HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-01-2023 NRB AgendaCif' OF SEBAS;in-T,V i;; HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 2023 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM July 181", 2023 Meeting Minutes V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS VII. PUBLIC INPUT Vill. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Sustainable Sebastian i. Goal Summary Presentation ii. Champion Assignments IX. NEW BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote X. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U LY 18, 2023 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Callaghan Ms. Ware Mr. Stadelman Mr. Carrano Not Present: Ms. Haggerty (alt) Ms. Mosblech Ms. Billman Mr. Carrier (Zoom) Also Present: Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Nick Ladyman, AV Technical Assistant Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary IV. Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of June 6, 2023 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Callaghan, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements - None VI. Agenda Modifications - None VII. Public Input Ray Osborne — Floating Vegetative Islands (Beemats) Mr. Osborne said he attended the previous meeting where he introduced the idea of floating vegetative islands that would take out excess nutrients and help the lagoon establish some balance in conjunction with other water improvement techniques. With Ms. Gordian's assistance, he distributed some handouts describing the benefit, what vegetative species would be used and the cost. He suggested the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has a grant program that addresses harmful algae NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U LY 18, 2023 PAGE 2 blooms that could pay for the islands. He asked if the City would be interested in the islands. The Community Development Director said beemats are effective but the maintenance is a nightmare. She noted vegetation is to be planted around Tulip Pond that will achieve the same goals as the beemats. The Chairman thanked him for his effort. VIII. Unfinished Business A. Sustainable Sebastian i. Staff Feasibility Analysis Presentation ii. Goal Prioritization The Environmental Technician displayed a PowerPoint describing six Sustainable Sebastian goals for prioritization, noting the five year implementation plan will expire at the end of September 2024. (See attached) The Community Development Director said while that will be end of the implementation period, it didn't mean that the program ends. At that point, the board would look at what was effective and not effective. She said tonight the high priority goals should be identified and then relayed to Council so they are aware of the Natural Resources Board's efforts. The Environmental Technician discussed Goal 18 which involves a walking audit of the current greenways, sidewalks, trails, and bike lanes to identify areas for improvement and acquire recommendations. The City's GIS Technician, Ross Kelley, has created a sidewalk map to assist with the evaluation of foot and bike traffic challenges; as well as where connections or expansions are needed. Goal 16 includes a review of the City's Green Infrastructure and applicable ordinances to determine where there may be an opportunity to enhance existing corridors to connect green space and improve stormwater storage and treatment. Each undeveloped lot should be looked at for what habitat and wildlife are present to determine if biological transfer areas could be developed for species. Florida Power and Light easements could be accounted for to assist with the connectivity. Goal 13 involves maximizing recycling in City administration operations and at City events by auditing the current purchasing practices and identifying new or alternative practices to implement. The practices should be routinely reviewed. It was implied Goal 9 regarding the revision of the tree and landscape ordinances could overlap with Goal 16. Other municipalities should be researched to see what they have implemented to have a positive impact on local ecosystems and their communities. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U LY 18, 2023 PAGE 3 Goals 5 and 6 involve native landscaping on City properties. This would in turn, educate the public on the benefits of Florida friendly landscaping, such as the Tulip Pond Project that is currently underway. There is currently money in the budget for other locations to develop more nature based stormwater treatment. The Community Development Director suggested planting clump grass and more trees. Ms. Billman suggested the educational spinning kiosks at the Jones Pier would be informative. Goals 1 and 2 combined involve the reduction of single -use plastics in City Operations and Events. The Community Development Director called attention to Ms. Callaghan's suggested alternative for Goal 1 and asked the board members to consider what goals they would like to champion. (See attached) The presented slides list activities that they can accomplish with the board's assistance. Chairman Stadelman asked why the goals haven't been completed already. The Community Development Director explained that since the Sustainable Sebastian Plan was adopted they lost a year and a half to the pandemic and staffing for these projects is limited to 1.5 members. She suggested their motion state that they are in agreement with the six priorities. Ms. Callaghan said when they came up with their plan they didn't include how long each goal would take and how much it would cost. Chairman Stadelman said he heard that more staff is needed. The Community Development Director asked the board to agree on the priorities they should concentrate on within the next year and a half. A motion was made by Chairman Stadelman and seconded by Mr. Carrano to accept the goals as presented by staff on the Sustainable Sebastian Five Year Implementation Plan as highlighted. Ms. Mosblech asked for clarifying conversation on Goals 1 and 2. She said she admired the efforts to combine Goals 1 and 2 but her concern is that it might be too much to accomplish, possibly making it less effective in the long run. If they are not setting an example at City Hall, it would be difficult to go out to the businesses in the community. Ms. Ware said they could still work on Goal 1 at the same time but create an example for the businesses. The Community Development Director said in staff's discussion, Goal 2 was to be a concentration at City Hall. Although Goal 1 centers on Litter Quitter and Ocean Friendly Restaurants, the respective organizations are not focusing on these programs at present. By combining Goals 1 and the Natural Resources Board can do outreach through the Chamber of Commerce and in the schools; but they should start at home fi rst. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U LY 18, 2023 PAGE 4 The Environmental Technician said she hoped that her presentation indicated how much Goal 1 and 2 overlapped. Ms. Callaghan said the education would be a great achievement and what they are missing is providing materials for the businesses to give their guests, but in the combination they are still educating. Their obstacles are time and money to produce a handout and passing them out to the restaurants. All members voted in favor of Chairman Stadelman's motion. Ms. Callaghan asked for an updated spreadsheet at the next meeting and if each item could be listed on the agenda to track the progress. The Community Development Director said the goal champion could stay in touch with Ms. Gordian and updates could be given at each meeting. Champion Assignments Ms. Billman offered to champion Goal 9. Ms. Mosblech offered to champion Goal 16, prioritizing green space. Mr. Carrano offered to champion Goal 9. Since two of the members were absent, the Community Development Director suggested some of the goals could be shared. Ms. Callaghan was suggested as champion for Goals 1 and 2. Further discussion on champions will take place at the next meeting when all members are present. IX. New Business A. Treasure Coast Waterwav Cleanup — July 22, 2023 i. Event Details ii. Confirm Board Members who will be attending The Environmental Technician said the cleanup is this weekend from 8 am until 12:30 p.m. Those interested don't have to actually come; they could just register on-line and log all of the trash that they collect throughout the week. She suggested they bring lots of water and cooling towels. If anyone was interested in diving for trash, there are details on the Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup's website. Ms. Callaghan and Ms. Mosblech confirmed they would be in attendance. B. International Coastal Cleanup — September 16, 2023 i. Event Details ii. NRB Participation with IRL NEP NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U LY 18, 2023 PAGE 5 The Environmental Technician said this cleanup is hosted by Coastal Connections and Keep Indian River Beautiful. Erin Bergman from the National Estuary Program will be registering a park champion, with whom the Natural Resources Board can partner for the event. C. NRB Member Team Updates i. Term Renewals and Vacancies ii. Selection of Chair iii. Selection of Vice Chair Chairman Stadelman said he requested this to be on the agenda to ensure there is continuity of service since there are some term updates coming up. He said he wanted to make sure everyone is comfortable with who is the chair. The Environmental Technician pointed out that there are four term expirations and Mr. Bradley will not be returning to the board. Mr. Carrano, Ms. Ware, and Ms. Callaghan nominated Charles Stadelman to be the chair. There were no further nominations. Mr. Stadelman will serve as the chair. Chairman Stadelman, Ms. Ware, and Ms. Callaghan nominated Mr. Carrano as the vice chair. There were no further nominations. Mr. Carrano will serve as the vice chair. X. Adiournment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7: 41 pm was made by Ms. Ware and seconded by Mr. Carrano and approved unanimously via voice vote. By: Date: 7/26/2023 Sustainable Sebastian's 6 1 n itia five s Support overall reduction in the use of single -use plasticsby the City of Sebastian and its business community ... Support landscaping practicesthat promote a healthy, native ecosystem ... Provide recommend ationsforCity policies and Codesrelated to Natural Resources. Reducing the City'sopera tionaIcarbon footp rint ... Protect and restore the waterquality of all our City'swater bod ies ... Promote the City'soverall livability.. . REDUCTION IN THE USE OF SINGLE -USE PLASTICS BYTHE GOAL CITYAND ITS BUSINESS COMMUNITY BY ASSISTING AND PROMOTING KEEP INDIAN RIVER BEAUTIFUL'S (KIRB) AND KEEP BREVARD BEAUTIFUL'S(KBB) LITTER RIENDLY RESTAURANTS (OFR) PROGRAMS AND THROUGHTHE IDENTIFICATION OF LTERNATIVE PRODUCTS ENVIRONMENTALLY -FRIENDLY PRODUCTS AT CITY HALL, AS WELL AS AT CITY -SPONSORED EVENTS AND ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS OCCURING ON CITY PROPERTY SUPPORT THE LEAVE NO TRACE (LNT) ETHICS PROGRAM AS IMPLEMENTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION'S (DEP) AQUATIC PRESERVES PROGRAM SUPPORT LANDSCAPING IMIl EDUCATE RESIDENTS ON THE BENEFITS OF PRACTICES WHICH GOAL IM PLEMENTING IFAS' FLORIDA FRIENDLY PRINCIPALS INTO PROMOTE A HEALTHY, THEIRLANDSCAPE NATIVE ECOSYSTEM BY ASSISTING AND PROMOTING KIRB'S LAGOON FRIENDLY LAWNS area workshops being held AND UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA'S (UF) INSTITUTE �Ht"=nUlr IFAS Extension Office outreach foldersto create more OF FOOD ANDe Welt me P�ckets" and determine methods for getting AGRICULTURAL SERVICES' packets out to more residents (IFAS) FLORIDA FRIENDLY LANDSCAPE PROGRAMS ))) PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROVIDE INPUT THROUGHOUT THE COMPREHENSIVE CITY POLICIES AND k PLAN REVIEW PROCESS CODES RELATED TO NATURAL RESOURCE ASSIST THE CITY IN CREATION OF INTEGRATED PEST CCApprowil 8 MANAGEMENT(IPM) PLANS FOR THE LEISURE SERVICES Parks IPM: 10/14/20 AND STORM WATER DEPARTMENTS SW PM: 9/8/21 IV.REDUCING THE CITY'S OPERATIONAL FOOTPRINT ADD WATER BOTTLE REFILL STATIONS TO CITY PARKS GOAL 10 BY PROMOTING AND FOUNTAINS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY RESOURCES THROUGH _ THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ® SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES, WHERE INCREASE THE AVAIALBILITYOF BIKE RACKSAROUND PRACTICAL AN=THE CITY INCREASE RECYCLING AWARENESS AND AVAILBILITY TO GOAL 12 THE PUBLIC INCREASE OPPORTUNITY GOAL 13 AND MAXIMIZE RECYCLING AVAI�{(H�GII Irif"# iffiFYTION OPERATIONS THE WATANDER RESTORE FOAL 14 PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR APPROVED STORMWATERBMP'S THE WATER QUALITY OF ■r ALL OUR CITY'S WATER BODIES BY SUPPORTING Member' to discuss ideas or programs that ... supporttheir THE CITY'S STORMWATER TaskI4A implementation, especially those under public participation and PROGRAM IN THE outreach CREATION OF TOOLKITS EMPHASIZING BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES _ _ _ (BMP), LOW IMPACT Task 14B DESIGN (LID), AND GREEN relation to the Stormwater Fee Credit Program (SFC Program) INFRASTRUCTURE (GI) ASSIST IN PLANNING COM MUNITY PRESENTATIONS AT 1�QAL15 NRBMEETINGSAND/OROYSTERGARDENSITEF ROM GUEST SPEAKERS AND CITY STAFF ON WATER QUALITY ISSUES ASSIST IN THE CREATION OF TOOLKITS FOR GI SNIPS AND PLANNING LID INCREASE EDUCATIONAL SIGNAGE AT CITY PARKS AND STORMWATER FEATURES OYSTERGARDEN SITE (FISHERMAN'S LANDING) CLOSED FOR REPAIR WORK AS OF NOVEMBER2021 7/26/2023 SUSTAINABLE SEBASTIAN S-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN COMPLETED TASKS INITIATIVES SUMMARY I UPDATE GeocachingM-- scavenger hunt bringing participants to --land Event— Scavenger Hunt at Earth Day 4/24/21 Task 20A 3 permanent markers placed around R,--- Pk On hrstonc points of interest 4/26/21 FG7/26/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD In %mmary ... 1. Initiative I. 9nale-Use Plastic Reduction O Bottle Refill Stationslnstallations o Annual Cleanup events 2. Initiative II. Native Landscaoina o Native Plantingson City Properties 3. Initiative III. Citv Policiesand Codes O Comprehensive Plan Adopted in 2021 O IPM Plansfor Parks (2020) and Stormwater(2021) Developed 4. Initiative IV. Citv'sOgerationalCarbon Footprint o Bottle Refill Station Installations o Bike Rack Installations o Annual Shredding Recycling Event o Hybrid and Electric Vehiclesadded to the fleet o Recycling binsin every office 5. Initiative V. BMPs, LID, & GI o Workshopson Stormwater& LID, and hosted speakerevents o Grant Received forTulip Pond Project 6. Initiative VI. Citv'sOverall Livabilitv o Scavenger Hunt Markersat Riverview Park 4 SUPPORT THE OVERALL REDUCTION IN THE USE OF SINGLE -USE PLASTICS BY THE CRY AND ITS BUSINESS COMMUNITY BY ASSISTING AND PROMOTING KEEP INDIAN RIVER BEAUTIFUL'S (KIRB) AND KEEP BREVARD BEAUTIFUL'S (KBB) LITTER QUITTER (LQ) AND SURFRIDER FOUNDATION'S OCEAN FRIENDLY RESTAURANTS(OFR) PROGRAMSANDTHROUGH THE IDENTIFICATION OF ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS CREATE COMMUNITY/ BUSINESS AWARENESS OF LITTER GOAL 1 QUITTER PROGRAM AND CERTIFY LOCAL BUSINESSES GOAL LfUPPORT LANDSCAPING PRACTICES WHICH GOAL 5 ROMOTE A HEALTHY, ATNE ECOSYSTEM BY ASSISTING AND PROMOTING KIRB'S Task 5 LAGOON FRIENDLY LAWNS AND UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA'S (UF) INSTITUTE Task 2 OFFOODAND AGRICULTURAL SERVICES' (IFAS) FLORIDA FRIENDLY Task 2 LANDSCAPE PROGRAMS INCREASE AND/OR ENCOURAGE THE USE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY -FRIENDLY PRODUCTS AT CITY HALL, procurement Dept AS WELL AS AT CITY -SPONSORED EVENTS AND ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS OCCURING ON CITY PROPERTY EDUCATE RESIDENTS ON THE BENEFITS OF IMPLEMENTING IFAS' FLORIDA FRIENDLY PRINCIPALS INTO THEIR OF WAS IRC Office LANDSCAPE SET THE EXAMPLE FOR SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPES Leisure Services Dept ACROSS CITY PROPERTIES III• PROVIDE ASSIST CITY IN REVISION OF THE TREE PROTECTION AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GOAL 9 Community LANDSCAPE ORDINANCES Development Dept CITY POLICIES AND CODES RELATED TO NATURAL RESOURCES � °'" ' - 7/26/2023 HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN COLLABORATING NRB INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY Champion DUCING THE CITY'S ERATIONAL FOOTPRINT Y PROMOTING GOAL SUSTAINABLE ENERGY RESOURCESTHROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF Task 13B SUSTAINABLE INCREASE OPPORTUNITY FOR RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND MAXIMIZE RECYCLING AVAILABILITY WITHIN CITY OPERATIONS Ensure that every office and copier has a recycle can individual Departments TECHNOLOGIES, WHERE Educational outreach f,,mple ways to reduce reuse and recycle PRACTICAL Task 13C Human lesou,ces communicated through ,,,,,and ,,n,,,,n gathering "as, Task r create self-aud,t criteria for city office operations Community V. PROTECT AND RESTORE THE WATER QUALITY OF GOAL 16 ALL OUR CITY'S WATER BODIES BY SUPPORTING THE CITY'S STORMWATER PROGRAM IN THE Task 11,613 ASSIST IN THE CREATION OF TOOLKITS FOR GI BMPS AND PLANNING LID Review the applicable Ordinances and determine if changes are needed CREATION OF TOOLKITS EMPHASIZING BEST ,,u,p,r,,nd,n,,u,,,th,s, practices Development Dept MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP), LOW IMPACT Review .1 -ap.1the Crt,and determine -herethe- may be an DESIGN (LID), AND GREEN Task 16C opportunity to enhance existing hubs and cooridors, connect green Community INFRASTRUCTURE (GI) spaces, and improve stormwa,er storage and treatment areas DIvelopment De t FG 7/26/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN COLLABORATING NRB INITIATIVES SUMMARY ENTITY Champion Task 18A Conduct walking/ biking audit tours to determine any gaps and LeisureServices Dept, opportunities Public Works Dept Task 18B Determine if there are areas which may pose challenges to foot and bike LeisureServices Dept, traffic and why Public Works Dept FG 7/26/2023 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD a 7/26/2023 In Summary ... 1. Initiative I. Single -Use Plastic Reduction o Reduce single -use plasticsin the City'soperations o Use what we learn to engage the community 2. Initiative II. Native Landscapinq o Add More Native Plantingsto City Properties 3. Initiative III. City Policiesand Codes o Improve ourTree Protection and Landscaping Ordinances 4. Initiative IV. Citv'sOoerational Carbon Footprint o Audit ourOperations& find areasfor resource conservation 5. Initiative V. BMPs, LID, & GI o Develop the Green Infrastructure Plan o Assess Applicable Ordinances 5. Initiative VI. Citv'sOverall Livabilitv Conducta Walk Audit 7