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'"hereas, the City of Sebastian, by means of ~,~aster's deed dated Jul8 8, 1939, did
acquire lots 3 to 6 inclusive, in block 1, of Hardee's Subdivision "B" in the City
of 2ebastian, and which deed represented a foreclosure by City of taxes and assess-
ment liens upon said property; and
Wt~ereas, under date of }~arch 7, 1938, the said City did transfer s~Id property to
Oeroge F. Vickers, as grantee; and
Whereas, taxes for the year 1936, being the year in which said property was acquired
by said 8ity, were assessed and levied by s~id 0ity upon slid property, although
at such time said property was in process of foreclosure by s.~ld City; and
It appearing proper so to do; therefore,
Be It Resolved that the taxes assessed and levie~ a~ainst the above described
property for the year 1936 be, and the same are, hereby cancelled and 'that the same
shall be shown as cancelled and satisfied upon the tax assessment roll of said
City for the year 1936.
The motion for its adoption being duly seconded'upon roll call was adopted by
the following vote:
Ayes: Baughmmn, ~urdoch, Brown.
Councilman Brown moved to adjourn.. },~otion duly seconded and carried.
Special ~leeting ~larch 23, 1939
Sebastian, Florida
~Iarch 23, 1~:39
City Councilmen of Sebastian, Fla.
I hereby c~ll a special meeting of your honorable body Thursday evening
~mrch 23, 19Z9, at seven thirty for the purpose of acting upon tax resolutions
and ordinances for the year 1938.
Yours truly,
(signed) Ceo. T. Badger, Eayor
~eeting was cS~lled to order by Ch~ir:.an; the roll was c~lled ~ith 'the following
members present: M~yor B~dger, Councilmen: B~ughman, Vickers, Brown.~tty.~.fitchell.
Councilman Vickers introduced the followln~ ~esolution and moved its ~doption:
Resolution / ~
Be Et Resolved that the Gity of Seb~[~ti~n, Florida, does he.rewith ~dopt its budget
for the year 1938 as follows:
For the operation of city ~overnment, other than· debt service, ~1900.00 to bo
provided by ~.~ levy of ~ lO-mill t~x upon tho t~x~ble property ~,.dthin suid City
on J~nu~ry l, 1938.
For the p~yment of obligations represented by order to make t~x levy issued on
behalf of tho Y. B. ~.IcCr~yr Company, ~ corporation, in the United St:~tes District
Court for ~he 2outhe~n District of Ilorid:~, in the su~ of ~ .... .
of 900 mills on the t~x~ble property in ssid city on Y~nuary 1, 1938.
For the purpose of p~ying oblig~ations under peremptory writ of N~nd~us issued on
behulf of ~ew Kent .~orpor~t~on, out of the United ot~t~.s Distr ct .o~_~rt for the
2outher~ District of Florid:~, u t:ax l:~v'i~ of z~.0 mills on the dollar on .the t~xa'ole
~'-operty within tho city of ~' Florida on Yanu~ry' 1, 1938.
FoP ti~o purpos'0 of p:iy~.n i~:.terest on outst:~ndin~ o'01fq~tions of s:~id C~.ty of
.~eo:i :ti:~n, other th.an as keroin0ofo"~o d. oscr~:,e.-' .... , :~ t::x .n.:~w/ of 1.': mills on the
.' ~ FloPid ~ on Ymnu.~ry
Be It Furry:er Resolved t .:~o ~,ttorney for 3a~id miry 'be instructe~ to dr:~w
'~'~',~.~. motion fo~" tl~e .~dopti. on of the resolution being: duly Seco~:~, ~, It v:=s
.iocl~rod .~do;~ th~ follo,,'inx vote:
· ~...r o 'r,t~*']'~ ; .~n O~di~::lnc,:..~ Pro~ri..i.j~;..:: fo.r bbc
~ -t ; 0 -" 0,,', '] :' ~ f" ~ '"' ....... ~' ~ .~ " -[ 1 ~ .... .-~ -~ ", ~ ..
: ..... ~ ........ ;2 , , ........... '. ..... ~ ~, . ~..~' . , ..... ~:~ : ~,~'.
.:: ~ .... ' ~ ' ..... ' ' ',, hn t x .... ' "' '~
............ ~ ........... : l:}',, f":f ~ .. · , i , ~.~-~ , , ,.,~
~' ~ r :i..~.u b'[/ title ..~nd 2ut u ,(:x~ i%s ~<.,~.~ '.e,
:md c~rried. Upon 'roll c~ll thc O:'&i::~nce ':.~s b~, the foilorirh~ vote:
· ~n Or,linanco l~rovidJ:~,' ['c:!:' ',;l~~;:~ o"- '~ ,- ~ the diti,,' of ~.' :~_~':" .]_{ (.',P ·
-i .
:~:'e. 1 ~'$ ' ~- i~'OP ..... _ ' ..'.<~'.,l
'5~:~ .sib,j o'[' -le~}asl',i'~r~. to 'Om used in the opeP..~'b~..c~rl ~.:... i .~1i.:..i.5 :!'l~ ~l'c..~ c;.f' ::..~id cfi. iL,',
..... O l ~ -
~ 'b ~" fop thc p.~5, munt '~ indebtedness thereof '~.,'_,; ~].t'..' o'f ,~;:.~stI~i..~ ~"!orida,.
does her,~b','/ levy ~ tax of lO mills upo:~: t~,,o loll'ir v=luition of .~1i r
.~,o~er~y ~.~'thln the ,.~ltt lll;it'~!~ ~,, ~'.~ld CitU cu~',jeo;~ %o t..~_...~.",~, ct, ~.,-:~ fir'~ ~]~'.; of
of ~..arc~t 15, lf'J9, .. 0~.,~ United ~StatsJ ~.)[~:'t~io't Court lz'i und for the ']outherzi
o'f ~lorida, there is ¢', ,'~¢
~,~r~.b.~ levied by the Cit~ of Seb.=~.~'ti.in, ~lorida, a 'ti~ of 900
mills upon the dollar valuation of all real ~:ind person.ti. ,:~'~?'nr~'~'t~.~'~ ,~ ~¥tthin the ~ity
.limits of said city subject to taxation on ~iic first d:iy of /anuary, 1938, lnd !':hich
sh.~ll be assessed azld collected in the manner pr.~scrioed by law, and as collected
segregated in a special fund for the p~iym~nt of the o~li~:~atioi'isb for v:hich said tax
is herewith specifically levied.
~::~ec. 3. That for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of those certail~
obligatloiis of the ty o ..
Ci f Sebastian, Florid:~, now owned and held by ~.~ew Eent
Corporation, a corporation, and r~presented by a judger duted 2uneg, 1938, and
entered in the United ~tates .District Court for thc Southern District of Vlorida, in
the amount of $7,867.91, and pursuant to perumptory writ of mind~tnus issued under date
of ~.'~arch 1, 1939, by the United States District C~urt in and for the Southern District
of Florida, there is hereby levied by tho City of Sebastian, Florida, i tax of 40 mills
uBon the dollar valuation of ~11 real and personal property within the city limits
of said city subject to taxation on the first day of January, 1938, :ind which tax
sh~ll be assessed and collected In the nmnner prescribed by law, and when so collected
shall be segregate0 in a special fund for the payment of the obligations for which
said tax is herewith specifically levied.
Sec. 4. That for the purpose of paying thc interest on the outstanding obligations
of the City of Sebastian, Florida, other th~ as described in sections 2 and 3
hereof, there is levied by the City of Sebastian, Florida, a tax of 15 mills upon
the dollar valuation of all real ind personal property, including homesteads, within
the city limits of s~id city subject to taxation on the first day of January, 1938,
which tax shall be assessed in the manner prescribed by law.
Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be In full force and effevt i~ediately upon its passage
and approval by the }.{ayor, or upon its becoming a law without such approval.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly passe~ by the City Council
the 23rd day of ~,.~arch, 1939.
L. 0. Baug~n
(signed) F. G. Hamrick (Signed) ..................
attest: ........... President City Council
0lty Clerk
To the ~ayor of the City of Sebastian, Florida:
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly passe~ by the City Council
the 23rd day of March, 1939,
F. C. Hamrlck.
(signed) ..........
City Clerk
The foregoing ordinance approved by me this 23rd day of ~Tarch, 1939.
(Signed) Ceo. T. Badger, ~,ayor.
~Ir. Vickers introduced the following Mesolution and moved its adoption, to-wit:
Resolut ion
Whereas, by reason of litig~ition & tax levy of the City of Sebastian, Florida, for
the year 1938 has not been made until ~,.~arch 23, 1939, and it will be impossible to
carry out the tax levy on the .ussessment roll for said city' for saic year and open
said books until on or about ~prll l, 1939 at which time customarily the ta~es of
said city for said year would become delineuent; and
Whereas, under the law taxpayers are customarily allowed five months from the time
of opening of tax books within which to p~y their taxes before the same becoEe
delinquent; therefore
Be Yt ~es~lved that the time for the payment of t~xes due the City of Sebastian, ~o
Florida, for tho year 1938, be fixed from April 1,. 1939, at which time the s~id books
shall be opened and t~xes shall be payable, until September l, 1939, being an ~llowance
of the customary five months within which to m~ke tax pa~ents.
The ~otion for the ~d~ption of the resolution being duly seconded, It was duly adopted
by the following vote.
,:~es: rackers, D&u~%hraan, Brown. ?ay's: ~orie