HomeMy WebLinkAbout03241958 , Special Mooting L~rch 24,1958 ~ .~ ~oeting was called tm order by i-~resident Sembler. ~ ~~ Th~s~ present were I~Y'er Stevenson,President Sembler and Councilmen Bre~er. Ellin,'.'-~- ~~d Bens~hep.Dirs .Oho sser absent. ' .... ~ ~~.~ Ctuncilman Dr~hm~r mude a me%i~n ts ~han~ the z~ning ~f a let en L~islana ~wenue~$''' '~.adj~ining Fh.i.:~w=r & Li~t_ C,.sterage bldg.,n th~ S~th fr~m the prea~ ~.~ing.whieh. . ls ~-l.resid~ntial t~ ~I 1,industrial.This let c~nta~.:~ 46 ~.fr~ntage and ~.depth. Nieti.n was se~,nd~d by C~uncilm~ Ellingsen.Carri~d. C.unty C~issioner L~acb~ald stated he would end~aw~r ";~ ,~:~ulre m right ef way f~r a prop,sod North C~nty dumop te b~ l~cat~d West of the F.E.C.R/W ~d i~ediat~ly North ~f ninth Strmet. Cl~rk was instruet=d t. n~tify City Attorney mak~ ~ 0rdi~nee allowing T~llers t~ park only In ar~as deSi~ated as T~ilmr parks.C~un~ilm~ Brehmer ~de a m~tien t~ this effect,seconded by C~ncil~n ~enschep.Carried. Ceuneilm~ Ellingsen ~de a m~ti~n t~ purchase a chain heist f~r the City O.~age, seconded by Councilman Brehmer.Carried. C~-~':cilman Ellingsen ~d, a motion to ad journ,seco~.ded bt C~uncil~n B~schep.Carried. ~/~ ...... city Clerk Special Meeting -~pr i 1 4,1958 ~.-~e~ting .~,'as balled te order by Chairman Prm-tem Chesser. These present were l,~yer S-tewenson and Ceuneilmen Chesser,~';llingsen,Brchmer and Bens~h~p. C~ilm~ S~mbler ~bsent. C~uncil~n Ellingsen ~de a m~ti~n t~ issue a building p~rmit te ~s~N.B.Ryall f~r a Stuckey ~dy ster~ building,seconded by C~uncilman Bens,h~p.Carried. C~uncil~n mllings~n ~de a motion t, issue a building ~rmit t~ R~bert '~den fer ~ ~ffiee bldg.s~c~ndod by C~uncilman ~k~Em~ B~nsch~p.~arried.B~th ~e be issumd for legations en new U.S.~ i H~. ~d South ef 9th street. Cl~k wqs ~stru~'ted t. cheek e~b opening f~r ninth street. Ceu$~ilman Ellingsen ~de a motion t~ ~lude the entire properties ~f ~lA~r~d Park · n new U.S.~l H~ in Ce~ereial zening ~n the proposed new z-ning ~p .f the City Sebastian t~ include Trailer Parks & N.tels,se~ended by C~n~il~n Benseh~p.Carrled. C.uneil~n Elling~en ~de a m~tl~n the City charge a fee efa ~xim~ ~f 56 sq.ft.~d ~e d~llar for ewe~ sq.ft.ewer th~ ~ximm,see~nded Ceuneil~n Benseh~p.Carried. Clerk read ~ 0rdi~nee,C~pter number l~ entitled "~ 0rdinanee regulating R re- stricting the le~atien,use,li~ting ~d size ~f outdoor adwertising displays in th~ Ci~ · f Sebastian,and ~widing ~nalties fe~ the ~lati~n there,f. Upsn ~ti~n by Ceuncil~n Ellingsen,secend~d by C~un~ilman BreWer said 0rdinam~e was eead the first time in full. Upon m~tien by C~ncil~n E1]..ingsen,secended by Ceuncil~n BreWer said Ordinance v.'as read the ~ee~nd time by Title ~ly. Upon motion by C~.cil~n ';~]llinMser,sece~e~ b~,' Ceuncil~n BreWer said Ordinance was re;.~d the third time by title only and placed upon its final passaM~,The r~ll was cml. led upon the final Ms age o~ said Ordinance and the weting w~s ~s .~yes: C~uncilmen £11ingsen,Chesser,Denschep and. Brehmer. Nays: None. Thereupmn said Ordinance hawing receiwed an affirnmtiwe veto ef three fifths of all members ~f the Ceuncil,v,~as declared duly adopted and upsn being presented te the D~yer and hawing re- ceived his apprewal was numbered Chapter 158 ef the Ordinances mf said City and was thereupmn d duly p~sted at the dear ®f the City Hall of the City ef Sebastian in accordance with the prewisi~ns ~f section 85 and Chapter 16685 ~f the laws ef Flmrida,being the Charter ef said City. Clerk was instructed tm ~mntact State R~d Dept.en a proposed traffic light at intersettien mf ~ain St.~ud U.S.#l Hwy.and m c&utimn light at Fellsmere Hwy.and U.S.#l Hwy.~lsm te prewide abewe men~i.ned traffic light with a control panel ts be located in.thru Fire H~use. Mayer Ste~,.~o,~ instru~t~ed Clerk tm write a netm .f thanks te Mr.Finnegan mn his mffer te d®nate a traffi~ light te the City. Councilman Ellingsen madm a mmtien te amen~ present building permit ®rdinan~e te read a fe~ ef eno cen~ a sq.ft.ef fleer spa~e for each building permit issumd and a set mf plans te be left with City Clerk for each proposed bldg.Building permit net te be issued until Council mr ether authorized parties inspect these plans,seconded by Councilman Benseh®p.Carrimd Councilman Ellingsen made a mmt~®n te adjourn,see by Cmuncilman Benschmp.Carried. City Clerk Pres .C eunei 1