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ZU Upon roll c&'il tke fotlo: in~'~; were f,,.~ar~¢~ -to i{. i2, Sallee Attorneys ~'~"e~o~ ~ [.~ Vocelle LL. I,'~. killer war'.:, four. rd to Le ab:.,eut. The minetes of tke .2revio'us meet' ,"-s ~-' -' . ' '~ " were d . re© i arid a.p.~,roved ~,[O'2ION made bj- Cod.ncil:na, n ~embler. seconded 'b Oo~:~.ncil. hmn Sr.'llee, tA t ti~eTSw~a a, roceed in the 2roper manqer to. secure and additional seven feet, on betel t:~e ~:::.s't and ,~est sides of the i~'ew Dixie Hi'fnlvay (Riverside ~rive) for ~treet ,po, r~,oses, me, tzin~; this street ei~,i~t~ feet iu v:idtk inste~:d of si:zt',,~,, ::'~ix feet as it no-v~' is. Liotion oarrLed. .Councilman i~. G, Roberts introduced the followin;? '~eaolution' ...' iON NO. u. Jii~A~. she ~ov/:q. ~o~,nczl of '0ke sown of ~eb:~sti,'n, Plorida, ks~ em}ioNed tke ~r,:n cz Ocrter & Damerow, Civil ~n:Tineers, to z~re~::.',z'e a m'-~ or plat of ~eb" s ~ian,::, ·" deftn, in,$ tr~e cor~.:or~. ~ue l:kmit s and oi~tlini-rL::,: aS ne~::zty' the .profert:~ lines, streets, ~,nd alleys, ~d submit s~::id_ map to the Town Oo::.ncil, of the ~own off Se "'~ .... " P ..... · ..... . , ~..-.'~tlc~.R, 1~ ~la:- , for a2rrow:~ ~,~d. accept:n, ce ~L%~u~, The Ptr'~n off Garter a ~amerow has submitted s~':id fei' acce.pt., nee and a~:roval by the ~'aTor and Tov.,m O.,enci!, therefor, BE Il i~OL'V2D. That si:?d esi?re,ted as the official map oz' ,_,]_~:'t of ~eb~sti~n, Pi o',,' id,-, , an. that acceptance and approval shall be indicated on s~'?id map bi/' the sig_~atLtre oz' tl~e L{a, yor and the rreaident of the Town Council. and attested b~ the Olerk. Ti-~ose votiu.~.'-~ a~ainst the '"~: ....... ~,,,,:e: l~or.te .. ..,:,~,: ,.e of the above reso!ut/on ,-" . ii02IOL made by Councilman ~e;~'~bler, seconded by Coanoiiman Sa-,llee, that the follo'~;vin? bills be ~aid. ILot ion carried.. ~200. (')0 6.06 39.00 i.10TION made b'?-C:-~uncilman 5embler, seconded by Cotmcilman aallee, tt~.t the Attorney's 'be instructed to prep:.'re a bill to incor~,o'r~te Z...~.e Town. of Sebasti,.t~n, as a City, sa, id bill to be 'lnt;'od~zced. and z.,assed ~::~t the se~::sion of Le~'isl,~::,taze at 2alla~;assee, Lotion tattled. ~dO2IOl,i made by 0ounuilmoa Oembier. seo,.m(,_.::¢~, b::,, 0o~,!nci!mart 5a!~ee, ti'r't meet ad. j o urn. Motiou Ge, tried.