HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-07-2024 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES MARCH 7, 2024 06 0 Ili C US ca E �J4E Y O ly r ea 2/� n�� a)0 n a as Cn N ¢ rn I. Ms. Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. It. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Present Mr. Roberts (a) Ms. Lorusso Ms. Matthews Ms. Battles Ms. Kautenburg Ms. Kinchen Mr. Carter Ms. Geesey (a) Also Present Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney Alix Bernard, Community Development Director Dorri Bosworth, Manager, Community Development Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary IV. Announcements and Aaenda Modifications Chair Kautenburg announced that Mr. Haddix had resigned from the commission and alternate member Mr. Roberts would be voting tonight. V. Approval of Minutes: Regular meeting of February 1, 2024 A motion was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Ms. Battles to accept the February 1, 2024 minutes. It passed with a unanimous voice vote of 7-0. VI. Local Plannina Aaencv (LPA) Public Hearinas A. Public Hearing -- LPA -- Recommendation to City Council -- Ordinance 0- 24-04 — Land Development Code Amendment -- Mobile Food Establishments — Section 54-2-2.6(d)(4) — Maximum days allowed The City Attorney read the title to Ordinance No. 0-24-04. The Community Development Director said City Council received this request to add an additional day on properties for food truck establishments. She noted it was literally only adding one word to Sec. 54-2-3.6(d)(4). PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2024 Damien Gilliams, 1623 US Highway 1, said his family has the No Name Sports Bar at 490 US Highway 1 with a food trailer on the property that they use for catering and entertainment. He asked for another classification for brick and mortar companies that operate with a kitchen seven days a week so he wouldn't be included in this mobile food dispensing category. He said he was advised to use his trailer two days a week and then move the vehicle but he stated three days isn't enough to do business and suggested pushing the stay to four days. Chair Kautenburg asked if the commission was allowed to consider this since it hasn't been noticed. The City Attorney advised as a board they could discuss what is appropriate but they can't determine if Mr. Gilliams' business is personally affected; they should only be considering the time frame to make a recommendation to Council. Mr. Carter — noted there are events coming in that are north and south of Sebastian that are going for four or five days with food trucks and he asked if that would be allowed under this revision. The Community Development Manager said if the food truck was associated with the special event then the truck could be with the duration of the event because it falls under that special event permit. Mr. Roberts — asked how many days the truck must be gone before they can come back. The Community Development Director said the provision was set up for calendar weeks. Ms. Kinchen — said she didn't have a problem increasing it from two days to three days. Ms. Lorusso — asked if Mr. Gilliams' catering truck could be parked there but not used as second kitchen. The Community Development Manager said if he using it for storage for four days a week, it wouldn't be considered a food truck BKr'TXV 4 Srry woLD Nt'woro BEAiKewoE9 ADom&--MV 5YD046ui6, i� She said if the truck was his second kitchen; it would require a different license and permit from the Health Department. Ms. Matthews — asked what is the history about having set days. The Community Development Director said the days go back to what is considered mobile as opposed to becoming a permanent fixture. If the trailer is there consistently and it uses a parking space that was designed for the building itself that will trigger other parameters. If it is truly temporary in nature, it will allow opportunities for other vendors. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY VAUL 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7. 2024 Ms. Matthews asked if how many times temporary events have overrode the two day stay. The Community Development Manager said the code states if you are connected to a temporary event or special event you are exempt from these codes. Ms. Matthews asked if Mr. Gilliams' establishment was on wheels. The City Attorney advised they shouldn't really address a specific business. She also said there is public policy that has been established with respect to these businesses that protects the brick and mortar businesses by limiting these mobile businesses. Ms. Geesey — said her concerns had been addressed Ms. Battles — said she was in agreement with increasing the days. She confirmed with Community Development Manager that a food truck can operate for three days and can't be stored for the remainder of the week. She said with regard to storing a truck in a parking space, it wouldn't be an issue for her to store it on that business property if space was available. The Community Development Manager said there have been some businesses that wanted to expand their kitchen and asked to park a truck behind their building but there would be some fire codes and wind load provisions to consider. Ms. Battles said she would like to give the businesses a little flexibility with the storing of their trucks. Chair Kautenburg — said she didn't have a problem with three days for something that is termed "mobile." She said she was concerned about secure storage of the food trucks. The Community Development Manager cautioned that if a brick and mortar business has three or four trucks parked on site, would the board members be okay with multiple food trucks at one business which would affect their site plan to include the storage area and may affect their parking. Chair Kautenburg said they may need to define what food is too. The Community Development Director said Code Enforcement would monitor the food trucks; and the state of Florida registers and licenses the food trucks. MOTION by Ms. Kinchen and SECOND by Mr. Carter to recommend to City Council that they add the additional day per week for the mobile food trucks. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 2024 Roll call: Ms. Kinchen - aye Ms. Battles - aye Ms. Kautenburg - aye Mr. Roberts - aye Ms. Matthews - aye Ms. Lorusso - aye Mr. Carter - aye Motion carried. 7-0 VII. Planninq and Zoninq Commission (PZC) Quasi -Judicial Hearinas A. Request to be tabled to April 4, 2024: Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- PZC -- Recommendation to City Council -- Special Exception Request — Brognano RV & Boat Storage — Industrial Activities (Outdoor Storage) in Commercial General Zoning District & CRA's Triangle Overly District — Ashbury Boulevard/Sebastian Boulevard — 3.76 Acres Chair Kautenburg opened the special exception request hearing at 6:34 p.m. and asked if there were anyone present to speak on the matter. There was no one to come forward and she closed the hearing. MOTION by Ms. Lorusso and SECOND by Ms. Kinchen to table the Special Exception for the RV storage and boat storage continue the hearing to April 4, 2024 passed with a unanimous voice vote of 7-0. VIII. Unfinished Business -- None IX. New Business -- None X. Adiournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Ms. Kautenburg at 6:35 p.m.