HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-2024 PR MinutesPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING February 26, 2024 I. Call to Order— Chairperson Drumheller called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present Ms. Drumheller (Chair) Mr. Danise Ms. White Mr. Mauro (alt) Mr. Allen (alt) Ms. Webster Mr. Renzi Also Present Richard Blankenship, Park & Recreation Director Antoine VanMeir, Parks Superintendent Catherine Walker, Recording Secretary IV. Announcements and Aeenda Modifications None V. Approval of Minutes - Meeting Minutes from January 22, 2024 Mr. Mauro stated that there needs to be an adjustment for the minutes remove the word "coated"and replace with the would "fixed". MOTION by Ms. Webster and SECOND by Mr. Allen to approve as amended the January 22, 2024 meeting minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote. VI. Public Inout- None VII. Unfinished Business A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Blankenship stated that the Creative Playground is currently under construction. The demolition started February 5 2024 and the construction started February 12, 2024. The expectation is to have a ribbon cutting sometime in April of 2024. Chairperson Drumheller stated she was pleased with how the construction is moving along and requested that the committee attend at the ribbon cutting ceremony and if the Parks and Recreation Director would follow up as the date becomes available. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FREBRUARY 26, 2024 B. Committee Member Park Updates Mr. Renzi reviewed the mangrove trees at Riverview Park along the River. He discussed trimming the mangrove trees would be approximately 18 inches in diameter. He asked for clarification on the amount of trees that are mangrove trees and the possibly of removing the trees that were not mangrove trees that are blocking the view of the river. Mr. VanMeir stated that 80 percent of trees are mangrove trees and there are palm trees that are typically trimmed in that location. Mr. Blankenship stated that the City will visit Riverview Park, and evaluate the area and follow up with the committee at the next scheduled meeting. Mr. Allen requested an update on the Bryant Court Park and the Historical Park specifically with placing the benches in Historical Park and are there any plans to finalize the project. Mr. Van Meir stated that the City repaired the bench and that they have treated for the ants. He stated that they have leveled out the walk area. Mr. Van Meir stated he is scheduled to visit Bryan Court Park February 27, 2024. He stated they will be replacing the posts along the fence and that they cleaned up the glass from broken bottles that were around the posts. He stated there were some dilapidated stands where the children play and the stands will be replaced on February 27, 2024 during his scheduled visit. Mr. VanMeir reviewed Historical Park and stated that the City is waiting on Storm Water Divison to evaluate the park. He clarified that as the Parks and Recreation maintains Historical Park, the Storm Water Divison is responsible for the retention Pond. Chairperson Drumheller and the Parks and Recreations Director had a discussion on the memorial benches and bricks. Chairperson Drumheller stated she would like Mr. Blankenship to follow up with the City Manager to review the memorial benches. She asked if someone was going to have a memorial for a loved one in the City of Sebastian what is available along with the cost. Ms. White reviewed and updated Easy Street Park; she thanked the City for replacing the Lights in the park and stated there is an issue with the ducks wandering in the nearby neighborhood. Ms. White also reviewed the Riverview Park and asked for an update on the swing benches and the waterfront erosion along the river. Mr. Blankenship stated that the City is currently reviewing the swing benches with a company called Canvas. He stated they are still unfolding the development stages and they are in the planning phase, they are looking into grant funding for the benches. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FREBRUARY 26, 2024 PAGE 3 Mr. VanMeir stated that the City is currently waiting for FEMA to complete their evaluation on the riverfront erosion. He stated once they receive the completed evaluation from FEMA the City will begin with restoration of the waterfront. C. Upcoming Events at Riverview Park The Parks Superintendent announced the following events: Concert in the Park on March 1" 5:30 p.m: 8:00 p.m. Craft Club March 9 & 301h 10 a.m.-3 p.m. River Days & Craft Brew Festival Friday, March 15`h 3 p.m.-8 p.m. River Days March 16 & 171h 10 a.m-8 p.m Concert in the Park March 22nd 5:30 p.m- 8p.m. Sebastina River Art Club March 23`d 10 a.m-3p.m Easter Egg Hunt March 291h starting at 5:45 p.m. Pictures with the Easter Bunny at 5:45 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt starts at 6:45 p.m. Sebastian Police Department Movie Night ( Peter Rabbit 2) March 291h 7:15 p.m VIII. New Business A. Ratification of Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant application for Riverview Park. Mr. Blankenship reviewed that the Grant Application was submitted on January 3" 2024. He clarified he is bringing the grant to the Committee for review and they will be sending a link of the the grant to the Committee. Chairperson Drumheller asked the director to clarify if the City would match the amount along with the potential of the affect this would have on the City's general funds. She also stated she reviewed part of the application and wanted to know would this affect the property across the Park. She reviewed the application and stated on the project task deliverables and the acquisition project. She asked are any of these projects including the property across from Indian River Drive. Mr. Blankenship stated that the City has budgeted the match. However, was unsure of what funds the match would be pulled from and that this would not impact any of the future projects in the parks. He clarified that the City will hold public hearings for the properties across from Indian River Drive and will have to wait for the grant application to be approved. MOTION by Ms. Webster and SECOND by Mr. Danise to approve the Ratification of Land and Water Conservation Fun Grant. Roll Call Mr. Danise - aye Mr. Renzi - aye Chairperson Drumheller - aye PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FREBRUARY 26, 2024 Ms. Webster - aye Ms. White - aye Motion carried 5.0 ( Alternate members are unable to vote if all board members are present ) B. Florida Boater Improvement Fund Grants application for Main Street Boat Ramp Dredging. MOTION by Ms. Webster Mr. Allen and SECOND BY Mr. Allen for the approval of the Florida Boater Improvement Fund Grant passed with an unanimous voice vote. IX. Items for the Next Agenda and Date: March 25, 2024 Chairperson Drumheller stated that she would like to address the Volunteer of the Year through Parks and Recreation and would like to have the recognition during the December centennial celebrations. She requested that the previous applications be attached with the next meetings agenda so the Committee can reference the applications. Mr. Allen stated that Indian River County Parks and Recreations calendar of events. Mr. Allen said we have Indian River County, Vero Beach and the City of Sebastian. He asked if the City of Sebastian could potentially collaborate to have all events on one calendar for the City of Sebastian, Vero Beach and Indian River County. X. Adiourn There bei no further business, Ms. Drumheller adjourned the meeting at//6:43 pm. By: Date: Ms. Drumheller, Chairperson