HomeMy WebLinkAbout04291958Special ~'f'~eting ~pril 18,1958 ~.'L~etiDg w~s celled te erd;r by ~resid, ent -Gembler. These present were ~iay~r .~tevens®n, 1.~resident 3em. bler and C~uneilmen ~n seh~p,Ch~sser, Ellingsen and ~rehmer. Clerk reed ~si~ti~n fr,m .'~'olic~man Jes~ph ~reck,Yr. ~rs.Ch~ss~r ~de m m~tion t~ mcc~pt ~es~ph Br~ck'~ ~siEn~tien,soe~nded by C.uneil~n Den sch~p. Carried. i~s.Ch~ss~ mmdca m~ti~n t~ d~mte ~.~lO.O0 t~ Bey S~uts ~f ~merfea seconded ~ C~uneil- ~n Ellingsen C · mrri~d. , O~uneil~n Ellingsen ~d~ a m~tien t~ accept Fla.~wer & light C~.Plat f.r proposed lighting ,f that p~rtl~n ~f US ~l H~.~erth ef ~terseetien ef N~rth C~ntral Hi,way,seconded by C~u~ll~n Bmnseh~p.Carri~d. l~.Kip Wagner ~t with the City C~n~il t. dismuss p~ssibilities ~f employment as bldg insp~$t~r f~r th~ City. $~.Ll~yd presented ~ th~ C~un~il a sketch ef the proposed grading ~f a hill ~n ~'~llsm~r~ Highway i~dia~ly W~s~ ~f th~ R.R.~rmssing. The C~il r~qu~mt~d Mt.Lloyd te present th~ ab~wm ~ntiened ~wings t~ th~ C~nty C~issl~n~rs ~t their ne~ r~lar mooting. ~t?ay~r Stmwmns~n read a letter fr~m Dawid C.Kell~y p~rtmining t~ the a~q~isiti~n ~f the R~s~lmnd ~lrp~rt f~r 'th~ City. · ~ay~r Stewens~n suggested that the C.uneil app~int ~ C~it~em ~f ~ne te ~ke all n~- eessary e~ta~ts t~ m~quire th~ ab~v~ ~nti~ned property. ~'irs Ch~sser ~de a m~ti~n t~ mdept m Hes.lutien t~ r~md as ~ll~ws: Rms~lw~d that ~h~ City C~n~tl h~re~th ~pp~lnt N~yer 9tew~ns~n ms a C~itt~e ~f ,ne t. ~ke all n~e~ssary ~a~i~r,~$~$~G~A~AN ~d~$~n~a~W t~ s~e~e p,ss~ssien ef the R~s~l~d airfield. ~is m~ti,n was se ~nded by C~n~llmmn Bre~er.Cmrri~d. ~/~r.R~y H~ward ~t with the C~neil te discuss p~s~ibilities ~f empl~ent ms reed p~et~r f~r the City. Ceuncil~n ~llIng~n ~de a m~tien that mll-e~enses ef inspection ef reads shall b~ bms~d upen the fellm~ng: ~:~enses ef insoeetien__ shall be ~id by the S,. ubdiw], der' at the time ef tenative apprevml of tho r~ad.~enses t, be based as fellews:Twelwe d,llmrs f~r ·very 1000 ~. er less te be measured alen~, center linc ef readway ~d °12.00 fe~ ~dditlenal 1000 ~.or ~ctien th~re~f,seeended by Council~n ~rehmer.Carrled. C~uncil~n Ellln~sen made ~ motien to ,~d~pt Lloyd and ~ssecimtes .~tre':~t specifications ~s minimum 3ubdivisien reculrem.ents fer stre:~ts,secended by Councilm~ [~enseh~p.Carried. clork re~d buildin~ .... permit ~pplic~ti~n fr~:m i~rnest 3eeley for m ~_.qervice C~r,.cil~n ~[!lin~sen m~dc ~ moti~'~ ~ t~ acce? ~bowe mentioned ~pplicmtien,~bject te the City's bldg.code,seconded by Councilm~n i~rehmer.C~rried. Council~u~n ~ensch~p ~de ~ motien to adJourn,Gm~.u.,~dod by Council~n Ellings~n.C~rried. Pres. C~un¢ il Sp~ eial ~eeting april 29;1958 z~;eting was ~alled te ~rder by l~resident Sembler. ~ Th. se present were ~,'~y®r St~wensen,President Sembler a~d Ceuncilmen ~rshm, r,Chesser, ~.nschep ~d ~llingsen. ~ Clerk read applieatiens fer Building Inspecter fr~m the fellewing ~rsens:Kip Wagner, ~!url Hubler,C~rles Reaeh,Leland fram,Clarence ~eyles,C.G.~asden,~e~ ~"~.Sartan ~d Peter ~a S s~ra, C.un~il~n ~sns~h.p mind. m ~ti.n t. hir~ ~lurl Hubl~r as Bldg.lnsp~mt.r f.r th~ City, s~.nd~d ~ C~n~ll~n ~llings~n.Carried. Ceun~ilmE ~]lling~n ~de a ~ti~n t. pay inspeetien Ed f~ur in~.p~ti~ns r~ir~d f.r ~aeh building ~ th~ f. ll.wing erd~r: l.~..ting, fl~.ring,~el .nd finml ins~etiens.Eeti.n $~e~nded by C~neil~n ~wr.oarri~d. mr.'~Jethey met with the ~ncil te discuss p~ssib~liti~ ef th~ Ci~ aequirin~ ri~ht a wmy through 1. ts l&2 ~ A.,~.~er~ S/D f~r th~ extension ~f ~isiana ~we.~werth. ~ckey's Hepresentativ~ ~t with the City C~ncil te apply f~r p~fts t~ erect f~ur signs in the Cit~.Ceu. eil o. stp~ne~ ~rm~ts fer these signs until locm~ioR~ ~s ~ '~here th~ signs rare te be e~eted rare she~ t~ the U~ncil. ~,~rs.Chess~r ~ade a ~tion te mllew Cl~rk t~ ourehase permit books in triplicmtc f~r~s,sec by [] ouncilm~ n Coullcil ~o'~-,r~vod ~).~:;.f~:~C,.l_~_l~s '71~ for c~rb o~'.u":'~r-s .'?~ ~'~';:rth ~':mtr:,.&l :'n lots 9-!0-11 ~a"..vsr ,:;'t~v~t~'~gor i'~c '~,~";uld like to hir~ sea.nd peliceman ~ thlx ~n ~ h,~url~ b~ais unzii such a tim~ ?lo .?~-~' ~ :~.,. ,~'ale.lt this time he weula be reco~end~d te the Ceuneil · ~ the ~:e~e:~,.~.i. .l~::e:~'~: ~. ,~ ~'~e~.u~.y ~a-.~'~?.Co~Ii, oil h.d no objections.