HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid 25-01 Backstop Replacement10C |FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2024 |TREASURE COAST NEWSPAPERS MC Check outthe classified adseveryday. BUY A cAr Adopt A pet BUY A BoAt HIre A HANdYMAN LeArN YoGA Get A MASSAGe FINd A BABY-SItter 7KH 9LOODJH &RXQ FLO ZLOO KROG D SXEOLF KHDU LQJ RQ 7KXUV GD\ 2FWR EHU DW S P LQ WKH 9LOODJH &RXQ FLO &KDP EHUV 6: 2VFH ROD 6WUHHW 6XLWH & ,QGLDQWRZQ )ORULGD WR FRQVLGHU WKH IROORZ LQJ PDWWHU 7KH PRGL IL FD WLRQ RI WKH &'%* 6XEJUDQW $JUHH PHQW Ù ))< IXQG LQJ F\FOH FRQWUDFW QXPEHU '% 23 12 WR UHPRYH WKH HPHU JHQF\ HOHF WUL FDO VWDQGE\ SRZHU JHQHU D WRU LQ 6HUYLFH $UHD 6$ IURP WKH 9LOODJH RI ,QGLDQWRZQÜV + '% SURMHFW DQG WR UHTXHVW DQ H[WHQ VLRQ WR FRPSOHWH WKH SURMHFW $OO LQWHU HVWHG SDUWLHV DUH LQYLWHG WR DWWHQG DQG EH KHDUG :ULW WHQ FRPPHQWV PD\ EH VXEPLW WHG WR /D5KRQGD 0F%ULGH 9LOODJH &OHUN 3 2 %R[ ,QGLDQWRZQ )/ &RSLHV RI DOO GRFX PHQWV SHUWDLQ LQJ WR WKH SURSRVHG UHTXHVW DUH DYDLO DEOH DW 9LOODJH +DOO 6: 2VFH ROD 6WUHHW 6WH % ,QGLDQWRZQ )ORULGD ZHHN GD\V EHWZHHQ WKH KRXUV RI D P DQG S P 3OHDVH EH DGYLVHG WKDW DQ\RQH FKRRV LQJ WR DSSHDO DQ\ GHFL VLRQ ZLWK UHVSHFW WR DQ\ PDWWHU GLVFXVVHG E\ WKH 9LOODJH &RXQ FLO RU DQ\ %RDUG &RPPLW WHH RU $JHQF\ WKHUHRI ZLOO QHHG D UHFRUG RI WKH SURFHHG LQJV DQG PD\ QHHG WR HQVXUH WKDW D YHUED WLP UHFRUG RI WKH SURFHHG LQJV LV PDGH ZKLFK UHFRUG LQFOXGHV WKH WHVWL PRQ\ DQG HYLGHQFH XSRQ ZKLFK WKH DSSHDO LV WR EH EDVHG 3XUVXDQW WR WKH SURYL VLRQV RI WKH $PHU L FDQV :LWK 'LVDELO L WLHV $FW DQ\ SHUVRQ UHTXLU LQJ VSHFLDO DFFRP PR GD WLRQV WR SDUWLF L SDWH LQ WKLV KHDU LQJ EHFDXVH RI D GLVDELO LW\ RU SK\V L FDO LPSDLU PHQW VKRXOG FRQWDFW WKH 9LOODJH &OHUNÜV 2IILFH DW DW OHDVW WKUHH EXVL QHVV GD\V SULRU WR WKH +HDU LQJ 3HUVRQV XVLQJ D 7'' GHYLFH SOHDVH FDOO )ORULGD 5HOD\ 6HUYLFHV IRU DVVLV WDQFH /D5KRQGD 0F%ULGH 9LOODJH &OHUN 3XEOLVKHG 2FWR EHU 7&1 Public Notices ,1 7+( 1,1( 7((17+ -8', &,$/ &,5&8,7 &2857 ,1 $1' )25 ,1',$1 5,9(5 &2817< )/25,'$ 352%$7( ',9, 6,21 &$6( 12 &3 ,1 5( (67$7( 2) 52%(57 ( :,//,$06 'HFHDVHG 127,&( 72 &5(' , 7256 7KH DGPLQ LV WUD WLRQ RI WKH (VWDWH RI 52%(57 ( :,//,$06 GHFHDVHG ZKRVH GDWH RI GHDWK ZDV $XJXVW LV SHQG LQJ LQ WKH &LUFXLW &RXUW IRU ,QGLDQ 5LYHU &RXQW\ )ORULGD 3UREDWH 'LYL VLRQ WKH DGGUHVV RI ZKLFK LV 6L[WHHQWK $YHQXH 9HUR %HDFK )ORULGD 7KH QDPH DQG DGGUHVV RI WKH 3HUVRQDO 5HSUH VHQ WD WLYHV DQG WKH 3HUVRQDO 5HSUH VHQ WD WLYHV DWWRU QH\V DUH VHW IRUWK EHORZ $OO FUHG L WRUV RI WKH 'HFH GHQW DQG RWKHU SHUVRQV KDYLQJ FODLPV RU GHPDQGV DJDLQVW 'HFH GHQW V (VWDWH RQ ZKRP D FRS\ RI WKLV QRWLFH LV UHTXLUHG WR EH VHUYHG PXVW ILOH WKHLU FODLPV ZLWK WKLV FRXUW 21 25 %()25( 7+( /$7(5 2) 0217+6 $)7(5 7+( 7,0( 2) 7+( ),567 38%/, &$ 7,21 2) 7+,6 127,&( 25 '$<6 $)7(5 7+( '$7( 2) 6(59,&( 2) $ &23< 2) 7+,6 127,&( 21 7+(0 $OO RWKHU FUHG L WRUV RI WKH 'HFH GHQW DQG RWKHU SHUVRQV KDYLQJ FODLPV RU GHPDQGV DJDLQVW 'HFH GHQW V (VWDWH PXVW ILOH WKHLU FODLPV ZLWK WKLV &RXUW :,7+,1 0217+6 $)7(5 7+( '$7( 2) 7+( ),567 38%/, &$ 7,21 2) 7+,6 127,&( $// &/$,06 127 ),/(' :,7+,1 7+( 7,0( 3(5, 2'6 6(7 )257+ ,1 )/25,'$ 67$787(6 6(&7,21 :,// %( )25(9(5 %$55(' 127:,7+ 67$1' ,1* 7+( 7,0( 3(5,2' 6(7 )257+ $%29( $1< &/$,0 ),/(' 7:2 <($56 25 025( $)7(5 7+( '(&( '(17 6 '$7( 2) '($7+ ,6 %$55(' 7KH GDWH RI ILUVW SXEOL FD WLRQ RI WKLV QRWLFH LV 6HSWHP EHU 6LJQHG RQ WKLV UG GD\ RI 6HSWHPEHU *28/' &22. 6(< )(11(// $WWRU QH\V IRU 3HUVRQDO 5HSUH VHQ WD WLYHV %\ b72'' : )(11(// )ORULGD %DU 1R %HDFK ODQG %RXOH YDUG 9HUR %HDFK )ORULGD 7HOH SKRQH 686$1 : 3(55< 3HUVRQDO 5HSUH VHQ WD WLYH 0($*$1 3 2&&+,$/,1, 3HUVRQDO 5HSUH VHQ WD WLYH 7&1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 24CP001385 IN RE: Estate of William Dyer Liddle NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of William Dyer Liddle, deceased, whose date of death was August 24, 2024, is pending in the Circuit Court for St. Lucie, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 201 South Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34950. The names and addresses of the personal represen- tative and the personal representa- tive’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The personal representative or curator has no duty to discover whether any property held at the time of the decedent’s death by the decedent or the decedent’s surviv- ing spouse is property to which the Florida Community Property Rights at Death Act as described in ss. 732.216-732.228 applies, or may apply, unless a written demand is made by a creditor or a beneficiary as specified under s. 732.2211. The date of first publication of this notice is October 4, 2024. Attorney for Personal Representa- tive: Erin Kirkwood Erin Kirkwood Law 607 SW St. Lucie Crescent, Suite 106 Stuart, FL 34994 772-210-2529 Personal Representative: Margaret Upton 5209 Wyndemere Circle Mineral, VA 23117 October 4, 11 2024 LSAR0170704 Notice To Creditors Notice of Action KEMMELIE JOSEPH, Petitioner MICHAEL MATHIEU, Respondent Case No.: 2024DR1016 Judge: NORMAN, ANASTASIA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO Michael Mathieu LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 2466 Taylor St. Apt. 4E Hollywood, 3FL. 33020 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on KEMMELIE JOSEPH, whose 4902 SEA GRAPE DR,. FT. PIERCE, FL. 34982, on or before (date) 10/13/24 ,_and file the original with the clerk of this Court at (clerk’s address} 201 S. INDIAN RIVER DR., FT. PIERCE, FL. 34950, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. (If applicable, insert the legal description of real property, a specific descrip- tion of personal property, and the name of the county in Florida where the property is located} . Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the Instructions for Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.913(a)(2), Notice of Action For Family Cases With Minor or Dependent Child(ren) (06/18) St. Lucie County File Date: 08/28/2024 03:18 PM WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result ni sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: 8/30/2024. TO RUN IN NEWSPAPER:9/13/24, 9/20/24, 9/27/24, 10/4/24 TO ANSWER BY: 10/13/24 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Deputy Clerk Prepared with the assistance of: DivorcePro Non-Lawyer Document Svcs. Paul F. Perry 4987 N. University Dr., Suite 31 Lauderhill, FL. 33351 Phone: 954-741-0052 E-Mail: Paul@DivorcePro911.com Instructions for Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.913(a)(2), Notice of Action For Family Cases With Minor or Dependent Child(ren) (06/18) St. Lucie County File Date: 08/28/2024 03:18 PM September 13,20,27,October 4 2024 LSAR0153228 NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASEA CHIPLEY V. AARON BOWSER CASE NO: 2024-DR-279 TO: AARON BOWSER Respondent’s last known address: 1723 Kirk Dr. Verona, PA 15147 You are notified that an action for Dissolution with Minor Children has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your writeen defenses, if any, to it on Casea Chipley, whose address is 758 SW Duxbury Ave. Port Saint Lucid, FL 34983, 45 days after the publication of this notice, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 218 2nd St. Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Courts Office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Furture papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Proce- dure, requires certain automatice disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: 6/20/2024 CLerk of the Circuit Court September 13,20,27,October 4 2024 LSAR0156852 Public Notices &,7< 2) 6(%$6 7 ,$1 )/25,'$ ,QYL WD WLRQ WR %LG ,7% %$5%(5 675((7 632576 &203/(; %$&. 6723 5(3/$&( 0(17 7KH &LW\ RI 6HEDV W LDQ UHTXHVWV ELGV IURP TXDO L ILHG DQG ZHOO HVWDE OLVKHG FRQWUDF WRUV WR UHSODFHb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b 3URYLG LQJ +DQG L FDSSHG $FFHVV 0LQRU LW\ IHPDOH RZQHG DQG VPDOO EXVL QHVVHV DUH HQFRXU DJHG WRbVXEPLW ELGV IRU WKLV SURMHFW $ FRPSOHWH VWDWHZLGH : 0%( OLVW LQJ FDQ EH DFFHVVHG YLD WKH IROORZ LQJ ZHE OLQN KWWSV RVG GPV P\IORULGD FRP GLUHFWRULHV 3XE 2FW b7&1 Bids & Proposals ([WUD 6SDFH 6WRU DJH ZLOO KROG D SXEOLF DXFWLRQ WR VHOO SHUVRQDO SURS HUW\ GHVFULEHG EHORZ EHORQJ LQJ WR WKRVH LQGL YLG X DOV OLVWHG EHORZ DW WKH ORFD WLRQ LQGL FDWHG +RXVH KROG *RRGV )XUQL WXUH b79 6WHUHR (TXLS PHQW 7RROV $SSOL DQFHV 2IILFH )XUQ 0DFKLQHV (TXLS & 7$2, 0RWRU F\ FOH / 17(/.' ( 2ZQHU .D\OD $QQ .HHQH 7KH DXFWLRQ ZLOO EH OLVWHG DQG DGYHU WLVHG RQ ZZZ VWRUDJHWUHDVXUHV FRP 3XUFKDV Public Sale Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Prestige Storage - St. Lucie located at 6151 Turnpike Feeder Rd Ft. Pierce FL 34951 intends to hold a sale to sell the property stored at the Facility by the below list of Occupants whom are in default at an Auction. The sale will occur as an Online Auction via www.storagetreasures.com on 10/15/2024 at 11:00AM. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods, furnishings and garage essentials. Brianna Zerga unit #C14. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and conditions apply. See manager for details. September 27, October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ublic Notices Public Notices Bids & Proposals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gives notice that on 10/19/2024 at 10:00AM the follow- ing vehicle(s) may be sold by public sale at 3018 B North Federal HWY, Ft. Pierce, Fl. 34946 to satisfy the lien for the amount owed on each vehicle for any recovery,towing, or storage services charges and administrative fees allowed purus- ant to Florida Public Statutes 713.78 2017 Nissan 1N4AL3AP6HC186670 October 4 2024 LSAR0170300 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE DQG DGYHU WLVHG RQ ZZZ VWRUDJHWUHDVXUHV FRP 3XUFKDV HV PXVW EH PDGH ZLWK FDVK RQO\ DQG SDLG DW WKH DERYH UHIHU HQFHG IDFLO LW\ LQ RUGHU WR FRPSOHWH WKH WUDQV DF WLRQ ([WUD 6SDFH 6WRU DJH PD\ UHIXVH DQ\ ELG DQG PD\ UHVFLQG DQ\ SXUFKDVH XS XQWLO WKH ZLQQLQJ ELGGHU WDNHV SRVVHV VLRQ RI WKH SHUVRQDO SURS HUW\ 3XE 6HSW WK 2FW WK 7&1 Public Sale TR-40396712 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT OF THE DISTRICT’S RULES ESTABLISHING WATER, WASTEWATER, AND IRRIGATION WATER SYSTEM RATES, FEES, AND CHARGES The Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the St. Lucie West Services District (“District”) will hold a public hearings on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Meeting Room located at 450 SW Utility Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, for the purpose of hearing public comment and objections to the adoption of revised rates, fees, and charges for monthly water, wastewater, and irrigation charges within the District’s utility system service area in St. Lucie County If adopted by the Board, the proposed amendment to the District’s rates for monthly water, wastewater, and irrigation charges shall be effective commencing on December 1, 2024. The amendment proposes to implement an increase of nine percent (9.0%) to the existing utility rates, resulting in the proposed rate structure set forth below. The existing base facility and consumption rates, and the proposed base facility and consumption rates to be effective for utility service periods commencing December 1, 2024, and thereafter, are as follows: Water System: Existing Rates New Rates Base Facility Charges (All Services) 5/8” x 3/4” Meter Size $ 17.00 $ 18.53 1” Meter Size 42.51 46.34 1-1/2” Meter Size 85.03 92.68 2” Meter Size 136.05 148.29 3” Meter Size 272.06 296.55 4” Meter Size 425.11 463.37 6” Meter Size 850.22 926.74 8” Meter Size 1,360.36 1,482.79 Monthly Commodity Charge Charge per 1,000 gallons of metered water: $ 3.82 $ 4.16 Bulk Water Bulk Meter (per ERC) $ 10.85 $ 11.83 Charge per 1,000 gallons of metered water 3.29 3.59 Monthly Dispensed Water through District hose 55.13 60.09 Wastewater System: Base Facility Charge (All Services): 5/8” x 3/4” Connection $ 21.26 $ 23.17 1” Connection 53.16 57.94 1-1/2” Connection 106.28 115.85 2” Connection 170.03 185.33 3” Connection 340.07 370.68 4” Connection 531.39 579.22 6” Connection 1,062.81 1,158.46 8” Connection 1,700.45 1,853.49 Monthly Commodity Charge Charge per 1,000 gallons of metered water service $ 4.25 $ 4.63 Bulk Wastewater Charge per 1,000 gallons of metered use: $ 3.66 $ 3.99 Irrigation Water Service: Residential per month per lot: Single family: $ 20.34 $ 22.17 Multi-family: 14.25 15.53 Industrial/Commercial and Common Areas: Per Common Area Acre Irrigated $ 122.08 $ 133.07 Golf Course: Charge per 1,000 gallons used: $ 0.2400 $ 0.2600 A copy of the proposed amendment will be available at the District Office, 450 SW Utility Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986. Any person who wishes to provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative as provided by Section 120.54(1) must do so in writing within 21 days after publication of this notice. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing is advised that the person will need a record of the proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. The meetings are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law for community development districts. The meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual requiring special accommodations or an interpreter to receive District information or participate at these meetings should contact the District Administrator at 1-561-630-4922 and/or toll free at 1-877-737-4922 at least five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting. Persons who are hearing impaired may contact the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955- 8770 for aid in contacting the District’s office. Dated this 8th day of October 2024. Joshua C. Miller, District Manager ST. LUCIE WEST SERVICES DISTRICT www.slwsd.org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ublic Sale ([WUD 6SDFH 6WRU DJH ZLOO KROG D SXEOLF DXFWLRQ WR VHOO SHUVRQDO SURS HUW\ GHVFULEHG EHORZ EHORQJ LQJ WR WKRVH LQGL YLG X DOV OLVWHG EHORZ DW WKH ORFD WLRQ LQGL FDWHG b 86 6HEDV W LDQ )/ RQ DW SP b 6KDZQD &ROH PDQ +RXVH KROG *RRGV $QG\ ,QIDQWH +RXVH KROG *RRGV +ROO\ 6KDZ +RXVH KROG ,WHPV 127,&( 2) 38%/,& 6$/( 6HOI VWRU DJH &XEH FRQWHQWV RI WKH IROORZ LQJ FXVWRPHUV FRQWDLQ LQJb KRXVH KROG DQG RWKHU JRRGV ZLOO EH VROG IRU FDVK E\ &XEH6PDUW $VVHW 0DQDJH PHQW //& DV $JHQWb IRU 2ZQHU 6: *DWOLQ %OYG 3RUW 6W /XFLH )O WR VDWLVI\ D OLHQ RQ 2FWR EHU DWb DSSUR[ DP DW ZZZ VWRUDJHWUHDVXUHV FRP 3XE 2FW 7&1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self- storage Cube contents of the follow- ing customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management LLC, 550 SE Harper St. Stuart Fl. 34994 to satisfy a lien on October 22, 2024, at approx. 12:00 PM at www.storaget- reasures.com: Jack Adams,Breanna Bass,Austyn Varney,Marc Castiello,Johnathan Williams,Nicole Romisch October 4, 11 2024 LSAR0165746 Notice of Public Sale: Self-Storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner 3501 SW Martin Downs Blvd. Palm City, Fl 34990 to satisfy a lien on October 23rd, 2024, at approx. 1:00pm at www.storagetreasures.com: Nikole Ervin;Joan Pizza Lino. October 4, 11 2024 LSAR0162904 Public Sale 127,&( ,6 +(5(%< *,9(1 WKDW 6WRU DJH 6HQVH 9HUR %HDFK LQWHQGV WR VHOO WKH SHUVRQDO SURS HUW\ GHVFULEHG EHORZ WR HQIRUFH D OLHQ LPSRVHG RQ VDLG SURS HUW\ XQGHU WKH 6WRU DJH )DFLO LW\ $FW 6WDWXVHV 6HFWLRQ Ù 7KH RZQHU ZLOO VHOO DW WKH SXEOLF VDOH RQ 2FWR EHU WK DW $0 DW 6WRU DJH 6HQVH 9HUR %HDFK 8 6 +LJK ZD\ 1 :HEVLWH IRU DXFWLRQ LV ZZZ /RFNHUIR[ FRP 3URS HUW\ ZLOO EH VROG IRU FDVK RQO\ FDVK FOHDQ LQJ GHSRVLW LV UHTXLUHG 8QLW PXVW EH FOHDQHG RXW ZLWKLQ KRXUV RI SXUFKDVH 1R GXPS VWHU SULY L OHJHV ã 1HWWLH 6SLOHV 8QLW % 3HUVRQDO 3URS HUW\ 3XE 7&1 127,&( 2) 38%/,& 6$/( 2) 38%/,& 6$/( 6HOI VWRU DJH &XEH FRQWHQWV RI WKH IROORZ LQJ FXVWRPHUV FRQWDLQ LQJ KRXVH KROG DQG RWKHU JRRGV ZLOO EH VROG IRU FDVK E\ &XEH6PDUW $VVHW 0DQDJH PHQW //& DV $JHQW IRU 2ZQHU 6: )HGHUDO +Z\ 6WXDUW )O WR VDWLVI\ D OLHQ RQ DW DSSUR[ DW ZZZ VWRUDJHWUHDVXUHV FRP %ULDQ %HDUG V OH\ &DPLOOH :DOIRUG 'HDQ *DOOH JRVb 3XE 2FW 7&1 $QG\ ,QIDQWH +RXVH KROG *RRGV +ROO\ 6KDZ +RXVH KROG ,WHPV -DVRQ 0LOOHU %RRNV b 7KH DXFWLRQ ZLOO EH OLVWHG DQG DGYHU WLVHG RQ ZZZ VWRUDJHWUHDVXUHV FRP 3XUFKDVHV PXVW EH PDGH ZLWK FDVK RQO\ DQG SDLG DW WKH DERYH UHIHU HQFHG IDFLO LW\ LQ RUGHU WR FRPSOHWH WKH WUDQV DF WLRQ ([WUD 6SDFH 6WRU DJH PD\ UHIXVH DQ\ ELG DQG PD\ UHVFLQG DQ\ SXUFKDVH XS XQWLO WKH ZLQQLQJ ELGGHU WDNHV SRVVHV VLRQ RI WKH SHUVRQDO SURS HUW\ 3XE 6HSW 2FW 7&1 Public Sale