HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-31-2023 BAC MinutesIV. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JU LY 319 2023 Acting Chairperson Cerda called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present Mr. Hoffman Ms. Cerda Mr. McGinn (Zoom) Not Present Mr. Napier -- Excused Mr. Middleton -- Excused Mr. Newhart Ms. Reed (a) Mr. Hall Also Present Mr. Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Ms. Cindy Watson, HR Director Mr. Nicholas Ladyman, Help Desk Technician Janet Graham, Technical Writer Approval of Minutes: Meeting of July 17, 2023 Everyone having had a chance to review the Minutes from July 17, 2023, Ms. Cerda called for a motion. A motion to approve the Minutes as presented from July 17, 2023 was made by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Mr. Newhart, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Review and Approval of 3rd Quarter Financial Report Mr. Killgore reviewed the 3rd Quarter Financial Report. There were a few budget adjustments that were approved by City Council during the quarter. They are listed on Exhibit A (SEE ATTACHED). There was one other expenditure out of the R&R fund for $1,148.00. He will be asking Council with the adoption of this Resolution to amend the budget for that. There are the adjustments made by the City Manager also shown on Exhibit A. He reviewed the General Fund Summary, which shows the total revenues were 79.5% collected. Expenditures were 69.2% expended. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 31, 2023 The General Fund Balance Forecast (SEE ATTACHED was also reviewed. He included the expenditures that were made to date out of the R&R Funds The American Rescue Plan Act, the Stormwater Fund Summary, the Airport .Fund Summary, the Golf Fund Summary, and the Building Fund Summary were also reviewed (SEE ATTACHED). Regarding the Golf Fund Summary, it shows expenditures of 53% of the budget. A large part of that is because of the purchase of new golf carts. We have not paid for those carts as yet, and we are in the process of selling the old carts. Those funds will come back to the Golf Course as well. Mr. Killgore reviewed the Fund Summaries and the Quarterly Investment Report which shows that the City's monies are with Seacoast National Bank ($20,279,101.54) and the State Board of Administration ($4,045,948.33). Also on this page are the Interfund Loans Report and the Debt Due to Outside Parties (SEE ATTACHED). The balance of the reports shows the accomplishments and reports for all the departments. Mr. Killgore called for questions/comments from the Committee members. Mr. Hoffman -- Asked regarding the ad valorem tax collections of 98.7%, and he asked if that is as high as the City has ever been. Mr. Killgore stated there is probably another $10,000.00 or $20,000.00 that has come in since the amount shown was received. Mr. Hoffman asked why the stormwater fee and the ad valorem taxes do not line up with percentages, as they both come on the same bill. Mr. Killgore stated the tax roll for stormwater is a certain amount. The City collects that amount minus 2% that goes to the Tax Collector. Mr. Hoffman asked regarding the building fund summary, licenses and permits — the revenue is only 55.6% of the budget. Mr. Killgore states that licenses and permits includes business licenses. Business licenses is due in October, so the bulk of those payments comes in at the end of August and into September. Mr. Hoffman asked how City Council reacted to our recommendation to increase the stormwater fee. Mr. Benton answered this question. He stated he is not comfortable that we have enough time to do an assessment on how much we have to increase the stormwater fees even $2.00, provide Council with an assessment, and go through the formal process of the Resolution. There are some questions as to whether we have to adjust an ordinance, as it was done by ordinance previously. He suggested that at this time we hold back on that and then proceed with doing a full assessment to be prepared for next fiscal year. Mr. Hoffman agreed. Mr. McGinn -- Asked regarding the golf course report, it shows the range netting budgeted at $88,000.00, but none paid. He thought we had already installed that. When CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 319 2023 you look at the Airport Summary, it shows range netting for $36,000.00. Is there range netting charged to the airport that has something to do with different land? Mr. Killgore explained that the $88,000.00 is for replacing the golf course netting. On the airport property at the same time, we proceeded with $36,000.00 to replace a netting that protected part of the airport property. It was not part of the driving range netting, but it is on an adjacent lot. The actual expense will be shown on the next quarterly report. It happened after June 30. Mr. McGinn asked Mr. Benton, when staff is going over the stormwater fee, are you going to look to see if we could do substantially more than $2.00 since we are going to push it out another year. Mr. Benton stated that the plan is to do a full assessment on what we anticipate our expenditures to be in future years, and what exactly we are going to need after the Stormwater Master Plan is presented. We will have a lot more details and will be better prepared to go forward the next fiscal year with a number that we think is adequate to start those projects. Mr. McGinn asked if there is a goal set for when the Stormwater Master Plan will be completed. Mr. Benton said the City has received a final report from our consultant. Staff is reviewing the document, which is approximately 1,700 pages including all the appendices that are involved. We do anticipate in the coming months to have a presentation before City Council. That will lead us into the potential stormwater fee increase for next fiscal year. Mr. McGinn asked regarding self-insurance and asked if there is another option where you could greatly increase the deductible on those docks and thereby lower the premium. Mr. Killgore explained that FEMA requires that we have insurance, the best insurance we can find. Increasing the deductible if the insurer will write that kind of policy is a possibility. He is going to be looking at that with the insurance broker. The problem is that we have a very limited market of companies that will even insure docks. Mr. McGinn asked if it would be appropriate to have one more meeting, given the fact that they are now seriously looking at the final trim notice in the tax increase. Ms. Cerda stated that, as a committee, we can ask for one more meeting. Mr. Killgore said we would have to fit it into the City's calendar, and scheduling might be an issue. Mr. Hall stated that the Committee members were in agreement on the millage recommendation, etc., and he opined that, based on that, there is no need for another meeting. Mr. Hall -- He asked Mr. Killgore to explain the dock self-insurance as it appears in the fund balance. Is it fully funded out of the adjusted reserves and earmarked for self- insurance, or is it projected as the amount that you want to work towards in the future. Mr. Killgore said that was his plan basically, to have it funded out of the general fund for two years and then switch the $3 million account to discretionary sales tax. He said he has run into some issues as far as starting a self-insurance program. He has done some research on this, and we would have to put these monies in a separate trust account. So he is not certain that can be done. Mr. Hall asked if the $3 million is a real number right CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 31, 2023 PAGE 4 now, as available if it were needed. Mr. Killgore stated the budget has not yet been finalized, so he is not sure. There was further discussion among Mr. Killgore, Mr. Hall, and Ms. Cerda regarding this matter, which Mr. Killgore further explained. Ms. Reed -- She said this projected budget is fine with her. She asked if there will be another meeting before the final version is sent to City Council. Mr. Killgore said there is nothing in the formal budget calendar to have another meeting. Ms. Cerda -- She is happy with the report. There being no discussion, Ms. Cerda called for a motion to approve the Third Quarter Financial Report. A motion approving the Third Quarter Financial Report was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Ms. Reed, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Adioumment There being no further business, Ms. Cerda adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m. By: '1'`'"`� �.��. Date: ti a2--4- ig EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION R-23-16 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED June 30, 2023 ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Stonecrop krpinage Project $2,941,591 _ $22,247 $2,963,838 03/08/23 Approved additional funding Appropriated from DST Reserves ____________ ($2,046,256) -------- ($22,247) S$2,068,503) needed based on approved bid amount_ 100`h Anniversary Expenditures $5,000 $50,000 $55,000 04/26/23 Approved use of General Fund Appropriated from General Reserves ($549,366) ($34,500j ($599,366) Reserves toward 100` Anniversary. R&M � Operating Equipment _ $26,,316 $45,000 _ $71,316 04/26/23 Approved repairs of old golf carts Appropriated from Golf Course Reserves ($554,028) ($45,000) ($599,028) to keep them going until new fleet arrives. --------- --- - Golf Course I�rovements —Golf C_ nurse FEMA— Federal $0 $0 ---------- $77,472 ($66,405) $186,874 186, 74 ($66,405) ---------------------------------------------- 04/26/23 Adjustments needed on approved - FEMA — State ---- $0 i$11,067 - ($11,0) contracts for replacing netting at the Golf `Improvements — Airport $0 $36,834 $36,834 Course and the Airport. (Note: The Golf Course Improvements budget already had FEMA - Federal FEMA -State $ $— ($27,626) $4,604 ($27,626)_ I$4,6041_ funds needed to match the funding received IAppropriated from Airport Reserves---------------- $ �$4,604)......... ($4,6041 ................................................ for the Federal and State grant. _ _— ild' g _ — 5 $36,453 $130,418 06/14/23 Approved repairs to balconies on Appropriation from_General_Reserves------------ ($600,514)-------- ($36,453)...... ($636,967Z the south -side -of City Hall_-- Project/Account Equipment-_- - Appropriated_from R&R Account ADJUSTMENTS BEING SUBMITTED FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment $47,,000 _ $1,148 $4�,148 Utilized R&R Account for replacement of _ ________________(275,000)......... ($1,148)...... ($273,860 City Hall_2"-_floor break room refri erator:__ ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY MANAGER: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Equipment _ _ _.._.-...—. — $0 - ...�.`_ $12,099 _ .._.. $12,099 Adjustment to record JAG Grant for the JAG Grant Revenue $0 $12,099 $12,099 purchase of Police Department equipment.__ R&M —Buildings ___ $0 $5,250 ______ $12,000 Adjustment to use an FAA Grant to paint R&M_ O�eratfi �2 ui ment _-�. $0 $7,750 $7,750 Administrative Office interior and repair the FAA Grant ------------------------------------------------ $0--------($13,000)_------ ($13,000) AWAO System _---- --------------------------- GENERALFUND TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGVT'L REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERS IN FROM FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND REVENUE CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES M.I.S. DIVISION HUMAN RESOURCES POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION POLICE INVESTIGATIONS POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ROADS AND DRAINAGE CENTRAL GARAGE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE LEISURE SERVICES CEMETERY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NON -DEPARTMENTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 06/30/23 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS -6,520,844 -7,199,893 -7,488,942 -127,800 -148,399 -151,000 -1,836,443 -2,073,729 -2,513,599 -445,518 -559,744 -574,328 -44,095 -33,016 -76,321 -318,256 -160,035 -242,844 -18,750 -112,500 -921 0 0 0 -9,311,705 -10,287,317 -11,047,955 35,663 38,163 44,321 198,731 209,852 220,136 175,374 150,348 204,618 138,349 13 6, 776 138,395 522,703 494,123 562,436 406,570 387,769 405,701 0 0 0 845,158 642,636 666,413 2,571,733 2,693,482 2,828,594 137,634 137,814 140,355 810,730 842,800 909,574 445,377 410,228 450,104 730,417 689,773 717,730 147,759 15 4, 660 167,032 418,871 467,505 441,560 812,205 768,516 831,904 135,289 145,387 104,974 397,876 366,318 349,110 805,502 795,789 1,136,754 9,735,941 9,531,941 10,319,710 2022/2023 3rd Qtr ACTUALS -8,368,046 -138,698 -2,473,720 -561,042 -50,730 -314,648 0 0 -11,906,884 39,732 261,618 171,462 204,282 447,467 471,190 152,073 633,827 3,091,956 105,149 920,751 459,425 752,567 183,675 562,140 891,993 115,135 357,866 981,259 10,803,569 2022/2023 Annual BUDGET -9,924,615 -163,700 -3,811,968 -745,870 -50,500 -253,000 -35,000 -636,967 -15,621,620 62,725 309,381 223,024 271,445 623,297 727,871 231,814 891,178 4,122,118 202,567 1,342,060 750,780 1,157,409 283,284 834,261 1,407,371 164,323 716,458 1,300,254 15,621,620 2022/2023 Percent of Budget 84.32% 84.73% 64.89% 75.22% 100.46 % 124.37% 0.00% 0.00% 76.22% 63.34% 84.56% 76.88% 75.26% 71.79% 64.74% 65.60% 71.12% 75.01 % 51.91% 68.61% 61.19% 65.02% 64.84% 67.38% 63.38% 70.07% 49.95% 75.47 % 69.16 % CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 06/30/23 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2022/2023 2022/2023 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT INTERGVT'L REVENUE 0 -1,666,064 0 0 0 0.00% MISC. REVENUE 0 -665 6,508 46,417 14,500 320.12% FROM FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 2,696,156 0.00% ARPA FUND REVENUE 0 -1,666,729 6,508 46,417 2,710,656 1.71% OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 9,600 14,500 66.21% TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 481,012 6,043 2,696,156 0.22% TO FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% ARPA FUND EXPENDITURES 0 0 481,012 15,643 2,710,656 0.58% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -454,512 -475,736 -487,941 -481,249 -777,637 61.89% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -13,694 -14,105 0 -14,963 -14,964 100.00% MISC. REVENUE -1,895 -315 -2,330 -11,768 -2,479 474.71% TRANSFERS IN 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -356,494 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -470,101 -490,156 -490,270 -507,981 -1,151,574 44.11% OPERATING EXPENSES 5,400 92,972 20,400 11,301 10,800 104.64% CAPITAL OUTLAY 105,554 34,372 4,870 0 0 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 238,886 243,398 242,801 122,174 122,174 100.00% TRANSFERS OUT 606,893 494,190 12,724 4,658 1,018,600 0.46% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% LOGT EXPENDITURES 956,734 864,932 280,794 139,132 1,151,574 12.00% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -2,295,078 -2,596,166 -3,092,355 -3,180,737 -5,160,637 61.63% MISC. REVENUE -42,845 -10,604 -9,101 -41,440 -98,209 42.20% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -3,494,254 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -2,337,923 -2,606,770 -3,101,456 -3,222,177 -8,753,100 36.81% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,830 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 7,151 0 0 #DIV/0! TRANSFERS OUT 1,237,761 1,766,806 6,897,791 1,306,022 7,889,726 16.55% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 863,374 0.00% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 1,242,592 1,766,806 6,904,942 1,306,022 8,753,100 14.92% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -31,748 -28,113 -29,617 -39,051 -43,719 89.32% TRANSFERS IN -403,240 -457,672 -385,665 -391,770 -380,580 102.94% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -86,952 0.00% RRD REVENUE -434,988 -485,784 -415,282 -430,821 -512,251 84.27% OPERATING EXPENSES 219,811 189,726 218,542 195,075 260,918 74.77% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0! GRANTS AND AIDS 15,000 0 0 0 31,951 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 14,965 95,860 49,572 8,500 70,001 12.14% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 148,381 0.00% RRD EXPENDITURES 249,775 285,586 268,115 203,575 511,251 39.82% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE -3,630 -11,388 -16,141 -5,940 -539 1101.97% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE -3,630 -11,388 -16,141 -5,940 -539 1101.97% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 539 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 539 0.0094 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 06/30/23 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2022/2023 2022/2023 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE -102,661 -148,983 -135,355 -86,273 -163,389 52.80% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -173,474 0.00% REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE -102,661 -148,983 -135,355 -86,273 -336,863 25.61% OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 330,181 103,967 116,751 0 228,474 0.00% TO FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 108,389 0.00% REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES 330,181 103,967 116,751 0 336,863 0.00% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE -1,968,093 -1,957,389 -1,962,333 -1,985,829 -1,959,621 101.34% TRANSFERS IN 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -669,359 0.00% STORMWATER REVENUE -1,968,093 -2,957,389 -1,962,333 -1,985,829 -2,628,980 75.54% PERSONAL SERVICES 496,419 510,428 504,024 550,971 916,106 60.14% OPERATING EXPENSES 351,672 515,558 543,795 837,683 1,307,889 64.05% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 123.824 132,110 38,493 43,793 87.90% TRANSFERS OUT 20,860 1,325 135,378 152,252 361,192 42.15% TO FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% STORMWATER EXPENDITURES 868,950 1,151,135 1,315,307 1,579,398 2,628,980 60.08% LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND FINES AND FORFEITS -133 -15,000 -21,315 -50 -1,000 5.00% MISC. REVENUE -1,634 -1,539 -154 -750 -160 468.94% FORFEITURES FUND REVENUES -1,767 -16,539 -21,469 -800 -1,160 68.99% OPERATING EXPENSES 5,062 1,500 1,561 0 0 0.00% CAPITALOUTLAY 0 15,000 0 0 0 0.00% GRANTS AND AIDS 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 1,160 0.00% FORFEITURE FUND EXPENDITURES 6,062 16,500 1,561 1,500 1,160 129.31% STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -2,079 -361 -431 0 0 0.00% TRANSFERS IN -301,016 -300,721 -175,052 0 0 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE -303,095 -301,082 -175,483 0 0 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 402,137 400,529 401,834 0 0 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES 402,137 400,529 401,834 0 0 0.00% GOLF COURSE FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICE MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERS IN FROM FUND BALANCE GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE ADMINISTRATION MAINTENANCE GOLF COURSE CARTS GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSE AIRPORT CHARGES FOR SERVICE MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERS IN FROM FUND BALANCE AIRPORT REVENUE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCE AIRPORT EXPENSE BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERS IN FROM FUND BALANCE BUILDING REVENUES PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES BUILDING EXPENSE CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 06/30/23 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr 3rd Qtr ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS 0 -1,268,343 -30,578 0 0 -1,298,922 530,736 436,737 126,359 1,093,832 0 -1,247,921 -31,328 0 0 -1,279,249 542,532 436,751 127,546 1,106,829 0 -1,523,642 -32,093 0 0 -1,555,736 577,905 445,196 152,245 1,175,346 0 -1,629,707 -88,481 0 0 -1,718,188 574,464 511,184 160,311 1,245,959 2022/2023 Annual BUDGET -77,472 -1,741,611 -64,102 0 -2,482,213 1,415,172 843,041 224,000 2,482,213 2022/2023 Percent of Budget 0.00% 93.57 % 138.03% 0.00% 0.00% 69.22% 40.59% 60.64% 71.57% 50.20% 0 0 0 0 -32,230 0.00% -429,386 -444,756 -467,341 -543,505 -664,276 81.82% -4,691 0 -3,643 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 -77,198 0.00% -434,077 -444,756 -470,984 -543,505 -773,704 70.25% 51,794 49,768 83,339 135,632 188,735 71.86% 208,508 228,477 251,263 259,035 332,198 77.98% 10,516 0 5,563 9,479 46,334 20.46% 0 0 0 0 36,500 0.00% 18,750 112,500 0 62,115 76,707 80.98% 0 0 0 0 93,230 0.00% 289,568 390,744 340,166 466,261 773,704 60.26% -640,482 -965,522 -919,886 -683,689 -1,229,500 55.61% -12,199 -23,676 -22,908 -13,014 -33,500 38.85% -4,048 -4,050 -4,936 -3,825 -5,500 69.55% -8,400 -11,348 -8,737 -29,526 -7,289 405.08% -28,776 -28,775 -27,064 -27,157 -36,209 75.00% 0 0 0 0 -194,686 0.00% -693,905 -1,033,370 -983,530 -757,220 -1,506,684 50.26% 437,848 454,728 519,725 555,808 941,787 59.02% 114,226 101,068 176,075 146,438 338,146 43.31% 0 235 0 122,713 186,874 65.67% 0 0 200 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 39,877 0.00% 552,074 556,031 696,000 824,959 1,506,684 54.75%