HomeMy WebLinkAbout07221998 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STF[EE-i' 0 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 3::S58 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 o FAX (561) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Individuals shall address the City Council with respect to agenda items immediately prior to deliberation ~f the item by the City Council limit often minutes per speaker (R-97-21) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MOMENT OF SILENCE ROLL CALL AGENDA MODIFICATIONS (ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS) Items not on the written agenda may be added only upon majority vote of City Council members (R-97-21) PRQCI~AMATIONS. ANNOUNCI~MENT~ AND/OR PRESEI~ATIONS CITY ATTORNEy MATTERS 8. CITY MANAGEI~ MATTI~RS 98.046 98.141 98.092 98.119 98.135 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ITEMS CARRIED FOR.WARD FROM 7/8/98 REGULAR MEETING A. Dempsey and Braddock SWeet Road Repairs (Public Works Transmittal 6/30/98) Bo Request from L.I. Tree Service, Richard Fey, President - Refund of Site Plan Application Fee (City Manager Transmittal 7/1/98, Fey Letter) CiTY COUNCIL MATTERS a. Mayor Ruth Sullivan b. Vice Mayor Martha Wininger c. Mrs. Louise Cartwright d. Mr. Chuck Neuberger e. Mr. Larry Paul CONSENT AGEND,$, All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. A. Approval of Minutes - 7/1/98 Workshop, 7/8/98 Regular Meeting, 7/10/98 Special Meeting Approve Revised Budget Calendar for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 - Revised Public Hearing Dates (Finance Director Transmittal 7/16/98) I'UBLJC BEARING - None INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC Which is not otherwise on the agenda - sign-up required- limit often minutes for each speaker COMMITTEE I~PORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Budget Advisol~ Committee Appoint One At-Large Member (City Clerk Transmittal 7/16/98, Two Applications, Press Release) OLD BUSINESS Ao Release of Water Use Restriction Imposed June 24, 1998 (City Manager Transmittal 7/16/98, Sec. 102-82 Code, Mayor Letter, PJ Article) 2 15. NEW BUSINESS 98.145 A. RESOLUTION NO. R-98-34 - Approve VisionCare Plan Contract for Term of October 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999 -$6j00 (l-Iuman Resources Transmit~lll 7/!4/9~, R-9~-~4 w/attached exahibi~) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAOER TO ACCEPT, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, THE RENEWAL OF VISIONCARE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 98.146 B. Authorize City Manager to Execute Contract F9136 with Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Barber Street Sports Complex Recreational Facilities Grant (Public Works Director Transmittal 7/13/98, Contrac0 98.147 C. Approve Purchase of Cushman Jr. Turf"Tmckster" for Golf Course - Piggyback Florida State Contract in the Amount of $6,145 (Asst. to City Manager/Purchasing Transmittal 7/13/98, Cerjan Memo) 98.148/ D. 98.054 Proposed Contract Addendum - Solin and Associates, Inc. to Prepare City Response to State Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report for Comprehensive Plan (City Manager Transmittal 7/17/98, Solin Memo, Proposed Addendum) 98.149 E. Water Main Assessments - Approve Appropriation and Payment of $8,501.64 to Indian River County (Finance Director Transmittal 7/I 6/98) 8.0o4 F. Approve Purchase of Five Automated External Defibrillators from Physio-Controls, Inc. Using $5,350 Donated Funds and $9,507.75 Appropriated by Council from Undistributed Non- Departmental Account (Chief of Police Transmittal 7/16/98) 16. ADJOURN (All meetings shall adjourn at lO:30 p. m. unless extended for up to one half hour by a majority vote of City Council) ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THA T A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS iS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105F. S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. Hearing Assistance Headphones are Available in the Council Chambers for all Government Meetings. Upqolnin£ Meetings : Budget Workshop (if needed) - Thursday, July 23, 1998 ~ 7pm Public Forum - Wednesday, July 29, 1998 ~ 7pm Regular Meeting - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 ~ 7 pm Regular Meeting - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 ~ 7pm 3 INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC SIGN-UP SHEET JULY 22, 1998 REGULAR MEETING USE THIS FORb[ ONLY FOR INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA - LI3,IIT OF 10 MINUTES PER SPEAKER Address: 0 o oo j ~j.'~cr~'~ Ti~ _q~.,~,~Y(,q?C"Y,,s ~' ................. "'~---T ...... 2~-: .............................. -~-~--~o~-~--~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N~e: N~e: Address: Subject: Name: Address: Subject: Name: Address: Subject: Name: Address: Subject: City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET g SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5330 [] FAX (561) 589-5570 SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2. 3. 4. Mayor Sullivan called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. There was a moment of silence. ROLL CALL C_ily C01~cil Present: Mayor Ruth Sullivan Vice Mayor Martha Wininger Mrs. Louise Cartwright Mr. Chuck Neuberger Mr. Larry Paul Staff Present: City Manager, Thomas Frame Acting City Attorney, Tim Williams City Clerk, Kathryn O'Halloran Acting Public Works Director/City Engineer, Martha Campbell Chief of Police, Randy White Deputy City Clerk, Sally Maio ulegular City Council Meeting y 22, 1998 Page Two AGENDA MODIFICATIONS (ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS) Items not on the written agenda may be added only upon majority vote of City Council members (R-97-21) None. PROCLAM.ATIOlq$, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR PRESENTATIONS None. CITY ATTORNEY MATT.lgR$ None. ~ITy MANAGER MATTERS None. ITEMS CARRIED FORWARD FROM 7/~}~ REGULAR MEETING A. Demps~and Braddock Str~I ~0~1 Repairs (Public Works Transmittal 6/30/98) MOTION by Sullivan/Wininger I would like to move approval of this purchase order with Asphalt Recycling, Inc. m the amount of $20,050 for road recycling, and authorize an additional appropriation of $8,750 from the mad materials account. ROLLCALL: Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - aye Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 2 e~R~gular City Council Meeting y 22, 1998 Page Three 98.141 B. Request from L.L Tree Setvi~, Richard Fey, President - ReflgKi of Site Plan Application Fee (City Manager Transmittal 7/1/95, Fey Letter) Following some discussion, Vice Mayor Wininger asked if there was a copy of the original transmittal letter fi'om Mr. Massarelli in the computer, and the City Manager said he could attempt to locate the letter. Bruce Cooper, representing Mr. Fey, said he was willing to delay the item and provide a chronological order of events if he was able. MOTION by Paul/Cartwfight I would move to defer this until the August 12 meeting until we can have confirmation from Mr. Massarelli in reference to what he has to say and possibly finding the letter cover for the fax. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. CITY COUNCIL MATTERS a. Mayor Rllth Sullivan Expressed concern about allegations that a Construction Board member had a prior felony. The City Manager said he was planning to schedule this for August 12 regular agenda and said he could ask the Attorney to review it and report back. The Acting City Attorney said after a brief review, he did not see any criteria in the section on Construction Board relative to removal, however, there may be something in another area. b. Vice Mayor Martha Wininget; Discussed the need for a Charter Review Committee and asked for Council consensus to place the item on the next agenda for discussion. Council concurred. c. Mrs. Louise Cartwriglg Requested a deadline date for a charter revision ordinance from the City Clerk. Thanked members of the Sebastian River High School Band for their participation in the 4th of July parade and Walter Barnes for helping to get them there. ORulegular City Council Meeting y 4, 1998 Page Four 98,092 10. d. Mr~Chuck N~berger Questioned the need for barricades at CR512 East and US 1. The City Manager said there is a drainage pipe with slope problems in that area. Members of the audience said the barriers were removed today. e. Mr. Larly Paul Questioned the availability of grants for an available property along the waterfront and suggested a City marina. The City Manager said perhaps the City could participate with Indian River County to apply for grants from various agencies, that possibly the County could put in a third ramp, and some educational and picnic facilities. He requested direction to seek agreement from the County for participation. It was the consensus of City Council for the City Manager to proceed to contact Indian River County, look into grant timetables and report back. Recommended looking into obtaining a band shell for jazz concerts or other types of cultural activities in the City. The City Manager said he would look into the cost of a bandshell, and suggested perhaps coordinating with local groups who might want to organize such events. Questioned dual board and committee membership on behalf of people who had asked him about it. Vice Mayor Wininger reminded the City Manager that he was to bring back the Code Enforcement ordinance tonight to determine if it is ready for first reading. The City Manager said he would set it for fa-st reading on August 12, 1998. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. A. Approval of Minutes - 7/1/98 Workshop, 7/8/98 Regular Meeting, 7/10/98 Special Meeting Approve Revised Budget Calendar for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 - Revised Public Heating Dates (Finance Director Transmittal 7/16/98) The City Manager read the consent agenda, and Mayor Sullivan removed item A, the 7/8/98 l>,egular Meeting and 7/10/98 Special Meeting. Regular City Council Meeting July 22, 1998 Five Mayor Sullivan requested the names of the Council appointees be added to the 7/8/98 regular meeting motion on the Budget Advisory Committee on page 7. (The list of appointees will be attached to the 7/8/98 minutes as an exhibit). Mayor Sullivan "as requested by Mr. Frame" be changed to "as suggested by Mr. Neubergcr" in thc first paragraph on page 2 of the 7/10/98 minutes. MOTION by Sulliv~!~/Neuberger I woul~approval of the m_mutes of 7/1/98, the workshop, 7/8/98 regular meeting and 7/10/98 special meeting as amended. VOICE VOTE on the motion carded 5-0. MOTION by Cartwright/Neuberger I move to approve item B of the consent agenda. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. TAPE I - SIDE II (7:47 p.m.) 11. 12. 13. PUBLIC HEARING - None INTRODUCTION OF NEW tll, J$lNl~$,.q FROM THE PUI~LIC }Yhich is not otherwise on the agenda - sign-up required - Bruit often minutes for each speaker Walter Barnes, 402 Azine Terrace, Sebastian, 1) requested an update on the Indian River Drive sidewalk; 2) expressed concern regarding the Mayor's comments about Manager evaluation and pay raise, stating that previous appraisals were done aboveboard; 3) disagreed with employment contracts being approved by Council, recommending that proper procedures be established; and 4) expressed concern for actions of this Council, citing time spent on silly arguments rather than taking care of City business; noting the City Manager is not the enemy, and said personal agendas don't mean squat to the public. Sal Neglia, 461 Georgia Boulevard, Sebastian, read his response letter to Mrs. Cartwright into the record relative to allegations of charter violations by the City Manager. He then read from Council minutes relative to use of City stationary and use of the City Council Member title in letters, and suggested a resolution be adopted to establish a policy. · COMMITTEE REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Vice Mayor Wininger advised that there is an EMS meeting in the County Commission chambers on Friday at I pm for the north county ambulance, and urged attendance. ol~gular City Council Meeting y 22, 1998 Page Six 98.119 98.135 14. A. 15udge.t_A~lvisory Committee Appoint One At-Large Member (CjB, (21.¢rk Tran~nittal 7/16/98, Two Applications, Press Release) City Council interviewed Ben Bishop. Elizabeth Griffin was unable to attend the meeting. MOTION by CartwrighffPaul I move to appoint Ben Bishop to the at-large member of the temporary Budget Advisory Committee. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - nay Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - nay MOTION CARRIED 3-2 (Sullivan, Neuberger - nay) Mayor Sullivan called recess at 8:13 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:23 p.m. All members were present. OLD BUSINESS Release of Water Use Restriction Imposed Jllne 24., 19__98 (.(~i. ty Manager Transmittal 7/16/98, Sec. 102-82 Code,. Mayor Letter. PJ ArticlO A lengthy discussion took place on the water restriction, its need for amendment based on the fact that the City no longer has a utility and problems encountered with enforcement, people losing water during the recent drought, and the mandatory St. Johns River Water Management District permanent water restriction. MOTION by Canwfight/Paul I move to keep the emergency water restriction in place and ask staff to come back as quickly as possible with an ordinance enforcing the St. Johns' regulations. Ru~gularCityCouncilMeeting y 22,1998 Page Seven ROLL CALL: Mrs. Sullivan - nay Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - nay Mr. Paul - aye MOTION CARRIED 3-2 (Sullivan, Neuberger - nay) The City Manager said police vehicles cannot be washed by prisoners due to the restriction. At this time, it was asked that the motion be reconsidered based on the police concern, and the hardship on people without automatic sprinklers. Bob Bebe, 278 Main S~tr~eet, Sebastian, said the main Golf Course pump is down and they must water at night because of the res'-~-triction. The City Manager said the restriction had an impact on the Golf Course greens and said he thought the large pump had been repaired. TAPE II - SIDE I (8:50 p.m.) MOTION by Wininger/Sullivan I move to reconsider. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Wininger Mrs. Cartwright Mr. Neuberger Mr. Paul Mrs. Sullivan - aye - nay - aye - nay - aye MOTION CARRIED 3-2 (Cartwright, Paul - nay) 7 l~u~gular City Council Meeting y 22, 1998 Page Eight MOTION by Sullivan/ I' would move that we remove the emergency restriction and simply follow the St Johns Water Management District restrictions which are in effect all the time anyway. Mr. Neuberger said if she would add "that the City would look into the ordinance" he would SECOND the motion. When asked by Mrs. Cartwright, "which ordinance?", he replied "the existing ordinance." Mrs. Cartwright and Vice Mayor Wininger noted Council had already given that direction. Mayor Sullivan said, "it can be looked into to see if, Mr. Neuberger had originally said he wanted an ordinance with more teeth, I think he made that clear before, and I will certainly add that to my motion." Mrs. Cartwright asked "To follow, to put in the ordinance as I said before, to create the ordinance with the St. Johns' rules for enforcement?" Mayor Sullivan responded, "Well I think Mr. Neuberger wanted more than that, didn't you Mr. Neuberger? Well he wants another one that's updated, the old one isn't enforceable. To have a new ordinance written, that's what we're talking about. A new local ordinance." The City Manager restated what he thought the motion was, "What I think I hear Mr. Neuberger saying is, that number one he would like to see some local ordinance that is more restrictive than what we've had in the past that deals with regulating the use of water. It may be incorporating some of the issues of the water management district but I think what I heard him also say he wanted there's some other things that might even be more restrictive such as the rain gauge that controls, the second thing is that we already have been instructed to amend and come up with a new emergency water use restriction ordinance, and so that's a separate item. Now that's my understanding of what I think you want." Mr. Neuberger said, "That's correct." and Mayor Sullivan responded "And that's the intent of my motion." Mr. Neuberger then said "Add to the ordinance or guidelines that Mrs. Cartwright had, put some teeth into the thing and take it from there, it had nothing to do with the emergency ordinance." Mayor Sullivan then repeated her motion "To lift the emergency water restriction and to follow St. Jo .hns Water Management District with the understanding that a new ordinance would be written for future consideration by the City." Richard Taracka, Coverbrook Lane, Sebastian, recommended extending the restriction due to the fact that there is an inadequate water table. He urged other Council members to call St. Johns. 8 ~Ru~gular City Council Meeting y 22, 1998 l~Page Nine ROLL CALL: Mrs. Cartwright Mr. Neuberger Mr. Paul Mrs. Sullivan Mrs. Wininger aye nay aye aye MOTION CARRIED 3.2 (Cartwright, Paul - nay) 15. NEW BUSINESS 98.145 RESOLUTION NO. R-98-34 - Approve VisionCare Plan Contract for Term of October 1, 1998 to ~g~rnlo~r 30, 1999 - $6,500 (Humao Resource~ Transmittal 7/14/98, R-98-34 w/attached exhilfi0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, THE RENEWAL OF VISIONCARE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Acting City Attorney read Resolution No. R-98-34 by title. MOTION by Sullivan/Neuberger I would move to approve. Discussion took place on the plan's benefits. Mayor Sullivan noted a typo in a whereas clause, to delete "a'. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger - aye Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 98.146 Authorize City Manager to Execute Contract F9136 with~Flofi~l~_l)cpartntenL.o£ Eo_¥ironmcut~ Protection fol' l~t~er Slxe~[ Sport~ Complex Recreational Facilities Grant (Public Works Director Transmittal 7/13/98, Contract) MOTION by Sullivan/Neuberger I would move to authorize the City Manager to execute Contract F9136 with FDEP for BSSC recreational facilities. Discussion took place on whether the match could be 100% in-kind, and the formula for the City's match. It was noted that there is a meeting next week on the issues of the grant. 9 ,a~Regular City Council Meeting uly 22, 1998 l~Page Ten Mrs. Cartwright requested that Council see improvement plans prior to construction. The Parks Superintendent said there is an overall site plan for the sports complex and it had already been through Planning and Zoning for approval. The City Manager said he would review the site plan for timeliness, Discussion took place on a proposed skateboard facility. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 Mrs. Cartwright was excused from 9:30 p.m. to 9:32 p.m. 98.147 Approve Purchase of Cushman Jr. Turf"Truckster" for Golf Course - Piggyback Florida State Comra t in Ar0om of $~,!45 (~$t, ~o City Manager/Purchasing Transmittal 7/13/98, Cerj~ Memo) MOTION by Neuberger/Wininger I move to approve the purchase of a Cushman Jr. turf truckster as stated above (out of the Golf Course Enterprise Fund). ROLL CALL: Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - absent Mr. Neuberger - aye Mr. Paul - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 98.148/ 98.054 Do Proposed Contract Addendum - Solin and Associates, Inc. to Prepare City Response to State Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report for Comprehensive Plan (City Manager Transmittal 7/17/98, Solin Memo, Proposed Addendum) The City Manager said no appropriation is required since there are adequate Community Development Department funds. MOTION by Neuberger/Wininger I'll move to approve the City Manager executing a contract addendum with Les Solin for an amount not to exceed $7,000. 10 pRu~gular City Council Meeting y 22, 199~ age Eleven TAPE II - SIDE II (9:35 98.149 E. 98.004 F. ROLLCALL: Mrs. Wininger Mrs. Cartwright Mr. Neuberger Mr. Paul Mrs. Sullivan - aye - aye - aye - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 Water Main Assessments - Agprov~ Appropriation and Payment of $8,501.64 to Indian River CounB' ff. Jll~n~¢ Director Transmittal 7/16/98) MOTION by Neuberger/Sullivan I move to approve the payment of $8,501.64 to Indian River County and move to appropriate $8,501.64 of the undistributed line item account in the non-departmental budget to pay these assessments in the current fiscal year. ROLLCALL: Mrs. Cartwfight - aye Mr. Neuberger - aye Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 Approve Purchase of Five Automilted l~gtemal Defibrillators from Physio-Controls, Inc. Using $5~350 Donated Funds and $9,507.75 Appropriate~l.by~gun_cil from Undistributed Non- Del~arllnerltal Account (Chief of Police Transmittal 7/16298_) MOTION by Paul/Sullivan I would like to make a motion to authorize the City Manager to purchase five automated external defibrillators for the use by the police department fi.om Physio-Controls, Inc, using the $5,350 donated funds and the $9,507.75 appropriated by this Council action. Mayor Sullivan requested that the floor be asked for before starting a motion, read the names of those who donated fund (see list attached), and requested the list be made a part of the motion. Mr. Paul said he wanted the motion to stand and then add the list after the original motion is voted upon. Mrs. Wininger asked whether defibrillators can be removed from next year's proposed budget. The City Manager said he would do so. 11 OpP~ygular City Council Meeting 22, 1998 age Twelve Mr. Neuberger suggested a plaque be made commemorating the donors. Mr. Paul agreed with the plaque, and said he would like to keep an open space so there can be a continuation of donation of funds for additional defibrillators; and that he would like this as an addition to the motion. It was decided to leave the original motion as it stands. ROLL CALL: Mr. Neuberger - aye Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 MOTION by Sullivan/Wininger I would like to make the motion that we recognize all of the organizations and individuals by name, who made the donations for the defibrillators, and that they be placed on a plaque. Vice Mayor Wininger said she had been informed that when money is donated for a specific item, it can only be used for that purpose, and there may come a point when no more defibrillators are needed. Mr. Paul said he would rather have the money designated to this specific subject and then close it down when no more is needed. ROLL CALL: Mr. Paul - aye Mrs. Sullivan - aye Mrs. Wininger - aye Mrs. Cartwright - aye Mr. Neuberger - aye MOTION CARRIED 5-0 16. Approved at the ~.~ Being no further business, Mayor Sullivan adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:50 p.m. Kathryn M. 6'HalIoran,~MC/AAE City Clerk ,1998, Regular City Council Meeting. Mayor 12 FROM SEBASTIAN PD ADMINISTRATION PHONE ND. : $61 J88 1872 . -~f . .'- . .. " :~=~ - · ' ''-' · '.~- '- ~?..C/~ ':.~' ' ~ ' ~',Y~ :': ~ ' 3/14/95 3/23/98 Sebastian ,Masonic, Lodge Lions Club of Sebastian O. ]~osleson (pvr i,d/v) ,~ 3/24/95 Lodge lohn Zwolinski (pvt indiv) ~ 4/7/98 Sebastian Shin~ Club 4/21/9S 4/27/98 4/29/98 Craft Club of Sebastian a. Rotar~ Club Welcome Wagon of' Sebastian Alumni ~- 5/12/98 Sr ~liz. Episcopal Church-M~n~s' Club ~.' 5/18/98 / 5/20/98 Si. Ella Episcopal Church-Churc~ Women A-Z S~,ic~s (Nick$1avens) ~ 5~8~8 613~8 Capt. Hkam's Seafare~:m Boat Club Mr & Mrs Bernard Pu~rmri Mr & Mrs Joseph R. Richardson ' donal~'.on) . ~ TOTAL AS, OF 6/3/98 1,ooo. 50. 100. 250, 250. 25. 250. 200. 100. 100. :500. 200. :500. 500, 300. 100. 25. 900. s s~so.