HomeMy WebLinkAbout01271959Special l~eeting Sanu~ry 27, 1959 MeetinE called to order by President Sembler. Those present were Mayor Stevenson, Pnesident Sembler, Councilman Chesser, ~enschop, ~:a~ter :~nd ~r~hmer. Councilman oaxter m~e a motion te except the Sebastian Gardens nepl~t subject te the Att'y ap~rov~-~l. Second by ~Lrs. Chesser. Carried. ~ Mr. ~obert ~chrane spoke te the c~ur~cil concerning the ~uditors report. ~s. Chesser made a motion that Oouncilman ~axte~ 0e ~veR. authorize to purchase the neccess~-~ry hose meeded far the cemetery. Second by 9euncilman ~rehmer. ~arried. Geuncilman ~axter made a motion te adjourn, seceded by ~rs. Ghesser. Carried. City Clerk rresident ef Council Special Mee~ ing · 'ebruary 4, 1959 Meeting called te order by PersiAent Sembler. These present were N~ayer Steven~n, l~resident sembler, Ceuncilman Benschep, ~axter and mrehmer. ~rs. Chesser absent. Att'y Vecelle and ~ngineer ~arling were al se pre se nt. The cLerK read correspondence from General Ser~vice Adminisvratien. Councilman mrehmer made a mo~ion to accept Hoseland Airfield dee~ and ma~e resolutions far same, according te specificatiensset forth in deeds. At~'y Veeelle is te draw up the Resolution. Second by Ceuncilm~&u ~ens.chep. Carried. The Clerk read ~he recommendations te be cerrecte~ en the replat ef the Sebas~ia~n Gardens Plat fram the City "~ngineer. Ce~ncilman Baxter ma~e a motion te have the Oity mugineer survey ~mrtin Avenue West ef h1~'hway te Hialread R/W, and te set grade steaks far the same, also t. survey the ally ~s far North as Mr. Owmns south preperty line fram Martin Avenue. Mr. Owens is te build base ef Martin Avenue accerdin~ te City specifications, second by CeuScilman Benschep. Sarrie d. Ceu~ cilma n ~re inner ~ ma~.~e a motion to have Mr. ~inne~an respresent the City a~ at the Sebastian °cheol. Second ~y the C.unty ~.undary Meeting ~'ebruary 5, 1959, Councilman ~enschop. Carried.. Mr. ~esworth reeuested the O.uncil te zelease his bond en the streets in Sebastian Gardens. ~euncilman ~axter made a motion te accept the streets in Oebastian ~. Gardens and release the ~ond for same. Second. by O.uncilman menschep. The council instructed Att'y ~ecelle te draw resolutien on releasing l~r. ~eswerth ef his bond. ~ ~arrled. Councilman Brehmer ma~e a motion te have the ~Ity give-a meets and bounds description ef the present Oity Limits. Second by ~euncllman ~enschep. carried. Councilman ~axter made a motion te haVe copies 9f the city Charter made. Second by Geuncilman ~rehmer. Carrie d. The Council agreed te allow N~r. odde te cut dawn the pines en 10th providing the City is released ef any and alZ responisbility. Councilman mrehmer made a me,ion te ask far bids ena dump heist installed. Second by Ceuncilm.~-m Benschop. Carried. Councilman ~enschop mama a motion te adjourn, second by Ceu~cilman ~axter. Oarried. Pre s. Ceunci 1