HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 ContractDocusign Envelope ID: A5A901 D4-C4A9-4213-A257-658C90123211 BROWARD® COLLEGE CONTRACT FOR SER VICES TERMS AND CONDI TIONS This contract for services ("Contract") is entered into as of December 03 , 20Z1_ between the District Board of Trustees of Broward College, Florida ("College")_ and SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION LLC ("Vendor") (collectively, the "Parties"), will be in effect until three (3) years original contract term plus any three one-year renewal options ("Contract"). 1.INVOICES AND PAYMENTS. A copy of all invoices (including an itemization of the date, hours expended, and description of the deliverable) shall be sent to the attention of Marcus Wilson, mwilson2@broward.edu Invoices may be submitted via email, facsimile or U.S. mail. The time at which payment will be due from the College will be approximately thirty (30) days from receipt of an undisputed invoice, acceptance of deliverables, and upon satisfaction of the College conditions that are detailed herein. 2.INDEMNIFICATION. For value received, the Vendor shall indemnify and hold the College, its officers, directors, board of trustees, agents, assigns, and employees harmless from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, incl uding, but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Vendor and other persons employed or utilized by the Ve ndor in the performance of the Contract. The Vendor further acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring its compliance and the compliance of its subcontractors, suppliers, agents, assigns, invitees and employees with the terms of this Contract. This paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. 3.INDEMNIFICATION FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERT Y CLAIMS. For value received, the Vendor shall indemnify and hold the College, its officers, directors, board of trustees, agents, assigns, and employees harmless from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees for any claim or lawsuit brought alleging infringement of any intellectual property right associated with Ve ndor's performance under this Contract, including its use, development or provision of any software, books, articles or any other materials ("Materials"). Vendor warrants that the materials are owned by or licensed to the Vendor. Vendor is solely responsible for ensuring its compliance and the compliance of its subcontractors, suppliers, agents, assigns, invitees and employees with the terms of this Contract. This paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. Page I of L l Contract for Services SBL l 0/ 15/2021 The College is releasing this Request for Proposals (RFP) with the intent to receive proposals from qualified companies to provide Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance Services as specified herein, at Broward College’s campuses, centers, and facilities on an as-needed, term contract basis. The scope of requirements includes, but is not limited to, the provision of all labor, materials, equipment, services, and incidentals for storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services. 1 SCOPE Contractor shall provide Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance Services at college-wide locations as identified and described by the Facilities Department. The Contractor shall provide the services on an as-needed and project-by-project basis, based on the needs of the College, which will be described in subsequent Purchase Order(s) to be issued. 2. LICENSES The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining and paying for all necessary licenses and permits, and providing copies to College representative. Contractor will maintain all appropriate licenses and permits specified by Broward County and any appropriate agency of State of Florida, and shall provide copies of these licenses and/or permits to College upon request. Failure to maintain required licenses and permits shall be cause for termination. STATE OF FLORIDA: CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTOR; OR CERTIFIED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR; OR CERTIFIED UNDEGROUND UTILITY AND EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR; OR BROWARD COUNTY: CERTIFIED BUILDING CONTRACTOR CLASS “A” (MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA); OR CENTRAL MASTER PLUMBER (MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA); OR GENERAL ENGINEERED CONSTRUCTION BUILDER; OR PRIMARY PIPELINES (WATER, SEWER, DRAINAGE) - CLASS "A" Any work performed not within the scope of the above contract must be performed by a licensed subcontractor. 3. PERMITS/FEES Broward College will pay permit fees directly to its Consultant(s). Contractor/vendor is not required to pay permit fees. Other than permit fees, the contractor/vendor shall be responsible for obtaining and paying fees. Payment for fees shall be reimbursed to the contractor/vendor utilizing “pass-thru”. Such fees include, but are not limited to, fees and dumping fees for all line items. A copy of the dumping fees receipt shall be submitted with the contractor's/vendor’s invoice for payment. The College will not pay for illegal or improper disposal of debris/waste. Contractor/vendor will invoice the College for reimbursement. No mark-up shall be allowed. BROWARD COLLEGE SCOPE OF WORK RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT A 4. DEBRIS, WASTE AND CHEMICALS Contractor shall be responsible for the prompt removal of all debris, which is a result of services. Contractor shall apply and dispose of all chemicals and waste in a manner that complies with all local, state and federal laws and regulations. 5. SUBCONTRACTORS Due to environmental and liability concerns, no subcontracting will be allowed. 6. TRAFFIC CONTROL Contractor shall be responsible for training and compliance with all OSHA standards pertaining to confined space entry and D.O.T. regulations for traffic control. The College’s representative reserves the right to shut down any job site for unsafe conditions. 7. RESPONSE TIME Schedule for routine maintenance shall be coordinated with the College. All regular maintenance shall be performed during the College’s normal working hours (7:00 A.M. to 4:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday) unless otherwise authorized by the College. Work may be performed at hours other than normal business hours at the direction and discretion of the College’s Facilities Management Department Site Representative. Arrangements must be approved in advance. Contractor shall stand ready and be available to perform overtime work when requested to do so by the College. Due to the nature of the College’s operational needs, Contractor understands and agrees that it may be necessary to perform certain service or repairs during non-normal work hours, including weekends and holidays. All work times shall be coordinated with the College. If College requests an Emergency Mobilization and provides a verbal scope to the Contractor, the Contractor shall have six (6) hours to set up at the site of the emergency and begin work. The Contractor must submit an estimate to the College within 24 hours of the day of emergency mobilization. Contractor shall provide a contact person to ensure twenty-four hours response. 8. EMERGENCY CALL-OUT Emergency call-out is responding on short notice to perform any of the services listed in this solicitation. This may be required outside of normal working hours such as after 4:00 p.m. ET or on weekends or holidays. Emergency call out response time will be two (2) hours after initial contact with Contractor. Contractor should submit and maintain a valid emergency list consisting of no less than three (3) local contact numbers for no less than three (3) company representatives to be submitted with the proposal or upon request. 9. PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES Contractor shall take all necessary precautions during the period of the service to protect existing facilities from damage by workmen and shall repair or replace, at its; own expense, any damage to property caused by their employees or suppliers. 10. CLEANING UP Contractor at all times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials and rubbish caused by their operations and from leaks and spillage from equipment. Upon completion of the work, Contractor shall remove all their waste materials and rubbish from and about the installation, as well as all their tools, equipment, machinery, and surplus materials, and shall clean all building surfaces and leave the work area clean. 11. CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY / HURRICANE OR DISASTER (FORCE MAJEURE) Contractor shall provide first-priority services to the College in the event of a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster. It is hereby made a part of this solicitation that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood or other force majeure that the College shall require a “first priority” basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public safety and health, as determined by the Vice President for Facilities Management and/or Associate Vice President for Facilities Collegewide Maintenance and/or Associate Vice President for Procurement. Contractor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the College or other governmental entities, as opposed to a private citizen or corporation, on a first priority basis. The College expects to pay a fair and reasonable price for all products/services in the event of a disaster, emergency or hurricane. Contractor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour telephone number in the event of such an emergency. (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 1 Storm Drain (Video Camera) Observation 0 - 48" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $6.00 2 Storm Drain (Video Camera) Observation 49" - 72" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $15.00 3 Cleaning Box Culverts of Debris and Bituminous Materials Removed Per Ft 1 $25.00 4 0" to 12" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 5 15" to 30" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 6 36" to 42" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 7 48" to 60" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 8 72" to 96" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 9 4" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours 1 $35.00 10 6" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose)Hours 1 $40.00 11 8" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours 1 $40.00 12 Slip Lining 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $50.00 13 Slip Lining 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $89.00 14 Slip Lining 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $99.00 15 Slip Lining 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $116.00 16 Slip Lining 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $160.00 17 Slip Lining 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $228.00 18 Slip Lining 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $339.00 19 Slip Lining 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $404.00 20 Slip Lining 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $494.00 21 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 6.7 mm (Buria l Depth is 0-6') Linear Ft 1 $82.00 22 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 8.2 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12') Linear Ft 1 $87.00 23 CIPP 18" Pipe x 8.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $97.00 24 CIPP 18" Pipe x 9.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $100.00 25 CIPP 24" Pipe x 10.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $118.00 26 CIPP 24" Pipe x 12.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $125.00 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES EXHIBIT A-1 PRICING TV Viewing Plug Installation & Removal {Includes Minimum Weekly Rental) for: Pumping GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Slip Lining or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference with HDPE Smooth Wall Fused Pipe Page 1 / 5 SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES EXHIBIT A-1 PRICING 27 CIPP 30" Pipe x 13.5 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $154.00 28 CIPP 30" Pipe x 15.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $162.00 29 CIPP 36" Pipe x 17.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $191.25 30 CIPP 36" Pipe x 18.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $201.00 31 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.9 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $275.50 32 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $275.50 33 CIPP 48" Pipe x 25.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $346.75 34 CIPP 48" Pipe x 22.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $338.75 35 CIPP 54" Pipe x 28.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $540.00 36 CIPP 54" Pipe x 24.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $533.75 37 CIPP 60" Pipe x 30.3 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $708.00 38 CIPP 60" Pipe x 27.3 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $670.00 39 CIPP 66" Pipe x 31.6 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $825.00 40 CIPP 66" Pipe x 29.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $809.00 41 CIPP 72" Pipe x 30.4 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $933.00 42 CIPP 84" Pipe x 35.5 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $1,229.00 43 CIPP 96" Pipe x 40.6 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $1,540.50 44 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.50 45 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.50 46 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.50 47 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.25 48 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.50 49 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.00 50 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.50 51 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.75 52 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $3.00 53 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $4.00 54 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $5.00 55 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $6.00 56 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $7.00 PIPE CLEANING Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Light Cleaning) Page 2 / 5 SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES EXHIBIT A-1 PRICING 57 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.00 58 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.75 59 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.00 60 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.25 61 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.50 62 Cleaning and Sediment Remova l 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $3.25 63 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $3.50 64 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $4.00 65 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $7.00 66 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $8.00 67 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 68 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $15.00 69 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $35.00 70 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $5.50 71 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $6.25 72 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $7.00 73 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $9.00 74 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.75 75 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $17.00 76 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $19.00 77 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $19.00 78 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $20.00 79 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $21.00 80 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $25.00 81 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $30.00 82 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $39.00 83 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 84 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 85 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Specialty Cleaning) Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Medium Cleaning) Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Heavy Cleaning) Page 3 / 5 SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES EXHIBIT A-1 PRICING 86 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $12.00 87 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $14.00 88 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $20.00 89 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $25.00 90 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $35.00 91 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $40.00 92 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $45.00 93 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $50.00 94 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $60.00 95 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $65.00 96 Construction Foreman Hour 1 $70.00 97 Equipment Operator Hour 1 $150.00 98 Laborer Hour 1 $40.00 99 Pipe Layer Hour 1 $42.00 100 Welding (Above & Below Water)Hour 1 $50.00 101 Diving Crew (3 Man Team) Certified Hour 1 $450.00 102 Crane 100 Tons & Below Hour 1 $80.00 103 Track or Wheeled Excavator Hour 1 $50.00 104 Stick Tracked Excavator (60' or Greater)Hour 1 $90.00 105 Wheel Loader Hour 1 $45.00 106 Backhoe Loader Hour 1 $35.00 107 Bulldozer Hour 1 $10.00 108 Double Drum Compactor Hour 1 $25.00 109 Vibratory Plate Compactor.Hour 1 $15.00 110 100 CFM Air Compressor with Hammer Hour 1 $30.00 111 Dump Truck with Operator Hour 1 $75.00 112 De-Watering Hour 1 $85.00 113 Asphalt Pavement Replacement Tons 1 $350.00 114 Lime Rock Tons 1 $70.00 115 Dirt Tons 1 $25.00 116 Driveway Restoration (4" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft.1 $25.00 Open Cut / Headwall Repairs & Other Services Page 4 / 5 SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES EXHIBIT A-1 PRICING 117 Driveway Restoration (6" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft.1 $30.00 118 Mitered Ends Sq. Ft.1 $45.00 119 Pressure Grout Injection Joints 1 $275.00 120 Bahia Sod Sq. Ft.1 $1.50 121 Floratan Sod Sq. Ft.1 $2.00 122 Rip Rap Rubble 6" - 12"Tons 1 $100.00 123 Rip Rap Bag (80 lb. Bags)Each 1 $15.00 124 Concrete Pillow Blanket slope protection Square Yard 1 $50.00 125 Silt Screen Installation & Removal per 100 ft.Each 1 $300.00 126 Mobilization Fee Each 1 $500.00 127 Material Mark Up Percentage - Cost Plus Percentage may not exceed 10%. - A percentage of 0 or net cost is acceptable. %1 10.00% $16,373.75GRAND TOTAL: Page 5 / 5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP-2024-082-OA STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Release Date: June 26, 2024 Proposals Due Date: July 31, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. ET PROCUREMENT SERVICES Cypress Creek Administrative Center 6400 NW 6th Way, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone 954-201-7455/Fax 954-201-7330 RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 1 of 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION, PURPOSE, AND GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS SECTION 4 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 5 EVALUATION SECTION 6 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS SECTION 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK ATTACHMENT B PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ATTACHMENT C SAMPLE CONTRACT ATTACHMENT D DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT E NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT F PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT ATTACHMENT G NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ATTACHMENT H VENDOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM ATTACHMENT I PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY FORM (REFERENCES) ATTACHMENT J STATEMENT OF “NO” RESPONSE RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 2 of 33 PROPOSAL ORGANIZATION FORMAT AND SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST TAB SECTION SECTION 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1 4.1.1 TITLE PAGE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 4.1.2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 2 4.1.3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RELEASED ADDENDA TO RFP 2 4.1.4 W-9 FORM 2 4.1.5 NOTICE PROVISION 2 4.1.6 VENDOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM – ATTACHMENT H 2 4.1.7 LITIGATION HISTORY 2 4.1.8 LETTER OF INSURABILITY 4.2 MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 3 4.2.1 REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM – SECTION 1 3 4.2.2 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND LICENSES 4.3 EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS 4 4.3.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 4.3.2 ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE 4 4.3.3 ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING 4 4.3.4 REFERENCES – ATTACHMENT I (TO BE INSERTED BY THE COLLEGE) 4.4 SCOPE OF WORK 5 4.4.1 SCOPE OF WORK 5 4.4.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.5 PRICE PROPOSAL 6 4.5.1 PRICE PROPOSAL FORM 4.6 FINANCIAL CAPACITY 7 4.6.1 FINANCIAL CAPACITY 4.7 ATTACHMENTS 8 4.7.1 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION – ATTACHMENT D 8 4.7.2 NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT – ATTACHMENT E 8 4.7.3 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT – ATTACHMENT F 8 4.7.4 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT – ATTACHMENT G 9 4.7.5 ADDITIONAL/VALUE ADDED SERVICES (OPTIONAL) 10 4.7.6 OTHER SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 3 of 33 SECTION 1 - REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM RFP #: RFP-2024-082-OA RFP TITLE: STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES RELEASE DATE: WED 06/26/2024 DUE DATE: WED 07/31/2024 TIME DUE - AT OR BEFORE: 2:30 p.m. ET NUMBER OF PROPOSAL COPIES REQUIRED:  ORIGINALS: One (1) Original Electronic Copy The College uses E-Bidding and will only accept electronic submittals via DemandStar at www.demandstar.com. Complete Electronic Copy of Proposal must be in a single Adobe PDF File All proposals shall include this REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM fully executed. Proposal must contain all information required to be included in the proposal as described herein. Proposers are encouraged to schedule additional time for upload of proposal documents due to online procedures. Proposals received after the date and time due will not be considered. PROPOSER’S INFORMATION Proposer’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City and State: ____________________________________________________________________________ Proposer Telephone: ____________________________ Proposer Fax: _______________________________ Proposer Toll Free: _________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person’s Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Contact Telephone: ____________________________ Contact Fax: Contact Toll Free: __________________ Internet E-mail Address: ________________________ Internet URL: _________________________________ Proposer Taxpayer Identification Number: _______________________________________________________ How were you informed of this solicitation? (Please provide media name(s) in blank space): Website: ___________________________ Newspaper: _______________________ Other: ________________________ PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I am submitting the following information as my company’s (Proposer) Proposal, I am authorized by the Proposer to do so, and I warrant that I have legal power to bind the company on its behalf; the Proposer agrees to complete an unconditional acceptance of the contents of this document inclusive of this Request for Proposals (RFP), and all attachments, exhibits, and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto; the Proposer agrees to be bound to any and all specifications, terms, and conditions contained in the solicitation, and any released Addenda and understand that the following are requirements of this solicitation and failure to comply may result in disqualification of proposal submitted; the Proposer has not divulged, discussed, or compared the proposal with other Proposers and has not colluded with any other Proposer or party to any other proposal; the Proposer acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws; and that all responses, data, and information contained in this proposal are true and accurate. Signature of Proposer’s Authorized Principal Date Name of Proposer’s Authorized Principal Title of Proposer’s Authorized Principal NOTE: Entries must be completed in ink or typewritten. This original Required Response Form must be fully executed and submitted with this RFP Submission. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 4 of 33 SECTION 2 – INTRODUCTION, PURPOSE, AND GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 INTRODUCTION. Broward College (hereinafter referred to as the “College”) is one of the 28 institutions comprising the Florida College System governed by Sections 1001.60 et seq. of the Florida Statutes. The College provides higher education, technical, and occupational training for the residents of Broward County, Florida. The College is a community-based institution that offers a comprehensive range of programs responsive to needs and changes in the community and in technology. Within Broward County, the College operates three main campuses, one urban center, and several satellite centers. With the third-largest enrollment in the Florida College System, the College offers affordable, accessible education. The diverse College community boasts more than 45,000 students and over 3,000 full-time and part-time faculty and staff, who represent more than 100 countries and provide a wealth of cultural, ethnic, and experiential backgrounds. Up-to-date enrollment and campus community demographic data can be accessed at the following link: https://www.broward.edu/about/accreditation/index.html. The College provides programs in career pathways which offer specialized certificates, two- and four-year degrees, non-degree training, workforce readiness, and an extensive list of continuing education curricula. As the College forges forward, it does so as one of the nation’s largest institutions of its type, with a reputation for the pursuit of excellence and service to the diverse communities it serves. The College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). For detailed information on the College visit www.broward.edu. 2.2 PURPOSE. The College is releasing this Request for Proposals (RFP) with the intent to receive proposals from qualified companies to provide Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance Services as specified herein, at Broward College’s campuses, centers, and facilites on an as-needed, term contract basis. The scope of requirements includes, but is not limited to, the provision of all labor, materials, equipment, services, and incidentals for storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services. 2.3 OBJECTIVES AND MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS. The objective is to establish a term contract(s) for storm drain cleaning, repairs, and maintenance services as per the terms and conditions specified herein. 2.3.1 Minimum Qualifications. In order to be considered, a Proposer must, as of the proposal return date stated in this RFP and throughout the duration of its program, meet the applicable minimum eligibility criteria stated in SECTION 4. Additionally, the Proposer must demonstrate a strong documented track record of current engagement in providing storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services, for three (3) continuous years or more, within the last five (5) years. 2.4 SCOPE OF WORK. The College is seeking a qualified and experienced vendor(s) to provide storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of this solicitation. A detailed SCOPE OF WORK is outlined in ATTACHMENT A. Through this solicitation and subsequent contract issuance the College may augment additional services. The College currently has a storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services contract with Shenandoah General Construction LLC scheduled to expire in November 2024. 2.5 RFP CONTACT AND SUBMITTAL OF QUESTIONS. Contact: Orlando Aponte Email: oaponte@broward.edu Telephone: 954-201-7897 Fax: 954-201-7330 Any questions concerning any condition or requirement of this solicitation must be received via email to oaponte@broward.edu, with subject line to read QUESTIONS-RFP-2024-082-OA on or before the deadline date and time specified in SECTION 2.7 - TIMELINE. Any question(s) which require a response which amends this solicitation document in any way will be answered via addendum by the Procurement Services Department. If an addendum is posted, an email notification will automatically be sent to all plan holders who downloaded the solicitation on DemandStar (www.demandstar.com). Any verbal or written information received by Proposers, which is obtained by any means other than this solicitation or by addendum, shall not be binding on the College. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 5 of 33 2.6 CONTACT AFTER RELEASE (CONE OF SILENCE). Any respondent or a lobbyist for a respondent is prohibited from having any communication concerning this solicitation or any response with any member of the College District Board of Trustees, the College President, any Evaluation Committee Member, or any other College employee after the release of the solicitation and prior to the contract being awarded with the exception of communications with the office of the Associate Vice President for Procurement, unless so notified by the Procurement Services Department. A proposal from any vendor will be disqualified when the respondent or a lobbyist for the respondent violates this condition of the solicitation. No verbal or written information which is obtained other than by information in this document or by Addenda to this solicitation shall be binding on the College. 2.7 TIMELINE. The following are important pre-scheduled dates regarding the solicitation, though all dates are subject to change, if required. DATE/TIME EVENT June 26, 2024 Release of RFP July 2, 2024 1:00 p.m. ET Virtual Solicitation Conference as specified in SECTION 2.9 July 4, 2024 Independence Day – College closed July 5, 2024 12:00 p.m. ET Written Questions Due in Procurement Services Department as specified in SECTION 2.5 July 31, 2024 2:30 p.m. ET Proposals due on or before 2:30 p.m. ET Proposals Due as specified in SECTIONS 1 and 2.8 TBD PHASE I: Evaluation Committee Shortlist Meeting TBD PHASE II: Evaluation Committee Meeting(s) for Interviews/Presentations (if necessary) TBD PHASE III: Contract Negotiations (if necessary) TBD Anticipated Date to Post Award Recommendation Any change to the above calendar dates will be posted on the Broward College Procurement Services website: https://calendar.broward.edu/index.html. 2.8 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. The College uses E-Bidding and will only accept electronic submittals via DemandStar at www.demandstar.com.  Digital copies must not be larger than 150 MB for each document size and not the collection of them.  Files submitted must be formatted and enabled for printing, in page size letter as applicable.  The College may request clarifications and additional information after submission.  The College shall not be responsible for delays caused by any occurrence.  In the event of technical difficulties when submitting documents, contact DemandStar support at support@demandstar.com or call (206) 940-0305 Proposers are requested to organize their proposals in accordance with SECTION 4 – SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. The College reserves the right to reject and not consider any proposal not organized and not containing all the information outlined in SECTION 4. Proposals must be submitted as established in SECTION 2.7 - TIMELINE. Submittals received after this date and time will not be considered. When submitting your proposal electronically through DemandStar at www.demandstar.com, please allow sufficient time to complete the online forms and upload documents. If you are in the middle of uploading your documents at the closing time, the system will stop the process and your proposal will not be received by the system. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 6 of 33 2.9 VIRTUAL SOLICITATION CONFERENCE (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED). A Virtual Solicitation Conference will be held as established in SECTION 2.7 – TIMELINE. Representatives from all interested vendors are strongly recommended to attend. The purpose of the Virtual Solicitation Conference is to allow prospective Proposers to bring forth questions they may have, to allow prospective Proposers to be aware of questions other Proposers may have, and to stimulate discussions that will generate questions in an effort to assist prospective Proposers in preparing the best and most comprehensive reply for submission to the College. While solicitation questions and dialogue are encouraged at the Virtual Solicitation Conference, no information provided is binding unless it is contained within a College released addendum. All questions submitted in writing will be answered to all Proposers via Addenda. All questions shall be submitted in accordance with SECTION 2.5 – SOLICITATION CONTACT AND SUBMITTAL OF QUESTIONS. Any information given, by any party, at the Virtual Solicitation Conference is not binding on the College unless it is contained within a subsequently released Addenda. Only the information provided in the solicitation or via Addenda shall be considered by Proposers. This meeting will be administered virtually. Microsoft Teams meeting only. For Microsoft Teams meeting information details, please email Orlando Aponte, Procurement Officer, at oaponte@broward.edu with subject line to read “Access Code – Virtual Solicitation Conference Meeting – RFP-2024-082-OA”, by Tuesday, July 2, 2024 before 10:00 a.m. ET. 2.10 RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. The College reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject any, all, or part of any or all proposals. The College also reserves the right to conduct discussions with, and obtain Best and Final Offers from, responsible Proposers who submit proposals determined by the College to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award. Further, the College reserves the right, but not limited, to: a. Reject any and all proposals received as a result of this solicitation; b. Waive or decline to waive any minor informalities and any minor irregularities in any proposal or responses received. A minor irregularity is a variation from the solicitation which does not affect the financials of the Proposal, or give one Proposer an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other Proposers, or substantively change the requirements and/or specifications of this solicitation, or adversely impact the interest of the College. Waivers, when granted, shall in no way modify the solicitation requirements or excuse the Proposer from full compliance with the solicitation specifications and other contract requirements if the Proposer is awarded the contract; c. Determine equipment or other equivalency to the College’s specifications in evaluating proposal responses; d. Adopt all or any part of the Respondent’s proposal; e. Negotiate changes in the scope of work or services to be provided; f. Award contracts to multiple Respondents; g. Withhold the award of Contract; h. Select the Respondent it deems to be most qualified to fulfill the needs of the College. The Respondent with the highest-rated financial proposal may not necessarily be the one most qualified, since a number of factors other than their offer are important in the determination of the most acceptable proposal. i. 2.11 COLLEGE’S RIGHT TO REJECT. The College reserves the right to reject any and all replies and readvertise at any time prior to District Board of Trustees approval of the recommended proposer(s) and/or the negotiated agreement(s) and/or not award the contract in the best interests of the College. All costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal and participation in this solicitation process shall be borne by the proposers. Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall become the property of the College and considered public documents under applicable Florida law. The College reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submittals, reject a submittal which is in any way incomplete, irregular or otherwise non-responsive, or to waive any technicalities or formalities in the solicitation requirements when and if it is in the best interests of the College. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 7 of 33 A submittal shall be rejected for failure to comply with the following requirements:  The Proposer is not registered and licensed in the State of Florida to provide the proposed services.  The submittal is not received by the College by the specified deadline.  The Proposer has been determined to be non-responsible. (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 8 of 33 SECTION 3 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3.1 CONTRACT TERM. The purpose of this solicitation is to establish a contract(s) beginning with contract commencement date and continuing for a period of three (3) years, or as agreed to in resulting contract. 3.1.1 Contract Renewal(s). The term of the contract may, by mutual agreement between the College and the awardee(s), upon final College approval, be renewed for three (3) additional one-year periods, and if needed, extended for 180 days beyond the expiration date of the final renewal period. The College will, if considering renewal, request a letter of intent to renew from the selected vendor(s) prior to the end of the current contract period. The vendor(s) will be notified when the recommendation has been acted upon by the College. The terms, specifications, and conditions of this proposal and the agreement herein when completed and signed constitute the total agreement and no further conditions will be accepted unless in writing in the form of an amendment to the original agreement and mutually agreed upon, approved, and signed by authorized College representative and the Vendor. Every covenant, term, provision, and agreement contained in this solicitation and agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. No waiver of any provisions of this solicitation shall be valid or effective unless in writing and signed by the parties hereto; no waiver of any breach or condition of this solicitation shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver or a waiver of any other breach or condition. 3.2 AWARD OF CONTRACT. The College will use the evaluation criteria stated in SECTION 5 to establish ranking. The College will recommend award to the Proposer(s) with whom a successful contract(s) can be negotiated. Recommended awardee(s) must be approved by the College’s District Board of Trustees before award is final. 3.2.1 Additional Products and/or Services May Be Added or Deleted. Although this solicitation identifies specific products and/or services, it is hereby agreed and understood that products and/or services may be added to or deleted from this contract at the option of the College after the contract has been awarded. During the contract term, if a need arises for a product and/or service not included in the resulting contract, the College may request a quote for a specific product and/or service from all awarded Proposer(s) under this contract. Additionally, the College reserves the right to purchase products and/or services throughout the term of this agreement from alternate contract sources when it is determined to be in the best interest of the College. If deemed in the College’s best interest, the College reserves the right to enter into a separate contract with a proposed subcontractor(s) for Optional and/or Value-Added Service(s) as may be required. In this case, the College may sign more than one contract for these services. 3.3 PROBATION PERIOD. The first three months of the contract will be considered probationary. The probationary period may be extended for additional three-month periods if the College deems necessary. The College representative will notify the Vendor of any contract deficiencies verbally and in writing. The situation must be remedied within a time period relative to the gravity of the situation and the representative of the College shall be notified when corrections have been completed. If, in the opinion of the College, the deficiencies observed are not satisfactorily corrected within a reasonable amount of time, the College reserves the right to terminate the contract per the termination of contract provisions. In addition, the College reserves the right in its best interest to re-award to the next approved Proposer or to review its needs to re-solicit. 3.4 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. The responsibility and authority for the administration of this contract shall be assigned to the Facilities Management Department, hereinafter referred to in this proposal as Contract Administrator. The successful vendor will be required to appoint one or more primary account representatives to work with the College in the administration of this contract. In the event this representative does not meet the College’s requirements, the successful vendor agrees that it will assign a replacement immediately. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 9 of 33 3.5 TERMINATION / CANCELLATION CLAUSE. The College reserves the right to cancel this contract for non-performance in the event the Vendor does not perform within the terms, conditions, and specifications of the contract and this solicitation by reference. Upon notification in writing by the College official responsible for the administration of the contract of the facts concerning non-performance, the Vendor will be notified of the problem and will have 10 days to correct such. If the vendor fails to correct the problem to the satisfaction of the College within the 10-day period, the College reserves the right to serve notice of cancellation to be effective within 30 days of notification. In the event of such cancellation, the College may elect to award the contract to the next ranked vendor, extend the contract of another vendor currently under contract to provide like services or re-issue the proposal, whichever is in the College’s best interest. The obligations of the College under this award are subject to the terms and conditions established by the legislature of the State of Florida. The College has the option to discontinue service at no expense to the College if College Policy or Florida Statutes determine it is in the College’s best interest. 3.6 FAMILIARITY WITH LAWS. All Proposers are required to comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local Laws and/or Ordinances, Codes, Rules and Regulations, including wage and labor requirements, controlling the action or operation of this proposal. The relevant laws include but are not limited to FAA Regulations, The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF), Office of Education 6A-2, Florida Statutes 402.301 - 402.319, OSHA regulations, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and all Civil Rights legislation. The contractor will comply with all Affirmative Action provisions of Executive Order Number 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. All references in this solicitation to the “Applicable Laws” shall be deemed to be references to such laws, codes, rules, and regulations as the same may be amended from time to time and any successor laws, codes, rules and regulations. 3.7 SITE VISITS / INSPECTIONS. The College reserves the right to conduct a site visit to any of the Proposer’s place(s) of business if it is deemed necessary. 3.8 PURCHASE ORDERS. All purchase orders shall bear the contract or solicitation number, shall be placed by the College directly with the Vendor, and shall be deemed to incorporate by reference the contract and solicitation terms and conditions. Purchase orders issued pursuant to a contract resulting from this solicitation must be received by the Vendor in a timely manner. The Vendor is obliged to fill those orders in accordance with the contract’s terms and conditions. Vendors are required to accept purchase orders specifying delivery schedules exceeding the contracted schedule even when such extended delivery will occur after expiration of the contract. The duration of purchase orders for recurring deliveries of commodities or performance of services shall not exceed the expiration of the contract by more than twelve months. 3.9 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Proof of the following insurance will be furnished by any awardee to the College by a Certificate of Insurance within 10 days of notification by the College. a. Commercial General Liability:  Each Occurrence $1,000,000  Personal & Adv Injury $1,000,000  General Aggregate $5,000,000  Products – Completed Operations $5,000,000 Policy must contain contractual liability coverage. b. Automobile Liability Insurance (if commercial autos will be used, including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles) $1,000,000 c. Professional Liability  Per Occurrence $1,000,000  General Aggregate $2,000,000 RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 10 of 33 d. Cyber Liability. If vendor will have access to the college networks, systems, and student or employee data, or at the discretion of the College’s Office of Risk Management, liability policies shall include this coverage with limits no less than $1,000,000. e. Workers' Compensation in accordance with Florida Statutory limits and Employer’s Liability Insurance. If claiming exemption from this coverage, the vendor must provide evidence of exemption from the State of Florida. More information found at http://www.myfloridacfo.com/Division/WC/ f. Insurance Certification must contain a provision for notification to College of 30 days in advance of any material change in coverage or cancellation. g. If any of the required policies provide coverage on a “claims-made” basis, then insurance must be maintained, and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least three years after completion of the contract of work. If coverage is canceled or non-renewed and not replaced with another “claims-made” policy form with a Retroactive Date prior to the contract effective date, the vendor must purchase “extended reporting” coverage for a minimum of three years after completion of contract work. h. The College shall be named as an additional insured with reference to this solicitation as follows: “The District Board of Trustees of Broward College, Florida is additional insured with respect to General Liability (and Excess Liability if issued) in regard to the terms, conditions, and agreements of RFP-2024-082-OA entitled STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES from date of commencement to six (6) months after date of completion.” i. The Insurance policies shall be issued by companies qualified to do business in the State of Florida and grant the College thirty days of advanced written notice of cancellation, expiration, or any material change in the specified coverage. The insurance companies must be rated at least A-VI by AM Best or Aa3 by Moody’s Investor Service. All policies must remain in effect during the performance of the contract. j. All certificates must be addressed and sent to: The District Board of Trustees of Broward College, Florida Office of Risk Management 6400 NW 6th Way Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 k. All exclusions added by endorsement must be indicated. l. Certificate must be signed by an authorized representative. m. Broward College, Office of Risk Management may, at its discretion, require higher limits or additional coverages based on the scope of services or other factors. The College will notify the vendor if the insurance requirements differ from those stated above. n. All policies must remain in effect during the performance of the contract. The vendor shall promptly notify the College of any changes in insurance coverage or carrier. The Vendor shall furnish the College proof of insurance coverage by certificates of insurance no later than ten days after contract award. Prior to the commencement of any work the awardee must provide the College Procurement Services Department with a Certificate of Insurance which is evidence of the above. The Vendor shall not commence any work in connection with this agreement until they have obtained, as a minimum, all of the above referenced types of insurance and such insurance has been approved by the College, nor shall the Vendor allow any subvendor to commence work on its subcontract until the subvendor has obtained equivalent insurance and provided certificates of insurance showing the coverage to the Vendor. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 11 of 33 The College shall be exempt from, and in no way be liable for, any sums of money that may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall be the sole responsibility of the Vendor and/or subvendor that obtained the insurance. Any questions as to the intent or meaning of any part of the above required coverages should be submitted in writing in accordance with SECTION 2.5 – RFP CONTACT AND SUBMITTAL OF QUESTIONS. 3.10 LICENSING. The Proposer will be responsible for obtaining and paying for all necessary licenses and permits and providing copies to College representative. The Proposer will maintain all appropriate licenses and permits specified by Broward County and any appropriate agency of State of Florida and shall provide copies of these licenses to the College upon request. Failure to maintain required licenses and permits shall be cause for termination. 3.11 OPTION TO EXTEND TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. Included as part of this formal solicitation, any vendor responding to this solicitation has the option to extend its offer to other government entities under the same terms and conditions and contract price(s), if agreeable by the bidder and the government agency. Other government agencies include, but are not limited to, the State of Florida, its agencies, political subdivisions, counties, and cities. All government agencies allowed by the vendor/contractor to use this contract shall do so independent of any other governmental entity. Each agency shall be responsible for its own purchases and shall be liable only for goods or services ordered, received, and accepted by such agency. No using agency receives any liability by virtue of this solicitation and subsequent contract award. 3.12 CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY / HURRICANE OR DISASTER (FORCE MAJEURE). Contractor shall provide first-priority services to the College in the event of a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster. It is hereby made a part of this solicitation that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood or other force majeure that the College shall require a “first priority” basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public safety and health, as determined by the Associate Vice-President for Business Services & Resource Management. Vendor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the College or other governmental entities, as opposed to a private citizen or corporation, on a first priority basis. The College expects to pay a fair and reasonable price for all products/services in the event of a disaster, emergency or hurricane. Vendor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour telephone number in the event of such an emergency. 3.13 SELLING, TRANSFERRING OR ASSIGNING CONTRACTS. No contract awarded under these terms, conditions and specifications shall be sold, transferred or assigned without the written approval of the College. The Vendor shall not sublet the work or services hereunder, or any part thereof (except as specifically recognized and permitted herein) to any other person, firm or other entity without the prior written consent of the Associate Vice-President for Business Services & Resource Management. 3.14 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Florida law provides that municipal records shall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person. Information and materials received by the College in connection with all Proposer’s responses shall be deemed to be public records subject to public inspection upon notice of intended decision or until 30 days after the solicitation opening, whichever occurs first. However, certain exemptions to the public records law are statutorily provided for in Section 119.07 F.S. Therefore, if the Proposer believes any of the information contained in its response is exempt from The Public Records Law, then the Proposer must in its response specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority for the exemption; otherwise, the College will treat all materials received as public records. From the date of issuance of the solicitation until the opening date, the Proposer must not make available or discuss their proposal, or any part thereof, with any employee or agent of the College, unless allowed by the Procurement Services Department, in writing, for purposes of clarity only. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 12 of 33 The Proposer is hereby notified that any part of the proposal or any other material marked as confidential, proprietary, or trade secret, can only be protected against disclosure to the extent permitted by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes (Public Records Law). 3.15 CONFIDENTIALITY. Awarded vendor acknowledges that certain information about the College’s personnel is contained in records created, maintained or accessed by the awarded vendor and that this information is confidential and protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232g), and/or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (45 CFR parts 160-164) and related College policies, as amended from time to time. Awarded vendor agrees that: (i) it shall keep and maintain all “Personal Information”* obtained during the performance of this contract, in strict confidence, using such degree of care as is appropriate to avoid unauthorized access, use or disclosure; (ii) will use and disclose Personal Information solely and exclusively for the purposes for which the Personal Information, or access to it, is obtained or provided, to perform the requested services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract, and not to use, sell, rent, transfer, distribute, or otherwise disclose or make available Personal Information for Service Provider’s own purpose or for the benefit of anyone other than the student, in each case, without student’s prior written consent; and (iii) not directly or indirectly disclose Personal Information to any person other than authorized College employees or as may be requested by government authorities. At the request of the College, the awarded vendor agrees to provide the College with a written statement of the procedures the awarded vendor uses to safeguard the confidential records/Personal Information. Any breach of the requirements of this Confidentiality clause on the part of the awarded vendor and its representatives may constitute grounds for immediate termination of contract. *”Personal Information” means, including but not limited to, information provided by students, parents, guardians, or any other callers, or at the direction of College, or to which access was granted to awarded vendor by College, in the course of its performance under this contract that: (i) identifies or can be used to identify an individual (including, without limitation, names, dates of birth, signatures, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and other unique identifiers); or (ii) can be used to authenticate an individual (including, without limitation, student numbers, social security numbers, passport numbers, government-issued identification numbers, passwords, PINs, financial account numbers, Internal Revenue Services (IRS) records, credit reports information, answers to security questions, and other personal identifiers), in case of both (i) and (ii), including, without limitation, all highly-sensitive personal information. 3.16 WARRANTY AND ABILITY TO PERFORM. The Proposer shall warrant that there is no action suit, proceeding, inquiry or governmental agency, public board or body, pending or, to the best of the Porposer's knowledge, threatened, which would in any way prohibit, restrain or enjoin the execution or delivery of the Proposer's obligations or diminish the Proposer's obligations or diminish the Proposer's financial ability to perform the terms of the proposed contract. 3.17 SEVERABILITY. If any provisions of the Agreement resulting from this solicitation is contrary to, prohibited by, or deemed invalid by applicable laws or regulations of any jurisdiction in which it is sought to be enforced, then said provisions shall be deemed inapplicable and omitted and shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Agreement. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by an administrative hearing officer in accordance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. 3.18 QUANTITIES. The quantities listed on the Price Proposal Form are estimated quantities to be ordered throughout the contract period for each item and are not a guaranteed. Actual quantities ordered throughout the contract period may be greater or lesser than the bid/proposal estimates and shall be furnished at the fixed contract price. Purchases will be requested as needed throughout the contract period and as few as one each may be ordered at one time. The College reserves the right to increase or decrease the total quantities. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 13 of 33 3.19 PRICING. All prices submitted under this solicitation shall be quoted F.O.B. destination, include delivery to any College site and shall be firm for the initial three (3) years of the contract. Furthermore, all prices shall include any and all other costs associated with the order. No increases or additional monies shall be owed or charged to the College during the course of the contract. If any additional charges are necessary, please list them as indicated on the Price Proposal Form sheet. 3.20 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS. Prices offered shall remain firm for the initial three (3) years of the contract. No cost increases shall be accepted in the initial contract term. Please consider this when providing pricing for this solicitation. A request for price adjustment, with proper documentation justifying the adjustment, may be submitted only at the time of invitation to renew contract, approximately sixty (60) days prior to contract expiration. Prices offered shall remain firm through each contract expiration date. Requests for price adjustments shall not exceed the percentage of change in the All Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI_U) for *(see below), from the date of award, or shall not exceed 5%, whichever is less. The CPI index will not be seasonally adjusted. In the event that the overall CPI index, at the time of invitation to renew, is lower than the overall CPI at the time of contract award or last renewal, the College reserves the right to request a reduction in contract prices equal to the percentage of change. The College reserves the right to reject any price adjustments, and to consult the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics indices or any commercial or commodity-based index for related services or its component parts as a basis for reviewing price adjustments. A. All Urban Consumer Price (CPI-U). B. Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), not seasonally adjusted U.S. City Average by expenditure category and commodity and service group for transportation (motor fuel). C. Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), Selected Local Areas, all items, Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL. The College reserves the right to not renew any contract regardless of price considerations and to cancel any renewal of any contract. Information on the CPI may be obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics at http://www.bls.gov or by contacting the Bureau directly. 3.21 EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT. The College may, in its sole and absolute discretion, after receipt of a written request therefor by the Vendor and any other documentation, data or information reasonably requested by the College including with respect to any material change in the allocation of rights, obligations, risks, and liability between the College and the Vendor and the financial, technical, construction, commercial, and economic viability of and consistency with the parties objectives and goals for the project, make an equitable adjustment in the Contract terms or pricing if pricing or availability of supply is affected by extreme and unforeseen volatility in the marketplace, that is, by circumstances that satisfy all the following criteria: (1) the volatility is due to causes wholly beyond the Vendor’s control, (2) the volatility affects the marketplace or industry, not just the particular Contract source of supply, (3) the effect on pricing or availability of supply is substantial, and (4) the volatility so affects the Vendor that continued performance of the Contract would result in a substantial loss. The College shall, in its sole and absolute discretion, determine whether the aforementioned criteria have been met. 3.22 DEFAULT. The failure of either party to the Agreement resulting from this solicitation to comply with any of the provisions therein shall place that party in default. Prior to terminating the Agreement, the non- defaulting party shall notify the defaulting party in writing, stating the provision or provisions that give rise to the default. Unless the Agreement provides otherwise, the defaulting party shall be entitled to a period of 30 days from the receipt of the Notice of Default to cure the default if the default is capable of being cured and the defaulting party commences efforts to cure the default promptly. The failure of either party to exercise this right to terminate the Agreement upon the occurrence of a default shall not be construed as a waiver of such right in the event of further default or non-compliance, nor shall the non-defaulting RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 14 of 33 party's other rights upon a breach or default by the other party be waived. Except as the Agreement otherwise provides with respect to express remedies upon a breach or default, both parties have the right to exercise any and all legal remedies available to them by applicable laws. The prevailing party in any dispute resolution proceeding or litigation arising out of the Agreement shall be entitled, in addition to other relief, to the recovery of its expenses. 3.23 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES. The College reserves the right, among others, to reject the proposal of any person or affiliate and shall not award a contract to a person or affiliate, who is not eligible therefor or barred or excluded therefrom under any applicable laws, statutes, codes, regulations, orders, directives, decrees and treaties of the United States of America, any laws, statutes, codes, regulations, rules, orders, directives and decrees of the State of Florida and the College's procurement rules, regulations and policies, including but not limited to as a result of the nation or jurisdiction of organization or principal place of business of such persons or any affiliate, the nature and place of its assets and businesses and activities, its involvement in the sponsorship, support, planning or implementation or conduct of human rights violations, terrorism, money laundering, illegal arms, weapons, minerals or other sales or trafficing or drug trafficking activities or the identity of the persons or entities which control or have the ability to control the management, business and policies of such person or affiliate, and the inclusion of any such person or affiliate on the Convicted Vendor List. 3.24 PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTRACTING WITH SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES. This solicitation incorporates the scrutinized companies’ requirements of Florida Statutes Sections 287.135(2), 287.135(4), 215.473 and 215.4725 and any related sections. By submitting a response to this solicitation, the Vendor certifies its compliance with these sections. 3.25 INDEMNIFICATION. The Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless the College District Board of Trustees, its officers, agents, and employees from any and all judgments, orders, claims, demands, expenses, damages or causes of action which may hereafter be sustained by the Vendor, its officers, employees, and agents or third parties resulting from the Vendor’s breach of this Agreement, strict liability or negligence in performing or failing to perform in connection with this Agreement. 3.26 SCOPE CHANGES. The College may upon mutual agreement with the Vendor, require, by written order, changes altering, adding to, or deducting from the Contract specifications, provided that such changes are within the general scope of the Contract. Such equitable adjustments require the written consent of the Vendor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3.27 STATEMENT PER FLORIDA STATUTE 1010.04. In accordance with Florida Section 1010.04, in the event that this solicitation is for non-academic commodities and/or contractual services (including leasing), the College has conducted the required review of purchasing agreements and state term contract available under Florida Statute Section 287.056. 3.28 JOINT VENTURES. In the event that multiple Proposers submit a joint submittal, a single Proposer shall be identified as the Prime Proposer. If offering a joint submittal, the Prime Proposer must include the name and address of all parties of the joint submittal. The Prime Proposer shall provide all bonding and insurance requirements, execute any Contract, complete the REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM shown herein, and have overall and complete accountability to resolve any dispute arising within this contract. Only a single contract with one Proposer shall be acceptable. The Prime Proposer responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, performing of overall contract administration, preside over other Proposers participating or present at College meetings, oversee preparation of reports and presentations, and file any notice of protest and final protest as described herein. The Prime Proposer shall also prepare and present a consolidated invoice(s) for services performed. The College shall issue only one check for each consolidated invoice to the Prime Proposer for services performed. The Prime Proposer shall remain responsible for performing services associated with response to this solicitation. 3.29 OSHA. The proposer warrants that the product and/or service supplied to College shall conform in all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended, and the failure to comply with this condition will be considered as a breach of contract. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 15 of 33 3.30 PERFORMANCE OR PAYMENT BONDS. No Performance or Payment Bonds will be required for this solicitation. 3.31 ADDING OR DELETING CAMPUS/CENTER LOCATIONS. The following is a listing of the current College locations. The College may, during the term of the contract, add or delete services, wholly or in part, at any College campus or center location. In the event that a site listed herein is deleted, the quoted cost for service being deleted shall be removed from the monthly invoice amount, if applicable. In the event that a site not listed herein is added to the contract, the vendor shall invoice the same amount as prices quoted herein for similar product/services. A. Hugh Adams Central Campus 3501 SW Davie Road Davie, FL 33314 North Campus 1000 Coconut Creek Blvd Coconut Creek, FL 33066 Judson A. Samuels South Campus 7200 Hollywood/Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Willis Holcombe Center 111 East Las Olas Blvd, Building 33 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Pines Center / Academic Village 16957 Sheridan Street Pembroke Pines, FL 33331 Weston Center 4205 Bonaventure Boulevard, Suite #2 Weston, Florida 33331 Miramar Town Center 2050 Civic Center Place Miramar, FL 33025 Miramar West Center 1930 SW 145 Avenue Miramar, FL 33027 Tigertail Lake Center 580 Gulfstream Way Dania Beach, FL 33304 Broward College at the YMCA 1409 NW 6th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Cypress Creek Administrative Center 6400 NW 6th Way Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 16 of 33 SECTION 4 – SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS In order to maintain comparability and facilitate the review process, Proposers are requested to organize their proposals in the manner specified below, with proper section dividers and tabs. Include all information requested herein in your proposal. Electronic submittals should be limited to not more than 60 pages. Covers, table of contents, section dividers and/or tabs, secondary dividers, addenda, samples, attachments, and supporting documents do not count towards the page limit. Required forms count towards the page limit. Dividers shall divide the sections TAB 1 through TAB 10. Secondary dividers (not in the page count) may be used at the Proposer’s discretion to present information clearly. Submissions in excess of 60 pages or not organized in a manner consistent with this section will not be disqualified; however, clarity, conciseness, and brevity will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process. The College reserves the right to reject and not consider any proposal not organized and not containing all the information outlined herein. The College reserves the right to not consider proposals not clearly identified, enumerated, and titled. Submittals received after date and time established herein in SECTION 2.7 – TIMELINE will not be considered. 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION. (1) 4.1.1 Title Page and Table of Contents Include RFP number, date, subject, name of the Proposer, address, and telephone number. Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number. (1) 4.1.2 Letter of Transmittal Include the legal name of the Proposer’s company as it is registered with the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations, name(s) of the person(s) who will be authorized to make representations for the Proposer, their title(s), address(es), email address(es), and telephone number(s). (2) 4.1.3 Acknowledgement of Released Addenda to RFP The College reserves the right to issue any addendum modifying any portion of this solicitation. Caution is given that certain addenda may be required to be submitted with proposals as specified in the particular addenda. It is the prospective Proposer’s responsibility to verify they have received all released addenda and thereby must include acknowledgement (as per addenda instructions when addenda are released) of any addenda that are required to be submitted with proposal. (2) 4.1.4 W-9 Form It is a requirement of this solicitation that all Proposers submit a completed Internal Revenue Service W-9 Form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) with proposal or within three (3) days of notification. The W-9 Form may be downloaded at www.irs.gov. Failure to submit W-9 Form as stated herein will result in no payments being issued in relations to this project, once awarded, until such time as W-9 is received. (2) 4.1.5 Notice Provision Following contract award, when any of the parties’ desire to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified; the place for giving notice shall remain such until it is changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of the paragraph. This information must be submitted with the proposal or within three days of request. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving notice: RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 17 of 33 To College: Zaida Riollano, Procurement Manager Procurement Services Department – 2nd Floor 6400 NW 6th Way Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 With Copy To (College): Office of the General Counsel 111 East Las Olas Boulevard, Room 523 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 With Copy To: (College Contract Administrator #1) Deborah Czubkowski, Vice President, Facilities Management 3501 SW Davie Road Davie, FL 33314 With Copy To: (College Contract Administrator #2) Marcus Wilson, Associate Vice President, Facilities Collegewide Maintenance 3501 SW Davie Road Davie, FL 33314 To Proposer: (Proposer to Insert) With Copy To (Proposer): (Proposer to Insert) (2) 4.1.6 Vendor Conflict of Interest Form The award of this solicitation is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time. All Proposers must disclose with their proposal the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the College. All Proposers must disclose in their response the name of any officer, director, employee, or agent of company who is also an employee of College or an immediate family member of an employee of College. Proposer must submit ATTACHMENT H – VENDOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM. (2) 4.1.7 Litigation History State whether any team member has been involved in any services related litigation, action or claim of projects of same or similar size, including but not limited to any action against or by any owner, whether active, pending, or concluded, at the mediation, arbitration, trial or appellate level, within five years preceding the submission of this submittal. For each instance include the following information: a. the style/caption of the matter. b. the case number. c. the forum/venue of the action. d. a description of the claim, action, or litigation. e. evidence of satisfactory resolution of the claim, action, or litigation by affirming or providing documentary evidence that a final judgment has been rendered in favor of the company or any final judgment rendered against the company is satisfied within 90 days of the date that the judgment becomes final. If “NO” litigation or regulatory action has been filed against your company(s), please provide a statement to that effect. For companies with a parent or holding company or related subsidiary, submit requested information for all parties Truthful and complete answers to this question will not disqualify a company from consideration but will be a factor in the selection process. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 18 of 33 Untruthful, misleading or false answers to this question shall result in the disqualification of the company for this project. (2) 4.1.8 Letter of Insurability Submit letter of insurability per coverage outlined in SECTION 3.9. Certificate of Insurance (COI) will not be considered in lieu of the letter of insurability in proposal submittal. Certificate of Insurance (COI) shall be provided only by awardee upon request within ten days of notification by the College. 4.2 MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. In order to be considered for award and to be further evaluated, Proposer must meet or exceed the following criteria. Failure to meet minimum eligibility criteria, detailed below, will result in proposal disqualification. Failure to submit the documents requested herein will also result in proposal disqualification. (3) 4.2.1 Required Response Form Submit SECTION 1 - REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM with all required information completed and all signatures as specified. The enclosed original Required Response Form will be the only acceptable form. Failure to submit a Required Response Form, as requested herein, will result in proposal disqualification. Any modifications or alterations to this form shall not be accepted and submittal will be rejected. (3) 4.2.2 Minimum Qualifications and Licenses Proposer must be primarily engaged in the business of providing storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services. Proposer shall be properly registered/licensed and possess all required active licenses, registrations, and certifications and must be fully authorized, and fully licensed, in the State of Florida to perform the services specified as of the due date of the solicitation. Proposer must demonstrate a strong documented track record of providing storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services, for a minimum of three (3) continuous years or more, within the last five (5) years. Proposer shall possess one of the licenses listed in ATTACHMENT A – SCOPE OF WORK (including any State registration, if applicable). Any certificate of competency that meets or exceeds those specified or can legally perform the scope of work specified, as determined by the College, will be considered. Proposer must submit proof of all active business licenses, registrations, and certifications as applicable, documenting Proposer is fully licensed to conduct relevant business in the State of Florida (Also refer to ATTACHMENT A – SCOPE OF WORK of this solicitation). Occupational / business licenses are required as applicable. If permitted, subcontractor licenses may be required during the developmental phase. Submit with proposal, or within three business days of College’s request. Submit copy of the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, registration indicating when corporation / LLC / or other form of legal entity was organized, corporation number, and date and status of most recent annual report. Proposer must be registered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, to operate in the State of Florida at the time of negotiations. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 19 of 33 4.3 EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS (Maximum 20 Points). (4) 4.3.1 Executive Summary a. Submit a brief summary, of no more than five pages, stating the Proposer’s interest in the contract; overview of company qualifications; names, contact information and qualifications of key staff; understanding of the nature and scope of the services to be provided; and Proposer’s ability to comply with all requirements of contract. b. The Proposer shall explain in detail why Proposer is interested and why company would be the best choice for the College. c. Summary shall include the year the company was established, summarize the company and their qualifications for the miscellaneous projects and identify principal(s) who will be assigned to the miscellaneous projects. d. The company shall acknowledge receipt of any and all addenda, if any, listing the Addenda by number(s) and date(s) as the last sentence in their Executive Summary after the signature. e. Brief description of company’s present operations. Summary by narrative, or other means showing the Proposer’s qualifications and experience. f. Provide a listing of recent projects which are same or similar to the requirements and scope of this solicitation, preferably for higher education or public sector clients. (4) 4.3.2 Organizational Profile Identify the Prime Proposer responsible for all portions of this solicitation. Include: a. Current organization’s name, addresses, telephone number, and fax number. b. The date that organization was established. c. The size of the organization. d. The number of years established in business, including operation under other company names, providing services same or similar as described herein. e. Number of years in business. f. List the key personnel designated for the proposed project. Indicate their assigned roles, expertise, registration/licenses, education and experience. Describe the unique capabilities of key personnel and joint parties and how those qualifications and capabilities apply to the project. (4) 4.3.3 Account Management and Staffing Include organizational chart with local, district, and corporate levels for Proposer. Describe how the organizational structure will ensure orderly communications, distribution of information, effective coordination of activities, resource management, accountability, and decision-making authority. Describe the designated team representatives who are technically competent to assist the College in all activities associated with the service and maintenance of this account. (4) 4.3.4 References All Proposers providing a response to this Solicitation shall have their clients submit directly to the College via email as indicated below, a completed PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY FORM (ATTACHMENT I) in PDF format. All forms must be received from your clients directly by the College by the due date as stated in SECTION 1 – REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM by 2:30 p.m. ET or through an addendum and/or change of calendar date in our website. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 20 of 33 At least three related PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY FORMS (ATTACHMENT I), preferably higher education clients, are required to be considered for the maximum solicitation points. If the College receives less than three completed forms directly from your client, points will be proportionally reduced. Proposers must have their clients utilize the referenced attachment for the reference’s information/response. References shall be from clients who have performed (or are currently performing) work, similar in nature and size, as the scope described herein within the five years prior to the solicitation due date. All references are to be emailed from your clients directly to the College to: Procurement Officer: Orlando Aponte Email: oaponte@broward.edu ANY BROWARD COLLEGE PROJECTS SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED AS A REFERENCE. The College reserves the right to verify all references received and/or use an external party, such as Dun & Bradstreet Open Rating (or other), to conduct reference checks. 4.4 SCOPE OF WORK (Maximum 35 Points). (5) 4.4.1 Scope of Work Proposer must provide a clear and detailed narrative addressing their ability to provide the services listed in ATTACHMENT A – SCOPE OF WORK. Minimum response must provide responses to the following: Proposed Solution. Describe in detail the solution Proposer is proposing that will address the requirements and purpose of the solicitation with specificity to ATTACHMENT A – SCOPE OF WORK. Proposed Methodology. Describe in detail how Proposer will accomplish the solution(s) in order to complete required services. Proposer’s Procedures. Provide procedures for completing work required and how the procedures will be applied or modified to comply with storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services. Coordination and Communication. Provide detailed information on how Proposer will coordinate the completion of required service(s). Provide detailed information on how Proposer will communicate with College Contract Administrator(s) during the contract period. Reports. Provide explanation and detailed examples of any reports and/or data that will be provided prior to, during, and after execution of services. Timeframe. Provide a detailed project timeframe and key milestones to implement and execute the services. Other Services. Describe any additional services and their proposed methodology that Proposer is proposing to provide with relation to the scope of this solicitation. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 21 of 33 (5) 4.4.2 Quality Assurance Submit a plan to provide quality assurance in respect to all aspects of the storm drain cleaning, repairs and maintenance services. 4.5 PRICE PROPOSAL (Maximum 35 Points). (6) 4.5.1 Price Proposal Submit ATTACHMENT B – PRICE PROPOSAL FORM in accordance with SCOPE OF WORK described in ATTACHMENT A. Include under TAB 6 in the PDF submittal document and also upload separately to DemandStar in the original Excel format document. Proposer must provide the information on prices and rates in the attached ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM, in the same unchanged Excel format document. The information must NOT be password protected, to allow the College to copy and paste the information into the Bid Tabulation. 4.6 FINANCIAL CAPACITY (Maximum 10 Points). (7) 4.6.1 Financial Capacity Proposers shall submit Dun & Bradstreet Number (D-U-N-S). The College will use the total of both the D&B Delinquency Predictor Score (formerly the Commercial Credit Score - CCS) and the D&B Failure Score (formerly the Financial Stress Score - FSS) reports in order to assess financial capacity of Proposer. If your company is not currently registered at D&B, you are required to do so before submitting your proposal to the College. Please contact D&B at 1-800-234-3867 to fully register your company. Information gathered from the D&B reports will become part of the company’s financial capacity assessment. D&B® Delinquency Predictor Score (DPS) The D&B® Delinquency Predictor Score pertains to the likelihood that a business could make a late payment, go bankrupt, or have future payment failures. Delinquency Score/Percentile Delinquency Class Evaluation Points 91-100 1 5 71-90 2 4 31-70 3 3 11-30 4 2 1-10 5 1 D&B® Failure Score® The D&B® Failure Score also uses a 1 to 5 rating but pertains to the business’s likelihood of financial stress – such as filing for bankruptcy – in a 12-month outlook. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 22 of 33 Failure Score/Percentile Failure Class Evaluation Points 95-100 1 5 69-94 2 4 34-68 3 3 2-33 4 2 1 5 1 4.7 ATTACHMENTS. (8) 4.7.1 ATTACHMENT D - DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION (8) 4.7.2 ATTACHMENT E - NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (8) 4.7.3 ATTACHMENT F - PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT (8) 4.7.4 ATTACHMENT G - NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (9) 4.7.5 VALUE ADDED SERVICES (OPTIONAL) Include any additional/value added services to be proposed in connection with the services defined in ATTACHMENT A – SCOPE OF WORK. Additional/Value added services will NOT be considered for evaluation purposes, only as an informational piece. (10) 4.7.6 OTHER SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Insert here any other supporting documents, not included in any of the previous tabs. (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 23 of 33 SECTION 5 - EVALUATION 5.1 PHASE I – REVIEW OF PROPOSALS. The Evaluation Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) shall review and evaluate all proposals received for RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, which meet or exceed SECTION 4.2 - MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, according to the following initial screening criteria: CRITERIA SECTION MAXIMUM POINTS 4.3 EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS 20 4.4 SCOPE OF WORK 35 4.5 PRICE PROPOSAL 35 4.6 FINANCIAL CAPACITY 10 TOTAL MAXIMUM POINTS: 100 5.1.1 The failure to respond, provide detailed information or to provide requested proposal elements in SECTIONS 4.3 through 4.6 may result in the reduction of points in the evaluation process or a complete disqualification of proposal. 5.1.2 The Evaluation Committee will shortlist Proposers in PHASE I – REVIEW OF PROPOSALS. Proposers will be notified according to dates set herein in SECTION 2.7 – TIMELINE. 5.1.3 Shortlist Scores and Rankings. The Evaluation Committee will utilize the scores developed as a result of SECTION 5.1 to rank the Proposers individually, and then determine cumulative ranking results. The shortlist scores and rankings are solely for the purpose of determining those Proposers that will be selected for further consideration and/or interview and those Proposers which are responsive to the solicitation requirements. Scores and rankings as a result of SECTION 5.1, will neither be considered, nor carried forth as part of the scores and rankings of SECTION 5.2. 5.1.4 Result of Review of Proposals. Based upon the results of the above SECTION 5.1, the College, at its sole discretion, may: a. Shortlist the top ranked Proposer(s) (shortlist number to be determined by the Committee) for further consideration and/or interviews. b. Recommend an award. c. May reject all proposals received. d. Waive any informalities. e. Re-advertise/re-solicit proposals. f. Reject all proposals without further action. g. Accept or reject any proposal or portion of a proposal as deemed in the College’s best interest. h. Invite one or more top-ranked Proposers to participate in contract negotiation phase and/or award. and/or i. Take any additional administrative steps deemed necessary in determining the final award, including additional fact-finding, evaluation, or negotiation, where necessary and consistent with the terms of this solicitation. 5.1.5 Proposal Clarification. During the review of proposals, the College reserves the right to ask questions of a clarifying nature in order to obtain clarity on proposal elements submitted. However, Proposers will not be allowed to enhance or alter their initial proposal and may only clarify existing proposal elements. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 24 of 33 5.2 PHASE II – INTERVIEWS AND PRESENTATIONS. In the event that the College chooses to interview recommended shortlisted Proposers in accordance with SECTION 5.1, the Committee shall interview the shortlisted Proposers in order to make an award or enter into negotiations. Scores and rankings as a result of SECTION 5.1 above will neither be considered, nor carried forth as part of the scores and rankings resulting from the interviews and presentations phase. Shortlisted Proposers will be interviewed against a set of standard questions and/or clarifying questions (proposal-specific with the intent to clarify issues), and shall be evaluated according to the following criteria: CRITERIA MAXIMUM POINTS A UNDERSTANDING OF THE COLLEGE’S REQUIREMENTS 25 B RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 20 C UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS 20 D OVERALL APPROACH, METHODOLOGY, AND ABILITY TO PERFORM CONTRACT 35 TOTAL MAXIMUM POINTS: 100 5.2.1 The Evaluation Committee shall interview and evaluate the shortlisted Proposers, in accordance with the evaluation criteria and point schedule established in this PHASE II – INTERVIEWS AND PRESENTATIONS, based on the Proposers’ interviews and presentations, and the information submitted by the Proposers in response to this solicitation, in order to make an award recommendation. The failure to respond or provide detailed information or requested proposal elements in SECTION 5.2 may result in the reduction of points in PHASE II. The Committee will utilize the scores developed as a result of SECTION 5.2 to rank the Proposers. 5.2.2 Result of Interviews/Presentations. Based upon the results of SECTION 5.2 above, the College, at its sole discretion, may: a. Recommend award and/or negotiations to the top ranked Proposer(s). b. Recommend award to more than one top ranked Proposer. c. Reject all proposals. d. Re-advertise/re-solicit proposal. e. Reject all proposals without further action. f. Accept or reject any proposal or portion of a proposal as deemed in the College’s best interest. and/or g. Invite one or more top-ranked Proposers to participate in contract negotiation phase and award. 5.3 AWARD. In addition to recommending the top-ranked Proposer(s) with whom a successful contract can be negotiated, the College, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to make an award as follows: a. Divide the work among Proposers. b. Award contracts for less than all services encompassed by this solicitation. (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 25 of 33 SECTION 6 – CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS 6.1 PHASE III - CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS. In the event that an Agreement between the College and the selected Proposer(s) is deemed necessary, at the sole discretion of the College, the College will begin negotiations with the top-ranked Proposer or Proposers if a multiple award is being considered, as recommended by the Evaluation Committee in SECTION 5.2. The College reserves the right to negotiate any term, condition, or price with the top-ranked Proposer(s). In the event that mutually agreeable negotiations cannot be reached, the College may declare an impasse and begin to negotiate with the next ranked Proposer(s). The College may continue this process until final agreement can be reached with a Proposer(s) or until the Evaluation Committee recommends rejection of all proposals received. Please note the College, at its discretion, may or may not change committee members for each phase. 6.1.1 After the initial negotiation session with the recommended Proposer(s), in its sole discretion, the Negotiations Team shall determine whether to hold additional negotiation sessions and with which Proposer(s) it will further negotiations. 6.1.2 The College reserves at any time during the negotiations process to: a. Schedule additional negotiation sessions with any or all responsive Proposers. b. Require any or all responsive Proposers to provide a Best and Final Offer (BAFO). c. Pursue a contract with one or more responsive Proposers for the services encompassed by this solicitation. d. Pursue the division of contracts between responsive Proposers by type of service or geographical area, or both. e. Arrive at any agreement with a responsive Proposer, finalize contract terms with such Proposer and terminate negotiations with any or all other Proposers, regardless of the status of or scheduled negotiations with such other Proposers. f. Decline to conduct further negotiations with any Proposer. g. Reopen negotiations with any Proposer. h. Take any additional administrative steps deemed necessary in determining the final award, including additional fact-finding, evaluation, or negotiation, where necessary and consistent with the terms of this solicitation 6.2 “SAMPLE” OR BASE CONTRACT FOR NEGOTIATIONS. The enclosed “sample” contract (ATTACHMENT C) shall be the basis for any contract negotiations and resulting agreement. Proposers are strongly encouraged to review the enclosed sample contract. The final contract shall reference and incorporate all addenda, specifications, terms, and conditions of this solicitation, and to include Proposer’s offer, contract negotiations, and final acceptance. The College may amend any term and condition of the sample contract prior to final acceptance by both parties. 6.3 FINAL SELECTION AND NOTICE OF AWARD RECOMMENDATION. 6.3.1 The College will recommend for award of the contract, the responsive Proposer(s) as determined by the Negotiation Team. 6.3.2 The College has sole discretion in deciding whether and when to take any of the foregoing actions, the responsive Proposer or Proposers affected and whether to provide concurrent public notice of such decision. The College at its sole discretion may: a. Recommend Award. b. Re-advertise/re-solicit for proposals. c. Reject all proposals without further action; accept or reject any proposal or portion of a proposal as deemed in the College’s best interest. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 26 of 33 6.3.3 The College reserves the right to: a. Select one or more Proposers for the services encompassed by this solicitation, any addenda thereto and any request for additional or revised detail written proposals or request for best and final offers. b. Divide the work among Proposers by type of service or geographic area, or both. and c. Award contracts for less than the entire service area or less than all services encompassed by this solicitation, or both. 6.4 RESERVED RIGHTS AFTER NOTICE OF AWARD RECOMMENDATION. 6.4.1 Negotiations After Award Recommendation. The College reserves the right to schedule additional negotiation sessions with Proposer(s) identified in the posting of the Award Recommendation in order to establish final terms and conditions for contracts with those Proposer(s). This may include but not be limited to, site surveys to finalize the College’s requirements. 6.4.2 Other Reserved Rights: The College reserves the right, after posting Award Recommendation thereof, to withdraw or amend its Award Recommendation and reopen negotiations with any other Proposers recommended in SECTION 5.2, at any time prior to execution of a contract. 6.4.3 The College’s District Board of Trustees will make the final and sole decision whether or not to award the contract to the recommended Proposer(s). (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 27 of 33 SECTION 7 – GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. SUBMITTAL OF QUESTIONS. Any questions concerning any portion of this solicitation must be received by the Procurement Officer named herein on or before the due date for submittal of questions as stated in the project calendar. If necessary, the College will issue an addendum to respond to question(s) received. Any verbal or written information, which is obtained other than by information herein or by Addenda shall not be binding on the College. 2. AWARD. In order to meet the needs of the College, award may be made by item or by group, as indicated herein. The College may make an award to one or more awardee(s) or may split award among respondents. The terms of the award shall be defined in the award recommendation document. Interested respondents may request copies of tabulations and score sheets and may request a debriefing session after award of solicitation has been completed. The College reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to not make an award resulting from this solicitation or to withdraw this solicitation at any time. 3. CONTRACT EXTENSION: In addition to the stated term of award, the College may, in mutual agreement with the Vendor, extend the term for 180 days beyond the expiration date of the final expiration date. 4. CONTRACT ORDERS: Price or quantity conditions stated by any respondent will not be considered for award. The quantities listed herein are only estimates of quantities to be ordered throughout the contract period and are not a guarantee of orders. Actual quantities ordered throughout the contract period may be greater or less than the proposal estimates and shall be furnished at the fixed contract price. No guarantee is given or implied as to the total dollar value or work as a result of this solicitation. The College is not obligated to place any order for goods or services as a result of this award. Order placement will be based upon the needs and in the best interest of the College. 5. BID ITEM OFFERED: If alternates are acceptable, as stated herein, and if respondent is proposing other than the make and model specified, then complete make and model number of the item offered must be indicated on the proposal. Failure to indicate a complete make and model number for the item offered will represent that the respondent is proposing the make and model specified. 6. DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE: When alternates are acceptable and if respondent is submitting a proposal for other than the make(s) and model(s) specified, it is required that complete descriptive technical literature on the item being proposed be submitted with the proposal or upon request. Such literature shall be in sufficient detail to indicate conformance with the specifications of the make(s) and model(s) specified. Failure to provide this descriptive literature in sufficient detail to complete the evaluation of the make(s) and model(s) offered, with this proposal or upon request, will result in disqualification of proposed alternate and may result in disqualification of entire proposal. 7. MODEL NUMBER CORRECTIONS: If the model number for the make specified is no longer available or incorrect, the replacement or correct model number should be submitted in the proposal. 8. DISCONTINUED ITEM: If a proposal item is discontinued by the manufacturer during the period of award, then the Vendor shall advise the Procurement Services Department in writing of non-availability of the proposal item and shall submit complete descriptive, technical literature on the replacement item. Replacement item shall be furnished at the same firm price offered for the original proposal item or at a lower price during the remainder of the period of award. Samples of replacement items may be required and, if requested, must be supplied for evaluation by the appropriate College staff. The College shall not be held liable for any damages incurred to sample item(s) during evaluation. 9. SAMPLES: After proposal opening and prior to award, samples of the proposed product may be required for evaluation. Samples, when required, must be furnished free of expense and, if not destroyed, will, upon request, be returned at the respondent's expense. Each individual sample must be labeled with respondent’s name, proposal number, and item number. Such samples when requested by the College must be furnished no later than seventy-two (72) hours after notification. Failure of respondent to either deliver required samples or to clearly identify samples as indicated may be reason for rejection of the proposal. 10. MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATION: Respondent must be authorized by proposed manufacturer to sell, warranty, service (depending on scope of award) item(s) proposed. The certification must be returned with the proposal in time for proposal opening or upon request. Failure to submit the completed certification will ultimately result in disqualification of proposal submitted. 11. LOCAL REPAIR FACILITY: The College may require respondent to maintain a local repair facility that can respond to service calls. For the purpose of this solicitation, "LOCAL" repair station means location in Broward, Miami-Dade or Palm Beach County. 12. BID BOND: If required herein, a Surety Bond, Certified Check, Cashier’s Check, Treasurer’s Check or Bank Draft of any State or National Bank representing five percent (5%) of the total amount of the proposal must accompany proposal. Bonding company must appear on U.S. Treasury list. Surety bonds must be submitted in the form specified by the College. No other bond form will be acceptable. 13. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND REQUIREMENTS: If required herein, the Vendor shall execute a Performance and Payment Bond in an amount equal to proposal costs and in accordance with the requirements of Section 255.05 Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time. In addition to the requirements of Section 255.05, the Surety must be listed on the Department of Treasury's Listing of Approved Sureties (Department Circular 570) which is available through the Internet at http://www.fms.treas.gov/c570.html. The Insurance Company that issues the Bond must be licensed to do business in the State of Florida. If the Insurance Company is an out of state firm, a Power of Attorney from a Resident Agent must be properly executed and included with the bond. Bond must be furnished to the College within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of award and must comply with Florida Statutes 255.05. 14. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK/SHIPMENT: No shipment of goods or commencement of work shall begin until such time as the Vendor receives a College Purchase Order. Goods or services received prior to issuance of Purchase Order may be rejected. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 28 of 33 15. DELIVERY: The respondent is to indicate on their response the delivery time required for each proposal item. A respondent who fails to indicate delivery time agrees to deliver items ordered within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the order. The College may reject proposals that exceed delivery greater than thirty (30) days from receipt of order. 16. INSTALLATION: If required herein, price quoted shall include on-site, inside delivery, installation, satisfactory operation, and demonstration of use of all items ordered. If Installation is not required, the Vendor shall submit complete installation/operation instructions with delivery or upon request. 17. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF MATERIALS AND/OR SERVICE: The material and/or service delivered under this proposal shall remain the property of the Vendor until a physical inspection and actual usage of this material is made and thereafter accepted to the satisfaction of the College and must comply with the terms herein, and be fully in accord with specifications. In the event the material supplied to the College is found to be defective or does not conform to specifications, the College reserves the right to cancel the order upon written request to the Vendor and return the product to vendor, at vendor’s expense. 18. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: Prices offered shall remain firm through each contract expiration date. If price adjustments are allowed, the Vendor may only request price adjustment at the time of invitation to renew contract, approximately sixty (60) days prior to contract expiration, or only during other approved periods. Requests for price adjustments shall be fully documented and shall not exceed the percentage of change in the applicable index, as determined by the College, established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.bls.gov). In the event that the applicable index indicates a negative price trend, the College reserves the right to request a reduction in contract prices equal to the percentage of change. The College reserves the right to not grant price adjustments or to not renew any contract regardless of price considerations. 19. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS): As per Florida Statute, the Right To Know Law, the College requires that Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are required for all applicable items, materials and/or substances ordered. Respondent must supply all MSDS WITH THIS BID or UPON REQUEST. An awardee who has not submitted the required MSDS will not be issued any purchase orders until the MSDS’s are received and approved by the College Risk Management Department. All MSDS submitted must be either an original as received from the manufacturer or a legible copy made from same. MSDS ON CD-ROM IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. The College’s Risk Management Department requires, for the purpose of safeguarding the health and safety of staff and/or students, that all submitted MSDS must be current and reviewed by the respondent with the manufacturer within the last calendar year. Vendor, by virtue of signing proposal, represents the MSDS as being in compliance with the above conditions. Each MSDS must include a clear delineation of chemical content(s) of product, contain all information required by Florida’s Right-To-Know Law, and should have the RFP Number and Product Item Number stated on each MSDS. The College reserves the right to request additional information from the manufacturer concerning the contents of its MSDS submitted by the respondent for the corresponding proposal item. Failure to provide this information as detailed herein may result in disqualification of bid submitted. 20. PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSONNEL: The Vendor shall at all times guard against damage and/or loss to the property of the College and shall replace and/or repair any loss or damages unless such be caused by the College. The College may withhold payment or make such deductions, as it might deem necessary to insure reimbursement for loss and/or damages to the property through negligence of the Vendor. The Vendor shall take the necessary safety precautions to protect both personnel and property while the work is in progress simultaneously adhering to the project schedule. 21. WARRANTY: Manufacturer's standard warranty must be provided on all proposal items. Warranty shall begin after delivery and acceptance by the College. Warranty shall be stated in the spaces provided in the Bid Summary Sheet. 22. DEBRIS: Vendor shall be responsible for the prompt removal of all debris, which is result of delivery or installation. 23. DELIVERY INFORMATION: Delivery specifics will be included on purchase order. From time to time the College may be closed during regular business time or may have established special calendar (e.g. winter holidays, spring break, summer flex week, etc.). Prior to delivery, the Vendor shall verify that the College will be open to accept delivery. The College will not be responsible for re-delivery charges. 24. CANCELLATION/TERMINATION: The College may, by written notice, terminate in whole or in part the contract or any purchase orders resulting from this solicitation when such action is in the best interest of the College or when any provision(s) of this solicitation are violated by the respondent. In the event of cancellation/termination, the College shall be liable only for payment for services rendered prior to the effective date of cancellation/termination. 25. ADDING OR DELETING CAMPUS/CENTER LOCATIONS: For site specific awards, the College may, during the term of the contract, add or delete, wholly or in part, locations. In the event that a site is added to the contract, the respondent shall invoice the same amount as prices quoted herein for similar sites. Deletion of sites shall not affect contract pricing. 26. IRREVOCABILITY OF PROPOSAL: A proposal in response to this solicitation may not be withdrawn before the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of proposal due date. 27. PROPOSAL PUBLIC RECORD: The respondent acknowledges that all information contained within their proposal is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Record Laws. 28. NONCONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS: Goods or services offered as a result of any award resulting from this solicitation must be in compliance with all conditions and specifications and any resulting agreement at all times. Orders for goods or services not conforming as required may be terminated at vendor(s) expense and acquired on the open market. Any increase in cost may be charged against the Vendor. Any violation of these stipulations may also result in: a. For a period of two (2) years, any solicitation submitted by respondent will not be considered and will not be recommended for award. b. All departments being advised not to do business with vendor. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 29 of 33 29. GOVERNING LAW / VENUE: This solicitation, and any award(s) resulting from same, shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Florida and must have venue established in the 17th Circuit Court of Broward County, Florida or the United States Court of the Southern District of Florida. 30. TORT IMMUNITY: The College hereby reserves to itself any and all tort immunity as provided to it by the laws of the State of Florida. It is hereby agreed that the College’s liability is limited to the extent permitted by the Florida Constitution and Florida Statute 768.28 or any amendments thereto. Any and all such liability shall be limited to and shall not exceed amount of insurance coverage applicable to such an agreement provided to the College through the Florida Community College Risk Management Consortium. Nothing contained in this document is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any agency to which sovereign immunity applies. The College disclaims any liability, obligation or responsibility for the payment of consequential, special, indirect, incidental or other similar damages incurred or sustained by respondent in any way arising out of or relating to this solicitation. 31. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: The respondent agrees to be in full compliance with any federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or codes that in any manner affect the goods or services covered herein. Lack of knowledge by the respondent will in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility. 32. ADVERTISING: In submitting a solicitation, the respondent agrees not to use the results therefrom as a part of any commercial advertising without prior written approval of College. 33. PAYMENT: A purchase order will be released after award by the College for any goods or services to be delivered as a result of the solicitation. Any charge that does not directly correspond to a purchase order may not be authorized for payment. Payment will be provided after delivery is verified to be in compliance with all the conditions of award. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of acceptance by the College. 34. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The award of this solicitation is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time. All respondents must disclose with their proposal the name of any officer, director or agent who is also an employee of the College. All respondents must disclose in their response the name of any officer, director, employee or agent of firm who is also an employee of the College or an immediate family member of an employee of the College. 35. PATENTS/INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS AND ROYALTIES: The respondent, without exception, shall indemnify and save harmless the College and its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted, patented, or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract, including its use by the College. If the respondent uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters, patent, or copyright or other intellectual rights, it is mutually understood and agreed without exception that the solicitation prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device or materials in any way involved in the work. 36. DISPUTES: In the event of a conflict between the documents, the order of priority of the documents shall be as follows: a. Any agreement resulting from the award of this solicitation; then b. Addenda released for this solicitation, with the latest Addendum taking precedence and chronologically thereafter; then c. this solicitation; then d. the respondent’s proposal. In case of any other doubt or difference of opinion, the decision of the College shall be final and binding on both parties. 37. OSHA: The respondent warrants that the product supplied to the College shall conform in all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended, and the failure to comply with this condition will be considered as a breach of contract. 38. LIABILITY, INSURANCE, LICENSES AND PERMITS: The respondent agrees to the Indemnification Provision stated herein and will assume the full duty obligation and expense of obtaining all necessary licenses, permits and insurance. The respondent shall be liable for any damages or loss to the College occasioned by negligence of the respondent (or agent) or any person the respondent has designated in the completion of the contract. 39. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES: Section 287.133(2)(a), Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, states that a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit a proposal on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO [currently $35,000] for a period of thirty six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. By submitting response to this solicitation, the respondent certifies that it has not been convicted of a public entity crime. 40. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: Florida Statutes prohibits the College from creating obligations on anticipation of budgeted revenues for a period in excess of one (1) year. As such, the College may, during the contract period, terminate or discontinue the items covered in this solicitation. This written notice will release the College of all obligations, subsequent to the termination date, in any way related to the items covered in this solicitation upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Vendor. These provisions must be included as part of any lease agreement between the parties. No lease will be considered that does not include these provisions. 41. USE OF OTHER CONTRACTS: The College reserves the right to utilize any other College contract, any State of Florida Contract, any contract awarded by any other city or county governmental agencies, other College, other community college/state university system cooperative agreements, or to directly negotiate/purchase per College policy and/or State Board Rule, as currently enacted or as amended RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 30 of 33 from time to time, in lieu of any offer received or award made as a result of this solicitation if it is in its best interest to do so. 42. SUBCONTRACTING AND ASSIGNMENT: Neither any award of this solicitation nor any interest in any award of this solicitation may be subcontracted, assigned, transferred or encumbered by any party without the prior written consent of the College. 43. INDEMNIFICATION: a. By the College: The College agrees to be fully responsible for its acts of negligence or its agents’ acts of negligence when acting within the scope of their employment and agrees to be liable for any damages resulting from said negligence. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by the College. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by the College to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of any contract. b. By the Vendor: The Vendor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the College, its agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims, judgments, costs and expenses including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees, reasonable investigative and discovery costs, court costs and all other sums which the College, its agents, servants, and employees may pay or become obligated to pay on account of any, all and every claim or demand, or assertion of liability, or any claim or action founded thereon, arising or alleged to have arisen out of the products, goods or services furnished by the Vendor, its agents, servants, and employees; the equipment of the vendor, its agents, servants, and employees while such equipment is on premises owned or controlled by the College; or the negligence of the vendor or the negligence of the vendor’s agents when acting within the scope of their employment, whether such claims, judgments, costs and expenses be for damages, damage to property including the College’s property, and injury or death of any person whether employed by the Vendor, the College or otherwise. 44. SOLICITATION AND ADDENDA: It is the sole responsibility of the respondent to assure it has received the entire solicitation package and any and all Addenda. No submissions made after the proposal opening, amending or supplementing the proposal shall be considered. 45. GRATUITIES: The respondents shall not offer any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any official, employee, or agent of the College; including any District Board of Trustee Member, College President and any Evaluation Committee Member, for the purpose of influencing consideration of this proposal. 46. PREPARATION COST OF PROPOSAL: The respondent is solely responsible for any and all costs associated with responding to this solicitation. The College will not reimburse any respondent for any costs associated with the preparation and submittal of any proposal, or for any travel and per diem costs that are incurred by any respondent. 47. DEFAULT AND LITIGATION COSTS: In the event of a default on this contract, the defaulting party shall pay all attorney’s fees and court costs incurred by the non-defaulting party, at both the trial and appellate levels, in any action brought to enforce and collect damages arising from the default. 48. TAXES AND PERMITS: Although the College is not subject to the Florida Sales and Use Tax, any contractor who purchases materials which will be used in a State-owned building will not be exempted from the Florida Statute referencing sales and use tax. The State, any county, municipality or political subdivision of this State is exempt from the sales tax, except this exemption shall not include sales of tangible personal property made to contractors employed either directly or as agents of any such government or political subdivision thereof when such tangible personal property goes into or becomes a part of public works owned by such government or political subdivision thereof. The owner is not subject to: a. Federal excise taxes on materials or appliances that are incorporated into and become a part of the completed improvement. b. Federal tax on transportation of property. c. Cost of Municipal Building Permits. d. Sales and rental tax payments to the State of Florida are the responsibility of the Vendor. The Vendor must provide documentation to the State. Vendors by virtue of submitting a proposal agree to this condition. 49. SUPPLIER DIVERSITY SMALL BUSINESS (SDSB): It is the policy of College that it will not discriminate in employment and awarding of contracts on the basis of race, color, sex, gender, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information or other legally protected classification in its programs and activities. Any College contractor found in violation of this policy will be removed from the College’s vendor list and prohibited from bidding on College goods and services until such time it has sufficiently instituted corrective actions to rectify the discriminatory practices. The College recognizes its responsibility within the diverse business community in which it operates. It is the policy (6Hx2-6.34) of the College to provide all businesses an equal and fair opportunity to participate in its procurement and contracting opportunities; and to support sustainable growth and economic opportunities (Policy 6Hx2-6.36) for Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (SDB). 50. SUSTAINABILITY AND RECYCLING: The Vendor shall comply with any current or future sustainability and recycling program established by the State, the County, the Municipality and/or the College. Inability to comply or reach agreement with the College to meet compliance will result in cancellation of the award. 51. ASSIGNMENT OF ANTITRUST CLAIMS: For and in recognition of good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, proposing company hereby conveys, sells, assigns and transfers to the State of Florida all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the State of Florida for price fixing, relating to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by the State of Florida pursuant to this solicitation. 52. PROTECTION AND SECURITY OF BUILDING AND PROPERTY: The contractor shall assume full responsibility and be held liable by RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 31 of 33 the College for any and all damage or claim for damage, for injury to persons, property and equipment which might result from any services performed under this specification. The extent of this responsibility is not limited to only College property but extends to any property including lease equipment on College locations. The Contractor shall be held liable by the College for damages caused by its employees to any equipment, apparatus or installed property in buildings in which work is performed under this specification. Work shall be carried on in such a manner that there will be no interruption of College business. The Contractor shall be responsible for all keys issued to them for the performance of their duties and will bear the cost of re-keying all areas required due to key loss. Re-keying will be done at the discretion of the College. 53. SITE VISITS/INSPECTIONS: The College reserves the right to conduct a site visit to any respondent’s place(s) of business in order to ascertain the respondent’s ability to perform. 54. EXCESS PAYMENT: The College reserves the right to audit any contract or payment history of any agreement resulting from this solicitation. In the event that the College determines that payment in excess to those agreed to hereunder have been made to Contractor, the Contractor agrees to return payment to the College within thirty (30) days of being notified. In the event that the excess payment is due to erroneous invoicing by the Contractor and that said excess payments exceed five percent (5%) of the fees agreed to hereunder, the Contractor agrees to pay for the costs of said audit. 55. TIE BREAKER: Resolution of tie bids or proposals shall be resolved in accordance with College Policy 6Hx2-6.35. 56. EMERGENCY SERVICES DUE TO NATURAL DISASTERS/FORCES: For the purposes of this solicitation, "Natural Force" is defined as conflagration, flood, storm, earthquake, hurricane or other public calamity. The Bidder, by virtue of submitting a bid, agrees that, if receiving an award, the College shall be given top priority for use by the bidder’s resources, and the bidder shall make available to the College all of its resources such as vehicles, equipment tools, and both workforce and management personnel, in the event of a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, windstorm, flood, or fire during the term of award or contract. 57. SUSPENSION OF WORK. The College may in its sole discretion suspend any or all activities under the contract or purchase order, at any time, when in the best interests of the College to do so. The College shall provide the Contractor written notice outlining the particulars of suspension. Examples of the reason for suspension include, but are not limited to, budgetary constraints, declaration of emergency, or other such circumstances. After receiving a suspension notice, the Contractor shall comply with the notice and shall not accept any purchase orders. Within ninety (90) days, or any longer period agreed to by the Contractor, the College shall either (1) issue a notice authorizing resumption of work, at which time (1) work can resume, or (2) terminate the contract, or (3) extend the period of suspension. 58. FORCE MAJEURE, NOTICE OF DELAY, AND NO DAMAGES FOR DELAY: The Contractor shall not be responsible for delay resulting from its failure to perform if neither the fault nor the negligence of the Contractor or its employees or agents contributed to the delay and the delay is due directly to acts of God, wars, acts of public enemies, strikes, fires, floods, or other similar cause wholly beyond the Contractor’s control, or for any of the foregoing that affect subcontractors or suppliers if no alternate source of supply is available to the Contractor. In case of any delay the Contractor believes is excusable, the Contractor shall notify the College in writing of the delay or potential delay and describe the cause of the delay either (1) within ten (10) days after the cause that creates or will create the delay first arose, if the Contractor could reasonably foresee that a delay could occur as a result, or (2) if delay is not reasonably foreseeable, within five (5) days after the date the Contractor first had reason to believe that a delay could result. THE FOREGOING SHALL CONSTITUTE THE CONTRACTOR’S SOLE REMEDY OR EXCUSE WITH RESPECT TO DELAY. Providing notice in strict accordance with this paragraph is a condition precedent to such remedy. No claim for damages or additional charges, other than for an extension of time, shall be asserted against the College. If performance is suspended or delayed, in whole or in part, due to any of the causes described in this paragraph, after the causes have ceased to exist the Contractor shall perform at no increased cost, unless the College agrees to, in writing, to any modification of the contract terms. 59. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Any dispute concerning performance of the Contract shall be communicated through the College's designated Contract Manager, who shall reduce the decision to writing and serve a copy on the Contractor. The decision shall be final and conclusive unless within twenty-one (21) days from the date of receipt, the Contractor files with the College a petition for administrative hearing. The College’s decision on the petition shall be final, subject to the Contractor’s right to review pursuant to Chapter 120 of the Florida Statutes. Exhaustion of administrative remedies is an absolute condition precedent to the Contractor's ability to pursue any other form of dispute resolution; provided, however, that the parties may employ the alternative dispute resolution procedures outlined in Chapter 120. 60. EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND AGENTS: All Contractor employees, subcontractors, or agents performing work under the Contract shall be properly trained technicians who meet or exceed any specified training qualifications. Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish a copy of technical certification or other proof of qualification. All employees, subcontractors, or agents performing work under the Contract must comply with all security and administrative requirements of the College and shall comply with all controlling laws and regulations relevant to the services they are providing under the Contract. The College may conduct, and the Contractor shall cooperate in, a security background check or otherwise assess any employee, subcontractor, or agent furnished by the Contractor. The College may refuse access to, or require replacement of, any personnel for cause, including, but not limited to, technical or training qualifications, quality of work, change in security status, or non‐compliance with a College’s security or other requirements. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to perform all work in compliance with the Contract. The College may reject and bar from any facility for cause any of the Contractor’s employees, subcontractors, or agents. The College shall take all actions necessary to ensure that Contractor's employees, subcontractors and other agents are not employees of the College. Such actions include, but are not limited to: (1) ensuring that Contractor's employees, subcontractors, and other agents receive benefits and necessary insurance (health, workers' compensations, and unemployment) from an employer other than the College, provided that the Contractor grants preferential treatment to the College with respect to products subjected to allocation, or (2) purchase from other sources (without recourse to and by the Contractor for the related costs and expenses) to replace all or part of the products that are the subject of the delay, which purchases may be deducted from the Contract quantity, or (3) terminate the Contract in whole or in part. 61. PROTESTING OF CONDITIONS/SPECIFICATIONS: Any person desiring to protest the conditions/specifications in this solicitation, or any Addenda subsequently released thereto, shall file a notice of protest, in writing, within seventy two (72) consecutive hours after the receipt of the solicitation or Addenda and shall file a formal written protest within ten (10) calendar days after the date the notice of protest RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 32 of 33 was filed. The time provided for filing a notice of protest shall be based upon whenever a person receives this solicitation, or any Addenda released thereto. Receipt of a copy of this solicitation, or any Addenda released thereto, which is received in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or College Policy, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, shall not be used as a basis for filing a notice of protest as described herein. Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays or days during which the college administration is closed, shall be excluded in the computation of the seventy-two (72) consecutive hours. If the tenth calendar day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or days during which the college administration is closed, the formal written protest must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. of the next calendar day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or days during which the college administration is closed. Section 120.57(3)(b), Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, states that “The formal written protest shall state with particularity the facts and law upon which the protest is based”. Failure to file a notice of protest or to file a formal written protest within the time prescribed shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Notices of protest, formal written protests, and the required bonds, shall be filed at Broward College, Procurement Services Department, 6400 NW 6th Way, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309. Fax filing will not be acceptable for the filing of bonds. 62. PROTESTING OF AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS/TABULATIONS: Award Recommendations and Tabulations will be posted in the Procurement Services Department on the date and time stipulated on the solicitation and will remain posted for seventy-two (72) consecutive hours. Any change to the date and time established herein for posting of solicitation Award Recommendations shall be posted in the Procurement Services Department and on the departmental website. In the event the date and time of the posting of Award Recommendation is changed, it is the responsibility of each respondent to ascertain the revised date of the posting of Award Recommendation. Any person desiring to protest the intended decision shall file a notice of protest, in writing, within seventy -two (72) consecutive hours after the posting of the Award Recommendation (or receipt of written notice of intended decision) and shall file a formal written protest within ten (10) calendar days after the date the notice of protest was filed. A written notice of intended decision shall only apply when the Procurement Services Department gives notice of an intended decision about this solicitation. A written notice of intended decision received in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or College Policy, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, shall not be used as a basis for filing a notice of protest as described herein. Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays and days during which the college administration is closed shall be excluded in the computation of the seventy-two (72) consecutive hours. If the tenth calendar day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or days during which the college administration is closed, the formal written protest must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. of the next calendar day that is not a Saturday or Sunday, legal holiday or days during which the college administration is closed. Section 120.57(3)(b), Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, states that “The formal written protest shall state with particularity the facts and law upon which the protest is based”. Any person who files an action protesting an intended decision shall post with the College, at the time of filing the formal written protect, a bond, payable to the College, in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the College's estimate of the total volume of the contract. The College shall provide the estimated contract amount to the Vendor within seventy-two (72) hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and other days during which the College administration is closed, of receipt of notice of intent to protest. The estimated contract amount shall be established on the award recommendation as the "contract award amount". The estimated contract amount is not subject to protest pursuant to Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes. The bond shall be conditioned upon the payment of all costs which may be adjudged against the protestant in an Administrative Hearing in which the action is brought and in any subsequent appellate court proceeding. In lieu of a bond, the College may accept a cashier's check, official bank check or money order in the amount of the bond. If, after completion of the Administrative Hearing process and any appellate court proceedings, the College prevails, then the College shall recover all costs and charges which shall be included in the Final Order or judgment, including charges made by the Division of Administrative Hearings, but excluding attorney's fees. Upon payment of such costs and charges by the protestant, the bond shall be returned. If the protestant prevails, then the protestant shall recover from the College all costs and charges which shall be included in the Final Order or judgment, excluding attorney's fees. Failure to file a notice of protest or to file a formal written protest within the time prescribed shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Notices of protest, formal written protests, and the required bonds, shall be filed at Broward College, Procurement Services Department, 6400 NW 6th Way, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309. Fax filing will not be acceptable for the filing of bonds. 63. CONE OF SILENCE: Any respondent or a lobbyist for a respondent is prohibited from having any communication concerning this solicitation or any response with any member of the College District Board of Trustees, the College President, or any other College employee after the release of this solicitation and prior to the contract being awarded with the exception of communications with the office of the Associate Vice-President for Business Services & Resource Management, unless so notified by the Procurement Services Department. A proposal from any vendor will be disqualified when the respondent or a lobbyist for the respondent violates this condition of the solicitation. No verbal or written information which is obtained other than by information in this document or by Addenda to this solicitation shall be binding on the College. 64. PUBLIC RECORDS: Pursuant to Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, any party contracting with Broward College is required to (a) keep and maintain available for public inspection any records that pertain to services rendered under this Agreement; (b) provide the public with access to public records on the same term and conditions that Broward College would provide such records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; (c) ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and except from public record disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and (d) meet all requirement for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to Broward College all public records in that party’s possession upon termination of its contract with Broward College and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirement. All of such party’s records stored electronically must be provided to Broward College in a format that is compatible with Broward College’s information technology system. Each Party shall maintain its own respective records and documents associated with this Agreement in accordance with the records retention requirements applicable to public records. Each Party shall be responsible for compliance with any public documents request served upon it pursuant to Section 119.07, Florida Statutes, and any resultant award of attorney’s fees for non-compliance with that law. Each party acknowledge that this Agreement and all attachments thereto are public records and do not constitute trade secrets. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES Page 33 of 33 65. FLORIDA STATUTE 283.35 PREFERENCE GIVEN PRINTING WITHIN THE STATE: When awarding a contract to have materials printed, the agency, university, college, school district, or other political subdivision of this state awarding the contract shall grant a preference to the lowest responsible and responsive vendor having a principal place of business within this state. The preference shall be five percent (5%) if the lowest bid is submitted by a vendor whose principal place of business is located outside the state and if the printing can be performed in this state at a level of quality comparable to that obtainable from the Vendor submitting the lowest bid located outside the state. As used in this section, the term “other political subdivision of this state” does not include counties or municipalities. 66. FLORIDA STATUTE 287.084 PREFERENCE TO FLORIDA BUSINESSES: (1)(a) When an agency, university, college, school district, or other political subdivision of the state is required to make purchases of personal property through competitive solicitation and the lowest responsible and responsive bid, proposal, or reply is by a vendor whose principal place of business is in a state or political subdivision thereof which grants a preference for the purchase of such personal property to a person whose principal place of business is in such state, then the agency, university, college, school district, or other political subdivision of this state shall award a preference to the lowest responsible and responsive vendor having a principal place of business within this state, which preference is equal to the preference granted by the state or political subdivision thereof in which the lowest responsible and responsive vendor has its principal place of business. In a competitive solicitation in which the lowest bid is submitted by a vendor whose principal place of business is located outside the state and that state does not grant a preference in competitive solicitation to vendors having a principal place of business in that state, the preference to the lowest responsible and responsive vendor having a principal place of business in this state shall be five percent (5%). (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to transportation projects for which federal aid funds are available. (c) As used in this section, the term “other political subdivision of this state” does not include counties or municipalities. (2) A vendor whose principal place of business is outside this state must accompany any written bid, proposal, or reply documents with a written opinion of an attorney at law licensed to practice law in that foreign state, as to the preferences, if any or none, granted by the law of that state to its own business entities whose principal places of business are in that foreign state in the letting of any or all public contracts. (3)(a) A vendor whose principal place of business is in this state may not be precluded from being an authorized reseller of information technology commodities of a state contractor as long as the vendor demonstrates that it employs an internationally recognized quality management system, such as ISO 9001 or its equivalent, and provides a warranty on the information technology commodities which is, at a minimum, of equal scope and length as that of the contract. (b) This subsection applies to any renewal of any state contract executed on or after July 1, 2012. (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) *** ATTACHMENT C – SAMPLE CONTRACT *** (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) BROWARD COLLEGE SAMPLE CONTRACT RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT C Page 1 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES TERMS AND CONDITIONS This contract for services (“Contract”) is entered into as of _________________ 20___ between the District Board of Trustees of Broward College, Florida (“College”)_________________ and ____________________________(“Vendor”) (collectively, the “Parties”), will be in effect until ____________________________ (“Contract”). 1. INVOICES AND PAYMENTS. A copy of all invoices (including an itemization of the date, hours expended, and description of the deliverable) shall be sent to the attention of ________________________________________. Invoices may be submitted via email, facsimile or U.S. mail. The time at which payment will be due from the College will be approximately thirty (30) days from receipt of an undisputed invoice, acceptance of deliverables, and upon satisfaction of the College conditions that are detailed herein. 2. INDEMNIFICATION. For value received, the Vendor shall indemnify and hold the College, its officers, directors, board of trustees, agents, assigns, and employees harmless from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Vendor and other persons employed or utilized by the Vendor in the performance of the Contract. The Vendor further acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring its compliance and the compliance of its subcontractors, suppliers, agents, assigns, invitees and employees with the terms of this Contract. This paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. 3. INDEMNIFICATION FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CLAIMS. For value received, the Vendor shall indemnify and hold the College, its officers, directors, board of trustees, agents, assigns, and employees harmless from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees for any claim or lawsuit brought alleging infringement of any intellectual property right associated with Vendor’s performance under this Contract, including its use, development or provision of any software, books, articles or any other materials (“Materials”). Vendor warrants that the materials are owned by or licensed to the Vendor. Vendor is solely responsible for ensuring its compliance and the compliance of its subcontractors, suppliers, agents, assigns, invitees and employees with the terms of this Contract. This paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. Page 2 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 4. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT. A “material breach” of this Contract is defined as any substantial, unexcused non-performance by failing to perform an act that is an important part of the transaction or performing an act inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the Contract. If the Vendor materially fails to fulfill its obligations under this Contract, the College will provide written notice of the deficiency by forwarding a Cure Notice citing the specific nature of the material breach. The Vendor shall have thirty (30) days to cure the breach. If the Vendor fails to cure the breach within the thirty (30) day period, the College may immediately terminate this Contract, in addition to exercising whatever legal and/or equitable remedies it chooses regarding Vendor’s breach of contract. 5. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE. The College may terminate this Contract with or without cause at any time for convenience upon 30 calendar days’ prior written notice to the Vendor. In the event of termination for convenience, the College shall compensate the Vendor for all authorized and accepted deliverables and/or services completed through the date of termination in accordance with the Statement of Work, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A.” The College shall be relieved of any and all future obligations hereunder, including but not limited to lost profits and consequential damages, under this Contract. The College may withhold all payments to the Vendor for such work until such time as the College determines the exact amount due to the Vendor. 6. AUDIT. The Vendor shall maintain all records, books and documents pertinent to the performance of this Contract in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied. The College shall have inspection and audit rights to such records for a period of 3 years from final payment under this Contract. Records relating to any legal disputes arising from performance under this Contract shall be made available until final disposition of the legal dispute. If the audit reveals that Vendor owes the College any funds, Vendor shall pay for the audit and return all funds to the College immediately. 7. NONDISCRIMINATION. The Vendor hereby assures that no person shall be excluded on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age gender, marital status, sexual orientation or any other basis prohibited by law from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any activity hereunder. The Vendor shall take all measures necessary to effectuate these assurances. 8. STATE OF FLORIDA PUBLIC ENTITY CONTRACTING PROHIBITIONS. The Vendor represents, warrants and covenants that it is not currently and, throughout the term of this Contract, shall not be ineligible for the award of this Contract under Sections 287.133, 287.134 and 287.135, Florida Statutes. The Vendor understands and accepts that this Contract maybe void, voidable or subject to immediate termination by the College if the representation, warranty and covenant set forth above is violated. The College, in the event of such termination, shall not incur any liability to the Vendor for any work or materials furnished. Page 3 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 9. PUBLIC RECORDS/REQUEST FOR CONTRACTOR RECORDS. The Vendor shall allow public access to all project documents and materials in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Should the Vendor assert any exemptions to the requirements of Chapter 119 and related statutes, the burden of establishing such exemption, by way of injunctive or other relief as provided by law, shall be upon the Vendor and Vendor shall bear all costs and fees related to the same. If the Vendor meets the definition of “contractor” under Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, in addition to other contract requirements provided by law, the Vendor must comply with public records laws, and shall: (a) Keep and maintain public records required by the College to perform the service. (b) Upon request from the College, provide the College with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law. (c) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the Vendor does not transfer the records to the College. (d) Upon completion of the Contract, transfer, at no cost, to the College all public records in possession of the Vendor or keep and maintain public records required by the College to perform the service. If the Vendor transfers all public records to the College upon completion of the Contract, the Vendor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the Vendor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, the Vendor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the College, upon request from the College’s custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the College (e) IF THE VENDOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE VENDOR’S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE COLLEGE AT (954) 201-7639, LEGALSERVICES@BROWARD.EDU, OR 111 EAST LAS OLAS BOULEVARD, #523, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301. IN ADDITION, THE VENDOR ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE COLLEGE CANNOT AND WILL NOT PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE OR BUSINESS ADVICE TO THE VENDOR WITH RESPECT TO ITS OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION RELATED TO PUBLIC RECORDS. THE VENDOR FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT WILL NOT RELY ON THE COLLEGE OR ITS COUNSEL TO PROVIDE SUCH BUSINESS OR LEGAL ADVICE, AND THAT THE VENDOR IS HEREBY ADVISED TO SEEK BUSINESS/LEGAL ADVICE WITH REGARD TO PUBLIC RECORDS MATTERS ADDRESSED BY THIS CONTRACT. THE VENDOR ACKNOWLEDGES THAT ITS FAILURE TO Page 4 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 COMPLY WITH FLORIDA LAW AND THIS CONTRACT WITH RESPECT TO PUBLIC RECORDS SHALL CONSITUTE A MATERIAL BREACH OF THIS CONTRACT AND GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 4. 10. NO WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as: (1) denying to either party any remedy or defense available to such party under the laws of the State of Florida or the United States; (2) the consent of the State of Florida or their respective officers, employees, servants, agents, agencies, or public bodies corporate to be sued; or (3) a waiver of sovereign immunity of the State of Florida beyond the waiver under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. This section shall survive the termination of all performance or obligations under this Contract and shall be fully binding until such time as any proceeding brought on account of this Contract is barred by any applicable statute of limitations. 11. COLLEGE’S TAX EXEMPTION. The Vendor shall not utilize the College’s tax exemption certificate number issued pursuant to Sales and Use Tax Law, Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, when purchasing materials used to fulfill its contractual obligations with the College. The Vendor shall be responsible and liable for the payment of all applicable FICA/Social Security and other taxes resulting from this Contract. 12. ASSIGNMENT/GUARANTOR. The Vendor shall not assign, delegate or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations as set forth in this Contract without the prior written consent of the College. Any attempted assignment in violation of this provision shall be null and void. The Vendor shall not pledge the College’s credit or make the College a guarantor of payment or surety for any contract, debt, obligation, judgment, lien, or any form of indebtedness. Pledging the College’s credit shall also be construed to include the use of “factoring agents” or the practice of selling business accounts receivables to a third party at a discount for the purpose of obtaining funding which is also expressly prohibited. 13. FORCE MAJEURE. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Contract to the contrary, the Parties shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of this Contract that arises from fires, floods, strikes, embargoes, acts of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, outbreak of war, restraint of government, riots, civil commotion, declared public health emergency restrictions, force majeure, act of God, or for any other cause of the same character which is unavoidable through the exercise of due care and beyond the control of the Parties. Failure to perform shall be excused during the continuance of such circumstances, but this Contract shall otherwise remain in effect. 14. AMENDMENTS. This Contract may be amended only when reduced to writing and signed by both Parties. Page 5 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Contract states the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties and no course or prior dealing, usage of the trade or extrinsic or parol evidence shall be relevant to supplement, vary or explain any term used with respect to this Contract. The acceptance or acquiescence of any course of performance rendered under this Contract shall not be construed as a waiver nor shall it be relevant to define or vary any term stated herein. This Contract shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Parties, their respective assigns and successors in interest. 16. COMPLIANCE. The Vendor, its employees, subcontractors or assigns shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to the performance of the Contract. 17. APPLICABLE LAW/VENUE. The laws of the State of Florida shall govern all aspects of the Contract. In the event it is necessary for either Party to initiate legal action regarding the Contract, venue for all claims shall be in Broward County, Florida. 18. VENDOR NOT TO LIMIT WARRANTY. The Vendor shall not limit or exclude any express or implied warranties and any attempt to do so shall render this Contract void, at the option of the College. The Vendor warrants that the services comply with the deliverables in the Statement of Work, and are expressly fit for their particular purpose, and are in accordance with industry standards. 19. TERMS/PROVISIONS. Should any term or provision of this Contract be held, to any extent, invalid or unenforceable, as against any person, entity or circumstance during the term hereof, by force of any statute, law, or ruling of any forum of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this Contract, and the Contract shall remain operable, enforceable and in full force and effect to the extent permitted by law. 20. STATEMENT OF SERVICES. The Vendor shall, to the satisfaction of the College, fully and timely perform all work items described in the Statement of Work. As part of the services to be provided by the Vendor under this Contract, the Vendor shall substantiate, in whatever form reasonably requested by the College, the methodology, lab analyses, scientific theories, data, reference materials and research notes to formulate its opinions. This requirement shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. The Parties agree that time is of the essence in the performance of each and every obligation hereunder. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to advise its employees or hired workers of the nature of the project, as described in the Contract and the Statement of Work attached hereto. The Vendor shall determine the method, details and means of performing the services, within the parameters established by the Statement of Work. The College may provide additional guidance and instructions to the Vendor’s employees or hired workers where necessary or appropriate as determined by the College. The Vendor agrees to abide by any and all additional guidance and instructions. Page 6 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 21. COMPENSATION/CONSIDERATION. The total consideration for all work required by the College pursuant to the Contract shall not exceed the amount indicated in the Statement of Work. Should the Vendor incur any travel expenses, payment for such travel will be in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. The Vendor shall supply the College with receipts and supporting documentation for all reimbursable travel expenses. The Vendor, by executing the Contract, certifies to truth-in-negotiation, specifically, that wage rates and other factual unit costs supporting the consideration are accurate, complete and current at the time of contracting. If the total consideration for this Contract is subject to multi-year funding allocations, funding for each applicable fiscal year of this Contract will be subject to College Board of Trustees budgetary appropriation. In the event the College does not approve funding for any subsequent fiscal year, this Contract shall terminate upon expenditure of the current funding, notwithstanding other provisions in this Contract to the contrary. The College will notify the Vendor of the termination in writing. 22. INSURANCE. The insurance requirements in terms of types of insurance and the amount of insurance will vary depending on the Statement of Work. The College will determine the amounts and types of insurance required, if any, for the work performed. The Vendor shall procure and maintain, through the term of this Contract, insurance coverage required by the College, each with a limit of not less than the following: A. Commercial General Liability 1. Each Occurrence $ _______________ 2. Personal & Advertising Injury $ _______________ 3. General Aggregate $ _______________ 4. Products-Completed Operations $2,000,000 Policy must contain contractual liability coverage. B. Automobile Liability $ _______________ Coverage required for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles used in connection with this Contract. C. Worker's Compensation in accordance with Florida Statutory limits and Employer’s Liability Insurance. D. Professional Liability 1. Per Occurrence $ _______________ 2. General Aggregate $ _______________ E. Cyber Liability $ _______________ F. Pollution Liability 1. Per Occurrence $ _______________ 2. General Aggregate $ _______________ Coverage may be provided through a stand-alone Pollution Liability policy or added to the Commercial General Liability policy through endorsement. Page 7 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 The coverage required shall extend to all employees and subcontractors of the Vendor. The Vendor must provide a Certificate of Insurance completed in full, indicating the producer, insured, carrier’s name, and Best rating, policy numbers and effective and expiration dates of each type of coverage required. The Certificate of Insurance shall be signed by an authorized representative and shall identify the College as an additional insured as required. No work is authorized until such time as the College has received a Certificate of Insurance in compliance with the above requirements. 23. OWNERSHIP OF WORKS. If the Contract involves the creation or development of works entitled to intellectual property protection, such works shall be considered works for hire and ownership shall vest in the College. For all other works created or developed by Vendor under this Contract for the benefit of College which are either not eligible to be works for hire or are not eligible for intellectual property protection, Vendor hereby grants to College a perpetual, non-transferable, exclusive right to use, reproduce, perform, display, distribute copies and make derivative works of such works, as applicable. For purposes hereof, works includes, but is not limited to, all documents, technical reports, research notes, scientific data, computer programs, including the source and object code. Any equipment purchased by the Vendor with College funding shall be returned and title transferred from the Vendor to the College upon expiration or termination of the Contract. 24. COMPLIANCE/LICENSES. The Vendor, its employees, subcontractors or assigns, shall obtain, at its own expense, all licenses, permits and other authorizations necessary to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to the performance of the Contract. The Vendor is also responsible for compliance with all labor and employment laws as well as all Federal, State, and local discrimination laws. The Vendor is solely responsible for compliance with all labor and tax laws pertaining to its officers, agents, and Vendor employees and shall indemnify and hold the College harmless from any failure by Vendor to comply with such laws and this indemnification obligation shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Contract. 25. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Vendor shall be considered an independent contractor and nothing in this Contract shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an independent contractor between the Parties and their respective employees, agents, subcontractors or assigns, during or after the term of the Contract. Both Parties are free to enter into contracts with other Parties for similar services. The College assumes no duty with regard to the supervision of the Vendor and the Vendor shall remain solely responsible for compliance with all safety requirements and for the safety of all persons and property at the site of performance under the Contract. In the event the Vendor is a sole proprietor, the Vendor is responsible for submitting legally required tax returns to the Federal Government. 26. DISPUTES. In the event a dispute arises which the Vendor and the College cannot resolve between themselves, the Parties shall have the option to submit to nonbinding mediation. The mediator or mediators shall be impartial, shall be selected by the Parties and the cost of the mediation shall be borne equally by the Parties. The mediation process shall be confidential to the extent permitted by law. Mediation shall not occur unless both Parties agree in writing. Page 8 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 27. E-VERIFY. If the Vendor meets the definition of “contractor” under Section 448.095, Florida Statutes, in addition to other contract requirements provided by law, the Vendor shall register with and use the E-Verify system operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security to verify the work authorization status of all its employees hired during the term of this Agreement. The Vendor shall also require all subcontractors performing work under this Agreement to use the E-Verify system for any employees they may hire during the term of this Agreement. The Vendor must provide evidence of compliance to the College as required under Section 448.095, Florida Statutes. Failure to comply with this provision is a material breach of the Agreement, and the College may terminate the Agreement at its sole discretion without liability. The Vendor shall be liable for all costs incurred by the College resulting from the Vendor’s noncompliance with the requirements of this section. 28. CHANGE IN PERSONNEL. The College may at any time and at its sole discretion request that the Vendor replace any Vendor personnel provided by the Vendor to work on this Contract if the College believes that it is in the best interest of the College to do so. The College may, but will not be required to, provide a reason for requesting the replacement of personnel. Such change in personnel shall be made immediately upon the College’s written request for a change of personnel. The Vendor shall place the above language in any contract that it has with subcontractors. The Vendor will enforce the replacement of subcontractor personnel upon a request by the College. 29. BACKGROUND CHECKS. This clause applies to long term Vendors working on site, including, but not limited to, Janitorial Services, Food Services and Security. In addition, this clause applies to Vendors providing childcare services, on site or off site. Vendor shall conduct thorough background checks for all of the Vendor’s employees or hired workers who will be working on any College site. The background checks shall consist of education verification, a national criminal check for state and federal felonies and misdemeanors, and a check on immigration status in accordance with the above provision titled “E-VERIFY.” After reviewing the results of the background check, the Vendor shall determine whether the Vendor’s employee and/or hired worker meets the necessary criteria for the position sought to be filled by the College. The College will rely on the Vendor’s assessment of its employees’ or hired workers’ suitability to be hired for the position(s) sought to be filled by the College, based on the background check conducted by the Vendor. Prior to allowing any employees or hired workers to work on-site at College facilities, the Vendor will provide written verification to the College that a complete background check, as described above, was conducted for any such employee or hired worker. The Vendor will place the above language in any contract that it has with its subcontractors and is responsible for enforcement of this provision. Vendor who has long term onsite workers performing work at College facilities agrees to be bound by the College policies and standards of conduct listed in the “Contractor Policy Code Acknowledgement Form,” which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “B.” 30. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PRESS STATEMENTS. Page 9 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 No party shall, except with prior written consent of the other party on each occasion, make any press or media announcements concerning the Agreement or use the name, logos, or trademarks of any other party, or any version, abbreviation, or representation of them, in any advertising or other form of publicity or fundraising without the written permission of the party whose name, logo, or trademark is sought for use. In the case of the College, permission must be granted by its ______________ or that position’s designee, and in the case of the other party, permission must be granted by its ______________ or that position’s designee. 31. EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. Vendor expressly understands and agrees that Vendor, its officers, agents, and employees, are not entitled to any employment benefits from the College. 32. STOP WORK ORDER. The College may order that all or part of the work stop if circumstances dictate that this action is in the College’s best interest. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, unexpected technical developments, direction given by the College’s Board of Trustees, a condition of immediate danger to the College, the Vendor or the public, or the possibility of damage to equipment or property. This provision shall not shift responsibility for loss or damage, including but not limited to, lost profits or consequential damages sustained as a result of such delay, from the Vendor to the College. If this provision is invoked, the College shall notify the Vendor in writing to stop work as of a certain date and specify the reasons for the action, which shall not be arbitrary or capricious. The Vendor shall then be obligated to suspend all work efforts as of the effective date of the notice and until further written direction from the College is received. If deemed appropriate by the College and in the event work is resumed, the College may amend this Contract to reflect any changes to the Statement of Work and/or the project schedule. 33. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Parties shall initial here if there are any changes, deletions and/or additions to the terms and conditions and they are contained in Exhibit “C.” College Vendor FOR VENDOR USE ONLY Vendor Name (type) Tax ID No. Authorized Representative Title Address Telephone Signature of Vendor Date Attested By Name (type) Title Page 10 of 10 Contract for Services SBL 10/15/2021 Signature of Attester Date Signed FOR COLLEGE USE ONLY Contract Originator Name Title Signature Date AVP/Dean Name Title Signature Date Campus President/VP Name Title Signature Date Senior Vice President Title Signature Date IF REQUIRED College President Name Signature Date Approved as to Form and Legality Signature Date Board Chairperson Name Signature Date BROWARD COLLEGE DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT D SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 287.087, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS CURRENTLY ENACTED OR AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, ON PREFERENCE TO BUSINESSES WITH DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE PROGRAMS. THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. This sworn statement is submitted to the College, by_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Print individual’s name and title) for _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Print name of entity submitting sworn statement) whose business address is _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is ___________________________________ (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: __________________.) I certify that I have established a drug-free workplace program and have complied with the following: 1. Published a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Informed employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business’ policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Given each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notified the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. 5. Will impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee’s community by, any employee who is so convicted. 6. Am making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of this section. ____________________________________________ (Signature) Sworn to and subscribed before me this ____________ day of ___________________, 20___. Personally Known ____________________________________________________________________________________ OR Produced identification _________________________ Notary Public – State of _________________________________ _______________________________________________ My commission expires ________________________________ (Type of identification) _____________________ __________________________________________________________ (Printed, typed or stamped commissioned name of notary public) FORM: #4530 3/93 *** ATTACHMENT E – NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT *** (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) BROWARD COLLEGE NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT E Broward College Non-Disclosure Agreement Page 1 of 2 Non-Disclosure Agreement 1) Subject to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes and any and all other applicable laws, Receiving Party and any person who reviews or has access to Information from Disclosing Party hereunder shall safeguard the Information against disclosure by employing the same means to protect the Information as that Party uses to protect its own non-public, confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information, but in no event less than means consistent with prudent industry practices for the protection and safeguarding of confidential information. The Receiving party shall use the Information solely and exclusively for purposes relating to the Project and any resulting design, and/or construction of the Project (the “Purpose”), and no other purpose. Receiving Party shall not itself, nor shall it permit its employees, contractors, consultants and/or agents to, disclose to any person, corporation or other entity the Information without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party, provided, however, a Receiving Party may distribute the Information to its officers, employees, agents and consultants and others who have a need for such Information for the permitted Purpose. Prior to disclosure of the Information to any individual, the Receiving Party shall ensure that the individual is informed of the terms, conditions and requirements of this Agreement and shall ensure that the recipient complies with the terms of this Agreement as if the recipient were a party to this Agreement. The Receiving Party shall immediately inform the Disclosing Party of any unauthorized access to, disclosure or use of Confidential Information and any other breach by the Receiving Party of its obligations and covenants hereunder, and the Receiving Party at no cost to the Disclosing Party shall cooperate with and support efforts of the Disclosing Party to address such unauthorized access disclosure or use or other breach. In the event that the Receiving Party or any recipient becomes obligated or compelled (by deposition, interrogatory, request for documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process) to disclose any of the Information of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall give the Disclosing Party prompt prior written notice of such requirement and shall cooperate with the Disclosing Party at no cost to the Disclosing Party in efforts to seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy which prevents, restricts, limits, conditions or otherwise limits the disclosure of the Information. The Receiving Party shall return to the Disclosing Party upon the Disclosing Party's written request therefor any or all of the Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party as well as any documents containing Information, such as notes, summaries, extracts and other such documents, regardless of the medium in which the documents are created, stored, retrieved or accessed. Disclosing Party is not obligated to disclose any Information. No right, title, interest or license is granted to Receiving Party in relation to the Information except as expressly set out in this Agreement. Disclosing Party makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the truth, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the Information or its suitability for any purpose or use. Receiving Party and Disclosing Party each acknowledge that damages would not be an adequate remedy for breach of this Agreement Broward College Non-Disclosure Agreement Page 2 of 2 and the non-breaching party is entitled to the remedy of injunction, specific performance and other equitable relief for a threatened or actual breach of this Agreement. Disclosing Party shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other remedy or relief, an award of attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement. 2) Additionally, without limiting the general requirements under this Agreement for the parties to comply with applicable laws, to the extent applicable to each party and/or its operations, each party shall comply with (a) all regulations promulgated by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury; (b) the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. Section 1701 et seq., (c) the Trading with the Enemy Act, 50 U.S.C. App. I et seq.; and (d) the September 24, 2001 Executive Order Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism and laws which replace any such laws if any such laws are repealed or modified (collectively, the "OFAC Laws").” 3) Any Architectural documents provided to the Contracted Party, by the Owner, are informational in quality. The Owner does NOT guarantee the full accuracy of these documents at the time they are provided to the Contracted Party. The Contracted party is responsible for field verifying any information related to the work they are contracted to perform. RECEIVING PARTY: Signature Name Title Date BROWARD COLLEGE PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT F A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. See Section 287.133(2) (a), Florida Statutes. A “public entity crime” means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services, any lease for real property, or any contract for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. See Section 287.133(1) (g), Florida Statutes. “Convicted” means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, non-jury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contender. See Section 287.133(1) (c), Florida Statutes. An “affiliate” means (1) a predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or (2) an entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term “affiliate” includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm’s length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding thirty-six (36) months shall be considered an affiliate. See Section 287.133(1) (a), Florida Statutes. The Proposal hereby certifies that (1) it and its affiliates have not been placed on the convicted vendor list within the past thirty six (36) months; or (2) any listing of the Proposal or any of its affiliates on the convicted vendor list has been removed pursuant to Section 287.133(3) (f), Florida Statutes. If the Applicant or an affiliate has been removed from the convicted vendor list pursuant to Section 287.133(3) (f), Florida Statutes, the name of the convicted Applicant or affiliate is as follows State Name of Convicted Applicant or Affiliate or N/A Here Name of Company: _________________________________________________________________________ Address of Company: ______________________________________________________________________ Signature for the Company: _________________________________________________________________ Title of Person Signing for the Company: _______________________________________________________ Signature of Witness: _______________________________________________________________________ Witness’ Relationship to the Company: ________________________________________________________ State of ___________________) ) ss. County of __________________) ________________________________________ being first duly sworn, deposes and says t (5) (1) He/she is the ___________________________________________________________________________ (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of ________________________________________________________, the Proposer that has submitted the attached proposal; (2) He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Bid and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Proposal; (3) Such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal; (4) Neither the said Proposer nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Proposer, company, or person to submit a collusive or sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any Proposer, company, or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Proposer, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed Work; (5) The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Proposer or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. (Non-Collusion Affidavit continued on next page…) BROWARD COLLEGE NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT G (… continued from previous page, Non-Collusion Affidavit) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: _______________________________ By: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ (Printed Name) _______________________________ (Title) ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Florida County of ___________________ On this the _____ day of ________________, 2020, before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared ___________________________________________ Name(s) of individuals(s) and whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to the within instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal _____________________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: _____________________________________________________ (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp or Type as Commissioned.)  Personally known to me, or  Produced identification: _____________________________________________________ (Type of Identification Produced)  DID take an oath, or _________________________________________________________________________________________  DID NOT take an o_____ OPTIONAL INFORMATION: Type of Document: ___________________________________ Number of Pages: ___________________________________ Number of Signatures Notarized: ________________________ VENDOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The award of this solicitation is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time. All Proposers must disclose with their proposal the name of any officer, director or agent who is also an employee of the College. All Proposers must disclose in their response the name of any officer, director, employee or agent of company who is also an employee of the College or an immediate family member of an employee of College. If there are none, check NO below. Have Conflict of Interest: YES or NO (check) YES NO If YES, please explain below: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSER’S COMPANY NAME: _____________________________________ Print Name and Title: ________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ BROWARD COLLEGE VENDOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT H *** See ATTACHMENT I – PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY FORM on DemandStar *** See separate PDF document in DemandStar (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) BROWARD COLLEGE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY FORM RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT I RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT I - PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY FORM Please email this form to Orlando Aponte at oaponte@broward.edu once completed in PDF format prior to 2:30 p.m. ET on: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 This form is to be completed by the organization providing the reference only. Name of Company (Respondent to this RFP) on which reference is being provided: Company providing reference: Address of company providing reference: Name/title of person providing reference: Phone number of person providing reference: Email address of person providing reference: Date(s) of Service: Annual Aggregate Dollar Amount and/or Dollar Amount of Service Please evaluate and rate the performance of the company noted above (the Proposer to this RFP), using the following ratings scale: 0 = Do Not Hire (our company would not hire them again) 1 = Poor (does not meet minimum standards) 2 = Fair (barely meets minimum standards) 3 = Average (meets minimum standards) 4 = Good (meets defined minimum requirements and occasionally exceeds your expectations) 5 = Excellent or Outstanding (always exceed your expectations) Insert YOUR RATINGS in this column 1.QUALITY OF SERVICE/PROJECT/PRODUCT: Did they perform service and provide project/product as specified and/or as proposed? Please rate. 2.PERSONNEL: Regarding the performance and workmanship of company personnel. Please rate. 3.TIMELINESS/RESPONSIVENESS: Was the company’s timeliness and responsiveness satisfactory to your entity’s needs? Please rate. 4.OVERALL PERFORMANCE: Was company willing to and/or did they go above and beyond project requirements, i.e., within reason, without altering specification? Please rate. 5.CUSTOMER SERVICE: If problems were caused or encountered, were they addressed and resolved promptly? Please rate customer service. 6.DEADLINES/MILESTONES/BUDGET: Was the company able to meet service delivery schedule and/or perform service to meet established deadlines/milestones/budget? Please rate. 7.ABILITY TO PERFORM: Did the company have technical expertise, facilities, and equipment to perform as specified? Please rate. 8.YEARLY CONTRACTS: If performing a yearly term contract, was the company able to adequately manage for the duration? Please rate yearly contract performance. 9.INTERACTION: Did their company representative work well with your entity’s staff in providing these services or in performing yearly continuing contract? Please rate. 10. FUTURE PROJECTS: Most importantly, would you use this firm again? Yes? No? Comments? COMMENTS: Are there any additional comments you would like to add? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ STATEMENT OF “NO” RESPONSE If your company will not be submitting a proposal to this Request for Proposals (RFP), please complete this Statement of “No” Response Sheet and return, prior to the Reply Due Date established within, to Orlando Aponte at: BROWARD COLLEGE Procurement Services Department oaponte@broward.edu This information will help the College in the preparation of future solicitations. RFP Number: _____________________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Contact: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone:______________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________ Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ BROWARD COLLEGE STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT J √ Reasons for “NO” Response: Unable to comply with product or service specifications. Unable to comply with scope of work. Unable to quote on all items in the group. Insufficient time to respond to the solicitation. Unable to hold prices firm through the term of the contract period. Our schedule would not permit us to perform. Unable to meet delivery requirements. Unable to meet bond requirements. Unable to meet insurance requirements. Other (Specify below) Page 1 of 2 PROCUREMENT SERVICES Cypress Creek Administrative Center 6400 NW 6th Way, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone 954-201-7455/Fax 954-201-7330 ADDENDUM No. 1 SOLICITATION No.: RFP-2024-082-OA SOLICITATION TITLE: STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DATE: July 8, 2024 This Addendum is being issued to clarify and/or revise the solicitation documents, virtual solicitation conference meeting clarifications, and/or solicitation specifications. This Addendum modifies, supplements, and/or replaces information in the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) titled STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES (RFP-2024-082-OA), and is hereby made part of the original solicitation documents. Unless specifically modified by this Addendum, the previously issued documents remain unchanged and in the event of a conflict between this Addendum and previously issued documents, this Addendum shall prevail. REVISIONS TO SOLICITATION 1. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS AND REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION FOR RFP Q1 What is the Engineer’s Annual Estimate? R1 Approximately $70,000 per year. Q2 Is a bid bond required? R2 No. Q3 Will there be multiple bidders awarded? R3 To be determined by the College’s Evaluation Committee. Q4 Is the contractor required to bid on every line item? R4 Yes. Q5 Please provide the previous contract’s itemized bid tabulation for this same type of project. R5 Refer to ATTACHMENT A1A – BID TABULATION – RFP-2018-167-EH and ATTACHMENT A1B – AMENDMENT 2 – RFP-2018-167-EH. Q6 Is a bid bond required? R6 Refer to R2. Q7 Can you provide the detailed, line-item bid tabulation for the last bid project that resulted in a contract with Shenandoah? R7 Refer to R5. RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ADDENDUM No. 1 Page 2 of 2 Q8 Can you provide the quantities utilized for the current services contract with Shenandoah over the past 24 months? R8 No. Q9 Can you provide the billings from Shenandoah over the past 24 months? R9 No. Q10 Please provide site maps for the project. R10 Refer to https://www.broward.edu/about/locations/, as services can be provided at Broward College’s campuses, centers, and facilites on an as-needed basis. 2. ATTACHMENTS -ATTACHMENT A1A – BID TABULATION – RFP-2018-167-EH -ATTACHMENT A1B – AMENDMENT 2 – RFP-2018-167-EH ******************************************************************************************************************************* Addenda should be returned with the response. Failure to do so may disqualify your response. Please sign below to verify that you have read and understand this addendum. Signature and Print Name Title Company Name Date “Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under chapter 120, Florida Statutes.” PRICES TABULATION Broward College RFP-2018-167-EH Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT HINTERLAND SHENANDOAH TV DIVERSIFIED TV Viewing %x1 %x1 %x1 1 Storm Drain {Video Camera) Observation 0 - 48" Log/Written Report Linear Ft $8.00 $6.00 $2.50 2 Storm Drain {Video Camera) Observation 49" - 72" Log/Written Report Linear Ft $10.00 $20.00 $3.00 3 Cleaning Box Culverts of Debris and Bituminous Materials Removed Per Ft $100.00 $30.00 $1.00 Plug Installation & Removal {Includes Minimum Weekly Rental) for: 4 O" to 12" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week $400.00 $1.00 $165.00 5 15" to 30" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week $600.00 $5.00 $665.00 6 36" to 42" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week $1,400.00 $10.00 $660.00 7 48" to 60" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week $3,000.00 $15.00 $985.00 8 72" to 96" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week $4,500.00 $25.00 $2,190.00 Pumping 9 4"hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours $75.00 $25.00 $205.00 10 6"hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose)Hours $75.00 $35.00 $213.00 11 8"hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours $85.00 $40.00 $292.00 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Slip Lining or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference with HDPE Smooth Wall Fused Pipe 12 Slip Lining 15" Pipe Linear Ft $50.00 $67.00 $200.00 13 Slip Lining 18" Pipe Linear Ft $50.00 $75.00 $300.00 14 Slip Lining 24" Pipe Linear Ft $60.00 $80.00 $400.00 15 Slip Lining 30" Pipe Linear Ft $90.00 $95.00 $500.00 16 Slip Lining 36" Pipe Linear Ft $130.00 $130.00 $600.00 17 Slip Lining 42" Pipe Linear Ft $150.00 $182.00 $700.00 18 Slip Lining 48" Pipe Linear Ft $220.00 $305.00 $800.00 19 Slip Lining 54" Pipe Linear Ft $230.00 $322.00 $900.00 20 Slip Lining 60" Pipe Linear Ft $255.00 $370.00 $1,000.00 21 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 6.7 mm {Buria l Depth is 0-6') Linear Ft $50.00 $70.00 $38.50 22 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 8.2 mm {Burial Depth is 6-12') Linear Ft $55.00 $75.00 $40.50 Page 1 of 5 ATTACHMENT A1A - RFP-2024-082-OA PRICES TABULATION Broward College RFP-2018-167-EH Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT HINTERLAND SHENANDOAH TV DIVERSIFIED 23 CIPP 18" Pipe x 8.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $65.00 $82.00 $48.50 24 CIPP 18" Pipe x 9.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $70.00 $85.00 $51.50 25 CIPP 24" Pipe x 10.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $85.00 $96.00 $73.25 26 CIPP 24" Pipe x 12.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $90.00 $105.00 $76.25 27 CIPP 30" Pipe x 13.5 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $110.00 $121.00 $98.00 28 CIPP 30" Pipe x 15.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $115.00 $126.00 $100.00 29 CIPP 36" Pipe x 17.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $130.00 $146.00 $135.00 30 CIPP 36" Pipe x 18.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $140.00 $162.00 $138.00 31 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.9 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $200.00 $210.00 $163.50 32 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $220.00 $210.00 $165.00 33 CIPP 48" Pipe x 25.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $225.00 $258.00 $206.50 34 CIPP 48" Pipe x 22.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $250.00 $259.00 $210.00 35 CIPP 54" Pipe x 28.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $370.00 $431.00 $262.00 36 CIPP 54" Pipe x 24.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $390.00 $431.25 $265.00 37 CIPP 60" Pipe x 30.3 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $490.00 $573.00 $309.00 38 CIPP 60" Pipe x 27.3 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $500.00 $550.00 $312.00 39 CIPP 66" Pipe x 31.6 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft $600.00 $671.00 $385.00 40 CIPP 66" Pipe x 29.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft $600.00 $661.00 $388.00 41 CIPP 72" Pipe x 30.4 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft $740.00 $772.00 $530.00 42 CIPP 84" Pipe x 35.5 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft $800.00 $895.00 $662.00 43 CIPP 96" Pipe x 40.6 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft $850.00 $1,100.00 $825.00 PIPE CLEANING Pipe Cleaning and Sediment removal (Light Cleaning) 44 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft $0.50 $0.50 $2.50 45 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft $0.50 $0.75 $2.50 46 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft $1.00 $1.00 $3.00 47 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft $2.00 $1.25 $4.00 48 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft $2.00 $1.50 $4.00 49 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft $3.00 $2.00 $4.00 50 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft $5.00 $2.50 $8.00 Page 2 of 5 PRICES TABULATION Broward College RFP-2018-167-EH Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT HINTERLAND SHENANDOAH TV DIVERSIFIED 51 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft $5.00 $2.75 $8.00 52 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft $7.00 $3.00 $11.00 53 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft $8.00 $4.00 $12.00 54 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft $8.00 $5.00 $13.00 55 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft $12.00 $6.00 $14.00 56 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft $15.00 $7.00 $15.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removel (Medium Cleaning) 57 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft $2.00 $1.00 $4.00 58 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft $2.00 $1.25 $4.00 59 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft $2.00 $1.50 $6.00 60 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft $2.00 $2.00 $8.00 61 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft $4.00 $2.50 $8.00 62 Cleaning and Sediment Remova l 42" Pipe Linear Ft $4.00 $3.25 $8.00 63 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft $4.00 $3.50 $12.00 64 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft $6.00 $4.00 $12.00 65 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft $8.00 $7.00 $14.00 66 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft $10.00 $8.00 $15.00 67 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft $12.00 $10.00 $16.00 68 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft $15.00 $15.00 $17.00 69 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft $18.00 $35.00 $18.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Heavy Cleaning) 70 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft $5.00 $5.50 $4.00 71 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft $5.00 $6.25 $4.00 72 72 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 73 73 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft $6.00 $9.00 $10.00 74 74 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft $8.00 $11.25 $10.00 75 75 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft $8.00 $18.25 $10.00 76 76 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft $10.00 $20.00 $15.00 77 77 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft $10.00 $20.50 $15.00 78 78 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft $12.00 $21.00 $18.00 Page 3 of 5 PRICES TABULATION Broward College RFP-2018-167-EH Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT HINTERLAND SHENANDOAH TV DIVERSIFIED 79 79 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft $15.00 $22.00 $19.00 80 80 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft $18.00 $25.00 $20.00 81 81 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft $20.00 $30.00 $21.00 82 82 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft $30.00 $40.00 $22.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Specialty Cleaning) 83 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft $8.00 $10.00 $14.00 84 Cleaning and Sediment Remova l 18" Pipe Linear Ft $10.00 $10.00 $14.00 85 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft $12.00 $10.00 $15.00 86 Cleaning and Sediment Remova l 30" Pipe Linear Ft $12.00 $12.00 $18.00 87 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft $12.00 $15.00 $18.00 88 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft $12.00 $20.00 $18.00 89 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft $15.00 $30.00 $20.00 90 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft $15.00 $35.00 $20.00 91 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft $15.00 $40.00 $21.00 92 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft $18.00 $45.00 $22.00 93 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft $20.00 $50.00 $23.00 94 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft $20.00 $60.00 $24.00 95 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft $30.00 $70.00 $25.00 Open Cut / Headwall Repairs & Other Services 96 Construction Foreman Hour $150.00 $55.00 $105.00 97 Equipment Operator Hour $85.00 $150.00 $68.00 98 Laborer Hour $35.00 $35.00 $46.00 99 Pipe Layer Hour $50.00 $37.00 $57.25 100 Welding (Above & Below Water)Hour $450.00 $75.00 $750.00 101 Diving Crew (3 Man Team) Certified Hour $850.00 $450.00 $750.00 102 Crane 100 Ton & Below Hour $185.00 $80.00 $430.00 103 Track or Wheeled Excavator Hour $45.00 $50.00 $145.00 104 Stick Tracked Excavator (60' or Greater)Hour $200.00 $60.00 $200.00 105 Wheel Loader Hour $65.00 $40.00 $102.00 106 Backhoe Loader Hour $50.00 $30.00 $98.00 Page 4 of 5 PRICES TABULATION Broward College RFP-2018-167-EH Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT HINTERLAND SHENANDOAH TV DIVERSIFIED 107 Bulldozer Hour $90.00 $15.00 $130.00 108 Double Drum Compactor Hour $65.00 $15.00 $102.00 109 Vibratory Plate Compactor Hr.Hour $10.00 $15.00 $92.00 110 100 CFM Air Compressor with Hammer Hour $10.00 $30.00 $88.00 111 De-Watering Hour $100.00 $85.00 $260.00 112 Asphalt Pavement Replacement Tons $300.00 $170.00 $469.00 113 Lime Rock Tons $40.00 $55.00 $29.50 114 Dirt Tons $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 115 Driveway Restoration (4" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft.$6.00 $25.00 $6.00 116 Driveway Restoration (6" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft.$8.00 $30.00 $7.65 117 Mitered Ends Sq. Ft.$24.00 $45.00 $15.00 118 Pressure Grout Injection Joints $1,200.00 $225.00 $200.00 119 Bahia Sod Sq. Ft.$5.00 $1.30 $3.10 120 Floratan Sod Sq. Ft.$6.00 $1.50 $3.25 121 Rip Rap Rubble 6" - 12"Tons $200.00 $75.00 $205.00 122 Rip Rap Bag (80 lb. Bags)Each $50.00 $12.00 $32.00 123 Concrete Pillow Blanket slope protection Square Yard $100.00 $65.00 $8.00 124 Silt Screen Installation & Removal per 100 ft.Each $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 125 Mobilization Fee Each $5,000.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 126 Material Mark Up % -Cost Plus Percentage may not exceed 10%. -A percentage of 0 or net cost is acceptable.$0.15 15%$0.10 10%$0.30 30% GRAND TOTAL $28,802.15 $13,453.15 $23,357.05 Page 5 of 5 Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price New Unit Price 12 Slip Lining 15" Pipe LF 1 $67.00 $79.72 13 Slip Lining 18" Pipe LF 1 $75.00 $88.78 14 Slip Lining 24" Pipe LF 1 $80.00 $99.08 15 Slip Lining 30" Pipe LF 1 $95.00 $116.20 16 Slip Lining 36" Pipe LF 1 $130.00 $159.68 17 Slip Lining 42" Pipe LF 1 $182.00 $227.58 18 Slip Lining 48" Pipe LF 1 $305.00 $338.92 19 Slip Lining 54" Pipe LF 1 $322.00 $403.62 20 Slip Lining 60" Pipe LF 1 $370.00 $494.02 21 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 6.7 mm {Buria l Depth is 0-6') LF 1 $70.00 $81.77 22 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 8.2 mm {Burial Depth is 6-12') LF 1 $75.00 $88.09 23 CIPP 18" Pipe x 8.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $82.00 $97.30 24 CIPP 18" Pipe x 9.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $85.00 $101.73 25 CIPP 24" Pipe x 10.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $96.00 $118.94 26 CIPP 24" Pipe x 12.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $105.00 $129.94 27 CIPP 30" Pipe x 13.5 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $121.00 $154.99 28 CIPP 30" Pipe x 15.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $126.00 $162.54 29 CIPP 36" Pipe x 17.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $146.00 $191.22 30 CIPP 36" Pipe x 18.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $162.00 $210.76 31 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.9 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $210.00 $275.35 32 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $210.00 $275.35 33 CIPP 48" Pipe x 25.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $258.00 $346.55 34 CIPP 48" Pipe x 22.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $259.00 $338.52 35 CIPP 54" Pipe x 28.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $431.00 $541.32 36 CIPP 54" Pipe x 24.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $431.25 $531.28 37 CIPP 60" Pipe x 30.3 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $573.00 $707.95 38 CIPP 60" Pipe x 27.3 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $550.00 $671.89 39 CIPP 66" Pipe x 31.6 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')LF 1 $671.00 $824.80 40 CIPP 66" Pipe x 29.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')LF 1 $661.00 $808.50 41 CIPP 72" Pipe x 30.4 mm Linear Ft LF 1 $772.00 $932.65 42 CIPP 84" Pipe x 35.5 mm Linear Ft LF 1 $895.00 $1,268.58 43 CIPP 96" Pipe x 40.6 mm Linear Ft LF 1 $1,100.00 $1,513.76 REVISED CONTRACT PRICING RFP-2018-167-EH - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE OK ATTACHMENT A1B - AMENDMENT 2 Page 1 of 2 PROCUREMENT SERVICES Cypress Creek Administrative Center 6400 NW 6th Way, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone 954-201-7455/Fax 954-201-7330 ADDENDUM No. 2 SOLICITATION No.: RFP-2024-082-OA SOLICITATION TITLE: STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES DATE: July 12, 2024 This Addendum is being issued to clarify and/or revise the solicitation documents, virtual solicitation conference meeting clarifications, and/or solicitation specifications. This Addendum modifies, supplements, and/or replaces information in the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) titled STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES (RFP-2024-082-OA), and is hereby made part of the original solicitation documents. Unless specifically modified by this Addendum, the previously issued documents remain unchanged and in the event of a conflict between this Addendum and previously issued documents, this Addendum shall prevail. REVISIONS TO SOLICITATION 1. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS AND REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION FOR RFP Q1 Will the Owner add a bid item for Maintenance of Traffic? R1 No, refer to SECTION 3.2.1 of the solicitation document. Q2 Will the Owner please review and accept GeoKrete Geopolymer as a single standalone pipe rehabilitation application in lieu of the CIPP and Slip Lining for pipes 42” and Larger? R2 Refer to R1. 2. ATTACHMENTS None. ******************************************************************************************************************************* Addenda should be returned with the response. Failure to do so may disqualify your response. Please sign below to verify that you have read and understand this addendum. Signature and Print Name Title Company Name Date RFP-2024-082-OA – STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ADDENDUM No. 2 Page 2 of 2 “Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under chapter 120, Florida Statutes.” BROWARD COLLEGE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP-2024-082-0A STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES PROPOSAL DUE DATE: JULY 31, 2024 AT 2:30 P.M. 4.1 – GENERAL INFORMATION TAB 1 – 4.1.1 – TITLE PAGE & TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB 1 – 4.1.2 - LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TAB 2 – 4.1.3 – ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RELEASED ADDENDA TO RFP TAB 2 – 4.1.4 - W-9 FORM TAB 2 – 4.1.5 – NOTICE PROVISION TAB 2 – 4.1.6 – VENDOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM TAB 2 – 4.1.7 – LITIGATION HISTORY TAB 2 – 4.18 – LETTER OF INSURABILITY JULY 31, 2024 BROWARD COLLEGE RFP-2024-082-OA STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1888 NW 22ND STREET POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33069 954-975-0098 TABLE OF CONTENTS: TAB 1 - 4.1.1 TAB 1 - 4.1.2 TAB 2 - 4.1.3 TAB 2 - 4.1.4 TAB 2 - 4.1.5 TAB 2 - 4.1.6 TAB 2 - 4.1.7 TAB 2 - 4.1.8 TAB 3 - 4.2.1 TAB 3 - 4.2.2 TAB 4 - 4.3.1 TAB 4 - 4.3.2 TAB 4 - 4.3.3 TAB 4 - 4.3.4 TAB 5 - 4.4.1 TAB 5 - 4.4.2 TAB 6 - 4.5.1 TAB 7 - 4.6.1 TAB 8 - 4.7.1 TAB 8 - 4.7.2 TAB 8 - 4.7.3 TAB 8 - 4.7.4 TAB 9 - 4.75 TAB 10 - 4.7.6 TITLE PAGE & TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ACKNOWLEGEMENT OF RELEASED ADDENDA TO RFP W-9 FORM NOTICE PROVISION VENDOR CONFILIC OF INTEREST FORM LITIGATION HISTORY LETTER OF INSURABILITY REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND LICENSES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ORGANIZATION PROFILE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT & STAFFING REFERENCES SCOPE OF WORK QUALITY ASSURANCE PRICE PROPOSAL FINANCIAL CAPACITY ATTACHMENT D - DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION ATTACHMENT E - NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT F - PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT ATTACHMENT G - NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT VALUE ADDED SERVICES OTHER SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 4.1 – GENERAL INFORMATION TAB 1 – 4.1.1 – TITLE PAGE & TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB 1 – 4.1.2 - LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL NOTICE PROVISION Following contract award, when any of the parties’ desire to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified; the place for giving notice shall remain such until it is changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of the paragraph. This information must be submitted with the proposal or within three days of request. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving notice: To College: Zaida Riollano, Procurement Manager Procurement Services Department – 2nd Floor 6400 NW 6th Way Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 With Copy To Office of the General Counsel (College): 111 East Las Olas Boulevard, Room 523 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 With Copy To: Deborah Czubkowski, Vice President, Facilities Management (College Contract 3501 SW Davie Road Administrator #1) Davie, FL 33314 With Copy To: Marcus Wilson, Associate Vice President, Facilities Collegewide Maintenance (College Contract 3501 SW Davie Road Administrator #2) Davie, FL 33314 To Proposer: Shenandoah General Construction, LLC Anthony Guglielmi, President 1888 NW 22nd Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 RFP-2024-082-OA Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance Services New York City Contact us 450 7th Ave info@constructionriskpartners.com Suite 400 New York, NY 10123 Telephone 646.625.7100 ConstructionRiskPartners.com (a) (b) Respectfully, Jason Rohde Client Manager on behalf of Construction Risk Partners Confirmation of Insurance Letter July 29, 2024 The District Board of Trustees of Broward College, Florida Office of Risk Management 6400 NW 6th Way Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 RE: RFP-2024-082-OA Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance Services To whom it may concern: In compliance with the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP-2024-082-OA, we, Construction Risk Partners, in our capacity as the broker for Shenandoah General Construction LLC are providing this letter on behalf of our client to satisfy the requirement of Section 4 - Submittal Requirements, 4.1 General Information, item 4.1.8 Letter of Insurability, As part of the bid submitted by AM&G Waterproofing, LLC we hereby confirm the following, as of the date of this letter: Construction Risk Partners have read section 3.9 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS of the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP-2024-082-OA document dated June 26, 2024 the Bidder, Shenandoah General Construction LLC, either currently carries or would be able to purchase and maintain insurance of the types and in the amounts required by the aforementioned section of the document, and can do so under the terms, and subject to the conditions, of the cited section. July 29th, 2024 4.2 – MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TAB 3 – 4.2.1 – REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM TAB 3 – 4.2.2 – MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS & LICENSES RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT I - PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SURVEY FORM Please email this form to Orlando Aponte at oaponte@broward.edu once completed in PDF format prior to 2:30 p.m. ET on: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 This form is to be completed by the organization providing the reference only. Name of Company (Respondent to this RFP) on which reference is being provided: Company providing reference: Address of company providing reference: Name/title of person providing reference: Phone number of person providing reference: Email address of person providing reference: Date(s) of Service: Annual Aggregate Dollar Amount and/or Dollar Amount of Service Please evaluate and rate the performance of the company noted above (the Proposer to this RFP), using the following ratings scale: 0 = Do Not Hire (our company would not hire them again) 1 = Poor (does not meet minimum standards) 2 = Fair (barely meets minimum standards) 3 = Average (meets minimum standards) 4 = Good (meets defined minimum requirements and occasionally exceeds your expectations) 5 = Excellent or Outstanding (always exceed your expectations) Insert YOUR RATINGS in this column 1.QUALITY OF SERVICE/PROJECT/PRODUCT: Did they perform service and provide project/product as specified and/or as proposed? Please rate. 2.PERSONNEL: Regarding the performance and workmanship of company personnel. Please rate. 3.TIMELINESS/RESPONSIVENESS: Was the company’s timeliness and responsiveness satisfactory to your entity’s needs? Please rate. 4.OVERALL PERFORMANCE: Was company willing to and/or did they go above and beyond project requirements, i.e., within reason, without altering specification? Please rate. 5.CUSTOMER SERVICE: If problems were caused or encountered, were they addressed and resolved promptly? Please rate customer service. 6.DEADLINES/MILESTONES/BUDGET: Was the company able to meet service delivery schedule and/or perform service to meet established deadlines/milestones/budget? Please rate. 7.ABILITY TO PERFORM: Did the company have technical expertise, facilities, and equipment to perform as specified? Please rate. 8.YEARLY CONTRACTS: If performing a yearly term contract, was the company able to adequately manage for the duration? Please rate yearly contract performance. 9.INTERACTION: Did their company representative work well with your entity’s staff in providing these services or in performing yearly continuing contract? Please rate. 10. FUTURE PROJECTS: Most importantly, would you use this firm again? Yes? No? Comments? COMMENTS: Are there any additional comments you would like to add? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Melanie S. Griffin, SecretaryRon DeSantis, Governor STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES GUGLIELMI, ANTHONY Do not alter this document in any form. SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, LLC LICENSE NUMBER: CGC1524099 EXPIRATION DATE: AUGUST 31, 2026 This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. 1888 NW 22ND STREET POMPANO BEACH FL 33069 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.com ISSUED: 07/23/2024 Melanie S. Griffin, SecretaryRon DeSantis, Governor STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY & EXCAVATION CO HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES GUGLIELMI, ANTHONY Do not alter this document in any form. SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, LLC LICENSE NUMBER: CUC1225783 EXPIRATION DATE: AUGUST 31, 2026 This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. 1888 NW 22ND STREET POMPANO BEACH FL 33069 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.com ISSUED: 07/23/2024 Document Number FEI/EIN Number Date Filed Effective Date State Status Last Event Event Date Filed Event Effective Date Department of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Search by Entity Name / Detail by Entity Name Florida Limited Liability Company SHENANDOAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, LLC Filing Information L19000024056 59-1707673 01/29/2019 12/21/1976 FL ACTIVE LC AMENDMENT 11/29/2021 NONE Principal Address 1888 NW 22ND ST POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069-1318 Mailing Address 1888 NW 22ND ST POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069-1318 Registered Agent Name & Address CORPORATE CREATIONS NETWORK, INC. 801 US HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Address Changed: 03/25/2020 Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address Title President Guglielmi, Anthony 1888 NW 22ND ST POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069-1318 Title CFO D C Florida Department of State 5/21/24, 10:42 AM Detail by Entity Name https://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=SHENAN…1/2 Bendgen, Charles 1888 NW 22ND ST POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069-1318 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2023 03/15/2023 2023 10/02/2023 2024 02/09/2024 Document Images 02/09/2024 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 10/02/2023 -- AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/15/2023 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/23/2022 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 11/29/2021 -- LC Amendment View image in PDF format 03/15/2021 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/02/2020 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/16/2019 -- LC Amendment View image in PDF format 01/29/2019 -- Florida Limited Liability View image in PDF format Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations 5/21/24, 10:42 AM Detail by Entity Name https://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=SHENAN…2/2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Leonard Jaglarski Has Completed a FDOT Approved Temporary Traffic Control (TTC): Advanced Course . 09/05/2023 Issue Date 08/23/2027 Expiration Date P. C Instructor 614163 Certificate No. Training Provider: Verify this Certificate by visiting www.motadmin.com Tampa Bay Training 3204 W. DeLeon St. Unit B Tampa FL 33609 Phone: 813-420-5891 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Nicco Grimm Has Completed a FDOT Approved Temporary Traffic Control (TTC): Advanced Course . 04/23/2024 Issue Date 04/12/2028 Expiration Date S T Instructor 622921 Certificate No. Training Provider: Verify this Certificate by visiting www.motadmin.com T2 Centers University of Florida 2100 NE Waldo Road Gainesville FL 32609 Phone: 352-273-1670 4.3 – EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS TAB 4 – 4.3.1 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TAB 4 – 4.3.2 – ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE TAB 4 – 4.3.3 – ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT STAFFING TAB 4 – 4.3.4 – REFERENCES ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE a. Current organization’s name, addresses, telephone number, and fax number: Shenandoah General Construction, LLC 1888 NW 22nd Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (954) 975-0098 (954) 975-9718 Fax b. The date that organization was established. 1976 c. The size of the organization. 151 Employees d. The number of years established in business, including operation under other company names, providing services same or similar as described herein. 48 years – no other name affiliated – Past or Current e. Number of years in business 48 years f. List the key personnel designated for the proposed project. Indicate their assigned roles, expertise, registration/licenses education and experience. Describe the unique capabilities of key personnel and joint parties and how those qualifications and capabilities apply to the project. All employees are trained and qualified in their positions, including being certified in confined space entry and CPR. Our Pompano Beach Facility’s employees live in the tri county areas of Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART I'\ Chuck Bendgen:) Chief F1nanc1al Officer Anthony Guglielmi President r ,----------------------------------------------------------------------. ,'Jeff Roberts Chief Operating Officer SSHENANDOAH ■ --·-----· ----' ' • ' ' • . 1 . I • • • • t : • • • • • • • • • • • • t • I I •. • I I • • • • • . . . i : . . . : . : . . . : . : . . . : . : . . -: . : . . . : . i . . : . . . . . : . . . : . -·-�-----·•··. -- , - ' ,-. .. . •• . .. . -:· ----, .,. . ,. . . . . -:· ... .. . . ,· . - - I · ·••• , .. . --- [::::J Note: Branch Managers also report to President on a daily basis. 4.4 – SCOPE OF WORK TAB 5 – 4.4.1 – SCOPE OF WORK TAB 5 – 4.4.2 – QUALIFTY ASSURANCE Scope of Work Proposed Solution Shenandoah General Construction proposes a comprehensive solution to address the requirements outlined in ATTACHMENT A – SCOPE OF WORK. Our approach integrates state-of-the-art technology and industry best practices to ensure effective and efficient storm drain cleaning, repairs, and maintenance services. Our solution includes: • High-Velocity Water Jetting: Utilizing high-velocity water jetting equipment to thoroughly clean storm drains and remove all debris, sediment, and blockages. • Trenchless Repair Techniques: Implementing trenchless repair methods such as Cured-In- Place Pipe (CIPP) lining to minimize disruption and enhance the durability of the stormwater infrastructure. • Regular Maintenance Schedule: Establishing a regular maintenance schedule to ensure ongoing performance and prevent potential issues. Proposed Methodology To accomplish our proposed solution, Shenandoah General Construction will: 1. Initial Inspection: Conduct thorough inspections using advanced CCTV technology to assess the condition of the storm drains and identify areas requiring attention. 2. Cleaning Process: Employ high-velocity water jetting to clean the drains, ensuring all debris and sediment are removed. 3. Repair and Maintenance: Utilize trenchless repair techniques for any identified issues, ensuring minimal disruption and long-term durability. 4. Final Inspection: Perform a final inspection to verify the quality of the cleaning and repair work, ensuring all services meet industry standards and client expectations. Proposer’s Procedures Our procedures for completing the required work include: • Inspection Protocols: Detailed inspection protocols using CCTV technology to assess and document the condition of the storm drains. • Cleaning Procedures: Systematic cleaning procedures using high-velocity water jetting to ensure thorough removal of debris and sediment. • Repair Techniques: Advanced trenchless repair techniques such as CIPP lining to address any issues identified during the inspections. • Quality Assurance: Rigorous quality assurance procedures to ensure all work meets the highest standards. Coordination and Communication Shenandoah Construction will ensure seamless coordination and communication throughout the project by: • Project Coordination: Assigning a dedicated project manager to oversee all aspects of the work and serve as the primary point of contact. • Regular Updates: Providing regular updates to the College Contract Administrator(s) on the progress of the work, including any issues encountered and actions taken. • Communication Plan: Implementing a clear communication plan to ensure all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the project. Reports We will provide detailed reports and data to Broward College, including: • Pre-Service Reports: Initial inspection reports detailing the condition of the storm drains and any identified issues. • Progress Reports: Regular progress reports documenting the cleaning and repair activities performed, including before-and-after photos and videos. • Final Reports: Comprehensive final reports summarizing all work completed, including verification of the quality and effectiveness of the services provided. Timeframe Our detailed project timeframe includes the following key milestones: • Project Kickoff: Week 1 - Initial meetings and site assessments. • Initial Inspections: Weeks 2-3 - Conducting CCTV inspections of all storm drains. • Cleaning and Repairs: Weeks 4-8 - Performing cleaning and repair activities. • Final Inspections: Week 9 - Conducting final inspections to verify the quality of the work. • Reporting and Closeout: Week 10 - Submitting final reports and closing out the project. Other Services In addition to the core services outlined above, Shenandoah General Construction is also proposing the following additional services: • Preventative Maintenance Programs: Developing customized preventative maintenance programs to help Broward College maintain the performance and longevity of their stormwater infrastructure. • Emergency Response Services: Providing rapid response services for any emergency issues that may arise, ensuring minimal disruption and quick resolution. QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality Assurance Plan for Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs, and Maintenance Services 1. Introduction To ensure the highest standards of quality in storm drain cleaning, repairs, and maintenance, Shenandoah General Construction has developed a robust Quality Assurance (QA) plan. This plan outlines the procedures, responsibilities, and measures to be taken to maintain and continuously improve the quality of services provided. 2. Objectives • Maintain clean and functional storm drainage systems. • Ensure all repairs and maintenance meet or exceed industry standards. • Minimize disruptions to the community and environment. • Achieve client satisfaction through consistent and reliable service delivery. 3. Quality Assurance Team • Project Manager (Ramy): Oversees the QA plan implementation, coordinates with the team, and ensures compliance with client specifications. • Site Supervisors: Monitor on-site activities, conduct inspections, and report any issues. • Quality Control Inspectors: Perform regular checks to ensure work meets quality standards. • Safety Officers: Ensure all safety protocols are followed during operations. 4. Training and Certification • All personnel involved in storm drain services must undergo regular training on the latest techniques, safety protocols, and equipment use. • Certifications must be kept up to date, ensuring all team members are qualified to perform their tasks. 5. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) • Cleaning Procedures: Utilize high-pressure water jetting and vacuuming techniques to remove debris and sediment. • Repair Procedures: Follow industry best practices for repairing cracks, leaks, and structural damage using appropriate materials and methods. • Maintenance Procedures: Regularly inspect drains, schedule preventive maintenance, and promptly address any identified issues. 6. Inspection and Testing • Pre-Work Inspections: Assess the condition of storm drains before starting any cleaning, repair, or maintenance work. • During-Work Inspections: Continuous monitoring to ensure adherence to quality standards. • Post-Work Inspections: Final checks to confirm the work meets required specifications and performance standards. • Testing: Conduct flow tests, CCTV inspections, and other relevant tests to verify the effectiveness of cleaning and repairs. 7. Documentation and Reporting • Maintain detailed records of all activities, including inspections, tests, and maintenance logs. • Use standardized forms and checklists to ensure consistency in documentation. • Provide clients with comprehensive reports summarizing the work performed, findings, and any recommendations for further action. 8. Client Communication and Feedback • Establish clear communication channels with clients to provide updates and receive feedback. • Conduct regular meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and adjust plans as necessary. • Use client feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes accordingly. 9. Continuous Improvement • Regularly review and update the QA plan to incorporate new technologies, techniques, and industry standards. • Conduct periodic audits and assessments to identify opportunities for improvement. • Implement corrective actions promptly to address any deficiencies or non-compliances. 10. Safety and Environmental Considerations • Adhere to all relevant safety regulations and guidelines to protect workers and the public. • Implement environmentally friendly practices to minimize the impact of operations on the environment. • Ensure proper disposal of debris and waste materials in compliance with local regulations. 11. Emergency Response Plan • Develop and maintain an emergency response plan to address any unexpected issues or emergencies that may arise during operations. • Train all personnel on emergency procedures and conduct regular drills to ensure preparedness. 12. Performance Metrics • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of the QA plan. • Regularly review performance data to ensure objectives are being met and identify areas for improvement. This plan aims to provide a structured approach to ensuring quality in all aspects of storm drain cleaning, repairs, and maintenance services. By following this plan, Shenandoah General Construction can deliver consistent, high-quality services that meet or exceed client expectations. 4.5 – PRICE PROPOSAL TAB 6 – 4.5.1 – PRICE PROPOSAL *** See ATTACHMENT B – PRICE PROPOSAL FORM on DemandStar *** See separate Excel document in DemandStar NOTE: Include the completed ATTACHMENT B – PRICE PROPOSAL FORM under TAB 6 in the PDF submittal document and also upload separately to DemandStar in the original Excel format document.  Proposers are requested to submit all pricing on Price Proposal Form sheet posted in Excel format.  For labor in increments of less than ½ hour, established rate shall be prorated.  Hourly rate shall start upon commencement of work at job site and terminate upon departure from jobsite.  All prices proposed shall be in full accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications stated herein.  As specified, prices quoted shall include inside delivery to the specified College campus(es), centers and/or facilities within Broward County, Florida.  Working Hours: the standard workweek shall be considered Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 4:00 p.m. ET, excluding normal federal holidays granted to College employees. All other times are considered non-standard.  Contractor shall work during College non-standard working hours, College off-hours, recess periods, College authorized holidays or legal holidays, and/or weekends at no additional cost to the College.  All costs related to hourly labor rates, whether during standard workweek business hours or for emergency services not during standard workweek business hours, shall be included in your proposal.  The Proposer proposes and agrees to provide all materials, labor, supervision, services, travel, transportation, fuel cost, equipment, tools, etc., to perform the work required in accordance with the solicitation documents for Storm Drain Cleaning, Repairs and Maintenance Services for the pricing indicated in ATTACHMENT B – PRICE PROPOSAL FORM.  A copy of the itemized parts and materials invoice from the contractor’s supplier must be included with all billings to Broward College for parts and materials in order to verify mark-up.  College may elect to supply large dollar items if it is able to procure these items at a lower cost. (REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) BROWARD COLLEGE PRICE PROPOSAL FORM RFP-2024-082-OA ATTACHMENT B RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 1 Storm Drain (Video Camera) Observation 0 - 48" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $0.00 2 Storm Drain (Video Camera) Observation 49" - 72" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $0.00 3 Cleaning Box Culverts of Debris and Bituminous Materials Removed Per Ft 1 $0.00 4 0" to 12" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $0.00 5 15" to 30" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $0.00 6 36" to 42" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $0.00 7 48" to 60" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $0.00 8 72" to 96" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $0.00 9 4" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours 1 $0.00 10 6" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose)Hours 1 $0.00 11 8" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours 1 $0.00 12 Slip Lining 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 13 Slip Lining 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 TV Viewing Plug Installation & Removal {Includes Minimum Weekly Rental) for: Pumping GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Slip Lining or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference with HDPE Smooth Wall Fused Pipe Page 1 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 14 Slip Lining 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 15 Slip Lining 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 16 Slip Lining 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 17 Slip Lining 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 18 Slip Lining 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 19 Slip Lining 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 20 Slip Lining 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 21 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 6.7 mm (Buria l Depth is 0-6') Linear Ft 1 $0.00 22 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 8.2 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12') Linear Ft 1 $0.00 23 CIPP 18" Pipe x 8.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 24 CIPP 18" Pipe x 9.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 25 CIPP 24" Pipe x 10.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 26 CIPP 24" Pipe x 12.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 27 CIPP 30" Pipe x 13.5 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 28 CIPP 30" Pipe x 15.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 29 CIPP 36" Pipe x 17.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 30 CIPP 36" Pipe x 18.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 31 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.9 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 32 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 Page 2 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 33 CIPP 48" Pipe x 25.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 34 CIPP 48" Pipe x 22.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 35 CIPP 54" Pipe x 28.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 36 CIPP 54" Pipe x 24.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 37 CIPP 60" Pipe x 30.3 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 38 CIPP 60" Pipe x 27.3 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 39 CIPP 66" Pipe x 31.6 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 40 CIPP 66" Pipe x 29.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $0.00 41 CIPP 72" Pipe x 30.4 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $0.00 42 CIPP 84" Pipe x 35.5 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $0.00 43 CIPP 96" Pipe x 40.6 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $0.00 44 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 45 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 46 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 47 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 48 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 49 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 PIPE CLEANING Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Light Cleaning) Page 3 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 50 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 51 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 52 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 53 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 54 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 55 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 56 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 57 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 58 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 59 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 60 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 61 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 62 Cleaning and Sediment Remova l 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 63 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 64 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 65 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 66 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 67 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removel (Medium Cleaning) Page 4 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 68 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 69 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 70 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 71 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 72 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 73 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 74 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 75 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 76 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 77 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 78 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 79 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 80 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 81 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 82 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 83 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 84 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Specialty Cleaning) Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Heavy Cleaning) Page 5 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 85 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 86 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 87 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 88 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 89 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 90 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 91 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 92 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 93 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 94 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 95 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.00 96 Construction Foreman Hour 1 $0.00 97 Equipment Operator Hour 1 $0.00 98 Laborer Hour 1 $0.00 99 Pipe Layer Hour 1 $0.00 100 Welding (Above & Below Water)Hour 1 $0.00 101 Diving Crew (3 Man Team) Certified Hour 1 $0.00 102 Crane 100 Tons & Below Hour 1 $0.00 Open Cut / Headwall Repairs & Other Services Page 6 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 103 Track or Wheeled Excavator Hour 1 $0.00 104 Stick Tracked Excavator (60' or Greater)Hour 1 $0.00 105 Wheel Loader Hour 1 $0.00 106 Backhoe Loader Hour 1 $0.00 107 Bulldozer Hour 1 $0.00 108 Double Drum Compactor Hour 1 $0.00 109 Vibratory Plate Compactor.Hour 1 $0.00 110 100 CFM Air Compressor with Hammer Hour 1 $0.00 111 Dump Truck with Operator Hour 1 $0.00 112 De-Watering Hour 1 $0.00 113 Asphalt Pavement Replacement Tons 1 $0.00 114 Lime Rock Tons 1 $0.00 115 Dirt Tons 1 $0.00 116 Driveway Restoration (4" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft.1 $0.00 117 Driveway Restoration (6" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft.1 $0.00 118 Mitered Ends Sq. Ft.1 $0.00 119 Pressure Grout Injection Joints 1 $0.00 120 Bahia Sod Sq. Ft.1 $0.00 121 Floratan Sod Sq. Ft.1 $0.00 Page 7 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 122 Rip Rap Rubble 6" - 12"Tons 1 $0.00 123 Rip Rap Bag (80 lb. Bags)Each 1 $0.00 124 Concrete Pillow Blanket slope protection Square Yard 1 $0.00 125 Silt Screen Installation & Removal per 100 ft.Each 1 $0.00 126 Mobilization Fee Each 1 $0.00 127 Material Mark Up Percentage - Cost Plus Percentage may not exceed 10%. - A percentage of 0 or net cost is acceptable. %1 0.00% $0.00 NOTES: 1. Fill the cells in yellow highlight only. Proposers are requested to submit all pricing on Price Proposal Form sheet posted in Excel format. 2. For labor in increments of less than ½ hour, established rate shall be prorated. Hourly rate shall start upon commencement of work at job site and terminate upon departure from jobsite. 3. All prices proposed shall be in full accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications stated in the RFP document. 4. As specified, prices quoted shall include inside delivery to the specified College campus(es), centers and/or facilities within Broward County, Florida. 5. Working Hours: the standard workweek shall be considered Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 4:00 p.m. ET, excluding normal federal holidays granted to College employees. All other times are considered non-standard. 6. Contractor shall work during College non-standard working hours, College off-hours, recess periods, College authorized holidays or legal holidays, and/or weekends at no additional cost to the College. 7. All costs related to hourly labor rates, whether during standard workweek business hours or for emergency services not during standard workweek business hours, shall be included in your proposal. 8. The Proposer proposes and agrees to provide all materials, labor, supervision, services, travel, transportation, fuel cost, equipment, tools, etc., to perform the work required in accordance with the RFP document. 9. A copy of the itemized parts and materials invoice from the contractor’s supplier must be included with all billings to Broward College for parts and materials in order to verify mark-up. 10. College may elect to supply large dollar items if it is able to procure these items at a lower cost. GRAND TOTAL: Page 8 / 8 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM 2024 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 1 Storm Drain (Video Camera) Observation 0 - 48" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $6.00 $6.00 2 Storm Drain (Video Camera) Observation 49" - 72" Log/Written Report Linear Ft 1 $15.00 $15.00 3 Cleaning Box Culverts of Debris and Bituminous Materials Removed Per Ft 1 $25.00 $25.00 4 0" to 12" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 $1.00 5 15" to 30" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 $1.00 6 36" to 42" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 $1.00 7 48" to 60" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 $1.00 8 72" to 96" Cross/Side Drain or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference Week Week 1 $1.00 $1.00 9 4" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours 1 $35.00 $35.00 10 6" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose)Hours 1 $40.00 $40.00 11 8" Hydraulic Pump (with up to 1000' of discharge hose) Hours 1 $40.00 $40.00 12 Slip Lining 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $50.00 $50.00 13 Slip Lining 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $89.00 $89.00 TV Viewing Plug Installation & Removal {Includes Minimum Weekly Rental) for: Pumping GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Slip Lining or Equivalent Elliptical Circumference with HDPE Smooth Wall Fused Pipe Page 1 / 16 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 14 Slip Lining 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $99.00 $99.00 15 Slip Lining 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $116.00 $116.00 16 Slip Lining 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $160.00 $160.00 17 Slip Lining 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $228.00 $228.00 18 Slip Lining 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $339.00 $339.00 19 Slip Lining 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $404.00 $404.00 20 Slip Lining 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $494.00 $494.00 21 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 6.7 mm (Buria l Depth is 0-6') Linear Ft 1 $82.00 $82.00 22 CIPP 15" Pipe 15 x 8.2 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12') Linear Ft 1 $87.00 $87.00 23 CIPP 18" Pipe x 8.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $97.00 $97.00 24 CIPP 18" Pipe x 9.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $100.00 $100.00 25 CIPP 24" Pipe x 10.1 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $118.00 $118.00 26 CIPP 24" Pipe x 12.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $125.00 $125.00 27 CIPP 30" Pipe x 13.5 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $154.00 $154.00 28 CIPP 30" Pipe x 15.4 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $162.00 $162.00 29 CIPP 36" Pipe x 17.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $191.25 $191.25 30 CIPP 36" Pipe x 18.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $201.00 $201.00 31 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.9 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $275.50 $275.50 32 CIPP 42" Pipe x 20.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $275.50 $275.50 Page 2 / 16 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 33 CIPP 48" Pipe x 25.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $346.75 $346.75 34 CIPP 48" Pipe x 22.6 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $338.75 $338.75 35 CIPP 54" Pipe x 28.2 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $540.00 $540.00 36 CIPP 54" Pipe x 24.7 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $533.75 $533.75 37 CIPP 60" Pipe x 30.3 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $708.00 $708.00 38 CIPP 60" Pipe x 27.3 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $670.00 $670.00 39 CIPP 66" Pipe x 31.6 mm (Burial Depth is 0-6')Linear Ft 1 $825.00 $825.00 40 CIPP 66" Pipe x 29.1 mm (Burial Depth is 6-12')Linear Ft 1 $809.00 $809.00 41 CIPP 72" Pipe x 30.4 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $933.00 $933.00 42 CIPP 84" Pipe x 35.5 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $1,229.00 $1,229.00 43 CIPP 96" Pipe x 40.6 mm Linear Ft Linear Ft 1 $1,540.50 $1,540.50 44 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.50 $0.50 45 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.50 $0.50 46 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $0.50 $0.50 47 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.25 $1.25 48 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.50 $1.50 49 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.00 $2.00 PIPE CLEANING Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Light Cleaning) Page 3 / 16 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 50 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.50 $2.50 51 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.75 $2.75 52 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $3.00 $3.00 53 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $4.00 $4.00 54 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $5.00 $5.00 55 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $6.00 $6.00 56 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $7.00 $7.00 57 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.00 $1.00 58 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $1.75 $1.75 59 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.00 $2.00 60 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.25 $2.25 61 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $2.50 $2.50 62 Cleaning and Sediment Remova l 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $3.25 $3.25 63 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $3.50 $3.50 64 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $4.00 $4.00 65 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $7.00 $7.00 66 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $8.00 $8.00 67 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 $10.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removel (Medium Cleaning) Page 4 / 16 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 68 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $15.00 $15.00 69 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $35.00 $35.00 70 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $5.50 $5.50 71 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $6.25 $6.25 72 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $7.00 $7.00 73 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $9.00 $9.00 74 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.75 $10.75 75 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $17.00 $17.00 76 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $19.00 $19.00 77 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $19.00 $19.00 78 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $20.00 $20.00 79 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $21.00 $21.00 80 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $25.00 $25.00 81 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $30.00 $30.00 82 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $39.00 $39.00 83 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 15" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 $10.00 84 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 18" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 $10.00 Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Specialty Cleaning) Pipe Cleaning and Sediment Removal (Heavy Cleaning) Page 5 / 16 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 85 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 24" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $10.00 $10.00 86 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 30" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $12.00 $12.00 87 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 36" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $14.00 $14.00 88 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 42" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $20.00 $20.00 89 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 48" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $25.00 $25.00 90 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 54" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $35.00 $35.00 91 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 60" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $40.00 $40.00 92 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 66" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $45.00 $45.00 93 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 72" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $50.00 $50.00 94 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 84" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $60.00 $60.00 95 Cleaning and Sediment Removal 96" Pipe Linear Ft 1 $65.00 $65.00 96 Construction Foreman Hour 1 $70.00 $70.00 97 Equipment Operator Hour 1 $150.00 $150.00 98 Laborer Hour 1 $40.00 $40.00 99 Pipe Layer Hour 1 $42.00 $42.00 100 Welding (Above & Below Water)Hour 1 $50.00 $50.00 101 Diving Crew (3 Man Team) Certified Hour 1 $450.00 $450.00 102 Crane 100 Tons & Below Hour 1 $80.00 $80.00 Open Cut / Headwall Repairs & Other Services Page 6 / 16 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 103 Track or Wheeled Excavator Hour 1 $50.00 $50.00 104 Stick Tracked Excavator (60' or Greater)Hour 1 $90.00 $90.00 105 Wheel Loader Hour 1 $45.00 $45.00 106 Backhoe Loader Hour 1 $35.00 $35.00 107 Bulldozer Hour 1 $10.00 $10.00 108 Double Drum Compactor Hour 1 $25.00 $25.00 109 Vibratory Plate Compactor.Hour 1 $15.00 $15.00 110 100 CFM Air Compressor with Hammer Hour 1 $30.00 $30.00 111 Dump Truck with Operator Hour 1 $75.00 $75.00 112 De-Watering Hour 1 $85.00 $85.00 113 Asphalt Pavement Replacement Tons 1 $350.00 $350.00 114 Lime Rock Tons 1 $70.00 $70.00 115 Dirt Tons 1 $25.00 $25.00 116 Driveway Restoration (4" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft. 1 $25.00 $25.00 117 Driveway Restoration (6" thick) Removal and Installation Sq. Ft. 1 $30.00 $30.00 118 Mitered Ends Sq. Ft. 1 $45.00 $45.00 119 Pressure Grout Injection Joints 1 $275.00 $275.00 120 Bahia Sod Sq. Ft. 1 $1.50 $1.50 121 Floratan Sod Sq. Ft. 1 $2.00 $2.00 Page 7 / 16 RFP-2024-082-OA - STORM DRAIN CLEANING, REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES ATTACHMENT B - PRICE PROPOSAL FORM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE (to two decimal places) TOTAL 122 Rip Rap Rubble 6" - 12"Tons 1 $100.00 $100.00 123 Rip Rap Bag (80 lb. Bags)Each 1 $15.00 $15.00 124 Concrete Pillow Blanket slope protection Square Yard 1 $50.00 $50.00 125 Silt Screen Installation & Removal per 100 ft.Each 1 $300.00 $300.00 126 Mobilization Fee Each 1 $500.00 $500.00 127 Material Mark Up Percentage - Cost Plus Percentage may not exceed 10%. - A percentage of 0 or net cost is acceptable. %1 10.00%10.00% $16,373.75 NOTES: 1. Fill the cells in yellow highlight only. Proposers are requested to submit all pricing on Price Proposal Form sheet posted in Excel format. 2. For labor in increments of less than ½ hour, established rate shall be prorated. Hourly rate shall start upon commencement of work at job site and terminate upon departure from jobsite. 3. All prices proposed shall be in full accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications stated in the RFP document. 4. As specified, prices quoted shall include inside delivery to the specified College campus(es), centers and/or facilities within Broward County, Florida. 5. Working Hours: the standard workweek shall be considered Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 4:00 p.m. ET, excluding normal federal holidays granted to College employees. All other times are considered non-standard. 6. Contractor shall work during College non-standard working hours, College off-hours, recess periods, College authorized holidays or legal holidays, and/or weekends at no additional cost to the College. 7. All costs related to hourly labor rates, whether during standard workweek business hours or for emergency services not during standard workweek business hours, shall be included in your proposal. 8. The Proposer proposes and agrees to provide all materials, labor, supervision, services, travel, transportation, fuel cost, equipment, tools, etc., to perform the work required in accordance with the RFP document. 9. A copy of the itemized parts and materials invoice from the contractor’s supplier must be included with all billings to Broward College for parts and materials in order to verify mark-up. 10. College may elect to supply large dollar items if it is able to procure these items at a lower cost. GRAND TOTAL: Page 8 / 16 4.6 – FINANCIAL CAPACITY TAB 7 – 4.6.1 – FINANCIAL CAPACITY Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S# : 09-284-0073 4.7 – ATTACHMENTS TAB 8 – 4.7.1 – ATTACHMENT D – DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION TAB 8 – 4.7.2 – ATTACHMENT E – NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT TAB 8 – 4.7.3 – ATTACHMENT F – PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT TAB 8 – 4.7.4 – ATTACHMENT G – NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TAB 9 – 4.7.5 – VALUE ADDED SERVICES TAB 10 – 4.76 – OTHER SUPPORT DOCUMENTS EQUIPMENT LIST 7/30/2024 Description Make Model Year ARROW BOARD Wanco WTSP 2014 ARROW BOARD Wanco WTSP 2014 ARROW BOARD Wanco WTSP 2015 AIR COMPRESSOR Leroy AIR COMPRESSOR 1989 AIR COMPRESSOR INGERSOL RAND AIR COMPRESSOR 2009 VIPER O50 FOAM GENERATOR VERMILLION FOAM GENERATOR 2008 36" Collapsible Maineline Packer Logiball Packer 2013 30" Collapsible Maineline Packer Logiball Packer 2013 Sag Correction System Advance Const Prod Sag Machine 2014 42" Collapsible Maineline Packer Logiball Packer 2017 Fecon Carbide Mulcher adapter LS283 Fecon CEM36 Mulcher 2020 Impact Drilling Cutter Paikert SB110 2022 Push Camera Envirosight VSP Pro 2023 Sag Remover 8" Pipe adapter tow slings, hose tow adapter 2023 FORK LIFT CATERPILLAR FORK LIFT 2008 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK FREIGHTLINER 2023 LONG STICK EXCAVATOR KOBELCO SK250LC 2004 6" THOMPSON TRASH PUMP THOMPSON 6" PUMP 2006 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK FORD F150 XL STD CAB 2016 Superintendent Truck GMC SIERRA 1500 2019 Yard Pick Up Ford F250 2015 Yard Pick Up w/Liftgate Ford F250 2017 Superintendent Truck FORD F150 PK 2022 UTILITIY TRUCK DODGE Ram 1500 Pickup 2022 YARD PICK UP TRUCK GMC CANYON 2022 Superintendent Truck FORD F150 4x2 4Dr SUPERCRE 2022 2022 F250 YARD - PICKUP TRUCK FORD F250 2022 OFFICE TRUCK FORD F150 CREW CAB 4D 2022 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 2022 BOX TRUCK W/SAG REMOVER RAM 4500 2013 Trailer Yard Emerson 6X12 2006 Better Built Trailer w/Air Compressor Better Built 6x10 2017 Triple Crown 7x16 Triple Crown 7x16 2015 Trailer Yard Test TL 1987 Trailer FVCG FVCG GANS7X16TA3-WHITE-L 2023 CUES TV/GROUT TRUCK FORD F550 2011 IBAK TV TRUCK FORD E450 BOX TRUCK 2016 2021 IBAK ISUZY ISUZU Ibak TV/Grout Truck 2021 UTILITIY TRUCK DODGE RAM 5500 UTILITY 2018 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK DODGE Ram 2500 Pickup 2022 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK DODGE Ram 2500 Pickup 2022 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK DODGE Ram 2500 Pickup 2022 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK DODGE Ram 2500 Pickup 2022 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2013 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR FREIGHTLINER 2014 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2014 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2014 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2015 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR FREIGHTLINER 2015 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR FREIGHTLINER 2016 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR FREIGHTLINER 2016 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2018 1 OF 4 EQUIPMENT LIST 7/30/2024 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2019 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2020 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2020 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK JET VAC WESTERN STAR - 4700 S 2022 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK WESTERN STAR WESTERN STAR - 4700 S 2023 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK KENWORTH T800 2019 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK KENWORTH T800 2020 BACKHOE JOHN DEERE 310SL 2022 GENERATOR ARROW BOARD Wanco WTSP 2014 4"Yanmar Pump Yanmar 4" Pump 2022 6" MWI PUMP MWI 6" PUMP 2004 North - YARD - PICK-UP TRUCK FORD F150 4X4 SUPERCAB 2017 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK FORD F150 XL SINGLE CAB 2018 North - YARD - PICK-UP TRUCK Chevrolet Silverado Pick Up 2500 S 2018 North - YARD - PICK-UP TRUCK Dodge Ram 1500 Pick-Up 2019 North - Office Truck JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LMT 2022 Trailer Yard Emerson 6X10 2003 CUES TV/GROUT TRUCK ISUZU BOX VAN 2016 IBAK TV TRUCK ISUZU BOX VAN 2021 TV Truck w/ Lateral Laucher Ford Ibak TV Lateral Truck 2016 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK DODGE Ram 2500 Pickup 2022 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2018 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR FREIGHTLINER 2015 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2018 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2015 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK WESTERN STAR 4700 2021 ARROW BOARD Wanco WTSP 2016 ARROW BOARD Wanco WTSP 2023 BACKHOE CATERPILLAR BACKHOE 420E IT 2008 OFFICE TRUCK JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 2022 6" PRIMERITE CT006 PUMP PRIMERITE 6" PUMP 2004 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK FORD F150 4x2 4Dr SUPERCRE 2014 West - OFFICE PICK-UP TRUCK DODGE RAM 1500 2019 Trailer Yard Trailer 6X8 2002 Haulmark 6x10 Haulmark 6x10 2000 Kraftsman Trailer 25' KRAFTSMAN 25' Goose Neck Trailer 2021 Trailer - Misc Liberty - Stea Trailer 2016 CUES TV/GROUT TRUCK ISUZU BOX VAN 2019 IBAK TV/GROUT TRUCK ISUZU BOX VAN 2019 YARD - UTILITY TRUCK DODGE RAM 2500 2022 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK DODGE Ram 2500 Pickup 2022 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2014 VACTOR SEWER CLEANING TRUCK VACTOR KENWORTH 2020 900 ECO WESTERN STAR 4700SF 2022 EASEMENT & TRAILER PJ TRAILERS UK122 2021 YARD FORKLIFT NISSAN KCPH02A25PV 1995 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK FORD F150 4X4 SUPERCAB 2014 OFFICE TRUCK DODGE RAM 1500 2019 OFFICE TRUCK Buick Enclave 2020 Horton Trailer HORTON 2015 YARD - CREW FLAT BED CHEVY 3500 FLAT BED CREW C 2016 YARD - CREW FLAT BED CHEVY 3500 FLAT BED CREW C 2016 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK Freightliner 114SD 2023 2 OF 4 EQUIPMENT LIST 7/30/2024 CUES TV/Lateral TRUCK FREIGHTLINER F3CC170 2013 Volvo Boiler Truck Volvo Truck 2002 Sterling LT9500 Boiler Sterling LT9500 2007 Kenworth Boiler Kenworth T880 2018 Kenworth Boiler Kenworth GEN 2 2018 Aries PE2600 Pan & Tilt Camera Aries PE2600 2004 Global Trash Pump Global 4" Trash Pump 2015 Global Trash Pump Global 4" Trash Pump 2012 Ford F150 4x4 Ford F150 4X4 2019 Chevy Tahoe Chevy Tahoe 2023 Reefer Freightliner Freightliner Reefer 2015 Reefer Freightliner Freightliner Reefer 2016 Reefer Freightliner Kenworth T-370 2020 Cros Flatbed Trailer Cros 2003 Triple Crown Trailer Triple Crowns 5x10 2016 ARIES TV TRUCK (Equip from TV227) ISUZU BOX VAN 2011 Isuzu Crew Truck Isuzu BOX VAN 2021 Isuzu Crew Truck Isuzu BOX VAN 2021 West - OFFICE PICK-UP TRUCK DODGE RAM 1501 2022 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK DODGE Ram 2500 Pickup 2022 F250 Utility Ford F250 2023 YARD - PICK-UP TRUCK Dodge Ram 1500 Pick-Up 2022 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK WESTERN STAR WESTERN STAR - 4700 S 2022 JET VAC SEWER CLEANING TRUCK WESTERN STAR WESTERN STAR - 4700 S 2022 Pick up truck Chevrolet SILVERADO 2022 ARROW BOARD Wanco WTSP 2017 Chassis for TV432 2022 Pick up truck RAM 1500 BIG HORN / LONE S 2022 Trailer - Grout/Confined Space Arni Trailer 2018 Trailer - Grout Gatt Trailer 2009 Trailer Elite Trailer 2003 Tanker Truck International SF625 2011 Tanker Truck International SF625 2011 CCTV Truck RAM 5500 2014 CCTV Truck RAM 5500 2018 Ibak TV/Grout Truck Isuzu Ibak TV/Grout Truck 2020 UT381 CHEVY 3500 FLAT BED CREW C 2015 Vacall Vac Truck Freightliner 114SD 2014 Vacall Vac Truck Freightliner 114SD 2014 Vacall Vac Truck Freightliner 114SD 2015 Vacall Vac Truck Freightliner 114SD 2017 Vacall Vac Truck Freightliner 114SD 2019 Vacall Vac Truck Freightliner 114SD 2020 Pick up truck RAM 2500 CREW CAB 2022 900 ECO WESTERN STAR 4700SF 2022 VACALL TRUCK AJV1215 S/N: AVJ12154979 2023 VACALL TRUCK AJV1515 S/N: AJV0005061 2024 WHEEL LOADER Hitachi ZW50 2024 DUMP TRUCK PETERBILT DUMP TRUCK 2006 OFFICE TRUCK - Deland Mitsubishi Outlander SUV 2019 OFFICE TRUCK DODGE Ram 1500 Pickup 2020 Equp Trailer BEBU 20' Trailer 20' Equp Trailer 2002 Equp/Material Trailer Bray 20' Trailer 20' Equp/Material Trailer 2005 Big Tex Dump Trailer Big Tex 14x8x4 (14CY) 2020 Yard Pick Up Ford F350 2017 3 OF 4 EQUIPMENT LIST 7/30/2024 Big Tex Dump Trailer 14' BIG TEX 14' Dump Trailer 2017 Maxima Cargo 7x16 Covered Trailer Maxima Cargo Trailer 7x16 Covered Trailer 2021 Trailer Yard Load Trail 2020 UTILITIY TRUCK DODGE RAM 5500 UTILITY 2020 YARD - PICK UP TRUCK GMC SIERRA 1500 2024 Corporate - Office Truck CHEVY TAHOE HIGH COUNTRY 2022 Corporate - Office Truck CHEVY Silverado 1500 2WD CRE 2022 YARD TRUCK FORD 2022 Ford F-150 2022 Corporate - Pick up Truck GMC SIERRA 2500 HD 2024 Corporate - Office Truck FORD TK 2023 4 OF 4 Project Name & Number Locations Owner Description of work Beginning Mo/Year Contract Duration 24-1262 - Heather Ridge Drainage Improvements City of Dunedin City of Dunedin CIPP Lining 7/12/2024 60 days E50D5 - Drainage Repair Volusia FDOT - D5 Drainage Clean & Video 6/1/2024 60 days PNC2127482B1_1 - Restoration of Surface Water Infrastructure Broward County Broward County Water Management Rehab Surface Water Infrastructure 6/1/2024 365 days C006434 - Ribs #73-#85 Decommissioning Lake Buena Vista Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD) Decommisioning - Drainage Clean 6/1/2024 120 days PNC2127482B1 - Restoration of Surface Water Infrastructure Broward County - District 2, 3, & 4 Broward County Water Management Drainage Clean & Video 4/1/2024 365 days E7Q66-R0 - Brooksville Repairs & Maintenance - Routine Maintenance Citrus, Hernando, Pasco FDOT - D7 Brooksville Repairs & Maintenance - Routine Maintenance 2/19/2024 365 days E56C9 - Drainage Repair Volusia FDOT - D5 Volusia County/Drainage Repiar SR 15/600 in Debary 1/18/2024 280 days E54C7 - Drainage Repair Brevard FDOT - D5 Storm water drainage repair 2/13/2024 180 days 23-39B Citywide Culvert Cleaning Inspection & Repair City of Tamarac City of Tamarac Clean, Inspection and Repair TBD 1095 days 2023-25 25th Street, 2022-33 Sexton Plaza, 2020-18 Royal Park Vero Beach City of Vero Beach clean, televise, and install CIPP 8/15/2023 120 days 23-B-203i Emergency Storm Drain Cleaning City of Coral Springs City of Coral Springs Clean, TV, Inspection 7/13/2023 730 days Polk County- 23-219 CIPP Installation Polk County Polk County CIPP Installation 6/23/2023 365 days Infrastructure and Asset Mantenance Jobs E6N37, E4U23, E4T63, E4V94 Various Locations Louis Berger Hawthorne Services, Inc Clean, TV, Inspection 3/1/2023 1095 days Pipe Inspection & Restoration 1888 NW 22nd Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 ● (954) 975-0098 ● www.shenandoahus.com Featured Project: Storm & Catch Basin Cleaning Hollywood, FL Featured Project: Canal Stabilization & Restoration Naples, FL Featured Project: Concrete Slab Foundation Lifting & Stabilization Auburndale, FL Pipe Inspection & Restoration 1888 NW 22nd Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 ● (954) 975-0098 ● www.shenandoahus.com Featured Project: CIPP Lining Project Boca Raton, FL Featured Project: Storm Drain System – Port St. Lucie, FL Featured Project: Roadway & Manhole Leveling & Stabilization New Port Richey, FL Pipe Inspection & Restoration Corporate ● 1888 NW 22nd Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 ● (954) 975-0098 ● www.shenandoahus.com Fort Pierce Fort Myers Lakeland Tampa 1107 Angel Rd. 2530 Highland Ave. 4759 Drane Field Rd. 11508 US Hwy 41 S. Fort Pierce, FL 34947 Fort Myers, FL 33916 Lakeland, FL 33811 Gibsonton, FL 33534 SHENANDOAH CONSTRUCTION has provided quality service in the trenchless construction industry for over 45 years. We are equipped with 33 hydraulic cleaning trucks, 19 CCTV Inspection trucks (10 of which have test and seal capability), Excavators, Backhoes, and Specialty Equipment, all under the direction of our experienced support staff consisting of managers, estimators, and superintendents. Our Pompano Beach, Port St. Lucie, Tampa, Lakeland, and Ft. Myers locations allows our company to serve a wide variety of markets from Jacksonville to Key West. In addition, we have the capability to mobilize our crews to provide service well beyond our target area. Over the years our focus has been to keep up with the changing technologies in the industry to provide better service for our customers. Currently we are working with municipalities such as, Broward County, FDOT Districts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and TP, Collier County, City of Sarasota, Northern Palm Beach County, Village of Wellington, City of West Palm Beach, City of Tamarac, City of Coconut Creek, City of Fort Pierce, JEA and St. Lucie County. We work closely with a variety of Companies and Contractors throughout Florida. Each customer has a specific need to be met whether it is controlling ground water infiltration coming into a sanitary sewer collection system, cleaning, and evaluating a storm water system that is causing flooding in a community that can lead us into rehabilitation to a deteriorating system and a large variety of other specialty work which includes: repair and/or replacement of utilities. In addition, we provide many types of Commercial Diving Services, including pipe inspection, welding, cutting, cofferdam, rigging, construction, etc. We are also authorized installers of CIPP- Lining, and CIPP Sectional Lining. CIPP and Sectional Liners can be used to repair specific problems utilizing a trenchless approach. By using these trenchless processes, pipelines can be inspected and repaired quickly at a fraction of the cost of alternative methods, all without the inconvenience of conventional excavation or manhole-to-manhole repair systems. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY SHENANDOAH CONSTRUCTION  PIPE VIDEO INSPECTION & REPAIR MATRIX REPORTS  ALL SIZE PIPE AND CULVERT CLEANING  PIPE SECTIONAL LINERS  PVC PIPE SAG REMOVAL  CIPP LATERAL REHABILITATION  PIPE PLUG INSTALL, AND DEWATERING  CURED-IN-PLACE LINING  PIPE SLIPLINING  MANHOLE REHABILITATION  PIPE AIR & SMOKE TESTING  STORM DRAINAGE INVESTATION/EVALUATION  PIPE SEALING & MANHOLE GROUTING  UNDERGROUND EXCAVATION/POINT REPAIRS