HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-2023 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD
I. Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:01
II. Pledqe of Allegiance was recited by all.
III. Roll Call
Dr. Carrier
Mr. Stadelman
Ms. Billman
Ms. Ware
Dr. Mosblech
Ms. Callaghan
Mr. Carrano
Ms. Haggerty (Zoom)
Also Present:
Ms. Felicia Gordian -- Environmental Technician
Mr. Nicholas Ladyman -- Help Desk Technician
Ms. Janet Graham -- Technical Writer
IV. Approval of Minutes -- Auqust 1, 2023
All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for
a motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of August 1, 2023 as presented was made by
Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote.
V. Announcements
Ms. Gordian recapped the Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup. The results from the last
cleanup revealed: for Indian River County, 0.42 tons were collected, and there were 182
people just for Indian River County. In total for the entire event there were 3.47 tons
collected, and there were 1,146 people who attended the event. For the NRB's event,
we had .015 tons and 88 attendees. She mentioned some unique items that were
collected during the event.
Mr. Stadelman recognized the passing of Jimmy Buffett.
VI. Agenda Modifications -- None
VII. Public Input --
Connor Ruf -- He stated that it had been mentioned to him that the NRB could possibly
use a website. He is here offering to provide his skillset in this realm to the NRB. In
working with a lot of the restaurants in the area, he understands that the NRB is also
working with restaurants in attempting to set up a recycling project with the restaurants.
As a way of providing online orders, he has a way to possibly also fund something that
the NRB could use or would want to do to better this community.
Ms. Callaghan described the history of the Sustainable Sebastian project. The NRB had
a program called Litter Quitter. That was started by Keep Brevard Beautiful and the
Brevard Zoo. Both of those entities lacked the funding to continue, but they had the
website for people so that they could go to a restaurant and ask the restaurant to
participate in the program, the program being to stop using plastic straws and Styrofoam
products and encourage customers to bring their own utensils and encourage the
restaurants to use alternative products. They were partnering with vendors of alternatives
to plastic cutlery, etc. at a reduced cost for this purpose. The website would keep track
of the restaurants that agreed to participate, and there was a check -and -see process.
Once they agreed, someone would go back and verify that indeed they were doing
whatever level of participation that they had signed up for. She reviewed what would be
required to be on the website.
Mr. Ruf said he would be able to provide that information on the website.
Mr. Stadelman recommended that Mr. Ruf apply to the City to be a preferred vendor.
That would be one of the first steps. There may be other avenues open for Mr. Ruf as
well. He suggested that Mr. Ruf talk to the City Clerk.
Ms. Callaghan reviewed the approved list of things that the NRB is attempting to
accomplish for the rest of the 5-year plan cycle that we are in. She suggested having this
as an agenda item late next year, the thought of bringing this whole Litter Quitter concept
and call it what we want, because Litter Quitter was someone else's name.
Ms. Ware thanked Mr. Ruf also, because he attended the Centennial Committee meeting,
and she suggested that he provide information on what he could do in this regard.
Vill. Unfinished Business
A. Sustainable Sebastian
i. Current task list
ii. Goal updates from Champions
Ms. Gordian reviewed the sets of goals, a printout of which was provided to each of the
Board members. Mr. Stadelman read what comprised Goals 1 and 2, and called for
comments/questions regarding Goals 1 and 2.
Ms. Billman addressed the use of single -use products by the City and suggested ways in
which employees could use reusable products. She also had several other suggestions
regarding using reusable items. Dr. Mosblech also suggested talking with Captain
Hiram's, as when she was there, she noted that they were using some alternatives to
single -use plastics. Ms. Gordian described what the City is now doing pertaining to this
Ms. Callaghan reviewed what has been done regarding Goals 1 and 2 and suggested
things that can be done in the future. Ms. Ware interjected that now you can buy
compostables in Walmart, and there was discussion with Ms. Haggerty regarding this.
Mr. Stadelman thanked Ms. Callaghan for her presentation.
Mr. Stadelman then read what comprised Goals 5 and 6 and called for
comments/questions regarding Goals 5 and 6.
Ms. Billman stated she visited all the City parks, and she was surprised at how different
they are. She feels as if the City wants to go with all native plantings. She narrowed it
down to just go ahead and do Garden Club Park and do some native plantings. She
described what is displayed on the map that she had attached to this evening's agenda.
She made some suggestions as to what could be done at the Garden Club Park as far
as making it more attention -getting to people who pass by. She knows that she would
have to get with Leisure Services to discuss whatever might be installed. She suggested
making the park more accessible, as presently it is somewhat cumbersome to get into the
park, such as putting in a crosswalk and having parking on the other side of Barber Street.
She mentioned that the pond seems to be overgrown with all sorts of vegetation, and she
would like to find out what the City has planned for this park. She suggested what types
of trees could be used in the park. She added that this would probably be a demonstration
garden to educate the public.
Ms. Callaghan stated that she recalls that the NRB had a budget that was discussed a
couple meetings back that was to be set aside for use maybe for green infrastructure as
well as some of the plantings and such. Ms. Gordian said that is correct —there is money
set aside. She has to check and see what is going to happen to that money because we
are coming into the new fiscal year. She will check on that. Ms. Callaghan asked if we
know what funds we have remaining in September for the end of this fiscal year dedicated
to the NRB. She added that the NRB has some funds left over from the Earth Day/Arbor
Day event. Ms. Gordian said the NRB does have just over $800.00 left from Earth Day.
So that money can be put towards whatever we need to. She added that she is just
getting used to how the money situation works. She is familiarizing herself regarding this.
She stated that there is also the $15,000.00 that Ms. Frazier had set aside for the native
plantings/LID purposes. This park could fall under that plan. Ms. Callaghan reiterated
that every year Sebastian keeps getting the Tree City USA designation. In coordination
with that, she asked if the City of Sebastian has a budget for the purchase of those trees.
Ms. Gordian stated that, if there is a budget, it is not something within her department. It
would likely be within the Leisure Services Department. She is corresponding with
Antoine Vanmeir regarding Leisure Services and how it affects the NRB. Mr. Vanmeir is
very interested in promoting more of the native landscaping on City properties. He has
some money —she is not sure how much —that is budgeted for park improvements, and
that money could be used for this purpose.
Ms. Callaghan stated that for the items needed for Items 1 and 2, printing is not a huge
expense, and deciding what is going to be bought for City Hall is going to be an ongoing
thing. There is already money set aside, and she does not think the NRB budget needs
to be touched for that. But, when we start looking at what Ms. Billman is presenting here,
when we look at $250.00, is it something that we could get a plan from the City. She
asked if that is something to be decided this evening, and use the $800.00 for today, and
then coordinate in the future with Leisure Services on trees, etc. She asked Ms. Gordian
if she would find out what we still have of the $15,000.00 that was budgeted for the fiscal
year, which is about to end, and how much of that is allowed to carry forward, and report
back to the Board. She suggested then the NRB could use some of that to implement
whatever Ms. Billman's plan involves with this group.
Ms. Haggerty said she has never seen anybody at that park, so she thinks doing
something with that park is an awesome idea. She asked if the City has a garden club.
Ms. Ware said there is a function of the Women's Club that is the Garden Club. Ms.
Billman stated that at Hardee Park they did have a butterfly garden there, which is pretty
unkept. Ms. Haggerty said that somebody does maintain it to some degree. There was
extended discussion regarding the Garden Club and the Garden Club Park. Ms. Billman
also suggested using a Royal Poinciana tree in every City park. They are beautiful and
also a shade tree, although they are not native.
Ms. Ware stated there is no shade around the parking lot for the Art Club, and it already
has irrigation. She suggested it would be easy to spend $800.00 and put trees all around
that parking lot, and the irrigation is there already.
Ms. Gordian stated the part of the reason why she and Ms. Billman began discussing
Garden Club Park in particular is because, as she mentioned in a prior meeting, there is
a young man who is looking to do an Eagle Scout project at Garden Club Park, specifically
at the pergola. She added that one of the other projects is the Tulip Pond project. That
is still in the works. It has been kind of slow going, but we want to finish it and make sure
we keep the grant to finish out that project.
Ms. Billman discussed the subject of connectivity as it relates to the parks. She suggested
that, because there are all the parks scattered throughout the City —and you would not
even know they are there --they are kind of blended in with residential areas. She
suggested having a city park trail, where one could just do a circuit, and one could visit
all the parks as a thing to do as a family. There are several areas that have adequate
parking where you could do a nice bike ride through the City. Mr. Stadelman said he and
others went to the meeting where it was discussed about the sidewalks and bike trails.
Ms. Gordian said that meeting was with Indian River County. They are working towards
their next bikeways -and -pedestrian plan. It was a very preliminary meeting on this
subject. This is going to be a plan for the whole County, so she is not sure how much will
happen in Sebastian. Mr. Stadelman reviewed some aspects of the meeting and
emphasized that representatives of the City need to attend these meetings going forward.
Ms. Gordian stated that there may be ways that through the Sustainable Sebastian
project, the green infrastructure project, and doing a walking audit, we can improve not
only awareness of our trails and pathways, but actually create more pathways. She said
we will discuss more of that when we get through the rest of the goals. Ms. Billman also
asked if this is something that the City will help the NRB with, or is it something that maybe
City Council needs to be involved in to bring this whole thing together. She emphasized
that all these amenities cost money to implement. She added that the Native Butterfly
Flowers, LLC is able to do the installation and everything, but she emphasized that we
can also use that demonstration garden as a template for other parks that can be done
later on. So, it would be money well spent to have their expertise in doing it.
Ms. Haggerty asked who has done the landscaping that already exists. Mr. Stadelman
suggested that would be Parks and Recreation Department, but he is not sure. He
suggested that we do some research and come back to that item.
Dr. Mosblech asked if there is already an irrigation system there. Ms. Billman said she is
pretty sure there is no irrigation system there. Dr. Mosblech's other question is regarding
the $250.00 that is available for the butterfly garden, is that just for the plan and design
for the garden, and does it include any materials, etc. Ms. Billman said that would be for
them to come out and do an assessment of the parking, do a drawing, and make a list of
the plants that they would recommend. Regarding the $15,000.00 that was mentioned,
Dr. Mosblech stated that she remembers that being set aside for the Tulip Pond project.
Ms. Gordian said that money was set aside in addition to that which we got in a grant
from Tulip. It was not connected directly to the Tulip Pond project. Dr. Mosblech asked,
with October 1st being the deadline, are we going to lose our money. She suggested that,
since there is so much traffic that passes by the Garden Club Park, it is worth exploring
how we increase traffic in the park there. There was discussion as to if the trail goes all
the way around the park. After lengthy discussion regarding the money that might be
available, Mr. Stadelman suggested that there be more research and planning before we
go to City Council. He suggested it be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Ms.
Gordian said she has to get permission to use funds for large projects such as this. Ms.
Haggerty asked, if we are concerned about not having that money because of time
constraints, would it make more sense to set that money aside for Tulip Pond because
we already know for sure that we can use it for that.
Ms. Billman asked if we have to come to a decision now, or should there be more input
on it before we move forward, and do we need to decide on that as a Board. Ms. Ware
suggested that the Board go on the record encouraging it and saying that we all want to
move forward on it, and if there is a way possible to spend the $800.00 that is left over
from our Earth Day or any other funds that are in the NRB budget towards ascertaining
this plan that we can use in multiple ways, then we should at least make that public right
now while we are talking about it —to be used whenever we can at the next available time.
Dr. Carrier reiterated that the Board has only worked its way through a couple of items on
here. We do not know whether competing projects might be out there. He suggested it
is too early to be allocating funds dedicated to any particular project without hearing what
other demands might be made on our funding. He does not think that is a prudent move
at this point without looking at everything else that is on the list. We are only on Items 2
and 5, and he suggested moving on and note that this is a priority, but there may be other
things that have higher priorities as we work our way through these. He thinks prioritizing
will be an upcoming step once we split other projects around them. Ms. Ware agreed.
Mr. Stadelman emphasized the need to keep moving forward on that. If it's money that
needs to be allocated, let's make it an agenda item. This way, we can all look at it and
have public input on it as well. We can do that any time we set the agenda item. Let's
not put that on the back burner. Let's try to get it on the next agenda. City Council has
made a note that they want us to get done with this. It's got to be pushed forward. Let's
vote on it, and let's have public input on the money being spent, and let's get a garden
done at Garden Park. He thanked Ms. Billman for her hard work on this.
Regarding Goal 9, Tree Protection and Landscaping Ordinances. Mr. Carrano said he
thinks the key thing here is to split off the commercial property tree -clearing ordinance
and the residential tree -clearing ordinance. Residential is easier to handle. He asked
Ms. Gordian if one day when she goes out in the field, he could shadow her. She said
certainly they can get together. She said there was talk previously about hiring a
consultant for the parts of the Code that are really difficult to work on ourselves. That
may cost funding, but it is dependent on what our situation is, what we feel we cannot
tackle. If there is anything else that she should incorporate into the tasks list, please let
her know. Mr. Carrano said, if anybody has any suggestions of what they would like to
see or what they feel should be in there, please contact Felicia and she will send them to
Dr. Mosblech asked regarding the funds that would be required for a consultant, etc. She
suggested that would not be expected to come from the NRB budget; it would come from
the City budget. Ms. Gordian said she does not believe that would come from the NRB
There was general discussion regarding trees, during which Ms. Billman suggested there
needs to be some sort of repercussion for homeowners who take out the trees after they
move into the homes, as well as other ways to encourage additional trees in communities.
Mr. Carrano stated that in New York they used to have a transfer of development rights,
and he described how that works.
Mr. Stadelman then went on to Goal 13, City Resource Conservation and read what that
entails. Ms. Gordian said that there are a lot of these that require discussions between
herself and facilities staff. A lot of that will require preliminary research to get these items
started. There was also discussion on using paper communication and forms vs.
electronic communication and forms as well as other items that dovetail with the
Sustainable Sebastian project.
Mr. Stadelman then went on to Goal 16, Green Infrastructure Plan. The steps in this goal
were discussed by Dr. Mosblech. Ms. Frazier, Ms. Gordian, Dr. Mosblech, and Ross
Kelley had a meeting where the maps of the existing City properties were discussed. The
plan during the meeting was to create a prioritized list, and Ms. Gordian has done this
already and shared it with Dr. Mosblech. This list essentially starts with City properties
and City parks that are closest to our largest hubs of protective land. That would be the
North Sebastian Conservation Area as well as the Stormwater Park. Dr. Mosblech and
Ms. Gordian met at Friendship Park, which is adjacent to the North Sebastian
Conservation Area, and walked it, documenting what the status is of current diversity and
what they saw in terms of native vs. invasive. They did not see too much in the way of
invasive plants on the property. They did see a lot on the exterior portions near the
neighboring properties. She stated they are attempting to create a comprehensive view
of what these properties offer for us and how we can continue to utilize them or make
them better. Ms. Billman added on that property Dr. Mosblech talked about there is a
scrub jay habitat. She explained what is needed to promote a scrub jay habitat. Ms.
Gordian added some comments relative to connectivity in the City. Ms. Billman said there
needs to be more outreach to the community so that people know that those habitats exist
in these areas.
Ms. Gordian reminded Mr. Stadelman that she and he need to meet regarding the
pathways, sidewalks, bike paths, etc. going forward.
IX. New Business
A. International Coastal Cleanup 2023
Ms. Gordian pointed out the flyer in the agenda packet for this activity. She stated it is
coming up on September 16th. She explained registration for those who wish to
participate. For the NRB members who plan on participating, they need to be there
between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. to help set up. The event officially starts at 9:00 a.m. and
continues until 11:00 a.m. For the Riverview Park site, we will have materials, etc. there
for the event participants. This year there will be a photo contest, and the prize is courtesy
of the Walking Tree Brewery where there also will be an after party. She asked that any
of the Board members who wish to participate please contact her. She shared some
other information that is available on the website.
B. Sebastian Police Department's Community Night Out
Ms. Gordian said the date is Thursday, October 19th. It runs from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
She said she will not be there to help set up and may not be there at all because of a
conflict in her schedule. She gave details regarding what time to be there for set-up.
There will also be a map available with the locations of booths in Riverview Park. There
was no motion to participate.
X. Adiournment
There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion
to adjourn was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously
via voice vote.
By: Date: oc