HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-2023 NRB AgendaCif' OF SEBAS;in-T,V i;; HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14T", 2023 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM October 3Id, 2023 Meeting Minutes V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS VII. PUBLIC INPUT VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Sustainable Sebastian i. Reduction of Single -Use Plastics — Champion: Ruth Callaghan a. Progress Update i. Items Due: 1. Comparison Sheet for alternatives to SU Plastics — Sarah Haggerty 2. Updated Info Packet for Event Vendors & Businesses, & Schools — Donna Ware b. Next Task Assignment ii. Native Landscaping — Champion: Sherida Billman a. Progress Update i. Item Due: Meeting with Antoine Vanmeir [Parks & Recreation Dept.] b. Next Task Assignment iii. Tree Protection & Landscaping Ordinances — Champion: Thomas Carrano a. Progress Update i. Item Due: Outline of Areas for Improvement - Staff b. Next Task Assignment iv. Resource Conservation — Champion: Donna Ware a. Progress Update i. Item Due: Outreach for City Staff on Resource Consumption & Conservation b. Next Task Assignment V. Green Infrastructure and LID — Champion: Nicole Mosblech a. Progress Update i. Item Due: Newhall & Tuxedo Tract Reports - Staff b. Next Task Assignment vi. Sidewalks & Bikeways — Champion: Charles Stadelman a. Progress Update i. Item Due: Champion Meeting b. Next Task Assignment vii. Review of Task Assignments Item B. Christmas Parade Preparations i. Float Options ii. Float Preparations iii. Parade Day IX. NEW BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Living Shorelines — Briefing on Partnership with ORCA X. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2023 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Charles Stadelman (chair) Ms Ms. Donna Ware Ms Mr. Thomas Carrano Ms IV Not Present: Dr. Nikki Mosblech Dr. Jeff Carrier Also Present: Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Brian Benton, City Manager (Zoom) Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Nick Ladyman, AV Technical Assistant Dominic Adams, AV Technical Assistant Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary Approval of Minutes Ruth Callaghan Sherida Billman Sarah Haggerty (alt) A motion to approve the minutes of September 5, 2023 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements The Environmental Technician announced that she would be out the week of October 12-18 for vacation and following that she would be attending the Marine Resources Council Low Impact Development Conference from October 19-20 at the Center for Collaboration, in Rockledge. The Environmental Technician reported that at the September 16t" International Coastal Cleanup there were 2,094 lbs. of debris collected to include an abandoned boat hull, by 1,070 volunteers countywide at 21 locations, with 115 volunteers from Sebastian. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2023 PAGE 2 She invited the board to attend the free Florida Climate Week Virtual Event taking place from October 2nd to the 8t". Further information could be found at https://floridaclimateweek.org/virtual-events/ VI. Agenda Modifications - None VII. Public Input - None VIII. Unfinished Business A. International Coastal Cleanup Results Previously announced at the beginning of the meeting. B. Sustainable Sebastian The Environmental Technician explained that a new fiscal year has begun and as they move forward there will be pressure to use the money allocated for Sustainable Sebastian. She asked the board members for ideas on how to improve their plan of attack on the initiatives and if the approach isn't working, to re-evaluable it. The City Manager confirmed that $15,000 did carry over for LID initiatives and approximately $10,000 for Sustainable Sebastian plans. He cautioned that any expense over $15,000 would have to go to Council for approval in accordance with the City's procurement policy. Goal Updates ii. Review of Task Assignments Goals 1 and 2 - Reduction of Sinale-Use Plastics The Environmental Technician advised that she has met with the Facilities Maintenance Technician to learn more about the supplies ordered for staff at City Hall and shared that information with Ms. Haggerty. Ms. Haggerty said she has spoken with a representative from Sysco who advised there are multiple tiers of products and noted that the most compostable/biodegradable items are the most expensive. She asked for help in understanding the different types of plastic used in the items. She also said the number of items provided at City Hall is rather short and recycling rehabilitation would be more of a challenge as they go out to the public. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2023 PAGE 3 She pointed out that she found a lot of Styrofoam cups at City Hall that can be returned to the vendor to be recycled and there is grant funding is available to start a recycling program in the community. Ms. Haggerty said encouraging the use of reusable products is the way to go. Ms. Callaghan said there was an information packet to present to event vendors to include cost information on the items and the idea was that the City was to set the example. Ms. Callaghan said she knew of a former Brevard Zoo employee who is knowable about composting and offered to have her contact Ms. Haggerty. Ms. Ware asked that that individual come to the board to give a presentation. Chairman Stadelman encouraged them to complete the comparison sheet by the next meeting. They asked if they could meet to go over the items and asked if that would be a Sunshine Law violation since they would be voting on it in the future. Ms. Haggerty asked if the Technician could set up a Google Drive list that they could all see. Chairman Stadelman suggested the City Attorney could come to advise them on what is permissible. Ms. Callaghan said she developed a PowerPoint presentation to use when they go out the public to promote their efforts and asked Ms. Ware for her assistance in making it more presentable. Ms. Ware said she would be happy to help. Goals 5 & 6 — Native Landscaping The Environmental Technician advised that $15,000 has been budgeted for Native Landscaping and Low Impact Development and the parks identified for improvement are Garden Club Park, Riverview Park, and the Bark Park. She noted that she does have a meeting set up with City Staff to understand the current regime of park maintenance. Ms. Billman said she wasn't a proponent of putting things in pots. There are native plants that you can put in the ground that will work such as the plants in the courtyard of City Hall. She said there were other alternatives as well that she could discuss when they meet with City staff. Mr. Stadelman commented that most people don't care for native planting because they are scrubby but it is tough for other plants to grown in Florida. Ms. Ware said one of their main goals was to get the public understand what the native plants will save them and asked that they stay with encouraging native plants. Discussion followed that they include signage or a kiosk to educate the public on the benefits of native plants. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2023 PAGE 4 The goal for the next meeting is to find out what City staff is willing to do with the plants and where they would be located. Ms. Billman offered to get a price from a Brevard nursery for the plants once they know what they would like. The Environmental Technician suggested that they also include Ms. Munroe with OF/IFAS. Goals 9 — Tree Protection & Landscapina Ordinances The Environmental Technician advised that Mr. Carrano is to shadow her when she is planning to do some tree inspections to have a first-hand look at the practical application of the code for tree removal however, there haven't been any inspections coming up. Mr. Carrano said he would like an initial outline of what the code is going to look like before the next meeting. He said it might include a section for vacant land and what must be done for developed properties. Goal 13 — Citv Resource Conservation The Environmental Technician said she was still researching recycling protocols at City Hall and the new Public Works Facility (compound). She noted that recycling is picked up once a week but she wasn't sure what happens at compound. She said she hoped the City would help set an example for businesses with their recycling and to find way to take care of overflowing bins in Riverview Park. Chairman Stadelman called for a recess at 7:55 pm and upon return at 8:07pm, all members were present. Ms. Ware discussed developing a questionnaire for people to answer in the building and suggested that posters be placed over the bins in City Hall to indicate the need to have the liner replaced. The Environmental Technician suggested the e-mail blasts could go out to employees to suggest they print double -sided and use smaller margins on their documents. Ms. Ware offered to come up with a list to help employees think about conservation and recycling. Goal 16 — Green infrastructure plan The Environmental Technician advised that only City staff could visit and inspect the City's tracts for liability issues. She said she did inventory Friendship Park with Dr. Mosblech. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2023 PAGE 5 The Environmental Technician said she plans to ask that Dr. Mosblech upload the data she has gathered to the Google drive for any of the parks she has conducted site visits for. Goal 18 — Bikeways & Sidewalks Chairman Stadelman said he recently attended a meeting with the Technician and learned a lot. He encouraged board members to attend any future meetings that might be planned with the County. The Environmental Technician said she plans to discuss a walking audit with Chairman Stadelman. Ms. Callaghan offered to help with input on the bike lanes in Sebastian. Chairman Stadelman asked if the City was going to do any more on promoting nature based tourism. The Environmental Technician suggested looking into that as we move further into this goal. Ms. Billman suggested making a trail and bikepath map for the City, maybe titled, "Explore Sebastian." The Environmental Technician said she has been in discussions with the City's GIS Technician to create something like that. Chairman Stadelman thanked everyone for their work on the Sustainable Sebastian initiative. IX. New Business A. Sebastian's Christmas Parade i. Save the Date: Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. ii. Participation Planning The Environmental Technician asked the board members if they would like to participate in the parade. MOTION by Chairman Stadelman and SECOND by Mr. Carrano to participate in the Christmas Parade to market themselves which passed with a unanimous voice vote. Chairman Stadelman described their previous participation using a large flat-bed trailer with large presents and trees presenting the gifts that the board offers to the residents. They handed out information and seed packets. The Environmental Technician offered to research what would be available to for the board to participate in the parade such as the flat-bed trailer or golf carts and in the meanwhile the board members would send her ideas. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 3, 2023 X. Adiournment PAGE 6 There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m. was made by Ms. Ware and seconded by Mr. Carrano approved unanimously via voice vote. By: Date: HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN cpl 0. ti,Q F Cy c. 04 C O O p:,' 4. dl`� x S INITIATIVES Tasks . • - • - . • Develop [template for] information packet to give to event vendors/hosts - RC X 9/5/2023 in conjunction with the comparison sheet Task Arrange meeting with Chamber of Commerce to discuss business outreach Chamber of • : 1A partnership Commerce . • • Task Create information packets for businesses, including Surfrider OFR info DW 11/7/2023 - - 1B - : Task 1F Develop education and outreach program for local schools IRC School Board . . • . , . . • , . 1 1 . . • �' • Discuss Procurement of current items with staff FG X 9/22/2023 - -' Develop outreach for staff about how to reduce single -use plastics, recycling, and conservation DW • • Task Create a comparison sheet of commonly used restaurant products as part • - • _ _ _ _ 2A of the info packet SH 11/7/2023 Host a workshop with city staff to discuss intentions for changes & receive input Create a comparison sheet of all products used in City Hall breakrooms and Task Community Task at City Staff events and present estimated annual cost for budget Development Dept. approval Task Incorporate info about all products and costs into event vendor packets Parks & Rec Dept. FG 2C FG,o,,,,2o2, NA"rURAL R E41SOURCh"S BOARD HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN INITIATIVES Tasks Determine current maintenance practices used by staff at our parks and properties Identify from field visits areas for improvement & develop possibilities for implementation for each park Find out what exactly has been purchased for previous native plantings at the City Hall demonstration garden Task Enhance the demonstration gardens anually with new plantings, weeding, 5B mulch and added signage Task Determine cost of demonstration garden improvements for budget 5C approval Task Coordinate with local organizations to create native demonstration 5E gardens at City Parks Add ■l-Ill&ly- Use criteria for prioritization to develop list of priorities to discuss with NRB & Leisure Services Task Encourage native landscaping and mulched areas, decreasing sodded 6B areas, where applicable c �''A �4 °� `0O Public Works Dept. FG/SB & Parks & Rec Dept. Parks & Rec Dept. Parks & Rec Dept. Audubon Society, IRC Garden Club, Sebastian River Junior Women's Club Parks & Rec, SW, & Public Works Depts. FG/RK o�°% �°4. 11/7/2023 10/9/2023 Garden Club Park selected X 9/5/2023 as ideal next location for a planting project. "Pre -designed" Project - Bark Park Restoration FG,o,,,,2o2, NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN INITIATIVES Tasks Outline pertinent areas for improvement in the code Task Board Members to volunteer to serve on Sub -Committee 9A Task Updates and discussion provided at each NRB Meeting 9B Task Final revised ordinances brought to the NRB for approval before being 9c presented to City Council Task Ensure that every office and copier has a recycle can 13B Task Educational outreach of simple ways to reduce reuse and recycle 13C communicated through emails and signage in gathering areas. Create Questionnaire for Staff to determine areas for improvement Determine current recycling protocol/routine for city facilities Discuss current procurement of relevant items with Facilities Staff Identify methods other municipalities have used that may suit our needs Task Create self -audit criteria for City office operations 13D Host a workshop with Staff to discuss intentions for changes & implementation methods for input, as needed °'. �4 ° `0O All Departments Human Resources Dept. Public Facilities Div. FG 11/7/2023 R in 11/7/2023 X FG,o,,,,2o2, NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN INITIATIVES cpl Or ti� 04 C O F Cy C. O O p:,' k. Tasks %, Task Review the applicable Ordinances and determine if changes are needed to Community 16B support and encourage these practices Development Dept. Review GI Map of the City and determine where there may be an Task Community Task opportunity to enhance existing hubs and cooridors, connect green spaces, Development Dept. and improve stormwater storage and treatment areas Create Priority list based on the corridor discussed in the last Champion Meeting Visit Tracts for Assessments (take photos!) Visit Parks for Assessments (take photos!) Create Cutsheets from Field Data -1 W. A,IM ■_JA\IL��� Task Conduct walking/ biking audit tours to determine any gaps and Parks & Rec Dept., 18A opportunities Public Works Dept. Task Determine if there are areas which may pose challenges to foot and bike Parks & Rec Dept., 18B traffic and why Public Works Dept. Meet to discuss possible areas for improvement and current efforts by the Community Development Dept., City Public Works Dept. FG X FG/RK NM FG/N M 8/29/2023 11/7/2023 10/11/2023 FG,o,,,,2o2, NATURAL RESOURCES BUARD SU Plastic Alternatives Cost Comparisons Sarah Haggerty item description per lot Hefty clear hinged tray, 8 x8 200ct I DartF oam hinged to go boxes, 300ct compostable clamshell, large 200ct Hinged Container PP, Size- 9 x9 0 , 150 ct t coChoice 9x9x3 Compost Sugarcane 200ct 148mmX1 55mmX1 13mm Street Box 20ooct HIM foam hinged container, small 125ct compostable clamshell, small 500ct Small street box 250ct coChoice 6x6x3 compost Sugarcane 500ct �MM white plastic flatwareF,K,S 1000ct Dixie heav weight plastic flatware 20ooct plastic cut�ery, med wt 1000ct compostable flatwareF ,K,S 1000ct compostable soup spoon 1000ct compostable flatwareF ,K,S 1000ct Cutlery set, wooden 1000ct Cutlery set, compostable 250ct Cutlery set,E coChoice 10oct �MM paper wrapped straws 80ct compostable wrapped straws 9,600ct Paper Straw 250ct Paper Straw 8 60ooct Paper strawE coChoice 51 /2 2500ct non -laminated foam plates, 9 500ct wheat straw Plate, 9 500ct 9 sugarcane plate 500ct compostable plate 9 500ct 500ct non -laminated foam plates, 6 1000ct wheat straw plate, 6 1000ct 6 sugarcane plate 1000ct compostable plate 6 1000ct coChoice 6 Compost Sugarcane 1000ct Cost I cost/each Purveyor $ 26.98 $ 0.13 online $ 16.98 $ 0.06 store $ 61.46 $ 0.30 Greenstaurant $ 71.30 $ 0.48 Auburn $ 38.18 $ 0.19 Webstaurant £ 49.36 £ 0.25 Planglow $ 60.72 $ 0.31 $ 23.58 $ 0.19 online $ 89.05 $ 0.18 Greenstaurant £ 36.00 £ 0.14 Planglow $ 44.28 $ 0.17 $ 50.33 $ 0.10 Webstaurant $ 28.28 $ 0.03 online $ 17.78 $ 0.01 store $ 11.66 $ 0.01 Imperial Dade $ 79.89 $ 0.08 Greenstaurant $ 81.88 $ 0.08 Greenstaurant $ 79.89 $ 0.08 Imperial Dade £ 83.42 £ 0.08 Planglow $ 102.61 $ 0.10 $ 84.59 $ 0.33 Auburn $ 35.55 $ 0.36 Webstaurant $ 13.94 $ 0.17 Imperial Dade $ 202.06 $ 0.02 Greenstaurant £ 5.41 £ 0.02 Planglow $ 6.65 $ 0.03 $ 108.64 $ 0.02 Auburn $ 36.49 $ 0.01 Webstaurant $ 35.89 $ 0.07 Imperial Dade $ 104.22 $ 0.20 Greenstaurant $ 81.72 $ 0.16 Greenstaurant $ 56.80 $ 0.11 Auburn $ 34.20 $ 0.07 Webstaurant $ 27.21 Imperial Dade $ 108.41 $ 0.11 Greenstaurant $ 86.65 $ 0.08 Greenstaurant $ 39.99 $ 0.04 Auburn $ 34.49 $ 0.03 Webstaurant 1 SU Plastic Alternatives Cost Sheet FG - Staff Utensils Company Material I Corn -based Compostable & Heat Proof Corn Spoon - PacknWood CPLA (Bamboo 6in color includes bamboo fiber) Corn -based Compostable & Heat Proof Corn - Bamboo PacknWood CPLA (Bamboo Fiber Fork - 6in color includes bamboo fiber) Corn -based Compostable & Heat Proof Corn - Knife - PacknWood CPLA (Bamboo 6in color includes bamboo fiber) Wood Fiber Composite Reusable Fork - PacknWood 40% Wood & 7.08in 60% PP Wood Fiber Composite Reusable Spoon - PacknWood 40% Wood & 7.08in 60% PP Wood Fiber Composite Reusable Knife - PacknWood 40% Wood & 7.08in 60% PP Bamboo Fork - 6.3in PacknWood Bamboo Bamboo Knife - 6.3in PacknWood Bamboo Bamboo Spoon - 6.3in PacknWood Bamboo Wooden Fork - 6.2in PacknWood Wood Wooden Spoon - 6.2in PacknWood Wood Wooden Knife - 6.5in PacknWood Wood 6.5in compostable CPLA knife Vegware CPLA 6.5in compostable CPLA fork Vegware CPLA 6.5in compostable CPLA spoon Vegware CPLA Plates/Bowls I&LCompany Material Square Palm Leaf Plate - L:4.3in W:4.3in PacknWood Palm Leaf H:0.8in Square Palm Leaf Plate With Rounded PacknWood Palm Leaf Corners - 6.3 X 6.3in Square Palm Leaf Dinner Plate - 10 X 10in PacknWood Palm Leaf Bamboo Veneer Round Plate - H:.55in PacknWood Bamboo Palm Leaf Mini Bowl/Plate - 6oz D:4.7in PacknWood Palm Leaf HAM Square Palm Leaf Bowl - 16oz 5 X 5 X 2in PacknWood Palm Leaf Round Brown Sugarcane Bowl - 24oz PacknWood Sugarcane D:7.7in H:2.5in Clear PET Round Lid For Sugarcane Brown PacknWood PET Plastic Pulp Round Bowl - D: 7.7in Bio N Chic Brown Oval Sugarcane Bowl - PacknWood Sugarcane 51oz 10.6 X 6.2in Clear PET Lid For 210BCHIC1500 & PacknWood PET Plastic 21OBCHIC1500BR - 10.8 X 6.29 X 1.77in Re.Source Molded Fiber Plates, 10 inches Gordon Food Molded Fiber Service Store Minimum Minimum Highest Order Lowest Order Sustainability Color Cost/unit Quantity Cost/unit Quantity Feature(s) (units/case) (units/case) $0.06 1000 N/A N/A Compostable Black, White, Bamboo $0.06 1000 N/A N/A Compostable Black, White, Bamboo $0.06 1000 N/A N/A Compostable Black, White, Bamboo $0.17 1000 $0.17 1000 $0.02 1000 $0.55 250 $0.54 250 $0.55 250 $0.06 2000 $0.06 2000 $0.05 2000 $0.15 50 $0.15 50 $0.17 50 Minimum Cost/unit Order Quantity (units/case) $0.33 100 $0.44 100 $0.61 100 $2.18 50 $0.33 100 $0.52 100 $0.36 250 $0.91 100 $0.74 100 $0.20 125 Cups Company Size Material Sustainability Feature Single Layer Custom Recyclable Single Wall Coffee Cups noissue 16oz White Kraft Paper + PE Recyclable coating Single Layer Custom Recyclable Single Wall Coffee Cups noissue 12oz White Kraft Paper + PE Recyclable coating Single Layer Custom Recyclable Single Wall Coffee Cups noissue 8oz White Kraft Paper + PE Recyclable coating Stock Coffee Cup Lids noissue for 12-16oz cups 100% recycled polypropylene Recyclable Stock Coffee Cup Lids noissue for 8oz cups 100% recycled polypropylene Recyclable Zen Kraft Recyclable Paper Cup - 16oz PacknWood 16oz PE Coated Recyclable D:3.5in H:5.2in Paper Zen Kraft Recyclable Paper Cup - 12oz PacknWood 12oz PE Coated Recyclable D:3.5in H:4.4in Paper Brown Sugarcane Coffee Lid (No Added PacknWood For 10oz / 12oz / Sugarcane (No Compostable PFAs) - D:3.54in 16oz / 20oz Added PFAs) Compostable Coffee Lid, 20 Oz - D:3.54in PacknWood For 10 Oz,z 12 Oz, 16 O CPLA Compostable 16oz brown kraft hot cup, 89-Series Vegware 16oz Paper board & PLA lining Compostable 12oz brown kraft hot cup, 89-Series Vegware 12oz Paper board & PLA lining Compostable N/A N/A Recyclable, Reusable N/A N/A Recyclable, Reusable N/A N/A Recyclable, Reusable N/A N/A Recyclable N/A N/A Recyclable N/A N/A Recyclable N/A N/A Compostable, Recyclable N/A N/A Compostable, Recyclable N/A N/A Compostable, Recyclable $0.08 1000 Compostable $0.08 1000 Compostable $0.09 1000 Compostable Sustainability Color Notes Feature(s) Compostable Natural Compostable Natural Compostable Natural Compostable Natural Compostable Natural Compostable Natural Compostable Brown Lid Available Recyclable Clear Compostable Brown Lid Available Recyclable Clear Home & Comercially Natural In Stare Price Compostable Highest Order Lowest Quantity Cost/unit I Cost/unit $0.55 1000 $0.30 $0.53 1000 $0.28 $0.50 1000 $0.24 Wood Wood Wood Bamboo Bamboo Bamboo Wood Wood Wood White White White Order Quantity Color(s) mits/case) 5000 Customizable 5000 Customizable 5000 Customizable $0.17 500 $0.07 5000 Black or White $0.16 500 $0.07 5000 i Black or White $0.15 1000 N/A N/A Kraft $0.12 1000 N/A N/A Kraft $0.14 1000 N/A N/A Brown $0.14 1000 N/A N/A White $0.32 50 $0.18 1000 Kraft $0.26 50 $0.15 1000 Kraft 11 /7/2023 14:01:52 11/9/2023 RESIDENTIAL TREE PROTECTION AND LANDSCAPING ORDINANCES - AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT *INCLUDE IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS IN THIS ARTICLE OF THE CODE, AS WELL AS WITHIN THE GLOSSARY SEC. 54-3-14.2. — HISTORIC TREES. • Expand overview of process of obtaining "historic" status for tree. SEC. 54-3-14.4. - UNDESIRABLE EXOTIC VEGETATION. • Expand list of undesirable exotics or make reference to FLEPPC's list of invasive species SEC. 54-3-14.5. - SUITABLE TREES. • Expand list of Suitable trees or make reference to the suggested plant list in the Riverfront Overlay District's Performance Criteria [Sec. 54-4-21.A.7. - Landscape requirements.] • Explicitly state whether the tree requirements must be satisfied by the above trees — office practices must be consistent with the code — "shall" SEC. 54-3-14.6. - TREE PROTECTION STANDARDS. • Expand Definitions of Protected, Specimen, & Historic Trees • Improve code relating to the 'Homeowner's packet' and ensure that application of the code is practical and efficient • Expand tree protection measures & improve enforceability where possible SEC. 54-3-14.7. - TREE REMOVAL, GRUBBING, AND LAND CLEARING PERMITS. • Explicitly state when a permit for land clearing, tree removal, or grubbing is required. Clearly define the differences [and use cases] • Explicitly state conditions under which applications for the permit may be denied. • Improve replacement rules for trees approved for removal. Explicitly state the consequences if a property is found to be under its minimum tree requirement. • Establish a tree mitigation program, including potential fee -in -lieu or fine for removal of specimen trees. • Establish Final Planning & Zoning Recheck for tree count • Place Limitations on the removal of newly planted trees on NSFR properties [from Land Clearing Permits] and the replacement trees resulting [from Tree Removal Permits] SEC. 54-3-14.8. - RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. • Expand Landscaping Requirements o Incentivize native/Florida-Friendly landscaping & LID/GSI measures o Incentivize retaining pre-existing native vegetation as part of the landscaping o Establish criteria & protocol for planting vegetative buffers on NSFR properties along waterways for runoff mitigation • Develop Landscaping Credit System — similar to Tree Credits. o Credits for Landscaping + Credits for Trees = Natural Resource Credits? 11/9/2023 SEC. 54-3-14.9. - RESIDENTIAL TREE REQUIREMENTS. • Explicitly state how the application of the tree requirements applies to the Tree Removal and Land Clearing Permits, and any differences there may be • Re-examine the minimum number of trees required based on lot size. Re-examine the number of credits each tree is worth based on DBH & explicitly state that all palms are worth 1 credit per tree • Explicitly state importance of the proper location choice for new trees. Incentivize for using LID/GSI techniques for tree placement. • Require variety in new trees planted for NSFR lots that have been clear cut, or the majority of the trees have been removed. • Improve Limitations regarding Palms - Explicitly state when the limitations apply and how it should be applied under certain circumstances. GOO DSOI L.S ITE/N O-WASTE-S U STAI NABLE-LIVI NG-TIPS 21 PRACTICAL TIPS FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING REDUCE Adapt minimalist tendencies Ie Embrace Bulk Goods Say No to Plastic Bottles Opt for Cloth Produce Bags Avoid Produce Wrapped in Plastic Support Local Farmers Say No to Single -Use Plastics Switch to Loose -Leaf Tea Choose Sustainable Clothing Plan Your Meals RECYCLE Prioritize recyclable parka Consider a Plant -Based Diet Compost Your Food Scraps Choose Beeswax Wraps Eco-Friendly Period Products Embrace `Ugly" Produce Reuse Old Clothes Choose Bar Shampoo and Soap Make Your Own Cleaning Products Maintain Your Car's Air Filter Recycle Spare Tires Creatively Go Digital Support Zero Waste Living By making conscious choices and gradually integrating these ideas into your daily life, you can significantly reduce your environmental footprint while inspiring others to do the same. Together, we can create a more sustainable and eco-friendly world —one small, impactful change at a time.