HomeMy WebLinkAbout01191959REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 12, 1959 Meetin£ called t. order by President ~embler. These present were l~ayor Stevenson, ~resldent ~embler, 0®uncilman Chesser, ~ensch.p, ~axter and ~rehmer. l~inute~ ®f the last regular meeting mf 0ecember 8th and opecial called meetings of '0ecember 12th and 15th and January 2nd and 9th were approved as read. Bills am®u~_ting to ~855.98 were approved by the ~'inance Comm~,ttee and authorized paid en motion by ~uncilman ~$eoschep, second by 0®ucnilman Breh~er. ~arried. C~uncil~an ~axter ma~e a motion t. have and erdiance drawn up which ~ecuires each person te have a c. vered garbage can. Second by Councilman ~rehmer. Garried. Councilman ~sxter ~?~ie a m~tion ti~ purchase six pairs ef tr~ser f~r the ~olice ~epartme nt. Secon~ by Ceunc llm~n Orehmer. Carried. ~_~®m~.c_il~n oa~t~er m~de~a ~notion that ~bert ~'. ~.leyd be relieved ef his duties 6~ ~, ~. ~ z~ ~ ~'~ ...... as~~~i~er~ o~'~ e~ec~ivo ~ebruary 1, ~959, ~ec~nd ~y ~u~.ci~n ~, ~ ~.uncilm~n ensch~2 m~de ~ mgt~n to ~ ~ne-half ~I the ~ .... ~ ~-~ month. ~e~nd by C~unoilm~n ~re~r. ~arried. ~ayer Otevenson rea~ the month±y ~olice report which shewed a net profit ~f $1,512.75. '~'he C~uncil instructed the ~lerk t~ talk with att'y Yecelle concerning a Caution ~.i~ht at State head 512 and O.~.#1. Councilman ~axter made a m~tion t~ ~-~dJourn. Second Oy O~uncilman Ghesser. City C~erk Pres. Council SPECI&L P~i~.']~?INC JANC, Ui~RY 19 , 1959 ~leeting c:.-~lled to oreder by President Sem~-~ler. 'hose prese?.t were, Mayer St~ovenosn, Fresident ~embi ',r, 0~uncilman ~heseer, 'oensch, P, oaxter, and ~rehme'~... Jim ~arling was also present. l~lrs. ~hesser m~de a motion to hire ~r. ~arling as 'the Oity's ~ngineer as needed te w~rk with ~euncil=~an ~axter t~ ce paid accord~?.'~g t~ h_is prop~. ~ecend by Oeuncllman ~reh_mer. ~arried. ~ouncilman ~axter made a motion to adv. for bids as soon as ~lr. ~arllng has the specification for Second and Nineth Street. This work is te start a~'ter · e~ruary 1st. Second oy ~rs. Chesser. ~arried. The 0~uncil instruc't~m .~e have.--the City's Att'y draw up an ordinance providing that no tieuse trailers., er 0amp 9ars be permitted to p~k in the ~ity ether than in a '~'railer Park. And also that t~re be no other Trailer Parks in the Oity. 'The Council instructed the Clerk te ask l~lr. Veoelle if the City can stop p~rking on the highway after a certain tiEe.~ ~ O~uncllman baxter ma.de a motion t® ~ity Clerk adjourn, second by Cou~cilman ~enschep. Pres. Count il