HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-2024 NRB AgendaMYOF SEBASTL HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 2ND, 2024 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving, and promoting our natural resources" 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM Item A. June 41", 2024 - Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes 5) ANNOUNCEMENTS Item A. Welcome New Board Member 6) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS 7) PUBLIC INPUT 8) NEW BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Board Training Item B. 2024 Calendar of Events 9) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Chairman announces title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Sustainable Sebastian i. Reduction of Single -Use Plastics — Champion: Charles Stadelman ii. Native Landscaping — Champion: Sherida Billman iii. Tree Protection & Landscaping Ordinances — Champion: Thomas Carrano iv. Resource Conservation — Champion: Donna Ware a. Addressing the Results of the Staff Sustainability Questionnaire: Matt Krauss V. Green Infrastructure and LID — Champion: Nicole Mosblech vi. Sidewalks & Bikeways — Champion: Matthew Krauss Item B. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup — Saturday, July 27th 2024 i. City Council Proclamation on Wednesday, July 101h, 2024 ii. Board Member Assignments 10) ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA AND DATE: Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 i. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup Debrief ii. Sustainable Sebastian 11)ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 2024 Mr. Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledqe of Allegiance was recited by all III. Roll Call: Present Mr. Clifford Mr. Stadelman Ms. Ware Mr. Carrano Mr. Krauss Ms. Billman Mr. Bruggen (Alternate) Dr. Mosblech (Zoom) Also Present Alix Bernard, Community Development Director Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Approval of Minutes A. April 2, 2024 -- Regular Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes All having indicated they had reviewed the Minutes of the meeting of April 2, 2024, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion accepting the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Board Member Vacancy Ms. Gordian stated that Ms. Haggerty turned in her resignation. There is an open alternate spot at this time. Ms. Gordian said that, speaking of the alternates, there was a new City ordinance approved by Council that is regarding the alternates on the dais. From this point forward, all alternates for all board and commission meetings will be seated in the audience as opposed to being on the dais with the rest of the members. In the event that there is a regular board/committee member missing, an alternate would take their place on the dais. VI. Aqenda Modifications -- None NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 2024 VII. Public Input -- None Vill. Unfinished Business A. Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration -- Debrief Event Overview and Insights for Next Year Ms. Gordian said the event was very successful again this year. She thanked all for their help and participation. She reviewed a few areas that can be improved such as organization for the initial event setup. She also had some concerns about the flow of the entertainment and the speaker sessions as far as people's attention. She was concerned that maybe there was not enough attention for the speaker sessions. That is something to keep in mind for next year. She asked for feedback from the Board members. She said that staff is going to be developing a feedback survey for the participants from the event. Hopefully, the vendors will give us some feedback as to what they would like to see going forward. Mr. Stadelman agreed that the event was very successful and called on the Board members for any input they may have regarding this year's Earth Day Celebration. Ms. Ware agreed with Ms. Gordian about the organization of the event. She opined that it was a little delayed with the City employees putting up so many things. She suggested that the City bring in extra help, perhaps volunteer groups such as the Scouts or some other groups that need volunteer hours, to help set up tables. The people doing that job were way overworked this year. She gave a big thank -you to the people who handled the setup. She also agreed with Ms. Gordian as to the speaker sessions. She suggested putting more signs up or having more announcements about the speakers who came in. She said that the announcements were not able to be heard at the different booths about the speakers coming up. Her other concern was the length of time of the event. She does not think 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. is necessary. She feels it was too long, and not many people started showing up till 10:00 a.m. Also, the volunteers and Board members were "melting" by 4 o'clock. She thought the event was well attended. However, she thought that there should be more food trucks. There were only three food trucks. Ms. Gordian added that the Rotary Club was selling pizza. Ms. Ware made the suggestion that next year we ask maybe the Scouts or some of the other organizations if they want to sell sodas and/or hot dogs wrapped in paper wrappers. Those groups are always looking for fund raisers. She NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 2024 PAGE 3 mentioned a group having Snow Cones at another event, and she thought this would be a good idea for next year. Mr. Stadelman suggested attempting to get more people to fill in the grassy area. He mentioned that some bands have followings, and the amount of people that attend has to do with the band that is picked, whether they have a large following or not. He also suggested getting a regular DJ with his own sound system who would fill in the time between the bands. Mr. Clifford asked if the bands are compensated. He also said he knows some bands would want to be compensated, and there are others who would do it just for the recognition. Mr. Stadelman said the bands do get paid, and how much depends on our budget. Mr. Stadelman also stated that the process of looking for bands and/or a DJ needs to be started early Ms. Gordian stated that, in speaking to some of the vendors during the event, it seemed that from their perspective —and maybe this would be confirmed or denied by reaching out to them with a feedback survey —they actually thought that the participation numbers by the public were lower this year. Mr. Stadelman agreed. Ms. Bernard stated that, in talking about planning for next year and booking some things six months in advance, Ms. Gordian and Ms. Bernard are meeting monthly to make sure that everything is on track so that we are on schedule for getting some of those bands and live performers. She opined that Earth Day 2025 is going to be amazing. Mr. Carrano stated that it is his perception that the numbers have gone down year after year. He added that there are a lot of events going on at Riverview Park, and he suggested that people may be becoming saturated with the number of events, and they don't distinguish one event from another event. He agreed that we need a better draw and a better number of food trucks and better entertainment. Ms. Billman suggested that maybe it should be described in the advertising as a family day with hot dogs/hamburgers, etc., having nominal pricing for different food items. Maybe if it were emphasized that there would also be a community cookout as well as recognizing Earth Day, that would help draw more people. Mr. Clifford asked if the date for next year's Earth Day Celebration has been set yet. Ms. Gordian said it is set for April 26, 2025. Dr. Mosblech agreed with some of the comments. She thinks the comment about being saturated with events is definitely an aspect of this. She thought that this year was a lot NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 2024 PAGE 4 of fun, and everyone who came to the booth was genuinely interested. She also thought that the food vendors that came this year were very good. She knows there is always room for improvement, but she thought there were some really great bright spots there this year. (SHORT RECESS TAKEN) (MR. STADELMAN REOPENED THE MEETING.) Mr. Stadelman remarked that there was no bottled water at the event this year. People were filling up at the fill stations. He thanked everyone who contributed to the success of the event this year, especially the City employees. He also thanked Ms. Gordian for her hard work in pulling everything together. B. Sustainable Sebastian Assignments for New Board Members Ms. Gordian stated that she has had meetings in May with the three newest board members. Mr. Dan Bruggen is going to be assisting with the invasive species removal at Stormwater Park, and he has already begun assisting with the Brevard Tree Protection and Landscaping ordinances, which she will be using in updating Sebastian's ordinances. Mr. Mike Clifford is assisting in helping to develop an educational program for local schools as written into Sustainable Sebastian as well as the City's internal effort for reducing single -use plastics. Mr. Matt Krauss is going to assist Ms. Ware in the resource conservation goals, and he has already helped to provide some insight on some of the programs that were used in Vermont for input as to what possibilities there are. Mr. Clifford asked who would be his primary contact in the Procurement Department for coordinating the increase and encouraging the use of environmentally friendly products. Ms. Gordian stated it would be the Procurement Department. Jessica Graham is the Procurement Manager. The gentleman who handles procurement specifically for the City's facilities and the supplies here at City Hall would be Jim Testa. She said she will be coordinating with Mr. Testa as staff goes over the discussions of what specific supplies we would like to change. ii. Reduction of Single -Use Plastics -- Champion: Charles Stadelman NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 2024 Mr. Stadelman said that he has discovered that the City of Sebastian does not have occupational licenses; they have local business tax applications. What he is planning to do is to try to get the LCA to add it to the application. That is going to have to come as a request from City Council. He would like to get this item added to the agenda for this Board's next meeting. He would like to ask City Council to add the Life Cycle Analysis to the City's local business tax application. In addition, he talked about education, legislation, and litigation that pertains to this item. He also stated that at the next meeting he is going to request the City of Sebastian look at a single -use plastics ban. He reviewed both pros and cons of a ban. iii. Native Landscaping -- Champion: Sherida Billman Ms. Billman reviewed that she is still in the planning stages waiting for a plan and a cost summary of what is being projected for Garden Club Park. That is coming up next month. She said there was a very productive meeting on site at Garden Club Park, and Richard Blankenship, the Parks Director, was present at that meeting. Ms. Billman called attention to some of the landscaping around City Hall and the fact that she trimmed some of the plants, and what a positive difference it made. She added that some of her neighbors have native yards, and suggested, if anyone is interested in going by and looking at these yards, she will provide the addresses of these yards. She suggested that the City have a program where it points out these people with the native plantings and provide some recognition for those who have done this. As the project progresses, she would like to call for some sort of community effort to help maintain it. Ms. Ware brought up the fact that recently the City has had open community discussions about Riverview Park. She was at these discussions, and one thing that was apparent to her is that there will be a lot of money invested in the Park over the next year or two. She described one of the subjects that came up is putting some type of planting along US 1 to deaden the noise from the traffic and the trains going by. That would also make the area look like a park if it had nice plantings along US 1. Ms. Billman stated she asked about that at one time, and it seems like it is the FDOT that maintains that corridor. They have the final say as to what can or cannot be planted there. She would like to have large oak trees all the way along, a nice canopy, and that would give the area a nice hometown feel to it. iv. Tree Protection & Landscaping Ordinances -- Champion: Thomas Carrano Mr. Carrano said he does not have much to add. He described that, for everything he writes down, he comes up with several reasons why it will not work. He told Ms. Gordian he will probably have a list of questions he needs to have answered before moving forward about the process and procedures. Ms. Gordian stated that staff has been working on addressing the Tree Protection and Landscaping Ordinances before staff comes to this Board with their assessment. She has been working on cobbling together pieces from other codes, trying to assess Sebastian's own code and trying to piece together something that she and Alix Bernard will go forward and redline, and eventually staff will bring that to the Board. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 2024 Ms. Bernard added that she and Ms. Gordian will make sure that they talk with Mr. Carrano regarding this subject since he is the champion of that item to make sure that staff has gotten all of Mr. Carrano's feedback before it comes forward. V. Resource Conservation -- Champion: Donna Ware Ms. Ware has been looking at other cities that have different plans in place that are working for them. She has several handouts from these cities, and she has been trying to get some type of approval for copyright issues. A lot of them are from the University of Florida's IFAS extension. She has made a copy of what she has been working on, and she suggested Ms. Gordian could talk to Legal to see whether we need to have permission if it's educational to the public and is the same things that we are talking about doing. As long as we give them credit for what we are doing, then why do we have to go through a whole copyright issue? She will give copies of these documents to Ms. Gordian. She discussed having all of the City's buildings involved in this plan. vi. Green Infrastructure and LID -- Champion: Nicole Mosblech She stated that Ms. Gordian and she have been in contact, and she has three more assessments. They are Riverview Park, the Yacht Club, and the Community Center. A meeting has been set up in mid -June where the next steps are going to be discussed now that all of the observations have been, and then they will see where it goes from here. vii. Sidewalks & Bikeways -- Champion: To be Determined Ms. Gordian said she had spoken to Mr. Krauss about the possibility of him championing that goal. They have not yet had another discussion about it, so that is to be determined. IX. New Business A. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup -- Saturday, July 27, 2024 Ms. Gordian said there are flyers in this evening's agenda packets about the event. She asked, if anyone is interested in the digital copies, she would be happy to share them with those who would like to help promote the event. She described this year's event and schedule. She would appreciate as much help as possible throughout the event. She estimated that each helper would need to be there for only a two-hour block at a time. She plans to be at the event at approximately 7 a.m. that morning. She described the help that she will need throughout the day. She stated that the entire event will be from 8:00 a.m. until approximately 12:30 p.m. with setup beginning at 7:00 a.m. and clean-up ending around 12:30 p.m. She also emphasized that the Waterway Cleanup site is at the Main Street Boat Ramp. Dr. Mosblech stated that she will be there early to help with check -in in the morning. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 2024 PAGE 7 Mr. Stadelman emphasized that this event lasts for a week, and you can do the self -reporting from Saturday, July 20th to Sunday, July 28th, and you can register online at tcwaterwavcleanup.com City Council proclamation on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Ms. Gordian said that, if anyone is interested in attending the Proclamation on July 10th at the City Council meeting to be there representing the Natural Resources Board and the Main Street Boat Ramp site, she would welcome their attendance at that meeting. ii. Board Member Assignments Ms. Gordian said that she has already mentioned the particular timeframes and the different things that she would need assistance with for that event., and asked that those who will be helping to let her know. Mr. Carrano and Mr. Clifford said they would be available to help. X. Items for Next Agenda and Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup ii. Sustainable Sebastian XI. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Charles Stadelman, Chairman ice Date: Last Edited 6/24/2024 _ 2024 Natural Resources Board Schedule of Events Please note that meetings and events may be subject to change. Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 _ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su M Tu W Th F Sa 112 3 4 5 6 17 8 19 10 11 12 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Su M Tu W Th F Sa u 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 1 6 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su M Tu W Th F Sa _ _ 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 01/01/24 (Mon) 01/15/24 (Mon) 01/02/24 (Tue) 01/19/24 (Fri) February 02/06/24 (Tue) 02/19/24 (Mon) March 03/05/24 (Tue) 03/10/24 (Sun) April 04/02/24 (Tue) 04/20/24 (Sat) 04/22/24 (Mon) 04/26/24 (Fri) May 05/08/24 (Wed) 05/27/24 (Mon) June 06/04/24 (Tue) New Year's Day - City Hall Closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day - City Hall Closed Natural Resources Board Meeting FL Arbor Day - Tulip Pond Phase 1 Planting Natural Resources Board Meeting President's Day - City Hall Closed Natural Resources Board Meeting Daylight Saving (move clocks ahead 1 hour) no SFBASIIAN holiday holiday NRB meeting event NRB meeting holiday NRB meeting holiday Natural Resources Board Meeting NRB meeting Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration event Earth Day holiday National Arbor Day - Tulip Pond Phase 2 Planting event City Council Meeting - Poster Contest Awards City Council meeting Memorial Day - City Hall Closed holiday Natural Resources Board Meeting NRB meeting https://www.vertex42.com/calendars/yearly-schedule-of-events.html Templates by Vertex42.com Last Edited 6/24/2024 2024 Natural Resources Board Schedule of Events Please note that meetings and events may be subject to change. July Su M Tu W Th F Sa 07/02/24 (Tue) _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 07/04/24 (Thu) 7 8 9 '19 11 12 13 07/10/24 (Wed) 14 15 16117118119120 k7/27/24 (Sat) Su M Tu W 7 Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 17 18 1 9 110111112 Su M Tu W Th F Sa 16 23 December 2024 Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 2 1 3 j 4 F5 6 7 8 9 110111112113114 151161171181191201211 August 08/06/24 (Tue) September Natural Resources Board Meeting Independence Day - City Hall Closed City Council Meeting - TCWC Proclamation Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup Natural Resources Board Meeting s�aQ- NRB meeting holiday City Council meeting event NRB meeting 09/02/24 (Mon) Labor Day - City Hall Closed holiday 09/03/24 (Tue) Natural Resources Board Meeting NRB meeting 09/21/24 (Sat) International Coastal Cleanup event 09/30/24 (Mon) End of the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year deadline October 10/01/24 (Tue) Natural Resources Board Meeting NRB meeting 10/17/24 (Thu) Community Night Out event November 11/03/24 (Sun) Daylight Saving (move clocks back 1 hour) holiday 11/05/24 (Tue) Natural Resources Board Meeting NRB meeting 11/11/24 (Mon) Veterans Day - City Hall Closed holiday 11/28/24 (Thu) Thanksgiving - City Hall Closed holiday 11/29/24 (Fri) City Hall Closed note December 12/03/24 (Tue) Natural Resources Board Meeting NRB meeting 12/06/24 (Fri) Light Up Night event 12/07/24 (Sat) Christmas/Centennial Parade event 2/08/24 (Sun) Centennial Celebration event 12/24/24 (Tue) Christmas Eve - City Hall Closed holiday 12/25/24 (Wed) Christmas Day - City Hall Closed holiday 01/01/25 (Wed) New Year's Day - City Hall Closed holiday https://www.vertex42.com/calendars/yearly-schedule-of-events.html Templates by Vertex42.com HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN - Due Monday, September 30th, 2024 INITIATIVES FG 6/24/2024 Tasks Develop [template for] information packet to give to event vendors/hosts in conjunction with the comparison sheet Task as Arrange meeting with Chamber of Commerce to discuss business outreach partnership Task as Create information packets for businesses, including Surfrider OFR info Task 1F Develop education and outreach program for local schools Discuss Procurement of current items with staff Develop outreach for staff about how to reduce single -use plastics, recycling, and conservation Task as Create a comparison sheet of commonly used restaurant products as part of the info packet Host a workshop with City Staff to discuss intentions for changes & receive input O F <<y 0, % O op ''LG, Chamber of Commerce IRC School Board; Charter Schools Task Create a comparison sheet of all products used in City Hall breakrooms and at City Staff events and present Community 2B estimated annual cost for budget approval Development Dept. RC FG/CS FG FG/MC FG M SH O�°�',o �0_1 IP o,> LQ Program through KBB & KIRB is now defunct. Staff & NRB agreed on alternative path toward this goal 07/18/2023. Template Created based X 9/5/2023 on powerpoint used from earlier discussions. FG & AB met with CoC staff to 1/2/2024 1/24/2024 discuss opportunities for partnership. Sustainable Event Guide 2/6/2024 1/24/2024 created by Staff and presented to the NRB. Projected Staff discussing program 3/5/2024 forFilm students at 862024 / / Charter High School hmTestaofFacilitiesMaintenance X 9/22/2023 provided information. 12/12/2023 1/2/2024 DW submitted suggested flyer SH & FG have created 11/7/2023 11/7/2023 spreadsheets of relevant data. CS to contact purveyors of Sysco & Ed Don for more pricing information. FG/NRB 2/21/2024 2/15/2024 FG/AB Task as Incorporate info about all products and costs into event vendor packets Parks & Rec Dept. FG NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD 4/1/2024 4/1/2024 4/20/2024 4/15/2024 After further review, staff determined that a workshop may not be necessary. Cost comparison sheet developed by FG & SH. Staff are to evaluate costs for implementing alternatives. Starting with Earth Day event, and branching out to other events through discussions with their respective hosts. HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN - Due Monday, September 30th, 2024 INITIATIVES FG 6/24/2024 \ F Z<-q �sJ°rti�� 0400 0 C'y 2'.co Tasks 9��4.,. Leo,—, 0" Determine current maintenance practices used by staff at our parks and properties Identify from field visits areas for improvement & develop possibilities for implementation for each park Find out what exactly has been purchased for previous native plantings at the City Hall demonstration garden - Discuss with Nickie Munroe (UF/IFAS) Task as Enhance the demonstration gardens anually with new plantings, weeding, mulch and added signage Task 5C Determine cost of demonstration garden improvements for budget approval Task 5E Coordinate with local organizations to create native demonstration gardens at City Parks Discuss opportunities for invasive species removals at City Parks Use criteria for prioritization to develop list of priorities to discuss with NRB & Leisure Services Public Works Dept. & Parks & Rec Dept. Parks & Rec Dept Parks & Rec Dept Parks & Rec Dept Audubon Society, IRC Garden Club, Sebastian River Junior Women's Club, Surfrider Parks & Rec Dept., Pelican Island Audubon Society (PIAS) FG/SB M. 0 �05 11/7/2023 10/9/2023 X 9/5/2023 1/2/2024 1/3/2024 SB 5/31/2024 FG/AB 4/30/2024 SB 4/30/2024 FG/DB 4/20/2024 FG/RK X Task Encourage native landscaping and mulched areas, decreasing sodded areas, where applicable on City Parks & Rec, SW, & FG 6B Properties Public Works Depts. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD 9/30/2024 Projected 9/30/2024 Projected 8/6/2024 Projected 10/2/2024 Projected: 9/30/2024 11/28/2023 Parks assigned to specific staff members. Each staff member may be assigned multiple parks. Garden Club Park selected as ideal next location for a planting project. Data in City files regarding initial plantings. SB has reached out to OF/IFAS regarding next steps. SB has begun removal of dead plants & weeds to prepare for new plantings. Staff and SB met with Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery to discuss prospective plantings at Garden Club Park. FG has begun discussions with Donna Halleran of PIAS to discuss options for an air potato removal event at Stormwater Park. RK developed map showing 5 & 10 minute walking buffers around each park. Develop survey for Parks Staff to determine barriers to implementation of native landscaping. HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN - Due Monday, September 30th, 2024 INITIATIVES FG 6/24/2024 Tasks Outline pertinent areas for improvement in the code NRB shadow Staff in relevant field work Task Board Members to volunteer to serve on Sub -Committee 9A Task as Updates and discussion provided at each NRB Meeting Task 9C Final revised ordinances brought to the NRB for approval before being presented to City Council Task as Ensure that every office and copier has a recycle can Task Educational outreach of simple ways to reduce reuse and recycle communicated through emails and 13C signage in gathering areas. Create Questionnaire for Staff to determine areas for improvement Determine current recycling protocol/routine for city facilities Discuss current procurement of relevant items with Facilities Staff Identify methods other municipalities have used that may suit our resource conservation needs O F <<y 0, % O All Departments Human Resources Dept. Public Facilities Div O�°�',o �0_1 fo xIP O�' O/ FG 11/14/2023 11/14/2023 TC 9/30/2024 9/30/2024 FG 9/30/2024 FG/AB 8/6/2024 Projected 9/30/2024 Projected 9/30/2024 Projected 9/30/2024 FG 6/4/2024 Projected 6/4/2024 DW/FG 12/12/2023 1/2/2024 FG 12/15/2023 FG/MK 9/30/2024 FG 9/22/2023 FG/DW/MK 8/6/2024 Task Create self -audit criteria for City office operations FG 13D Host a workshop with Staff to discuss intentions for changes & implementation methods for input, as needed NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD 9/30/2024 9/30/2024 List presented to NRB at 11/14/2023 meeting, to be updated as new insight is provided. 11/15/2023 & 1/11/2024 TC shadows FG in field to discuss flaws with current ordinances. Staff to discuss standard operating procedures with City Attorney Staff has developed an initial draft based on other municipalities and the original Sebastian codes. Matthew Krauss (MK) to provide assistance with this goal. PW Director KM confirmed that bins are placed in the PW offices. DW submitted suggested flyer Presentation to Results have been tabulated as Board 2/6/2023 of1/30/2024 Projected MK has advised staff on a plan to Presentation to address the most critical issues brought forth in the Staff Board 9/30/2024 Sustainability Questionnaire. Projected Presentation Initial discussion with Jim Testa in to Board 9/22/2024 conjuction with Single -Use Plastics discussion DW has researched OF/IFAS Programs from other counties; MK has researched programs from the state of Vermont. Discuss money spent and corresponding data with Finance Staff HOME STRETCH of the 5-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN - Due Monday. September 30th. 2024 INITIATIVES FG 6/24/2024 c°<< s�,�,'Ae °' o, i Tasks FG & NM are scheduling a Task Review the applicable Ordinances and determine if changes are needed to support and encourage these Community Projected meeting for mid -June to FG/NM 6/4/2024 discuss the next steps after the 16B practices Development Dept. 9/30/2024 completion of the Parks Assessments. Task Review GI Map of the City and determine where there may be an opportunity to enhance existing hubs and Community FG/RK/NM 9/30/2024 Projected 16C cooridors, connect green spaces, and improve stormwater storage and treatment areas Development Dept. 9/30/2024 Create Priority list based on the corridor discussed in the last Champion Meeting Visit Tracts for Assessments (take photos!) Visit Parks for Assessments (take photos!) Create Cutsheets from Field Data Task as Conduct walking/ biking audit tours to determine any gaps and opportunities "I Task as Determine if there are areas which may pose challenges to foot and bike traffic and why Parks & Rec Dept., Public Works Dept. Parks & Rec Dept., Public Works Dept. FG X FG/RK 8/6/2024 NM 7/2/2024 FG/NM 8/30/2024 FG 7/2/2024 FG 7/2/2024 Community Meet to discuss possible areas for improvement and current efforts by the City Development Dept., FG Public Works Dept. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD 8/29/2023 Projected 8/6/2024 Projected 7/2/2024 Projected 9/30/2024 Projected 7/2/2024 Projected 7/2/2024 ongoing List completed & discussed with NM. ongoing ongoing ongoing GIS Park Walking Buffer Map by RK applies to this goal. Staff meeting with CS on 11/7/2023 10/11/2023 10/11/2023 reveals limited ROW for new sidewalks except for in a few areas of the City. Suggestions from Natural Resources Board Member Matthew Krauss Addressing the Staff Sustainability Questionnaire Identifying the areas of greatest concern for employees, and developing a plan for making change on those fronts. 1 WASTE CONSUMPTION • The results showed that there was a heavy focus on waste output, including paper recycling, which could be improved. • Proposed Next Steps: o Determine how many trash & recycling receptacles there are at City Facilities, and how many we may need. o Find out what options there may be for collaboration with the IRC Solid Waste District. 2 ENERGY CONSUMPTION • Participants raised concerns about the A/C Unit in the Community Center and expressed the need to have sensors on more lights in City Facilities. • Implementing Timers and Sensors for A/C Units and Lights respectively in City Facilities where there are none may be a viable option for reducing excess energy consumption. o Changes in electricity usage could easily quantified based on the cost before and after the implementation of such timers or sensors • Proposed Next Steps: o Discuss the possibilities with Facilities & Maintenance. o Identify 1 or 2 locations for the upgrade. o Determine if the changes are viable for other locations based on the differences in electricity usage before and after implementation. 3 FUEL CONSUMPTION • Participants in the questionnaire mentioned excess fuel consumption from the cars idling on job sites, and made suggestions regarding having smaller and/or hybrid vehicles in our fleet. • Proposed Next Steps: o Identify how much fuel is being used on an annual basis. o Develop methods for reducing unnecessary idling on job sites. o Develop other methods for reducing fuel consumption. June 2024 - - - . ..................... la ! ......................... ­­­­- -- T- - - I - - - - - - - - ime ] Milestone Set Up & Tear Down (3) Volunteer Check -in (2) Trash Weigh-in & j Disposal (3) Clean-up Participation up KI-1. Th.— Carr 1 —h-I Cl,ff.,d ........................ : - - - - - - - ----- ------------------------- -------------------- Nkk, M.,bl,ch; M­ i Th.— Michael lift'd 8:OOAM I Event Begins! Nikki Mosblech; Matt Krauss; Kra—; Thomas Carrano; Michael Clifford Sherlida 8111mar; 9:00 AM Thomas lch.e Clifford 1 ----------- ------------------- ......................... ..................... Sherld. Billman; I Thomas Carrano; Michael Clifford 14 Sherida Billman; 10:00 AM Thomas Carrano; Michael Clifford .............. Sherlda Billman; Thomas Carrara; Michael Clifford Sherida Billman;; 11:00AM Thomas Carrara; Clifford ..................................... _Wrch..l Sherlda Billman; Thomas Carrano; Michael Clifford 12:00PM I.h.e,,d, 111�m,n; T,as Carrano; Clifford F.nIWII ...... .. ----------- -Michael Tear Down SWe'r',Ad.., Thomas Carrano; Michael Clifford Sh rida Billman; Thomas Carrano; -Michael Clifford - - - - - --- - - --- - - - - - - - Sherld. Billman; Thomas Carrano; Michael Clifford The number in parentheses shows the minimum number of board members required for each task.