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present. Mayor eo. T. Badger, Councilmen R. G. Hardee, E. W. Vlckers, L. o
Baughman, J. B. Mays, Arty Mitchell & Smith.
.Minutes of June 8 were re~d and adopted.
Clt7 Tax Assessor F. G. Hammlck, presented tax assessment roll for the City of
Sebastian, Florida, for~the year 1936, and the same w&s filed before the City
Counm.~l sitting as an e~uait~ation Board; there, was Presented and filed a proof
of publication of notice that the Council would sit on July 6, 19~6 for the purpose
of hearing complaints relative to and equalizing and correcting the tax assessment
.roll, which notice and proof of publication is. as follows: (see Proof)
The following resolution'was intrOdUced by Councilman Vickers:
Re s~.~iut ion
~ereas, it appears ~hat due and'legal notice that the City Council of the City
of Sebastian, Florida, would meet on the 6 day of July 19~$, for the purpose of
equalizing and correcting the ~ax assessment roll of said City for the year 19J6,
has been given, and whereas , the City Council did meet at said time for said
purpose, and did thereupon duly adjourn said meeting for said puppose to 8 o'clock
p.m. July 15, 19~ ~oand~d~~mpon meet at 8 o'clock p.m. Yuly 1~, 1~$~ for
said purpose and did thereupon adjourn to mee~ for said purpode at the hour of 8
o'clock p.~. July ~0. 19ZS, and whereas the City Co~r~cil, pursuant to such
adjournments did meet at 8 o'clock ~uly ~0, 19~$ and. did r~ceive said tax assessment
roll for the year 19~ from the City T,x assessor, and
.Whereas, all objection made to said assessment roll have been duly considered, voted
upon by this Council, and said assessment roll. correCted, eeualized and adjusted
fairly and equitably in the Judgment of this Council; and the said Council having
not found it necessary to raise the amount of tke assessments appearing on said
assessment roll, and
Whereas, .it appears to the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, that
said assessment roll ia now correct and the valuation thereof ecual, correct and
Just and that t~.ere are no further deductions or increase~ necessary; therefore be it
Resolved, ~y the Cl~y Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, that the tax
assessment roll for sald~ity for the year 1~, as pEepared and presented to this
Council and by ~.t eeualized and corrected, ~e, and th~ same is, hereby approved
and confirmed.
S&iA resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Baughman and up on being put to
a vote was adopted as follows: Ayes, Hardee, Vlckers, Baughman, Mays. Nays: ~02~.
~2.§0 Seconded
Councilman Vickers moved to reduce beer ~icense from..~?.§0 to ~ .
by Cou$cllman Baugkman. Carried.
Councilman Vickers introduced an ordinance entitled.; An Ordinance to License
certain types of Coin Operated Devices; to Regulate the Operation Thereof; to
Designate the penalties for the violation of the ~rOvisions of this ~rdinance;
to define types of Coin Operated Devices. and moved that it be read for the first
time in full. Motion seconded by Councilman Baug~nan and carried. Ordinance was
read in full whereupon Councilman Daughman moved it ~e read the .second time by
title only. Motion seconded ~y Councilman Mays. Carried. Ordinance wa~ read by
title whereupon Councilman Baughman moved it be read the Jrd time by title and
put upon its passage. Motion seconded by Councilman Vickers. Carried. Ordinance
was read Jrd time by title and upon roll call w~s adopted as follows: Ayes:
Hardee, Vlckers, Bau~hman, M~ys. Nays: No~e.
Councilman Baughman moved that the regular meeting night be the first ~onday in
each month in lieu of the £nd. Motion seconded by Councilman Vickers. Carried.
Councilman Vlckers moved that State & County taxes be paid on lots ~,4, § & ~
Block 1 hardees M/D "B" Ail block 2 Hardees S/D "B"..and blocks 8,? & 1~ Edgewater
Park S/D. Seconded by Councilman Mays. Carried.
Council priced properties for sale as follows: Blk 1 Edgewater Park & Roberts tract
~00.00. Block $ Edgewater Park $2~0.00, Block ? Edgewater Park ~17~0.00
Martins S/D lots 1 to~ lnc.Blk 4 ~!!§00.00 Hicks S/D lot A ~i~00.00 Hicks S/D lot
? ~-1000,00.~Braddocks S/D Lots 1 & ~ ~00.00, ~ & ? less road Rt/ow ~1000.00
~, 4, & 5 ~.J~00.00 each. SE~ of NW~ S'? TS1 S., R~gE. ~.400.00 MW½ of NW~
T31S. R39E. ~400.00. Hardees S/D "B" E. 20 ft of lot 3 blk i $900.00.W. 5 ft of
lot 3 and the E 15 ft of lot 4 blk i ~1000.00. ~. l0 ft of lot 4 Blk i $1§0.00
Lot § Blk I $400.00, Lot 6 Blk i ~400.00. Block 2 ~§000.00. Property on W Main
Street at ~]$'~.00 per front ft.
Councilman Vickers moved to adjourn, Sec. Councilman Mays. Carried.
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