HomeMy WebLinkAbout02041959Special ~leeting January 27, 1959
l~eeting called to order by President Sembler.
These present were ~ayor Stevenson, Pnesident Sembler, C~uncilman Chess®r, Senschep,
~,~-~w~ter ~nd ~rehmer.
C~uncilman oaxter m~e a mott. onte except the Sebastian Gardens ri®plat subject te the
Att 'y apTrow~l. Sec®nd by ~lrs. Chesser. Carrie~i.
~lr. ~obert ~echrane spoke t~ the c~u~cil concerning the ~uditors report.
~s. Chesser made a motion that Oeuncilm.~n ~axte~ 0e ~-?~r, authorize to purchase
the neccess~-~ry hose me®dod for the cemetery. Sec®nd by ~euncilman nrehmer. ~arried.
Councilman maxtor made a motion to adjourn, second by ~rs. ~hesser. Carried.
City Clerk
~resident ef Council
Op~elal Meet in£
· 'ebruary 4, 1959
Nleetin~ called t® order by Persielent Sembler.
These present were l?~yer St®renan, President Sembler, C.uncilman Bensc~op,
~axter and mrehmer. ~rs. Ohesser absent. Att'y V®eelle and ,;ngineer ~arling were
al se pre se nt.
'~he cLerK read co~respondence from General Ser~vice AdminlsDratien. Councilman
~rehmer made a mo~ion te accept Heseland Airfield dee~s and ma~e reseluti.ns f~r same,
according to specificati®nsset forth in deeds. At~'y ¥ocelle is t. draw up the
Ees®lution. Second by Councilman ~ens~chep. Carried.
The Clerk read the recemmendati.ns t® be c®rrected .n the replat ef the Sebas~la.~n
Gardens Plat fr®m the City ~ngineer.
C.~ncilman Baxter ma~e a motion to have the City ~ugi. neer survey ~artin Avenue West
.f h~,hway t. Rialroad R/W, and to set grade steaks f®r the same, als. t. survey the
ally ~s far North as Mr. Owens south property line fr.m Martin Avenue. Mr. Owens is
build base of Martin Avenue accerdin~ te City specifications, second by Councilman
henschop. Oarrie d.
C®uN~cilman ~rehme~ ma~_e a motion te have Mr ~inneEan respresent the City at
the County ~.undary Meeting ~'ebruary 5, 1959, at the Sebastian °chool. Sec®nd by
C®unc ilman Benschep. Carried.
Mr. ~osworth reeuested the ~.unctl t® eel®as® his bond on the streets in
Sebastian Gardens. ~euncilman Baxter made a motion t. accept the streets in Oebastian
Gardens and release the bond for same. Second by G®uncilman nensch~p. The council
instructed Att'y ~.celle t® draw resolution en releasing ~r. ~®swerth ef his bend.
C®uncllman ~rehmer made a motion t. have the 9ity give.a meets and bounds
description of the present (;ity Limits. Second by ~ouncilman mensch®p, uarried.
Councilman ~axter made a motion te have copies ef the ~ity Charter made.
Second by G®uncilman ~rehmer. Carried.
The C®uncil agreed to allow ~r. Odd. te cut down the pines en 10th providing
the City is released ef any and ali responisbility.
C.uncilman mrehmer ma~e a m®tion to ask for bids ena du~p heist installed.
Second by C~uncilm'm Benschop. Carried.
Councilman ~enschop ma~e a motion to adjourn, second by Councilman Baxter.
City Clerk
Pre s. C®unci 1