HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-2024 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2024 I. Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present Mr. Charles Stadelman (chair) Mr. Matthew Krauss Ms. Donna Ware Ms. Sherida Biliman Mr. Thomas Carrano Dr. Nicole Mosblech Mr. Michael Clifford Ms. Sarah Haggerty (alt) (Zoom) Also Present: Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Dorri Bosworth, Community Development Manager Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Nick Ladyman, Help Desk Technician Dominic Adams, AV Technical Assistant Catherine Walker, Recording Secretary IV. ADoroval of Minutes: February 6. 2024 Meetine Minutes All Board members indicated they reviewed the minutes of February 6, 2024. Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion to approve the minutes of February 06, 2024 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Introduction of New Board Members Ms. Gordian welcomed the new board members Mr. Clifford and Mr. Krauss. She thanked the new members for joining and supporting the board. She also noted Ms. Bosworth, the Manager of Community Development, would be joining the meeting in NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2024 PAGE 2 place of the Community Development Director. She announced that Ms. Sarah Haggerty would be present via zoom this evening. B. Tulip Pond Project — Phase 2 Planting Event on National Arbor Day Friday, April 26, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. The Environmental Technician announced the upcoming planting event on Friday, April 26, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m. She said this would be the remainder of the plants for the Tulip Pond Project and this includes the upland, shoreline, and littoral zone plants. She said the next step would be to implement the signage and that would close out the project. She invited the board to event and if there were any questions to please contact her. She mentioned the sign up information was on the City's website. C. New Rule for all Board & Committees: No plastic bottles on the dais. The Environmental Technician reviewed the new rule with the board, and mentioned this rule coincides with the efforts of reducing plastic bottles: the City will no longer allow plastic bottles on the dais. She clarified if the board members would like to bring a drink, it is okay as long as the drink is in a reusable container. She stated if the board had any questions to reach out to her. VI. Agenda Modifications - None VII. Public InDUt— None Vill. Unfinished Business A. Sustainable Sebastian Reduction of Single -Use Plastics — Champion: Charles Stadelman a. Continue Presentation by Mr. Stadelman Mr. Stadelman resumed his presentation on the City of Sebastian's Sustainable Sebastian Initiative: Single -use Plastics Reduction. He stated that the plastic industry continues to manufacture plastics, plastic packaging and is designed to be used once and discarded. He noted the Plastic Manufacturers are promoting chemical recycling, and said in the United States since the 1950s the Plastic Manufacturers have spent millions of dollars on greenwashing. He is recommending to the board to look at education for consumers. He reviewed the concept of a circular business model, and the necessity of an environmental study for the new businesses that apply for a business license. He suggested that the applicants should develop their business model with the NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2024 PAGE 3 PESTEL analysis framework. PESTEL provides the analysis framework model to them that should be used during the application process for an occupational license. He opined that businesses should meet the standards of the ISO 14001 and conduct life cycle analyses on items on their supply chains. Reviewers would then check their supply chains to see if they are using LCAs. He reviewed that the ISO standards provide the framework for environmental management systems (EMS), which organizations can follow. While applying for a license they will have the opportunity to apply for 15014001 Certification. He offered a sample of Business Model Canvas, including Key Partnerships. He presented the plan -to -do -check -act framework, and connected it to the ISO checklist. He wanted companies to make sure they can apply for grant as incentives adhering to ISO standard. He stated if the companies receive the certification with ISO it will promote the City of Sebastian. He stated the second leg would be the legislature. This would be to write a ban for plastic. He stated that he is seeking permission to ask to join the lawsuit in different states for the environmental plastic specifically PepsiCo Class Action Lawsuit. He stated adding warning labels to all of the bottles to hold companies accountable. He is requesting a motion to move this to City Council. The board discussed with Mr. Stadelman the steps they should take before presenting the motion to the council and moving forward. Mr. Stadelman explained the Life Cycle Analysis further. Mr. Carrano clarified that Mr. Stadelman should present the presentation to the City Attorney for advice prior to presenting to the City Council. Ms. Gordian suggested providing more information to the board before proceeding and Ms. Bosworth stated she needed Mr. Stadleman to clarify further, and that he presents this to the City Manager prior to giving this to the City Attorney. Mr. Krauss reviewed with Mr. Stadelman that he may want to approach the presentation in a different way. Ms. Gordian stated that Mr. Stadelman should move with caution and suggested being cognizant of how they move forward. She reminded Mr. Stadelman how they may run into issues on the State level with bans on SU plastics and proceeded to stress to move forward with caution. She would like to move towards educating the community, and said this would be the most manageable method for what he is trying to achieve. Dr. Mosblech stated that as she appreciated the scope of the presentation. She also stressed that she is not agreeing to a motion. MOTION by Ms. Ware SECOND Mr. Stadelman, on presenting a question to the City of Sebastian Attorney was approved via voice vote of 5-2. Motion carried. ii. Native Landscaping —Champion: Sherida Billman NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2024 PAGE 4 Ms. Billman stated that she has arrangements to meet with Native Butterfly Flowers LLC Native Plants & Pollinator Landscaping along with City staff and that the meeting would be Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 at the Garden Club Park, where they will discuss the planning the layout and cost. She said the nursery would be presenting landscaping ideas with plant selections. She stated there was a discussion with the Environmental Technician in regards to winter not being the best time for planting. She suggested a couple of places, such as residential neighborhoods with native landscaping that demonstrate the alternatives and provide an indicator of what to expect. She stated there would be maintenance and planning that will go into the native landscaping in the Park. Dr. Mosblech reviewed with Ms. Billman the Garden Club plans and visiting the neighborhoods and asked if there were intentions to create a list of all the homes and suggested a native garden tour. Ms. Billman clarified that was not her intention, and simply that she noticed there were homeowners who transitioned from a turf yard and planted native landscaping and then gave some examples of what she saw. Dr. Mosblech suggested a plan to set up a tour in the future, and having homeowners placed on a map. Ms. Billman said the board would reach out for guidance from OF/IFAS Environmental Horticulturalist Nickie Munroe and the Pelican Island Audubon Society. Ill. Tree Protection & Landscaping Ordinances — Champion: Thomas Carrano Ms. Billman asked, in regards to all of the trees being cut down, are the new homeowners taking the trees out that have been replanted to replace them and is this what is being addressed? Mr. Carrano explained the process of when the developer clears the land, with a permit and they plant the young trees/ saplings, they do not regulate the trees because of the size. Ms. Gordian stated that the minimum size of the replacement for a protected tree is 8 feet tall and 1 % inches in diameter, for a specimen tree is 12 feet tall and 2 % inches in diameter and that the tree would not be "protected" until it is at 4 inches in diameter, according to the Land Development Code Chapter III — Performance Criteria /Article XIV Section 54-3-14.7 (1) protected trees, (ii) Specimen trees. Ms. Bosworth added considering new ordinances and reviewed the existing code 10,000 sq-ft lot needs (7) trees. The (7) trees can be all the same or 35% can be palm trees, 25% of the trees can be citrus trees. She stated there could be (3) palm trees and (2) canopy trees and suggested some guidelines of the climate -planting zone and the area. Ms. Gordian stated the location of the tree would have to be considered along with maintenance according to the species and size of the tree. She added the trees can NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2024 PAGE 5 present various issues in the future if these items are not considered at the time of planting. There was a discussion among the board in regards to utility easements, species, planting locations, and concerns on developers finding ways around regulations. The discussion went into encouraging education on options and providing alternatives to the community by City staff. iv. Resource Conservation —Champion: Donna Ware Ms. Ware stated that she contacted the surrounding cities and counties and collected information for their outreach programs in regards to energy savings, water savings, along with climate solutions and planting trees and energy consumption. She reached out to Sarasota County seeking permission to use their Information and she is waiting to hear back. V. Green Infrastructure and LID —Champion: Nicole Mosblech Dr. Mosblech stated that this month she visited the Cheltenham Park; this is a freshwater pond that swales and canals lead into. She reviewed her visit with Garden Club Park and the Barber Street Sports Complex. She stated that Garden Club Park blends into some of the homeowners' properties and there is a questionable space that she had concerns on. She stated she had a few parks left to visit and would like to discuss those parks in the future. vi. Sidewalks & Bikeways — Champion: Sarah Haggerty Ms. Haggerty stated she has nothing to report however, she had a question for the Environmental Technician about the previous meetings with the County about adding to the sidewalks. Ms. Gordian stated the interactions and the workshops that Indian River County has held were for their Indian River County MPO Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, at the time of the engagements, the County gained feedback from the municipalities reviewing particular areas of concern, and they hosted a few public workshops for public feedback. B. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebrations — Saturday, April 20, 2024 I. Updated the History of the Natural Resources Board. Ms. Gordian reviewed the updated version on the history of the Natural Resources Board and said they will post the version at the booth during the Earth Day event as part of the Centennial Celebration and discussing the history of Sebastian. The beginning of NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2024 PAGE the Pelican Island National Wildlife refuge was included and was the only significant change. ii. Seed Packet Work Day— Date & Time, Sebastian Art Club The Environmental Technician stated that the seed packet workday scheduled Wednesday, March 13, 2024 is from 3-4 p.m. This is for all of the board members to get together and help produce the seed packets. She explained what would be on the packets and gave some examples. She mentioned everyone would be gathering at the Sebastian Art Center to conduct the workday. She said she would be sending an official invite for the date and time. Mr. Carrano stated that he would be out of town on that date. The Environmental Technician stated in regards to Earth Day events if there are any organizations and vendors the board would like to have attend, please feel free to share them, and stated there are applications that have come in and they need to be reviewed. She stated there are approximately over 20 vendors and over 20 nonprofits based on what she has already approved. She said there is space for food trucks and they have a few prospectives that are interested, and she would be receiving their applications soon. Mr. Clifford asked The Environmental Technician if there is a fee for the nonprofits to join. The Technician stated there was no fee to join and added that there was no fee for any vendor to join. The Environmental Technician provided information on the Waste Management events, the first being the household waste and electronic event. That will be held at the Barber Street Sports Complex and noted they will be collecting bicycles and will be partnering with the Bike Walk of Indian River County which will be supporting their program. At the CavCorp parking lot is the second portion of the Waste Management event and that is the paper shredding. Mr. Krauss volunteered to oversee the events throughout the day. The Technician stated that there are advertisements for these events and she would be sending them to the board, as soon as they are available. Ms. Ware announced the poster contest for this year; she mentioned the Sebastian Charter School is participating again this will be the 6" 7" and 81h graders on environmental subject matter. The Sebastian Fine Arts and Music Group will be presenting the prizes. The Environmental Technician added that Home Depot agreed to host a workshop for children at the event. She also stated this would be the first time for them as an activity host. She reviewed the chalk art contest is hosted by Indian River County Storm Water NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 5, 2024 PAGE 7 [Natural Resources] Department; they are stationed by the concrete pad near the canoe launch and they are included in the scavenger hunt. She reviewed the participants and vendors that have applied to provide goods for the raffle. She stated that she spoke with Andy from the Sebastian Daily, who is willing to participate as a prize sponsor again for the scavenger hunt. Mr. Stadelman asked the Technician if availability is open for prize sponsorship and suggested Mel Fisher's and Captain Hiram's. Ms. Gordian stated it would be welcomed, however, up to the board. MOTION by MS Ware SECOND by Mr. Stadelman for reaching out to Mel Fisher's and Captain Hiram's for sponsorship of the prizes. A motion was approved unanimously via voice vote. Motion carried. 7-0 The Environmental Technician stated the board has been given copies of the Earth Day flyer along with the Tulip Pond Project Planting flyer; digital copies are available upon request. IX. New Business A. Centennial Events Mr. Stadleman stated if anyone like to volunteer please contact the City of Sebastian. Ms. Ware stated that the members of the Sebastian Art Club have painted old houses and are on display, they are currently hanging in the Library. There are 35 paintings of old buildings throughout Sebastian, of the past 100 years. X. Items for the next Aeenda and Date. April 2.2024 Mr. Stadelman stated he will continue his presentation on Single -use plastics and Mr. Carrano stated that the board should concentrate on Earth Day. XI. Adiournment Being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. It was made by Mr. Carrano and seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimouslyviavoice vote. / By: 0 � ^'� Date: ky Mr. Charles Stadelman, Chairman