HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 Asphalt Paving Piggyback ContractDocuSign Envelope ID: 1C04E45C-98E64EB8-87ED-8EE85248A42A PIGGYBACK AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN AND ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS. INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on 2024 by the City of Sebastian, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc., (hereinafter "VENDOR"). WHEREAS, the Board of Sumter County Commissioners has previously entered into a contract with Vendor to provide pavement maintenance and rehabilitation services on November 14, 2023 (attached as Exhibit A hereto); and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian wishes to enter into a like contract with Vendor under the same terms and applicable conditions as that prior agreement entered into by the Board of Sumter County Commissioners to provide pavement maintenance and rehabilitation services and other related tasks as may be assigned by the City; and WHEREAS, Chapter 287, Florida Statutes and purchasing procedures of the City of Sebastian grant the authority to piggyback the purchase of goods and services as a form inter -governmental cooperative purchasing in which a public purchaser requests competitive sealed bids, enters into a contract, and arranges, as part of the contract, for other public purchasing units to purchase from the selected vendor under the same terms and conditions as itself in order to take advantage of the better pricing that large purchasers are able to obtain in order to reduce administrative time and costs involved in the procurement process (i.e., cost of preparing bid specifications, advertising, etc.); and WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian has determined that in this circumstance, piggybacking onto a contract entered into by the Board of Sumter County Commissioners is the most economically advantageous way to procure these goods and services. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms, and provisions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM The initial term shall end on November 13, 2025. This agreement is subject to renewal or extension in one year increments by agreement of the parties in writing. 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS All other terms and conditions of the contract and any amendments thereto entered into between the Board of Sumter County Commissioners and Vendor Page 1 of 5 DocuSign Envelope lD: lC04E45C-9BE6-4EB8-87ED-8EE85248A42A _.,...._.y. ... ..,... ._. ___.. _.... _..... �.....---- referenced above will be applicable to this agreement unless specified herein. 3. NOTICES All notices and demands shall be sent U.S. Certified Mail, return receipt to: VENDOR: Robert Capoferri, President Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. 8940 Gall Blvd Zephyrhills, FL 33540 CITY: Brian Benton, City Manager City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 4. PUBLIC RECORDS IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS: JEANETTE WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK 1225 MAIN ST SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 (772) 388-8215 JWILLIAMS(a-).CITYOFSEBASTIAN.ORG Vendor agrees to comply with public records laws, specifically to: A. Keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service. B. Upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, provide the public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law. C. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the contractor does not transfer the records to the public agency. D. Upon completion of the contract, transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of the contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service. If the Page 2 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC04E45C-98E64EB8-87ED-8EE85248A42A contractor transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, the contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency, upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 3 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC04E45C-98E6-4EB8-87ED-8EE8524BA42A _..,,...y.. �..... „r_ ._. _.._.. _..... -- ------------ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have through their duly authorized representatives, approved and executed this Agreement as of the date set forth below. ATTEST: DcmSigne by: ATTEST: Auayx c W4l"-- 4n4 .je nette Williams, MMC City Clerk For the use and reliance of the City of Sebastian only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. LM..Slgn.d by - Jennifer D. �Gockcroft, Esq. City Attorney ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS, INC. Dmusmme by: out (Of6l�m 99de .. Robi3'K (apo erri, President Date:4/15/2024 1 1:21:31 PM EDT CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FL By. {% *-- Benton, Brian B/e/nton, City Manager Date: "7/as/ada4 Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT A Board of Sumter County Commissioners Agreement Page 5 of 5 SUMTER COUNTY COUNTYWIDE PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITIATION SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is made and entered into this 101 day of November, 2023, by and between Board of Sumter County Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as "Board," or "County"), whose address is 7375 Powell Road, Wildwood, Florida 34785, and Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. (hereafter referred to as "Vendor"), whose address is 8940 Gall Boulevard, Zephyrhills, Florida 33541. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Board has need of professional services for ITB 045-0-2023/RS; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a written agreement outlining the duties, responsibilities and compensation of Vendor, based on the Vendor's response to ITB 045-0- 2023/RS Countywide Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and agreements contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The relationship of the Vendor to the Board will be that of a professional Vendor and the Vendor will provide the professional and technical services required under this Agreement in accordance with acceptable professional practices and ethical standards applicable to Vendor's profession, and Vendor will endeavor to provide to the Board prompt and efficient services to the best of its ability. 2. Vendor is hereby retained and employed as a Sumter County Contactor, and will work with the Board to provide services in accordance with the scope of work outlined in ITB 045-0- 2023/RS. 3. The term of this Agreement shall commence on November 14, 2023 and continue full force for two years with an additional two (2) — one year renewals from the date established in the Notice to Proceed, unless otherwise terminated as provided in paragraph four (4) of this Agreement. The term of this Agreement does not relieve the Vendor of any future responsibility as described in paragraph six (6) of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement maybe terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party at the address designated in this Agreement for receiving such notice. If this Agreement is terminated, Vendor shall be authorized to receive payment for all work performed up to the date of termination. With regard to compensation paid to Contractor, Contractor shall furnish to the Board an itemized invoice detailing all of Contractors hours, services, expenses and any other services utilized by the Board. The invoice shall be itemized pursuant to and in accordance with the Fee Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein in haec verba. Contractor shall submit all invoices pursuant to the Local Government Prompt Payment Act, F.S. 218. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the rates set forth in the Fee Schedule shall remain fixed throughout the duration of this Agreement, including both the Initial Term and any Renewal Term, and thereafter shall only be adjusted by mutual written agreement of both parties. a. For construction services progress payments, 5 percent (5%) of the payment will be withheld. 2. General Considerations. a. All reports, drawings, designs, specifications, notebooks, computations, details, and calculation documents prepared by Vendor and presented to the Board pursuant to this Agreement are and remain the property of the Board as instruments of service. b. All analyses, data, documents, models, modeling, reports and tests performed or utilized by Vendor shall be made available to the Board upon request and shall be considered public records. c. Vendor is required to: (i) keep and maintain public records required by Board; (ii) upon request from Board' s custodian of public records, provide Board with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a reasonable or as otherwise provided by law; (iii) ensure that public records that are exempt or, confidential and exempt, from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of this Agreement and following completion of this Agreement if Vendor does not transfer the records to Board; (iv) upon completion of this Agreement, transfer, at no cost, to Board all public records in possession of Vendor or keep and maintain public records required by Board. d. If Vendor transfers all public records to Board upon completion of this Agreement, Vendor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or, confidential and exempt, from public records disclosure requirements. If Vendor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of this Agreement, Vendor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to Board, upon request from Board's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of Board. e. Vendor shall keep all books, records, files, drawings, plans and other documentation, including all electronically stored items, which concern or relate to the services required hereunder (the "Records"), for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of expiration or termination of this Agreement, or as otherwise required by any applicable law, whichever date is later. The Board shall have the right to order, inspect, and copy all the Records as often as it deems necessary during any such period -of -time. The right to audit, inspect, and copy Records shall include all of the records of sub -Vendors (if any). f. Vendor shall, at all times, comply with the Florida Public Records Law, the Florida Open Meeting Law and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations of the State of Florida. g. IF THE VENDOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE VENDORS' DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 352-689-4400, Sumter County Board of County Commissioners, 7375 Powell Road, Wildwood, Florida 34785 or via email at Records@sumtercountyfl.gov. h. Vendor shall, at all times, carry General Liability, Automobile and Worker s Compensation Insurance pursuant to the insurance requirements in ITB 045-0- 2023/RS, naming Board as both a certificate holder and an additional insured in each such policy. i. Upon Vendor's written request, the Board will furnish, or cause to be furnished, such reports, studies, instruments, documents, and other information as Vendor and Board mutually deem necessary, and Vendor may rely upon same in performing the services required under this Agreement. j. Vendor is obligated by this agreement to comply with Section 20.055(5), Florida Statutes. k. Any entity or affiliate who has had its Certificate of Qualification suspended, revoked, denied or have further been determined by the Department to be a non -responsive contractor may not submit a bid. 3. The Vendor may be required to provide additional services to the Board on challenges, public protests, administrative hearings or similar matters. The Vendor shall be available to represent the Board, serve as an expert witness, and provide supporting documentation as necessary. Should any other professional services be called for by the Board that are not otherwise set forth in this Agreement or any of its attachments or exhibits, charges for these services shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties hereto. 4. The Contract Documents, which comprise the entire Contract between Board and Vendor and which are further incorporated herein by reference, consist of the following: a. ITB 045-0-2023/RS b. Vendor's Bid in Response to ITB 045-0-2023/RS c. This Agreement d. Permits / Licenses e. All Bid Addenda Issued Prior to Opening Date f. All Modifications and Change Orders Issued 5. Vendor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its tortious acts and for the tortious acts of its agents, employees, or servants during the performance of this Agreement. Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless the Board, its agents, employees and officers from and against all liabilities, claims, demands, or actions at law and equity including court costs and attorney's fees that may hereafter at any time be made or brought by anyone for the purposes of enforcing a claim on account of any injury or damage allegedly caused or occurring to any person or property in which was caused in whole or in part by any tortious, wrongful, or intentional acts or omissions of Vendor, its agents, or employees during performance under this Agreement. The foregoing is not intended, and shall not be construed, as a waiver by Board of the benefits of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. 6. Vendor is, and shall be, in the performance of all services and activities under this Agreement, an independent contractor, and not an employee, agent, or servant of Board; and no provisions of Board's personnel policies shall apply to this Agreement. None of the benefits provided by Board to its employees including, but not limited to, worker' s compensation insurance and unemployment insurance, are available from Board to Vendor, or its employees, agents or servants. Vendor assumes responsibility for payment of all federal, state and local taxes imposed or required of Vendor including but not limited to FICA, FUTA, unemployment insurance, Social Security and income tax laws for which Vendor as employer is responsible. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any worker's compensation insurance required by law and shall provide the Board with proof of insurance upon demand. The parties agree that Board shall not: (a) pay dues, licenses or membership fees for Vendor; (b) require attendance by Vendor, except as otherwise specified herein; (c) control the method, manner or means of performing under this Agreement, except as otherwise specified herein; or (d) restrict or prevent Vendor from working for any other party. Force Majeure. No party shall be liable or responsible to the other party, nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this Agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this Agreement (except for any obligations to make payments to the other party hereunder)], when and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by or results from the following force majeure events ("Force Majeure Events"): (a) acts of God; (b) flood, fire, earthquake or explosion; (c) war, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot, warlike operation, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power, sabotage or other civil unrest; (d) strikes, embargoes, blockades, labor stoppages, lockouts or slowdowns or other industrial disturbances or inability to obtain necessary materials or services (e) governmental delay regarding permits or approvals; (f) action by any governmental authority; (g) national or regional emergency; (h) shortage of adequate power or transportation facilities; or 0) other similar events beyond the reasonable control of the party impacted by the Force Majeure Event (the "Impacted Party") and provided further, however, that such performance shall be resumed and completed with due diligence and reasonable dispatch as soon as the contingency causing the delay or impossibility shall abate. 8. Attorney's Fees; and Costs of Enforcement. In the event suit is commenced to enforce this Agreement, costs of said suit including reasonable attorneys' fees in all proceedings, trials, investigations, appearances, appeals and in any bankruptcy proceeding or administrative proceeding shall be paid to the prevailing party by the non -prevailing party. In the event of default by either party hereto, the defaulting party shall be liable for all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the other party in enforcing its rights hereunder, whether litigation be instituted or not, at the trial court and appellate court level. 9. Law of the Agreement; Jurisdiction and Venue. The Parties agree that the laws of the State of Florida shall govern any dispute arising from or related to this Agreement. The Parties to this Agreement agree that venue and jurisdiction is mandated to lie only in the state courts located in Sumter County, Florida. Removal of this case to federal court is not permitted. Litigation in federal court is precluded by agreement of the parties hereto. If, even though precluded by agreement of the Parties hereto, litigation arising from or based upon this contract should be mandated by a court of competent jurisdiction issued pursuant to a duly noticed hearing giving Sumter County adequate time to respond and all of the benefits of due process to lie in the proper venue or jurisdiction of a federal court, that federal court shall only be in the Middle District of Florida, Ocala Division. The Parties further agree that entry into this agreement constitutes irrevocable consent that the exclusive venue for any such dispute shall lie solely in the state or county courts in and for Sumter County, Florida. The Parties expressly and irrevocably waive any right(s) to removal of any such dispute to any federal court, unless the federal court has exclusive jurisdiction; in such cases, the parties agree that the exclusive venue for any such disputes shall be the United States District Court, in and for the Middle District of Florida, Ocala Division. Process in any action or proceeding referred to in this paragraph may be served on any party anywhere in the world, such party waives any argument that said party is not subject to the jurisdiction of the state courts located in Sumter County, Florida and that the laws of the state of Florida. 10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties and may not be changed except by written agreement duly executed by the Parties hereto. This Agreement supersedes any prior understandings or agreements between the Parties, and there are no representations, warranties, or oral agreements other than those expressly set forth herein. 11. Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned nor may any portion of the obligations contemplated in this Agreement be subcontracted to another party without prior written approval of County. No such approval by County of any assignment or subcontract shall be deemed in any event or in any manner to provide for the incurrence of any obligation of County. All such assignments and subcontracts shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to any conditions of approval that County shall deem necessary. 12. Compliance with Licenses, Permits, and Applicable Laws. In performing services hereunder, Vendor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. Vendor shall be responsible for identifying and obtaining all permits necessary to complete the scope of services. Vendor shall be responsible for obtaining, at its sole cost and expense, all necessary license licenses and other governmental approvals required in order for Vendor to provide the type of services required hereunder. 13. E-Verify: system established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to determine the immigration and work -eligibility status of prospective employees. 14. The Vendor agrees to certify to the Board that Vendor is in compliance with the federal E- Verify program, including obtaining written certification from all sub -Vendors who will participate in the performance of scope of services contemplated in this Agreement. All sub -Vendor certifications must be kept on file by the Vendor and made available to the state and/or the Board upon request. The Board reserves the right to take action against any Vendor deemed to be non -compliant; potential actions may include, but are not limited to, cancellation of this Agreement and/or suspending or debarring the Vendor from performing services for the County. 15. Conflict of Interest. Vendor shall notify Board in writing of any commitments during the term of this Agreement which may constitute a potential or actual conflict of interest with respect to the scope of services to be performed for the Board. 16. Corporate Status; Change of Ownership. If Vendor is a non -governmental, corporate entity: a. Corporate Status. Vendor shall ensure that the corporate status shall continuously be in good standing and active and current with the state of its incorporation and the State of Florida and at all times throughout the Term, and any renewal or extension hereof. Failure of the Vendor to keep its corporate status active and current shall constitute a material breach under the terms of this Agreement. b. Change of Ownership. Vendor shall notify County immediately upon any change in corporate ownership or any substitution of the key professional assigned (the "Key Person") to perform under this Agreement ("Change of Ownership"). County shall have the option of cancelling this Agreement if a Change of Ownership is not suitable to it, provided however, no cancellation shall relieve the Vendor of its obligations to perform the work described herein or for liability for breach of same. A Change of Ownership means the occurrence of any one or more of the following: a sale, lease, or other disposition of 50% or more of the interest or assets of the company or corporation; a merger, reverse merger or consolidation with another entity; a transaction wherein a third -party becomes the beneficial owner having fifty (50%) percent or more interest in the corporation or company; or fifty (50%) percent or more of the total number of votes that may be cast for any act of the entity. 21. Default Neither Party shall declare the other party in default of any provision of this Agreement without giving the other party at least ten (10) days advance written notice of intention to do so, during which time the other party shall have the opportunity to remedy the default. The notice shall specify the default with particularity. 22. Dispute Resolution. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be attempted to be settled through good -faith negotiation between the Parties, followed if necessary within thirty (30) days by professionally -assisted mediation. Any mediator so designated must be acceptable to each Party. The mediation will be conducted as specified by the mediator and agreed upon by the Parties. The Parties agree to discuss their differences in good faith and to attempt, with the assistance of the mediator, to reach an amicable resolution of the dispute. The mediation will be treated as a settlement discussion and therefore will be confidential. The mediator may not testify for either Party in any later proceeding relating to the dispute. No recording or transcript shall be made of the mediation proceedings. Each Party will bear its own costs in the mediation. The fees and expenses of the mediator will be shared equally by the Parties. Failing resolution through negotiation or mediation, either Party may file an action in a court of competent jurisdiction or other appropriate remedy available in law or equity as defined herein below. 23. Jointly Drafted. The Parties agree that this Agreement is entered into knowingly and voluntarily, after having the opportunity to fully discuss it with an attorney. Having had the opportunity to obtain the advice of legal counsel to review, comment upon, and redraft this Agreement, the Parties agree that this Agreement shall be construed as if the parties jointly prepared it so that any uncertainty or ambiguity shall not be interpreted against any one party and in favor of the other. 24. Parties Acknowledgement; Parties Bound. The Parties acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, and that they understand the terms and conditions herein and that the terms have been fully and completely explained to the Parties prior to the execution thereof. Each party acknowledges that the other party has made no warranties, representations, covenants, or agreements, express or implied, except as expressly contained in this Agreement. Further, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on their respective behalf by the authorized officer whose signature appears below under their respective name, to be effective as of the date first written above. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties, their successors, heirs, and personal representatives. 25. Waiver. The waiver by any party hereto of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by any party. 26. Time is of the Essence. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement. 27. Survivability. Any provision of this Agreement, which obligates any of the Parties to perform an obligation either before the commencement of the Term or after the expiration of the Term, or any renewal or extension thereof, shall be binding and enforceable notwithstanding that performance is not within the Term, and the same shall survive. 28. Severability. Whenever possible each provision and term of this Agreement will be interpreted in a manner to be effective and valid but if any provision or term of this Agreement is held to be prohibited or invalid, then such provision or term will be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating or affecting in any manner whatsoever the remainder of such provision or term or the remaining provisions or terms of this Agreement. 29. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts and a facsimile or electronic/digital copy shall be treated as an original. If so executed, each of such counterparts is to be deemed an original for all purposes, and all such counterparts shall, collectively, constitute one agreement. In making proof of this Agreement, it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. 30. Section and Paragraph Headings. Captions or paragraph headings herein contained are for organizational convenience only and shall not be constructed as material provisions of this agreement or to limit any provisions hereunder. 31. Cooperation; Supplementary Actions. All Parties agree to cooperate fully and to execute any supplementary documents, and to take any additional actions that may be necessary or appropriate to give full force and effect to the basic terms and intent of this Agreement, and which are not inconsistent with its terms. 32. Miscellaneous. Whenever the context shall so require, all words in this Agreement of one gender shall be deemed to include the other gender. 33. Incorporation of Recitals. Each of the WHEREAS clauses listed above are hereby re - alleged and incorporated into this Agreement as if otherwise fully stated herein. 34. Notice. Whenever any notice, demand or request is required or permitted hereunder, such notice, demand or request shall be made in writing and shall be personally delivered to the individuals listed below, sent via prepaid courier or overnight courier, or deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the addresses (and individuals) set forth below. No other form of electronic communications (Facebook, Twitter, Text) will be deemed Notice. FOR THE BOARD Name: Bradlev S. Arnold Address:7375 Powell Road. Wildwood. FL 34785 Title: Countv Administrator FOR THE VENDOR Asohalt Paving Svstems, Iris Name: Robes Capofern Address: 8940 Gall Blvd, Zeohvrtrills. FL 33541 Title: President Date: 11/3/2023 WHEREOF, the parties have signed this agreement the day and year first above �� / n. � .�1: � J r ATTEST: By: Kenneth essNl lrna SUMTER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY MMISSIONERS .� By: Chairman Date Signed: I� I Igla� ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS, INC. By" Robert Capoferri / President Date Signed: 11/3r2023 98 EXHIBIT A Bid Form Telephone: (352) 689-4400 Fax: (352) 689-4401 Re: ITB 045-0-2023/RS COUNTYWIDE PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION SERVICES 1. Having carefully examined the ITS for the project listed above: And being familiar with the premises affecting the work, the undersigned proposes and hereby agrees to furnish all labor and material and to perform all work in accordance with said documents for. ITB 045-0-2023/RS 2. In submitting this Bid, it is understood that the right is reserved by the Board of Sumter County Commissioners to reject any, and all bids. 3. The Vendor hereby acknowledges the receipt of None Addenda Issued during the bid period and certifies their Inclusion in the bid. (indicate *NONE` If no addendums were received). 4. All Requests for Information (RFI's) will be sent to Jackie Valdez for response. Date: 1012712023 Asphalt Paving Systems. Inc. Venda By: Robert Capoferri /President Address: a :fA1,T17glfj}g1D AB `v Zeohyrhills. FL.33541 Sumlur County Board of County Commissioners Papa 99 of 114 We Countywide Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Services Unit Price Bid The following unit costs shall include all material, labor, equipment, and any other additional charges required to accomplish the work of the unit cost. Bid award will be based on the total unit pricing for each category listed in the unit price proposal. Bidders are NOT required to bid each category, but must provide pricing for ALL line items listed in those categories they are capable of producing and have prior applicable experience. Sumter County reserves the right to award a contract to one or more vendors. CATEGORY A -MILLING 1,001- 5,001- 10,001- Over PER TASK ORDER UNIT 5,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 1" Sq. Yd. $13.75 $7.15 $4.25 $3.75 $3.25 1.5" Sq. Yd. $13.75 I $7.15 I $4.25 $3.75 $3.25 2" Sq. Yd. $14.25 I $7.90 I $4.99 I $3.99 $3.55 2.5" Sq. Yd. $14.25 $7.90 $4.99 $3.99 $3.55 3" Sq. Yd. $15.95 I $7.99 $5.65 $4.85 $4.25 4" Sq. Yd. $16.95 + $8.25 $6.20 I $5.50 $5.15 5" Sq. Yd. $18.25 $8.60 $7.50 $5.95 $5.50 6" Sq. Yd. $21.25 I $8.99 $7.95 $6.75 $6.25 Asphalt and/or profile millings deductive alternate for Contractor to deliver and transport Cu. Yd. -$1.00 -$1.00 -$1.00 -$1.00 -$1.00 (Beyond first 25 truck loads) UNIT 0-10 <10-20 <20-30 Over 30 I (Mlles) (Miles) (Miles) (Miles) Sumter County aoa,d or County Commissions Page 99 or114 100 Hauling First25 Truck Loads of Compensation/Mile Millings to be delivered From Work Site Location to County $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 to County Facility Facility back to Work site location CATEGORY A SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total of line item unit $132.40 I $67.93 $49.78 $42.53 $38.75 pricing for each column of Category A) CATEGORY A TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for Category $331.39 A) CATEGORY B-STRUCTURAL OVERLAY -ASPHALT TYPES PER UNIT 0-100 101-5o0 501-1,000 ( 1,001-5,000 Over5,0001 TASK ORDER 9.5 S.P. Traffic Level C Ton $781.57 $251.86 $188.29 $179.77 $171.62 12.5 S.P. Traffic Level C Ton I $781.57 $251.86 $188.29 $179.77 $171.62 9.5 F.C. Traffic Level C Ton I+ $801.57 $271.86 $208.29 I $199.77 $191.62 12.5 F.C. Traffic Level C Ton I $801.57 $271.86 $208.29 I _$199.77 $191.62 J CATEGORY.B.SUB-TOTAL UNIT PRICING. - (Instructions: Enter Total of line item unit I $3.166.28 I $1,047.44 I $793.16 I $759.08 $725.48 pricing for each column of Category B) - ' CATEGORY B TOTAL UNIT PRICING: - - - - (Instructions: Add together the total unit - pricing of each column for $6,492.44 Category B) CATEGORY C- CHIP SEAL/ FOG 0 - 25,001- 50,001- Overby SEAL PER TASK ORDER UNIT 25,000 5D,000 100,000 too, Goo Single Chip (Number 89 Stone) Sq. Yd. I $4.16 $3.51 $3.31 $3.31 Double Chip (Number 57 & 89 Sq. Yd. $6.82 $6.16 $5.96 $5.96 _.:.) Stone) Triple Chip Seal Sq. Yd. $9.83 $8.95 $8.30 $8.30 Fog Seal Sq. Yd. $ 0.70 $ 0.70 $ 0.70 $ 0.70 CATEGORY C SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total of line Item unit $21.51 $19.32 $18.27 $1827 pricing for each column of Category C) CATEGORY C TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for $77.37 Category C) Sumter Cwnfy Board or Counly Commfssioners Pao. 100 a 114 101 CATEGORY D -CAPE SEAL PER UNIT 0 - 2S,001- I S0,001- Over TASK ORDER 25,0D0 50,000 100,000 100,000 - Cape Seal I Sq. Yd. $12.06 S 1D.67 $ 10.21 $ 10.21 CATEGORY D SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: J (Instructions: Enter Total of line item unit $12.06 $10.67 $10.21 $10.21 pricing for each column of Category D) CATEGORY D TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for $43.15 CateRDry D) somw Lcunly aw,d.lcwnry C.mmiss(.,wrs Pay. 101 e1114 102 CATEGORY E - MICRO -SURFACING 0 - 25,001- 50,001- Over UNIT PER TASK ORDER 25,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 Double Micro I Sq. Yd. - $ 7.90 $7.16 $6.90 $6.90 Single Micro Sq. Yd. $5.99 $5.25 $4.99 $4.99 Rut Filling (Leveling) I Ton $436.00 $436.00 I $436.00 $436.00 CATEGORY E SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total of tine Item unit $449.89 $448.41 I $447.89 $447.89 pricing for each column of Category E) CATEGORY E TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for I $1,794.08 Category E) CATEGORY F - IN -PLACE RECYCLING- RECONSTRUCTION 0- 25,001- 50,001- Over UNIT (FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION) PER 25,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 h, TASK ORDER y Pulverization Sq.Ycl. $13.32 $10.21 $9.63 $9.09 Cement- Cement Treated Base Ton $245.00 $245.00 $245.00 $245.00 Asphaltic Cement -Foamed Gallon $4.75 $4.75 I $4.75 $4.75 -* Asphalt Base ; Asphaltic Emulsion - Emulsion Treated Base Gallon $3.64 $3.64 $3.64 $3.64 Added Rap or Aggregates Ton $45 00 �,y� - e i '•' Excavation for Cu.Yd. Widening/UnsuitableMaterials $4000„ General Use Optional Base Cu. Yd. Material $45.00 0'-4' <4'to6' <6'to10' <10' UNIT (width) (width) (width) (width) Shoulder Rework LF $2.25 $2.75 $3.25 $3.75 CATEGORY F SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total of line item unit $398.96 $266.35 $266.27 $266.23 pricing for each column of Category F) CATEGORY F TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for $1,197.81 Category F) Sumter County aoaniorcounty Commlgaione Page 102 of 114 CATEGORY G—ASPHALT j UNIT 0-1,000 1,001- 5,001- 25,001 REJUVENATION PER TASK ORDER 5,000 25,000 50,000 Rejuvenation I Sq.Yd. $ I Test Core Removal II Each $ $ $ $ II Test Core Laboratory Analysis- Each $ $ $ $ Rejuvenation (Including Titanium Sq. Yd.I $ $ $ $ Dioxide) Field Core Removal f Each $ $ $ $ Field Core Laboratory Analysis - Each $ $ $ $ Viscosity Field Core Laboratory Analysis— Each $ $ $ $ Titanium Dioxide Penetration Field Core Laboratory Analysis — Each $ $ $ $ Titanium Dioxide NO2 Reduction Field Core Laboratory Analysis — I`4 Titanium Dioxide Solar I i Each $ $ $ I $ Reflectance Index (SRI) CATEGORY G SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total of line item unit $ $ $ $ pricing for each column of category G) CATEGORY G TOTAL UNIT PRICING: Pricing of each column for (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing BID $ 1 Category G) , CATEGORY H - CRACK SEALING UNIT 0 - 500 Soo -1,000 11,001- 5,000 PER TASK ORDER Crack Sealant Gallon $45.00 $40.00 CATEGORY H SU&TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total of line Item unit $45.00 $40.00 pricing for each column of Category H) CATEGORY H TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for Category H) Sumner County aoa,d of County CWnmISSiona,B $35.00 103 Over 50,000 $ $ s,001- Over 10,000 10,000 $33.00 $30.00 $35,00 $33.00 $30•00 $183.00 Page f03 of 114 i 104 CATEGORY I- TRAFFIC LOOP UNIT REPLACEMENT Type A (FDOT Item # 660-2.101) Each I $4,500.00 Type B Each (FDOT Item # 660.2-102) $4,SOO.00I Type F Each (FOOT Item # 660-2-106) $5,000.00 Type F (FOOT Item #660.2-106 modified Each $6,000.00 to 30 Ft) : •• CATEGORY I TOTAL UNIT PRICING (Instructions: Enter Total of line item unit I $20,000.00, pricing for Category 1) _ CATEGORY) -SODDING PER TASK ORDER UNIT Performance Turf Sod Sq. Yd. $4 50 -= - CATEGORY J SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instr ictlons: Enter Total line Item unit pricing $4.50 for Category J) CATEGORY K —VARIABLE MESSAGE BOARDS PER TASK UNIT ORDER . _..`:..r.... PER Variable Message Board BOARD $ 32.00 PER DAY CATEGORY K SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total line item unit pricing $32.00 for Category K) - Sumter County aeard or County Commfssioners Pays IN of 114 ICATEGORY L-PAVEMENT MARKINGS PER TASK ORDER Item• ProductTVpe: L-1 White -Solid 4" 6" 8" 12" I 118" 24" L-2 White - Skip 6" L-3 Yellow -Solid 4 8" 12" 18„ L-4 Yellow -Skip 4 6" L-S Yellow -Double 4 6" Unit: I Painted GM $ 3,335.00 GM $ 3,910.00 LF $ 0.75 LF I $ 4.83 LF I $ 7.25 LF $ 9.66 GM $ 1,207.50 GM $ 1,449.00 GM $ 3,381.00 GM I $ 3,864.00 LF ( $ 0.75 LF $ 3.62 LF I $ 5.41 GM 1 $1,207.50 GM $ 1,449.00 GM I $ 4,830.00 GM I $ 5,313.00 105 Thermoplastic I Misc. $ 5,636.00 $ 6,325.00 $1.84 I. --...I $ 6.04 $ 7.25ivj $ 12.08 $ 1,811.26 $ 2,415.00 `Yy 3. "1 $ 5,675.25 $ 6,325.00 $ 1.84 - $ 4.83 $ 7.25 $ 1,811.25' S ' $ 2.415.00 1 MEN $ 11,350.50 I " $ 12,650.00 Sumter Coun y aoad 4f Count' Commissioners Page 105 01114 106 L-6 Audible and Vibratory Pavement Markings Yellow - Skip 4" GM $ 9,901,50 $ 9,901.50 Yellow -Skip 6" GM $ 9,901.50 $ 9,901.50 White -Solid 4" GM $ 9,901.50 $ 9,901.50 White - Solid 6" GM $ 9,901.50 $ 9,901.50 I- , L-7 Legends I I "STOP" EA I $120.75 I $ 241.50 "R X R" (Includes 6" white) EA $ 241.50 I $ 425.50 "ONLY" EA $ 115.00 I $ 241.50 = "LANE" I $115.00 I $241.50 "MERGE" I EA $ 149.50 $ 299.00 f.•'.�t tr. "SCHOOL" EA $ 184.00 $ 339.25 Lv z "AHEAD" EA $ 172.50 $ 310.50 " Visitor" I EA $149.50 $ 402.50 W a 1 E1:-�-YPa "Resident" EA I $ 149.50 $ 460.00 �"- "Path" EA 1 $120.75 $ 241.50 .1c ♦ L-7 Markings TURN AND THROUGH LANE TURN ARROW EA $ 80.50 $ 138.00 IF� I THROUGH LANE USE ARROW EA $ 40.25 $ 69.00 `.�p4Lif TURN LANE USE ARROW EA $46.00 $ 80.60 t { BIKE OR CART EA $ 34.50 $115.00 t .l BIKE ARROW I EA $34.60 $287.50F T 1 YIELD TRIANGLES EA $ 11.50 $ 28.75 L-8 I Reflective Pavement Markers Bi-Directional, Amber I EA $ 6.04 $ 6.04 Mono -Directional Colorless I EA I $ 6.04 $ 6.04 I '� Sumter County Board or County Commisataners Page 106 0114 107 Bi-Directional, White/Red I EA I $ 6.04 I $ 6.04 Sumter County 8eerd ofCounry Commisaianxs Pago 107 of 114 L-9 I Miscellaneous ISINGLE POST SIGN, F&I GROUND MOUNT, UP TO 12 SF I S350.00 SINGLE POST SIGN, F&I GROUND MOUNT,12-20 SF AS I I _ $1,350.00 SINGLE POST SIGN, F&I GROUND MOUNT, 21-30 AS I- .I $2,500.00 SF MAILBOX (REMOVE AND REPLACE) I EA $325.00 Silt Fence Type III I LF I I $ 2.50 Removal of Existing Marking I SF I - $ 3.45 Preform Thermoplastic 12" LF I _ I $ 11.50 �I Preform Thermoplastic 24" LF I1%a $ 23.00 Off Duty Law Enforcement Officer HR ' $ 1W.00 CATEGORY L SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total - .$71,367.64 $100,000.00 $4,665.45 of line item unit pricing for each column of Category L) CATEGORY L TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 176,033.09 (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for Category L) SHADED NOT APPLICABLE CATEGORYM— Mobilizailon UNIT $0.00- $50,001- $100,001- Over $50,000 $100,000 $500,000 $500,000 Work Order Total LS $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 CATEGORY M SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: EnterTotal of line item unit $3.500.00 $3,500:00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 pricing for each column of Category M) CATEGORY M TOTAL UNIT PRICING:' (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for $14,00.00 Category M) CATEGORY N— Maintenance of I UNIT Traffic 0-7 9 -14 15. 21 22-31 over 31 Standard Index 600 Series MOT TWO-LANE AND MULTILANE, Day $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 WORK ON SHOULDER Standard Index 600 Series MOT TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY WORK Day $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 WITHIN THE TRAVEL WAY Sumter County Board of County Commissioner, Page rgs or 114 Standard Index 600 Series MOT TWO-LANE,TWO-WAY, Day $750.00 $750.00 $750.00 INTERSECTION WORK Standard Index 600 Series MOT Day $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Multilane Roadway, Lane Closures_ Standard Index 600 Series MOT Multilane Roadway, Intersection Day $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Work Standard Index 600 Series MOT Day $ 750.00 I $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Temporary Road Closure Standard Index 600 Series MOT Day $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Two -Way Lek -Turn Lanes Standard Index 600 Series MOT Day $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Sidewalk Closure Standard Index 600 Series MOT Day $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Work Within the Roundabout CATEGORY N SUB -TOTAL UNIT PRICING: (Instructions: Enter Total of line item unit $6,000.00 $6,000.00 . $6,000.00 pricing for each column of Category N) - CATEGORY N TOTAL UNIT PRICING.: 109 $ 750.00 I $750.00 $ 750.00 I $ 750.00 $ 750.00 I $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 1 $ 250.00 1 $ 750.00 $6,00.0.0 (Instructions: Add together the total unit pricing of each column for 1 $30,000.00 - - - - -- --- CategoryN) _ SHADED NOT APPLICABLE $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $260.00 $ 750.00 D I $6,060.00 l Sumter count ewd or county Commfubnan Page In or 114 110 BID OF Countywide Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Services Bid Form Asphalt Pavinq Systems, Inc. Full Legal Company Name 8940 Gall Blvd, Zephyrhills, FL 33541 (813) 788-0010 (813) 788-DO20 Mailing Address Telephone Number Fax Number Bidders: Having become familiar with requirements of the project, and having carefully examined the Bidding Documents and Specifications entitled Cnuntvwida Pavement MaintPnanrP and Rehabilitation Services in Sumter County, Florida, the undersigned proposes to furnish all materials, labor and equipment, supervision and all other requirements necessary to comply with the Contract Documents to submit the following Bid summarized as follows: The following total unit costs [from the unit price) shall include all material, labor, equipment, and any other additional charges required to accomplish the work of the unit cost for any locations within Sumter County. Partial bids will be accepted on a per category basis. Bidders are NQJ required to bid each category, but must provide pricing for ALI. line items listed in those categories on the unit price for which the bidder is capable of producing and have prior applicable experience. FOR: Countywide Pavement Management and Rehabilitation Services CATEGORY A TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 331.39 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Three hundred thirty one dollars and thirty nine cents. /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY B TOTAL UNIT PRICING. $ 6,492.44 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Six thousand four hundred ninety two dollars and forty four cents. /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY C TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 77.37 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Seventv seven dollars and thirty seven cents. Sumter County Board or county Commissioners Pape 110 or 114 111 /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY D TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 43.15 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Forty three dollars and fifteen cents. /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY E TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 1,794.08 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals One thousand seven hundred ninety four dollars and eight cents. /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY F TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 1,197.81 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals One thousand one hundred ninety seven dollars and eighty one cents. /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY G TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 0.00 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals No Bid /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY H TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 183.00 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals One hundred eighty three dollars and zero cents. /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY I TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 20,000.00 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Twenty thousand dollars and zero cents. /100 Amount Written in Words Sumter County Board of County Commfssloners Page f71 of ita 112 CATEGORY 1 TOTAL UNIT PRICING: t 4.50 (From the unit price) Four dollars and fiftv cents. /100 Amount Written in Words Amount Written in Numerals CATEGORY K TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 32.00 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Thirty two dollars and zero cents. 1100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY L TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 176,033.09 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals One hundred seventy six thousand thirty three dollars and nine cents. /100 Amount Written in Words CATEGORY M TOTAL UNIT PRICING: A 14,000.00 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Fourteen thousand dollars and zero cents. /100 Amount Written In Words CATEGORY N TOTAL UNIT PRICING: $ 30,000.00 (From the unit price) Amount Written in Numerals Thirty thousand dollars and zero cents. /100 Amount Written in Words Each Bidder shall print legibly, In blue or black ink, the amount written in numerals and the amount written in words for the items shown above. In the event an amount submitted is not legible, the County reserves the right to consider it a "No Bid", and deem the Bidder nonresponsive to the requirements of the Bid. All Unit Prices shall be established at the beginning of the contract and may be adjusted (+ or -) annually upon approval of both the Contractor and County and only at the beginning of each renewal period. Any approved annual rate adjustments shall take effect with the first task order issued after the Sumfar Count' Board aCounty Commhsionm Page 1120 110 113 renewal period. Additional Unit Price items not included on the official bid form will be submitted to the County's authorized representative for prior approval and will be added to the Standard Agreement through a Contract Amendment and must be accepted by both the Contractor and the County. Price adjustments forfuel and bituminous products will not be allowed on a task order basis. Note: The listing order of bid items reflects a construction sequence in general terms for bidding purposes only and is not a specific construction schedule. Sumter County reserves the right to award a contract to more than one bidder. SunRer Count' Saud ofCounry Commraslaners PVg. 1130 114 ASPHALT DATE: 4/1/2024 !?Aviivc p YSTEMS TO: FROM: Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. City of SebacBan-Public Works Kris Shane -East Coast Florida Rep 7225 Main St 9021 Wire Road Soi astim FL 32958 Zephyrhllls, FL 33540 772-22&7013 Ph: 813-480-1865 RE: Pro)ectproposal 2022 Micro Surfacing and Cape Seal Product Description Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price Sumter County Contract Cape Seal SY 37.622.00 S 10.21 S 384,120.62 Crack Filling/Sealing GAL 1,000.00 S 35.00 $ 35,000.00 'Mastic Patch' Mobilization LS I 0.50 S 3.500.00 S 1,750.00 MOT LS I 4.00 $ 750.00 $ 3,000.00 6' Yellow Sofid Traffic Stripe (Paint) GM I 0.21 S 3,864.00 S 811.44 6- White Solid Traffic Stripe (Paint) GM I 0.11 $ 3,910.00 $ 430.10 12'Solid Tra0lc Stripe (Paint) LF I 0.00 $ 4.83 S - la' Solid Traffic Stripe (Paint) LF I 0.00 $ 7.25 S - 24'Solid TneicStripe (Paint) LF I 886.00 S 9.66 S 8.558.76 White Message (Paint) EA I 0.00 $ 149.50 $ - WhlteArruw(Palnt) EA 0.00 I S 46.00 $ - 6' Yellow Solid Stripe/Extra. Thermo. LF 0.21 I S 6,325.00 $ 1,328.25 6- Mite Solid SMpe/Extra. Them.. LF I 0.11 I $ 6,325.00 S 695.75 12'Solid Stripe/Extra. Thermo. LF 0.00 I $ 6.04 $ - 18.Solid Stripe/ Extra. Thermo. LF I 0.00 I $ 7.25 $ - 24'SolidStdpe/Extra. Thermo. LF 886.00 I S 12.08 S 10,702.88 White Message/Exru. Thermo. EA I 0.00 I $ 241.50 $ - WhiteArrow/Ezhv. Thermo. EA I 0.00 I S 138.00 $ - RPMS EA 54.00 I $ 7.00 S 378.00 642022 and 2023 preservation years to be completed at the same throe - Total $ 446.775.80 Respectfully Submitted. Accepted By Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. Signature: Zephyrhills. Florida c: 813480-1865 e: kshaneapsiagmail.com Date: ' Pmpul nsd M W Faye. Page I of 2 KS PROPp63Sb -4N — Sebastian-2022-Micro-Cape Seal -Var Rds- $446K-4dd4.xls I nEM I trarcr..c I 2022 Preservation Project Street list seem I To I tnwTH I sw I TRWqI ADMIRAL CIR SCHUMANN DR SCHUMANN DR 1,850 20 4,111.11 AETNAST SCHUMANNDR OSCEOLAAVE IN 20 2,200.00 CAPRI AV CAPRONASF Schumann or 1.100 20 2,4 ,44 CAPRI AV Schumann Or ENGIAR OR us 20 1.8A,78 DAHLAV SCHUMANN DR EMPRESSAVE 1,120 20 2,488.89 FUNTSF ADMIRAL OR ADMIRALCIR 740 20 1,644.44 MARSH ST DAHLAVE EMPRESS AVE 8D0 20 1,777.78 OSCEOIAAV DEAD END SCHUMANN DR 1,060 20 2,355.56 Capronast SEasy St Engler or 2585 20 5,744.44 Empress Ave Capron St Schumann or 1100 20 2,444.44 Empress Ave Schumann or OE 6501 20 1.466.67 Englar Or Schuman Or Capri Ave 550 20 1.222.22 Ormond Ct Capron St EmpressAve 30R0 20 2,400.00 S Easy St Schumann Or DE to City Umlts 2350 20 3,000.00 Thunderbird or Schumann Or Pcin Park 1100 20 2,444.44 ]fi 93P.00 1 3ZIS22 TAPE SEAL. 2 set backs/ level at 135 CAPE SEAL- I set back/ level at 116 CAPE SEAL-1 set back/ level at 140 and When CAPE SEAL-1 set back/ level at III CAPE SEAL-1 set back/ level at 136/ heavy mastic CAPE SEAL- mastic in radius CAPE SEAL CAPE SEAL- I set back CAPE SEAL- level at IN and others/ mastic and manholes CAPE SEAL. 1 set back/ level at 177 CAPE SEAL- 1 set back CAPE SEAL-1 set back CAPE SEAL - CAPE SEAL-1 set back/ level at 974, 946, and others CAPE SEAL- confirm limbs with City SPNALT Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. I�AV/NG Kris Shane -South Florida Rep �YJS�R'78 Zephyrhllls, FL 33UO Ph:813-480-1865 Page 2 of 2 SP�LT� .9V/NG ���- YSTEMS _I To: Gly el SebaNau Pobli[Wohf Ix15 Mainw $eNaWq R33%! )T2-••n T013 RE: p."l Proposal 202ZMIDIn6aPARe4MT de, Pro6Ya Dn Rdon 'sumlmmmrymolnn Spr .tk .ve MIIIIn6al w.ug65phal, 15' SP 9.54ryAalll[UnonN.S' Onrlay SWuunn Dr(Sgl) MNInBo(EaMilgbpEall •/3' I SP 9.5.4phahl[ Gnvne LS' OrcAry Saewunn0[l6[[21 MlWryef2tlnW Ag6al1 [/-3• ISP95 A+p1ulY[Uxre1e 15'Onrhy I Ix6.m.nnmisefM I INIIIIriSorLvnlR4apball•/-$' ISp 95 Aryhahlc foncelr I.S' OrcAy I I Sn.m...prsneaea R+ml I INDbgolE[INry Ap6ah IS' I SP9S.lgiub[Lannap l5'TerYY I Ism°�•wx+�lWm) NDWp nr FtlN�N Npinh Is- SP95A wcWneerc-IS'Onrhy I I MOYXUMen IMOT I I6'YeDowillLTnlfl[SWpe IPYm) 6'NTIInSotltl Tnm[SMplPaln[) I Sx'SOIWTMIrAnpelPolncl 1-I24' IDIId TMIc 5 W pr (Pole!) x4'6elleTnm[sWp[Ivalnt] Iwb1u M[nax[lnmp I Iwnnr6�w(PomQ I Is'Ycl wSolle"Wl Path.TA[rmu I 6' VJAhe hY0 Sntpe/ ¢Iluu Theme I 12' 9dltl SMpe/ Eapn Thmnp I IYSMItl SWpe/ Ewu The�ma I x4'SNMSWpe/EvbrtThmen I Nblu Nemw/3smaTh[rmv 1 wnlM4�tm./S[nnThmnu RPM I I I 0.np[nlWly 6ubminM .4pM1o/c Posrn9 M1Y+/[mx /nc. urhyrnm:.nmlm c: e131POIP63 e.OSA>neaps®6^n�l.nnl DATE: 4/9/2024 FROM: bpluli ftW ,Sy .e lnc Rr14 Stine -fim tool Fbrlda Rep 9021 wile Rwtl Zephy,hlk R 33W Ph: 813480.1865 Unlu Q.etim Unll mea TWI M. SY M.O. B ms $ 21ASD.00 TN 350.00 6 15166 $ 62,965.00 SY I TJw.ro TN I 610A0 73 .00 N I Glen I 6Y I TSN.w TM I 610.0P Page 1 of 2 ex60o TpAO elsm Mae Me 1440 3.1e BAa 20.0 160.00 $$R00 o.6D I.. 3.15 31" 1"m 160.W Moo saw 46600 4e¢getl by SOuma Cn¢ 4.99 $ 36.84616 1ee29 S 114,e56,90 4.99 f 36,846.16 IM9 S 114.856.90 4.99 S 36.9+6.16 I6639 $ 114A 6.90 M.TS f 11.343.75 M. S I7b3020 M75 S 11.343.75 2511" f 17b3030 Ss00.09 s 7,000.DD moo $ 10AN.001 I 3,ew.00 I s 12,171.0 3910.w 15 12,04180 1 493 IS 90593 1 735 1 S 1,10,00 I 9.E6 I s 2,20446 1 u9.w Is - +9.W s 13MOO1 1 6.3M0o I S 19,923.751 A335.w 1 S 19,481.001 6w I S 1,231161 )ss 1 S 1.160.m 1 1200 S 2350.111 41So s 13R90 s 414.00 TwM I f 691.R99.43 1 KS PROPR633c —IN — Sebastian 2022-Var Rds- $691K--4-9-24.xis 1 MEM I S1W17FNAME I FROM I Spring Valley Ave PC South of Crawford DR I Schumann Or Barber St I I I I I I Skip section at canal nort I AV/NG YSTEMS 2022 Mill/Overlay Project Street list W I MGM I wrote I rorutners E north of Mabry St 1 13501 201 3,000.00 11.5-M/0 each L. 2' M/0 t Barber 500 37 2,055.56 6850 25 19,027.7E t Beach Ln 200 48 1,066.67 et backs at school x3 445.00 115 SY EA ide street set backs x12 1,200.OD 1005Y EA school approx 250' 18,900.00 I I 26,795 Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. Kris Shane - South Florida Rep Zephyrhills, FL 33540 Ph: 813-480-1865 COMMENTS Page 2 of 2 S0"AiT DATE: 4/1/2024 ,4VIN4G a�YSTEMS TO: FROM: Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. City of Sebastian. Public Works Kris Shane -East Coast Florida Rep 1225 Main St 9021 Wire Road Sebas0ar4FL33958 Zephyrhills, FL 33540 772-228-7013 Ph: 813-480-1865 RE: Project proposal 2023 Cape Seal Product Description Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price Sumter County Contract Cape Seal SY 21,200.00 $ 10,21 S 216,452.00 Crack Filling/Sealing GAL I 900.00 $ 35.00 $ 31,500.00 'Meade Patrb'• I Moblltraeon IS 0.50 $ 3,500.00 $ 1,750.00 MOT IS I 3.00 S 750.00 S 2.250.00 6' Yellow Solid Tragic Stripe (Faint) I GM 0.16 S 3,864.00I $ 618.24 6' White Solid Traffic Script(Paint) I GM I 0.14 $ 3,920.00 $ 547.40 112" Solid Traffic Stripe(Paint) I LF I 0.00 I $ 4.93I S - I18'Solid Traffic Stripe (Paint) I LF 0.00 15 7.25I S - I24'Solid TralflcStripe (Paint) I LF I 75.00 I $ 9.66I S 724.50 IWhlte Message(Palm) EA I 5.00 15 14950I $ 747.50 White Arrow(Paint) I EA I 7.00 I S 46.00I $ 322.00 I6'YellowSolid Stripe/Exnv.Thermo. I LF I 0.16 I $ 6,325.00 I $ 1,012.00 I6-White Solid Stripe/ Extru.Thermo. LF I 0.14 $ 6,325.00I5 885.50 I12' Solid Stripe/ Fxtru. Thermo. I LF 0.00 $ 6,04 I $ - I18'SolidStripe/ Eamu.Thermo. I LF I 0.00 $ 7.25I5 - I24'Solid Snipe/ Eznn. Thermo. I LF I 75.00 I S 12.08I $ 906.00 (White Message/Exam. Thermo. I EA 5.00 I $ 241.50I S 1,207.50 (White Arrow/Exuv. Thermo, I EA I 7.00 15 138.00I S 966.00 IRPMS EA I 48.00 I S 7.00 I S 336.00 I•'2022 and 2023 preserva0on years in be completed at the same Mae- I I I I I I Total I S 260,224.64 Respectfully Submitted Accepted By: v. � Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc Signature: Zephyrhilis. Florida c: 813.480-1865 e: kshaneaps@gmail.com Date: F,opovivam lo, It esn Page 1 of 2 KS PROP4634b —IN —Sebastian-2023-Micro-Cape Seal -Var Rds- $26OK --4-1-24.xis mEM I STREET NAME I mom I 5 WIMBROW DR Del Monte Rd PC 2023 Preservation Project Street list i TO Sebastian Blvd I Rm m I wmnt I ro uuxns COMMENTS 7,950 24 21,200.00 ICAPE SEAL/I»fated leveling/ EOP Mastic 7,950.00 21,200 SPHALT Asphalt Paying Systems, Inc. L�AV/NO Kris Shane - South Florida Rep �YSTEMB Zephyrhills, FL 33540 Ph: 813480-286S Page 2 of 2 BPIVAL7' �AV/NO DATE: 4/1/2024 Y8TEM8 TU FROM: Aghdt PaPhISsn—s,Inc Cltyvl SebaWary Poblla Worlu BtlsSlum-Fiat Cash AaMaRep 1333Md.M 9011 Wim Rwd Sabana, FL 11956 3ephyahlll;FL 33540 M-228-7013 Ph:813400.1865 RE: Project plopotal 2023 Milling and Rmi-Inds f Frodod Ceamlptlon Unit, puanUry Unit Prim Tanl Price Summerosnry mntas4a PaT11S MIIIIMOIFAYq Apba1l 15' 6Y 3,198.00 5 7.15 S 33.865.70 5P 95 Aaphdtle Cniunan l.5'Ovealay Ta 2" f 251. f 66.743.90 enemas s NIIIInROIhbOy Aaphtla l5' MY 330D0 f ),IS f 3R8R00 599.5 Hphaltlafon. LS'Ovna, TN 28.00 5 351d6 f 7,052.08 IAa110oaIl NIIINBolfl4tlryAapluh l5' $T Z173A0 f is f 15.536.95 SP 9.Sbpb+ltle Cenneu-IS'P+Aay I TN 1. f 15186 f 45j3480 I tmmea MIIIIgorEd.,Aaphalll.S' SY 9,18600 f 42S S 39A6550 SP95N0891k Wnmle'13'Mealay I TN 77000 5 leez, $ 144,98330 I uuR2.c MIIIInRof GINnRAaphilt l.5' SY 4.35600 f 7.15 5 31,145.40 SP 95 Aaphalw Canarek- 1.5.OvMay 1N 360.Po f 35186 5 90,669.0 I DRIMaelRlld MWNf of., tsput 1.5' SY 9,478.00 1 435 S 40i8150 SP 93 Aaphalac female- 13'PNry TN nl1.. f I" S 14)I42.]0 NoMWnon u 6.00 f 330000 S 21.000.00 MOT u 12M f 750.00 f 9,000.00 6-Yea— Win TnI11a 5nig(PelnN GM I58 1 3,OH.00 f 6,105.12 6'NThe Solid TnMc 4Xpe(Polnt) GN 030 1 3,910.00 f 1,173.00 ll' SNId TnOlc Stripe (Paint) LF 45000 f 483 f 2.173.50 18- Red Tn81c Par, (Paint) LF 0.00 5 ]35 f - 24- Win TnMc atpe(Paint) IF 43040 5 9" f 4,153.80 NTIrc Nevye lPtlnll PA 2.00 f 14930 $ 399.00 WNNAaao�IPo1nQ ed 300 1 4. f 92M 6-.U—Wld501m/FaW.Ta—. V 158 f 02S 9,%350 6'Vfiimblld SMpe/Emu.Therma 1➢ 030 5 6.32S. S 1,89750 12'SoIMSMpe/Bmu.Theamu 19 450L0 f 6.04 S 2,018.00� le' Solid SC6"1 IOu.Thmona, LP 000 f ]d5 S N-WRISIn"/Pone Theama LP 43040 5 13Fl6 f 5,194.40 SMOe Mamp/8atron.n FA 3D0 f mien f 03.00 I WhlieAaavw/limo Theron. PA 2W 5 13RAO S 27600� NNS I & 365A0 f 1A0 5 IX&OO � Tod $ 720,02333 PeapeaNlly Submlved FecepW 6y Nplwh Pow. Syshmt la, 54plawn: 2eph1h0a.. FbMa r. 813480,1865 e kahaneaPa@pnallmm 0.b'. -r.yerrns�. Page 1 of 2 KS PROPR630b —IN —Sebastian 2023-Var Rds- $720K-4-1-24.t1s 1 rTEM STRELTtiBF FROM 2023 Mill/Overlay Project Street list TO i Lp1LTt1 j III/// I muYrm CRT#I,,,PNP 875.D0 2,322.22 I 4,355.56 320.00 P-Ir? How far do we come out to USI 2,733.91 kg,- pav$4PpJo had to hrdle77 Limlts777 746.67 1,075.56 350.00 �Vt. trlmbrush 6,551.11 11MItsM nyw far out to US17! 9,477.78 1.5' Davis St U51 DE 375 21 1.5' Davis St USI Indian River Dr 950 22 15' FaRh Ter 5 Wimbrow Dr Del Monte Rd 1960 20 1.S Jefferson St NCentral Ave U51 90 32 1.5' N Central Ave US3 1DEtoCityLimits 820 30 IX Lousiana Ave Sebastian Blvd DE 420 16 440 22 Culdesa< 15' NCentral Ave U51 DE to City Umits 2680 221 15' Del Monte Rd S Wimbrow Dr S Wimbrow Dr 4265 20 12,000.00 1 28,807 SPHALr MAV/NO �YSTEM3 Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. Kris Shane - South Florida Rep Zephyrhills, FL 33540 Ph: 813-480-2865 Page 2 of 2 SEBASTIAN n NIINNI1l (R IAN aa-IUI CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: April 24, 2024 Agenda Item Title: Approve purchase order for Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. to complete Schumann Trail Resurfacing. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approval of a purchase order for $85,571.40 to fund resurfacing of Schumann Trail and authorization for the City Manager or designee to execute. Background: In conjunction with the 2022 roadway repaving and rehabilitation, the Schumann Trail asphalt sidewalk requires a complete resurfacing as it is beyond its life expectancy. Schumann Trail's 1.5 mile section of asphalt sidewalk must be milled where needed and resurfaced with asphalt. Staff determined the City of Sebastian's piggyback of Sumter County's contract with Asphalt Paving systems was the best option. If Council approves staff s request to piggyback Sumter County's contract for roadway paving and rehabilitation, Staff is requesting approval to use the piggyback agreement to complete the resurfacing of Schumann Trail and for authorization for the City Manager or designee to execute. If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: $75,000 Total Cost: $85,571.40 Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: General Fund sidewalk budget & General Fund Reserves Attachments: 1. Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc. Schumann Trail Quote 2. 45-0-2023 ITB City of Sebastian Piggyback Agreement Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: � M Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: 11117 h o a q