HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveys for 243 Joy Haven Dr - Blakemore JohstonC.L. \X 1 1_—T F_- Y ' �IZ� LEC,Efi1 / `3 I #�441(c �iYo' 1 1�1^,y D2>1�tac,� Eb,07 i �' � SET co.P _: aaSCo I VeaR 7_01QL- fa Ft_ooa ZoIQE= X N o lI'1 .y� r � i�3L 4" >z1 N Lo7- / ILA ,JAW, 7-6.33, d 14'k -rc ` e is� T ��, T _ 9 '� 4" F.F. 0-, - 54.oa Q d '4' 1 1 �� N 3 I m � �- r 5 C(i ' J ,�-; r- c•I fir' 31 AUICp -.off a4� — -- i , V Lc3T zt, 4 25 bccLlPley-) NOT VALID UNLESS 8I414ED,DATED AND STAMPED WITH EMBOSSED SEAL CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED SKETCH OF SURVEY OF THE HEREON DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AS SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECTION. 1 FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA (CHAPTER 81G17-6) PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.07,FLORIDA STATUTES. SU8XCT TO THE QUALIFICATIONS NOTED H ON.� V%A3Mmw uaCOMWALAMMW Alp 4416 >ov►t s �aaxs� . L,,T 2 4 O G-G: •J 1� 1 F_v � F,F, El.� S•}, I 0 (�103 LOT Z3 OLC 1-I'IE0 �S�URWY TYPE ou+vDAz { I S ITE L4Y14URST LAND SURVEYING INC. DRAV.M BY: SURVEYING ae MAPPING COMPANY DIEa"D ay' W.E.H. 122 OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY SUITE 6-0 FI D BOOK: `1 S VERO SEACM, FL. 32960 PAGE Na Co 4- F1MD DATE q _ I S-9 �7 PHONE: (561) 569•-6680 _ FAX: (561) 770-3446 � 11I= 3o' 9 8-SOCK W N/ TIL K u � +) M • I sa •" I ziw<n Tx L Te K I eee uxlr I eQT ses i� T. J W4 eN e 0.SEE E ANb) IM El 9 441 C/ - 446 II LOCATION MA1PI1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL 'OF LOT 8 ,BLOCKa3 S`Ez�\5 i I�)�1 i-ilG0La,r,iT>s I Uk117' II ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN - PLAT BOOK -7 , PAGE S(o OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS,OF INDIAN RIVER CO. . FLORIDA. SAID LANDS LYING IN INDIAN RIVER CO.,. FLORIDA. . CONTAINING 0,23 ACRES MORE OR LESS SURVEY NOTES: _ 1: LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS —OF —WAY -AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 2. NORTH ARROW SHOWN HEREON IS ORIENTATED AS SHOWN. 3. ELEVATIONS (IF SHOWN) HEREON -ARE RELATIVE TO ASSUMED DATUM, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIED BY CLIENT: 6. BEARING BASE AS SHOWN. PErr .•FUG:' 7. SQ. FT. -OF HOUSE (IF SHOWN) SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. 8. LEGEND OF SURVEY ABBREVIATIONS ON BACK OF SURVEY. CERTIFIED T0- BLAKEMORE.E. and MARY ANN L. JOHNSTON HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK PROFESSIONAL TITLE OF INDIAN RIVF'R, INC. TOZZOLO BROTHERS CONST. CO., INC. DATE: REVISIONS: INT. 1 `lco "(>Jsxv pL3CIC i I � 1 \� t ,y- OUEO F,Le l T �vu f MCNE20 pace wEu. KV FLOOD . ZONE:. X A PANEL No. 12c�(� I C o0-1 g rc 0.00 INDICATES• EXIST. ELEVATION INDICATES PROP. ELEVATION j wwINDICATES PROP. LOT DRAIN. J ®INDICATES DRAINFIELD AREA THERE ARE NO WELLS OR SEPTICS WITHIN 100' UNLESS SHOWN LIVING AREA %9 1 1 tSQ. FT. DRAINAGE AREA `100 SQ.•F-T. LOT AREA 1 I 3 to O SO. FT. (INCLUDES RIW CREDIT) ELEVATIONS ARE FOR CALCULATION PURPOSES ONLY I 'S EBASTIAN HI 5 UNIT I IF A 5136PIVIHOM OF A FORTION OF #ECTIOWI9 AND 30,TOWNIP 3I 50UT11, AAU6E 3'T EAST, A 4UbDIYI410111 OF A PDXT1011 OF SfC.TION 25, TOW1491T 51 y01LM4. RANGE Sd EAST.; AUD A S1IDDIYI410N OF TRACTS 'G' AND 'N' OF '7LNJTIA)J UIG14LANP5 UNIT :IO. CITY OF 5E6AIMAN- IIIDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIPA Z,WEET I Of 13 59EET6 PE SC9,1PTIOW A parcel of land lyinq in o portion of /reetiom l9 and 30, 7 wn>hip 31 5oufh, Rory. 15,9 East and a Forfion of -te Boni. 24 and Z5. Tonnfhip 31 rjoeiih, Rangt 36 Ea>t, being mars Par#ieularq dt, libtd o, follows: I I) The Norih 1/2 of the WE 114 of the 5E14 less the 4oufh 100 feet th.reof and th. Uor+-h V2 of Sect;on 25, TownShiF 31 5eufh , Rongc 3E Eos+. Conf.inin9 936.95 Acrt> more or I.,>, 2) Th. Worth 112 of the NW V4 of 5ee#ion 30, T n,hip 31 youfh, Range 39 Eoyt. Containing dO.7Z Acres wort or less. 3) Troef Viand Troc#'N of f5EDA57IAU WIGWLAWPS UNIT 10 ace and trig to the plot thereof of recorded in Plot book 6 of pogts 3T and 3}A +hru 37.0 of the Public Reardt of Indian Fivar County, Florida Lyinq in Aire+ion 24, Township 31 5wfh, Range 36 Ea,+ one: confaining 57.09 Acre, pore or lt+�. 4) The 5aufh-,f 114 of 5.cfion fq , Town>hip 31 South, R.N. .59 East. Containing 141.87 Acres more or less. 5) D.gqinning on the 11.0h line of the Northwcs# 14 of 5ecfwn !'I,To..a>hip 31 5ou+h, Rongc 59 Eott and o+ o diytanet of 1"144-0,5 feat from the 5outfmest corner of Said Northwest 1/4, run U.11'!b'02'! along ,aid Sou#h line of Uorihweef 1/4, for 701,29 fast to tht center of Said Section let; thence U. O'05'06'r1., alanq the Eatt line of yard Uor+hwest 1/4. for 29.3'i feet; thence 6.89.51'5Z-W. for 302.9Z fact to a point of curvature ofa circular curva to the right having a radio, of 240 fet.t; thence Uerfhwestcrly alanq iht arc of said curve through a central angle of 45"06'08- for ?414.07 feet to a point of tongency; thence U. 49100'00'W. for 54.a5 fact; thence 5. 45'170.00"1V. for IS7.57 feet; ihence e,. 60.01'aZ-W. for 71. 33 feet to a pain+ on the arc of a circular curve concove to the Nest and havinq a rodiu, of 50 feat; thence Soutnarly clanq the arc of >a;d circular curer havinq far its ¢laments a lonq chord of .33.53 feet beorinq S. I'W40-E., through a central angle of .i 4'II'OI• for 34.19 foci to the POINT OF bEGIUUIUG. Conicininq 0.9T Acre+ more or lets. All the oboe- de,crit>.d land lying in the City of 5.bat1ian, Indian River County, Florida and containing on aigregote total of 639.G0 Acr¢ more or I¢+s- MOT to by,Y,aED I w6q•36'oT-t 5utE;'.10 b4 SR ET\ \ 9 >sT \. ET jJ+cA7 G "a "I 3 u EEt. 9 >co SJLEr� ,r +v Z +ny_-i- soy I i �G>1.T4' w.bq•n.'ao'a. ,,raT }ypo,v,aGa -E..Aot.D2 c� EU61WEEF? MOTE: 2 - C♦ F..E VT col ..l .n o �- 'ea Grfh Pa no t.+ Fermar,enf 0..farance Uon..men4. Pm n,iao+ on corner lots ore to the infer action uoT eueowlotp dr of ploc1, lines exfandad, unle,t otherwix ,hown. prawn : G.E.h. 'f r All ad;; a u 25 fret center. ofhcrwix ,ho.rn-, ChacAed: .' � •'!/✓.f 4' a,­tt f bcorirq >y+tam it o»um•-d for rompu- SEC. 19 6 30, TWP. _-,I 5., R.6E 39 E. tat an purpo>[t. SEC. 24 E. Z5, T%VP. ->I S.; RGt 3es f Pt AT "CIA /AGE Si DOCK or Xo. STATE, OF FLORIPA P E D I C A 7101 I COUNTY OF DAD, sa KUO\V ALL MEN P14 T11t5E PP,E5ENT5: That the GEWtRAI DtVLtvrijWT CO0.poAATIOtd, a fAzlowan Carpionoion-euthon" to de, business in th. eit. to of Fbrida, the owner of the described land, hat l:au5ea to be mode the attached Plat of a 5EFj L5TIAU WI6111LAWP5 UNIT I", and by it-" duly ekc+Ld Vice•Pra>idani and A>�t. /itcmiary acting b4 and w;+h the oatMri+q of its board if Dir.c+or,, daa, hereby dnd;co+t +ha Ah—+s. A,� .., Dr .t, Lena+, Tarraea., W.i.rvay. and Dra;ne9.';.;9h++-Of-Va4, a, shown on the orioel.cel Plat, to the Perpetual east of the public for Frop.r purpa>e>. Res irtin, to the GEMMAL DtVtLOPMtNT CORPMATIOU, its succaywrs and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, whenever discontinued bel law. Unit" afhcr%;,t indicated, a !trip of land 10 fsef wide of the rear of each to+ and G fast -;a. et 1" >idst of .oeh tat seal o >In? ,f tord 20 feet w,d. of let lines .but#ir.q to and adjacent to Woter.•ayt and Pra:nagt-Righir•Of-hley it rI"rvtd by +he GE WERAL DEVELOPMtNT CORPORATION or its a»&grit, for the intitellation and maintenance of Public uliMias and droinaeft facili+ks, with +ha fallowing etc.ptians: sid. tot liner lying adiacent to streets shall contain rlo curt merit}. Ilhera —It than one lot ar where park of ant or more loft ore intended as a building Site, the outside boundoriers of "id budding sift shalt curry "id ride t Amenfs- In witness whereof, the '/aid GENERAL DtVELOPMtNT CORPOhATION hat caut.d these prtserrt> to bt et.cu+.d in its name, for and on if+ behalf by ifs Vice President and Ar>t. 5.crtfoni and its corparaV. ".I to be haraun+o eiffixed this ITlh day of 5tylember, L.D. 1963 ENERAL DEV ELOyPMLNT CORPORATION Iby l (�._../�+..t Vice - Prarrid.nt .Orren P.. Mc._ junl.in> �. _� Attatt.d 2b-t., ff' A»t 3acrcf.ry t-L. -5—k-4 ACAWOWLEP6MEMT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Of DAVE >'s' Defora Sne thi. day personally appeared Orrtn l6. hoc Junl,ms. Vice -Pre+,dent acd yvbert L. �. cloy, Ass!. 94cret.r9 of the GENERAL PEVELOPMEUT CORPORATIOW, a Delaware Corparation, au+honctd +ado butinest in the h+ate of Flar,do, to me well know to be the ptrtont who >igatd +he Foregoing Insfrumanf oSu ch uch officers end oak—liedied the ewecu+ion thereof to be their free act and deed at teach officer., for the uses and purpottt thara,n mentioned and that they affixed thereto the official 7tal of w;d corpora+ion, and +ha raid ,.0,.m.n+ it the act and d.ed of raid corporation. Mine., my hand and Na#oriol real chit /%`O day of 5t)5�- A.R 14L5 My Commis,ion ..Pi_'} ism-,,a.Z zr Notary P� ylaYi o! Floride a+ !ergo 9URVEY09,S CERTIFICATE I IItRED4 CERTIFY That the attached plot [ntitkd "SLbViTIAW WIGNLLNP5 UNIT It" it, a truce and correct r.pra;•cntation of the land{ as recentiq Surveyed and platted under my direction; elta that Permanent Reference Monuments hove been s.t in accordance with Chapter 177, Florida ytatufe+ eu•rey mmpkfaa 1eprmr:R-2, IgGS. Doted ihi} n" dos of 9¢arcmber , A.D. 1963 �t JANES ED-wT%D CLAR14 �igrstered En"intir-I.6y065 R.gi,tered Land -,. v, nr•.:11R-+7e1'.+ APPROV; L5 jTATE OF FLORIPA t, CODU14 Of 1UP1AU Rift It i, hereby certified that fhi, plat ha+ been Off;cis lly Aoproved for Record by Inc C,iy Council of 5t ba•,1 ion, Indion R;ear Cour.iy, Florida. on +hit day of,heel, A.D. 19i.,C STATE Of FLORIPA CODU14 OF IUPIAU RIVER sa ..h., pint of •5EDA5TlAW WIGHLAWPS UUIT 11- is hart by approved bq E 3 the accredited reprt>enfoI;vt of the Dooed of County Comm,»rovers of Indian LL,ver County, Florida. -- cn tnit a ^-' dace of jrw eY A.D- 19G6. STATE Of FLORIPA COUN14 O: IUDIAU 0.1vER t+ [, ✓ 1'�o�a-� Clark of tfiso7 Circuit Courf of Indian 2­ Cour:ty, Florida," yc -•..•� Certify that this plat ho. been etomintd end tho+ it complies ,n form wdh ... of the r.gwrem.nf- of the `` f the 'A.le of Florida p.rto in{nq to mnpa anbeen d plat, and th,f this plot hot Fi.ed for Record in 91h: D;'K O PAGE Ts. -of th. Public R.card. of Indion River Caunfy, Florida, on th,.. . 7 �C day off r . , A D�� elrrk of fl,e C'c t Ind,nn 7„ver County, Florida ,-C'Al-A,%jam r r11 �f� faPY.deFA0 C1V/4 FA/6 A-f/A"/ fLO.d1PA ihEEi- J Oc,'' SyfE: S rotor _ors /67: 10) cn � .• 2 � 1 e'�. �� � 3 AO 3l 4.r Orown by' L-A✓� � l J CbiciYrdby: �-�q'�+a ���Y .IPP�o{•esdGy: Kf.r t PLA . Q00 1p fl +e OOclrr Ni q G4o 0 d MPIVIA/IOW OF A PORTIOLI OF 4ECTIOUS 19 AUP 30, TO7V091P -51 4OUTN, RANGE 39 EASST; A *UDDIVIy1ON OF A PORTION OF 3ECTIOU 25, TOWWJ 141P 51 40UT9, RAN6B 36 EAST; ALID A& � A 6,U7yDIVHPI41U OF TXACT6 'G' AUP 'N' OF 4E&A'MAU W16ULAUD9 UMIT 10 CITY OF 4E6ASTIAAI ^- IUDIAU RIVER CODUTY, FUMIDA F �p +r SUEET 9 OF 13 91JEETh m •. 1 N N w. V 1 IZ 1 ' 1 � 4 r+ss a� �- Zr S�EEr k� to � •-N09�3G�OC B %GSE. •-- 5 /✓. L/NE SEc. 30'J/-99 D 13) SCla L E: / • /Lb A, roe .pir. '>evTceiee,e I9L3 J'j 4OEs edgwd v ez'dR'!' Ci✓/L FA/Q1AoW'r't AI/A+H/ F&" rruY .S//EEr 9 c" /3 JAWL7.3 /3/ LOTS TN/S SREST 0158 61 L.�r 2l0 j 2.S SL K aM r,-T EP-\14 k O O' Tz I W �r_DGE oT.= wb.TEe. 4Q" E So•o' 1 >,t�� H�nWo�` S£T «P I SET c ep -a3441l, .� ,L,�� Dzo-�wr,GE L-ta5EMS7 I 441cc tr I N I -Pool. Yvmq pAU 1`Loo p ZoNL- ja � 3T•S� "� J FLOoP Zr.>tNE X 'Foot. 11 •Dbi70 U 137.E yq' O 31.37. 3.4vci 11C I 2co. s E � f ltr, L.as �h R �z71 , d L11sr —I ° � STazy c FJ.S • � � 1 W Ld 4 I w 0 I � 1,.35' � • ^ � 111 � e t�l I 7r, 'sr a ;'; —� J- N 3 _ l _ - NOT VALSD UNLESS SIW4=)D.DATED AND STAMPED WITH EMBOSSED SEAL CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED SKETCH OF SURVEY Jy OF THE HEREON DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AS SURVEYED UNDER MY DIRECTION. I FURTHER_ CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA (CHAPTER GIG17-6) PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.07.FLORIDA STATUTES. SUMCT TO THE QUALIFICATIONS, NOTED H ON. / 7YILL.IAI r E. ii TLYFtST >� 11sc31331A Msoiai} i�wixo� alp 4416 DATW smawwo awl ­ S 55° 39 '4o'1w : 80:o' 1-1►�.�lEr�l �sz.��� � - 50' � 1�c J�N FID NP.:i_ 1 vT 2 4 1 L.oT %'5 Wo POSTED a 4 - - sa no � r 24 25 \ LOCATION MAP ILN.T.S. �,. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ALL OF LOT 8 ,BLOCK 3Co3 c-5E:13 N -cT IAI HIG,0L.aIlDs , U0CF I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK -I , PAGE S60 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER CO. , FLORIDA. SAID LANDS LYING IN INDIAN RIVER CO., FLORIDA. CONTAINING O,Z5 ACRES MORE OR LESS SURVEY NOTES: 1. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS —OF —WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 2. NORTH ARROW SHOWN HEREON IS ORIENTATED AS SHOWN. 3. ELEVATIONS (IF SHOWN) HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO ASSUMED DATUM, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. 6. BEARING BASE AS SHOWN. Fr=Z phi 7. SQ. FT. OF HOUSE (IF SHOWN) SUPPLIED BY CLIENT. 8. LEGEND OF SURVEY ABBREVIATIONS ON BACK OF SURVEY. CERTIFIED TO: _ BLAKEMORE E. and MARY ANN L. JOHNSTON HARBOR FEDERAL SAYINGS BANK PROFESSIONAL TITLE OF INDIAN RIVER, INC. TOZZOLO BROTHERS CONST. CO., INC. ym- i T 7 DATE REVISIONS INT. � NDONE 12c� DAzld S 1 j c HiAYI3URST LAND SUR.'EYING INC. NAVM BY- m�,� Novss flow , � '3LTRVEYINC; ac MAPPn*TG COMPANY 04ECI1D Sr K. V. 1�-3-018 pC1Y J F. oµT _*cT, ft t(t/ W.E.H. IZ-1-oIb -mov, W�1_ xv DIaOE HIGHWAY SUITE 0 — B riclA BDOIC I S ! `�-`19 �k'��n' o a Kd PAtiE MDR .100 OLD VERO BEACH. F'L. 02960 U Q- l-1 -a� SL�,'3 LOGA� 1C)t�l KV PHONE: (561) 569-6680 nUD DAZE' q-lS-9 a FAX: (561) 770-3446 SC"E 1''= 3o' NOt q8-Soc�