HomeMy WebLinkAbout02121962(!.~e~f~.i~f-[ieetina[ - Feb. 12, 1{?~2, ~)
Councilman Channe!l ~aoved that t.!~.e Finance Conni~tee be d:iven
authorit~ ",;o hire help when needed, if the city can ,~ffoPd it, and this
~:~xlmre election day of Dec,~,~ber 1992. Ueco.xdad by Com'~cilman
DeCris~offaro. Opposed by ~ounc~i:mr~. ~.~a. shaha Co~u.:~.czl'" ~mn Baxter.
Councilna?t Baxter stated ''~ " h'
t.:.,.:~, for this motion to pass, all o'.,.~:er
motions in past ]:~li~it~tes and_;:,,ow~'~-. _._,.~ o of Ni':) l~izielloe Co,~ittee wo~id_ l~ave to be
Mayor P;oone read a -,procla.~:m. tion for E~rotherhood !leek £z"o:~z Feb. 1.S
thru Peb. 25.
At this ~-~:~ re.ztent Se;z~bler left .his chair due to illness and
Chairman :..~ o-te~.a Nash took the chair.
a~.~,~ed to make
~o~,mon was m~]de by Councilman Daxter ~:'tat the I','!a,yor be ~-
oeconded by Cot.a~cilz~lan I)eOristol'aro Carried.
proclamation for ~rotherho6d !leek. ~ .
Chairm~:~n l'ro-tem Nash reco~a~endedo~,~t~..s a decision be r...,ac,~.do - ;-'-' on the
shuffle board ~ -'~'
que ::, ~ 1 on.
Com~cilman B[-,~xter reco~saended that we hell.', the Uoman's Club any way we
can, and su[2lested they £ind out the cos-t: and briz~~ t':e ~i:rice to the Couch, cji.
Cou.z~cilman Channell stated tha, t he didn't thin~: any cotmcil~,'mn would
oppose .heli:~ing '[;ho ~/oman' s Club.
}iayor l~c. one stated ~hat a opeomal }[ee-t:in/'~ will be called at a. later
date zcz LLtl~ltllo_led business:
1. Cleaning ut:;. lots.
2. Doff issue.
Cotuzcilman DeCristofaro ~,toved to adjourn.
iIeeting ad jet,med.
Seconded b:? Coz~.'~eil~an Baxter.
President of Cot~loil
T~e preperty ew~ers were reoerted i~ vielatiem ef
re~latiems ~evernimE cesspeels. I~vestig~tiems,
which included survey by beth Mr. Beb Jennings ef
Ceumty and the City Imspecter, ~r. Ellimgsen, shewed
the vielatiems are new censidered ore.'erly cerrected
and necessary oermits purchased. These matters are
n~w lec~l]~y clesed.
A Ft. Pierce firm is reputed t* ha~e i~stalled several
cesspeels without a city eccupatiemal license. He has
met replied te the Olerk's lett~r ef Feb. 9, 19~2 a~d
I recemmend tb~,t the Mayer take whatever steps he deems
me,mary ~te cellect the $15.00 li~cense fee. ~.,~ ...... ,
~? HARDEE LAKE SWIPING POOL - ~ursui~g the revert made
by ~el. A. T. Jerdaa at ~euncil Meeting Set, 11, 1961,
regarding the necessary precedure te fellew befere
St~te Haalth oept. weuld issue permit certifying
w~ter as safe fer swimming, with the ceeperatie~ ef
Cel. Jerdea this matter was discussed with ~
'.Mr. Heman Strick]_and and eur discussiea ce~firmed by
"~' letter te him. ~r. Strickla~d replied im letter ef
Feb° 9, 1962 that Ge~. Dev. is u~dergeimg maJer teo-side
oersenmel changes but that t~his subject will be taken up
as seen as pessible with a view te having it settled te
eur s~,tisf~ ctlen.
As yeur representative en this cemmittee, which
i~cidenta, lly is supoerted by your tax dellars, with
the assistance ef lecal resident~Atty. Lleyd Harrisea
and Gel. derdan, a cenference was held with l~r. Rebert
opillmam, whe headed this cemmis~'ien, amd plans amd
precedures were discussed, Gel. Jerdan, as member ef
yeur ~.~irpert ~emmissiem, will eutline his ideas en hew
the tew~s best interests can be premeted.
Sigaed !
I~eglilar l'ieeti~ ~ebruary 12, 19~2
Meeting was called to order by [President Sembler.
Those present were ..'~{ayor Boone, I.~resident Sembler, Councilman
Channell, Council~an DeCristoffaro, Council~mn~Nash, Co~lcilman ~3axter.
t~{inu~es off Regular meeting of January
January 18, 1962 were read and approved as corrected.
Clerk was instructed to attach letter from Councilman Cha~ell
dated January [~ to the Janu~r~ ~, 19~~
~: minutes. Clerk was also instructed
by Hr. Channell to add to his motion in January 18 Si~eeial meeti~ in ref-
erence to a. cceptin~ H~nicutt & Associates i~roposal by letter dated March 16,
1961, that this motion was carried with no dissenting vote and that City
Attorney Vocelle strongly reco~amended that we acce~lt IR~icutt's
Metion was made by Councilman Channell, seconded by Councilman
Baxter and carried that Atto:r. me~f V :.celle to be instructed to draw ut~ a resolu-
tion that in Se!::.te;~ber 11, 19~,ql minutes be changed from Lake I.tardee to The
Swi.mmi~2..7 Lake a.'t the junction offf Lake itrive and ?,asy Street.
Councilman Channell gave a rei~ort on Sanitation, Swimming If col, also
indian ?iver County Industrial Co~mission--'r~e,,~orts attached to 'h.hese minutes.
Councilman Baxter apologized that lie hadn't z~et with City Engineer,
Flif., ]',loyd, in re£erence to Street In, si.~ec-tor.
Councilman Baxter also stated tha!,t the money for radio h~]sn't yet been
received froi1 County Sheriff.
Council~lan Baxter extended a vote of thanks to I'.ir. Homan Strlckland
o£ General Development Corp. £or his help in obtaini~ ,~aaps for re-assessment
purl.oses. Seconded by Coumciliaan Nash.
Col. Jordan, of the Airport Commission, gave a short talk expressing
the need of industry here. Col. Jordon reco.~mended t.hat tl.'le Cit.y Covu'~cil
dissolve -the Lresent Airport Co~a;lission, get all new iaavabers and start over
f_r oz~ scratch.
Councilman C!mnnelt t)mnked Col. Jordan for kis well outlined
inform,ration a~d stated 'tkat, as Cou~cil~'.ian, h~:~ is anxious to }rove a new
committee with every member wiili~-~g to work and be tec]!nical, ly quali£ied.
Council'."~an l,~axte~", ChJirman o£ Air>crt Co.~mittee, :.,mdc a motion I;o
dissolve Airl~.ort Committee and reco~monded tkat Councilm~n C.h,?~nnoli ~'o to
next ~eeting to rei,~resent 'the ~:i.t'y Oouncil.
Councilman 3axter moved that Col. Jordan be apf, ointed the new chairi,~an
of the ~-' '..' -~ "-~ tem.i?orary commission of his own
~iz~.,or~, Com~ission.', e~nd that he o..~t up a
choosing to be ai',~.~roved a.t the new regular Council mee~i~. Seconded by
C ouncil~an l"[ash. Carried,
Col. Jordan reooiamended }ir. Lloyd ]3. Harrison and Mr. Jolmn Channell
to se'~e on 'tem~oorar?f Air~,ort Co;l~aission.
Clerk instr,~.cted to notify Mr. Harrison and Hr. Channell o£ their
a. pi.~ointme~d; s.
Cotincilman Channell resid, fned as Chair:,~sn of Sebastian ['l[ndus'trial
Co~tmittee and asked that a letter be sent to i{r. Spillman, Chairman of
County Industrial Comzaission, stating that Col. Jordan is to be appointed
Chairman of the Sebastian Industrial C,'>l~:~mittee.
Letter was read from Y'lanning and Zoninj Commit'tee with resid~nstions
fro~ -I;he entire committee attached. Cou~'lcilman DeCristof,,?,.ro noved to accept
reside'nat_ions. [',econded by Councilman CI~annell, Carried.
]?resident Sembler asked the Council I~o select five people 'to sez~e
on the }"lanni~?.~ and Zonir~ Committee.
],'resident Sez~bler asked Mayor Doone t;o contact one i:;erson for him
in reference to sez~ing on )'lannin&' ,,?~ Zoninc Com~ittee.
]:::resident Selabler asked that a nember be elected to sezTe on Zoning
Appeal Board to rel)tace Frank Bolineau who has moved oul of the city, but ii
was agreed b[~ the Council 'to consult Ct'%~ Attorney Voce!l? abou% the required
number necessary before taki~ further action. To da~e ~..~e have received notice
. . . ~Pa 1 '~ _
~rom ~?ir. E ~,',~. Vickers, Hr C E .... y or ~,.md Mr. F. ~. Le~:;chwor~h tJ.m~ they
will continue to sez~e.
Letter from (:[?he ?rotane Corp. was read offerin[; ~)1500,,a0 for Lot A,
'J. A. !...[srtin Subdivision, from Gene Cam>bell, Dist. ['{anager of _The /rotane Corp.
Comacil:lan ~[ssh ma. de ~ motion to accept l~he offer. [~econded by Cmmcilman
]Ia. xfer. A discussion followed. At this ti e Councilman Channell moved to table
this ~luest:i_on until a later meeting, [[oll call vote was taken and was as
Ayes --
Ns,ys --
Hotion was tabled,
Councilman DeCristofaro
" Channe 11
ii:resident Se:.~bler
Councilman Nash
" I]axter
~ ~ziat he had talked
In reference to the :.~o~:~' issue, I:.'[ayor Boone stated ~ -'
;,~ith i'{rs ..... ?~e~a~y~'~'~ C'uster.Hayo~ ~oO~e S~ tha, t inasmuch as the ~':,ebas~b~an patrolmen
are not equi.: ped to ca,ch dogs, that anyone disturbed by a dog may .put a leash
on and tie it up. The Sebastian ?elite wtl! take over ffrom there. Hrs. Custer
also stated that the d.~gs would be y. icked li~::~ at a charje of ~2.40 each, i~.lus
50 cents i~er day board until they are eii;'::~:c' claimed or put