HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-2023 NRB AgendaCR Cf SEBAS-T-" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 18T", 2023 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM June 6th, 2023 Meeting Minutes V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS VII. PUBLIC INPUT Ray Osmond — Floating Vegetative Islands (Beemats) VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Sustainable Sebastian i. Staff Feasibility Analysis Presentation ii. Goal Prioritization —ACTION ITEM IX. NEW BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup — July 22"d, 2023 i. Event Details ii. Confirm Board Members who will be attending Item B. International Coastal Cleanup - September 16th, 2023 i. Event Details ii. NRB Participation with IRL NEP Item C. NRB Member Term Updates i. Term Renewals and Vacancies ii. Selection of Chair —ACTION ITEM Members submit nominations If only 1 member is nominated, that individual is selected If more than 1 member is nominated, the secretary will call roll for the name of the nominee iii. Selection of Vice Chair —ACTION ITEM Members submit nominations If only 1 member is nominated, that individual is selected If more than 1 member is nominated, the secretary will call roll for the name of the nominee X. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. IV NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 2023 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Alleqiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present: Mr. Stadelman Ms. Callaghan Dr. Mosblech Not. Present Mr. Bradley (a) -- Excused Dr. Carrier -- Excused Ms. Ware -- Excused Ms. Billman Mr. Carrano Ms. Haggerty (a) (Zoom) Also Present: Ms. Lisa Frazier -- Community Director Ms. Felicia Gordian -- Environmental Technician Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Approval of Minutes -- Mav 2, 2023 -- Late Arrival All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of May 2, 2023 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Callaghan, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements Ms. Gordian announced that the Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup week is slated for July 15t" thru July 23rd. People can register to participate "virtually" throughout that week, or register to join us for the main event at the Main Street boat ramp on the 22nd. She will provide more information about the commercial shoot and Committee photo shoot when it is available. The Board members can sign up with the team name "City of Sebastian Natural Resources Board." In addition, on July 121" the Treasure Coast NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 2023 PAGE 2 Waterway Cleanup week's proclamation by City Council will be held. Mr. Stadelman added that people can sign up at tcwaterwavcleanup.com. VI. Aqenda Modifications -- None VII. Public Input Raymond Osborne, 790 Belfast Terrace, Sebastian. He proposed establishing floating gardens. He has spoken with the Marine Resource Council about this project. He described that the gardens take out excess nutrients, and this would help the lagoon to establish some balance. He suggested doing some research to see if the City of Sebastian might consider a project like this, or at least doing a feasibility study. He suggested including civic groups that are in the Sebastian area and maybe the Chamber of Commerce. He asked if this could be discussed at a Natural Resources Board meeting. Mr. Stadelman suggested Mr. Osborne contact Ms. Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician for the City of Sebastian, regarding this subject. VIII. Unfinished Business A. Continue Sustainable Sebastian Prioritization Ms. Frazier presented slides on the screen which described the history and goals of the Sustainable Sebastian Initiative (SEE ATTACHED). She discussed each goal listed on the spreadsheets and described what the City staff have been working on regarding some of the goals. Litter Quitter Status Update Ms. Callaghan thanked Ms. Frazier for her presentation. She related that the Litter Quitter project has been disbanded in Brevard County, and she queried whether Sebastian NRB would want to take the Litter Quitter program on. She did say that she has contacted someone at the Brevard Zoo, as the Zoo had partnered with the Keep Brevard Beautiful initiative. That person described wanting to implement a project that would promote low - waste and no -waste events, and Ms. Callaghan said that might be something that this Board may want to investigate. She did contact the lead for the Treasure Coast chapter of Surfrider. She hopes to talk to this lady again, as she was able to convince some of the restaurants in Stuart to become the equivalent of Ocean Friendly restaurants there, which is encouraging. She might give us some guidance. Right now, there are no restaurants in the Ocean Friendly program in Indian River County. Sebastian does not NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U N E 6, 2023 PAGE 3 have oceanfront, but there are concepts that can be applied in our context. She discussed what the Litter Quitter program and the Ocean Friendly restaurant program are about. She reviewed the sections of the slides that had been presented to this Board in thepast for the newer Board members to acquaint themselves with the history of the Litter Quitter Program. These slides were taken from 2019. She also discussed the status of Keep Indian River Beautiful (KIRB). She explained that Surfrider's Ocean Friendly Restaurant Program has mandatory criteria that are required and discussed those criteria. She stated that Sebastian NRB does not have to stay with the Litter Quitter project. Instead, the Sebastian NRB could call it Sustainable Sebastian Initiative, Businesses Against Waste, or something akin to that. She discussed ways of getting the word out/promoting the program. She then called for questions/comments from the Board members. Mr. Stadelman thanked Ms. Callaghan for her presentation, and there followed a lengthy discussion among the Board members and City staff as to how to move forward. Several suggestions were made. Ms. Frazier suggested that the NRB can create a marriage of some of the different programs that have been promoted in the past. She believes that her staff with the help of this Board can create a new comparison sheet that lists the cost of some of the items that could be used to promote the sustainability idea. She suggested that the Chamber of Commerce would want to partner with the NRB on this initiative, such as having a workshop or having some sort of open house, etc. to show restaurants and other businesses what they can do and show them the cost comparisons. ii. Determine Top 5 Sustainable Sebastian Priorities Ms. Callaghan stated that Item VIII (A) (ii) is to determine the top five Sustainable Sebastian Priorities, and this is an action item. Mr. Stadelman made a motion to table this item until the next meeting, it was seconded by Mr. Carrano. Dr. Mosblech questioned tabling the item, and there was additional discussion about how to move forward. She suggested that a motion be made at the next meeting to revisit this goal and how the plan is to be updated. She added that some of the critical Board members are absent this evening, and she suggests that it is very important to have all of them discussing this matter. After discussion, the vote was 3-2 in favor. Motion passes. Ms. Callaghan explained why she voted nay. Mr. Stadelman suggested that all the Board members should think about what should be considered as the top priorities, and that discussion should be had at the next meeting. There was continuing discussion regarding what should be considered top priorities, and there was confusion about this. Ms. Callaghan suggested that the action item for the next meeting be to determine the top five Sustainable Sebastian Priorities' goals, and Mr. Stadelman agreed. He stated that will give the Board more clarity. Dr. Mosblech stated that at the next meeting it is important NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U N E 6, 2023 PAGE 4 to determine what the status of goal 1 is since Litter Quitter no longer exists. Dr. Mosblech stated that one of her concerns is that the Board does not regularly see what is happening behind the scenes, and the Board is only privy to what is discussed at these meetings. She said it was helpful to know that the City is making significant progress and that it is in the budget. Ms. Frazier said that will be done in the future. Ms. Gordian added that, once she gets more guidance as to the priorities, she will be able to help move the project forward. IX. New Business A. Board to consider Tuesday, July 11 th as the Alternative Date for the July NRB Meeting -- Original meeting set for Tuesday, July 4th (Independence Day) & City Hall will be closed Mr. Carrano made an initial motion to select July 11 th as the alternative date. After discussion, Mr. Carrano made a motion rescinding his motion changing the July meeting date from July 4th to July 11th, seconded by Mr. Stadelman. Motion was approved unanimously via voice vote. A motion changing the meeting date from July 4th to July 18th was then made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. X. Adiournment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Carrano, and approved unanimously via voice vote. By: Date: Ice SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN • N' B LE . .. INITIATIVES SUMMARY COLLABORATING NRB ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion CREATE COMMUNITY/ BUSINESS AWARENESS OF LITTER QUITTER PROGRAM AND CERTIFY LOCAL BUSINESSES Keep Indian River Beautiful (KIRB) PROGRAM ON HOLD AS OF 4/7/20, DUE TO COVID19 PRECAUTIONS KBB • Website Ruth Callagh Arrange meeting with Chamber of Commerce to discuss business Sebastian • Task lA • outreach partnership Chamber of Commerce Chamber • • • Task 113 Create information packets for businesses, including Surfrider OFR info X KBB, Surfrider Surfrider Space Coast Chapter Foundation • Estimate annual costs of restaurant promotional materials and submit for Community Development materials to include: coasters, table tents, window Task 1C budget approval X X Dept stickers. KIRB to redesign logo with their name Work with KBB and KIRB to register current volunteers into the Keep Brevard Beautiful KIRB championing Program locally as of 3/12/20, • • • • • Task 1D X KIRB LQ Page certification system (KBB) website created • First training held on 8/6/19, 10local volunteers • • • • •• Recruit volunteers and hold more training events, work with KBB to NRB LQ Page Task 1E • • provide online volunteer certification X KBB, Comm Dev Dept certified. NRB LQ Website created & training materials posted online 6/20/20 Task IF Develop education and outreach program for local schools X KBB, IRC School Board Create a comparison sheet of commonly used restaurant products as part Comparison sheet completed on 4/10/21, posted on Task 2A Edward Donn, KBB NRB LQ Page of the LQ info packet NRB LQ Page Create a comparison sheet of all products used in City Hall breakrooms Items ordered by Maintenance Dept annually, due to Community Development Task 2B and at City Staff events and present estimated annual cost for budget approval X Dept COVID precautions, the City remains overstocked, changes to be proposed FY2023 Task 2C Incorporate info about all products and costs into event vendor packets Leisure Services Dept Incorporate the reduction of single -use plastics at events into Parks Bottle refill fountains installed at Riverview Park 4/2C Task 2D Leisure Services Dept Master Plan __... _.�.._ istallations completed thro FDEP addressed NRB Board at 2/8/22 Meeting Coordinate with the Aquatic Preserves Program staff to discuss how the _ommunity Development FDEP Local Task 3A NRB can assist in promoting LNT Ethics Dept Brought LINT Outreach materials for local distribution by Preserve Site NRB & Outreach planned for Earth Day Event, 4/23/22 Discuss methods for boater outreach to keep our spoil islands trash -free Marine Industries Participated in TC Waterway cleanup in 2021 & 2022 TC Cleanup Event Task 313 through the Aquatic Preserves Program's Spoil Island Project X Association Next Cleanup: TCWC July 2023 Website FG 7/11/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5V5T • : ors SE13 r iO,o aq '9 Lq AO F •�e COLLABORATING NRB INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion Task 4A Recruit Board Members and volunteers to nominate themselves and/or their neighbors Task 41B Estimate the annual cost of lawn signage for budget approval Task 4C Create "We Noticed" door hanger as an anonymous way to encourage residents to enroll in program Summary of program with link to KIRB's LFL website NRB Landscauine posted on NRB's Landscaping Website 10/18/21 Page Yard signs are in violation of City sign ordinance, revision is req'd -• I • • LML Utilize NRB website to provide links to IFAS information and details on Collaborated with IFAS to add LFL principles and IFAS NRB Landscauine Task SA area workshops being held website links to NRB Landscaping website on 11/13/20 Website Enhance the demonstration gardens anually with new plantings, weeding, Leisure Services City Hall garden enhanced with plantings on 5/5/20, Task 5B mulch and added signage X X Department native wildflower seeds added 3/22/22 Determine cost of demonstration garden improvements for budget Leisure Services Consider adding signage, native understory trees, and Task SC approval X Department mulch Utilize the OF IFAS Extension Office outreach folders to create more stuffed 250 tote bags with folders for Earth Day Event Task SD "Homeowner Welcome Packets" and determine methods for getting 4/24/21, 156 additional folders were left at new homes IRC OF IFAS packets out to more residents during final insp. Website Audubon Society, City Hall demo garden installed on 5/15/19 Task SE Coordinate with local organizations to create native demonstration X X Sebastian Garden Club, Native Garden installed at Garden Club Park on 6/28/20 gardens at City Parks Sebastian River Junior OF IFAS to install test plots at parks in fall 2022 • Women's Club (SR1WC) City submitted LOS for grant on 11/14/19. Free trees Task 6A Participate in the Pelican Island Audubon Society's Trees for Life program X Audubon Society handed out at 4/24/21 Earth Day Celebration, program NRB Landscauine by planting more trees on City parks and properties Website link added to NRB Website Incorporated into both City IPM Plans Encourage native landscaping and mulched areas, decreasing sodded Leisure Services Dept, SW Over 100 Elliots Lovegrass planted around Riverview Park Task 6B X X on 9/11/20 areas, where applicable Dept Applied for SW Grant to add shoreline planting to Tulip Pond 4/12/22 FG 7/11/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5V5T • : ors SE13 r iO,o aq '9 Lq AO F ie COLLABORATING NRB INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion Community •• • ••' XEVIEW PROCESS Development Dept-7 Task 7A Host a public workshop during the NRB Meeting to discuss the draft of Workshop held at 3/3/20 meeting the Conservation and Coastal Mangement Element Further review at 10/6/20 meeting Task 7B Staff to compile all workshop notes and submit to consultants for Workshop notes submitted to consultant on 4/20/20 inclusion into the final plan Review notes submitted to consultant on 10/15/20 Task 7C Staff to keep NRB informed of all workshops, Comp Plan related meetings Comp Plan process kicked off on 2/20/20 Citv Como Plan and documents throughout the process Final CC adoption on 6/23/21 2040 Community CC Approval • • • - •3 Mr, R •• Development Dept 1 1 • •- Tasl< kfA Ht least three Board Members volunteer to serve on both IPM Sub- Parks: 2/4/20 NRB Meeting SW IPM Website Committees SW: 10/6/20 NRB Meeting Task 8B IPM Sub -Committee presents final plans to NRB for approval before Leisure Services Dept, Parks: 8/4/20 NRB Meeting Parks IPM bringing to City Council Stormwater Dept SW: 8/3/21 NRB meeting Website Task 8C Annual Reports are brought to the NRB for discussion before presentation to City Council Task 9A Board Members to volunteer to serve on Sub -Committee also to include city staff, local scientists, and industry professionals Task 9B Updates and discussion provided at each NRB Meeting 7 Task 9C Final revised ordinances brought to the NRB for approval before being presented to City Council FG 7/11/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN r 5V5T • : ors SE13 r iO,o aq '9 Lq AO F ie COLLABORATING NRB O INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion - • • • Community Development 16 purchased total- installations 4/18-7/15/21 @ 12 Task 10A Add water bottle refill stations to City parks and fountains X X Dept, Leisure Services _ • • • _ parks and properties, including City Hall and Police Dept. Community Development Task 11A Increase availability of bike racks around the City X X Dept, Leisure Services 16 green recycled plastic bike racks purchased, assembled and installed across City by 7/15/21 Dept Task 12A Work with Waste Management to host regular household waste/ shred -it Waste Management contracted with WM to be held once annually recycle events Sue Flak presentation at 8/4/20 NRB Meeting Add information on what is and is not recycleable to NRB Website and PPT slides provided continually run on COS TV since NRB Recycle Task 12B COS TV Channel IRC Solid Waste District 10/19/20 & slides and link to IRCSWD website added to Website NRB Website on 9/21/21 Task 12C Define cost and discuss funding assistance for waterfront businesses in X X Community Development also to consider netting for waterfront businesses acquiring recycling services Dept INCREASE OPPORTUNITY FOR RESOURCE CONSERVATION GOAL 13 AND MAXIMIZE RECYCLING AVAILABILITY WITHIN CITY OPERATIONS 12/10/21 First Hybrid and Electric vehicles ordered for Task 13A Focus energy efficient choices for planned major City purchases (i.e. Procurement Dept Police Dept. & City Fleet, FPL grant for Charge Station at lighting, windows, CIP items) City compound, City Hall Task 13B Ensure that every office and copier has a recycle can Individual Departments Educational outreach of simple ways to reduce reuse and recycle Task 13C Human Resources communicated through emails and signage in gathering areas. Task 13D I Create self -audit criteria for City office operations office FG 7/11/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 5V5T 503 INITIATIVES FIG 7/11/2023 SUMMARY Task 14A Board Members to discuss ideas or programs that can support their implementation, especially those under public participation and outreach Task 14B Assist residents and businessowners to understand BMP's and LID's in relation to the Stormwater Fee Credit Program Task 15A Identify topics that are relevant to current water quality concerns in our area and list possible speakers for each topic Task 15B Members to volunteer to arrange individual presentations Task 16A Compile summaries and data on the most applicable practices for our City into toolkits that help to assess & improve stormwater management Task 16B Review the applicable Ordinances and determine if changes are needed to sumort and encouraee these oractices Review GI Map of the City and determine where there maybe an Task 16C opportunity to enhance existing hubs and cooridors, connect green spaces, and improve stormwater storage and treatment areas . oordinate with Leisure Services and Stormwater on outreach opportunities COLLABORATING NRB ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion SW BMP's incorporated into the SW IPM Plan . Stormwater Outreach booth at annual Earth Day Event. City Dept SW Website updated 1/12/22 Weebb site Program Info added to NRB GI/LID Website on 3/4/22 Community Development Brochures created & mailed to qualifying property NRB GI/LID Dept owners on 3/7/22. Stormwater fee credit requests due Website annually LID Community Workshop 12/7/21, Pelican Isl. Audubon Society on 1/4/22, FDEP Aquatic Preserves 2/8/22 Speaker slots available at each NRB Meeting, 1st Tuesday of the month. Comm Dev. Dept staff attended local LID conference NRB GI/LID Stormwater Dept 10/28/21. LID & GI Community Workshop held 12/7/21 Website Created NRB GI/LID Website on 3/4/22 Community Development Review and reccommendation process began April, 2022 Dept Provided for protection of corridors from map in 2040 X Community Development Comp Plan. 11/7/21 NRB Meeting: PPT intro to GI Map, City's GI Map Dept also discussed at 12/7/21 Community Workshop. Incorporating into 2023 SW Master Plan. Leisure Services, Stormwater, Sign Shop Inco,[111 1%11-111111111 �1 III — I ­ns Research what pre -made signage is available and what what grant Leisure Services, SW Applied for grant with SW for planting/signage/fountain Task 17B assistance may be available X X Department, Sign Shop improvements at Tulip Pond on 4/12/22. Tulio Pond Info NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN • N' B LE . .. COLLABORATING NRB ENTITY UPDATE HYPERLINKS Champion Community Development D-. Leisure Services Dept, Create updated map with sidewalks, trails, and bike AARP Walkin¢ Audit Info Public Works Dept paths Leisure Services Dept, Public Works Dept Where are connections needed? Expansion needs? Chamber of Commerce Indian River Lagoon, St. Sebastian River, etc. SebastianChamber Parks & Rec Board protected species and/or habitats, special services provided eBird trackine website Leisure Services Dept examples: Great Florida Birding Trail FL Nature Tracker Website Eventzee Scavenger Hunt at Earth Day 4/24/21 Florida Munzee Hunters 3 permanent markers placed around Riverview Pk On How to Munzee 4/26/2021 4/26/21 FG 7/11/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD 7/12/2023 Sistainable Sebastian's 6 Initiatives 1. Support overall reduction in the use of single - use plasticsby the City of Sebastian and its businesscommunity ... 2. Support landscaping practicesthat promote a healthy, native ecosystem ... 3. Provide recommend ationsforCity policies and Codesrelated to Natural Resources. 4. Reducing the City'soperationalcarbon footp rint ... a. Protect and restore the water qualityof all our City'swater bodies.. . 6. Promote the City'soverall livability ... Budget & Time Remaining o $862 Leftoverfrom Earth Day o $15,000 budgeted for LID & Native Plantings KEY *= Staff Identified Goal asPri * = Work Currently In Progress o R 19-30waspassed October9th, 2019 o Based on the original5-Year Implementation Plan, we have until the end of September2024 o —14 months o 1.5 Staff **Goal 18:REVIEW CITY MAP AND CURRENTCOUNTY MASTER PLANS (lRANSPORTAl10N MPO, GREENWAYS PLAN) REGARDING SIDEWALKSIRAILS, AND BIKELANES o Ties into Goal 16 (LID & GI BM Ps) o NRB Involvement: o Conducting AARPWalkAudit(&modifyAuditCriteria asneeded) o Acquire Stakeholder insightson areasfor improvement o Provide Management Recommendations o Staff Involvement: o Creation of relevant maps(in progressl) o Implementation ofany necessary changes o Budget Management o High Impact o Inventory of City's Pathways o Improved Walking & Biking Pathways o Safercond itionsfor residents 1 7/12/2023 City Sidewalk Map City of Sebastian, FL City sidewalks Nlap- NdrIN M CN 512 Left: Zoomed map of the SdewalksNorth of 512/Sebastian Blvd Following Slide: Zoomed map of the Sid ewalksSouth of 512/Sebastian Blvd **Goal 16: ASSISTINTHECREAl10N OFTOOLKIlB FORGI BMPSAND PLANNING LID - Remaining Tasks Ordinance Review- Ovedapswith Goal 9 (Tree Protection & Landscape Ordinances) o Currently In Progress o Green Infrastructure Plan o Tulip Pond Project (native plantings & LID) o NRBlnvolvement: o Provide Guidance throughout Plan development o Review of Data & Cut -sheets o Provide Management RecommendationsforCOSProperties o Staff Involvement: o Corn pilation of data & creation of Cut -sheets o GI Plan Development o Implementationof any new management practices o High Impact o Improved Management Practices o Im provementsin Storm water Conveyance System o Improvedconidors 2 7/12/2023 IF ., rR--------------- .� ------ - ---:- --- --- *Goal 13: INCREASE OPPORTUNITY FOR RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND MAXIM IZERECYC LING AVAILABILITY WITHIN CITY OPERATIONS o NRB Involvement: o Provide Guidance on Alternative Practicesto Implement o Resent Necessity of Changesto City Council o Staff Involvement: o Budget Management& Item Procurement o Conduct Audit o Implementation of Practices o Moderate -High Impact o Improvement in City Operations o LowerResource Consumption o LowerWaste Output o Increased Monetary Savings o Increased use ofSolarEnergy o Increased accessto EV chargers o LowerCarbon footprint r *G oa 113: INCREASE OPPORTUNITY FOR RESO URC E CONSERVATION AND MAXIM IZERECYC LING AVAI LABILITY WITHIN CITY O PERATIO N S o Overlapswith Goal (Environmentally Friendly Products at City Hall & Events) o In Practice: 1. Audit City Hall & Compound Operations 2. Identify areasfor improvement 3. Implement new & altemative practices a. Routinely audit practices (annually? Biannually?) & adjust asneeded *Goal 9: ASSISTCITY IN REVISION OFTHE TREE PROTECTION AND LANDSCAPE ORDINANCES o Next Side presentsRoadmap forthe Revision Process o Additionally, NRBmemberscanresearch other Municipalities that can serve asa template orguideline forourordinance changes o Ovedapswith Goal 16 (LID & GIBMPs) o High Impact o Improvement of the City'sTree Protection & Landscape Ordinances o Changes will factor in Stakeholder Insightsand will be more well suited to current local circumstances oChanges may have a positive impact on local ecosystems 3 7/12/2023 Initiative 3: Cit Policies& Codes TREE PROTECTION & LANDSCAPING CODEREVISION Review Proposed Hostorkshop Analyze&Revise Changesinthe cals& sections of the Context of related tors to rude code sections r.IthLocJaIs& reas ofern 3 4de ith mittee P&Z presents their recommendation Prepare 5 7 Recommendations for P&Z P&Z Review & Edit 9 8 b Tulip Pond Planting Plan Draft • MM � Goals 5&6: EDUCATE RESDENTSONTHE BENEFITS OFIMPLEMBEITING FAS FLORIDA FRIENDLY PRNC IPALS INTO THEIR LANDSCAPE & SETTHE EXAMPLE FO R SUSTA INABLE LA NDSC A PES AC RO SS C ITY PROPERTIES o The remaining tasksforboth Goals centeraround Native Landscaoina on CitvProoerty. o Could be combined with Goal16 (LID & GIBMPs) and Goal17 (EducationalSignage) o Tulip Pond Project iscurrently underway native plantings& LID). o Remember: Money iscurrent/ybudgeted forthispurpose. o In Practice: t Staff IDseligible parks& works with NRBto prioritize the order for implementation 2 Develop Planting Plans& Maintenance Practices al Perhaps host a workshop with staff about cadng fornative plants 3 Create any required signage and acquire the plantsforthe chosen park a NRBrecmitsvolunteersforPlanting Days& leadsthe volunteerefforts s Monitorpark to ensure survivalof plants 6 Select the next (prioritized location,and repeat steps2-6 * G oa Is 5 & 6: EDUCATE RESD ENTS O N THE BEN ERTS O F IM PLEM ENTIN G IFAS FLORIDA FRIENDLY PRNC IPALS INTO THEIR LANDSCAPE & S£TTHE EXAMPLE FO R SUSTA INABLE LA NDSC A PES AC RO SS C ITY PROPERTIES o AdditionalNRBlnvolvement o Providing Recommendationsforanyrequired signage o Additional Staff Involvement o Budget Management& Item Procurement o Sign Design & Creation o Routine Maintenance of Gardens o High Impact o More Native Plantings= o Increasesin urban wildlife habitats o Improved function of the Stormwaterconveyance system o Less Maintenance required (lessmowing,lesschemical application required, etc.) o Improved City Aesthetics o Community Engagement& Public Education/Awareness n 7/12/2023 *Goals1 &2:CREATECOMMUNITY/ BUSINESS AWARENESS OFLITTERQUITTERPRO GRAM AND C8TnFYLOCALBUSINESSES& INCREASEAND/OR ENCOURAG ETHE USEOF ENVIRONMENTALLY - FRIENDLY PRO D UC TS AT C ITY HALL, AS W ELLAS AT CITY -SPONSORED EVENTSAND ALL COMMUNITY EVENTSOCCURING ON CITY PROPERTY o Overlapswith Goal 13 (Resource Conservation in City Operations) o Modified Approach from Original Plan *Goa Is 1 & 2: C REATE C O M M UN ITY/ BUSINESS AWARENESS OF LITTER Q UITIER PROGRAM AND CERTIFY LOCAL BU INESSES & INCREASE AND/ OR ENCOURAGE THE USE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY -FRIENDLY PRODUCTS AT CITY HALL, AS WELL ASATC ITY- SPONSORED EVENTS AND ALL COMMUNITY EVENTSOCC URN ON CITY PROPERTY o NRB Involvement: o Comparison Sheet Creation o RevaluationofPricing(Annually?&annually?) o Provide Guidance on Alternative Practices& Supplies o Present Recommendationsto CC o Development of Outreach Materials o Staff Involvement: o Budget Management& Item Procurement o Identification of Current Practices o Implementation of Changes o Development of Outreach Materials o Moderate -High Impact o Reduced Plasticswithin City Operations o Lead by Example o Detailed Fesouroesto provide to the community *Goa Is &2: CREATECOM M UNITY/ BUSINESSAWARENESSOFLITI92 QUITIERPROGRAM AND C ERTIFY LOCAL BUSINESSES& INCREASEAND/OR BNC OURAG ETHEUSE OF BNVIRO NM BNTALLY-FRIENDLY PRO DUCTSATC ITY HALL, AS WBLASATC ITY-SPONSORED EVENTSAND ALLCOM M UNITYEVBNTS OCCURING ON CITYPROPERTY o In Practice: h. Creation of Comparison sheet& Identification of current COS practices 2. Coordinate with FacilitiesStaffon item procurement and implementation of new practices 3. Annual Evaluationand Re -budgeting foreach FY a) Feedback [for possible changes]tobeacquired from City Staff a. Comparison Sheetsto be included on City Website and Social Media, and included in the VendorPacketsfor Earth Day & otherevents s. Arrange meeting with Chamberof Commerce to discuss businessoutreach partnership s. Hold workshop aspart of NR3monthly meeting forpublic & businesscommunityto attend 7. Develop educationand outreach program forlocal schools 5