HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-01-2023 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 1, 2023 1. Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledqe of Alleqiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Callaghan (Zoom) Ms. Ware Mr. Stadelman Mr. Carrano (Zoom) Not Present Ms. Haggerty (alternate) Dr. Mosblech Ms. Billman Dr. Carrier (Zoom) Also Present: Ms. Michelle Faulkner, CFM -- Planner Ms. Felicia Gordian -- Environmental Technician Mr. Nicholas Ladyman -- Help Desk Technician Ms. Janet Graham -- Technical Writer IV. Approval of Minutes -- July 18, 2023 All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of July 18, 2023 as presented was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements Ms. Ware announced that the Art Club has been invited to be at the Vero Beach Museum of Art from August 2nd until September 10th. There are 48 paintings in the Patterson Gallery. There is free admission to see that. It's pretty awesome. Mr. Stadelman said the Museum of Art is near the Riverside Theater on the south side of the Old Merrill P. Barber Bridge. RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NATURAL AUGUST 1, 2023 PAGE 2 Ms. Gordian congratulated the Board members who were reappointed this term: Mr. Stadelman, Dr. Mosblech, and Mr. Carrano. Ms. Gordian gave a reminder about the International Coastal Cleanup that is coming up on September 16"'. She will update the Board members on the details coming up regarding that. Ms. Gordian stated that recently a young man from she believes is from one of our local high schools reaching out to us about his Eagle Scout project. He would like to do a native planting project around the pergola in Garden Club Park, and he will contact the Garden Club regarding that idea. VI. Agenda Modifications Ms. Gordian said she would like to address the alternative dates for the September meeting under the New Business item for tonight's meeting. Mr. Stadelman stated that would be all right, and he called for a motion on this item. A motion moving the September meeting will be addressed under New Business on tonight's agenda. VII. Public Input -- None Vill. Unfinished business A. Sustainable Sebastian i. Goal Summary Presentation Ms. Gordian said she would review what was discussed at the last meeting. This is something that will be brought to Council for their consideration to show them what we are moving towards for the Sustainable Sebastian projects. She reviewed the six initiatives and what tasks have been completed. Initiative I -- completed Tasks 2D, 3A, and 3B Initiative II — completed Tasks 5A, 5D, and 5C Initiative III -- completed Tasks 7A, 7B, 7C, 8A and 8B Initiative IV — completed Tasks 10A, 11A, 12A, 12B, 13A and 13B NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 1, 2023 Initiative V -- completed Tasks 14A, 14131 15A, 16A, 17A and 17B Initiative VI — completed Task 20A Ms. Gordian then summarized what has been accomplished (SEE ATTACHED). She then discussed the 5-year implementation plan Initiative I, Goal 1 —Tasks remaining 1 A, 1 B, and 1 F Goal 2 — Tasks 2A, 213, and 2C Initiative II, Goal 6 — Tasks 513, 5C, and 5E Goal 6 — Task 613 Initiative III, Goal 9 — Tasks 9A, 913, and 9C Initiative IV, Goal 13 — Tasks 13B, 13C, and 13D Initiative V, Goal 16 -- Tasks 16B and 16C Initiative VI, Goal 18 — Tasks 18A, and 18B She summarized those items (SEE ATTACHED). II. Champion Assignments Mr. Stadelman thanked Ms. Gordian and Ms. Faulkner for their work on this presentation. He then called for questions/comments from the Board members. Ms. Billman — She stated that she has preferences as to what she feels passionate about. That would have to do primarily with the landscaping and the livability of the connecting trails etc. Her primary focus would be on the tree ordinances and native landscaping. She volunteered to do some native plantings on the courtyard area outside City Hall. If no one has spoken up for these, she would like to champion Goal 18A, and B would also be one she could be considered for as well. So she would be willing to champion Goals 5, 61 9 and 18. Ms. Ware — She stated she is all about community education and getting the word out to the schools as well as different homeowners associations, etc. She opined that that would NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 1, 2023 PAGE 4 be the best way for her to assist in creating signage, etc. She had questions about the walk audit. Dr. Mosblech — She stated that she had sent her preferences to Ms. Gordian earlier today. She recalls that she had put down Goals 13, 15, and 18. Mr. Stadelman asked Ms. Gordian if there is anything she would see as a major impediment to achieving any of these goals that the Board could address for her. She stated the biggest hurdle that she sees is time and energy needed to work towards these goals and tasks. She stated that she and Ms. Frazier discussed getting with each champion and discussing how we want to move forward with each project. Then we can bring reports to each meeting so that the rest of the Board can see how that project is moving forward and if we need to include some of the other Board members. Mr. Carrano asked if the plan is for Ms. Gordian to meet with the Board members routinely so that they are not just addressing this program once a month. Ms. Gordian stated the plan is to meet with each Board member champion outside of the normal meetings to help move the projects forward. So, it won't be the case that the only interaction is once a month. There will be more frequent communications. Then she will communicate with the whole Board at the regular meetings. Ms. Gordian asked for the members on Zoom to state their most sought-after goals. Mr. Carrano -- said he would be interested in Goals 5, 6, and 9. Dr. Carrier -- said he would be interested in Goals 13 and 2 and also Goal 18. Ms. Callaghan -- stated she would be interested in the combined Goals 1 and 2. Ms. Ware -- stated she would be interested in Goals 1 and 2 or 5 and 6. Those are the goals that she would be interested in. There are also other pieces of goals that she would be happy to assist with. She would also be interested in Goal 13. Mr. Carrano described that some of these goals are very large, and a couple of people working on them would be a good idea. He suggested you might want to have multiple people working on goals at the same time. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 1, 2023 PAGE 5 Dr. Mosblech brought up the subject of the Sunshine Laws. There was discussion regarding the Sunshine Laws and how they apply, and Ms. Gordian stated that may be an issue. She will talk to the City Attorney regarding this matter. Ms. Billman asked, if we do have sub -committees, would the meeting be held with Ms. Gordian or Ms. Frazier. Ms. Gordian did not have an answer, but she would attempt to find out. Mr. Carrano said that when the IPM plans were being worked on, there were meetings at City Hall, and it worked out quite well. Ms. Gordian asked if they were special meetings. Mr. Carrano said they were not special meetings. They were group meetings at City Hall. Minutes were taken, and we had a group of people meeting and discussing how they were going to proceed. Mr. Stadelman -- offered that, if there are any goals that have not been assumed by Board members, he will be happy to work on them. Ms. Gordian stated that, based on what was discussed this evening and just focusing on everyone who is here tonight, she has a tentative list, and if needed she can come up with sub -champions. She then went through the list of Board members and the goals that they would handle. Dr. Mosblech asked Ms. Gordian if she would be reaching out to the Board members and reviewing their assignments. Ms. Gordian said she would like to meet with each Board member and discuss how we are going to move forward. IX. New Business Mr. Stadelman said it was decided to discuss changing the meeting date in September because of the Labor Day holiday. He made a motion to change the meeting date, and after discussion, he withdrew his motion. There was discussion, and it was decided to keep the meeting date September 5t'. Dr. Mosblech asked if there was any data available on the clean-up that was done on the 22"d. Ms. Gordian said that she has not received any data yet. Mr. Stadelman thanked everyone who came out and helped with the Treasure Coast cleanup. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 1, 2023 PAGE 6 Ms. Billman asked who is in charge of placing recycling containers at the boat ramp and other public places along the waterfront. Ms. Ware agreed that it is very hard to find a recycle bin anymore. X. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. By: Date: jg