polystyrene use (aka Styrofoarn). • No plastic bags ae used for takeout or to -go orders. • Snge-use utensils,strays,condiments,aldotheraccessoryitemsaeprovidedonlyuponrequest. • Bevera asae not sold in plastic bottles • Roper recycling pratioesaefollowed. •'F000kareincludes cinrlerxare,dnrAKere,sr1vwvtare,andramekirns'mintaners •"Hra,otimsmaybenadisfor nattua/yoatrrirgrnaterias(e.ghay baitim)ardreurables(e.gmeta,glasq),not inducing biobasedplastic, SraKsdWd be presided to aryme WA o needs are, inducing pegvle Kith dsatilities Restaurants that meet all of the criteria are recognized as a Platinum LetelOcean Friendly Restaurant! 7 5/31/2023 CRITERIA? • Optional Criteria(Choose At Least 3): 1. A discount is offered for customers with a reusable item (e.g. cup, container, bag). 2. Megetadan and vegan food options are offered on a reg ular basis. 3. All seafood is 'Best Choice' or'Good Alternative' as defined by Seafood Watch, or no seafood is served.` 4. Water conservation and pollution mitigation efforts are implemented." 5. Energyefficiency efforts are in place.."` 6. Concessions and pre -packaged food items are not sold in plastic packaging. 7. Composting efforts are in place for food waste. 8. Neither single -use plastic nor bio-based plastic containers are used for takeout or to -go orders, reusable containers are preferred. • `Locallysoumed, sustainable seafood is preferred and should be prioritized when Seafood Kbtch recommendations do not !Ply • Examples include installing low -flow faucets and toilets, offering drinking water up on regLes tonly, no hosing down outside to reduce urban runoff, pmperdisposaiofFOG, and up-to-date septic or sewage to prevent wastewaterpollution. • "' ExampLEDlesinclude switching to Llighting, installing solarpanels, using EnergyStar certified sop liancesand/or other efforts to use less energy SEBASTIAN NRB WEBSITE LITTER QUITTER Sebastian Businesses Against Waste Keep Indian River Beautiful (KIRB), in partnership with Keep BievardBeautifirl and the Sebastian Natural Resource Board, is now offering the Litter Quitterpprogram in Sebastian. fiis program uses partnerships with local businesses as a means of reducing common sources oflltte, llkesingle-use plastic; plastic bags, and polystyrene (Styrofoam). Benefits for Participating Businesses Litter Quitter window sucker notifying potential customers of your sustainability commitment Promotional listings on the websites of program partners and social media spotlights Mentions of your company in press releases to local media outlets and promotion of your company at public outreach events Group pricing discounts on sustainable product lines from our major supply distributors Use of Litter Quitter logo on restaurant menu and promotional items RESTAURANT BENEFITS? Ocean Friendly Restaurants marketing collateral including windowstickers, brochures, and bill inserts to promote your membership to customers. Use of Ocean Friend ly Restaurants logos for restaurant menu, website and other restaurant marketing materials. Restaurant listed on Surfrider national and chapter websites. Restaurant included in Ocean Friendly Restaurants national map on Surfrider national and chapter websites. Launch parties and collaborative promotions with your nearest Surfrider chapter. Access to national vend or discounts on sustainable restaurant and to -go products. Tax-deductib le donation opportunity. Association with a nationally recognized nonprofit with thousands of members and supporters working hard to keep our ocean healthyand protected! WHAT TO DO NEXT? My SUGGESTED CHANGESTO W EBSITE/QUESTIONS AND ACTION ITEMS ARE LISTED IN RED: LITTER QUITTER -SHOULD W E USETHIS NAME? Sebastian Businesses Against Waste Keep Indian River Beautiful (MIRE), in partnership with Keep sa vard Beautiful and The Sebastian Natural Resource Board, is now off rig the Litter Quitterpmgram in Sebastian This program uses partnerships "h local businesses as a means ofreduang common sourer ofk'tter, kke sing/ use plastic, plastic bags, and polystyrene (Styrofoam) Benefits for Participating Businesses Litter Quitter window sticker notifying potential customers of your sustainability commitment -Need to create Promotional listings on the NRB websites of program partners and social media spotlights Mentions of your company in press releases to local media outlets and promotion ofyour company at public outreach events -Need to identify what these events are Group pricing discounts on sustainable product lines from our major supply distributors -Need to confirm vendors still willing to provide discounted pricing Use of Litter Quitter logo on restaurant menu and promotional items -Need to create/purchase the promotional items Map of Litter Quitter locations still on website- needs removal of link to KBB. Need replacement and way to keep track of participants.