HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 15 1989 Consultants seek input on airport compatibility studySebastian Sun Week of December 15,1989 Pg. 7-A_d Sun staff reporter' Sclxastian arc<lresidents and grouln will have rin dip-ixOl iUIM< : tip voice theft opinions concerltrng the eleailents of the upcoming compatibility siit.ly involving.the airpt)rt and thy; &Urrounding co11111111111tY. A d ;nding tri Jo Anne To'.vnsend, assist city manager, co, terlwtt `citizens will ba given a Chance to suggest to Williattrt Hailicld ;", Stoner, Inc., the consenting firm chosen by thecity. to do tlic swdy, which factorsshould k7c, irrc-l+acted for Jri t11 ' r study. 1is is a c11anco forpublic input to ud :1t U'ie it E ..11: tg itx t d�nsidcrcd," said Townsend.' Tt. col;srrldogPrinhasreserveddieafteriwortoCJan.Iiar:dihe r "li�rn l?p Jf 3 i :.' 71 !()" IT}ec'ingls-vltth local gToops and jndi du.,J.s, ill ill chiral vrs <r! t; € sOmstian City Council. ;V H&-S i.; del cloning a scope of s'ervrccs for the study and will considar die public input in its pyrelpasal to the City COLIncil. 1ptcyc-stedi residents will he require.i to make an appointri"M 3 through the city imnagcr's office, Croup's will be allowed 30 rt,i 1u es to p me nt their ideas, while individuals will have to , minutes wilt the .firnl's representauves, c�Ioupas:tarpiz?dividua3sare requeste4dtt provide awritten siun- r1lar-Y of their pK)Sitinrts. le. pt?rlcl c. of the O npauhilify study.is to form the hair, for agr.Cl;;ert ?.ctwC .;I aviation interests at the airport anti the r�si dents who live around the airport ill nn effort to reach an Hc.Cnm•- nip:l,1tiOn Uhal will "leer die conccrns of both groups, 'rojecwdi try r ost up to S200,000 the study wviil`be £untied by the Fedora` Avi:ation Adrrzinisrraiion (FAA) and the aiiparrcittcrp ri,e fund, wiih the IAA providing about 3/4 of thf cost.and the cn[crlrlsc farld paying the: bi.lince' 'lilcstud},�a.agrc;.eltnasrartofas4lnclstillagrecmentrcachcd bG.twe n tile. City Council alai the FAA laswl une in which the city. 1<,cirr tl; f rrl�lx ti,}'aniittunplhy tho FAA toreverttheairPort b.'±c!, to tip f' f^ :tl govemnicnt. said it would withhold final p:ls.a-1r o an o;diilancc irtlg none lilnian d u-w.r fir s at Lice airport ih--t ,v ra r<tltlired by a charter a►ttendm ni adiopLed b) 5 .nasti;tlt ate rs iri N arch; Acwrding to Townsend, groups and individuals wha wish to address 1flc: consuUnts ort Jan. 1 t and 12 should ct iiwt the city rr,,U,Nag er's off ice to t•escrve tirne. The nleePIAP will be 40: to the - :1 Public.