HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2024 NRB AgendaCm Of SEAT-N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 6T", 2024 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving, and promoting our natural resources" 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) APPROVAL OF MINUTES — ACTION ITEM Item A. July 2"', 2024 - Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes 5) ANNOUNCEMENTS 6) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS 7) PUBLIC INPUT 8) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Chairman announces the title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. Sustainable Sebastian i. Reduction of Single -Use Plastics — Champion: Charles Stadelman ii. Native Landscaping — Champion: Sherida Billman a. Garden Club Park Updates b. Riverview Park Possibilities — Donna Ware iii. Tree Protection & Landscaping Ordinances — Champion: Thomas Carrano iv. Resource Conservation — Champion: Donna Ware a. Approval of Outreach Materials for Distribution — ACTION ITEM i. Microplastics — OF/IFAS Pinellas County ii. 5 Things You May Not Know About Recycling — OF/IFAS & Florida Sea Grant iii. Simple Steps for Sustainability in the Work Place — City of Sebastian iv. 5 Habits to Be More Sustainable while on lunch — City of Sebastian b. Results of City Hall Walk -Through - Matthew Krauss V. Green Infrastructure and LID — Champion: Nicole Mosblech vi. Sidewalks & Bikeways — Champion: Matthew Krauss Item B. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup — Event Debrief 9) NEW BUSINESS Chairman announces the title of the item Staff Presentation Public Input Staff Summation Chairman calls for a motion Board deliberation and roll call vote Item A. International Coastal Cleanup — Saturday, September 21', 2024, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Park Champion Application — ACTION ITEM Item B. City of Sebastian Christmas Parade — Saturday, December 7th, 2024 Confirm Participation — ACTION ITEM ii. Float Ideas 10) ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA AND DATE: Tuesday, September 311, 2024 Sustainable Sebastian ii. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup — Final Numbers iii. International Coastal Cleanup iv. Christmas Parade 11)ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U LY 2, 2024 Mr. Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledqe of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call: Present Ms. Ware Mr. Dovell (alternate) Ms. Billman Mr. Stadelman Mr. Clifford Mr. Carrano Mr. Krauss Mr. Bruggen (alternate) Not Present Dr. Mosblech -- Excused Also Present Jennifer Cockcroft, City Attorney Alix Bernard, Community Development Director Felicia Gordian, Environmental Technician Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Approval of Minutes A. June 4, 2024 -- Regular Natural Resources Board Meeting Minutes All having indicated they had reviewed the Minutes of the meeting of June 4, 2024, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion accepting the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Welcome New Board Member Ms. Gordian stated that in the past month Mr. Paul Dovell was appointed to the Board as the newest alternate Board member. Mr. Dovell introduced himself and stated that he has been a resident of Sebastian for 4+ years, and he is very happy living here in Sebastian. He is happy to have been appointed to this Board and is looking forward to this new adventure. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 2, 2024 VI. Agenda Modifications -- None VII. Public Input -- None VIII. New Business A. Board Training City Attorney Jennifer Cockcroft stated that City Council asked that she talk to some of the advisory boards to give them some brief updates and some changes that have been made and also a brief review on ethics and the law in the State of Florida and the role of this citizens' advisory board. She stated that the NRB is a Category 2 board of the City of Sebastian, and she elaborated on what that means. She presented a series of slides on the monitor and explained each one. There were several questions from Board members which were addressed by Ms. Cockcroft. B. 2024 Calendar of Events Ms. Gordian spoke about the first draft of a calendar of events for the NRB. This is at the suggestion of Mr. Matthew Krauss. The idea of this calendar is to give the Board members a rundown of all the events that we foresee throughout each year. This will be updated throughout the year, and she would provide copies to the Board if there were a new event that arose that this Board needed to participate in or have some sort of involvement, and this would help the Board members keep tabs on what is happening. A motion was made by Mr. Stadelman to accept the Natural Resources Board Schedule of Events as presented by City Staff, seconded by Mr. Carrano, and approved unanimously via voice vote. IX. Unfinished Business A. Sustainable Sebastian 1. Reduction of Single -Use Plastics -- Champion: Charles Stadelman Ms. Gordian stated that there have been conversations among Ms. Gordian, Mr. Stadelman, and Ms. Bernard regarding how we are intending to move forward with the single -use plastics initiative. One of our next goals is to look into the business tax application and see about having a question on that form about lifecycle analyses that the businesses might be using. She will speak to someone in the Building Department to see how we would amend the application itself. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 2, 2024 Mr. Stadelman added more information on this initiative. Mr. Stadelman stated that the first thing he wants to address is the banning of plastic bags, and he will ask for a motion regarding this item. Mr. Stadelman gave an extended description of the research he has done on this matter. Ms. Gordian interjected that, because of the bans related to single -use plastics, it seems that the City is preempted by the State. She is not sure if the motion that Mr. Stadelman would like to present would be viable. Mr. Stadelman reviewed his research on that question, and he feels now is the time to pursue this matter. Mr. Stadelman explained further why he is asking for a motion. There were questions from Board members which Mr. Stadelman addressed. A motion by Mr. Stadelman was made asking City Council to consider a ban on plastic bags, with input from the public through workshops and surveys, similar to the IPM plan. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carrano. A voice vote was held with the result being five ayes and one nay. The motion was approved. Ms. Ware stated that, since there is a lot more on this evening's agenda, the rest of Mr. Stadelman's motions should be left for the next meeting of the NRB. Mr. Stadelman agreed and explained what he is planning to put on the next meeting agenda, those being addressing PFAS, establishing a plastic waste reduction fund, addressing the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and discuss doing a predictive analytic model. 2 Native Landscaping -- Champion: Sherida Billman Ms. Billman stated she put a call in to the nursery yesterday, and they have not gotten back to her as to when they are going to meet with her with their estimates and recommendations. She will follow up on that. Another item she wanted to discuss is that she feels that "Garden Club Park" is not the appropriate name for that facility. She suggested it might be called "Centennial Park." Ms. Gordian stated that would be a Parks and Recreation Board discussion. Ms. Bernard suggested that Ms. Billman contact Richard Blankenship, the Parks and Recreation Director. 3. Tree Protection & Landscaping Ordinances -- Champion: Thomas Carrano NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 2, 2024 Mr. Carrano said he has nothing new, but he stated he would like to meet with staff sometime in July. He also asked that all the staff who are involved with this process be there. 4. Resource Conservation -- Champion: Donna Ware Ms. Ware stated that she gave staff some material that she thought was important for educational purposes. She is waiting on that and asked if she needs to start over, or can she use a lot of information that was already put together for her. Ms. Gordian said she will speak with the City Attorney and get her input whether there are copyright issues or any other issues pertaining to that data. Ms. Ware reviewed that at the end of last month's meeting there was some discussion about bringing some other City buildings into this plan. She asked if there is a process for that within the City or is that something that this Board must make recommendations for. Ms. Gordian stated that some of that information will be covered by Mr. Krauss when he makes his report. Ms. Ware also asked if staff is going to update any of the other items that are on this 5- year plan. Some of the things that are to be done are stated to be done in August and September. She is listed as the champion for this item, and she does not know how to proceed. Ms. Gordian said this list might need some updating. She stated that she will meet with Ms. Ware regarding this item. a. Addressing the Results of the Staff Sustainability Questionnaire: Matthew Krauss Mr. Krauss stated that at the next update to the Sustainable Sebastian Action Plan he will bring two other types of pollution to this Board. One will be noise pollution, and the other will be light pollution. He has spoken with Ms. Gordian regarding the Staff Sustainability Questionnaire, and as he understood it, in February the questionnaire was addressed. He believes that there is an item that has been missing from that. Normally, when you do a survey, you ask the employees' opinions. Then you provide the people who participated with the results of the survey. He said there are a couple of items suggested by the employees who took the survey that he would like to let the NRB know that he would like to pursue: the reduction of waste, the reduction of energy, and fuel consumption. He would like to pursue those items with the employees who had suggestions. Ms. Gordian stated that it was agreed among staff and Mr. Krauss that those items would be addressed one at a time. She also stated that she has had a few conversations with NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 2, 2024 PAGE 5 City staff regarding the reduction of waste and energy in City Hall and some of the City's other facilities. Mr. Stadelman offered his assistance with this item. 5. Green Infrastructure and LID -- Champion: Nicole Mosblech Ms. Gordian stated that, in her conversations with Dr. Mosblech, Dr. Mosblech had wrapped up all the park assessments. Thus, there is data available on the parks within the past few months. She added that some of the tracts still have to be visited. If there is any tweaking that is necessary for the cut -sheets, she will go ahead and move forward, and have discussions with staff members about any possible management recommendations that will be put into the ultimate Green Infrastructure Plan. 6. Sidewalks and Bikeways -- Champion: Matthew Krauss Mr. Krauss stated that he came onto this Board at just about the time the 5-year plan is up. He said he chatted with City staff about sidewalks and bikeways. He has a desire to pursue bikeways a lot more than sidewalks, as he does not deal with sidewalks much. He is willing to pursue the bikeways and hopefully bring some information back to the Board at its next meeting. B. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup -- Saturday, July 27, 2024 City Council Proclamation on Wednesday, July 101h, 2024 Ms. Gordian stated that before the cleanup there will be the proclamation at the City Council meeting on July 10 at 6.00 p.m. She asked if any of the Board members would be available at that meeting to accept the proclamation from City Council. Several of the Board members stated they will be there. Ms. Gordian said that, for the actual day of the event itself, she does have feedback from all the Board members as to when they may be able to attend. She went over the printout that was attached to this meeting's agenda. In addition, Mr. Stadelman plans on being there the whole day, and Ms. Ware volunteered to be present for the check -in. ii. Board Member Assignments Mr. Stadelman reminded everyone that the event will be held on Saturday, July 27th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. He added that a complete clean-up week is being held beginning Saturday, July 20th through Sunday, July 28th. Registration for this self -reporting cleanup week is at www.tcwaterwavcleanup.com. Ms. Gordian said that every participant does need to register on the website, including all the Board members. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 2, 2024 X. Items for Next Aqenda and Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024 A. Treasure Coast Waterway Debrief B. Sustainable Sebastian XI. Adiournment PAGE 6 There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn at 7:44 p.m A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Charles Stadelman, Chairman A Date: FG 7-12-2024 Notes from the Sustainability Walk -Through of City Hall with Matthew Krauss & Richard Blankenship • MK is interested in learning more about the A/C systems that the city has, and the metrics. • The Old School, the Art Center, Senior Center, and Community Center are on old thermostats and do not have smart timers like City Hall. • In some spots in City Hall (upstairs & public restrooms) and the PW compound, there are sensors for the lights. o The sensors are adjustable, so staff can change how quickly it shuts off if no one is around. • Tracking systems will be (or are already on?) City vehicles that track travel distance, fuel usage, and idle time. • Staff has a NO idling policy, which has been in place since B. Benton became City Manager. o Not reflected in Sustainability Questionnaire Responses • WM will not pick up recycling from Riverview Park if there is trash in the bins. o This could be a good public education opportunity • The Council Chamber is on TV lights, on a manual switch — they are more powerful than standard lights, however, they are not on as frequently as the rest of the building. • Council Chambers could use recycling bins. o For Paper goods, Plastics, or Both? • There are no recycling bins in MIS or Admin/Finance. • There needs to be signage for staff so that no one puts cigarettes in the recycling bins! o For the Western stair corridor. • Recycling outreach needed for CH Downstairs breakroom. • There are no recycling bins in offices in Public Facilities (nearJ. Testa's & R. Blankenship's offices). • There are no recycling bins in HR or the Council Member offices in City Clerk's Dept. • There is no recycling at the Community Center. • There are no recycling bins in the 2nd-floor conference room. • Some bins in City Managers/City Attorney's dept. • WM Picks up trash, SWDD dictates what can and cannot be accepted. • Old school has one large bin upstairs and in some IRL NEP offices; I am not sure about the Veterans' offices. • Old school has several different a/c systems which may be due for replacement soon