HomeMy WebLinkAbout04081998 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET g SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 n FAX (561) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Individuals shall address the City Council with respect to agenda items immediately prior to deliberation of the item by the City Council - limit often minutes per speaker (R-97-21) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION - Police Chaplain Frank Camillo 4. ROLL CALL 5. Review Allegations of Possible Charter Violations (Wininger Memo 3/27/98, Cartwright Letter 3/26/98) 6. AGENDA_MODIFICATIONS (ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS] Items not on the written agenda may be added only upon majority vote of City Council members (R-97-21) 7. PROCLAMATIONS;, ANNOUNCEMENTS A~D/OR PRESENTATIONS 98.079 A. Presentation of Plaques to Tree Advisory Board Members Carl Fischer and Sally Gore 98.080 B. Proclamation - Confederate History Month - Accepted by Members of First Cow Calvary #1680 8. CITY ATTORNEY MATTER~ 9. CITy MANAGER MATTERS 98.081 98.013 97.174 98.083 98.084 98.085/ 97.201 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. A. Approval of Minutes - 3/25/98 Regular Meeting Prior Approval for Reimbursement of Expenses for Councilmember Neuberger - Institute for Elected Municipal Officials in Tampa- April 17-19, 1998 (City Clerk Transmittal 3/30/98, Conference Information) Hire Four Temporary Laborers for Pothole Patching for Two Additional Months Limited to 1280 Man Hours or $12,175 (Public Works Director Transmittal 3/30/98, PWD Memo 3/24/98) BEARING - None INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC Which is not otherwise on the agenda - sign-up required - limit often minutes for each speaker COMMITTEE REPORTSfRECOMMENDATI ONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Status Report - Wave Street Traffic Change (City Engineer Transmittal 4/1/98, Traffic Volume and Speed Study Results) Proposed Softball Facility Proposed on County Tract on Filbert Street (City Manager Transmittal 4/2/98) C. Review Resolution No. R-97-21 City Council Meeting Procedures for Possible Revisions (R-97-21) First Reading of Ordinance No. 0-98-08 Establishing a Permanent Recreational Advisory Board - Schedule Public Hearing for 5/13/98 (City Manager Transmittal 4/2/98, Proposed 0-98-08, R-98-72) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER TWO, ARTICLE VI "BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN; CREATING A NEW DIVISION 3 EbYITrL~ "SEBASTIAN RECREATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD"; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDiNG FOR SEVERABii.ITY; PROVIDiNG FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDiNG FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 2 16. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS Ao B. C. D. E. Vice Mayor Martha Wininger Mrs. Louise Cartwright Mr. Chuck Neuberger Mr. Larry Paul Mayor Ruth Sullivan 17. ADJOURN (All meetings shall adjourn at lO:30 p. m. unless extended for up to one half hour by a majority vote of City Council) ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL IV1TH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) I, VILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATiM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, VZI-IICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105F. S.) IN COMPLLdNCE IP'ITH THE AMERICANS VFTTH DiSABiLITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE Ve'HO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOM3dODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. Hearing Assistance Headphones are Available in the Council Chambers for all Government Meetings. Upcoming Special Meeting - (QuasO lVednesday, April 15, 1998 ~ 7pm Regular Meeting - ~Vednesday, April 22, 1998 ~ 7pm Public Forum - IVednesday, April 29, 1998 ~ 7pm Special Meeting - (0-98-02 Hearing) l~ednesday, May 6, 1998 ~ 7pm Regular Meeting - i4'ednesday, May 13, 1998 ~ 7pm Regular Meeting - Vgednesday, May 27, 1998 ~ 7pm INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC SIGN-UP SHEET APRIL 8, 1998 REGULAR MEETING USE THIS FORM ONLY FOR INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA - LIMIT OF 10 MINUTES PER SPEAKER --'--" Address: "?~' ~/~< <~'~""~ Y O4~ ~<~f' /~,'-A~---_ a--- Subject: .............................................. .... ..................... Name' Subject: Name: Address: Subject: Name: Address: Subject: Name: Address: Subject: City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHQNE (561) 589-5330 [] FAX (561) 589-5570 SEBASTiAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1998 - ?:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2. 3. 4. Mayor Sullivan called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. There was a moment of silence. ROLL CALL City Cql~lcil Present: Mayor Ruth Sullivan Vice Mayor Martha Wininger Mrs. Louise Cartwright Mr. Chuck Neubcrger Mr. Larry Paul StaffPr~ent: City Manager, Thomas Frame City Attorney, Valerie Settles City Clerk, Kathryn O'Halloran Director of Community Development, Bob Massarclli Public Works Director, Pat Brennan City Engineer, Martha Campbell Chief of Police, Randy White Deputy City Clerk, Sally Maio Regular City Council Meeting 8, 1998 Page Two 98.086 5. Review Allegations of Possible Charter Violations (Yirininger Memo 3/27/98, Cartwright Letter 3/26/98) The City Attorney addressed City Council fxom the podium, stressing the seriousness of the matter, relating the result of the use of the forfeiture provision that is in the City's charter ( Section 2.09) by other municipalities; and reiterated three suggested alternatives, as spelled out in her 4/7/98 opinion memo which was distributed today (see attached). She strongly recommended if Council wanted to move forward and pursue Mr. Smith's charges, it hire a special prosecutor; and cautioned against taking any public comment or discussing anything about the substantive charges at this meeting. Mr. Paul asked the City Attorney if it was advisable for the Mayor to relinquish the gavel to Vice Mayor Wininger at this time. The City Attorney said there was no legal requirement to do so and it was up to the Mayor to relinquish the chair. Mayor Sullivan read a letter she had sent to the Commission on Ethics requesting an opinion on Don Smith's allegations that she violated the City Charter; and read a statement in response to Mrs. Cartwfight stating that she believed she had only a copy of the Comprehensive Plan for review and did not intend to'hold up transmittal; and, in regard to her March 23, 1998 letter to the City Manager relative to Captain Hirams, gave her reasons for writing the letter and then withdrew it. Mrs. Cartwright said there was enough substantiation of the allegations, and in order of preference she would go with alternative A and then B. Mr. Neuberger concurred with alternative C, stating he believed the City Manager should be the one to make the complaint if he chose to, since it was he who made the matter public. MOTION by Neuberger/ I move that no further consideration be given to these matters. MOTION died for lack of a second. Vice Mayor Wininger said she had prepared a three page statement, however, would not read it at this time due the City Attorney's advice. She said the matter should not be put under the carpet whether true or false, and she will go along with the majority of the Council. Mr. Paul said the truth must be sought and agreed with, in order of preference, alternative A and then B. Mrs. Cartwfight clarified that she wanted the record clear that she did not make the allegations, she merely requested a special meeting on behalf of a citizen. Vice Mayor Wininger said, for the record, that she did not call a special meeting on the advice of the City Attorney. MOTION by Paul/Cartwright I would like to make a motion that the procedures of alternative B be the avenue, which is to file a complaint with the Florida Commission on Ethics taking it out of the hands of the members of Council, and abiding by the decision of the Florida Ethics Commission. 2 ~m,Rcgular City Council Meeting pill 8, 1998 l~Pagc Three Mrs. Sullivan reiterated that she had sent a letter to the Commission on Ethics requesting an opinion. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - nay Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - nay Mrs. Wininger - nay MOTION FAILED 2-3 (Neuberger, Sullivan, Wininger - nay) Vice Mayor Wininger asked the City Attorney her opinion as to what is the best alternative. The City Attorney said the most objective is alternative is B, going to the Florida Commission on Ethics. Mayor Sullivan asked Mr. Neuberger to restate his motion. Mr. Neuberger said "my motion was no further consideration to these matters, i said earlier in the statement, I believe Mr. Frame should be the party to make the complaint if he so desires since he chose to make this matter public. I consider all I've heard thus far to be hearsay. These charges are alleged and like I said taking no action does not in any way limit any party from filing a formal complaint." At this time, Mayor Sullivan passed the chair to the Vice Mayor and seconded the motion, then took the chair back. Mr. Paul protested her taking the chair back until the motion was complete in accordance with Roberts Rules. The City Attorney said the chair should be taken back after the vote. Mayor Sullivan passed the chair back to Vice Mayor Wininger. Vice Mayor Wininger requested clarification and Mr. Neuberger reiterated his motion was to take no formal action as recommended in alternative C. The City Clerk read verbatim from alternative C of the City Attorney's memo. Mr. Neuberger said by using this alternative, any other individual could make a complaint, but he did not believe Council should be the charging party. Mr. Paul said Council as a body should file the complaint, since it would create political pressure on the City Manager to have him do so. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger - aye Mr. Paul - nay Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - nay MOTION CARRIED 3-2 (Paul, Cartwright - nay) Regular City Council Meeting pril 8, 1998 Page Four Recess was called at 7:42 p.m and the meeting was reconvened by Vice Mayor Wininger at 7:48 p.m. All members were present. Vice Mayor Wininger handed the gavel back to Mayor Sullivan. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS (ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS) Items not on the written agenda may be added only upon majority vote of City Council members (R-97-21) The City Manager requested addition of a preliminary subdivision approval extension request for Vickers Grove (see backup attached), for which a previous time extension was scheduled to expire today and was received by him after publication of the agenda as New Business 15E. He said the code requires these time extension applications to be submitted 90 days prior to expiration of the plat, and was informed that the former City Manager had directed that if the developer was not notified by the City, the 90 days was not applicable. He said he did not agree and had discussed it with the City Attorney, who advised that the 90 day requirement can be enforced. He proposed that for any outstanding plat or other types of approvals for which extensions can be given, all developers be notified one time of the 90 day application requirement and then it is their responsibility to comply. The City Attorney said based on the City's past policy, enforcement of the requirement cannot be used in this case, but for future applications it can. MOTION by CartwrighffPanl So moved. Mr. Neuberger said he would like to see last minute additions to the agenda limited to emergencies. The City Attorney advised that this matter was not quasi-judicial. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. 7. PROCLAMATIONS. ANI~OUI~CEMENTS AND/OR PRESENTATIONI~ 98.079 A. Presentation of Plalluc~ ~0 Tree Advisory Board Members Carl Fischer ~l.~ll!!,Y gore Carl Fischer and Sally Gore were not present to receive the plaques. The City Clerk will forward the plaques. 98.080 B. Proclamation - Confederate History MQII~I - ACcepted by Members of First Cow Calvary #1680 Mayor Sullivan read the proclamation, however, no one was present to receive it. The City Clerk will forward the proclamation. 8. ~IY ATTORNEY MATTERS None. 4 ..~ Regular City Council Meeting ~pril 8, 1998 Page Five 9. CITY MANAGER M3TTIJ;R$ The City Manager requested addition of an item to the April 15, 1998 special meeting agenda relative to discussion and direction on moving a portion of Code Enforcement to the Police Department. TAPE I - SIDE II (7:56 p.m.) City Council concurred. 10. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. A. Approval of Minutes - 3/25/98 Regular Meeting 98.081 Prior Approval for Reimbursement of Expenses for Councilmember Neuberger - Institute for Elected Municipal Officials in Tampa- April 17-19, 1998 (City Clerk Transmittal 3/30/98, Conference Information) 98.013 Hire Four Temporary Laborers for Pothole Patching for Two Additional Months Limited to 1280 Man Hours or $12,175 (Public Works Director Transmittal 3/30/98, PWD Memo 3/24/98) The City Manager read the consent agenda. MOTION by Cartwfight/Neuberger I move to approve all items on the consent agenda. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 11. PUBLIC HEARJ~G None. 12. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BU$I~NESS FROM THE PUBLIC Which is not otherwise on the agenda - sign-up required - limit often minutes for each speaker Sal Neglia, 461 Georgia Boulevard, Sebastian, said people are cutting through the auto parts store on U.S. 1 to get to CR512 and it was creating problems. Regular City Council Meeting 8, 1998 Page Six Leonard Bassi, Browning Terrace, Sebastian, cited costs to the City for the sick police station building due to what he alleged was negligence of the former Community Development Director. He requested a meeting on the matter, however, the City Attomey said the City is currently being sued by Mr. Bassi and advised Council not to discuss the matter. 13. COMMITTEE ll~PORTSfRECOMMENDATIONI~ Mr. Paul reported on the Economic Development Council meeting regarding Citrus industry advertising, tourism, and pending skateboard liability legislation which may allow future facilities. 14. OLD BUSINESS None. 15. NEW BUSINESS 98.082/ 97.174 ~;tatus Report - Wave Street Traffic Change (City Engineer Transmittal 4/1/98, Traffic Volume and Speed Study Results) The City Engineer said traffic volumes on Wave and George had decreased by approximately half, but the speeds on George are relatively the same as they were before. She said no traffic counts have been done for Strait Street. Discussion followed on means to control speed on George Street such as stop signs, speed humps, rumble strips, speed enforcement, installation of a blinking blind driveway sign on the curve, clearing a portion of the vacant lot on the curve, posting of double fine signs, and equalizing speed limits in the area for better enforceability. There was a general consensus to open Wave Street, post signs, partially clear the lot and equalize or decrease speed limits simultaneously. The City Manager said he would have to discuss the lot clearing with the City Attorney. Bob Ashcroft, 785 George Street, Sebastian, said it was never intended to open up Wave Street as a public road; and recommended that another road be opened up for construction traffic out to Englar to alleviate traffic on George. TAPE II - SIDE I (8:45 p.m.) Betsy Field, 149 Kildare Drive, Sebastian, stated that speed enforcement on George is the only answer. Tut Counelly, 149 Kildare Drive, Sebastian, agreed with speed enforcement and asked that Wave Street be opened tonight. 6 ,~Regular City Council Meeting pril 8, 1998 t~P~ge Seven Mark ??, said he took a petition around regarding Wave Street and which was submitted at this meeting; and questioned if any accident record existed for George Street. Larry Lennart, 337 Brookedge Terrace, Sebastian, said there is no problem on George Street. Norma Damp, 309 Benedictine, Sebastian, recommended the lot be cleared and the traffic pattern be left as it was. The Chief of Police suggested that the City adopt a uniform speed City-wide to make enforcement easier for his officers. Mrs. Wininger asked that speed limits be placed on the next regular meeting agenda with a recommendation. Jack Burklew, 801 Noah, Sebastian, agreed with the lot cleating and signage. Richard Cronan, Rolling Hill and Coverbrook, Sebastian, said there is a worse speeding problem on Rolling Hill. Mr. Paul was excused from 9:00 p.m to 9:02 p.m. MOTION by Cartwright/Wininger I move to open up Wave Street to two way traffic provided that first, blind driveway caution signs are placed and the shrubbery on the lots is brush cut. The City Manager said staffwill go out and remove the one way signs and barricades as soon as possible, possibly tomorrow. He said George Street signs will have to be made by staff. VOICE VOTE carried 5-0 Mayor Sullivan called recess at 9:07 p.m. and reeonvened the meeting at 9:23 p.m. All members were present. 98.083 Proposed Softball Facility Proposed on County Owned Tract on Filbert Street (City Manager Transmittal 4/2/98~ The City Manager said the Indian River County Commission agenda item on the Filbert Street matter had been rescheduled to the commission meeting of April 14, 1998. Discussion took place on the need for a traffic study for Filbert, asking Indian River County to look at other parcels for the sports facility, lack of notification by the County, suggestion by the City Attorney that Council give staff wording and direct staff to draft a resolution to submit to Indian River County prior to April 14, strongly objecting to use of Filbert Street as a ballfield, a suggestion that the City try to obtain the property, a suggestion that alternative locations be recommended to Regular City Council Meeting 8, 1998 Page Eight TAPE II - SIDE II (9:46 98.084 C. Indian River County, and encouraging the county to form a study committee. 77, Joy Haven Drive, Sebastian, was concerned about use by women only. John Ellis, 602 Rolling Hill Drive, Sebastian, questioned whether land near the middle school could be used. Bill Vrnazzani, Sebastian, concurred with Council's action tonight. Mrs. Cartwright said "we could encourage them (Indian River County) to form the study committee to scout out another possibility, to scout out another location for the proposed ballfield and playing field. We could ask that they work in conjunction with the City to maybe scout another location and form a partnership. Do you want me to make this a motion? Okay its a motion. Okay so that was two things, for the City to form possibly, an option would be for the City to partner with them similar to the Barber Street Sports Complex ..... and then be sure to put negative economic impact on an established residential neighborhood and I'd like to really direct their attention away from that area. Well we could say in the resolution that we prefer that property be used for a passive park not a spectator sport." She went on to say that health, safety and welfare issues can be cited and impact on quality of life in the area is another concern. Mr. Paul seconded the motion at this time. VOICE VOTE carried 5-0 The City Manager said the resolution can be delivered to the County Commission. Review R~,~olution No. R-97-21 City Council Meeting Procedures for Po~$ibl~ Revisions' (R-97-21) Mrs. Wininger requested that City Manager Matters, City Attorney Matters, City Council Matters, andlntroduction of New Business from the Public be moved to the front of the agenda. Mrs. Cartwright suggested when City Council matters are not addressed due to lack of time, Council can ask the City Manager as a matter of policy to place it at the beginning of the next agenda. MOTION by Paul/Cartwright I would go ahead and make a motion that we maintain Resolution R-97-21 the way it is with the adoption of when we have Council Matters that need to be carried over to the next meeting that they be brought to the very front and not forgotten about in any shape or form. Mrs. Cartwright pointed out in the resolution that "a councilmember may make a motion, second a 8 gular City Council Meeting pril 8, 1998 ge Nine 98.085/ D. 97.201 motion or participate in discussion of a motion without relinquishing the chaff." She also noted that in accordance with the resolution, an item under Introduction of New Business from the Public cannot have occurred more than six months ago; and that any Councilmember can request a roll call. The City Manager said the agenda is in the same format it was when he arrived, works well, however, he would accommodate any suggestions unless he felt it to be an unfair accommodation to the rest of Council. Discussion continued on moving up Council items when necessary. Mr. Neubergcr recommended that agenda items that are heavily attended by the public bc moved up on the agenda; and asked the reason for the change from unanimous to majority vote for meeting time extension. Mrs, Cartwright pointed out that thc last Council changed this and that any member is free to leave if he so chooses. Mayor Sullivan suggested the City Clerk could check with the audience on its purpose for attendance and advise the City Manager. The City Clerk said items attended by people who have traveled some distance have also been moved up in the past. The City Attorney pointed out that moving items on the agenda may limit people from giving input. VOICE VOTE on the motion CARRIED 5-0. First Reading of Ordinance No. O-98-08 Establishing a Permanent l{c~r~aiioaa! A~lyisory Board - Schedule Public Hearing for 5/13198 (City Manager Transmittal 4/2/98, Proposed O-98-08, R-98-72) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER TWO, ARTICLE VI "BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN; CREATING A NEW DIVISION 3 ENTITLED "SEBASTIAN RECREATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD"; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWiTH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERAB1LITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney read Ordinance No. 0-98-08 by title. Mrs. Cartwright suggested the Chair and Vice-Chair be elected for terms of one year. Vice Mayor Wininger recommended changing "or" to "and/or" on page 2 linc 27. City Council concurred with the two amendments. MOTION by Paul/Neuberger I move to approve the first reading of proposed Ordinance No. 0-98-08 and set May 13th as the second reading as amended. 9 Regular City Council Meeting April 8, 1998 Page Ten ROLL CALL: Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - aye Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 98.087 E. ~i~:kers G-rove Subdivision Preliminary Plat Extension The City Manager said under new regulations, this is the last extension for this preliminary plat. He reiterated that staff will notify all developers with outstanding preliminary approval of the 90 day time extension application requirement. In response to Mrs. Wininger, the Director of Community Development said in this case, it is the final plat which must be submitted within the twelve month period. MOTION by Neuberger/Cartwfight I'd like to make a motion that it be extended for one year commencing today to expire on April 8, 1999 (he then changed it to April 7, 1999). 16. VOICE VOTE on the motion CARRIED 5-0. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS A. ~/ice Mayor M~u'tha Wininger Vice Mayor Wininger announced the Council public forum on April 29, 1998; inquired about Englar sidewalks, to which the Public Works Director said it is correctable; asked staff to obtain a copy of the final report from the Commission on Local Govt. II,; asked how letters of complaint against Skydive Sebastian are handled, to which the City Manager responded they are forwarded to the Airport Manager; discussed the Datagram article regarding a $12,000 Claude Pepper award for having senior citizens programs in your City, to which the City Manager responded he will check on qualifications; and complimented the City Matters newsletters and asked if the City could do something like this for residents, to which the City Clerk responded on the cost of the mailing and said she could investigate the matter. Mrs. Wininger suggested volunteer delivery and the City Manager said he would not want to use the same newsletter but could do a similar information sheet and suggested it could be available for people in public places and at Council meetings. Mrs. Wininger requested that older pending items be cleared up. B. Mrs. Louise Cartwrigbt Mrs. Cartwfight expressed concern for problems at the intersections of CR512 and US land said she would set up a meeting with the City Manager to discuss it, recommended the traffic circulation study be' readdressed; and agreed with Mrs. Wininger that a charter revision committee be formed in a timely manner, 10 Regular City Council Meeting 8, 1998 Page Twelve 17. suggested a zoning ordinance amendment to limit adult entertainment and bookstores to industrial zoning, to which the City Manager said he will bring back a report on current conditions and potential problems; and announced the candlelight vigil for victims on 4/23/98 as noted in a letter from Indian River County Sheriff, Gary Wheeler. Being no further business, Mayor Sullivan adjourned the Regular Meeting at 11:00 p.m. Approved at the ~)}i(. · ~l~Kh~,hryn~qVI. O'H~o~a:?.? CMC/AAE ,1998, Regular City Council Meeting. Ruth Sullivan Mayor 12