HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 10 1972 Financing for Volunteer Fire Dept Propertyr CITY OF .SERASTIAN, FLOcIDA R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N Cn'HE""AS, the! CITY OF SMASTIAN, Floridz„ dnaires to purchase certain real pr,:,*perty within its city limits for the, purpose of plarninq, repairing, reconr itioni.-M , altering, ex- paandinq, maintaining, ssorvicing and othesraize oncarasting a fire station, fire fighting equiranent and other €aguiprent for the health and saf4et7 of its citizens, .ind tti:8'?F,h9, it in de±araed in the hest interest of the City of Sebastian to borrow tIte sum of FOUTME.'23 T1707"UNID ($14,000.00' I WLT. R� to tray for said real property and to pledge 6.2 per cant from the r_igasratta tax revenue roceive d by the City during they next fifteen. (15) yearo to liquidate said loan, at $933.33 per yeaer plus interest at six (6%) par cent, and WF3ET-r-.AS, said purchase and pledge are made in accordance with the provisions of P.S. 310.03(5)t NOW, TFiIiFIPrOME, BF, IT RTSOLVED by the CITY OF SBBASTIAN, Flnridsa, by and throuq;n its City Council in body alessmbled, as follows: 1. The City of Sebastian deems it in the bent p"blic intc.kc�st to purchase t1m folloving real proPearty within its city lixit3 for the purpose of planning,. rewiring, reconditioning, altering, ozpane'inn, maintaining' servicing and otherwise operating a Fire station, fire figliting equipment and other equilx4e3nt for the health and ea re*ty of its citiv n>.s, to-•wite Lot,3 33, lA. 15, 16 anti 17, bl-r_h OrM, RA"O?."'r r.Up,n- Lv:Si^'3, ;. s, _e, toninq a tart of '�ovornnent Lots 1, Q and 5, Section 6, Totsnnhip 31 South, Range 39 raft, nccorc'.inq to the Plat recorded and filet: in t.ho O..`?iee of thq Clerk of Via Circuit Court of St. F.Iac,ie^ CoUnty, FiOrida, in Plast N-011- 4t N ," ?S, Said 1 and I;Iinq ound hein q in then City of s:ebnsti.an, InJian Rivor county, rloria°a, except that vast of Lot 1.3 horetofore to this State of Florie a as rigst-of-way for U. S. Y,ighwaay :eta. 1, elerscribed as followso L. D. VOCELLE • ATTORNEY AT -LAW • 2140 101^ AVENUE • VERO BEACH. FLORIDA i I3eaginninj at the Northwest corner of said I>ot 13, run ezoutherntc)rly on t'se tIostor.ly lima of n .fey Lot 13 a dietanco of 5 f0ats thence run Nort3teastcarly to a point on the rort"rly lino of said Lot 13, said point being 9 feet rasterl_Y of th�j corner of said T.Yot 131 theme run SoutltF•rpLtnterly a distance of 9 fo:et to th-e Point of neginninq. Lrss enascarents and rights -of -wasp of record. 2. The City of Sebastian harseby authoriaen and eirects its f1arar and/or reprenentativa to n09ctiatQ a loan at t"s se'34atian niver Bank., a Fiorien k� ankinq aoryoratione located in sabastirn, Floridan in than total a x unt of F0URT"=4 Tt10M-M1) ($14,000.00) j"Ll hRS, at &a interest rate of six (6%) per cent per annurs, payable in yearly instalt)onts of $933.33 plus interest c® Ancing one year from the data of said loan and continuing on the same eay each year thereafter until principal. and interest II are paie in full. 3. ,e cit , of robantian 11 areby autliorixes and directs its mayor and city Clerk, in accordance with the provisions of F.S. 210.03(5), to ple 6ge 6.2 per cent from the ci1V rette tax revenue racoiv-ad bit the City during the nest fifteen (15) years for the repaynant of. Said loans as aforesaid. 4. Tho City of Sebastian beroby authorizes and directs its yaynr and City Clerk to Sign on behalf of the City of Sahas� tan, a 3arO siaarsort note in t? «a sssmunt of 2 Q'JIPa"II2F.^7 Ti?OIJSAFSb ($14,000.00) DOLL pS, payable in yearly inntajn�ents of a933.33 plug i»^terezt at six (6%) r,*or cent per a;miLs, and any other inztrur4enta vhieh rtay be reg%lired to perfect Said loan, and to affix the seal of the City of Sesbantinn thereto. 7 ^ Mayor, City of �;t?= ian, Florida RT"M THIS IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, 7 10 April 1972. 1 crilek L. 13. VOCELLE • ATTORNEY AT LAW 2140 JOT. AVENUE • VERO BEACH. •FLORIDA ra_ Telephone 589-5330 SEBASTIAN • FLORIDA 32958 C E R T I F I C A T E I, A. T. Jordan, City Treasurer, City of Sebastian, Florida, do hereby certify that the City Council of said City, in a regular session 10 April 1972, did agree to pledge the necessary percentage of the cigarette tax revenue derived from the State of Florida to cover the annual payments of $933.33 plus interest, to amortize a loan of $14,000.00 from the Sebastian River Bank. Said loan to be amortized over a fifteen year period. I further certify that the cigarette tax for the fiscal year 1972 is anticipated to be $34,000.00. -7 A. T..J tdan, City Clerk ATTEST: Signed and sealed this eleventh day of April 1972.