HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-1925roll c~'.ll the follou:in,:? were fO t. tnd to 'be -,','ese'hr:
Oounc L ].men
~t ~ orl~e
T. B. Hicks
Ohas, L. ~eun~not, Pres [dent
~i~a, ~i;.
~,.~, Id. I2i!ler
i~, N. ~allee
L. O.
I~isie S: Vooe!le
Cr, r'ter & Damerow
A. G. Roberts w"s found to be absent.
~here be ~:~o com.~,,,!a, ints f.'Lle,i asr?:i:'zst t~te razz{: ~a:ssessme::'t% roll for
.,. "'~ r,,~ J. ~embler introduced tile follov,ri'.l.q
rosolution, and moved its adortlon;
B"" It Reso!~;:rl, 'th~:t the t,:x assess':'neut roll of the Git2' of Sob ~',":L:':,t'z,
:~'lorid.,'.---., as a'u.'omi'b'~ed, by the Taz~ Assessor of s~:::id City aqd ea;zilized b7
the ~zty Coun. c~l of er. id ~ty' this lbti~ d.t:y of July l'225' due notice::~f
the roue-tin~ of the City OoaN. oil for the ~,'~ryose off e.:~uilizatLon navin~,
beert ~wiven, be:Lq? adveytised in the Veto Seaoh, tress, a newspa.~/er
~mblished at Veto Bego'h, Indian River Oot~nty, ~lorida, in s~id ../spur
in its issaea of Jane 25, Jtzly 2nd ~,nd 9tk l~kS, be, and 'the same is
herebj adoyted as the fin. 1 and oomptete a, ssessmeut roll for t.ne Oitj
of ~ebestian, -lorzda, for tke ~,e,.-~ 1~':-5
~hose votinrr £or the passame of the above resolution were:
Councilmen l,{iller, ~em'bler, Seu~not and ~allee.
~hose votin~ aqainst tike 2ass? ~e of the abow~ resolution were: Noae.
Councilman ii. t,i. Miller, introduced tke followin,.:: resolet.i, on:
1LJSOLd':YIUi~ l~C. ~.
,~ihe',"eas, napver I~o. 18 of the Ordim:,nees of the City o~ det)astiau,
,'~lo','id~: , provides th.?.t a special election snail be' .eld in s~.~id. City on
tke 3z-d day of August 1925, for the pur_~/ose of voting o,::, the followim'r
"~'~hether Pifty Tho'~s~:md('~SO,000.00) Dollars in bonds shall be is~ued.
for the p'tzrpose of purc.[tasLn~', constr,actka~ and ma. intainin~ a combined
~unioi~al ~lectric Li:~fat and Ice rlant, end
~;hereas, ~ection 10, of s~-id ordinance provLd_ .s th,"',t the git}." Oou. uckl,
shall a~..,..:oint three ixspectors amd one Ot<~rk to coRduct said election,
~aeze~or, be it resolved, th~:t ~. ~. Zr,?~,z::~c,:,, a. ~ ~,r~,, and
~. A. Brr~swell, be a:.~:oi~ted inspectors to oozt&'t~o~ s~zLd Oit~:" eleoti:m.,
and th:-t .r. ,:'. Lawson be a,2;:,otnted ~lerk, of ~:~:'id election, and. be it
% ti._ o ler
Resolved. tk,x.t 'the Oity' dlerk Z~zrn/sh the inspectors and ~lerk o~
said election with a list ,~f %re versons qLZ~:li:fied ttN.d, er tire .rovision~
of the Oity- Gl-tarter of s~.'id Oit>. to vote at said election, rnd be it
Resolved. th,t -thc Oitj/ glerk imv printed. 100 b~-"llots, for e~::ci'~
50 ,ersons qualified to vote at s~;:id, election.
Those vet in~: '~ ~'
~-o~ the }as~''~,-,~ ,,f the above resolution ne"ce:
Oou:ao~.lmen ~.~iller. Se'z'rnot, ~embler, a'?~d 5a!.lee.
Those voting,' a:..~zn~t the rsso~x e of 'h~e ~.: bore rose!erich were: None.
',4hereupon the above 'resolution was declared ad'o.,~ted.
~,~u._I ....m~.d.e b..b. Ooi'ancil.'~m:~n tlee, ;~oco~:u:;e.. '
Art ........ Ordin:-,.noe :,:e .,,~l:'t,~.n,': the ..roteotLo:'.t cZ Zood~"t,.~.a~-':~,".z~, s,:qd dz t~,~ for
s: !e a. ud ,_.?ovid?vt zoo_ t,::,:: h%s::,eotiu, n_. cZ ~..laces, ,anez'e xo~d and arz.n.:.:_ are s:~ld.,
*- . -)" " '" i['i:'~ ~
An Ordin nee ,,tort&ii:n,:- for the diseos',:,.,l of ,.u'r,,vu, excreta ,.LuSt1.,
O'~'-L u~ ]_L. '-~ "--' t the City of 5elo,',~'-',~z..o, Plorii:.:. a",'" de6, tarin~' oye:' orivies
to '[.)o &. ntzks,,r]~e~, ....... r,~',cl _..,:.'ovL~iLrt:r for ~}.~e :,b~.temenb ~ ~.,zo.~ m].sien,:e~:,, 'frt&
rrovid, irt':' a .:,enalty for t.:~e vio.k"bL .-a of t,.:'zL o:..'d.L nee.
An odd/:qcn," c,~ bo uo?,~rol ~.s f~:'r as :.o',:,:.[ble t;~e -breeEirrr off mos ..... ~.z~oes
withi'n. 't].ze co:.:'~,or'-'-be limits o'~ 'the Oity-of ~eb,:,._,'b.b n, -lori{L.-. z.,rov/iLnc
a ,..en,r.:lt2 flor txe violz-.~ti,~n ,Z s'id ordi'na.' '~c,.::.
Llotion c~-:cried.
shall be dedacted £rom sal.:'~r"~" of ~l~ ~ .... r~,
Nis!e & Vocelle preparir~:~: new City charter
Certifyh~ ch~.:rter bj 5ec'y ~t'.'te
M. M. Lii. ller assessim~ t~'.xes aid 2 trips of Pt. ~ erce
Motion c,,.:rried.
~£00. O0 £6. O0
7O. O0
i,,[O~I .I!' made by' ~ounc,[lman 5embler, seconded by Oo,~' nc_~'~ .,:~.~."_..-:., i.,iiller, th'-t %l-':e
Oity ~[~:~rsl'~a, 1 be p'iid ~50.00 per month s~:'la.~- fo~:' the b~::l:-',nce of ye~':r 192C.
Motion c~:rz'.te d.
~,~0'.~£,['Ii' made b~'~ Comacilm~:,n i'.,[iller, ~ o.~ncLlm:,-,i ~ e, C
sec:~uded b'~' O ,. ~l~e~ tk~'t o'anoil
Mot ion c~'r:,?ied.