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Upon roll]., c{~ll the 'follo?;in? we're fox, nd to be =~,;~o.~'..~t: Oouncilmen 0~¢.,,~o. L. ~e~,~,~'. or, -resident A. O. ~'~o'beYts i[. id. SaIlee M. "'~ m. Lii!le~ 01erk ~. 0. Ba~tnnan Marst~al O.' ~'. Viol:ers AtZorney's N~sle & Vocelle ~nTineez's 0ar'ret a ~a:nerow The minutes of 'the meet in~- nolo June 8, le'-~: ' ' -" made by '3ob!Yl.C[].man. Roberts, ,~:;ecouded by ~JOttnCillllS, lr: Sal~ee, '-thrt ord. in?.~me be re;'--:,d 'the second time bV title only. l'.'~oti o'n carl'ied. Mo%i ,;q oarried. Roll osll on Ordinance. A~es: Oounoilmen R~be~s, ~embler. Z&ller, ¢~:;-Llee, Beech, no%. N~3es: I;,,l?ne. mc:de oy 0oanoilman Semoler, secon..~ed by Oo~no:LZm:~_:n 5allee. thc,t the bills be sa, id. i,,io-t ion oarried. %42.00 4.18 l,iarszai G. ~:. Viokers :presented resi?nation to the Oit,;' O0'U~lOil made by resi.~,nstion off Marshal G. l~OtlO Z carrie~. L]©2[-ON m'l'"ele by Ooljoi]lman ~8,11ee. ~eoonded bUl OoR}ioillnalrt i~embler, tly:',t ~. Ii (,[ ~it~, az Collector to fill