HomeMy WebLinkAbout01131958 ~.~eeting was called to order by ~.~res.oembler.
~Z'hose present were ~yor ~tew~ns~n,]res.Sembler ~nd Ueuncilmen ~illin~s~n,~ensch~p,
o~s ser ~ d nrohmer.
~inutes ef the ~st r~gula ~ meeting ef J~cember 9th ~nd special called meetings
~ ~e.lTth,gOth ~d ~ee 27,1957 v:ere ap~:~r~ved ~s read.
Oills ~eunting te 858.~7 was appreved by the .~in~ce Oe~it~e. and autherized te
paid en metien by oeuncilman .~llingsen,secended ~y Geu. cilman oenschep.O.~i-..
C-,~cll~n Bmehmer repgrted ~e the C~uncil .f five new street li~ts installed en
~ain ~tr. et.
~resid~nt $~mbl~r introduced
~f thru all~y ~nnlng in a ~erth~st.rly ~nd ~eutheast~rly dirmctien accr~ss ~h. middl~
~f n~dm. ~/0 O,a S/D .f the 0ity ~f ~basti~,~lerida,as p~r plat thereof r~e~rd~d in
plat beck 4,p~g~ 74,public r.c~rds ef ~t.~uei~ o~nty,~'l~ridm.
~psn ~tien by ~,~rs.oh~ss~r,secend~d by o~ncil~mn :~llingsen said ordinance was re~d
the first time in ~ll by th~ City ol~rk.
~'~e~.e~ by ~rs.-hesser,seconded by o~uncil~n ~llin~sen ~id ordiuance vJ~s re~d
the $~cond ti~e by title only.
opon ~tion by
s~-cond~d by oour, cilmgn
.~_~ ......... ~ oEl~ ~r~[] ~"~l ~oo~] u-:on its fin'_~l f~s~uCe.~h~ rolm ?J~s c~lled
· ~'hereupen said 0~.,inance having received an affirmative veto of thre~ fifths ef all
the members of the ueuncil,was declared duly adopted and upen being presented te the
?layer an~ having received his approval was numbered as oh~pter number 157A ~f the
urdinmnces of ~id ~ity ~d was thereup$n duly p~sted mt the door of the u'ity H, 11
ef the OiSy ef Seb~stian in accordance ~th "orowisions of °ection 85 of c~pter 16~23
of the laws of l,'l~rid~,being the oharter of said bity.
~l~e C~n~1~ ,~ d~ision w~s te employ only on~ ~borer on the ~tr~et '~p~rtment
for the present time.
i'.~..¢~ulinexu reported to the Council of a drainage proble~ along his property on
u ..~ .;'~1 r ~--5~--w~y.
Jack Baxter ~nade an offer of ~100.00 to the City for a lot 4~%72 ft.on Louisiana
Ave.adjoining Fla. Power Li%ht Go.storage b~ildlnS on ~he south,also o-f.fered--~25.00 ·
per year lease on this same property.
Councilman Ellinisen made a .notion the City Join the Fla. League of Municipalities
seconded by 0ouncil~an Brehmer.Oarried.
Mayor Stevenson reported to the 0omcil of g meeting with Merrill Barber and
L.B.Vocelle in res:ards to the intersection of North Central and the proposed U.S.
~ 1 hlshway..The p~rpose of this meeting was for the proposed opening of these
intersections with the new hi!~h~...ray.Atty.Yalker drew up a resolution to this
effect,which was ~nanimously adopted by the Co,cji.on motion by l~s.Ohesser,
seconded by Councilman Benschop.
Mayo~ Stevenson read the monthly Police Dept. report which showed a net profit
of ~2,044.99.
l'~s.C~esser made a motion to adjourn,seconded by Go'~cilman Benschop. Carrled.
u ~.ty C, le rk
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