HomeMy WebLinkAbout01041989City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 MINUTES SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL PROPOSED ORDINANCES AND INFORMATION ON ITEMS LISTED BELOW MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA. Mayor Votapka called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Assistant Finance Director, Larry Napier, led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilman George Metcalf Councilman Robert McCarthy Councilman Peter Vallone Vice Mayor Kenneth Roth Mayor Richard Votapka Also Present: City Manager, Robert McClary City Attorney, Charles Nash Director of Community Development, Bruce Cooper Finance Director, Carol Carswell Chief of Police, Earle Petty Assistant Finance Director, Larry Napier City Clerk, Kathryn O'Halloran Deputy City Clerk, Sally Maio 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS (ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS) Mayor Votapka requested that an item G be added regarding the Citizen's Airport Watch petition for an airport referendum. Vice Mayor Roth objected to any discussion 1 88.150 of a petition presented by the people for referendum. The item was added. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. 6. PUBLIC INPUT Andrew O'Loughlin presented a petition with approximately 200 signatures requesting that Council amend the code to prohibit the blowing of train whistles between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Edwin Grimes requested that Council and staff look into people working in Sebastian without an occupational license. J.W. Thompson requested and was given the opportunity to speak during the discussion of the Rural Sanitation rate increase. Leonard Bassi said he had been assured he would be placed on an agenda following the November workshop and had as yet heard nothing. John Evans, CAW, stated that Council had an obligation to place the airport question, as stated in the petition, on the ballot. Tim Smith supported the use of train whistles at night. Mayor Votapka placed consideration of train whistles on the January 25, 1989, agenda. 7. WORKSHOP ITEMS A. Rural Sanitation Rate Increase Request As a result of a discussion among Council members and Dan Kilburn and Peter Wright, Rural Sanitation, Council consensus was to grant a $5.65 rate increase and billing would be prorated back to November 1, 1988, to reflect that figure. J.W. Thompson requested that Rural not be allowed to increase its rates until April 1, 1989. A resolution amending the Rural Sanitation (Treasure Coast Refuse) franchise was placed on the January 25, 1989 agenda. 2 88.170 Resolution No. R-89-01 - Chief of Police Job Description After a lengthy discussion and consensus polls taken, amendments to the job description for Chief of police were made as follows: Under "Illustrative Duties", sixth paragraph add "all local, County," between "with" and "State"; strike the word "officers" and replace with "agencies" Under "Special Requirements", the sentence, "Must agree to reside within five miles of the city limits." was added; and the second sentence was replaced with, "The individual must be certified as a full-time police officer in accordance with minimum standards as required by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission ("CJSTC"); provided, however, that a newly hired police chief must be eligible for the aforementioned certification subject to completion of the police academy course of instruction required by CJSTC within a reasonable period of time after being hired.". This item was placed on the January 11, 1989, agenda. Mayor Votapka called recess at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:08 p.m. All members present at recess were present at recall. 89.002 C. Discussion - Vehicle Purchase - * Seven Used Vehicles for Police Department and Department of Community Development The City Manager stated that since the one bid received staff deemed too high, it was staff's recommendation to reject the bid and to utilize the state contract price. At the request of Council, he said staff would look into state contract prices for mid-size and full-size vehicles and report back to Council with a recommendation. Request to reject this bid was placed on the January 11, 1989 consent agenda. 88.129 D. Discussion L Barber Street Sports Complex The City Manager stated that he was considering utilizing the $21,000 in the capital projects budget to purchase Lot 6, Block 208, Unit 10 and two other properties adjacent to Barber Street Sports Complex. Following some discussion of the source of the funds, the City Manager was requested to look into unreserved surplus funds for $4500 which may be transferred for this purchase since the $21,000 was slated for use for Little League fields at Barber Street ballfield. Amended at 1/11/89 Regular Meeting 3 88.177 88.119 89.003 E. Resolution No. R-88-77 - Thoroughfare Plan The City Manager pointed out the change he had made to Resolution No. R-88-77 by adding a paragraph number five regarding the addition of a right-of-way acquisition program as a part of the Long Range Major Street and Highway Program for district three. Following some discussion the City Manager and Attorney were requested to look into the legal and financial implications of opting out of the County impact fee program. Resolution No. R-88-77 was placed on the January 11, 1989 agenda. F. Policy on City Board Appointments Mayor Votapka presented to Council a proposed new application form. Attorney Nash presented to Council copies of FS 112.501 regarding municipal board appointments and removals. Council stated their individual objections to suggested policy items contained in the Mayor's memo dated September 26, 1988, and as a result, the following changes were made: #3 the City Manager suggested that this read "preference shall be given to city residents when possible"; and #11 strike "criminal" and replace with "warrant". The City Attorney was instructed to review this memo with changes, the PrOPosed application form, any conflicts that may exist between the recommendations in the memo and existing codes involving boards of the city and bring back a recommendation to the February 1, 1989 workshop. G. CAW Airport Referendum Petition Mayor Votapka said he placed this item on the agenda to discuss the proposed amendment language at this time since ballot items must be in to the Supervisor of Elections by the end of January, 1989. The City Attorney stated that he had instructed the City Clerk that the airport referendum petition must be placed on a Council agenda for their direction, as the legislative body pursuant to state law, to place it on the ballot and that fOllowing a review of the referendum petition he felt there may be some legal infirmities with the resolution, whereupon contacting the Mayor, he was instructed to do some additional research. 4 He advised Council that there may be some provisions in the Charter amendment that violate State law and said he would probably need until the January 25, 1989 meeting to give a written opinion. John Evans, CAW, reiterated that it is Council's duty to place this question on the ballot. MOTION by McCarthy/Roth I move we extend the meeting five minutes. ROLL CALL ON THE MOTION FAILED (Vallone - nay) Mayor Votapka adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Approved at the~~ // Kathr~n M. O'Halloran, City Clerk · 198~/ Regular Council Meeting. Richard B. Votapka, Mayor 5 pm:-'l- ! 1- ;[ ON ~IE UNDERBIBNED RES~STE.RE.D VOTERS OF SEBASTI'AN, FLOR'fDA REDDEST THAT THE. LAND DE.VE.LOPFIE.NT CODE. ~='0A-7.4 (10) TRAIN WH]iSTLES AND ORDINANCE 0-S0-10 PARASRAPH ADOPTED ~-ll-BB BE. AIqE.NDED TO PROHIBIT TRAI'N WITHIN THE. CITY LIHITS OF SE.BASTIAN, FLORIDR ~DDt~E.~S / //3 ~E UNDERSIGNED REGISTERED VOTERS OF SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA REQUEST THAT THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ~0A-7.4 <10) TRAIN WHISTLES AND ORDINANCE 0-88-10 PARAGRAPH ADOPTED 5-il-88 BE AMENDED TO PROHIBIT TRAIN WHISTLES FROM 10:00 PM TO 6:00 AM W/THIN THE CiTY LIM1TS OF SEBASI'IAN~ FLORIDA ~- UNDERSISNr:D RE818TEHED VOT~-'H8 OF ~rBAS1 IHN~ FLORIDA ~"GU~t~T 1HAl'* I'H~: L. AND DEVELOPMENT OODE ~OA-7.~ (10) 'KHRIN WHISTLE8 AND ORDINANCE 0-88-10 gA~iASF~AgH ~ ADOPTED ~-11-8~ BE AMENDED TO PROHXB1T ]*F~AIN WHISTLES FROM 1OMO0 PM TO 6:00 AM WITHIN THE OI"KY LIMITS OF 8EBASTIAN~ FLORIDA P£TIT~ON UNDERSIGNED REBISTERED ¥OTERB OF SEBAGTIAN~ FLORIDA REQUEBT THAT THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ~0A-7.4 (10) TRAIN WHISTLES AND ORDINANCE 0-88-10 PARAQRAPH ADOPTED 5-11-88 BE AMENDED TO PROHIBIT TRAIN WHISTLES FROM IOBO0 PM TO &~O0 AM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SEBASTIAN~ FLORIDA NAM£ RDDRESB ~E UNDERSIGNED REGISTERED VOTERS OF SEBASTIAN~ FLORIDA REOUEST THAT THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ~OA-?.4 (10) TRAIN WHIGTLE8 AND ORDINANCE O-B8-10 PARAGRAPH : ADOPTED 5-11-88 BE AMENDED TO PROHIBIT TRAIN WHISTLES FROM 10~00 PM TO 6:00 AM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITG OF EtEBASTIAN, FLORIDA UNDERGIGNED REQISTERED VOTERS OF QEBRSTIRN~ FLOR[DR REQUEST THRT THE LRND DEYELOPMENT CODE ~OR-?.4 (10) TRRIN WHZSTLES RND ORDZNRNCE O-QQ-10 PRRRQRRPH 2~ RDOPTED 5-11-88 BE RMENDED TO PROHIBIT TRR[N WH[STLES FROM 10100 PM TO 6~00 RM N~TH~N THE CZTY LIMITS OF SEBRBTIRN~ FLORZDR ~'IE UNDERSIGNED REGISTERED VOTERS OF SEBASTIAN~ FLORIDA REQUEST THAT THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ~OA-7.~ (10) TRAIN WHISTLES AND ORDINANCE O-SS-lO PARASRAPH ~ ADOPTED 5-11-88 BE A~IENDED TO PROHIBIT TRAIN WHISTLE8 FRO~I 10:00 PN TO 6:00 AM WITHIN THE ~ITY LIMITS OF SEBASTiAN~ FLORIDA _~_L___~_~__ _~___ ..... - ......... _~_~~~__--~~ .............. ======================== _:__~__'~:~//~-_ _.~_~ _~_~_,~ ........... ~p__~~~___ .............. ~~~_~_2~ ......... ....... ~~_~n .................... PETITIO~ UNDERSISNED RESISTERED VOTER8 OF 8EBASTIAN~ FLORIDA REQUEBT THAT THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ~0A-7.4 (10) TRAIN WHISTLE8 AND ORDINANCE 0-88-10 PARASRAPH ADOPTED 5-11-BB BE AMENDED TO PROHIBIT TRAIN WHi~TLE~ FROM 10:00 PM TO 6:00 AM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SEBASTIAN~ FLORIDA UNDEREtlBNED REIglBT£RED VU'TEH~ OF IftE~Ai~TII:IN~ FLURIDR REQUEST THO'1 THE CODE ~OR-7.~ (10) *FHRIN HHI~rLE~ ~ND ORDINANCE O-~-10 PRR~R~PH 5-11-66 ~E ~NENDED l'O PROHI~ll' T~R1N WHI~3'LE~ FHO~ 10100 P~ ]'U blO0