DECEMBER 18, 2023
I. Call to Order -- Chairperson Drumheller called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
III. Roll Call
Mr. Renzi
Ms. Drumheller
Mr. Danise (Zoom)
Mr. Allen
Ms. White (Zoom)
Ms. Webster
Mr. Mauro
Mr. Benton (Zoom)
Also Present
Mr. Antoine VanMeir, Parks Supervisor
Mr. Nicholas Ladyman, AV Technical Assistant
Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer
IV. Announcements and Agenda Modifications -- None
V. Approval of Minutes -- Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2023
Everyone indicating that they have reviewed the Minutes of October 23, 2023 as
presented, Ms. Drumheller called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of
October 23, 2023 as presented was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Mr. Danise, and
approved unanimously via voicer vote.
VI. Public Input -- None
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Current Project(s) Update
Mr. VanMeir stated that the Filbert Street playground is being finished up. They are
waiting on mulch. He added that they will be getting the mulch approximately at the end
of this week or the beginning of next. That will complete that project.
Ms. Drumheller asked if the equipment has been ordered for the Creative Playground.
Mr. VanMeir stated they are in the process of building it. It's a buildable component. It
will take probably until the first of February or middle of February before it is built. Then
it will be shipped, and he expects delivery around April.
DECEMBER 18, 2023
B. Committee Member Park Updates
Mr. Allen reviewed that Bryant Court is not handling the rainy season well. The corrosion
has gotten significantly worse. Mr. VanMeir and he had a discussion about that, and we
do have a timeline for those repairs. Mr. VanMeir said the problem will be taken care of
in a few days. In the meantime, we will caution off that area, and the bench will be
Mr. Allen stated he believes that a section of Historical is being perhaps pulled out of our
remit. He asked if there is any further discussion on that. Mr. VanMeir stated there has
been no more discussion on that. Mr. Allen stated that it is his understanding that it is not
a park in the typical sense. There is nowhere for people to go in that park; it is just a
piece of land that the City owns. The question was, should it be under Parks and
Recreation, or should someone else own that space. Mr. VanMeir said it is a park. It is
usable, but it is passive at best. He sees people fish in that park. Ms. Drumheller
suggested that is something that can be put on an agenda at the beginning of next year
to talk about how to make that park friendly, such as a couple of benches as well as a
picnic table. Mr. VanMeir said he would put that on the agenda for the beginning of 2024.
He said there is a plan in the works to create a boardwalk along the back of the park.
They are not quite sure what they are going to use, and that money will come from impact
fees from Stormwater. There was discussion clarifying where this park is situated. Mr.
VanMeir said he will bring information on boundaries, etc. to the next meeting.
Mr. Allen addressed the Schumann Lake Park. He reviewed that the last time there was
a discussion about the park, it was suggested that it has two different names, and he
asked if that question has been resolved. Mr. VanMeir said it has. If you Google it, it will
say Kildare Park and Lake.
Mr. Renzi asked Mr. VanMeir regarding Riverside Park. In the area where cars pull up
in the parking spaces and face the river to look out at the river, there are bushes there.
They are obstructing the view. He asked if that could be corrected such as replacing
them with something smaller so as not to obstruct the view. Mr. VanMeir suggested that
some of them are mangroves, and they are federally protected. He will go back and look
at the situation. If there is something that can be removed, it will be. He is also looking
at trimming them. That would need to be done by an arborist.
Ms. White said she would agree. She suggested that, if they are not mangroves, could
we get them pulled out or cut way back. If they are mangroves, is there a height restriction
on them. Mr. VanMeir said they can be trimmed to a height of six feet.
DECEMBER 18, 2023
Ms. Webster said she has been by the ballfield and Hardee Park, and they are both
looking good.
Mr. Mauro said there is nothing to report on the Main Street boat ramp and the Yacht
Club boat ramp. Regarding the pickleball courts, the City was out today to make
adjustments on the wind screens. He passed by there on the way to this meeting, and
every court was in play, every light was on, the parking lot was full. We need some more
Mr. Danise reported via Zoom, and his audio was very hard to hear. After several
adjustments that did not improve the audio, Ms. Drumheller asked if he could submit his
report via email or in writing. Mr. Danise said he would do that.
Ms. White stated that regarding Easy Street Park, we need to have the lights checked on
the walkways. Some of them are broken, and there are quite a few that are not even
there. She asked if there has been anything done about installing a speed limit sign. Mr.
VanMeir said he looked into the lights and found that there are eight lights missing. They
are going to be replaced next week. Regarding the speed limit signs, he has not looked
any farther into that. He mentioned that Ms. White said she would get back to him on the
suggested location. Ms. White said the location can be pretty much anywhere in front of
the park. She will get back to Mr. VanMeir on that.
Ms. Drumheller said she has been visiting Filbert Park regularly and taking pictures. She
said it is almost ready.
She said that the public's use at Periwinkle Park is increasing. She has also seen more
people at the Garden Club Park.
C. Upcoming events at Riverview Park
Mr. VanMeir provided an update for this month and the beginning of next month. There
will be a Concert in the Park on January 12t" and then the Art Fest will be held on the
January 19t" thru January 21 st
VIII. New Business
A. Consideration of Pour in Place at the New Creative Playground Entrance Area
DECEMBER 18, 2023
Mr. VanMeir said attached to the agenda packets there are two different options. Option
1 was coming in at $21,003.20. As you enter the park, it is for the entry area to the ramp
opening and the musical panels. If you look at the blue section, it will delineate exactly
where that pad would go. The Pour in Place is a rubberized cushion sitting on top of a
concrete barrier. It is ADA compliant and makes for easier accessibility to the structure.
For option 2, it comes in at $31,303.00. It is more inclusive, and he suggested that it is a
better option, but he asked for some discussion and then a vote. He described that this
option also includes swing bays with better access. He thinks the money will come out
of recreational impact fees. Ms. Drumheller asked what the life span of this is. Mr.
VanMeir said it should last a minimum of 10 years. She feels that this is the City's big
playground, and she said someone should not have to struggle to try to get to some of
the equipment that we put in specifically for folks with special needs. Swinging is
important to most kids. After discussion among the Committee members, a motion was
made by Ms. Webster to choose option 2 for the Creative Playground, seconded by Mr.
Allen, and approved unanimously via voice vote.
B. 2024 Meeting Calendar Review and Discussion
Ms. Drumheller said it will continue to be the 4'h Monday of the month with the holiday
modifications like we generally have. A motion to accept the calendar as presented was
made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Ms. White, and approved unanimously via voice vote.
IX. Items for the Next Agenda and Date: January 22, 2024
X. Adjourn
There being no further business, Ms. Drumheller thanked the Committee members for
their work on this Committee as well as the City park staff for their work, and adjourned
the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
By: !Glx .1/SlIA.4&�_ Date:
Ms. Drumheller, Chairperson