WEDNESDAY, JULY 9,2003 - 6:00 P.M.
1. Mayor Barnes called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
City Council Present:
Mayor Walter Barnes
Vice-Mayor Raymond Coniglio
Councilmember Joe Barczyk
Councilmember James Hill
Councilmember Nathan McCollum
Staff Present:
City Manager, Terrence Moore
City Attorney, Rich Stringer
City Clerk, Sally Maio
Deputy City Clerk, Jeanette Williams
Public Works Director, Terry Hill
Parks Supervisor, Chris McCarthy
City Council Workshop
July 9, 2003
Page Two
Discuss Park and Recreational Facilities Use/Functions on Riverfront
(Transmittal 7/2/03 with numbered backup attached)
Mayor Barnes said he perceives two issues, 1) use of Riverview Park; and 2) use
of the Yacht Club ramp.
He said there have been uses granted in Riverview Park and later it was
discovered that they were doing things that were not originally approved for.
Mayor Barnes noted for large events there is a need for extra police, staff time, a
map showing where the vendors will be, have a city employee present for whom
overtime is paid, assurance that what people say they are doing will be done.
Mr. Coniglio recommended that events not be micro-managed, but rather that
each department involved sign off on the permit.
Mr. Hill said guidelines were put in place recently and that staff has failed on
every level to implement the mechanisms that were put in place. He cited the
application form and other provisions that are set out in the code which should
have been followed and that the application is to be submitted to City Council by
the City Manager, and would have solved the problems that have been
encountered in the past. The City Manager said the City is in a transitional
period having recently moved the process to the new Recreation Division. He
said it is his intent to follow the guidelines that are currently set out in the code.
Mayor Barnes reiterated that if procedures are being properly followed, it should
relieve some of the problems.
The City Attorney said the way the code is written, it provides for an agreement
that addresses any impacts to the City.
Mr. McCollum recommended higher deposits or fees to accommodate use of City
staff for larger events. He said the number of vendors can be restricted to keep
the numbers of people using the park down. He further said staff needs clear
direction on what is permitted.
The City Attorney said the current provisions provide for staff to determine impact
based on the application and proposed uses. The only distinction is that
anticipated attendance above 300 people requires Council approval and that
under 300 they still have to come to the City Manager to disclose the anticipated
use. He said those numbers can be changed.
City Council Workshop
July 9, 2003
Page Three
Mayor Barnes said he had no problem with the current numbers as long as they
are being enforced.
Mayor Barnes said there has only been one event that went astray, and if
Council agrees that the rules are okay, he will go through some rules he would
like to see changed.
Mr. Barczyk said use of police officers at the Yacht Club and Community Center
should be up to the discretion of the Council based on the use, citing past
damage done by smaller groups than 75. He also questioned what is local and
what is out of town. It was noted that police officers are required even when
there is not liquor served.
The City Manager noted that parks built with grant funds cannot discriminate
residency and all fees must be equitable.
Discussion followed on the need for a police officer at functions at the
Community Center and Yacht Club for over 75. Mr. Coniglio recommended that
it should be an employee but perhaps not an officer.
Mayor Barnes said perhaps that is something that can be incorporated into the
rules at a later meeting.
Discussion took place on allowing dogs in parks.
Mayor Barnes said proposed fees are fine.
Mr. Barczyk said there should be no fishing from the observation pier. The City
Manager said he could post a notice by his given authority.
Mr. Barczyk suggested last sentence of 74-8.(b) be stricken. The City Attorney
said he would strike it and was directed to do so.
Mr. McCollum asked if new fees include staff time. The City Manager said
mitigation fees would be additional.
Adrina Davis, Sebastian, objected to allowing flea markets in the park, based on
his experience with flea market inspections he conducted at Aqueduct.
Alice Russell, Sebastian River Art Club, said they are currently paying $50 per
show at six per year and any increase will be a strain on the Club. She said her
group requires no special services, has no food nor outside vendors, and there is
never a need for cleanup. She said her group is non-profit and an asset to the
City Council Workshop
July 9, 2003
Page Four
City in many areas. Mayor Barnes requested a copy of her presentation for
further Council review.
Sal Neglia, Sebastian, discussed many points that were brought up by Council.
Bill Germann, Sebastian, said there was mismanagement of parking during the
4th of July festivities.
Damian Gilliams, 1623 US 1, inquired about use of alcoholic beverages in parks
and the City Attorney said it is allowed for city-sponsored events. Mr. Gilliams
suggested notifying businesses in writing when you are closing roads.
Carol Smith, organizer of the Singles Festival, said everything that happened at
the event was approved by Chris McCarthy.
4. Being no further public input, the Mayor adjourned the workshop at 6:57 p.m.
Approved at the r'7 -',~.~ ~..~ - _~ '.~
Council Meeting.
Walter W. Barnes~, Mayor
Sally A. Ma~,'CMC, City