HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-2024 PZ Agenda1. 2. 3. 4. afm �BAST1gN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ® SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 www.cifyofsebasfian.org AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of March 7, 2024 6. 7. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (LPA) PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing; • Attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title, if any; • Staff presentation; • Public Input; • Commissioners closes hearing; • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment — St. Lucie Development Corporation, Applicant — AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR PROPERTY CONTAINING 20.38 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF SCHUMANN DRIVE, NORTH & EAST OF DAY DRIVE, AND SOUTH OF DAHL AVENUE, OR SPECIFICALLY LOTS 15 TO 28, BLOCK 583, LOTS 1 TO 28, BLOCK 582, AND LOTS 2 TO 29, BLOCK 581, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 17. THE EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION IS LDR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, 5 UNITS/ACRE) AND THE REQUESTED LAND USE IS MDR (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, 10 UNITS/ACRE). PLANNING AND ZONING (P&Z) COMMISSION OUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staffprovided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. P&Z Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Request for Rezoning — St. Lucie Development Corporation, Applicant - AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S ZONING MAP FOR PROPERTY CONTAINING 20.38 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF SCHUMANN DRIVE, NORTH & EAST OF DAY DRIVE, AND SOUTH OF DAHL AVENUE, OR SPECIFICALLY LOTS 15 TO 28, BLOCK 583, LOTS 1 TO 28, BLOCK 582, AND LOTS 2 TO 29, BLOCK 581, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 17. THE EXISTING ZONING IS RS-10 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 10,000 SF PARCELS), AND THE REQUESTED ZONING IS RM-8 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY, 8 UNITS/ACRE). B. P&Z Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Special Use Permit — Big Dan's Car Wash — 1979 U.S. Highway #1 — Community Redevelopment Area — Riverfront Overlay District - Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 9. NEW BUSINESS: None 10. ADJOURN No stenographic record by a certified court reporter will be made of the foregoing meeting. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be heard. (F.S.286.0105) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, anyone who needs a special accommodation for this meeting should contact the City's ADA Coordinator at 772-388-8226 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — +,,.w.;: n .c.n olsebastian.org unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS- TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule ZOOM INFORMATION If you wish to attend the meeting by Zoom, please follow the link below to the City's Meeting Calendar, and locate the applicable meeting date. The Zoom connection details are provided. https://www.cityofsebastian.org/meetingcalendar 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES MARCH 7, 2024 I. Ms. Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Present Mr. Roberts (a) Ms. Matthews Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Carter Also Present Ms. Lorusso Ms. Battles Ms. Kinchen Ms. Geesey (a) Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney Alix Bernard, Community Development Director Dorri Bosworth, Manager, Community Development Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary IV. Announcements and Agenda Modifications 06 I .0 A E 9 E CL E 6 0 c ®0 . > 0 22 as M M,1m < < 00 Chair Kautenburg announced that Mr. Haddix had resigned from the commission and alternate member Mr. Roberts would be voting tonight. V. Approval of Minutes: Regular meeting of February 1, 2024 A motion was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Ms. Battles to accept the February 1, 2024 minutes. It passed with a unanimous voice vote of 7-0. VI. Local Planning Aaencv (LPA)'Public Hearings A. Public Hearing -- LPA -- Recommendation to City Council -- Ordinance 0- 24-04 — Land Development Code Amendment -- Mobile Food Establishments — Section 54-2-2.6(d)(4) — Maximum days allowed The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-24-04. The Community Development Director said City Council received this request to add an additional day on properties for food truck establishments. She noted it was literally only adding one word to Sec. 54-2-3.6(d)(4). PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2024 Damien Gilliams, 1623 US Highway 1, said his family has the No Name Sports Bar at 490 US Highway 1 with a food trailer on the property that they use for catering and entertainment. He asked for another classification for brick and mortar companies that operate with a kitchen seven days a week so he wouldn't be included in this mobile food dispensing category. He said he was advised to use his trailer two days a week and then move the vehicle but he stated three days isn't enough to do business and suggested pushing the stay to four days. Chair Kautenburg asked if the commission was allowed to consider this since it hasn't been noticed. The City Attorney advised as a board they could discuss what is appropriate but they can't determine if Mr. Gilliams' business is personally affected; they should only be considering the time frame to make a recommendation to Council. Mr. Carter — noted there are events coming in that are north and south of Sebastian that are going for four or five days with food trucks and he asked if that would be allowed under this revision. The Community Development Manager said if the food truck was associated with the special event then the truck could be with the duration of the event because it falls under that special event permit. Mr. Roberts — asked how many days the truck must be gone before they can come back. The Community Development Director said the provision was set up for calendar weeks. Ms. Kinchen — said she didn't have a problem increasing it from two days to three days. Ms. Lorusso — asked if Mr. Gilliams' catering truck could be parked there but not used as second kitchen. The Community Development Manager said if he using it for storage for four days a week, it wouldn't be considered a food truck Bu-T'TX SITV we. u LD Mg-&-D tip B�,4Mvx�on ADDIN &-'0 5taA46-e- use. ( � She said if the truck was his second kitchen; it would require a different license and permit from the Health Department. Ms. Matthews — asked what is the history about having set days. The Community Development Director said the days go back to what is considered mobile as opposed to becoming a permanent fixture. If the trailer is there consistently and it uses a parking space that was designed for the building itself that will trigger other parameters. If it is truly temporary in nature, it will allow opportunities for other vendors. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NAvt 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2024 Ms. Matthews asked if how many times temporary events have overrode the two day stay. The Community Development Manager said the code states if you are connected to a temporary event or special event you are exempt from these codes. Ms. Matthews asked if Mr. Gilliams' establishment was on wheels. The City Attorney advised they shouldn't really address a specific business. She also said there is public policy that has been established with respect to these businesses that protects the brick and mortar businesses by limiting these mobile businesses. Ms. Geesey — said her concerns had been addressed Ms. Battles — said she was in agreement with increasing the days. She confirmed with Community Development Manager that a food truck can operate for three days and can't be stored for the remainder of the week. She said with regard to storing a truck in a parking space, it wouldn't be an issue for her to store it on that business property if space was available. The Community Development Manager said there have been some businesses that wanted to expand their kitchen and asked to park a truck behind their building but there would be some fire codes and wind load provisions to consider. Ms. Battles said she would like to give the businesses a little flexibility with the storing of their trucks. Chair Kautenburg — said she didn't have a problem with three days for something that is termed "mobile." She said she was concerned about secure storage of the food trucks. The Community Development Manager cautioned that if a brick and mortar business has three or four trucks parked on site, would the board members be okay with multiple food trucks at one business which would affect their site plan to include the storage area and may affect their parking. Chair Kautenburg said they may need to define what food is too. The Community Development Director said Code Enforcement would monitor the food trucks; and the state of Florida registers and licenses the food trucks. MOTION by Ms. Kinchen and SECOND by Mr. Carter to recommend to City Council that they add the additional day per week for the mobile food trucks. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2024 Roll call: Ms. Kinchen - aye Ms. Battles - aye Ms. Kautenburg - aye Mr. Roberts - aye Ms. Matthews - aye Ms. Lorusso - aye Mr. Carter - aye Motion carried. 7-0 VII. Planninq and Zoninq Commission (PZC) Quasi -Judicial Hearinqs PAGE 4 A. Request to be tabled to April 4, 2024: Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- PZC -- Recommendation to City Council -- Special Exception Request — Brognano RV & Boat Storage — Industrial Activities (Outdoor Storage) in Commercial General Zoning District & CRAs Triangle Overly District — Ashbury Boulevard/Sebastian Boulevard — 3.76 Acres Chair Kautenburg opened the special exception request hearing at 6:34 p.m. and asked if there were anyone present to speak on the matter. There was no one to come forward and she closed the hearing. MOTION by Ms. Lorusso and SECOND by Ms. Kinchen to table the Special Exception for the RV storage and boat storage continue the hearing to April 4, 2024 passed with a unanimous voice vote of 7-0. Vill. Unfinished Business -- None IX. New Business -- None X. Adiournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Ms. Kautenburg at 6:35 p.m. On IN SEBASTI" s � HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Comprehensive Plan Amendment Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 LPA Leqislative Public Hearinq - Recommendation to Citv Council Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment for a Specific Site St. Lucie Development Corporation - Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 1. Project Name: St. Lucie Development Corporation — Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 2. Project Applicant: St. Lucie Development Corporation Kevin Hawkins 2948 Major Ridge Trail Duluth, GA 30097 3. Requested Action: Change in Future Land Use from Low Density Residential (LDR, 5 du/ac) to Medium Density Residential (MDR, 10 du/ac) (Exhibit A, Maps) 4. Project Location: Section 19, Township 31, Range 39 Subject Parcel is 20.38 Acres, More or Less: Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Block 583, Lots 15-28 Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Block 582, Lots 1-28 Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Block 581, Lots 2-29 (Exhibit B, ApplicationlSurvey with Legals) 5. Project Description: The property owner, St. Lucie Development Corporation, has made application to amend the land use designation for the above listed parcels. The subject area consists of 20.38 acres, more or less, and the property currently consists of 70 single family residential previously -platted lots (by GDC). The parcels' land use amendment proposal is for Medium Density Residential, which is same as the adjacent land use immediately to the north and northwest. Small Scale Amendments are defined by Florida Statutes to be 50 acres or fewer and limited to FLUM changes for site -specific small scale development activities only. The State land planning agency does not require a review, however the amendment does not become effective until 31 days after adoption by the local government. This amendment will be transmitted to the DEO if adopted by City Council for notification purposes. 6. Site Data: a. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreaqe: 20.38 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): Low Density Residential (LDR, 5 du/ac) (3) Current Zoninq: Residential Single -Family (R-10) b. Adiacent Properties: Zoning North: RM-8 East: RS-10 West: C South: RS-10 Existinq Use Future Land Use Mixed: Single-family/Duplexes MDR Single Family Development LDR Conservation C Single Family Development LDR 7. Comprehensive Plan Consistencv: a. Chanqed Conditions: The proposed change of land use is consistent with the current adjacent land uses. b. Land Use Compatibilitv: The Medium Density Residential (MDR) land uses are established to implement policies and performance standards for uses which are compatible with the City of Sebastian current and future land use. Policv 1-1.2.3: Medium Density Residential Development (MDR). Areas designated as Medium Density shall accommodate a mixture of single-family (detached and attached) residential housing, multi -family residential housing, and compatible civic uses and open space(s) at a maximum density of ten (10)dwelling units per acre and up to twelve (12) dwelling units per acre with the use of TDRs or incentives. TDRs and incentives shall be outlined in the LDC and may include but are not limited to projects that incorporate regional stormwater pond(s), attainable and workforce housing, shared parking structures(s),bike/pedestrian connectivity, and quality of public open space. The Medium Density designation is intended to encourage and enhance livability in the City through the provision of a diverse mix of housing stock that is attainable, well -integrated with the City's mobility network, and in close proximity and accessible to services (public and private), neighborhood and community amenities, and employment centers. Due to the nature of development within this designation, multi -modal connectivity is encouraged. The density of uses within this designation should be sensitive to adjacent neighborhoods to ensure appropriate transitions, buffers, and compatibility. The City may utilize financial and other incentives to assist the private sector in the provision of attainable and `missing middle' housing within the Medium Density designation. c. Conformance with Ordinances: The proposal is in conformance with applicable substantive requirements of the Code of Ordinances and Land Development Code, and no changes to these ordinances are required at this time due to this request. d. Adequate Public Facilities: Public facilities requirements for this proposed land use can be provided. The parcels are located within the established Urban Service Boundary Area. e. Natural Environment: An environmental assessment of the subject property will be required as part of site plan development application. All natural resource protection measures, including tree protection, wetlands, and listed species, will be required as part of the permitting and development process. f. Economic Effect: Changing economic conditions spur the need for multi -family development and mitigation for impacts for an allowable future development. g. Orderly Development: The proposed land use change is consistent with the Land Development Code and the Comprehensive Plan, and provides an orderly development pattern. Policv 1-1.2.6: Allocating Residential Development. The highest residential densities shall continue to be allocated to sites with adequate and supporting public infrastructure, accessible to major arterials or collector streets and adjacent to existing development 2 with the same or higher density. The allocation of new residential land use shall be based on the following considerations: • Projected population, • infrastructure (availability); • lnfill; • Enclaves; • Housing trends and characteristics including provisions for missing middle and attainable housing; • Provision and maintenance of quality residential developments andhousing stock; • Protection of environmentally natural systems; • Location and or proximity to the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA); • The need to plan for transition in residential densities; and Provision and maintenance of traffic circulation h. Public Interest: The proposed change in land use does not appear to be in conflict with the public interest and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan 2040 and Land Development Code. 8. Conclusion: The requested land use change from LDR to MDR is consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies for Medium Density Residential Development and Allocating Residential Development, and the Future Land Use Map, and as such, staff supports a recommendation of approval to the City Council from the Local Planning Agency. D. Bosworth, Mar & M. Faulkner, Sr. Planner 5/30/2024 PREPARED BY DATE 3 EXHIBIT Al CWCf SEBASTIA'JI HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Map is not to scale - for illustrative purposes only; not to be construed as binding or as a survey. Future Land Use Map Subject Property: Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Lots 15-28, Block 583, Lots 1-28, Block 582, Lots 2-29, Block 581 East of Schumann Drive and South of Dahl Avenue, Sebastian, FL, 32958 Current Land Use Classification: LDR - Low Density Residential (5 du/ac) OYOF SEBASTt�AN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Map is not to scale - for illustrative purposes only; not to be construed as binding or as a survey. Future Land Use Map Subject Property: Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Lots 15-28, Block 583, Lots 1-28, Block 582, Lots 2-29, Block 581 East of Schumann Drive and South of Dahl Avenue, Sebastian, FL, 32958 Proposed Land Use Classification: MDR - Medium Density Residential (10-12 du/ac) EXHIBIT B1 �T EGE1 1 w� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND FED 2°'� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY R=f 17 1225 MAIN STREET r SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ www.cityofsebasfan.org DEVELOPMENT RCVICIV APPLICATION ❑ Comp Plan Land Use Amendment ❑ Comp Plan Text Amendment (Large Scale) ❑ Land Development Code Text Amendment X Comp Plan Land Use Amendment X Rezoning (Small Scale) ❑ Annexation Project Name: St. Lucie Development Corp Total Site Area:20.38 acres Acres\SF Parcel ID: See attachment Existing Address of Site: All of lots 15-28, Block 583, Lots 1-28, Block 582 and Lots 2-29, Block 581 Sebastian Hiahlands Unit 17 Proposed Address of Site: Proposed Use: Multi -Family Land Use: Low Density Residential Zoning: RS-10 Contact Name: J. Wesley Mills, P.E. Address: 700 22nd Place, Suite 2C Vero Beach FL 32960 Telephone: 772-226-7282 Email: Wmills@MillsShortAssociates.com (Applicant's Agent) Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner: Kevin Hawkins Address: 2948 Major Ridge Trail, Duluth, GA 30097 Telephone: 772-501-3296 ,, �jEmail: TonyaHawkins2@comcast.net Date Received: �`11 Q Fee Paid: 4 Q'7 Received by: _-T-3 ff Ru0k ;?15bC) it --Yi FORM B N: L-4 96f 4 ZoR„k5 A f#I9c.&4ft%S / 1444 H"kv%S . UA,f !?/Qcze %**^3 1 B2 Surveyor: KMA Surveying Address: 3001 Industrial Avenue 2, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Telephone: 772-569-5505 Email: Engineer: J. Wesley Mills (Mills, Short & Associates) Address: 700 22nd Place, Suite 2C Vero Beach FL 32960 Telephone: 772-226-7282 Email: Wmills@MilisShortAssociates.com Pre — Application Meeting Date: 1 /22/2024 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT See Rezoning Statement Enclosed 1 M Am uu M P T- : L. WZ C `�G 1 'rD M D f o4k ] A ` I P_ 2001Nt'-'. RS-tO _sFiZ. -> Perm-9 W SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume to give authority to vitae or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of cons lruetion. J. Wesley Mills, P.E. _ '� 2/26/2024 Print name Signature Date Notarv: STATE OF: TLvo_, D A COUNTY: Itin,,t-, �c I hereby certify that on 20_?j� personally appeared �'!!FS who is K personally known to me or has produced identification. Type of identification produced: [SEAL] _po{... WILLL i.9U "Carl o, ELER MILLS #' ub* • State of Florida + Co"Is.lon 4 Mh 133664 ,... M1,,. My Cann•.. r;p"M May 27, 2025 aanapd tf lfaygr tiatlanal ft [d A. Notary Public My Commission Expires: LEM Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 (Lots 15-28, Block 583; Lots 1-28, Block 582 and Lots 2-29, Block 581) Future Land Use & Rezoning Statement Property Description: The proposed application includes a Future Land Use Amendment and Rezoning for 20.38 acres located within Sebastian Highlands. The site is located south of Schumann Drive, between Sunburst Circle and Thunderbird Drive. The area included in the referenced application currently consists of seventy (70) individually platted lots, as created by the Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 plat. The site is currently vacant land, consisting mostly of brush and woods. Based on a previous environmental assessment, no wetlands were found on -site. However, the assessment did determine the presence of several active gopher tortoise burrows. Prior to development, all Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) requirements for mitigation will be followed. Legal description: Lots 15-28, Block 583; Lots 1-28, Block 582 and Lots 2-29, Block 581 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designation: • Current land use map designation: Low Density Residential (5 du/ac) • Proposed land use map designation: Medium Density Residential (10 du/ac) Medium density residential areas offer a mix of housing types such as single family, duplexes and townhouses buildings. This diversity caters to a wider economic range, providing affordable options for different groups including young professionals, small families, and seniors. The varied housing types within a medium density setting can create a more economically diverse community. This diversity supports a robust, resilient local economy and fosters a sense of inclusivity and community cohesion. Current and Proposed Zoning: • Current zoning classification (RS-10: Single Family Residential). • Proposed zoning classification (RM-8: Multi -Family Residential). In accordance with the City of Sebastian's Comprehensive Plan Table 54-2-4.2, the proposed zoning (RM-8) is a compatible zoning district with the proposed future land use designation Medium Density Residential. Disclosure of Ownership: All parcels included in the future land use and rezoning application are under common ownership by St. Lucie Development Corporation. St. Lucie Development Corporation Managing Member — Kevin S. Hawkins VP S — Tonya C. Hawkins c C �� . 226 Ocean Way C a FEB 2 2 2024 BY- ST. LUCtE DEVELOPMENT SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 17 TRAFFIC STATEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION EIVE Mills, Short & Associates, was retained to prepare a rezoning traffic statement for the proposed property, 20.38 acres within Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Sebastian Florida. The site is currently located in the jurisdictional limits of the City of Sebastian with a zoning classification of RS-10. The owner has submitted a Future Land Use and Rezoning Application to the City of Sebastian. Based on discussions with City of Sebastian Planning Staff, it appears there is staff support for a Zoning Classification of RM-8. The site is approximately 20.38 acres. Please see below a comparison of traffic and net trip increase below. TRIP GENERATION USE Quantity ADT Unit of Total I Measurement ADT Zoning RS-10 101 9.43 Per Dwelling 952 (5 units per acre) Unit ITE Code 210 Zoning (RM-8) 163 6.74 Per Dwelling 1,098 (8 units per acre) Unit ITE Code 220 Total Generated I 1 146 * ITE Trip1G`efl"o/ Rates: ITE I I' Edition � �• sTA ••��i: �44145 111 � Mills, Wrt 111� Associates COIL I STRUCTURAL I SURVEYING I EWRONMENTAL CEMIMATiON of AUTRORQATIGN 30698 700 22°d Place, Suite 2C Vero Beach, Florida 32960 772.226.7282 c Adams Property ID AL ,,r4 - SITE LOCATION John's Island Club Q N SITE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1:2000 a I 9 V SEBASTIAQ FUTURE LAND USE mM m ! mom-:, HOW 01E P&"N 15LAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA . CONSERVATION (0.25 FAR) VERY LQW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (1 dWac) LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (5 dulat) MOBILE HOME (5 dki+ac) N i si. 0 0.5 1EDIUM DENSITY RES, (10-12 &J/ac) LIMITED COMMERCIAL (0,5 FAR) ■GENERAL COMMERCIAL {1.n FAR) ■ COMMERCIAL 512 (0.5 FAR) ■RIVERFRONT MIXED USE (0-6-1.0 TAR, 8-10 dulae) ■ INDUSTRIAL (0.5 FAR) ■ INSi1TUT104AL (0.5 FAR) MIXED WE ( FAR, 10 12 dulac) *./A, 44 4 ■ RE4VY INDUSTRIAL (0.5 KAR) 10 L Ad6pted; February 9, 2022 M 1 I I j j I I I I I I I I LEGEND OF 91RVEY ABBREVIATIONS Na TpLAEEarRAAmEIgHEWeeCD TEA LEE aME NaD DxE qLxi.Pw. „IY- H HQa�a�IDNH API EO�qNDT - -------- r-------- 4 I AW LOT LOT 1 1 L2 I 23 1 1 25 1 I 27 1 28 I I I BLOCK =a M.- - Na m W \ DE mx J l 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 l 1 W to Pa W PAOE W.ffS CLF. WNI aNK D"Rn: P.IL PARKER wALa NNL -------' �- L----1----------L----1-----1-----L----1----------L----1-----I-------�-------L-��-- - - - - - - gRq=rAx� PDT a.Rg1Al I GYP, q%WOWIFD METAL PPE P.(L PDWANERTCOH)R¢- (\ DJI CaxglElE YONw, C POINT OF aRVATIPE / _fTR0.58B' C°a0.0 DdI BROAD P IY. POPFR 1E'IEA CTa °1$�' SCHUMANN DRIVE °� CaNEA P.nD. PONT 0iC0YWEENT - _ - _ - _ c ooN iarlE sea P.o.R. PORT °F eEm+Nwe W Ri�ry umrsA e[MER VALVE 1 xn AR I'y, D® PRCY P.M 6 PEVFTfSE D WLE 1 EL- Ar xi II SENEA uAVxdE ( 50' RM i 2C PAVEM[61? •_- _• snWR '�`T / °DFn OEPARBnENr Di OxuYD1t Wa+FRd¢ ,Y PLAr�, IEL xERi - eLI aEF DET.x R 1 p%I; ---Lae eExalAWx dxuq.awiK PWD�Da . qSI. g9LE Di MA TAYY DR DBE ! FS]@T RG. 1( 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I m:�. mVAAE ,E LOT 30 1 I 1 LOT 1 I IN I cal.�ADrWocaTWE VACANT I T ® 1 VAGNT 1 I LOT 7 MU. FRa�x lDm n°0° T.aY. �iE sopgr Paa YNW LpPl 'G. ,DFPHgE LOT 14 LGT 73 I LOT 12 I LOT 11 1 LOT 10 I LOT 9 1 LOT 8 1 LOT 7 LOT 6 1 LOT 5 / 1 LOT\4 I LOT 3 LOT 2 1 LOT 1 11` 11 , F°� zm° �x PPc T.ns. TaP DF awN L-1 t0' 1C/ IQ I FFOxELD-2O2' F.°i�Fl=iJ°2' I F.F P21B' I F.F°fl-T14' 1 F.FA]me' I F.F°OCFLDP2lY I F.FECED24m4' I F.C-23P' 1 F.iFl�D]° 1 VACANT I F.F 2' I F.FFLD.2J2' F-F Zm1,' I F.Fn'ZSO + l I I 1 10! 1 F �V Ta TM. To°WLg1P u ,oP a w.0 sEAwALL TRwa . ` \ I I I PY I I \ IFND. I.a �- 4 I I ! - - - - osvr mvmuamrr FouETII u • D umTr A oWANAFE [L 16 FORD. NAIL/TAB , „ I , I I I' I 1 \ 0.3'E a1Y Nt'. W. IIIdiEADA9E 21 (�13) 1 1 I F"a D� N 00100 00 E 1,132.55 LR P IN C.M. MD. cAP Hs (2zs9) 1 �y� d I Na/ 1 ` J/3 �( � i � E xIa DD nE W. WTsr ae'W. . �, I o grEI.6oa,.c / / 1 .w M_ ,.+ _ao'w OT 2s %72 iJ/ 6% a W75T FN(UR)M Y. �.n/ p" '0.Yw ��T R.1 seE \� I w `. 6 w9C0 F �wkE \ MD. CM LECBJD OF SIIRbFY SYMBOLS TREE IEDDID: /1 r w r: . �E �J .� (ut6) rl 1 I LOT 2 '�+q'[� A- oAx Ts. (r-dAMETEW) . 0.2 W. D.3 w fi 0.�" o I F.FE°EL P211..D' V �tlR PoIE T -PAW FINE TREE (((r--AYEIER) p 14 BLOCK 583 5 A,EW YETEa o d 17 LOT E°�R' ;.LGT u d 1 m : /=1DWY L T 28� 4 Q� L .9 4I LOT 3 w °eiiN.DE nar y 11 d 4 tz '.r aPJ LOT 3 aaPIE° e' ^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ! I- - - - - 582 AND LOTS 2-29, BLOCK 581 ALL OF LOTS 15-28. BLOCK 583, LOTS 1-28. BLOCK LOT 27 _ APPLEBURG STREET SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS, UNIT-17 //'}}-- W ti O(50' R/W) ^ r �• €1 ,� 13LOCK 599 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLA O °`°� U ,. �,s (n 3 - LOT 4 $ S, & I OF LOT 4 NDIAN W� C0. AFLORIDGE 46A OFTHE -ANDS CLYING MS v 1 a fis ° iY 9-.� e SM1 IN AN RIVER CO.. FLORIDA: o ° S Rz m I N ,\�%� I CONTAINING 20.38 ACRES MORE OR LESS 3� 4n 'P BLOCK 58? e ., t - ---- , Two-T�; TMy4 m d 6 6 4 3 LOT v ,o ,a'A' 1 BURLEY NOTES V / �� RINT9-OF-WAY AND OR EASEMEN7S OR RECORD. LOT 26 Z I U) LOT 1 1 DLU I LOT 5 1. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR (7 1 F.F.EL-220' BELOWNAMED INDIVIDUALS. awPIED 2. THIS SURVEY IS FITFlED ONLY TO THE 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. e s Y s i • ^ts ' 1 4. Sp. FT. STRUCTURES HOUSE (IF SHOWR SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. ^ �I ' R 1 1 } 5. NO SURFACE HAVE OR UTILITIES THAT ARE BENEATH r 4 s sl �.^ ;t}% i - - - - 6. SURFACE HAVE BEEN LOCATED. 1 14 2` i Q Q �. , YAM AN IB- LONG j5 REIAR. ALL FOUND CAPS ARE A /� 1 1 ( 8. ALL SET CAPS LAB BEEN PSV LB. -1 ARE SUPPORim WITH A �s' s m� . L IT,�i IA u' LOT1, UNBESSOMERWIBS NOTED. SA CAP AS LABELED N SURVEY. 7. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS ARE PLAT AND MEASURED SURVEY. LOT I /) i F.i.FL-z2s' g BEARING BASE ON EAST LINE OF PARCEL LOT 16 LOT LOT LILT .�- LOT 24 OT s J l�'/ I 9. ORIGINAL IBC BM: 006027 EL-2O.95' NA4D 88. 'I f'Vr �O, ELEVATIONS IF 1110") HEREON ARE BASED ON N.A. V.D. HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NA HNIZNTAL CONTROL Y WAS ESTABLISHED R GLOBAL e /) NINEMATIN (RT) US SYSTEM A(GNSS)DEEP USING REAL TIME 11 I ) Ip! I TRANSPORTATN - FLORIDA PERMANENT REFERENCE KINEMATICS (RM) USING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF Ll ` iW 1G 1 I OLOT 7 Ca1Xm EROR Fo ��EO% ZONTAL) WITH ACCURACY ISMANCY ODFOOT PLUS (� SUNBURST CIF. F.F.D_-2I.9' 12 ELEVATIONS WERE ESTABUSHED BY GLOBAL 1 ` h R/W y 1 NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM (LASS) REAL TIME NgµSPORTATON) �' FLORIDA FLORIDA PERMAN N REFERENCE MEASUREMENTS PERFORMED. ALL VERTICAL ACCURACY ,OP w wnu EL 1D.a \'1z: Y' w� ~ 1 NETWORK (FOOT - FPRN) WITH REDUNDANCY OF IS D.1 FOOT PLUS OR MINUS. 13. EASEMENTS NOT SHOWN AT THIS TIME BLOC K 581 y� d zI 1 F 67. fs' �+'!"\ 12, ; I // CERTIFIED TO: LOT iIr 17 F LGT 10 ' gGLOT 9 YYYI . �% ;� / CLOT 17 Q/ i 1 KEVN HAW INS \ \ ._._._._._._._._. _._._. - -oxen_ - - l� _z� _ _ - I L - - _ _ _ _ _ h r"'-� LN1RT' LOT J oro z o - n nosD z------D- s LOT 17 c +- ew w noses - - Wy ._ _ ._ _ _ h ._._._._ _._ _ _-_\ _ _.Em g �z x DETAIL A DETAIL 8 l._._ - o o d IPE PE L - S00 00 00"W 1,257.551(B.B.)�=;uTDP DP wwL FL -,A. DP q wN EL-,e. SChIUMANN WATERWAY R=225.00' RAID. L-1 - N00'00'00"E 125.00' I °Ix n \ -- - L-2 - N34'59'31"E 61.03' PE N DP I�a,ENYp'.. PE / L=353.43' a we�E - / L-3 - N26'34'27"W 55.91' Ix ' 1 EL - - - - A=90'00'00" - - - �� ` L-4 - N00'00'00"E 125-DOTER \ - - - - - - CB=S45'00'00'W L-5 - N 90'00'00"E 825.07' CD-318.- - ----- -- ----- ----- r ` T_ r -, r 1 r 1 r > T > 7 T - RKBPF / 2- PLASIC PIPE : 1 N1 EL IN EL " / W 5 J 1 1 1 LOT 4 LOl 1 I I I I I I / SEWER MANHOLE DETAIL - NTS IT THIS SURVEY MAP AND REPORT OR COPIES THEREOF ARE NOT VALID\`. " �"(---o-L TYPEFLOOD ZNE: % DATE: REVISIONS: E), EFFECTIVE DATE: 1/2s/2ax3 WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED OR ELECTRONIC SEAL OF A BNDARY/TOPO PANEL NO.: 1M: 1/26/ J _ _ _ L _ _ FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER.L_---L----J-L----�- 32120 UPDA?ED SURVEY LEHDAY DRIVE HI9NaIly`19nad 6y W"11am E Bw/ / ®INdCATE6 E%IETING ELEVATORQ Q pp�� 1 i��DpINDICATE6 �BUILT LEVATIayhurs KMA En ineerin ILL Surve inQ LLC W.E.H. 6/30/<'o ADDED SEWER INFO LEH ® W yhurs bbJb'1 ELE_IIIWSEAREE 101? CALC.EvaiiON 50'R/W)\.. DN: cn=William EHe t wwYw R.'x c=US-Florida B.D.R. svt23 U°DATE SURVEY I SMD PURPOSES ONLY. _Reason: I attest t° the I Consulting Engineers & Surveyors W wYIR, xW u o T T T 7 R,xa d.' accureey and Lntegrity Of Nis 377 3/11 J24 REVISE ROAD NAMES IPCS / 3001 Industrial Ave 2 Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 - I ". ��m`� �d.' document I` n �A PAE� xa 1 7 Data: 202409 11 K v I Phone: (772) 569-5505 (772) 5696690 F MaiL' survey@kmaN.com A� / LOT 1_ I I I I I I 09:15.04.00 I N"°° 04/04/19 LOT I I I I 25 -WUJ" E. HAYHURST DATE Certificate of Authorization Number: L.13.835] > ",.. / PR.SIONAL SURVEYOR & 11APP.R 1 n=60 FWRD)A REGISTRATION NO 4418 I I I - /, kZ(.R=osS, 23-2192 .ilk .1 SE13AST" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Rezoning Amendment Planning & Zoning Commission June 6, 2024 P&Z Quasi -Judicial Public Hearinq — Recommendation to Citv Council Rezoning Amendment St. Lucie Development Corporation — Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 1. Proiect Name: St. Lucie Development Corporation - Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 2. Proiect Applicant: St. Lucie Development Corporation Kevin Hawkins 2948 Major Ridge Trail Duluth, GA 30097 3. Requested Action: Change in Zoning from Single Family Residential (RS-10) to Medium Density Multiple -Family Residential (RM-8) (Exhibit A, Maps) 4. Proiect Location: Section 19, Township 31, Range 39 Subject Parcels are 20.38 Acres, More or Less Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Block 583, Lots 15-28 Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Block 582, Lots 1-28 Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Block 581, Lots 2-29 (Exhibit B, ApplicationlSurvey with Legals) 5. Proiect Description: The property owner, St. Lucie Development Corporation, has made application to amend the zoning classification for the above listed parcels. The subject area consists of 20.38 acres, more or less, and the property currently consists of 70 single family residential previously -platted lots (by GDC). The parcels' zoning amendment request is for RM-8 Medium Density Multi -Family Residential which is the same as the adjacent zoning immediately to the north and northwest. The new zoning designation would allow up to a maximum 163 dwelling units (8 units/acre). 6. Site Data: a. Site Characteristics: 1) Total Acreage: 2) Current Land Use(s): 3) Current Zoninq.: b. Adiacent Properties: Zoning North: RM-8 East: RS-10 West: C South: RS-10 20.38 acres Low Density Residential (LDR, 5 du/ac) Residential Single -Family (RS-10) Current Land Use Future Land Use Mixed: Single-family/Duplexes MDR Single Family Development LDR Conservation C Single Family Development LDR 7. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: a. Chanqed Conditions: The proposed change to a higher density zoning designation will allow for a mixed use of single family, duplex, multi -family, and townhouse dwellings. The adjacent properties to the north currently have an existing mix of single-family residences and rental duplexes, hence the rezoning would be compatible with the surrounding area. Additional areas of multi -family zoning will provide opportunities for developers to offer much needed attainable and work -force housing. b. Land Use Compatibility: The change in zoning is compatible with the adjacent land use to the north. The Future Land Use map designation of Medium Density Residential (MDR) was modified as part of the Comprehensive Plan 2040 update to allow up to a maximum 10 units/acre in this existing land use. The requested RM-8 zoning, which allows a maximum of 8 units/acre would be in compliance with the land use. c. Conformance with Ordinances: The proposal is in conformance with applicable substantive requirements of the Code of Ordinances and Land Development Code. d. Adequate Public Facilities: Public facility requirements and permitting for this proposed zoning will be met as part of the site plan development. e. Natural Environment: An environmental assessment of the subject property will be required as part of site plan development application. All natural resource protection measures, including tree protection, wetlands, and listed species, will be required as part of the permitting and development process. f. Economic Effect: Changing economic conditions spur the need for multi -family development and mitigation for impacts to this allowable development. g. Orderly Development: The proposed rezoning is consistent with the zoning map and provides an orderly development pattern. h. Public Interest: The proposed rezoning is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan 2040 and zoning ordinance. 8. Conclusion: The requested rezoning from RS-10 to RM-8 is consistent with the zoning map and zoning code, and as such, staff supports a recommendation of approval to the City Council from the Planning & Zoning Commission. D. Bosworth, Mcir & M. Faulkner, Sr. Planner 5/30/2024 PREPARED BY DATE 2 EXHIBIT Al LML''* 4;F RAS 7 I A HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Map is not to scale - for illustrative purposes only; not to be construed as binding or as a survey. Zoning Map Subject Property: Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Lots 15-28, Block 583, Lots 1-28, Block 582, Lots 2-29, Block 581 East of Schumann Drive and South of Dahl Avenue, Sebastian, FL, 32958 Current Zoning Classification: RS-10 - Residential Single -Family 1du/10,000 ft2 A2 CMCf SEBAST" HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND Map is not to scale - for illustrative purposes only; not to be construed as binding or as a survey. Zoning Map Subject Property: Sebastian Highlands Unit 17. Lots 15-28, Block 583, Lots 1-28, Block 582, Lots 2-29, Block 581 East of Schumann Drive and South of Dahl Avenue, Sebastian, FL, 32958 Proposed Zoning Classification: RM-8 - Residential Multi -Family 8u/ac EXHIBIT 131 aNctkW 4 -- Eat 77 HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ll 1225 MAIN STREET a SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 329SS TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 a www.cifyofsebastion.org DEVELOP.IIE\T RENJE\V APPLICATIO\ ❑ Comp Plan Land Use Amendment ❑ Comp Plan Text Amendment (Large Scale) ❑ Land Development Code Text Amendment ® Comp Plan Land Use Amendment ® Rezoning (Small Scale) ❑ Annexation Project Name: St. Lucie Development Corp Total Site Area:20.38 acres AcreslSF Parcel ID: See attachment Existing Address of Site: All of lots 15-28, Block 583, Lots 1-28, Block 582 and Lots 2-29, Block 581 Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 Proposed Address of Site: Proposed Use: Multi -Family Land Use: Low Density Residential Zoning: RS-10 Contact Name: J. Wesley Mills, P.E. Address: 700 22nd Place, Suite 2C Vero Beach FL 32960 Telephone: 772-226-7282 Email: Wmills@MillsShortAssociates.com (Applicant's Agent) Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner: Kevin Hawkins Address: 2948 Major Ridge Trail, Duluth, GA 30097 Telephone: 772-501-3296 Email: TonyaHawkins2@comcast.net Date Received: 4 X7 Fee Paid: 44 AP-1 Received by: Rvok z llsw RC_7X,%V I�-- It al •fD FORM B N: L*AJ Vst 4 ZOUlk5 Ae4I«.>O,.S % ICU&^ 04-cICMS - Un4+ l7/Reza,n'w3 1 82 Surveyor: KMA Surveying Address: 3001 Industrial Avenue 2, Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Telephone: 772-569-5505 Email: — - —j Engineer: J. Wesley Mills (Mills, Short & Associates) Address: 700 22nd Place, Suite 2C Vero Beach FL 32960 Telephone: 772-226-7282 Email: WmillsC@MillsShortAssociates.com Pre — Application Meeting Date: 1 /22/2024 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT See Rezoning Statement Enclosed F-wM AmitujDImegn—: �b12�Sd��b MDR /�JD -2 N c,- _K S- t D S FK- •b F-M - S M SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. J. Wesley Mills, P.E. 2/26/2024 Print name Signature Date Notarv: STATE OF: FLvA_, D ,4 COUNTY: IA-nrAv' te(.'nn — I hereby certify that on Z /Z G , 20 personally appeared `Awr<S /''�"`i who is K personally known to me or has _produced identification. Type of identification produced: [SEAL] Notary Public My Commission Expires: WILLI" R IELER MILLS /pi vc.a m r �tr is • State of Floa4a ` lcn S kh 13S6" R.s My "Mm -XVIres May 27, 2025 danoec tnrc�g� vagcnat "-"Ann. Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 (Lots 15-28, Block 583; Lots 1-28, Block 582 and Lots 2-29, Block 581) Future Land Use & Rezoning Statement Property Description: The proposed application includes a Future Land Use Amendment and Rezoning for 20.38 acres located within Sebastian Highlands. The site is located south of Schumann Drive, between Sunburst Circle and Thunderbird Drive. The area included in the referenced application currently consists of seventy (70) individually platted lots, as created by the Sebastian Highlands Unit 17 plat. The site is currently vacant land, consisting mostly of brush and woods. Based on a previous environmental assessment, no wetlands were found on -site. However, the assessment did determine the presence of several active gopher tortoise burrows. Prior to development, all Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) requirements for mitigation will be followed. Legal description: Lots 15-28, Block 583; Lots 1-28, Block 582 and Lots 2-29, Block 581 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designation: • Current land use map designation: Low Density Residential (5 du/ac) • Proposed land use map designation: Medium Density Residential (10 du/ac) Medium density residential areas offer a mix of housing types such as single family, duplexes and townhouses buildings. This diversity caters to a wider economic range, providing affordable options for different groups including young professionals, small families, and seniors. The varied housing types within a medium density setting can create a more economically diverse community. This diversity supports a robust, resilient local economy and fosters a sense of inclusivity and community cohesion. Current and Proposed Zoning: • Current zoning classification (RS-10: Single Family Residential). • Proposed zoning classification (RM-8: Multi -Family Residential). In accordance with the City of Sebastian's Comprehensive Plan Table 54-2-4.2, the proposed zoning (RM-8) is a compatible zoning district with the proposed future land use designation Medium Density Residential. Disclosure of Ownership: All parcels included in the future land use and rezoning application are under common ownership by St. Lucie Development Corporation. St. Lucie Development Corporation Managing Member — Kevin S. Hawkins VP S — Tonya C. Hawkins_ 226 Ocean Way \ f t `; a / a ST. L,UCIE DEVELOPMENT E'VE SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 17 1 t 2024 TRAFFIC STATEMENT LA 1. INTRODUCTION Mills, Short & Associates, was retained to prepare a rezoning traffic statement for the proposed property, 20.38 acres within Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, Sebastian Florida. The site is currently located in the jurisdictional limits of the City of Sebastian with a zoning classification of RS-10. The owner has submitted a Future Land Use and Rezoning Application to the City of Sebastian. Based on discussions with City of Sebastian Planning Staff, it appears there is staff support for a Zoning Classification of RM-8. The site is approximately 20.38 acres. Please see below a comparison of traffic and net trip increase below TRIP GENERATION USE Quantity ADT Unit of ` Fatal I I I Measurement I ADT Zoning RS-10 101 9.43 Per Dwelling 952 (5 units per acre) Unit ITE Code 210 1 Zoning (RM-8) 163 6.74 Per Dwelling 1,098 (8 units per acre) Unit ITE Code 220 Total Generated I 146 * ITE Trip Gto gN o�n Rates: ITE I ''' Edition �S W . , 44 No. 74145 J Jamis Mills F .40 'o_p,-A '.�145 lllil Milk, Mort'g Associates CAL I STRUCTURAL I SURVEywa I ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFIG-ON or AUTHORIZATION 30698 700 22" d Place, Suite 2C Vero Beach, Florida 32960 772.226.7282 Adams Property SITE LOCATION John's island Club 0 SITE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1:2000 0 MIX B6 %&ASTZONING DISTRICTS HOME OFPELICAN rSLAND CITY OF SEBASTIA , FLORIDA Apart & in&mbial (At) Conservataan (C) Cam-nMW 512 (C-512) Conmw cial GrncrA (GC) Convnescial Urnked (CU Co m mial Riwdront (ER) Commerdal Waterfront Ri-'AentW (Cwk) tadatrlal (!N) Courvy ApOwt ffal (!RC -AS) Pubhc Service (PS) Commercial Planned Una Dev (PUD-C) Mobile Hone Planned L;Mt Dev, (r u"H) AgodeMal Panned Unit Dev. (KJDl R) Residwmial Kabile Harne 5crlac (R-MM) Residmal Estate 1du?40.00Dft2 (RE-40) 1 t i �I 4P r+d1 ti Site Location IF I., r , 40 w A ! If N 0 0.5 - 1 Miles f • . rr rr.rJ Residential Muld-Family 8ufac (R) Resfdkatial Single -Family Ict4 10,000 ft2 (RS-10) ReskkntW Single -Family 1du1 24.0001ii2 (AS-2o) Adopted: Fe'bru' ory 9, 2022 B7 I I I I I � I I �cEND DF yZIRVEY ABBREvIAnnu6 1 ! I n ANpr RWa. aaND �--- -------� L------- K£� d BEn119 NGG BASE Lx E"EX�DTXxi '000I I ���� mm I I I I I I I I I i I I LOT i I I I I I aY. pW YAPo „ RL MFAN 1E411 WATER l0¢ I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I X I I l I I LOT 15 B,SL RIMAIO SETBACK YHE tl� M�RO I I l I I I I I ! I I I I l I WXCHERER.. °;�. I 1 I l I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 eEARxD -------- L----------1----1-----1-----L----------1-----I-----1----J----- R_ X.« aTpaaam w5T°mD asrAxcD Pa. n LD wFls S. NALM HA6 I / I \ -R� tJ e'�,- - J - - - - - _ CA.. CHORo a6mV P. PLAT GUARDRnIL I I I " - - - - - - - P.C.P. PFAYMENT attTIRCL PDNr OY, CWCRlTE YONYY011� P.0 POPIT OF CURVATURE CEA P.L POINT -r�PNJTA 1 SET D ��.�EIE P.M. PaWaI�YETFR llm PE SC I Pa- H U M A N N DRIVE�`"g `°°"TM "°vw p.a.B. POINT fiEp Wwa •a F- H' �� - .. - _ EL.-SO.Jfi � �� - _ - _ - _ dA. m" EAR P.o.0 1. OF CONEN-- PRO +�T4Z]'C.i. r" I I "R 0.a MID BOpt PERMAIl RFoISYNCE IN�K`AT`� { - P 0.Y E�-1�. 1;_ //�� .-P vu.E.II� �e ( R/W) PA .. t3" Rrnc, \ NHRi G.l "SFE CETUL • - -- 25• VFMEIJ:I,•6" • . RYE D A"11 B 1 BFIl•TIITH ~""O6FOYT FL-mB5 MaRn'TK PRDIECTwI PROP. MpX�K�REVFASE \ �- - - - - �]� - .a�, .0 fida,YAPof CURVE --tRPE� AFL=n.6T I '-fj p9T. p3FANfE MOME OR RAMS RR,t�r �-- -- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- - ---_ Drm UEPIJnYwTv WNW Rarry xnr iL,6aP• \ �� -I-- r- T- -r- T- r----T-- I -,- E. • _ � N�AIURAL R,Sa,REES SEC. REi nA E Ram I I Ii R EIxKn i i I nmE�VA aWA ER C. � NRE LOT O I IQ I I I I i I I _I- I I 1 i f l ®I VACANT II I L sT Is I I LOT 1 iG. wslm Rom ulHr TETwaRARDr Rea uARK VACANT FaL iwW [MY. LOT 14 LOT 13 I LOT 12 I LOT 11 LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 I LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 i` I LOT`4 l LUT 3 LOT 2 I j LUT I 111° I j I I °0°�ED %. Ya PwcOF L-1 i / /� DOCUPaD OCaPIm OCWRm OC ZM OCCUPIED OC 'I. DCFLPXD OCCURm OCCUPIED VACANT' OCCUPIED OCCUPIED OCIXFIEDDCLVNED + I FEEL-22a TCPO TRACT CM f E I F.F.FL.2].]' I F.F.ELep12' I FFn_-21D' I FEEL-23W I FF_EL.-IA' I F.r,EL-21,T I F.F EL-EAA' I FF.FL.2i9' I F.F.EL-ZT.O' I FF.EL-2 V I F.FEL- V I F.F.EI.-21.1' IFF.FL.2dw I I I M I I It I�T 1�W6P. TOT""WIAUP �6' YETR SEAWAL \ I I M0. I.R. I �WWREN EDT U A D VOur, AE o ALL -u mIn ^ �/^ Mp. NML/TAB I I I I r rrl I , I i I I I r (]% ` (3913) 5 P.V.a FWD. CAPI s P. 1 • MID n\ C1 O.O'E `- 11P R0.1 j I o.P.E IMa xNsx PLLJEIHRINE Yi xEST D IN GY. I MD. CAP I I IINCE (72 �N I N 001'00 00 E 1,132. 55 I I, I (` ;ENE ;ENS, ,, ,SaDwr - ! iy LOT 29 ` a2'x. i 21 ..�IJ.`-uaR D.Se ',L uaw A ae96 rW '`- , 6% �r �' o x w wr nwE / I i e wooD �alr'wRE ruo cAP IEGEND OF SURVEY SMIROLS mE[ IluvlD: 9 I f -}' R10 CAP o 1f ••�L j y4 j /74�+�-- 11 1 OCCUPIED FIRE- - PINE TREE X'2IAYETFA) ' Q BLOCK Q Z �J "aaE w (urs) ! ! I LOT 2 E- OAK TREE (A'-DIAML7En) O II SF, BLOCK 583 �4 4. -PAIN iR.E(I1f-Nnp1T) o limed V'� LOT 20 `�ne• i7� 27 (,,LOT "s• , I----- •� oolwlNm ears LOT �µ� b = IV OT 2e ,./I ' 4 ,I s•.'' ° LOT ! I I PIED w..� DwvnA� Row � S i F.FEL-R23' - _t lV CV S �- • 1 ^ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _, ? I / • ALL OF LOTS 15-28. BLOCK 583, LOTS 1-28, BLOCK . ! - - - - 582 AND LOTS 2-29. BLOCK 551 I LOT 27 ?� X APPLEBURG STREET _ _ � _ _ _ I SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS, UNIT-17 .? r_ � (�l r i � I _ •I y I ACCORDINGEOF TO THE PLAT THERAS RECORDED IN '/'sa 'B • I I BLOCK 599 PUT BOOK 08. PAGE 46 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF O I \ ur a' LOT 4 Q gl § I l LOT 44 INDIAN RIVER CO., FLORIDA. SAID LANDS LYING IN Q I1An ¢ a 81. F.F.EL-225' INDIAN RIVER CO., FLORIDA- CONTAINING 20.39 ACRES MORE OR LESS o:�' BLOCK 582 +(. m as «� ---- T / 3 LOT 2 I i 1�,'LAN05 SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR llr nl [� 5RVEY NOTES - I v I j Y s� , oCaIPIEo 2. THIS SURVEY IS CERTIFIED ONLY TO THE V / 7 LOT 2G " S , '� LOT 5 RIGH15-OF-WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. j Q I I F,F:EL•2Z6' BELOWNAMED INDIVIDUALS. 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. J� L9% 4 Qr 5 AS 'It;S' I A SO. FT. OF HOUSE (IF SHOWN) SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. >N !V {� 5. NO STRUCTURES OR UTILITIES THAT ARE BENEATH i I - - - - THE SURFACE HAVE BEEN LOCATED. a Ie �7 4 Iy/' r 3' I/B�• I 6. ALL SET CAPS LABELED PSM LB. 6J51 ARE SUPPORTED AN [.� L 07 LS @6 I ^ I �8• ROOB WITH A' LONG �CAP AS LABELED ON SURVEY. A I 6 yg,. LOTIy�+ . u'7 f F.F.D_-225' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. q 4y n M1� I I LOT S 7. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS ARE PUT AND MEASURED I A LOT I I I I B. ORIGINAL BEARING BRC BMAS : 006027 EL 09EAST LINE OF 5 PARCEL 88. 111 III aVLOT 16 LOT �_ LOT 24 �GtY�OT 'S 26 % /� 'Lb 10. ELEVATIONS (IF SHOWN) HEREON ARE BASED ON pp s Cf� f✓ .�� N.A. ON V.D. (1988)• UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. i 11. HORIZTAL CONTROL WAS ESTABLISHED BY GLOBAL 71 �g EL ,sss NAVIGATION SATELUTE SYSTEM (GNSS) USING REAL TIME I I \ s 6.t/r 1RANSPORTA RTK'ON) USING RIDA FLORIOR POF ERMANENTREFERENCE % U D oRETWORK FOOT ERFO MED. HORIZONTAL)'ACCURACCYYUISO0.05YFOOT PLUS 1 SUNBURST " CI R • 12. ELEVATIONS WERE ESTABLSHED BY GLOBAL 1 y - q m NAVIGATION SATEWTE SYSTEM(GN55) REAL TIME " (50' R/W J 61 I Id KINEMATICS (RTK'ON) USING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ,DP a L EL-t6.a LOT 23 � ) '~ EATWURKR(F00 - FPRPERFORMED. ALL VERTIC L ACCURFLORIDA PERMANENT C C'✓� MEASUREMENTS SORMINDALL VERTICAL ACCURACY .O iN ( I I IS 0.1 FOOT PLUS OR MINUS. ,\ � ti� V!✓ I j /3. EASEMENTS NOT SHOWN AT THIS TIME. BLOTK 581. + F t . 6 Ci 5 LOT 9 SA •W-nl ,� y LOT 1E 12 LOT TOT 10 /� �11$ i js 0 ]ex^Ip KEVIN HAWKINS - �i Q p - - - ROW IaxE•K• - - - ° f - - - f NRW, J _ - ALE E XXa• - - _ T I L01 s ��------------ LOT-o--------------------'- _ 9Ca ¢ ----- - -- -- ,5 --'-------- - -- �YT' P' C`P "K-PPI" °E L - - DETAIL A DETAIL B T7 6�'" �- - °0 a - ae Y� �L SLAAxE Q � _ / ul6€WsL, S00 00�00"W 1,257.55 (B.B.) j a'J' 5�C% DP a w J x T / \ \ C-1 .OF a wALL EL. ,6.N Z,-t],SY I aw' PLASnC;K[I I n.BXVPLASI FL-ast fE \ R=225.00' RAID. L-2 - N34'593D7"E 61 03o lax 6 / \ SCHUMANN WATERWAY L=353.43' Naw a� _ , / A=90'00'00" L-3 - N26'34'27"W 55.91' usnc •.Fusel: RP[ as' P PPE L-4 - NOD OO'00"E 125.00' a+sR CB=S45'00'00"W L-5 - N90'00'00"E 625.01' --.-- b YEL zest EL ,Da.R; :aP1 II i r----T-------1----- r----T---- I- r i-----1-----r------------i-----T----- r------ RO °YI ia.F•PL. ELs oaPE IxY. LOT 4 I I O1 I LOT 3 I / SEWER MANHOLE DETAIL - NITS 1 I 1 I I I - - - - - L - - - - 1 - - - - - - a F AND REPORT NA COPIES THEREOF ARE NOT VALID •` BOU TYPO i FLOOD ONE. X THIS SURVEY MAP EFFECTIVE DATE 1/26/2023 \ WIR/OUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED OR ELECTRONIC SEAL D A DATE: REVISIONS: BY: BOUNDARY;'TOPO I PANEL NO.: 12061C0114 J FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. Digitally signed by William E 1_1/21/20 UPDATED SURVEY LEH wdcn"S EXlsnac ELEVanON DAY DRIVE Hayti KMA En ineerin &Surve in LLC `"E° ° B" E INDICATES PROPOSED ELEVATION / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `;-��'"` ON: -William E Ha r t } W E•H • 6I5u.+20 ADDED SEWER INFO LEH e EVA7IONSEARE SFOR ICALCIT �VATIDN 50' R/W) KP...,e a=US o=Florida f I' " -' B.D.R. 9/27/23 UPDATE SURVEY SMD PURPOSES ONLY. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Rwaxan: I aHaaL w t a Consulting Engineers & Surveyors P / T T T T ',,\, 'T""0F )fig ,' aeauracy and integrity of IN. 377 13/11/24 REVISE ROAD NAMES PCs 3001 Industrial Ave 2 Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 Data: KMA A. No 17 Dete: 2024-03-1 T phone: (772) 569-5505 (772) 969-6680 liMaD: surveyQa kmaf4com 09:15-04:00 R a °" 04/04 19 WIT.T.TA1M E. HAYHURST DATE Certificate of Authorization Number: L.S.8351 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & 1fAPPER 1 N=60' I l I �FHZITDA REGMTRATION NO "IS ,(te O55) 23-2192 1 I '"0' HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Special Use Procedures As detailed in Section 54-2-3.1 of the Land Development Code, a special use is a use which is not specifically provided for in the zoning regulations. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may permit such uses in such zoning districts or classifications as special uses only if the applicant meets specific provisions and conditions deemed appropriate. City Council may, in its sole discretion, grant a special use permit in any district for a use which is not provided for in the zoning regulations. All such uses shall not be otherwise illegal, shall not be specifically prohibited pursuant to the comprehensive plan or other applicable laws or regulations, and shall satisfy the findings of fact outlined in Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3) of the Land Development Code. Procedurally, staff has reviewed the application to determine its recommendation. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing and shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special use meets the required findings of facts (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3) noted above) and review criteria established in Section 54-2-6.2(d). The Planning and Zoning Commission shall then make a recommendation to City Council to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for the special use. The City Council shall then hold a public hearing, review the findings of facts and review criteria, and by resolution approve or deny the application. Community Development Department Special Use — Staff Report 1. Project Name: Big Dan's Car Wash - Sebastian 2. Requested Action: Approval of a Special Use Permit application to allow development of a commercial Car Wash facility which includes a 4,500 SF automated carwash tunnel building, two (2) queuing lanes and pay kiosks, thirty-two (32) canopied vacuum stations, and three (3) parking spaces in addition to required stormwater, utilities, and landscaping to be located at the requested site. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 1979 US Highway 1 b. Legal: That portion of Lot 27, lying West of U.S. Highway No. 1, of the Plat of Wauregan Subdivision, as more specifically described by metes and bounds on the survey performed by Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corporation 4. 5. 6. C. Parcel #: 30-3 8-21-00001-0000-00026.2 Applicant: Big Dan's Car Wash, LLC c/o Jay Shadday 205 E. First Avenue Rome, Georgia 30161 jay@shaddayco.com (706) 295-2285 Property Owner: Project Description: Roc & Ax Holdings, LLC Lisa D'Amico, Representative 3860 Windmill Lake Road Weston, Florida 33332 lisardamico@aol.com (954) 592-4699 a. Narrative of proposed action: Application has been made for approval of a special use permit to allow a 4,500 SF carwash facility on improved property located on U.S. Highway #1 within the Riverfront Overlay District. The proposed site is the location of the empty World Savings Bank, which is adjacent and south of the Wal-Mart Super Center, and north of the IRC Satellite office building. The existing bank would be demolished if a car wash facility is developed. If the special use permit is approved, a final, detailed site plan application would then follow. The current request is for approval of the carwash use only. b. Current Zoning and Land Use: C. 1P Land Use: Riverfront Mixed Use (RMU) Zoning: Commercial Riverfront (CR) Adjacent Properties: Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North CR Retail RMU East PS Cemetery INS South CR Offices & Retail RMU West CR Stormwater & FEC RR RMU Site Characteristics: (1) Project Area: Total Area 1.16 acres 2 (2) (3) (4) 7. Staff Comments: Current Land Use: Water Service: Sanitary Sewer Service: Empty building Indian River County Utilities Indian River County Utilities Earlier this year, staff was approached by Mr. Ronnie Carlson of Brightwork Real Estate, representing Big Dan's Car Wash, LLC, regarding re -development of the empty bank site located at 1979 US Highway #1 for an automated carwash facility. Because the LDC does not have specific regulations regarding carwash uses, approval of a special use permit is needed before development of the site can be applied for. Mr. Carlson queried if the previously approved Special Use Permit granted by City Council in 2023 for this site to the Take 5 Car Wash was still valid. Take 5 Car Wash, represented by Driven Brands, withdrew their interests in developing the property. Staff researched, and received legal direction from the city attorney regarding the verbiage in the approving Resolution R-23-06. It was determined that the Resolution was specific to Driven Brands, did not transfer to successor or assigns of the property, and that development of a car wash by a different entity would require a new Special Use Permit. In telephone and email messaging with Mr. Carlson, staff disclosed the important issues that would need to be considered and should be addressed in their application submittal, which were the close proximity to existing car washes and compliance with the Riverfront Overlay District's architectural regulations. The special use permit application was received on March 13, 2024, and included a project summary, proposed architectural renderings, and a conceptual site plan (EXHIBIT Al thru A6). Staff has reviewed the submitted application and offers the following for consideration: [NOTE: These considerations were the same used for the Take 5 Car Wash, but have been updated with current details.] Proximity to Existing Car Wash Facilities Currently, there are three (3) fully operational commercial car wash facilities located within the city limits.- The distance from the proposed location of the proposed Big Dan's Car Wash to these existing car wash sites would be: a. 1,088± Lineal Feet from 13020 US Highway #1, or .2 miles b. 8,887f LF from 509 US Highway #1, or 1.6 miles c. 18,310± LF from 921 Sebastian Boulevard, or 3.5 miles Last year, two additional proposed car wash facilities had submitted applications, one in Sebastian city limits, and one across the street within Indian River County's jurisdiction. The distance of the proposed Big Dan's Car Wash to these sites would be: d. 602± LF from 12950 US Highway #1, or .11 miles e. 10,062± LF from 200/203 Sebastian Blvd., or 1.8 miles (Note: This car wash has withdrawn their interest in developing at this site, and is no longer applicable) ki The car wash application for 12950 US Highway #1 is still currently being processed by county staff, as verbally verified, on property zoned Commercial Limited where car washes are a permitted use. If the car wash use is approved for the Big Dan's Car Wash site at 1979 US Highway #1, there is a possibility that there would be three car wash facilities within 1100 LF of each other. (EXHIBIT B) FOR CONSIDERATION: 1) Does the proximity of three car washes, with their numerous vacuum stations, and their sites adjacent or across the street from the large Walmart parking lot, affect this area of the US #1 corridor regarding the city's vision of Old Florida Fishing Village and downtown development? Or 2) Does the existing and proposed car wash competition for Sebastian's population pose a large enough risk that if approved, the Big Dan's Car Wash, or Dirty Dogs, or the existing Purple Pelican Car Wash may go out of business, and the US #1 commercial corridor within the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) could end up with an empty, or even two empty single -purpose buildings & sites becoming blighted and abandoned. • Site History The proposed location is the site of the empty World Savings Bank, which was approved and built in 1999. Because of the proximity of the property to Walmart's southern US #1 driveway (less than 35 feet), FDOT would not issue the bank its own driveway permit. As such, access had to be arranged from the Walmart site with Walmart dedicating an access easement in exchange for specific use restrictions of the bank property, liability guarantees, and other agreed upon provisions. The executed document stipulates that Walmart must approve any change of use to the bank site in order to continue access from their parking area. Staff had requested that the car wash use be approved by Walmart in writing for the previous application. Walmart's general approval for car washes was received on August 22, 2022. (EXHIBIT C) The conceptual site plan (Exhibit A4) was not reviewed in detail, as it is not the subject of the application. However, from a cursory review of the proposal, it appears that the existing onsite stormwater retention areas are not remaining, but new proposed areas are not shown on the plan. The lake to the west of the property is the stormwater pond for Walmart, and is not a master retention area for surrounding properties. FOR CONSIDERATION: If the special use permit is approved, the Big Dan's car wash site plan will need to provide onsite stormwater treatment areas on its own property, unless an arrangement and a drainage easement is agreed upon with Walmart, and capacity data and information is submitted and reviewed by SJRWMD. • Proposed Elevations & Conceptual Site Plan As discussed with the applicant, the proposed car wash facility would be located in the Riverfront Overlay District. The architectural design of the proposed building has been reviewed, and conceptually does meet the requirements that have been established for the Riverfront District. Specifically, commercial prototype architecture such as flat roofs is prohibited, which the applicant has revised from its initial submittal. The intent of the Riverfront Overlay District is to encourage "Old Florida Fishing Village" architectural styles. 4 • Noise The proposed location is not adjacent to any residential districts or uses, and noise levels, at this time, do not appear to be a concern. However, if the special use permit is approved, staff would suggest that industry standard recommended noise reduction measures be required for the tunnel and vacuum equipment. 8. Required findings of fact (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(3): a. The approval of the application for a special use will not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare, or be injurious to other properties or improvements within the immediate vicinity in which the property is located based on criteria established in Article VI; Consideration of the information supplied by the applicant and discussed in staff s report should be used to determine if the location and operation of the proposed car wash facility will affect the welfare of the adjacent residents and surrounding business community. If the special use is approved, the public health and saletI• matters will be addressed via a fully engineered site plan that must be submitted for review and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Any conditions of approval for the special use required by City Council would need to be implemented into the site plan. The site plan review will include drainage, parking, traffic, and landscaping requirements. b. The use requested is consistent with the purpose and intent of the respective district, and can be demonstrated to be similar in nature and compatible with the uses allowed in such district; The car wash facility use, considered in general, is consistent with the intent of the commercial district, as demonstrated by the approval of the other existing car washes and their special use requests. All are located in commercial districts. However, it is the proposed location and its proximity to one existing and one possible other car wash facility that must be considered to determine if this car wash laciliti, is still considered a compatible use within the district. Each special use request should be considered on its own merits. C. The requested use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. The use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. 9. Conditions of approval (Section 54-2-3.1(a)(4): In approving an application for a special use under this section, the City Council may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, substantially secure the objectives and intent of the zoning regulations. If the special use permit is recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, staff suggests specific conditions of approval regarding the following matters are forwarded to City Council: a. Industry standard recommended noise reduction measures required for the car wash equipment b. All existing specimen Oak trees and Cabbage Palms located on the site, specifically including those trees already located within the 10-foot perimeter landscape buffers, shall be preserved. All trees located adjacent to the property boundary lines shall be protected during construction with tree protection measures detailed on the site plan. c. The Special Use Permit will expire three (3) years from the date of approval if construction of the facility has not yet begun. d. Any other applicable conditions as required by the PZ Commission and/or City Council 10. Planning and Zoning; Commission fmdinu (Section 54-2-6.2(d): Any approval with or without conditions shall be rendered only after a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission that the proposed use satisfies the following criteria: (1). Is so designed, located and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. See discussion as stated in #8a above (2). Does not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area in which it is located. The PZ Commission and City Council should determine if granting a Special Use Permit to Big Dan's Car Wash would present an unduly adverse effect on other properties in the area. (3). Based on the scale, intensity and operation of the use, shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion, or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. The proposed site does not abut nor is contiguous to residential properties (4). Conforms to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. If approved, site plan review will insure conformity to all applicable provisions of the Land Development Code, Commercial Riverfront Zoning District regulations, the Riverfront Overlay District, and include conditions that may be imposed by approval of a special use permit. n (5). Satisfies specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in this article. There are no specific criteria stipulated in the Land Development Code for a car wash facility. If approval is granted, conditions suggested by staff have been provided. (6). Is consistent with the Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan. The use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Code of Ordinances. 11. Recommendation: Staff advises the Planning and Zoning Commission to review the staff report, exhibits, application submittal materials, consider the number of current proposed car washes, and hold a quasi-judicial public hearing. Per LDC Section 54-2-3.1(a)(2)d, the PZ Commission shall indicate whether, in their opinion, the proposed special use meets the above required Finding of Facts. The PZ Commission shall then make a recommendation to City Council to: • Approve the Special Use Permit request; or • Approve the request with conditions; or • Deny the request C:� A�� Cryl� Community evelopment eparhnent 7 Special Use Permit Request Proposed Location for Big Dan's Car Wash: 1979 U.S.Highway #1 ~� � ✓t Legend '07. 1979 US-1 EXHIBIT Al MAR 12 2024 Acc.;?ara Nurnh,lr C11YOF SEAT! HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET id SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5S18 ■ www.cifyotsebastion.org ❑ Accessory Structure Reviewed by P1Z ❑ Conditional Use Permit (Commercial) ❑ Administrative Variance (Fence or Septic System) ❑ Conditional Use Permit (Model Homes) Easement (Abandonment) ❑ Board of Adjustment (Appeal) pecial Use PermitlSpecial Exception ❑ Board of Adjustment (variance) Project Name -Big Dans Car Wash -Sebastian Total Site Area: 50,703 SF or 1.16 Acres Acres\SF Parcel ID: 30382100001, 000000026.2 I Address of site.: 1979 US Highway 1 Sebastian, FL 32958 Proposed Use: Car Wash Applicant Name: Big Dan's Car Wash, LLC Address: 205 E, First Ave, Rome GA 30161 Telephone: 70.6-295-2285 Land Use: Commercial Email: jay@shaddayco.com 1 Zoning: Commercial Piverfront (+ IApplicant (If not.owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner Roc & Ax Holdings LLC c/o Lisa D'Amico I Address: 3860 Windmill Lake Rd Weston, FI 33332 ITelephone: Email: Date Received: 1 0-1 Fee Paid: 510 .00 Received by: mac- l ECEIVE% MAR 13 20� Ir 103114758 A2 Surveyor: Southeastern Surveying c/o James E. Mazurak, PSM Address: 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, FL 32810-4350 I Telephone: (407) 292-8580 Email: info@southeasternsurveying.com IEngineer: Pennoni Associates Inc. c%. Jason Sheridan, PE I Address- 5755 Rio Vista Drive Clearwater, FL 33760 Telephone: (727) 325-1257 Email: jheridan@pennoni.com Pre — Application Meeting Date: 109/20/2022 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: Ground up construction of a car wash facillity with supporting parking, stormwater management, and utilities. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct All provisions of ,laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not The granting of approval does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local taw regulating construction or the performance of construction. Joy S�r� g� 3/�/�� Print name i nature Date Notarv: STATE OF: COUNTY:,() I hereby certify that on Mc.,1 —7 , 202�(__ personally appeared who is V"'" personally known to me or has produced ider�t�ff'6Qe of identification produced: Notary Public My Commission Expires: AP ,f o? j , Q?,2_S- FORM D Project Summary TO: City of Sebastian Planning and Zoning FROM: Ronnie Carlson, Brightwork Real Estate DATE: March 12, 2024 RE: Big Dan's Car Wash Sebastian Big Dan's Car Wash is proposing to construct an automatic tunnel car wash located at 1979 US Highway 1 Sebastian, Florida the current location of a vacant Bank building with drive-thru. The proposed site is located as an outparcel to a Walmart Supercenter and is approximately 50,703 square feet (1.16 acres) and is bound by US Highway 1 to the east, Walmart parking lot to the north, a stormwater pond to the west, and a strip mall to the south. The proposed development will consist of a 4,500 square foot car wash, vacuum bays, parking lot, and supporting utility infrastructure, including stormwater management. The proposed site will utilize the existing driveway to the west and the deeded access to the north through Walmart as shown on the enclosed proposed site plan. The current zoning and future land use for the site is community riverfront. The conditional uses listed includes Vehicular Service and Maintenance. The proposed Big Dans Car wash is designed to comply with the comprehensive plan and bulk density standards listed in Sec. 54-2-5.4 of the City of Sebastian Land Development Code. The enclosed elevations convey Big Dan's intent to meet the standards set forth in the Overlay District Standards described as "Old Florida Fishing Village". Stormwater management will be designed to provide the required water quality and attenuation. 6 2 ul EY/Sr4NGWT8rAr4AV 4VVEWSAIOrWrA1NED 'SLVRARrH7vpf� o NNNT&72 f I N452602E J-- WhW=I&r0 t r •—" O'SIDEYARD—r--r—w—r 384.89' Raxzsro MI .N.y, ram-• r—r SETBACK PROPOSED I_. ° 0 -CONSTRUCTED!-/ ° w��•+�_+ G ,•o ° 1 ^ 13 FDOT TYPED' CURB 1 ° 'MAT I F'1 o PROPOSED STATION �J re r __ Fti .. -' _;—� h, ° _ .._ �° f_ t GATE -- .. NOI�Y2a9'� E \ �•�"�i �' ; s -1•.� PROPOSED SIG! rt! - e !de. . - . e nets ea E !ex✓ 1 '� - AND FLAG POLE VR 1: - I ♦• �.. o'c _ I• J ®� ��, - �� \ ,y t 4r.r !�'� I i�,l 17. •rr I•rrI'���� I ��. I JI �. I'•�. •'il` - j 10'REAR YARD a r. ± !. - '/ -OO ��, I, ��-, �s _. •. O•e • I' • 13 • `� - .� /1.� I! SETBACK _ r eMv ENP ;Ex+P l ') .�� _. " • 1 I i �g i I • . I > d1"POSED p5 !k I � �. •R, �� / s I & ! ., �' _ � - . , ' ' lNFIEEL STOPS a � .' ��, 0' �, 1" t; I I• ir• ..e- PROPQSED 9ya 1 PROPOSED - `�• • CONCRETE ^ __ i Il - " " N j+ 1 VACUUM PARKING LOT • �'a 1 • STALLSis L'33'58'W m 135.09, AL I • 7 24 � � 1�41. .. PROPOSED - i _ - ,n T " _ • ! 1"'-'.— 1� M1ly VACUUDUMPSTER MI T SiATIm ENCLOSURE i I PROPOSED f '� 0 MAT STATION -1 CONCRETE aa LL ya r � i SIDEWALK ` .>J �� - _ - /�-r 'ram-J•"-r-- i—cam • _ •�-�'�c.+`.cr-'�`_rY' t--:/- `eJ'f. •. 1I lI __-_ PAY KIDSK - _ --4 (SEEARCN _�_� 5 PLANS) -,_ - &/ E YARD SETBACK SETBACK ^ '' cWE STON✓ i_ f �7 a A°°Rc�S1191� 1 I aeArcRArEn4Er � i a rataan s,Nw-m r. r a r � r • r Ir la I r I r a 1! r r Iz li �IJ `a f/1 i g r a rg LL LL g y OEM. Z n 'ell IL o a ID 20 40' O y a �03 mw= I p ¢ a PROPOSED LEGEND W 0 w 1 I w= �. PROPOSED CURB LINE w m n PROPOSED WALL m y Oa a PROPOSED BUILDING OUTLINE ro u I I I I I J 1 L111J 1 1 III I PROPOSED BUILDING OVERHANGPOSED FLUSH CURB C m PROm Z m a PROPOSED FENCE o V v PROPOSED SIGN = c PROPOSED LIGHT W PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR Z K r. PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR y a PROPOSED WATER MAIN c p r • PROPOSED STORM SEWER i 4 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER ue= ee 1 e \ = —u[— PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC —PROPOSED UNDERGROUND GAS —Nl—uT—m— PROPOSED UNDERGROUND TELCOM LINE } - PROPOSED STORMWATER POND Z p PROPOSED AREA DRAIN d PROPOSED DRAINAGE INLET Q m PROPOSED DRAINAGE MANHOLE 0 O PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE SETBACK } 0 FRONT PROPOSED SIDEWALK C] /ARD I •. Ch ` PROPOSED BAHIA $OD (n Q W O PROPOSEDTREE F 10 ° LL PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT Q 2 Z N ------------ PROPOSED VACUUM LINE V = ?d.- O m R DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC ARROWS j In p L" O C (NOT PAINTED) ZQ m m Q 6 rc EXISTING LEGEND PROPERTVUNE pn TI PROPERTYADJOINING x -- --- — LEGAL EASEMENM-0f-WAY N p O PROPERTYMARKER Z EXISTING BUILDING O a V - EXISTING CURB S2 EXISTING CURB DEPRESSION m EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT EXISTING EDGE OF GRAVEL EXISTING FENCE • EXIS77NG WOOD FENCE m EXISTING METAL FENCE T EXISTING GUIDE RAIL EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR •- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR x EXIS77NGSAOTELEVATION EXIS77NG COMMUNICATION, UNDERGROUND —uc—ce— EXIS17NG NATURAL GAS, UNDERGROUND -++ EXISTING POWER UNDERGROUND EXISTINGSANITARYSEWER, UNDERGROUND m EXIS77NGSTORMSEWER, UNDERGROUND g — w — • — • EXISTING WATER UNDERGROUND ��''�� - EXIS77MG OVERHEAD U771JTY ©© OE O EXIS77NG MANHOLES 0000 l�9 [4 El D8O EXIS77NG VALVES ® ®® EXIS77NGJUNC77ONBOX J(] EXISIINGPOWER, TRANSFORMER i O EXISTINGSANITARYSEWER, CLF4N.OLJT 0 EXISTINGSTORMSEWER, RCAOFDR41N EXISTING STORM SEWER INLET EXISTING WATER STRUCTURES EXIS77NG TREE LINE 'n�n�osno o�v °iFn EXISTING EAIS77NG TREES _FORaFTTMEPW im�"on. Mo • EXIS77NGBOLLARD� EXIS77NGSIGN �A°°9E°�'0E°W11LAE O°"Ew` a •Q EXISTING U7lC17YPOLE -O EXISTINGGUYPOLE .e or uranaEs anry maa 0 BORING LOCATION rmwECT BIGDN23001 (21 EXISTING FLAG POLE EXISTING LIGHT DATE 202309-14 EXISTING LIGHTPOLESINGLEARM xuv4 nysuE 1._W twwwr+ar JO MVR4NT V JS EXHIBIT 1 SHEET 1 OF 1 A5 REMSIDNS BY L 70'-9' dFF. '7 TOP OF Tolm TOIIBR TR1D0 B�ARIIY }� IFAm, AFF. C�BEARW. le'-B• AFF. r�NoryT b'-O' AFF. TOP OF 6TOROWNT O'-0' FFE TOP W aLA5 ar-ev QED: P;HIT A& T 29 4'TR 9 EEARal9 A'-,• AR. BEARW3 �_ _ 7RMDB.4Ra�t9 4 f.ANOPT OF FFE_ TOP OF (OF (. �. SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 8C.4". 9A6• . r-&' tb'-4' dFF. TOYBR TR0B6 BEAIVINti wr-6• App. BOROM OF CANOPY TOP OF AB V6 Jbb.- =J' 01 R"T EXTERIOR ELEVATION (,�� NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION QWEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION BC.Q.F, 9A6' . 1' O 9TJ'. NW ipow 26'-4' AFP. OF BE/JafIG Zl CEAlOW. m'-D• A". �,, BOTTOhI OFCANOPY O'-O' FFE TOP OP 9T'-D't N T F'D 26'-4' APP. TOUSR Tfam xaR6G FJ'-4• AFT, MAW" {y/} TIMMMfi W4P AFF. IL O'-• FFE. TOP OF 01-AO W-e. AFF. TOP OP TOMR IV 29'-4• AFF. BEARNti TF&W AFI. BE4RPI6 a7'- AFF. B a7oP CANOPY 6TOR6ia714T Tor FFE iL T� U U QZ- w0)w w U0U U) s w 3 r IX g � g a c � 4 C 0 2 �_ m Dale: 03.26.24 Scale: AS NOTED Pr.]M Mgr. AC Darwn: 4N Job: 24-M Sheet A4 A6 I -ENO @ aRRFV1ATIOIJc, \ Vary M rAexTE rNLR �j� = HANDICAP 4 = uiB.m POLE \ �rr.larl'rro axx SEBASTIAN VICINITY MAP \ NOT 70 SCALE -X- = CHAINUNK FENCE =POST/BOLLARD -WL- = WATER LINE 0 =PUMP -OHL- - OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE ^"4 - SANITARY MANHOLE PARCEL ID LT12s ne? ® = AIR CONDITIONING UNIT u = NON -TRAFFIC SIGN \ 30382100001000000023-4 / "A�IACAT a""--•-�.�ryg_' \ �9 a--r. - BACKFLOW PREVEMER .$: =SEWER VALVE / D `•." •�, xs, PROJECT�z° ■ -CONCRETE MONUMENT =TRAFFIC SIGN ,1�� c LOCATION e ® = ELECTRIC FIXTURE ¢^ = COMMUNICATIONS MANHOLE \ w nAtilB.m %'n'�l '`t •Y' ,\ A J N ® - FIAT GRATE MLET Fl = WATER METER / ❑ =z HAND HOLE - WATER VALVE Vob D'RAPHiIC SCALE -` 40' i Y I = 5Ef IRON ROD "SSMC LB 2]O6" X = CROSS CUT ]J UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED a50 p µxc sl • ? 8' 9j' YP�-G1 LrR = IRRIGATION VALVE (0) - DEED am cues \ rL ELl D - +;` \ I�,�,LI` gap§.,_"Y ryy N .. - LIGHT POLE ABS - ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE STYRENE PIPE �a{, M1aryv1 L+ ©rs �?6l $ , ti• . LT 'a9•y��10 `• PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE �y Qc' ��] �� 4 % O , .. Q = LIFT STATION m + i x cuire� id. = ID = IDENTIFICATION MITERED END SECTION n op,(( ag / 2zA ��s PIS = PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR - g - + aJ 86 °t ✓� F�:' \ Dry OPT % o O =SET NAIL W/DISC "SSMC LB 2108" ] 1 �_ l t. "a ruvEucxrA� '1- hV ,xr ���` \ . irJ �eTOT>j Parcel 1: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOiEO LB =LICENSED BUSINESS _ >rpry>° _ >cP r �] Oy E m LOT 16 XT % eox RE „� s a q n >c- \ •J, o That port o/ the Sauthady 11S feet of Lot 26 and thist Port of the Northerly 20 feet of Lot 27 of the Plat of Waura an, as tied i Q. Eg NAO = NORTH AMERICAN DATUM RCPE = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ELLIPTICAL �'Fafu av ` : pears ti ®� l^ 'y, v "t `,Iµ-U �. ry plot Boo4 1 page 179 0l the Pubic Records of St. Luce County, Florida. which ties West of the West right of way Ilne Route 1, said A. rut ZIZ I, PAGE as • �w, \V +ash �'- 'k�?1g y ' ` / gyp\ se r\ Nf OF BEGINNING Ivntl n w lying and be rig m Indr°n Rrver County Florida. Together with the Easterly one-half of that portion W abaMoned Wau ago, _ ?' 4 M1�` Y $ p T \ \� z 11rf mmfrsfrnory E Avenue. odlocent to the vfores^d IVIa ° abandoned by Ordnance No. 0-85-17 m recorded in Ofhc°I Records Book 717, page 2907. �Q m° m Ea NAVD = NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM INV -INVERT + 4yy i >4° 4`Qc'G� � zi4!$ i ,N Pubic Records of Indlor River Count s Florida.Ben a partcubrl descrbed b metes vnd bounds os follows: Be of the PARCEL ID a�5: rp`' .\ �� :�A, ,. ar r g mar r Y Begin U en l y FF =FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 3038210000100000D023.3 ,>''` u ryc�: Poq, `'m ., ' sw TA Nu a1a i 3 J. \Jz wmr IxL Rai^ Intl,-ation of the Northerly line of said Lot 27 with the Westerly right of way line of U.S,High., No. 1; thence South 36 degrees 39' e E _ / 4 VY LWE ai US Hnx xO TRAV.PT. =TRAVERSE POINT A • m`�'. i v 37" East along said Westerly right of way line for 2019 feet to .n ntersection with a line being 20 feet Southerly of the measured at ORB = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK rwauMn 4,. Ix y• Ope�% ry�.A % s , II-v, xii t\ rlghlangles and parallel to the oforemant'onetl North Ine of Lot 27i thence South 45 degrees 26'02" West along sold pamllel Ilne for 'L E u SSMC =SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING O/ >' O ', zcrL - \ 366.15 feet to on intersecton with the -N,Hne of the abandoned 80 foot rght of way of aforesaid Wauregen Avenue, Nance North 46 i�� @ MAPPING CORPORATION PG(S) = PAGE(S) SITE RENCHMARICn �'4✓ v,� I,ye \Y rr degrees 3J'S8" West along said cents/Ine far 135.02 feet Iv on intersection with the Westerly extension of a line being 115 feet Q+ - �r� SET NAIL & DISK BaX oURB z$$s / ry" A,t. + 'I O � � Norlherly of, he measured a! right dnagles and parallel to the South line of d Let 26; thence North 45 degrees 26' 02' East along a p f JJz z �� sold parallel line far 384.89 feel Vo n .1dwecton wllh the said Weelerly right / y IIns of U.S. Hlghwoy No 1; thence South 36 SIZE SHOWN IS TRUNK DIAMETER SSMC 7RAV. PT. 4 rj',� degrees 39' 37' East .long sold ngnt o/ soy Iln, for I1611 feel to the Point of Begihnrng. ,a _ ELEVATION=23.12 HAT MG / a ' �� ,,,g ]Doe �;:� IN INCHES MEASURED AT CHEST w '+ HEIGHT N45'26'02'E �w fT=" �� a _ a j' Forest 2 �U 38489' F p al r „/ / / Access Easement for the benefit of Parcel 1 described in Access Easement recorded In Offieial Records Book 1316, P 03 r a „z, sN \ p age 2492. PUDIC \ +'r Records of Indian Rrver County, Fbr da C =CABBAGE y', x // I 1 d• %jj y G ayF_f' •(\ \ y SCHEDULE B 11 EXCEPTIONS _ TREE f3A. / "/ ,p• �rypryx]ryFry cast /// - 9 1ry%Tf zi ` s The following ore Items found In Schedule B Seefion II of title by the Chicago Tllk Insurance Company tllle In-nores commitment file ---+ onz dT umber CCHI2202594NT, Mo 15 2022 of 500 PM I BB = BOTILEBRUSN 4�t,Bry Iz= f asni4 trvrxxji ip zxpe MT t = „T - / cRAss ^ A Y - p 0 OAK m �r,4O't' L v! di eY / - M1 s - / }(^�E'�� 'Y --- _ Y Numbers 1 though 5 are standard exceptions and not a survey matter. - MY = MYRTLE ,�'' ! O .1 .arose ' MA MAGNOLIA O�ycy}4] ♦' igila - :T M1 fP/ + rye ryw ll �Q: y i' % ry"u , �' 6.Rm�s Yvntl�Eo�ndiGons of prdn^nce No 0-85-17 recorded September 23, 1985 in OH.EaI Records Book 717, Page 2907. (NOT A _ CB = CHINABERRY v- >b + 9 ONE STORY • /. s e O O 2- �„+ „ MASONRY BUILDING / ° p / +ry. Irr-a, is i3 \ z w 21 soe¢ \,/ s ADDRESS11979 u<fyTE 4 © Access Easement by and bet W Marl Stores. Inc.. D I wore corporation and World Savings Bonk. FEB, recorded February S. u -� HEIGHT = 26' ; ,p,�EEE�� •p awsQ ; \ 200D In Ol/fetal Recartls Book 1316 Page 2492 (OVER ADJACENT ROADWAYS AS SHOWN) qA E T-p zit ss xs0 a v.Ja \ as scua / r/ . / \ -s z`z Dui now WficL r 250' , 0, � F V� / Easement n laver of lntlm^ River County re d d Februpry iB, 2000 in Oflkio Records Book 1318, Page 1612. (PS SHOWN) = Z r $ z 3z m o..'df'( 'IT a Gt, wGE ]sti.:-1' - \ // BWdy Evaemerd os set forth m the rellume 1 aided December 7, 20/6 in .111..l Seek 2885. Page 82, (AS SHOWN) 9 / SURVEYORY REPORT: m °a" em c .ys d / d`e 1. Wility local.. shown hereon ore bused on f Id 1 vLons f kings by Soutna Nim 5urveying @ Mapping Corp. Field markings ore z 0 �' + ie \ '� az i �{•'.5` -dT _ r posed on perols race vnd from Ground Penet t q Radar (CPR) rid electron c equipment Locofions are opprorimofe vnd Tesl Holes o „ �a 4+ ac �- sTTy Ti-67vBwf / ahouW be pMormed to, verilitotion As-n {�'z `"s\? x r _IB,•. W T, Evet-ent, o rights of way that appear on rded plans or that have be fornehed to ih¢ a eyar by others have been G vA,EwExr oar s J ;>'g / / +!� ry7 _ naT imtipv.vxa.w All, �'/'v� lnrorporated nto this drawing w]in approprate notation. Other easemenl9 may be di eov¢rea by o aebrch uof the Public Records + /O %r S I $z•\ rxv[ucwr // 3. Minimum Hoila.nl.l Accuracy fur Inks s rvey is m o cordance with the STANDARDS OF PRACTICE set forth by the Board of Pr.fes5onal Suneye, and Moped,, in Chapter 5J 17 requirements of Florid. Adrninmtr./i.n Code The map and me ur mart methods used for this sw 6 IT NCHMAR `y / �' ti° \ ^ y surrey meet or exceed N's requiramem. The aimerisipn, shown hem.. ore in unned smles $array leer .medec mom mere./ L do f ISK i5$R. al, , ti a. This s rrcy does not determineownership of the lands shown hereon p, - w ,�0 �"SSMC TRAV. PT.1 aiea ' - �s net been mooted - ,� rr 411 > ELEVATION-23 76 ,✓ 5. Underground foandobora na,ie j thuds .. .-T Ysl iy j M //u-I / 6. Survey map and report or the conies thereof are not valid without the original signature and seal or the efact ronic signal,re and seel Lod a7 Florida .tl 11.,Ido L'c d 5 y and Mapper, and If shown hereon is n c mplionce with Florida Admnictr,tNe Code 5J 17,062 ontl sp t $Tots / T weuefDw ov on a Statute 472025 . a ,�s,it '/ 4 zs s` s L+.4 5 N a n ! ! tiJ rwT'Leomox 11 as T. Features shown by y b indicated In the legend are not to scale. a n $ ! z O t•i ex $+ I� k� PARCEL ID 8. Addiiions r deletions to survey mops or reports by omer than the sgdng pony or pvrties is prohibited without written cOrisenl of the k ❑ oxf � - M1TI 1h xb a \ 30382100001000000027.0 sighing Party or part es. ,d p ] ] Lrii may: `@ +�q +\ryl + •i } a �66• /t a' ru 9. Bear rigs shown hereon a e based o Westerly "%h.' al way Ine of U S Highway No 1, being South 36 39'S4" Eest Bearmga and r' , Wa ,P4 +x iy> 60x CWB ry - a M�21,• distances shown hereon are mee... act -less oth-se noted. - a evAe w Grmca ( i± $ -' +ti ry x ayy i^ 10. Horxontdl features shown on the map refer to a National GeodelR Surve t with des t' "GPS 24", \ \\ rel,t ve to North Am i- Datum of 1983 NAD83 2❑17 adjustment. y ate g^awn Pl0 number AASBOt and s r/J z>ae + \om. anungx •_•• q ' d '! a` / ' $. ry6� / \\ r ( ). a jus merit. State Plane Coordinate System, Florida East Zone Melon- (=i shown a e GRID distances Z A (oJinlocrRi ^'t[\1 11. Verikal information shorn hereon refers to v Notional Gc^de! S y (NGS) pool with des g^olanum n "GPS 2i', Plp ber AA5801 and all� zlex 1 •�'-2' �e �+ / l:F, t U has o published *1,11on of 17 24 1ee1 North American Vert c- 1 p t of 1988 (NAVD88) F O L hove revi wed the Chicago Title Insuronce Company title insuranceitmenl Ile number / CCH12202594NT, May 15, 2022 a( 5:00 apx ,p: /% / PM end all ¢recorded survey related ene-bPoness eacepl lien d tIntl in Schedule B-II of the lifts in vr.n commitment nave been v� 44iy M1 r �r hewn or noted an the rvey Title Comm'Iment Schedule B-II P cep\ ens that are nat survey matter r crequrre o legal op nron as ONE STORY to their affecting or hats afflicting the subject parcel Therefor to surveyor is nat qualified by law to render a conclusive legal opini.n e A ^y> xs 4a- wm +'N•` w / MASONRY BUILDING as those non survey matter exceptone. IE pL 9ti * G\ [ s ] Em aw] ` ADORESS%/1918 U. Unless shown, only (hose vsibl. I 1 s found wth,, the boundaries f this survey r in the immediate vcrmly of the above descrbed parcel b... dory hove been loco[ tl OP O 9L as tT EILCan:- o d" ry/ •31j 14. Rg of Way rnfor U.. shown h defermmed by found numentohon, recorded Flail,. FI.Kda Deportment of Transportation \ �2 C�vO.7+9L J26 _ k - \ m �- Right of Way Mop Section SWID 2507 and i f of alit. ed -n the 1rMo^ River County P p rty Approrsers web ste. -A 'PiO, Fy z$ 75. Fences were I...led only where dim id-d and ey t un slreght, ownership of fences, l y, are unknown pyl GF n�vcMf ' 16. Adjacent properly Information shown hereon t f hed to this surveyor, and was compiled using Idlest available dots. No 90j 8,,f `* / +.y attempt woo made by this Surveyor to verdy its accurory. m 17, The above described parcel contains 1.16 Acres, more or lees. e gak :Q 'R. Rased on the Federal Emergency Ma..geme.t Agency, Flood ln,uhhh- Rote Map (FIRM), mop number 12061CO1D3H, mop doled W \. �N44'33'S8'W� .. pa¢emDer D4, 2012 me above de,arbed property within zone .X. m / v props y s U 135.02' ✓ Y ;p 9. There s no evidence of recent at real or sid...lk ....tructl.r or reaoira abe.-d in the places, oI eoMucprq the field work, P L \ g 20_ There is n andante of recent Sarin moving work, building construction, or buiding additions observed in the Process of conducting the oweuevr�' / �r ,+ field work.• z' cure k. cUTrER 21. No F� zoning report has been prey dad do is 22. Welland orea6 '1 existing were not addressed vs a part of this survey 33 ACCESS EASEMENTRfitp> 23. There are a total of 20 parking spaces, including 19 regular Spite*$ anti I handicapped observed in sublett property. ra PARCEL ID ORB 1316 PG 2492 30382100001000000023.3 ..�la 24. The prop.dy descrbed hereon is the same s (he property described ., that -t.. ALTA commitment far Title maaronae w9n - fi� r ; �+'� SURVEYOR'S CERTFlGTION! Commitment D.te of May 15, 2022 issued by Chicv90 Title Insuronce Company, ontl be.rh9 Chcoga NCS No. CCH122025B4NT and local M To: Roc @ Ax Holdings LLC, a Florida limited liability p y; Chicago Title InsVranCe Campony Being US Holdcq, Inc, o/Ice no. 10a07027 ontl NI cos. rovenants ontl rest 1 fererced I. svid lI. commitment or apparent Ira. o phys2al 'b' inspection of Ine st, hwe bee.v plotted hereon or .the-1,, also as to then eHeet on the subject property. DRAWING IT71(��'R 'o This 's to certify that this mop ar plot a d the survey on which 't Ts based were made In Faro dance with the 2021 25, The a amponyin made on the d and eo tl shows the lac.tivn of all buildings, M ni num S(ondmJ Data.') Re cc g survey was groan rrec y structures, and .then r bAi.9 said �]. qu 6, 7(.)( for ALend NSPS Lontl Title Surveys, he fie established was ontl adopted on by ALTA and NSPS, and an premises, there or no visible encroochmenfs on the subjed pr p ity r upon vdlacent land ebbuta9 said 668S1QQ1 U ' includes Items 1 2, 3, d, 5 6, 7(a)(1), 8. ontl 19 of Table A thereof. The fieldwork was completed on July 22, 2022. property exceD �os Dexpresaly shown hereon., SHEET ;a' ry NOTICE auneuPotrrv• NUMBER a2s M Th's Is ,riffled to those individuals shown on the food thereof. An other use benefl or reliance b other o n Y Nobility poesy strictly 1 e, 3z� / \ Aron brted and resit clad. Surveyor s responsible only t. th eARled end hereby dacloima any other liob bty d heretiy r Nicts the 1 OF + z rghts of any other rnd✓tdvol or irnnto use the survey, without exp-. w.rttm consent vl the surveyor. Big Dan's Car Wash Approximately 1,088' Ile ., Proposed Big ► , _ • � � ��� �y Dan's Carwash j EXHIBIT C 1 Dorri Bosworth From: T5CWDEV_PMReview <t5cwdev_pmreview@drivenbrands.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 8:08 AM To: Rosa Morquecho; Jason Sheridan Subject: FW: <External> FW: Walmart Supercenter # 1068 - 2001 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida - Request for Consent Rosa/Jason, please see below and confirm with the city if this is sufficient. Thank you! Rebecca McAllister Car Wash & Co -Development Project Manager DrivenBrands ATOGETXER, we are From: Valeria Kozhich<V_aleria.KozhichPdrivenbrands.com> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 10:17 AM To: T5CWDEV PMReview <t5cwdev pmreview@drivenbrands.com> Cc: Delbert Renfroe <Delbert.Renfroe@drivenbrands.com>; Meredith Odom<Meredith.Odom@driven bra nds.com> Subject: FW: <External> FW: Walmart Supercenter # 1068 - 2001 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida - Request for Consent Rebecca, Is the below sufficient? Sincerely, Valeria Valeria Kozhich Senior Corporate Counsel - Real Estate 0: (704) 533-3564 C: (646) 727-8777 11111111111111119 From: Gina Meredith <Gina.Meredith@walmart.com> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 9:41 AM To: Greg D. Meadows <GDM@tennlaw.com> Cc: Valeria Kozhich<valeria.kozhich@driven bra nds.com> Subject: RE: Walmart Supercenter # 1068 - 2001 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida - Request for Consent C2 G reg, Walmart has reviewed the Access Easement document recorded with the Clerk of court in Indian River County, Florida in the Official Records Book 1316 Page 2492, and in regards to the conditions and verbiage of the easement agreement, specifically section 1(b), are ok with a proposed car wash use on the subject property. Note that once your client has final plans, please send those to me so that we can run those through our CEC for final Walmart approval. Thanks, Gina Meredith, Senior Manager Walmart U.S. Real Estate Gina. MeredithCcDwalmart.com 2608 SE J St. Bentonville, AR 72716-5510 Mailstop 5510 Save Money. Live Better.