HomeMy WebLinkAbout01121959REGULAR MEETING
JANUARY l~., 19§9
Meetin£ called t® ®rder by i~resident ~embler.
Th~se present were l~ayor Stevenson, President ~embler, C®uncilman Chesser, ~ensch~p,
~axter and ~rehmer.
Minute~ ®f the last regular meeting ~f 0ecember 8th and opecial called meetings
ef 0ecember 12th and 15th and January 2nd and 9th were approved as read.
Bills am®unting to ~855.98 were approved b}r the Finance C.mm~ttee and authorized
te be paid on metlon by C~uncilman I~ensch®p, second by C.ucnilman Breh~er. carried.
Councilman ~axter nt~e a motion t. have and ordiance drawn up which eecuires each
person te have a c. vered garbaEe can. Second by Councilman mrehmer. ~arried.
Councilman maxtor ~a~ie a motion t~ purchase six pairs ef tr~ser for the ~elice
~el~-~rtme nt. Second by Ceunc ilm,~n Orehmer. Carried.
~_.~_~w. rc.ilm:.~n ~ax~ey~ ~' j.', a~metion that A~ebert ~'. ~leyd be relieved ef his duties
~~ ~"~' .... ~" ~"~' , ~econd by ~unci~n ~,',~ .... ,
as ~y-~g~er~e o~c',~"'~ e~ec~ivo ~ebruary 1 1959, ~ ...... ~ .,~./'~:
~re~r. Carried. .~ ~.~ ~u~,.~-,~ ¥~.,~
Oeuncilman Oenschop made a m.~ien te pay eno-half ef th~'-~,~-'-
~ each month. ~ecend by Councilman ~re~er. ~arried.
~yor Otevenson rea~ the monthly Folice report which showed a net profit of
'Z'he Gout, oil instructed the ~lerk tm talk with att'y ~ecelle concerning a Caution
~.ight at State head 512 and 0.~.#1.
Councilman ~axter mude a m~tion t~ ~-~dJourn. Second 0y (~uncilman ~hesser.
City C~rk
Pres. Council
Nleeting c'L~lled to oreder by President Sem~ler.
'hose present were. l~ayor Stovenosn, Fresident ~embl ~r, C~uncilman ~heseer,
· oensch,p, ~axter, and ~rehme~... Jim ~arling was also present.
l~lrs. ~hesser made a motion to hire ~r. ~ariing as 'the City's ~ngineer as
needed te w.rk with ~ouncllman naxter t~ oe paid accord~,ng t~ his prop~. ~ecend
by Oouncilman ~rehmer. ~arried.
~ouncilman ~axter made a motion to adv. for bids as soon as Mr. ~arllng
has the specification for Second and Nineth Street. '£'his work is tc start a~'ter
~e~ruary 1st. Second 0y ~'~rs. Chesser. ~arried.
The C~uncil instruct~n~n .$~ ha~m...-the City's Att'y draw up an ordinance
providing that no tieuse trailers, or Oamp 9ars be permitted to park in the Oity
ether than in a '~'railer Park. And also that t~e be no other Trailer Parks in
the Oity.
'The Council instructed the Clerk te ask i~r. Vocelle if the City can step
parking on the highway after a certain tiEe.~''
~h ~®uncilman baxter made a motion t~
Carried% ~ ~ '
~ity Clerk
adjourn, second by Councilman ~enschep.
Pres. Coune il