HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Agreement for the purchase of property for Volunteer Fire DeptA G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this / day of April, 1972, by and between the CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, a municipality organized under the laws of the State of Florida, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and the SEBASTIAN VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND MBULANCS SQUAD, I'x., a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as "DEPARTMENT;" 11 I T N E S S E T H: TATHEREAS, the Department is in need of space for the location of its office and parking of its fire truck, ambulance cars and other vehicles, and WHEREAS, the City deems it in the best public interest to assist the Department in the purchase of real property which will facilitate the operation of the Department; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable considerations, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to purchase the following described real property and improvements located thereon, at a total price of 'Si'_":=7 FOUR THOUSAND ($24,000.00) DOLLARS, to -wit: Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block One, HARDEE SUBDIVISION, NO. B, being a part of Goverrmient Lots 1, 4 and 5, Section 6, Township 31 South, Range 39 East, according to the Plat recorded and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County, Florida, in Plat Book 4, page 74, said land lying and being in the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, except that part of Lot 13 heretofore conveyed to the State of Florida as right-of-way for U. S. Highway No. 1, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 13, run Southeasterly on the Westerly line of said Lot 13 a distance of 5 feet; thence run Northeasterly to a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 13, said point being 9 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said Lot 13; thence run Southwesterly a distance of 9 feet to the Point of Beginning. LESS easements and rights-ef--way of record. L. B. VOOELLE • ATTORNEY AT LAW • 2140 10- AVENUE • VERO BEACH. FLORIBA 2. The City agrees to borrow the sum of rvu.arrAL4 THOUSAND ($14,000.00) DOLLARS from the Sebastian River Bank, of. Sebastian, Florida, at six (611) per cent interest per annum, payable in equal instalments of $933.33 plus interest over a period of fifteen (15) years, and to apply said sum towards the purchase price of the hereinabove described real property. 3. The Department agrees to make a payment of TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS, in cash, at the closing of the above purchase of real property and to assume the yearly instal- ments of $933.33 plus interest over a periodof fifteen (15) years, to which the City has obligated itself to the Sebastian River Bank on behalf of the Department. 4. The Department agrees to re-imburse the City for any and all closing costs which the City may incur in connection �•aith said purchase of real property. 5. The Department agrees to obtain insurance and pay the premiums thereon, covering the improvements on the above described real property in at least the amount of the outstanding indebtedness of the City to the Sebastian river Bank. 6. The Department agrees to pay any and all assessments, upkeep and maintenance on the above described real property while this Agreement is in effect, and to re-imburse the City for any charges which may .legally be made against it as record owner of the subject property, for any incident or occurrence resulting from the operation of the Department on said property. 7. The City agrees not to sell, encumber or otherwise dispose of the hereina-eve described real property during the term of this Agreement. 3. Upon payment by the Department to the City of all sums due under this Agreement, the City agrees to execute and deliver to the Department a proper deed, transferring title to L. B. VOGELLE • ATTORNEY AT LAW • 2140 1W- AVENUE • VERO BEACH. FLORIDA the hereinabove described real property, and improvements thereon, from the City to the Department, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the SEBASTIAN VOLUNTEER FIRE: DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE SQUAD, INC., a non. -profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, is in existence at that time, AND FURTHER PROVIDED, that in the event said. SEBASTIAN VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTIMENT AND AMBULANCE SQUAD, INC., shall be dissolved at a subsequent date, by voluntary dissolution., court order or otherwise, said above described real property and improvements located thereon shall revert back to the City of Sebastian, AND FURTHER PROVIDED that said property shall be used as a fire hall. 9. This Agreement shall terminate upon the transfer of the said property from the City to the Department. 12 WITNESS 14HERDOF the parties have caused these presents to be executed in their names, and their seals to be hereunto affixed, by its proper offiers hereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA a municipality organized under the SEAL laws of the State of Florida By: Attest: G 11 SEBASTIAN VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE SQUAD, INC., a non, - profit corporation organized under SEA-L the laws of the State of Florida By: i'Z"riLmr Attest: �j���^�se./i"Inl a Q� G� L. B. VOGELLE • ATTORNEY AT LAW • 2140 JOT" AVENUE • VERO BEACH. FLORIDA Telephone 589-5330 _ SEBASTIAN • FLORIDA 32958 C E R T I F I C A T E I, A. T. Jordan, City Treasurer, City of Sebastian, Florida, do hereby certify that the City Council of said City, in a regular session 10 April 1972, did agree to pledge the necessary percentage of the cigarette tax revenue derived from the State of Florida to cover the annual payments of $933.33 plus interest, to amortize a loan of $14,000.00 from the Sebastian River Bank. Said loan to be amortized over a fifteen year period. I further certify that the cigarette tax for the fiscal year 1972 is anticipated to be $34,000.00. � 7 A. T..J ri an, City Clerk ATTEST: � Signed and sealed this eleventh day of April 1972. 14 000 00 City of Sebastian �� $---'---- ---- VERO BEACH, FLORIDA ...... April --------- 197..2- __F�IFTFEN _(j, ) _YEARS ------------------- after date, I, we or either of us promise To pay To the order of SEBASTIAN RIVER BANK, a - Florida banking corporation ------------------------- FOURTEEN THOUSAND ($14 000 00) - -------------------------- _------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS i for value received, payable at __225_Central AV2nuej__P. _O. _Box_ 247�j _ RSifil9t@St Sebastian,__Florida,_ - with interest ----------------- - from ___---------------- date____ at the annuall . e rate of _ S>_X _per cent per annum until paid; interest payable ____________Y_______ And each of us whether maker, guarantor or endorser, hereby severally waives and renounces any and all homestead exemption rights we may have under the Constitution or Laws of the State of Florida, or any other State, or United States as against this note, and each further waives demand, notice of non-payment and protest, and in event it becomes necessary to collect this note through an attorney, agrees to pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys fee. If default is made in payment when due, then at the option of the holder, and without any other notice, all the ramaining balance shall be due and payable at once. Payable in yearly instalments of $933.33 plus interest, commencing one year from date and continuing on the same day each year thereafter until principal and interest paid in full. Prepayment privileges are granted without penalty or premium. No.-1---3: By: Attest: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, a municipality organized under the laws of the State of Florida t ------------------- SEAL SEAL / • 63-749 No. 0 045 2 5 670 Sebastian River Bank SFSAS IAN. FLORIDA -._-_- ADI'iI 12. '19_72 _ PAY TO THE ORDER OF MY of: Sebastian. Sebastian. Floeda . _ _ .: , _ .. _ __ - + �.`. <S ks yry S �, .`•:k'Ei n(S� •.f •` a ..: �: ? ?:e .. _ 1e•h•��+a?�':asl.c.�.' CASHIER'S CHECK L&DCity UFMITTER SICNATURE DOLLARS 317 SATE 4-12-72 Tax Free Accrual (660-50) 000.00 NAME: City of Sebastian Sebastian Mail notices to Volunteer Fire Department Pic 4� -12 ADDRESS: PHONE: Sebastian, Florida ENDORSED: DUE: yearly for 15 years $933.33 PLUS Interest lst payment due 4-12-73 COLLATERAL: Certificate pledging cigarette tax for each fiscal year Certificate from City Council of Sebastian @Wft Filed with note INTEREST 6% RATE CLASSIFICATION OTHER LOANS PAYMENTS DATE OF BALANCE OF PAYMENT INTEREST PAID ON PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL UNPAID AMOUNT TO DATE PAID 3I4,000.00 2-12-73 repurchased froN Inc,ian Fiver itru_ Bank 14,000.00 4-0c- 1,2 73 !33 33 ".'IP�06 PI?33 33 -? /42 7Y 0/33 3, /-2 /33,3�' 3 �l �7s 933 2z 16��'3 TITLE INSURANCE ESCROWS "Furnishing title Policies of Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Home Office, Richmond, Virginia." 7l uale Security Company PURCHASERS' CLOSING STATEMENT PURCHASER ------- ..___.___ TM CM :W _ mll�'��__��r_�,�._--____._____.. SELLER __._____._...___. 3UPIR0� OIL CON7XITY 13f 14s 15P 1�f 17(1) Ha fte LEGAL DESCRIPTION -__.-Lots-_____._______ ADDRESS__ ____..__.__...___..__ -------------- ------- _ --- _----- _---------- ________—___. CLOSING -------------------------- ---------- 1972__ CLOSING STATEMENT PRICE OF PROPERTY DEPOSIT 471th 'lit I-e 3ecu itv COts any DEPOSIT / CREDIT RECORDING FEES Warranty Deed DOCUMENTARY STAMPS ON DEED — FLORIDA SUR-TAX e INTANGIBLE TAX ON MORTGAGE FLORIDA DOCUMENTARY STAMPS ON NOTE SURVEY MORTGAGE BROKERAGE FEES ABSTRACTING TITLE INSURANCE - MORTGAGE POLICY TITLE INSURANCE - OWNER'S POLICY ESCROW AND CLOSING FEE FHA / VA FEES MORTGAGE INTEREST MORTGAGE INTEREST MORTGAGE PAYMENT(S) UNPAID TAXES: STATE AND COUNTY CITY �{ PRORATION OF TAXES: for 1972 MII'W jEll to date COUNTY CITY PRORATION OF RENTS PRORATION OF INSURANCE INTEREST ADJUSTMENT BROKER'S COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S FEE INSURANCE PREM. TSC NO ------ 15W.__.______.__._... CHARGES CREDITS 24.0oo l oo I M 1.000 00 87 55 I +Ij1 I BALANCE TO CLOSE/ I 2^.%8 be✓ / TOTALS rC.�I 00 I/we have examined the above statement and find it correct and TITLE SECURITY COMPANY is hereby authorized to make disbursement of the funds in accordance therewith. It is also agreed that TITLE SECURITY COMPANY does not guarantee the correctness of information furnished the Company as to taxes, insurance, special assessments, principal and interest on assumed mortgages, if any, and any other information which is not a part of the public records on file In the Court House of the County where said property is located, or which is not properly indexed on said public records at this time. qrW tl=—Q���M--TAM A TITLE SECURITY COMPANY 2121 14th Avenue Vero Beach, Florida Date: April 14, 1972 Date Received: Description: Lots 13, 14 & 15 (1) Hardee S/d #B April 14, 1972 Received of TITLE SECURITY CaIPANY, the following Abstracts of Title covering caption property: N0. NO. N0. 22M 16711 17377 16399 Prepared by TITLE SECURITY CMP.POY Prepared by EAST COAST TITLE AND GUARANTY MOM Prepared by: I.R.C. Abstract Vo. Name � Cit Clerk of Sebastian, Fla. PHONE s I r o z-32 _ � l i 3 3, 33 33 .3 31,317 ,3.�..33 it �2 0 10.0 1 • x 6,7 Z 4 6 933.33+ 672*00+ C� 1 16200 * 0 1 + 933*33- lCj266-68* 1,026j668-x 6 0 = 6jl60jOO8-00* 933*33+ 6�n lOj266.68+ 933*33- 934335-x 6 .%6UqOlO-(- 933*33+ 560- 00+ 9,933 9 35+ 933-33- 8,4 0 () - 0 2 *