HomeMy WebLinkAbout04181958Special ~J'~.ettng ',~pril 18,1958 ~,~?eeting was called te order by !.~resident ~embler. These present were ~(',ay~r ~9tewens®n, ?resident Sembler and C~uneilmen ~n sch~p,Chesser, E llingse n an d .t~re hme r. Clerk rmad ~si~ti~n fr~m !'olicemmn Jes~ph ~reek,Jr. ~rs.Chesser ~d~ a m~tion t~ accept ~es~ph Brick's ~siEnatien,soc~n~ed by C,uneil~n ~en sch~p. Carried. i~s.Ch~ss~ made a m~ti~n t~ d~te (:~10.00 te B,y S~uts ~f .~rioa,see,nded by C~uneil- ~n Ellings~n.Carri~d. O.uneil~n Ellingsen ~d~ a m.tien te accept Fl~.F~wer & light C~.Plat f~r pr~pesed St. lighting ,f that p~rti~n .f US ~l H~.~erth ~f ~ters~ti.n ef N.rth C~ntr~l Hi,way, $~ e.nded by C.~u~il~n Bmnseh~p.Carrimd. ~':r.ltip Wagner met with th~ City C~n~il t. dismuss p. ssibillti~s .f employment as bldg. lnsp.~t.r f.r th. City. $~.Ll,yd prosented t. th~ C~un~il a sk.t~h ~f thru pr.p.s~d grading efa hill ~n ~'~llsm~r~ Highway i~.diat~ly W.s~ ef th~ R.R.~r~ssing. The C~n~il r. qu~st~d l~ir.Ll~yd te present th~ ab.w~ ~nti~ned ~awings te th. C.unty C.~lssi.n~rs at their nm~ r.~lar mo~ting. ~'/Lay~r S$.w~ns~n r~ad m lett.r fr~m Dawid C.Kell~y p~rtminlng t, 'the a~q~isitien ~f the R~seland airport fer thru City. ~ay~r Stewens~n suggested that th~ C~uneil appoint a C.mlt~e~ ef .ne t~ ~ke all ne- cessary ~nta~ts t~ a~quire thru ab.v~ ~nti~ned pr.p~r$y. ~rs Ch~sser ~de m m~tien t. md~pt m Res~lutien t. r~md as F.11~ws: Res.lwed that th~ City C~n~il h~re,~th ~op~int }'~yer 8t~w~ns.n ms a C.~itt.e ~f ~ne t. ~ke all n~.ss~ry i~ai~,'ii~r-e~$~:~e.~O.~A.A~ ~d~,.~e~n~aal te scene pessessien ef the Resel~d airfield. .is metien ~a ~ se eended by C~n~ilma~ Bre~er.Carried. ~r.~ey Heward ~t with the C~eil te discuss pes~ibillti~$ ef e~ple~ent a~ ~pee~er ~er the City. C~u~ctl~n ~ll~n~ ~de a meti,n that all ~ens~m e~ in~pectien ef reads ~hall be based upen the felle~ng: :~enses e~ insoeetien shall be ~id by the Subdivider at the time ef tenative approval of tho r~ad,'~.:~nses t~ be based as follews:Twelwe d~llmrs f~r ~very 1000 ~. or less t~ be measured alon~ center line ef r~adwmy Ed ~12.00 f~ e~eh additieu~l 1000 ~.er ~actien th~reof,seGendod by Ceuncilm~n 8rehmer.Carried. Ceunc~.lm~n Ellin~sen made a motion to ~d~pt Lloyd and :~ssecimtes ~Ttre.:~t specifications ~s minimum Subdiwisien recuirements fer str~ots,secended by CouncilmE L~enschep.Carried. ~ .... Clork read building permit application from ~trnest oeeley for Council~n ~fllingsen N~dc ~a m~ti~'L t~ mcce:t above menti~ned ~pplicatien,~bject te th~ City's bldg.code,seconded by Councilm~n ~rehmer.C~rried. Councilm~n ~ensch~p m~de ~ motie~ to adjourn,~3 ~,~c~.~dod by Councilman ~llingssn.C~rriod. L~i Ci~y Clerk ! Pres. Ceun¢ il ape ¢ial Me,ting april 29;1958 ~,.~eting was called te erder by Fresident Sembler. These present were ~myer St~vensen,President Sembler a~d Ceun¢ilmen ~rekmer,Chesser, ~enschep ~d mllingsen. 01erk read applieatiens fer ~uilding Inspe~ter fre~ the fellewing ~rsens:Kip Wagner, rl Hubler,Charles Hea~h,Leland Faa,Clarence ~eyles,C.G.~asdem,J'e~ M.Sartan ~d Peter Oassara. Ceuneil~ ~ens~hep made a ~tien te hire ~lurl Hubler as Bldg.Inspeeter fer the City, seeended ~ C~neil~n Ellingsen.Carried. OeuneilmE ~lling~n ~de a ~tien te pay a fe~ ef ~3.00 te ~ldg.inspeeter fer each inspe~tien Ed feur in~peetiens reouired fer each building ~ the fellewing erder: 1.Feeting, fleering,~el and final ins~ctions.~etien seeended by C~neil~n ~~r.oarried. ~r.~Jethey met with the o~ncil te discuss pessibilitieA ef the Ci~ a~quirin.~ ri~ht a way threugh lets l&2 ~n A.:~..~er~ S/D fer thw extensien ef Leuisiana .~ve..~orth. ~ckey's Hepresentativ~ ~t with the City C~ncil te apply fer pe~ts te erect feur si~s in the City.Oeu~ eil ?estp-ned ~r~ts for these signs until lecatiens a~ te ,-hore the signs are te be e~eted are she~ te the O~ncil. bldg. ~v~rs.Chess,r made a ~tion t~ ~llew ul~rk te purchase permit books in triplicate f,~rms,s~c. by uouncil~n allin~s~n.C~ ~,~. ~ o-10 Council appr~.vcd ~),(;,K....:~c.L:ill~n's "-~1.~. for curb o%,:vc~'~u.'~s '):~ ~,.:rth ~):m, tr~l :n .~,.ts . _,-11 - .~, ....... · ...... '~.~-,~:'~ ~ttL~::=, t-~"~,~ '.; L:t.,'; :'] ~- ~_.::i~.~ ~:::, ~ · ?].,:.~]_ ', ~.,:Yt t: ..... ~ .......~ :~:.' C!: .,.'.r~', ..... ' · ~,;'~ver ,:;~,~"~.~so~-~ ~'.b Lt~,d hc '~::~uld !i~o t~ hire se~end pelicem~n ~ t~[x ~n ~ h~urly b~sis ~nSil suoa a ~im~ mo ,,ruv:,,-: ):~:i.m~.:;=:.:'~'.~:~ '-~.:~:,~ble.~t thlm ~lme ~e weuld be re co~end~d te the CeuneiI am th~ aeues~':~ eli.,e:~:~l~'. · ~ ~:~edu~..o- ~.'~.-:y.Oouncil h~d no cbjoctions.