HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-01-2024 PZ AgendaMCI SE�v HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 www.cityofsebastian.org AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2024 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of June 6, 2024 Regular meeting of June 20, 2024 6. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (LPA) PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman announces opening of the hearing; • City Attorney reads the title; • Chair announces rules that apply to the hearing; • Applicant presentation; • Staffpresentation, comments and preliminary recommendation; • Public Input; • Stafffinal summary and recommendation; • Chair closes hearing; • Board deliberation and action. A. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Ordinance 0-24-17, Adding Outdoor Storage and Mini -Storage Facilities as Conditional Uses into the Triangle Overlay District, along with Establishing Conditional Use Criteria and a Definition - Amending Land Development Code Sections 54-4-21.C.4, Triangle Overlay District Use Restrictions; 54-2-6.4(28), Specific Criteria for Approving a Conditional Use; and 54-5-22.2, Definition of Terms 7. PLANNING AND ZONING (P&Z) COMMISSION QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS None 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 9. NEW BUSINESS: Sunshine Law Training — City Attorney 10. ADJOURN No stenographic record by a certified court reporter will be made of the foregoing meeting. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be heard. (F.S.286.0105) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, anyone who needs a special accommodation for this meeting should contact the City's ADA Coordinator at 772-388-8226 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — www.citi,ofsebastian.orx unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS -TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule ZOOM INFORMATION If you wish to attend the meeting by Zoom, please follow the link below to the City's Meeting Calendar, and locate the applicable meeting date. The Zoom connection details are provided. https://www.citvofsebastian.or,,, meetingcalendar 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES J U N E 6, 2024 Call to Order -- Chairperson Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. H. Pledqe of Alleqiance -- was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Reno (a) Mr. Carter Ms. Kinchen Ms. Lorusso Ms. Geesey Ms. Battles Mr. Roberts (a) Absent— Excused Ms. Matthews Also Present: Jen n ifer Cockcroft, City Attorn ey Alix Bernard, Community Development Director Dorri Bosworth, Community Development Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Announcements and Aqenda Modifications 06 nIC cc E Q. ® 65 � � c �cc .) °® .� o 216 ®, ®. C: ®. M.cn N < < rn Ms. Kautenburg welcomed Mr. Reno as a new alternate member of the Commission, and she thanked him for volunteering. Ms. Kautenburg congratulated Ms. Battles on the birth of her new baby. She also announced that Ms. Matthews was excused from tonight's meeting and that Mr. Reno would be voting in her place. Ms. Kautenburg stated she was pleased to see so many members of the public in attendance this evening and explained the procedure for members of the public who planned to speak. Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 Ms. Bosworth called the Commissioners' attention to the items next to each commissioner's chair: A copy of the RM-10 Ordinance, which was codified to put into their Code books, and copies of the Ordinances that were approved in April by City Council updating some of the new processes forthe Commission. Ms. Bosworth stated thatthere will be a meeting on June 20th howeverthe next scheduled meeting would be July 4th, and that meeting will be canceled. She was not sure about the second meeting in July. V. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of March 7, 2024 There being no additions or comments, Ms. Kauten burg called fora motion approving the Minutes of March 7, 2024 as presented. A motion approving the Minutes of March 7, 2024 as presented was made by Ms. Geesey, seconded by Mr. Carter, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Local Planninq Aqencv (LPA) Public Hearinqs A. Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council -- Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment -- St. Lucie Development Corporation, Applicant -- AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR PROPERTY CONTAINING 20.38 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF SCHUMANN DRIVE, NORTH & EAST OF DAY DRIVE, AND SOUTH OF DAHL AVENUE, OR SPECIFICALLY LOTS 15 TO 28, BLOCK 583, LOTS 1 TO 28, BLOCK 582, AND LOTS 2 TO 29, BLOCK 581, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 17. THE EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION IS LDR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, 5 UNITS/ACRE) AND THE REQUESTED LAND USE IS MDR (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, 10 UNITS/ACRE) Ms. Kautenburg opened the hearing, and Ms. Cockcroft read the item into the record and called on the applicantto present their testimony. Speakeroath cards were collected and given to the Chairman. Wesley Mills, Mills, Short & Associates, appeared for the applicant. He described the property in question and reviewed the history of this property as to rezoning and how the property will be compatible with the surrounding uses. He reviewed and emphasized the environmental concerns. There are a few gopher tortoises, which will be relocated. Regarding traffic, the increase in traffic is pretty small, and because of the small size of the property, it does not warrant a traffic study, and it is well below the thresholds of warranting a traffic study. He will get into the details of that later. Capacity for water and sewer was studied. The increase incapacity is 15,000 gallons per day, which is a small amount of the capacity of the County. He stated that only 1,200 acres of vacant land are able to be developed within the City of Sebastian. Of that 1,200 acres, only4.5% is zoned multifamily,and 57% is single family Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 residential. He estimated that, if the applicant were to develop a project in the current configuration, they would be looking at homes with starting prices of $400,000.00 going up to probably $600,000.00. That is just not attainable housing. The current project is one step toward the achieving of attainable housing. The median income for residents in Sebastian is approximately $50,000.00. As far as a mortgage payment, that gets one into about a $200,000.00 home. This application is really in an effort to meet the City's Comprehensive Plan. All through the Comprehensive Plan, it says that the City's goal is to achieve attainable housing forthe normal working person in Sebastian. He stated he would be happy to answer any questions. Ms. Bosworth reviewed and explained the history of what is before the Commission tonightand whyit is listed twice on the agenda. She presented a map on the screen, and pointed outwhere this property is and how itwill be accessible once it is developed. She also described the traffic study that was made. She emphasized that tonight's meeting is only regarding the land use and zoning; it does not address any design. She displayed additional maps which showed the current low -density residential and medium density residential land use as well as the commercial limited that has townhouses and assisted living along with applicable data regarding multi -family zoning property taken from the Comprehensive Plan. She also answered Ms. Kautenburg's question regarding greenspace, setbacks, etc. She reviewed and explained the staff report and the request for the land use, and staff feels it meets the criteria from the Comprehensive Plan, and staff recommends that the Commission give a recommendation to City Council to approve. Ms. Kautenburg called for public input, and she described the procedure that is to be followed. She first called for inputfrom those who are opposed to the change inland use. Michael Conapacke,108 Thunderbird Drive -- He would like to know whatthe reason is for requesting the amendmentto the zoning map forthe subject parcel from residential single family to residential multifamily. The area under discussion is surrounded essentially by single-family homes. The plan is to intrude into that area with multifamily homes. He also asked whatthe definition is of a multifamily unit. He asked aboutwh ether the traffic impact has been considered at the intersection of Schumann Drive, Thunderbird Drive, and the new Sunburst Circle. He asked if the units in the parcel will be connected to City sewer, or will septic tanks be allowed on canal -front property. He asked if the impact on Pelican Island Elementary School has been considered. Chairman Kautenburg informed the speaker that questions would be addressed after public input was closed. Tom Lohr, 116 Thunderbird Drive -- He first came to Sebastian 20 years ago due to the quality of life. He noted at thattime that St. Lucie County lies to the south and Melbourne the north. His opinion was that those two counties were being overdeveloped. At that time, Sebastian seemed to be a very laid-back city with a great quality of life. He now sees Sebastian as a place where we can accommodate a lot of growth. He asked if Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 Sebastian really needs to do that. He hopes the members of this Commission are really thinking hard about the direction they would like to see Sebastian going into the future and preserving the quality of life of the many who have come here for continues. He recalled that Mr. Mills' presentation spoke about taking the first step and getting it rezoned, and then we will address details later. He is concerned about that idea, and he would like to have more information on that. Marilyn Dubee, 1302 Schumann Drive -- After she and herhusband having served our country for many years, they moved to Sebastian in 2014 because of the peaceful atmosphere of the City. She is strongly opposed to the rezoning requestfrom low density to medium density. She is concerned about the impact with additional septic systems. She asked if there will be City sewer as well as runoff into the canal. She is also concerned with the impact on infrastructure. She strongly recommends to City Council and this Commission to considerthe many impacts of this type of construction. BartEdwards, 162 Day Drive -- Since 1988 he has worked in the construction industry. He disagreed with whatMr. Mills stated regardingseptic estimates. He is also concerned about the impact on traffic and other infrastructure. Deborah Gravely, Sebastian -- She reviewed whatthe affordable housing parameters are in general. She stated that as of today Sebastian has zero affordable housing units available. The waiting list for a housing voucher is two years. She is in favor of the City of Sebastian rezoning available lots and allowing more affordable housing units so that the people who live and/or work here can afford to live here. Ronald Blank, 164 Day Drive -- He stated that people like to have affordable housing available. He would like to have a traffic flow study done before this project goes forward. He suggested that there are plenty of areas off US1, and we should consider what is being done and get the proper studies. He also asked why the Spirit of Sebastian does not offer affordable housing. Debra Ann Colavita, 122 Justine Drive -- She appreciates the efforts to manage the growth in Sebastian. Her objection is to duplexes. She opined that most duplexes are investor owned and rental properties. As far as affordability, rents in Sebastian have skyrocketed since COVID. Rents are $1,800.00 to $2,200.00 and above for duplexes, etc. This is notgoing to help the person who needs affordable housing. She asked why $200,000.00 to $300,000.00 homes cannot be built, such as Habitat for Humanity is doing. She sees no difference in the tax revenue between a single-family home and a duplex. She is also concerned aboutthe destruction of trees and wild animals. Tony Kraus, 157 Miller Drive -- He agrees with most of the comments that have been made tonight. He is opposed to multifamily housing. He believes that there should be affordable housing, just not in this particular area. Mike Rose -- withdrew. 4 Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 R. J. MacMillan He is a lifelong residentof Indian River County. He thinks that people have the right to develop their property. He suggested that we have an extreme need for affordable housing, and it is always easier to say it's better to go to anotherneigh borhood. He agrees that there needs to be proper buffers and zoning, which he believes wi11 be done. He added that taxes on rental properties are higherthan forsingle-family homes. He thinks with the proper buffers and other requirements, this is an ideal situation to have it in that neighborhood. Ben Hall, 1266 Schumann Drive -- He is a local business owner, homeowner, and has been hereabout six years. He lives right in between both of these entrances where the most impact will be on the traffic. There is a lot of traffic on Schumann already, especially when there is an accidenton US1 or anywhere nearby. He addressed flood zones. There is a flood zone all around the canal area. These properties are going to have to be built much higherto be above the flood zones. He stated that, with multifamily housing, there is not less people than single-family housing. Jim Buffington -- Hestated heownsthelot atthe cornerofSchumann and Thunderbird. He is concerned about having a traffic study. Ms. Bosworth said there will be answers to a lot of the questions after the public input is completed. Mr. Buffington said he has not seen any additional plans for Schumann, and he is concerned about the traffic at the cornerof Thunderbird and Schumann. Ms. Kautenburg closed the public input and called for Commission deliberations and questions. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the procedures, andsaid then Mr. Millscan answerthe questions on plans. She did emphasize that this hearing is just on land use and zoning. This Commission will make a recommendation to City Council, and City Council is going to have two readings of the ordinance ifthey wish to grant this request. Those who received notice of tonight's meeting will definitely receive letters for those City Council meetings. If the land use and rezoning are approved, the next step for the developer is to come in with a preliminary plat. That is the design of what he would like to build. That is the point at which he has to submitwith that application a fully vetted environmental report from a certified environmentalist. A full traffic analysis is required at that time. They are also required to go to the school board and get a letter from the school board that calculates how many children are estimated. They then analyze all of the school districts in Sebastian and let staff know if they have capacity for those students. If they do not, the developer may have to give money to add onto those schools. That preliminary plat also goes before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and the publicwill also receive letters for that. All that information is set forth in the public records. At that point, the applicantwill come in with the actual construction drawings. She explained that this subdivision is required by the Code that any stormwater that this subdivision would generate must stay on their property. It does not go into the canal. The Code also requires that, if you are in a floodzone, you are requiredto work with FEMA to putenough fill on that property to remove the property from a flood zone. So, there are a lot of development parameters that still haveto meet approval of the land use and zoning. At 5 Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 this point, the developer is not given full range at this point to develop the properly. It takes time. She said that Spirit of Sebastian was approved in 2018; they had their grand opening today. Mr. Mills then addressed the concerns voiced by the public. He understands their concerns. He stated that the future land use and the rezoning would allow for single family and does allow for multifamily duplexes. Duplexes are not the applicant's plan at this point. As far as what can be built, Ms. Bosworth covered that. Regarding a traffic study, with the actual project they will provide a traffic analysis. As to sewage, he understands the significance of the lagoon and the impactthat septic systems have on it. This project will be tied into Indian River County's sewer system. As far as a school capacity analysis, that will be done with the project because at that point they will know how many units are being asked for. Regarding stormwater impacts, there will be a review through the City, and they will have to meet all of their stormwater requirements as well as St. John's Water Management District and the lagoon as an impaired water body. So, there are extra treatment requirements for the stormwater, and they will have to comply fully with that. As far as roadways are concerned, the significance of abandoning the plan he talked about earlier, when they come in with a new project, the roads will have to be private. They will not be the responsibility of the City. The project will pay for impact fees. Some portion of those fees will go towards the City of Sebastian for capital projects. Regarding tree impacts, if the project goes forward there will not be a single tree remaining on that site. That is because of all the other requirements such as buffers, etc. When the application is presented, it will be reviewed as a new site plan. There is a sign ificantwaiton that site plan thatthe applicant is compatible with the existing conditions of historic trees, specimen trees, and that will be taken into accountwith the design. As far as the flood zone question, probably less than 1% of the site is located within the flood zone. With the new project, there will have to be landscape buffers. So not single house will be builtin the flood zone. If there is any work within theflood plain, the applicant will have to provide compensatory storage to offset that volume. He understands the concerns aboutthe quality of life. Atthe end of the day, he said thatthis is a small project. He does not think by approving this small project that it changesthe dynamics of Sebastian in that sense and will impact the quality of life. Mr. Sheridan -- He asked if the existing seawall is on the property. Mr. Mills said the seawall is right on the right-of-way, right on the property line. He cannot differentiate if it is on the line by looking at the maps that he has here. He also stated there is a drainage and access easement. Mr. Mills added that, if the project moves forward with the 70 platted lots vs. a rezoning, it would make no difference whether it is investor owned or homeowner owned. Ms. Kautenburg called for deliberations by the commissioners. Ms.Geesey -- She has studied this matter closely, and this is contiguousto single-family homes. Regarding investor -owned properties, there are some of these in the City that need to be condemned, and she does not want to see a lot of investor -owned property. Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 She is an animal lover. She plans to call the Florida Wildlife Commission to get information on relocation of gopher tortoises. She realizes Sebastian needs development, but we need to control that development. Ms. Battles -- She would say the one topic of conversation this evening was traffic. She would like Mr. Mills to address the question of where the average daily trips come from for each classification. Mr. Mills stated that there is a standard manual —the ITE-as it's referred to, and the current edition is the 11 th edition. So, when a traffic consultant is requested to do a traffic analysis, all the consultants go to the same manual, and they have a list of lane -use classifications and with those classifications, it is an industry - developed standard forrates based on the types of uses, andyou applythose rates based on the uses. Mr. Reno asked about maintenance and location of the seawalls. Mr. Mills stated they will be addressed during design and working with the Engineering Department. Ms. Kautenburg -- She stated that she has worked on the Comprehensive Plan forthe City of Sebastian three differenttimes. Each plan lasts ten years. Each comprehensive plan that has been adopted by the City of Sebastian has had an element in it that says we must encourage some affordable housing for the people who work here. We have neverdone anything in 30 years. In the last comp plan, we again came up with language that we must have some affordable housing. This year, for every proposal that comes before this Commission, we ask please, can you provide a certain element of affordable housing in your development. Someone asked why aren't we putting it in other places. She also spoke on the negative impressions that come when affordable housing is discussed. Affordable housing is not just for the workforce. It's for people who can no longer live in their present houses. She emphasized that presently there is none of that availability, none whatsoever. The lowest rent available today in the City of Sebastian is $1,800.00 per month, andthere is only one. B u i Id i ng th ings th at are notnecessarilythe way we have always pictured them has become a necessary thing for us to consider. When wealso considerthesethings,this Commission also seriously considers the quality of lifefor the surrounding area as well as the qualityof life that can be provided to those incoming residents. She stated that we really do need to build things forthe future. She explained that tonight's question is do we change the zoning? And we don't even make that decision, we make a recommendation. As far as what will be there and exactly what it will look like, that is way down the road. There being no fu rth er deliberation, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion was made for recommendation to City Council of Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment -- St. Lucie Development Corporation, Applicant -- an amendmentto the Comprehensive Plan future land use map forproperty containing20.38 acres located east of Schumann Drive, north and east of Day Drive, and south of Dahl Avenue, or specifically Lots 15 to 28, block 583, lots 1 to 28, block 582, and lots 2 to 29, block 581, Sebastian Highlands Unit 17, the existing land use designation is LDR (low- 7 Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 density residential, 5 units/acre) and the requested land use is MDR (medium -density residential, 10 units/acre) by Ms. Battles and seconded by Ms. Lorusso. Roll Call Ms. Kinchen —Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg --Yes Vote was 6 to 1 in favor. Motion carries. (SHORT BREAK TAKEN.) (BACK ON THE RECORD.) Mr. Reno -- Yes Ms. Geesey -- No Ms. Lorusso -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes VII. Planninq and Zoninq (P&Z) Commission Quasi -Judicial Hearinqs A. P&Z Quasi -Judicial Public Hering -- Recommendation to City Council-- Request for Rezoning -- St. Lucie Development Corporation, Applicant -- An Amendment to the City's Zoning Map for Property containing 20.38 Acres located east of Schumann Drive, North & East of Day Drive, and South of Dahl Avenue, or Specifically Lots 15 to 28, Block 583, Lots 1 to 28, Block 582, and Lots 2 to 29, Block 581, Sebastian Highlands Unit 17. The Existing Zoning is RS-10 (Residential Single Family, 10,000 SF parcels), and the Requested Zoning is RM- 8 (Residential Multi -Family, 8 Units/Acre). The City Attorney read the item into the record. Ms. Kauten burg asked the Commissioners if they have had any ex parte communications on this item. Ms. Lorusso said she drove by the site. Those wishing to speak who have not signed the oath card, were swom in by the City Attorney. Mr. Wesley Mills of Mills, Shortand Associates said he does nothave much to add given the lengthy conversation that was already had. He said he would be happy to answer any questions. There were no questions. Ms. Bosworth addressed the rezoning, the second part of this request. She entered into this hearing anything that was discussed and any data and information that she had presented forthe land use. She explained thatthis would rezone the property from RS- 10, which is the 10,000 SF lots, to RM-8, 8 units per acre. That does allow for single- family houses, duplexes, multi-familyhomes, which could be townhouses, apartments, or patio homes. It also allows for some low -impact uses such as daycares and Assisted Living Facilities. Staff recommends approval. 8 Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 There were no questions or comments from the commissioners. Ms. Kautenburg then opened the floor to anyone who wished to speak on this matter. Brent Wohlenberg -- He described all cars, boats, planes and everything that bums fossil fuel as carbon monoxide. When carbon monoxide comes in contact with water, it makes carbonic acid. A lot of issues that are present now have to do with the organic material being preserved in carbonic acid. There is now foam on the beaches and is the acid from the lagoon turning the beaches to liquid. There being nothing else on this matter, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion recommending approval for the change in zoning from single family to medium density residential was made by Ms. Battles and seconded by Ms. Kinchen. Roll Call: Ms. Lorusso -- Yes Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Ms. Geesey -- No Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Reno — Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Vote was 6-1 in favor. Motion carries. B. P&Z Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council -- Special Use Permit -- Big Dan's Car Wash -- 1979 U.S. Highway#1 -- Community RedevelopmentArea -- Riverfront Overlay District -- Commercial RiverFront(CR) Zoning District The City Attomey read the item into the record. Ms. Kautenburg asked if there have been any ex parte communications on this item. The commissioners answered no. Ms. Kautenburg called on the applicantto make his presentation. Jason Sheridan, P.E. spoke on behalf of the applicant. He described the location of the site as well as the other businesses in the area, the traffic flow on U.S.1, and access to the property. He reviewed a PowerPoint presentation which showed the property and the access in detail. He described the proposed building and accessory structures in detail. He said there are currently utilities serving the site. He noted there were comments in the staff report regarding existing car wash sites within the general vicinity of the proposed site. The three that exist now are all self -serve car washes that do not really compete with the express car wash. The car wash will be along U.S.1, which gets approximately 22,000 vehicles a day. The car wash averages about 150 vehicles a day. He spoke about the currentdeed restrictions thatWalmart has on the subject property. It has been vacantfor some time. Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 Ms. Kautenburg called on staff to make their presentation. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the two carwashes that came before this Commission last year. They were both approved by City Council. One of the carwashes has withdrawn their interest, and the previous carwash on this site withdrew their interest also. This hearing is strictly for the use, which is a special use permit request. There is nothing in the City's Land DevelopmentCode regarding carwashes, so we go through this process to get the use approved first. If it is approved, then the applicantwill come in with a site plan. That site plan will come before this Commission. They will have to meet all the requirements that any site plan in the Riverfront Overlay District would need to meet. Ms. Bosworth reviewed staff's concerns and elaborated all of their concerns. She added that any otherconditions thatthis Commission would like to consider and/or City Council, those would be added into a resolution if this is approved. 1. Proximity to Existing Car Wash Facilities 2. Site History 3. Proposed Elevations & Conceptual Site Plan 4. Noise Ms. Bosworth reviewed that there are criteria per the Code that this Commission is required to see that they satisfy the criteria. Staff does feel that it does meet all those criteria, and staff at this point asks you to consider this request and make a recommendation to either approve the special permit request, approve it with conditions, or deny it, and make that recommendation to City Council. Mr. Reno -- asked if the three-year expiration date for this application is typical. Ms. Bosworth stated that there were a few applications in the past when expiration dates were not added into the application. So, even 10 years later they were applicable. Staff feels that addingan expiration date is sound planning so that, ifthere are anyconditionsin City planning that have changed in a few years, if this expires and they want to come back and reapply, this can be reconsidered. Mr. Reno asked if the lift station on site is viable. Mr. Sheridan said there will be a new lift station that will be redesigned Darcy Leesburg -- asked when the three-year period begins. The three years starts on the date of approval if construction has not begun. Ms. Battles -- As far as staff's recommendation to keep the specimen trees, does the applicant see any issue with doingthat. Mr. Sheridan stated that previously there was no issue with it. On this one, it is a little more conservative around the perimeters. The only trees that are going to be impacted are within the site, not along the property line. Ms. Battles asked regarding the gate that is on the drawing. She asked that the intent is that the applicant would direct traffic to the rear. Mr. Sheridan stated that gate would be for after hours. Ms. Bosworth reminded the commissioners that this application tonight is just for the use. The access for the site had been discussed on a previous site plan. Ms. Battles asked why the previous applicant did not pursue the project. Mr. Sheridan said that he is the engineerfor both applications. He stated he was just told to stop by the 10 Planning & Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency June 6, 2024 franchise at that point. So, he did not ask the financial reasons. He was just told to stop the design. There being no further input or discussion on this matter, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion recommending approval of the project to City Councilforthe special application of Big Dan's Car Wash with the conditions from staff was made by Ms. Battles and seconded by Ms. Loru sso Roll Call: Ms. Battles -- Yes Ms. Lorusso -- Yes Ms. Geesey -- No Ms. Kinchen -- Yes The vote was 5-2 in favor. Motion carries. Vill. Unfinished Business -- None IX. New Business -- None X. Adiournment Mr. Reno -- Yes Mr. Carter— No Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes There being no further business, Ms. Kautenburg adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. jg 11 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES JUNE 20, 2024 Call to Order -- Chairperson Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance -- was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Matthews Ms. Lorusso g .a Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Reno (a) C Mr. Carter Ms. Battles Ms. Kinchen C -- ice] i2 C. E Absent r. 0co .—, Ms. Geesey -- Excused Mr. Roberts Excused 4 4D (a) -- � 3 Also Present: g o C. 2 C C0 N < r� Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney Alix Bernard, Community Development Director Dorri Bosworth, Community Development Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Announcements and Agenda Modifications Q E a c Ms. Kautenburg announced that this evening Ms. Geesey is excused from tonight's meeting, and Mr. Reno will be voting in Ms. Geesey's place. Ms. Cockcroft announced that, since there is a light agenda this evening, there have been some changes by City Council with respect to the quasi-judicial procedures, and the alternate board/commission members will only be up on the dais deliberating and voting if needed. There also be time limits. The chairperson has all of those, and she will be implementing those changes. The applicants are limited to 30-minute presentations. Staff has 20 minutes, and there is a 5-minute limit for speakers from the public. She said there will be a training session soon on ethics and laws. There are not many changes on those items. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2024 Ms. Bosworth stated that Mr. Roberts (a) also has an excused absence. Also, Ms. Kautenburg had suggested that staff put together some of the sections from these resolutions that have been passed regarding these rules. Staff did put together a sheet for the public that will be on the back table. V. Approval of Minutes -- None VI. Local Planninq Aqency (LPA) Public Hearinq A. Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council -- Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment -- City of Sebastian, Applicant -- AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR PROPERTY CONTAINING 0.06 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED EAST OF SEBASTIAN HISTORICAL PARK, NORTH .OF SCHUMANN DRIVE, AND WEST OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3, BLOCK 406, S/H UNIT 7. THE EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION IS CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) AND THE REQUESTED LAND USE IS INST (INSTITUTIONAL). Ms. Bernard explained the item before the commissioners and identified this item as what staff calls "the -Schumann land swap." Basically, there are two parcels of land in the park. One is*.06 acres, and the other one is 0.07 acres. The land swap was completed by Council in September 2023. That was completed, and staff is bringing that before this Commission to do the official future land use amendment and rezoning of those properties so that they are in alignment with the land swap that was completed. She described the first request on the agenda tonight as a change in future land use from general commercial to institutional. She called for any questions/comments from the Commission. Ms. Cockcroft also stated that there will no longer be any public input during quasi-judicial hearings. Ms. Kautenburg called for questions/comments from the commissioners. Mr. Reno stated that the parcel number is different than the application. He asked if that is because the land has been swapped. Ms. Bernard said yes. There being no further questions from the commissioners, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion recommending to City Council the change for the future land use amendment was made by Ms. Kinchen and seconded by Ms. Battles Roll Call: Ms. Battles -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2024 Ms. Lorusso -- Yes Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Ms. Matthews -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Reno (a) -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion carries. B. Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council -- Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment -- Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, Applicant -- AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR PROPERTY CONTAINING 0.07 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED EAST OF SEBASTIAN HISTORICAL PARK, NORTH OF SCHUMANN DRIVE, AND WEST OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3, Block 406, S/H UNIT 7. THE EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION IS INST (INSTITUTIONAL) AND THE REQUESTED LAND USE IS CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL). Ms. Richard stated that this is the Schumann land swap, and it is for a parcel of land .07 of an acre, and the request is from Institutional to General Commercial. There being no questions/comments from the commissioners, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion recommending to City Council the change for the future land use amendment was made by Ms. Battles and seconded by Ms. Kinchen. Roll Call Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Mr. Reno (a) -- Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Ms. Lorusso -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Ms. Matthews -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion Carries. VII. Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission Quasi -Judicial Hearinas A. P&Z Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council -- Request for Rezoning -- City of Sebastian, Applicant -- AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S ZONING MAP FOR PROPERTY CONTAINING 0.06 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED EAST OF SEBASTIAN HISTORICAL PARK, NORTH OF SCHUMANN DRIVE, AND WEST OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3, BLOCK 406 S/H UNIT 7, THE EXISTING ZONING IS CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL), AND THE REQUESTED ZONING IS PS (PUBLIC SERVICE). PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2024 Ms. Bernard stated, to follow up from the request for future land use, this is the request for rezoning and the request for the zoning changes from General Commercial to Public Service, which is in alignment with the existing park land. There being no questions/comments from the commissioners, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion approving the recommendation to City Council was made by Ms. Battles and seconded by Ms. Lorusso. Roll Call Ms. Lorusso -- Yes Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Mr. Reno (a) -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Ms. Battles -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Ms. Matthews -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion carries. B. P&Z Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council -- Request for Rezoning -- Schumann Road Indian River, LLC, Applicant -- AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR PROPERTY CONTAINING 0.07 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED EAST OF SEBASTIAN HISTORICAL PARK, NORTH OF SCHUMANN DRIVE, AND WEST OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3, BLOCK 406 S/H UNIT 7. THE EXISTING ZONING IS PS (PUBLIC SERVICE), AND THE REQUESTED ZONING IS CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL). Ms. Bernard stated that the next request for rezoning is from Public Service to General Commercial. There being no questions/comments from the commissioners, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion approving the recommendation to City Council was made by Ms. Kinchen and seconded by Ms. Lorusso. Roll Call: Ms. Battles -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Ms. Lorusso -- Yes Ms. Matthews -- Yes Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Reno (a) -- Yes Vote is 7-0 in favor. Motion carries. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 2024 Vill. Unfinished Business -- None IX. New Business -- None X. Adiourn There being no further business, Ms. Kautenburg adjourned the meeting at 6:12 p.m. A on.t SEBASTL HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET n SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastian.org MEMORANDUM TO: Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Commission) RE: Proposed Land Development Code Amendment to Article XXI Performance Overlay Districts and Article VI -- Conditional Use Criteria — Specifically Outdoor Storage Facilities in the Triangle Overlay District. DATE: July 22, 2024 In April 2024, staff received an application for textual amendment to Section 54-4-21.C.4. Use restrictions to allow for Outdoor storage facilities and mini -storage facilities as conditional uses in the triangle overlay district as well as Section 54-2-6.4 of the Land Development Code. specific criteria for approving a conditional use. In 2005, City Council approved Ordinance 0-05-13, which removed specific Permitted and Conditional uses in both the Triangle Overlay's Commercial General and Industrial zoning districts in consideration towards the future vision and development goals within the Triangle Redevelopment Area. Among the uses removed, those included were Mini -storage, Storage facilities, Industrial activities (Outdoor storage), and Wet/dry storage of boats (See attached, all uses removed). Currently, the City's Land Development Code regulations prohibits outdoor storage facilities and mini -storage facilities within the Triangle Overlay District; however, they are permitted in the regular industrial zoning district. The applicant is requesting that these uses be allowable in the Triangle Overlay District by conditional use as well as providing for a new definition and increased buffing requirements. Staff has provided proposed updates to the specific criteria of approving a conditional use as well as an updated definition. A first reading of the Ordinance has been tentatively scheduled for City Council on August 28, 2024. Alix Bernard, Director Community Development Department Chapter IV - PLAN REVIEW AND SUBDIVISIONS ARTICLE XXI. - PERFORMANCE OVERLAY DISTRICTS DIVISION C. SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD TRIANGLE OVERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS DIVISION C. SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD TRIANGLE OVERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 54-4-21.C.4. Use restrictions. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 54-4-21.1, the permitted and conditional uses within the various zoning districts of this Code shall be modified for the Sebastian Boulevard Triangle Overlay District to list as follows: CG Zone Permitted uses: Cultural or civic facilities. Churches. Clubs and lodges, public and private. Business and professional offices, excluding drive -through facilities. Medical services. Commercial retail <_ 20,000 sq. ft. Plant nurseries. Restaurants, excluding drive -through facilities. Trade and skilled services. Hotels and motels. Administrative services, public and private. Accessory uses to permitted uses. Home occupations. All uses permitted within the RM-8 Zoning District. Conditional uses: Bars and lounges. Commercial retail > 20,000 sq. ft. Business and professional offices with drive -through facilities. Farmer's markets. Funeral homes. Nursing homes. Sebastian, Florida, Land Development Code (Supp. No. 22) Created: 2024-07-02 11:18:49 [EST] Page 1 of 3 Child care services. Utilities, public and private. Parks and recreation, public. Protective and emergency services, public. Restaurants with drive -through facilities. Veterinary services. Wholesale trades and services. Commercial amusements, enclosed. Accessory uses to conditional uses. Vehicular sales indoors. Gasoline sales as part of retail operation. Parking garages. Mini -storage Facilities Outdoor Storage Facilities PS Zone {No changes}. IN Zone Permitted uses: Business and professional offices, with or without drive -through facilities. Commercial retail <_ 5,000 sq. ft. Commercial amusements, enclosed. Plant nurseries. Restaurants with or without drive -through facilities. Trades and skilled services. Wholesale trades and services. Veterinary services. Clubs and lodges, public and private. Administrative services, public and private. Accessory watchman facilities. Medical services. Accessory uses to permitted uses. Mini -storage Facilities Outdoor Storage Facilities Conditional uses: (Supp. No. 22) Created: 2024-07-02 11:18:49 [EST] Page 2 of 3 Commercial retail with > 5,000 sq. ft. Hotels and motels. Protective and emergency services, public. Parks and recreation, public. Parking garages. Utilities, public and private. Commercial amusements, unenclosed. Flea markets. Electronics, research and development, and similar uses <_ 5,000 sq. ft. Vehicular sales enclosed. All uses permitted within the RM-8 Zoning District. Accessory uses to conditional uses. (Ord. 0-05-13, § 1, 6-22-2005) (Supp. No. 22) Created: 2024-07-02 11:18:49 [EST] Page 3 of 3 Chapter II - DISTRICT AND GENERAL REGULATIONS ARTICLE VI. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA ARTICLE VI. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Sec. 54-2-6.4. Specific criteria for approving a conditional use. In addition to satisfaction of the general provisions cited above, a conditional use shall be permitted only upon a finding that the proposed conditional use complies with the requirements for the respective conditional use as specified below: (28) Mini -storage and outdoor Store -le Facilities: a. Applicable zoning districts. Mini -storage and Outdoor Storage Facilities shall be permitted as a conditional use in the following zoning districts: Q; and W. Mini -storage: CG and IN Outdoor Storage Facility: CG and IN [Trianje Overlay District only; b. Conditional use criteria. Mini -storage will be allowed provided the following conditions are met: 1. All setbacks of the respective zoning district shall be used except in no case shall the setback be less than feet. 2. Screening: a` All side and rear yards shall be screened in accordance with the standards established in section 54-3-14.16 of this chapter. (b) Increased Landscape Buffer for Outdoor Storage Facilities. Except for driveways and signage. Outdoor Storage Facilities shall have a minimum 25 foot -wide opaque vegetative buffer along all property lines, with additional plant materials if not naturally opaque. 3. Automobiles, trucks and recreational vehicles may be stored in designated areas as shown on the approved site plan. All other proposed outside storage shall be reviewed and approved by the planning and zoning commission. 4. One management office may be included provided it does not exceed 400 square feet. 5. No other than for the main use (storage) shall be permitted. 6. No sales, garage sales, manufacturing or repair is permitted. However, this does not preclude the use as a depot for such purposes as franchised distribution or temporary storage for contractor supplies. 7. There shall not be any storage of flammable, toxic, highly combustible or other hazardous materials or substances. Sebastian, Florida, Land Development Code Created: 2024-07-02 11:18:45 [EST] (Supp. No. 22) Page 1 of 2 Chapter V - GLOSSARY ARTICLE XXII. LANGUAGE AND DEFINITIONS ARTICLE XXII. LANGUAGE AND DEFINITIONS Sec. 54-5-22.2. Definition of terms. Terms not otherwise defined herein shall be interpreted first by reference to the comprehensive plan and this code; secondly, by reference to generally accepted engineering, planning, or other professional terminology if technical; and otherwise according to common usage, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. For the purpose of enforcing and administering this code, the following words shall have the definition and meanings herein ascribed: Outdoor storage. The keeping in an unroofed area of any goods, material, or merchandise in the same place for more than 24 hours. The parking of motor vehicles, in operating condition which are used in the operation of a commercial establishment shall not be considered outside storage. Outdoor Storage Facility. Any real property designed and used for the purpose of renting and leasing individual parking spaces for storage to tenants who are to have access to such space for the purpose of storing and removing personal property. Primarily for the keeping. or parking of motor vehicles, pick-up trucks, recreational vehicles and boats. Parapet. That portion of the facade which extends above the roof line. (Ord. No. 0-01-12, § 1, 6-13-2001; Ord. No. 0-02-9, § 2, 7-24-2002; Ord. 0-05-18, §§ 17-19, 10-16-2005; Ord. No. 0-07-15, § 1, 12-12-2007; Ord. No. 0-11-03, § 1, 4-13-2011; Ord. No. 0-11-04, § 3, 7-13-2011; Ord. No. 0-16-05, § 3, 8-10-2016; Ord. No. 0-18-01, § 2, 6-13-2018; Ord. No. 0-19-07, § 2, 1-8-2020; Ord. No. 0-21-03, § 1, 5-12-2021; Ord. No. 0-22-03, § 1, 4-13-2022; Ord. No. 0-22-04, § 1, 5-25-2022) Sebastian, Florida, Land Development Code (Supp. No. 22) Created: 2024-07-02 11:18:49 [EST] Page 1 of 1 Mycif SESAS-T-k�A+I HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY EVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 329S8 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 a www.cityofsebastion.org DEVELOPMENT RI]VIEWAPPLICATION ❑ Comp Plan Land Use Amendment ❑ Comp Plan Text Amendment (Large Scale) IX Land Development Code Text Amendment ❑ Comp Plan Land Use Amendment fJ Rezoning (Small Scale) ❑ Annexation Project Name: Total Site Area: 6.56 acres Acres\SF Parcel II]: 31390700000300000009.3; 31390700006000000004.0; and 31390700006000000003.0 Existing Address of Site: Sebastian Blvd., 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard, Sebastian, FL 32958 Proposed Address of Site: Sebastian Blvd., 200 & 203 Sebastian Boulevard, Sebastian, FL 32958 Proposed Use: Outdoor Storage Facility and Mini -Storage Land Use: CG/Mixed Use Zoning: CG/Triangle Overlay Contact Name: William, Todd, and Daniel Brognano Address: 519 S Easy St, Sebastian, FL 3295 Telephone: (772) 589-1299 Email: ameronh@aol.co,n IApplicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Owner: �,.__,�L--- �. \1 t a ,, �► Q nl�r'� Address: (�,tj� 7:�� '� ��' ���� Se�I�lk` 43 Telephone: � .l Z � - 1 Z c`1 `) Emil: � lZ � Id �'i V A U 1~ i� — Date Received: Fee Paid: Received by: FORM B Suty yor: Know It Now ddr ss: 5220 US Hwy 1, #104, Vero Beach, FL 32967 Tel phone: (772) 205-5677 E1nai : orders@kinsurveyors.com Eng n er: Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard ddr ss: 1717 Indian River Blvd, Suite 201, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Tel phone: (772) 770-9622 Emai : info@sbsengineers.com Pre Application Me ting Date: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT: At the 3.76 acre site on Sebastian Blvd. (Parcel ID No. 1390700000300000009.3), the plan to construct and develop an "Outdoor Storage Facility" for household boats and RVs. LDC text amendments are required to add a "Outdoor Storage Facility" as a conditional use within the CG/Triangle Overlay (zoning district and a definition of same. At 200 & 203 Sebastian Blvd, we plan to sell the properties to a buyer interested in constructing a mini -storage facility. An LDC text amendment is required to insert mini -storage as a conditional use within the CG/Triangle Overlay zoning district. SIGNATURE OF APPLICA T I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of approval does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. I'ftyi- 5 Al P1 /_1) I j Print name Signature Date Notarv: _ ll STATE OF: �IU r t cX G_ /, COUNTY: -41(ti LIB n (1084 I hereby certify that on �1.1 i (. 14 / / , 20 �rG personally appeared b� ( /L who is personally known to me or has produced identification. Type of identification produced: [SEAL] . tar Public r v Notary Public State of Florida +�`� � Krishna Lee Gruntweig My Commission Expires: My Commission HH 058725 nor rta� Expires 0111812025 �� e CO ITY DEVELOPMEN DEPARTMEN 1225 MAIN STREET m SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 m www.cI1vofsebastian.orci ID 1� r ftlitl l � AIS� iC a1 ;��n�(/ lFl E al�itfC 1 P'' l Cti i `1C1 1U1�1 r� .r Cl"OL0131l,' $2,000 Comp Plan Land Use Map Amendment (Large Scale) $1,500 Comp Plan Land Use Map Amendment (Small Scale) $1,000 Annexation APPLICATION FEES: $2,000 Comp Plan Text Amendment $1,500 Land Development Code Text Amendment $1,250 Rezoning **APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE UPON PAYMENT TO THE CITY** DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: ❑ Summary Report: addressing review considerations in accordance with 54-1-2.7 Land Development Code and 54-1-2.9 Land Development Code where applicable; or, objective 1-2.4 of Comprehensive Plan 2040 of all annexations. ❑ Location Map ❑ Two (2) Boundary and Topographic Surveys ❑ Warranty Deed for all owners and/or Notarized Letter of Authorization ❑ Future Land Use Map: Current and Proposed ❑ Zoning Map: Current and Proposed I 1 Traffic Impact Analysis Statement ❑ Electronic Copy - Complete Submittal (.j Stonnwater Calculations ADDITIONAL FEES Should the review process stall for longer than b months, re -submittal will be required consistent with current regulations and fees. The applicant/owner shall have I year from the approval date to commence construction of all or any phase. If the site plan expires, the applicant/owner must re -apply for a new review with applicable fees. An extension may be requested for additional fees. ORM B