HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-2023 NRB MinutesIll 81 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledqe of Allegiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present Dr. Carrier Dr. Mosblech Ms. Billman Not Present Ms. Haggerty (a) Ms. Ware Ms. Callaghan (Zoom) Mr. Stadelman Mr. Carrano Also Present Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Alix Bernard, Community Development Director Brian Benton (Zoom) Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer Approval of Minutes -- November 14, 2023 Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of November 14, 2023 was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Dr. Carrier, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Announcements Ms. Gordian introduced the new Director of Community Development, Alix Bernard. Ms. Bernard introduced herself and gave a short review of her working history. VI. Agenda Modifications -- None NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 VII. Public Input -- None 1 =17T410 l A. Christmas Parade 9 1 - a. Highlights b. Areas for improvement Ms. Gordian reviewed the parade and the NRB participation float. She said it went relatively well. However, there were a couple of snags. One area of possible improvement in the future may be acquiring candy sooner. She also suggested planning sooner for the parade at an earlier NRB meeting. Dr. Carrier encouraged NRB members to have better participation in this event. He stated that one obligation of being on this Board is to get involved in things that the Board is responsible for. While a Christmas Parade seems like "small potatoes" compared to something like Earth Day, we have a nine -member board, and, if three people show up, it puts a load on the people on the Board. He is aware of other obligations, but low participation on the part of the Board again puts a burden on others. He proposed extending the conversation about Earth Day that will be had a little bit later this evening. He suggested that people who apply to become members of the Board should know up front that the Board has some responsibilities for some of the things that the Board undertakes, and that means participation beyond a two-hour meeting once a month. He also suggested, that Sustainable Sebastian is certainly the biggest project that the NRB does, which does have some obligations outside of the meetings. He added that there were a couple of people who were not able to participate in the parade, but they did help with creation of the float. Mr. Stadelman thanked everyone from the Board and the City staff for their help. He thanked Ms. Gordian for all her hard work. He suggested that next year we basically ban the throwing of candy from the floats. That is where the pollution in the form of candy wrappers, etc. has been left on the ground. That was quite substantial this year because there was more participation of floats. Ms. Billman suggested getting something more permanent that could be used in other events like inflatables such as Christmas trees, etc. that were on the floats That were nice. Maybe the NRB could look into getting something that we would Bring to Earth Day and the parades, etc. as part of our exposure. Mr. Stadelman said this is something that can be brought up in future meetings. This is when it NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 can be budgeted. 2. Sustainable Sebastian 1. Reduction of Single -Use Plastics -- Champion: Ruth Callaghan a. Progress Update i. Items Due a. Information Packet for Event Vendors -- Donna Ware b. Discuss Item Procurement with Sysco & Edward Don Purveyors -- Charles Stadelman b. Discussion: Single -Use Plastic Alternative Options to Recommend to City Council c. Next Task Assignment Mr. Stadelman reviewed his contact with Sysco and Edward Don Purveyors. He reviewed the list that was provided and called Sysco and Edward Don Purveyors and discovered that they are both actually owned by Sysco. What he found was the sustainable products such as flatware —forks, knives, spoons, etc. are about five times more expensive than plastic items. He reviewed some of the prices for sustainable items and how those sustainable items are treated by the recyclers. There was general discussion amon Board members regarding this subject. Ms. Callaghan stated that the education part will go a long way when we start providing some education to whomever comes from the Rotary Club and others when we open it to the public. We might have a meeting right before a Board meeting and open it to the public. She elaborated on educating the public and the businesses in Sebastian. Mr. Stadelman emphasized the goal is behavior modification. We are looking to change behavior for a better outcome. Unless there is a reward system available for the businesses offering the option, we are not going to be able to change behavior. Ms. Callaghan added that there had been discussion with even providing the businesses with some materials, not that that is a reward to them, but it is less of a burden on them. There was also discussion about perhaps having the businesses agree to do this and maybe get it on a website that they are agreeing to do it or perhaps having a sticker on the window that advertises Sustainable Sebastian. Mr. Stadelman suggested going further than that, perhaps with a tax credit, a rebate on their business occupational licenses —anything that the City has an effect on. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 PAGE 4 Ms. Billman asked if anyone has reached out to other municipalities that may have already implemented something like this. Mr. Stadelman said he has not. Ms. Billman volunteered to do some research on this in order to see what other municipalities or groups are doing that is working. Dr. Carrier stated there are two levels that we are talking about: one is the municipalities which we are dealing with right now. Then, when we go to the businesses and talk to them, he suggested that one of our best allies is probably the Chamber of Commerce. If we put together a good educational packet and address the Chamber and its member and try to impress upon them what we are trying to do here, he suggested that might be a good direction in which to go. The businesses are going to be concerned about blowback from customers depending on what is implemented by the restaurants and how it affects their customers. Ms. Gordian asked if anyone has had feedback on the lists that we have made so far for single -use plastics alternatives. She asked regarding that list if there is anything on that list that the Board believes is the best single -use alternative, or is there something else that you think needs to be done to mitigate the usage of single -use plastics. Mr. Carrano said that he questions the City providing the utensils, etc. to employees. Dr. Mosblech asked if it is worth conducting some sort of a survey where you can go to City staff and explain how we are trying to reduce the amount of waste that is generated by the City itself. Ms. Gordian stated that she has already designed a questionnaire that she has not distributed yet, but she has presented it to HR, and they are okay with it. She will present it to departments who are mostly online and, for the departments who are seldom on line, she will prepare a hard copy for them. 2. Native Landscaping -- Champion: Sherida Billman a. Progress Update i. City Hall Gardens ii. Save the Date -- Tulip Pond Project -- Florida Arbor Day Planting Event iii. Items Due: Plans for Meeting with Parks Staff b. Next Task Assignment Regarding the Save the Date item, the Tulip Pond Project, and the Earth Day/Arbor Day Planting Event, Ms. Gordian said January 19th is Florida's Arbor Day, and this is the day NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 PAGE 5 that we will be gathering to plant the new trees and companion plants at the Tulip Pond Park. She added that we are coordinating with OF/IFAS on this project. She asked for everyone to let her know if they are available for that event. She will confirm with Nickie Munroe of OF/IFAS to make sure what time we are to be out in the field Regarding the Items Due and Plans for Meeting with Park Staff, Mr. Stadelman stated that is a display project for the whole City. Commercial businesses will be able to use it to lower their tax rate. It will help with the stormwater runoff for the neighborhoods, etc. Ms. Gordian mentioned that it was presented to her the possibility of surveying park staff with a questionnaire similar to what we are doing for single -use plastics and conservation rather than having a sit-down meeting if that means that a can actually get input from all of park staff. Mr. Stadelman stated that is a great idea. Ms. Billman reviewed that why we were interested in doing that is because her understanding is that, as to employees who actually do the parks, each employee has his or her own designated park, and they have multiple parks that they care for. So, getting input from the employees who actually do the mowing and maintenance at the parks would help to find out what they would like to have go into the parks. She added that she still has not gotten a definite answer if we are going to go with Garden Club Park, or if we are going to spread it out and do something else. Dr. Carrier stated that he and Ms. Gordian have been working with Pelican Island on another potential project, and he suggested that this is probably more appropriately discussed under Earth Day Event. He just wanted to raise the issue of non-native removal issues and potential projects for the NRB to get involved in. Regarding the Next Task Assignment, Ms. Gordian stated that the price information will be obtained for working with other groups acquiring new plants, maybe talking to Nickie Munroe about doing Garden Club Park or the City Hall gardens and developing a survey for park staff. Ms. Billman said she did clean out one area around City Hall and is waiting to find out whom she needs to contact and find out what needs to be planted. The same thing is true regarding Garden Club Park. She has not heard back yet, and she is waiting for their input. 3. Tree Protection & Landscaping Ordinances -- Champion: Thomas Carrano NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 PAGE 6 a. Progress Update i. Item Due: Board to Provide Input on Areas for Improvement b. Next Task Assignment Graham Cox identified himself and stated that Dr. Baker had asked him to remind this Board that free native trees and plants are available from the Audubon Society on Oslo Road. There is a small fee for some of the items, but generally they are free. He stated that several years ago his group provided the City with language to change the Landscape Ordinance and the Tree Protection Ordinance by inserting the Native Plant Society suggested language into the City ordinances. Mr. Carrano asked Dr. Cox to send Ms. Gordian that language, and she can then send it to him, as that is what he is working on right now. Dr. Cox said he would do that. He also encouraged the NRB members to review the Stormwater Management Plan. It is a lot of reading, but he encouraged everyone to look at it. Mr. Carrano stated he has to do a lot more research on what Ms. Gordian does and how this works. He stated they did get to go out one day and looked at vacant properties. Developed lots are going to be something totally different. He read a section of the Code which reveals what we are up against. After reading this language, he questioned the meaning of the wording. There was general discussion regarding this item. He said he would need to do much more research on this before proceeding. Ms. Billman spoke as to how the trees that are acceptable to the Code are removed soon after the homeowner obtains the Certificate of Occupancy. There was further discussion among the Board members and Ms. Gordian regarding this matter. Dr. Graham Cox reviewed that the draft that his group put together and gave to the City several years ago was before the Comprehensive Plan was redone. The explanation that his group got as to why they would not consider it was that when the Comprehensive Plan is completed and we start doing all the new regulations, that is when the City will take up the subject of landscaping and the tree protection item. Mr. Stadelman pointed out that Ms. Bernard is the new Community Development Director and can assist in this matter now. 4. Resource Conservation: Champion -- Donna Ware a. Progress Update i. Item Due -- Outreach Materials for City Staff NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 b. Next Task Assignment Mr. Stadelman said Ms. Ware is creating outreach materials. Ms. Gordian pointed out that Ms. Ware is not here tonight, and she does not have any documentation from her on her progress. She will discuss this with her at the next opportunity. 5. Green Infrastructure and LID --- Champion: Nicole Mosblech a. Progress Update i. Park Assessment Report b. Next Task Assignment Dr. Mosblech reviewed that during the past month she was able to go out to visit two of the parks --Easy Street Park and the Bark Park. Regarding Easy Street, there are a large number of native species in terms of trees. She did notice some Brazilian Pepper on the island in the pond, and it does look like there are some birds that roost there. She noted that there are a lot of ducks in that park, and she wondered if the public should be educated on feeding wildlife. Ms. Gordian suggested having signs printed regarding no feeding of the wildlife. Mr. Carrano suggested creating an ordinance forbidding feeding of wildlife. Regarding the Bark Park, she was at the pond area. She was provided details on work completed by Aquatic Vegetation Control that was some time ago. She suggested that part of the mowed section at this park could have some potential for expanding some of the littoral vegetation as well as some of the native trees at the edges of the park. There is a lot of space, so there is potential for installing some native trees. She did notice little in the way of Brazilian Pepper there. The myrtle stands looked like they were coming back. She said one of the things she is starting to notice with some of these parks is we do have a decent number of native trees that are being put in, but she feels that the number of native trees could be increased. She also noticed some fire ant nests. Mr. Carrano stated it is also important to put understory in, because the understory really discourages the ducks because it makes them uncomfortable because the predators hide in the understory and attack them. The ducks are grazing in the grass, and getting rid of as much grass as possible will reduce the duck population. 6. Sidewalks & Bikeways -- Champion: Charles Stadelman a. Progress Update b. Discussion: Switching Champion Assignments with Ruth Callaghan 7. Review of Task Assignments NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 PAGE 8 Mr. Stadelman stated he is Champion of this project, but he would like to move this to Ms. Callaghan if possible. The main reason is because she is more aware of the sidewalks and bikeways. He added that the sidewalks along US1 are being redone. He suggested that Ms. Callaghan will be more effective as to this item. He added that it is important that someone from Sebastian be at the County meetings. He asked Ms. Callaghan if she would be willing to take over the Champion position on the Sidewalks and Bikeways. Mr. Stadelman said he would be willing to swap projects with Ms. Callaghan. Ms. Callaghan said that she would be amenable to the swap. vii. Review of Task Assignments Ms. Gordian stated that she has to get the questionnaire for single -use plastics out to City staff. There was discussion between Ms. Gordian and Mr. Stadelman regarding this item. Regarding native landscaping, Ms. Gordian will get a questionnaire out to park staff to receive their input. She will look into conversing with Nickie Munroe on acquiring plants and possibly enlist Pelican Island Audubon Society for any free plants/trees. As to Ms. Ware's tasks, we will recap with her when she returns. If there is anything that Ms. Ware sends to Ms. Gordian, she will distribute it to all of the Board members for them to look over, and we can discuss that at the next meeting. Mr. Carrano and Ms. Gordian will set up more days so he can do more shadowing in the field. She will look into having no - duck -feeding signs for Easy Street. Another option is planting trees in the Bark Park. A switch between Mr. Stadelman and Ms. Callaghan has been confirmed for their champion roles. Ms. Bernard added that Ms. Gordian and she have been working on updating the chart. When the Board meets in January, you will see a lot of these squares filled in with our projected goals of completing these tasks and talking about what it look like on the other side of that. She added that City staff is aware of a deadline of September 30t' of 2024 coming up. They are looking into putting some dates together about how this project is going to be closed out and what follows that. IX. New Business A. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration Planning Ms. Gordian stated that Earth Day 2024 is on April 20tn. She suggested keeping the same time frame of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. She also talked about possible themes for future events. Next year will be the year of the centennial, so there will be centennial -Chemed NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2023 PAGE 9 events going on throughout the year, culminating in the events in December. Ms. Gordian reviewed several items that take place during the Earth Day event and suggested some changes/additions to the program. Ms. Callaghan brought up the event hosted by Barbara Snow that is upcoming. There are vendors there for food and such, and Ms. Callaghan feels that it would be nice to increase the food availability and choices at the Earth Day Event. She added that Ms. Snow helped us last year by reaching out to various food trucks and such, but she had commented that we are a one -day event, and they like to have two-day events; it makes it more worthwhile for them. She suggested that anyone who is going to the Winter Wonderland event this weekend take note of who is there and get some contact information so we can reach out regarding getting more food trucks for the Earth Day Event. Ms. Gordian stated that the space in Riverview Park is a big issue when it comes to the food vendors. The space we typically have allocated for ourselves for Earth Day is a lot different than other events. She asked for suggestions for 2024. Parking was a subject that was discussed. Dr. Carrier brought up that in the past few years the oyster mats were a project. He suggested that, for a variety of reasons, that has run its course. At the last meeting, Ms. Gordian introduced a project for a living shoreline, a project with ORCA that probably will come to pass, but not in time for 2024. So, it is likely to be a hands-on event down the road. With that in mind, he and Ms. Gordian talked about a suggestion that Dr. Mosblech brought up previously about air potato removal in Stormwater Park. He got in touch with Donna Halloran at Pelican Island Audubon Society to discuss this. She has conducted a number of these events, all of which have been successful. He talked with her about partnering with us and mentioned Earth Day as a potential venue. She felt very positive about it and wants to pursue a joint project with us. She gave him a list of things that she has done over the course of running this event on behalf of Pelican Island Audubon Society. She is a Sebastian resident and understands the magnitude of the problem at Stormwater Park. They are trying to organize a meeting with Ms. Halloran and Ms. Gordian and Dr. Carrier to explore the opportunity to do this if it is something the Board wishes to pursue. Dr. Carrier stated he can bring this back to the Board in January. However, he cannot be involved in January. The January meeting will be his last meeting with the Board, as he is going to be leaving the City for a significant period of time during the spring and summer. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12,2023 Dr. Cox stated he is aware that Ms. Halloran is interested in working on the air potato project, and she will be happy to meet with someone from the NRB. X. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Billman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. By: Date: IM