HomeMy WebLinkAbout06191959MEETING JIJNE 19, 1959 Meeting e~]._led to order by President Sel~b]./--,.r, Those present were: mbl..~, ounem]_m~m ~ Crestofs 'o, Ba×ter, Mayor Stevnnson~ Pres~.dent $,~ ~, C · , D~ and Brehmer. Councilman B~ ~ -- . ~mochop, absent Co'~..',nci]_man Baxter made a motion to have an ordiance entitled: An ORDINAl[CE LEVY~NG A TA~ ON ".~ACH AND EV?RY SALE 0P GAS, W~%~I.~ SERVI~E~ ELECTRIC!TY, A.~]~}}i~OCAL TELT]I?HONE .ANi) T?}]]i, EGR.~T~H S ~i~RVI CI~S ~ iPI~0VID!NG PO]-~ THE C0]]LECTION 0P SUCH TtX ~D t~N()VI~ING i:7[}NALTI':',8 FOR THE VIOir~ATi[ON 0F THIS 0NDI~ANCE. SECOND BY COUNCILHA~,[ BIi[EHMER to have read for the fir'.~t -time in fu!] Roll was called ~oting as follows: Ayes: President Sembler Co'~mc!,lman ~e Cristofa~o " Baxter " Brehm~r Nays: None Cotm. eilman y~axter marie a motion to have said ordinance read ('or the secend time by title only, s,:,cond by Co,mailman De C~rmsto..~.' "arc. Rol.] was ca!].ed votin~-'? as fo].lo,~,w.: ~resident Sembler Councilman De Cristofaro " B~x:t';er " t~r ~;h~'~ e r £~ays: None Co~saci].man Be×tar made a motion to have said Ore, ina]gee re,~..d~ forthe fmn~:~], time by ti'tie only. S~ third and. ' ,' acond by Councilman Brqhmer. Roll w s call.ed.~ vot/.ng as follows: Ayes: President Sembler Councilman De Cristofaro " Baxter " Brehmer Nays: None Thereu. pon said Ordinance having receivv] and affirmative vote of three fifths of alii,, the members of the Council, was decl..a~'~ed d~.'l_y adopted, and upon being presented to the Hayer and having receiw.'~d his a]?proval was n~.~mber~,:;~d as Chapter n~ber 174 of {;be ordinances of sa d City and was thereul2on duly l'~oste?l ~.'t; the leer cZ the City hal~., of 'the City of ~ebastian in accordance with provision of section 85 of Ch~pt~'~r 16683 of the laws of Plorida being the Chai~,ter of said City. Councilman Baxt-::~r made a motion to have said tax Imyab]...e bY t]oe 20~, of :-:ach month. Second by Councilman De Cristofaro. Carried. 0, o~:~nc_i].man Baxter .~:,tade a motion to have Ordina~]ce b:~come ~:~ffec-~;::ve on the 1st day of Aw[ust, 1959, second by co~.meilman Brehmer. Carri~d. Councilman ~axter made a motion to exc~::pt Mr. Rol~,~I"t ~,-,.:ckson's offer for City Judge to b,a come effec'~ive imm. ediately. Secohd by Co~mcilman Brehmer. Carried. (four (4) n~l_{ihts each month until such ti~ae as the see fit to change it, for a fee of Iwenty _~¥e - ,~.~.00) a session.) Co~.mcilman I)e Cristofar~made a motion to give all authorize to the head of the street department con.'~erni~g the dra~.nase along Indian River Drive second by Cozmcilman Brehmc:}r. Carried. Councilman Br,~.:.hm:-,r'''~ ~ made a.. motion to ]?ermit the Lion's Club to use the City '~'rucks and all so the hold an Chicken dinne, r without co',~t. ~econd by Councilman De Cr~sto£aro. Carried. Co',mcz]..man Brehmer made a motion to have the storage-~"'o::'~m on the Eac.;t si.c~.e of the City hall,, removed, second by Co~m. cilman ~)e Uristo£aro. Oarried. Councilman Baxter made a motionto hav.~'- a an ],i~Tht mov,:-~d bel;weon the the comor of ;first street and Indman~on Store Second b~f Counai. l~an ~e Cfi s t offaro. C ~ rrie d. Mr. Reams meet with the Council to discuss the possible o:f leasing a portion of r~mway. The ~irport Commi-!'t~':ee wil.'L mee~i with Mr. Reams to discuss this matter. mar · Cart' City Clerk ' Co,]moil. man ]~axl;er made a motion to adjo~rn, second by Co~mc:.lman ~res. Council