HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-12-1925 ~anuary 12, 2925. roll call the £ollov,'iu~,: v/ere 'found to be present: t,~ayor ~. B. Hicks Councilmen Onao L Beu~uot -resident A. G. ~;loberts Ohas. t'[. 5embler M.-~,~, Miller H. I,.[. ~ ~.].,,,~ v~."s fo'~nd to be absent. 0ierk L. 0. Ba~hm~ l~ia~shai ~. F. Vickers Attorneb~s Nisle and Vooelle I,tinutes of the previous meet in~ were read and a~roved. Councilman A. G. itob9rts, offered the follmving resolution, Wi[~:~A: , 5ection 183S of ti'~e Revised otat'~tes of ~lorzaa, rovides tit t "The ~'o' n Council s~all nave ,,porter and authority to j'~d~e of ti:e election retarns and :: t~.alific' tions of ,tic own members, to make ~,acn by-lav~s and re?~lations for t..'~eir o:~a~ 7~id"nce and ~:overnment as they may deem ex,sedient ~:ud to enforce ti~e s rae b'y fi~e or penalty, ~u,,o,~. nat the follov~i.n~,~ il'roles and ~e,:~].ations be _~:_~¢; tnej- a're ke'_-eoy' ado., ted, for ' ; '~,O~'e'"-rLd~,,Lt~"' of the Tovfn C ouncil o:f ~.~,e Towe of ~eb~:.,t', ,,;i;:':~.n,' P1 o 2 [d..a: Rule 1. Wke amjority of ti'~e members of the k'o~vn Coancil si~all 'be necess:..:,'~V, to constitute a %'aoru,u, but a s~fr,:.ller nu~nber mr.y adjoarn from time to time unt£1 a, ,~oram ~% obt:'lned. Rale 2. All b~siness transact~d bj t~:~e i'o'o'n Ooaneil shall be in the fell o~,v in:~_~ order: ~. om~nk~ations to t.ae Town Council f~,'om the ~,a~or, t'own of,~cez~, a~:~d their reference. o. ~e~orts of st~ndin~ committees 4. Reports of s~lect ~o:rmnittees. ~. ~ction '~on ordinonces. J. ~resent, tion of .etiti n~, bills 'nd cc:.:,unts, reference, and miscellaneo~zs ?. Unfinished business. 8. Miscellaneous bus.[ne[s. · !in:,? smd a~rovin.T, the minutes of tl~e preceediu? ineetin~,~. or o'ther Z{ule ~. iSotions for refereu, ce to co, n,~zt~es, ' ~e s~all be put to 1. ~tandinc cof~ittees. £. :~e~ect committees. Rule 4. All reports of committees shall be in writin~, ~:~nd shall be filed by t~e Clerk. Rule 5. All resolutions ~"nd amendments thereto ~nall be n::.'.ndod to the Clerk and z'e~d bs' nlm before they shall be in order. All motions aad amendments sn~:,ll be redaced to v/ritin~ a,t -ti'~e reuuest of ti~e prec.[d'[~:? officer, ~-:nd shall be z'e~d bp'-Nze Clerk before deb, re. z%zle 6. The presidi::~.~, officer ~J~all decide all ,.3zestions o'f order v~i-thout deb"te. Prom his decision ~'}:':~d a~eal may be t'ken by' :ny member as a matter of oo~rse. No member shall s~'k more ti~ n tv,lee on the ss,me ~es'~ion at anl, meetin~, nor :mo~e tk~"n fifteen mi~tes 'at any time. Rale 7. TAe y'e~':s a:,',~d, i~ayes on any ,:'aestion ~:i~11 be t':keu at of ~:~uy me,,~,doer. =i~le 8. After the decisi,~n of a,n~ mestion it snali 'be in order for member vot-.n-'~' in ti~e majoz'[ty to :hove for ~,, reconsid, eL'"tio~"~ of ~.ae ~ ;.:~e ',,; .: i .,n t the same 'time, or at -b~e next rems!ar mee-0i~?, if his motion is lost, shall no'o 'be ......... "~ · z%'ale 9, ~henever it snail bco. otez~zned to tr~'.';"~.sac't ~'ny business in secret ses~-' tJ!o ,~on, ~_~resid.[n:? officer sh.' 11 {i.i~'ec't "~11 ~e'~.sons excerpt members }.'~d of Sleets of trzo OO'tlRoil, ,tO witl'Htr'v; a,~'l{:', t~e Acer is to be kept closed a'ari'a~? suc~ secret sesszon. ~very }den~oer ~'~o, ofs'icer sns~ll observe strict secrecy/ of all proceed ,.n':,s held r b ~ule 10. ~he name of the membes offerius :'nF Resol'ation, or 0rdin~"nce or maki:n~ any ~otion, shall aaaompan~ such Resolu~tzon, 0talin?nee or Motion. Rule 11. No member shall· absent nzmself from any meetins for a period of ti'r;'n te~", minutes r/itnomt the conseP..t of the pres~_~i.n~ orfio r. Rule 12o On all %uestions of parlia:ment' ry law, Robert's Rules of 0rd. er shall be book of refe'.'ence, and it rules, so far as ~as~y be applic,.'ble, Z{ule 1'~!}o it slz%ll be the duty of all committees to 'ueport on every s'~bject referred to them at-tJ~ :next meeti~ cz' ~xe Oonncil; provided, herder, 'b~ t the council may direct a report to 'be made -to ~.-nd interveni~'~ adjourned meet ~mle 14. No acc.tznt, b[ll of ci' im ch,'?,ll be ordered ~' id at -the meetiN~ o:f ' ~ .m>,:~ been referred to i..~.e PAnance committee; except '~on unanimous consent of tile Oo'enoil. Rule 15. ~t shall be 'the ea~ of the ~, ..... idin? o:fZicer of to see th::t t~le ~rooee~i:' ~s of every meeti.n~ a~,re properly a,nd promptly record, ed by. 'ti~e 0lurk, and ~' record of such .proc:,edi-~'.~,o shall 'be '- ...... -'~- on< Clerk, a~ld a.iprovea, b; the p"~": _ , ~:~id. ir'~ offices of-the Oouncll after ado./tion. il'ale 15. ~ny rule may be saspe'adc:d tempov,~:,ri"l~'~ for s£,eci~<l re. ,,o~,.o~ ....... ' i. ananimo-as consent of the members presser. ~{ule 1V. in actin-, e~.~on ordinances, the pro~osed ordin{nce str:.ll be re:d tli'~e i'irst time as a waole ::.nd then 2eased to a second z'e~.:d.k'~a~r, or other ;vise (ki~'.. ~"'= .... ' ~ . ~s :yassed 'bo a ~econd ~'ea. diN~, it may be t~:ken ~z~, 21aced on a second re.z ~.L .... b7 -k i.kke vote, re.::d by- secti ns ~)!ld _tossed to a third dis.2oced oS b',~. a like vote. Iff passed to a third rc~c:din:2 it shall then be re'd as a '~.vxole 'and ~;et a~.o~ its final pass?,.~e. No ~endments ~...l~all be in le.:.akn.-t, and the vote on its ~kRal pa. ssa'~'e slzall be ye.:::'s and nays on Zne c:-ll off "~xe roll, z~e a:fiirm:...tive vote of a majority o~ ~:tll h.,te memoer{; otc -b~le Wown ~o't~nokl present bein:'~ nece~,:;sary i'or ii'ale 18. Eot to delay-the proceecli~t~s of th.e 0ouncil and t'-~ time of o-3.~c~ msmb~:'i'~, eacx member.' i~ erijoJ, ned to attend to every pz'om~tli" at tho hour fixed b;~,' t:ze ouncil vote or~ ti~e 8,hove resoletion~; was as £ollows: Adopte~ January 12, 1'~£5. 2~yes: ouncilmen, ~.~iller, Roberts, i~r,yes: None. Sembler. Councilman A. G. Roberts offered the followin~ resol,,ztion: B~ I'r ~uLV-~SD_ ~y the Town Council of the Town of Sebastian., that the Bank b'uildin~:;~: of t.ze ~ank of ~ebastian, be and the Same as i'~ereby-desisn.'.':ted as the Council Chamber wilez'e al! :,.~.~-~I: ...... c: :::[~ ti~e ~own Council shall_h be .aeld 'until some o't.~.ter au_it,bls Chambek pro~ided~ Be it further resolved, tm'::t the sum of ~2.00 sx~.-:ll be paid to t~:.e s,'id Bank of Sebast,.tr:n, for e~c:'~ mee-ti'.-~ el' txo Wo,vu Oot.tncil held t.herein. Whe vote on ti~e ~::'bove Resolution wt:s as i~ollows: Ayes: Oounozlmen' ' i(obe:.'ts, i~[iller, Se'tablet ..... -~a.:' Be~?not. i~-.. es: None An Ordinance prohibLt/~t the o'bstruotio~ of ~treet Cros~Ln.~s over railroads with c~:rs cz' looo ..otives and :..~rovid./n~ a z~en?lt~',' therefor. ~a,s re~-:,d for the fi:cst time i~ f~ll. L.IOL'£0N ma. de bF- Cotzncilman L'[iller, seconded b Co'tzno:Llman Sembler, tn~t 0rdi. u;~nce be re.. d the seco'nd time b;,., ti-tie o~aly. Llotion ca:::ried. idOi£d,..':: m~de by Councilman Miller, seconded b~" Councilman 5stabler, that Ordir~a.:.ce be r~;".cl tire tJ~iz'd time by title only and .~ut 'u2on its LiotLor_, c':.rrLed. Roll c~::.ll on. Ordirl-nce, ci}a.pter ~o. ~. Ayes: Oounci!men Mille'~", ~emblor, Roberts NaNes: l~'one. An 0rdinanoe to ','e~rulate the o~eration of aatomo'biles, mo'torcyles bycicies, ~,.~d other ve~.'kcile~, and l~rescriLin.~ renalaties for the vzol~.tion of t,~s Ordinate. ~%s re~d for the first t[~ae i'} fall. 1;[Q~fI,.QN. :;ade by Comncilman ~em~:~sr, seconded by 0o'[zncilman Miller, that Orc~inance be re:?d the second ti.~e by title only. Mot ion cc.r~'ied. i.i0T£:,,,1,[ made b/ Go ,~ , o, ~ ~ ,,nozlm_n -,em,z,.Loz, secoRd, e& 'b. Oo'tmc [lme',-~. Mille;', that 0rdhz-'nce be reed the th/;'& time by title o,~tl[,. ..... nd put a;:on its pas: ze. I~[ot ton c.--:rr:Led. ~oll call on ordin'.'nce. Ayes: Oauncilznen 5embler, I,,'liller, ~oberts l¢e'a~not. NaL, es: None. An 0rc,.L.'r:nce~ '~ prescx'ibi!l:,.'; t.':.~e manner of payment of all indebtedness of the L'o~,vu of ....... ~" ' ~- ~eo~-~,s'~lr-n, Plo:..-Lr,~-', and for othe~ _a, urposea-',. ,fa~ re~-:,d for the fi~,o~ time in full. ],i02ld. i,l made b7 Councilman ~,~iller, Seconded by 0o'u. nc klma:,~ itoberts, th'",t 0rd[n. Roe be x'e":d t.i'~e second time by title Only. Motion o~',rried. '~,'l,' '"' f;" r .... ~. b.' 0oanoilm:;~n Aiillev,, seconded, bs 0o'~noi!~t~m. Robe'rts, that 0r&ln:,'ncebe re..d %::e third time k/ title o;';ly ~r'~d .... /tlr u...,::~n its i,.lot ion carried. i~o'L1 or.,ll on ordinance. Ayes: 0o~no'l!men i',[iller, Hoberts, 5emblor, and Be'~not. h~jes: None CiA!.Y.SR i,1'0. 11. An 0rdin,~:nce =rovid;.n? for a. 'ts, x on d.o~¢s, a.:,-$., to pv. ovide for 't::e oo].leot[.:)n, ~_d. enforcement thereof. ~as re~',d for tae first ti;.ae in f~zil. LY02iji{ ma. de 'b.~' Oo'ulnoi!',na~ .-Roberts seconded by Oo~noilma'e Sembler tl'i~ t 0rdLr'L-nee be z"e~.:d the sect; : ti:fie b,:, title ouly. I,[otion c,"rried. i.iOYI(':i; ~,.:ade bp~ Oo'unoilmau atoberta, x;econded b,c Councilman Sembler. th~",t 0rdL ~ ncc be rexd t.¢~e tl~iz-d Sir:Lc 'b? title chi ..nd 2ut ~z=,on its ~¢~:~as.;, se. Motion cr.'r"ied. Roll call on 0rd.l.' ...... Ayes: 0omscilme" ~obert~,Semblor, Niller, Be'a~snot. Nayes: None. An Ordim,:.me L, rovid' ~'' ' ~R.. fOr t,'~e oont'~' otiu~' o£ a loan au.C ti~e bo'~,'ro4z~v'~ .... o~ the stun of ~wo ~kousand Dollars (~,000.00) ~or tke u~;:e o~ ~ ~z~ ~own of eL,:.t~u,L' 1~, Pl,,)r,kdr", itl ~oOord~-'F~Ce vl~n bile ~.~rovi~:~{~n20~ ~e~ion 1898, rev i ~' ~ '~ ~:,eo. statttbes o'f ti-~e ~t~te of Plo~'id.a. Was re~d for t2:e fir~i:t t[:ue in fuzll. '"'"" , -' : Omnozluv:::-t 5emble?, tk,'t Or{}inr3N. oe x~v~'£0N m'.:de by Oo~znc~lman Mille:', ~ecom~eo_ 'b 0 ' be re~'d the second time b title only. Mot ion O:~,,rriel. I.i0TION 'm~:de b,,;- Cottnc~lma, n L[iller, seconded by Oo'mnciln'u:.rt Lembler, th~'t 0rdin~,qce be read the third time 'b'y' t[tie oul:~,- '-,nd ~,'t~t ~pon its passa,~e. L[ot io'n c,'~rrLed. Roll o~ll on Orcli tia.r, tce. A}eS: Oo:~noil~en ~,liller, ~embler, i{ober~:, Naj'es: None. i~[0'££,3'N m~::&e b2' 0o'tzncLlman Roberts, sec ::)x_,.: ed. hZ,' 0ounci'lmari Miller, that 0o'un~L1 ad0o~rn' ~tnt.L1 9anur'r2' 19, 19''~'~,~, 7.0'clock p.'m. Motion or:tried,.