HomeMy WebLinkAbout07021934 .id-o'drne.~ ~' i;i.;. ' ?'uly 2 lO34
Pr cent Payor dee Nagger.' C0u'aclim~n ~ c ,ardee T O. :'~au~m~an and ~..~. Kays
'&try Yocelle.
City ~.:~x .tssessor ~.¢ .... "-::antriok, presented tax asscssmt~nt roll for the City of'
Sebastian, ~lorida, for the y.sar 17',34, .and tho sam;) was filed befor.3 th~J ~"
~¢zty Council
sitting as an ooualization boa~d; there was presented and filsd a proof of publication
of notice t:;at th.:~
~z y Cou:'cil would sit on July 2,1~-~34, for the purpose of he:~ring
complaints relative to ::~nd ~qu'..,li{:i~j: and corrt:~ctin{;; the tax assessment roll, v/hich
notice ~nd proof of publication is ,zs follows;
T0 all whom it may conc~:rn: }lotico is ht.~r._:'b-,, ¢iw}n that the City Council of thc City'
0f qebastian, "?loriea, will meet at t~, 'ity Hal! of said citF, at 7:30o,clock
'- '' " e stimoxy
~'onday, July 2, t~34, for the purpose of hoarin,q compl~l~..t~) and roc ivin~::l t:
as to ~he value o!7 :~n'y property, r~al or p~rsonel, as fixed by thc City 7ax Assessor
17:54 ~nd for th::) purposeeof
on the tax assessment roll of s:.~i,., c]t[), for 'bh~ y'c'=r ,
perfscting -e .... ,v,i~.' . .
. ,~.-vJ= ~ ....C~ an.:: ogualizins said ass~:,~ssnents '."his ttth d'iy or ~une, 1904
City of oc~.)astian Ylorida, .......
, ~"~ ~y ~ O yamrick Clerk
},.'ir. 0k%,' ]31and oein¢; present aske~ that tho tax.os 'be lov.,orea on his apartm, ont house
property. Councilman Bau~an made a motion to assess l_ucy' r}. i~land P,i,S00.00 instead
of ..~,"~ 000.00 v:hioh ¥:as seoon~.~}d h- Councilman }lays and carried
The followizz~l ":losolu. t ion v:as in-hTociuood by Councilman !Saug!~an:
'~%ereas, it appears that duo and legal notice t~:~a tho~ity council of tho City~ of
~cbastian, -Florida, would meet on 'ttR~ s~.~con:J, day oF july, 195~, for the ~urpos~ of
eeu~lizing and correctin~ the t~x asseso~ nt roll of said i tv for tho yo::~r 1734
been given,
'~%oreas, the .City Council did. mo~t at said time for said '~
p..irpooe and
whereas, all objections made to the sa~d assessme}~t roll have been duly considUred~
noted upon of this COuncil, and s:-~id as ....... ~m~nt roll corrected equalized and adjusted
fairly and ccuitably in the judf:?ment of this Council; and the said Council havin.~ not
found it necessary~ to raio,~ ~ thc amount of the ass~ss:.~o~ts~'~ ~"~- ~-, appe~ri.n"~_ on thc said assessm{~t. .
roll, and
'lere~s, it ~ppears to thc City Council of tho C~ty of Sebastian, Florida, that said
assessment roll is now corrc~ot alld. tho wAluavion thereof eoual, correct and just all%~
~aid resolut ion ¥:~s duly seco. t.:.)d ~:'y' ]ouflcili:'iaii }"ays ~ .~xd upon 'cc in:~ put to :~ vote was
adopt~",d,~ :is follows: ~.~'"'~..~:.~ Nardce, ~'au~..~m,~,~n,~""- .... , Hays, Nays. ' ...... 0~ .
" _ ...... . ' ~' lt34 $ 00 o'clock
Courl. oil~!:in :.}:i~i:.-'.hIflil'] 'm'.Id:.'~ :t xiotiox to liijouPn to ~i~:~z.~- 1~, . . r.~..
~ h~ ~ rman
Special m.:etin~!; ~ug. 7, 1934.
City Councilmen of Sob:astian,'21a.
Hon. ~irs;
I i~er~by call a spcci~:~l mop, ting
cehastain, Fla.
of your honorable body '~uesday ~.venin:7:
iu~T. 7
ice pla~t.
Yours truly,
(qigncd) oeo. T.
~? .at 7 00 p. }.(. for th~ purpose of passz~..~., resolution in ro¢::~rd to thc